Astrology of the ancient Aztecs: Horoscope by date of birth. Ultra-precise Aztec horoscope Aztec calendar by date of birth


People born under the sign of the Otter are usually quirky and prone to abnormal behavior. That is why they are so difficult to understand. On the other hand, if you engage such people with creativity, you can achieve very good results.

The otter looks at the world in an unusual way, but at the same time she has a brilliant imagination and intellect. This gives her an edge over the others.

An otter can become a very attentive and caring friend.

If the Otter child is brought up in a decent environment, then he will grow up responsive, courageous and honest man. But if he is “beaten”, i.e. suppress creativity in the Otter, then he will turn out to be an unscrupulous, constantly nervous and alienated sociopath from society.


The wolf is a deeply emotional and addictive person. Most of all, the Wolf values ​​\u200b\u200blove, and he is also capable of truly loving.

At the same time, Wolves can combine both the need for love and the desire to be independent. If a person born under this sign cannot quickly find his love and marry her, then he may well live his whole life alone.

The wolf is a passionate, generous and affectionate lover. But if rejected, he can become overly intrusive and vindictive.


A born leader, Falcon always finds the perfect solution to difficult situations. In accordance with the ideas of the Indians, this animal never wastes time and knows how to strike while the iron is hot. Therefore, ideal businessmen should now be obtained from Sokolov.

The Falcon has a knack for taking the lead, although he only excels in team sports. This is because people born under this sign are usually unusually self-satisfied and proud. Very often they are called arrogant.

Falcon is a wonderful lover, able to maintain passion in a relationship for years. On the other hand, many girls will be annoyed by his rudeness, impatience, intolerance towards the weak.


"Take responsibility, adapt to the situation, overcome yourself and save everyone" - this is the motto of the Beaver.

Beavers are ideal employees: they do everything with maximum efficiency and result. They even make not just ordinary performers, but good leaders: for this, the Beavers have both ingenuity, and the ability to think strategically, and endurance.

Problems in the life of Beavers usually begin when they are overly carried away by something and cannot stop even when it is obvious that their efforts do not bring any result. Unfortunately, Beavers also more often than others live "on autopilot" - and in old age they complain that "they never saw anything in their life."

Beavers are loyal, helpful, and can always be relied upon. But living with such a person, be prepared for the fact that he can “fuck” you with his


This animal for the Indians has always been a symbol of the word "muse". The deer inspires other people with his liveliness and ingenuity. And he can literally always produce custom-made jokes.

A deer can make anyone laugh. Usually people of this sign sing well. And almost all Deer are unsurpassed interlocutors. The deer is always a welcome and frequent guest at dinner parties. He is always aware of what is happening with people from his social circle, he always knows the approach to everyone. Even if all members of the once one company quarrel with each other, the Deer will be friends with each of them individually. And sometimes - and try to reconcile everyone.

However, if the Deer is brought up in a bad family, then he will turn out to be a capricious, lazy and two-faced egoist.


Woodpeckers in the Indian tradition are the most well-mannered and tactful animals. It is believed that people of this sign are unsurpassed listeners, absolute empaths who are always on your side. And they are always there when you need support.

All this makes Dyatlov great parents, wonderful friends and partners. They are modest, resourceful, highly organized.

If the Woodpecker grows up in an atmosphere of love, it will be caring, devoted and very romantic. If he is less lucky, then he can turn out to be an angry and jealous owner. Which also always vicious


The life of a Salmon is a constant adventure. All due to the fact that people born under this sign have an extraordinary amount of energy. Salmon is always motivated and charged with healthy optimism.

Working with Salmon on the same team is a great pleasure. He is smart, quick-witted, knows how to work quickly and fits perfectly into any team. And he can infect other people with enthusiasm. Therefore, do not be surprised if Salmon teaches all colleagues to ski or walk in the mountains.

Growing up in a favorable environment, Salmon will be emotionally stable, calm, sensual. If he grows up in a bad family, he will grow up selfish, vulgar, intolerant of others


The pragmatic and methodical Bear always believes that a "firm hand" is needed for order. The practicality and poise of the Bear makes him an excellent business partner. These people always speak with the voice of reason and logic.

However, Bears are usually modest and a bit shy. But if they grow up in an atmosphere of love, they quickly become symbols of generosity and guardianship.

Because of the Bears - due to their patience and restraint - excellent mentors and teachers are obtained. But if it is wrong to educate the Bear, then he will grow up as a petty recluse-skeptic.


Ravens usually have a lot of enthusiasm, so they are born entrepreneurs and startups. And people born under this sign are like priests or spellcasters: they are easy to be fascinated, they can easily powder their brains.

Ravens are people of ideas and opinions. They make great politicians. A sharp mind in Ravens is combined with idealistic views and innate abilities for diplomacy.

If you do not give Raven the opportunity to realize himself in this environment, then he can grow up overly romantic and quiet. But in relations with them it is easy: Ravens know how to tell the truth without being rude, do not tolerate flattery and are very patient.

If Raven had a difficult childhood, then he will grow up overly demanding of himself and others, inconsistent, vindictive and vindictive.


Almost all shamans were born under this sign among the Indians. The snake is an expert in matters of the spirit. That is why they so often make spiritual leaders.

The snake loves to be revered and respected, which is why there are so many doctors among the people of this sign. The disadvantage of the Snake is an almost complete reluctance to deal with material matters. It is rare for a Snake to make a good banker.

In general, the outside world with all its rules is usually very frightening to the Snake. Therefore, these people often seem secretive - "on their own mind."

An owl is almost always a cruel and windy person. An owl is so good at surviving in winter that it does not need heat from human relationships.

The Indians believed that people born under the sign of the Owl are sad and prone to increased risk. All this recklessness and thirst for adventure make excellent hunters, protectors, soldiers, firefighters, environmentalists and social activists from Owls. On the other hand, Owls are also famous for their flexibility, so they can succeed in almost any profession.

Well-mannered and happy Owls are sensitive, enthusiastic, able to truly listen to their interlocutors. Although if they survive the psychological trauma, they often become depressive or belligerent and aggressive.

And he is determined to achieve success at any cost. People of this sign are constantly competing and competing with someone. Even with friends.

Geese make excellent businessmen and athletes. They also know how to be considerate friends and caring fathers. The goose succeeds in everything, no matter what he undertakes.

If people of this sign grow up in love, then they turn out to be passionate, sociable and attentive members of society. And if they survive a serious injury, then it should be borne in mind that they are more likely than other people to have obsessions, addictive behavior. Geese are more likely than others to commit suicide.

The Aztecs believed that every 13 days the planets, stars and other celestial bodies are included in a certain Sign that determines the character and fate of people born at this time. The position of the heavenly bodies is responsible for the properties of our character.

The Aztecs believed that every 13 days the planets, stars and other celestial bodies enter a certain Sign, which determines the character and fate of people born at that time. The position of the heavenly bodies is responsible for the properties of our character. And the symbols of this horoscope serve as a kind of amulets from troubles and adversities. The Aztecs had a solar calendar (xihihuitl) which had 365 days: 360 days were 18 months of 20 days, and five extra days were considered unlucky. Every fourth year was a leap year. Each year was named after its first day: the year of the Reed, the year of the Knife, the year of the House, the year of the Rabbit. The Year of the Reed has always been considered unlucky. Such was, for example, the year 1519, when the Spaniards invaded.

Determine your sign according to the Aztec horoscope

You: Rabbit (tochtli) if born: January 11, 23. February 9, 21. 5, 17, 29 March. 10, 22 April. 4, 16, 28 May. 9, 21 June. 3, 15, 27 July. 8, 20 August. 1, 13, 25 September. 7, 19, 31 October. 12, 24 November. 6, 18, 30 December.

You: Eagle (quauhtli) if born: January 12, 24. February 10, 22. 6, 18, 30 March. 11, 23 April. 5, 17, 29 May. 10, 22 June. 4, 16, 28 July. 9, 21 August. September 2, 14, 28. 8, 20 October. November 1, 13, 25. December 7, 19, 31.

You: Monkey (ozomatli) if born: January 1, 13, 25. February 1, 11, 23. 7, 19, 31 March. 12, 24 April. 6, 18, 30 May. 11, 23 June. 5, 17, 29 July. 10, 22 August. 3, 15, 27 September. 9, 21 October. 2, 14, 26 November. 8, 20 December.

You: Flint (tecpatl) if born: January 2, 14, 26. 12, 24 February. 8, 20 March. 1, 13, 25 April. 7, 19, 31 May. 12, 24 June. 6, 18, 30 July. 11, 23 August. 4, 16, 24 September. 10, 22 October. 3, 15, 27 November. 9, 21 December.

You: Rain (qui auitl) if born: January 3, 15, 27. 13, 25 February. 9, 21 March. 2, 14, 26 April. 8, 20 May. 1, 13, 25 June. 7, 19, 31 July. 12, 24 August. 5, 17, 29 September. 11, 23 October. 4, 16, 28 November. December 10, 22.

You: Cayman (cipactli) if born: 4, 16, 28 January. February 2, 14, 26. 10, 22 March. 3, 15, 27 April. 9, 21 May. 2, 14, 26 June. 8, 20 July. 1, 13, 25 August. 6, 8, 30 September. 12, 24 October. 5, 17, 29 November. December 11, 23.

You: Dom (calli) if born: 5, 17, 29 January. 3, 15, 27 February. 11, 23 March. 4, 16, 28 April. May 10, 22. 3, 15, 27 June. 9, 21 July. 2, 14, 26 August. 7, 19 September. 1, 13, 25 October. 6, 18, 30 November. December 12, 24.

You: Flower (xochitl) if born: 6, 18, 30 January. 4, 16, 28, 29 February. 12, 24 March. 5, 17, 29 April. May 11, 23. 4, 16, 28 June. 10, 22 July. 3, 15, 27 August. 8, 20 September. 2, 14, 26 October. 7, 19 November. December 1, 13, 25.

You: Snake (coatl) if born: January 7, 19, 31. 5, 17 February. 1, 13, 25 March. 6, 18, 30 April. 12, 24 May. 5, 17, 29 June. 11, 23 July. 4, 16, 28 August. 9, 21 September. 3, 15, 27 October. 8, 20 November. December 2, 14, 26.

You: Wind (eecatl) if born: January 8, 20. February 6, 18. 2, 14, 26 March. 7, 19 April. 1, 13, 25 May. 6, 18, 30 June. 12, 24 July. 5, 17, 29 August. 10, 22 September. 4, 16, 28 October. 9, 21 November. 3, 15, 27 December.

You: Ocelot (oceloti) if born: January 9, 21. 7, 19 February. 3, 15, 27 March. 8, 20 April. May 2, 14, 26. 7, 19 June. 1, 13, 25 July. 6, 18, 30 August. 11, 23 September. 5, 17, 29 October. November 10, 22. 4, 16, 28 December.

You: Wanderer (death) (miquiztli), if born: January 10, 22. 8, 20 February. 4, 16, 28 March. 9, 21 April. 3, 15, 27 May. 8, 20 June. July 2, 14, 26. 7, 19, 31 August. 12, 24 September. 6, 18, 30 October. November 11, 23. 5, 17, 29 December.


  • Lucky number: 8
  • Color - indigo.

The Rabbit is usually very condescending towards himself and those around him. He avoids conflict situations and prefers to spend days in peace and quiet, but at night he frolics with might and main. A smiling seducer, an eternally joyful comrade - his lightness can sometimes even irritate. The Aztecs blamed rabbits for stealing food brought by hunters, while evil female angels were the culprits. Quiet Rabbits went to the fields to avoid the wrath of the people, where they calmly continued their race, never ceasing to enjoy life.

Eagle (quauhtli)

  • Lucky Number: 9
  • Color - silver

The eagle represents benefactor and strength. He enjoys prestige throughout the world. Men are usually distinguished by perseverance, and women by organizational skills. The eagle is very purposeful, but at the same time he has a cunning and dodgy mind. The presence of a female Rabbit or Monkey or a male Flint or Ocelot will give rationality to impulsive Eagles. This bird occupies the highest rung of the Aztec pantheon. The eagle is the twilight conqueror who brings the sunlight on his wings.

Monkey (ozomatli)

  • Lucky number: 11
  • Color - gold

The monkey does not take himself seriously, is always prudent, inventive and full of new ideas and projects. She is usually very attractive, able to enjoy both a riot of passions and the tranquility of a peaceful holiday. It is difficult to upset and shake her. By nature, the monkey is an elegant esthete, loves surprises, surprises, and especially his freedom.

Flint (tecpatl)

  • Lucky Number: 7
  • Color - bright red

Accuracy, courage and straightforwardness are the main qualities of Flint. He does not like gossip, lies and suspicions. Risks of getting lost and abyss, underestimating the dangers. Among the Aztecs, flint was valued higher than other precious stones because of its purity. He is like a sacred dagger that sprinkles the sun with enemy blood.


  • Lucky number: 3
  • Color - dark red

The goal of the life of the Rain-man is to find himself in this world, not to lose his luck and overcome impulsiveness. His sentimentality always pulls "into another world." In order to achieve harmony, he needs more humility. Among the Indians, Rain is the Lord of the storm and the sky, he bathes in the rays of light from other planets, while drowned and struck by lightning await him with hope below.

Caiman (cipactli)

  • Lucky number: 1
  • Color - light green

His forte is knowledge, he is always in search new information, ideas, advice ... For complete balance, he cannot stay in one place for a long time. He needs everything to be logical and clear. He is a great friend.

house (calli)

  • Lucky number: 6
  • Color - dark green

Playful and very open, the House is ready to give everything to friends or family and thus avoid disappointment. The fear of loneliness leads him to the fact that he wants to find a home with his soulmate at any cost. Among the Aztecs, the house rises in the center of a completely sown field, so at sunset the sun leaves the hospitable dwelling, and at sunrise again pleases the owners with its presence.

Flower (xochitl)

  • Lucky number: 10
  • Color - luminous white

The flower endows everyone around with its magical aroma. Nearby everything blooms, becomes tender and sensual, like himself. Often, as in nature, the Flower is held rather aloof. In the company of the Eagle and the Monkey, he will never make wrong steps. For the Aztecs, a flower is a symbol of development, combining languid and passionate, sweet and salty, motionless and restless.

snake (coatl)

  • Lucky number: 2
  • Color - orange

It is hardly possible to achieve compassion from the Snake. She surrounds herself with a shadow of mystery. Only in this way, she believes, can one achieve longevity and success in life. The Snake often acts on the sly. It is impossible to predict what she will do in a few minutes. Ownership is a common trait among representatives of this sign. Often this quality acts as self-defense. The Aztecs believed that the Snake was a redeemer, a standard-bearer of a truce between heaven and earth.

Wind (eecatl)

  • Lucky number: 5
  • Brown color

The wind is an inborn inventor. He is very flexible both physically and mentally, which allows him to bypass obstacles and maneuver freely between different poles. After a period of instability, the wind calms down to gather strength. And develop a plan of action. Among the Aztecs, the wind takes on the mask of a duck that escaped the horn equally easily both in water and in air.

Ocelot (oceloti)

  • Lucky number: 12
  • Black color

Nobility and generosity are the main character traits of Ocelot. He is very passionate and passionate, sometimes quite aggressive. An alliance with a sensual flower or a cunning monkey will bring him peace. Among the Aztecs, Ocelot is a crafty creature that brings confusion and revenge to unfaithful wives.

Death (miquiztli)

  • Lucky number: 4
  • Color - purple

Paradoxically, Death is one of the most positive signs of the Aztec horoscope. Promise, honesty and high moral character dominate this sign. An active hard worker, he thinks about how others treat him, so he often withdraws into himself, experiencing mental storms alone. The house favorably influences him. Akzteks perceived death not as destruction, but as a gift to the sun. Without it, updating is impossible.


You are absolutely right if you do not trust some newspaper horoscopes. But you will enjoy it if you read in silence how the ancient Aztecs predicted the fate of people born from 1883 to 1973 already 500 years ago. The Aztecs had two calendars: one corresponded to our calendar and also had 365 days, the other had 250 days. This lunar calendar served as a guide for compiling horoscopes. The horoscope has been brought into line with our chronology.

First, find your year of birth in one of 13 tables, then your birthday, and next to it is the sign of the horoscope (flower, trumpet...). Your horoscope is supplemented with a number corresponding to the table number and having a meaning:

1, 3, 7 - very good, these numbers are strong, that is, everything bad from your horoscope is eliminated.

10, 11, 12, 13 - soften all bad omens and enhance good ones.

4, 5, 6 - less good numbers, they worsen good ones, and less good ones worsen even more.

2, 8, 9 - smooth out everything that is in the horoscope. They weaken both the good and the bad.

The letters next to your year of birth are the Aztec God who governs your number.

L - north, god of the Sun. This is restlessness, excitement, confusion, anxiety, militant spirit, enthusiasm and unbridled temperament. Those born under this sign are more or less similar to it.

O - east, the god of the wind, among the Aztecs it is progress, inventions and discoveries, it is favorable for poets, scientists, but also for lovers.

5 - south, god of the Stars. Not everything works out right away, but it does work. During this period there are no storms, but there are attractions and recessions.

UU - the west, the god of Rain, his years are fertile and plentiful. Those born under this sign correspond to success and health. He has wealth and abundance.

Table 1 table 2
1883 (0), 1896 (L), 1909 (UU), 1922 (5), 1935 (0), 1948 (L), 1961 (UU) 1884 (L), 1897 (UU), 1910 (5), 1923 (0), 1936 (L), 1949 (UU), 1962 (5)
1.01 - 6.01
7.01 - 19.01
20.0 - 1.02
2.02 - 14.02
15.02 - 29.02
1.03 - 13.03
14.03 - 26.03
27.03 - 8.04
9.04 - 21.04
22.04 - 4.05
5.05 - 17.05
18.05 - 30.05
31.05 - 12.06
13.06 - 25.06
26.06 - 8.07
9.07 - 21.07
22.07 - 3.08
4.08 - 16.08
17.08 - 29.08
30.08 - 11.09
12.09 - 24.09
25.09 - 7.10
8.10 - 20.10
21.10 - 2.11
3.11 - 15.11
16.11 - 28.11
29.11 - 11.12
12.12 - 24.12
25.12 - 31.12
1.01 - 10.01
11.01 - 23.01
24.01 - 5.02
6.02 - 18.02
19.02 - 4.03
5.03 - 17.03
18.03 - 30.03
31.03 - 12.04
13.04 - 25.04
26.04 - 8.05
9.05 - 21.05
22.05 - 3.06
4.06 - 16.06
17.06 - 29.06
30.06 - 1.07
2.07 - 12.07
13.07 - 25.07
26.07 - 7.08
8.08 - 20.08
21.08 - 2.09
3.09 - 15.09
16.09 - 28.09
29.09 - 11.10
12.10 - 24.10
25.10 - 6.11
7.11 - 19.11
20.11 - 2.12
3.12 - 15.12
16.12 - 28.12
Table 3 Table 4
1885 (UU), 1889 (5), 1911 (0), 1924 (L), 1937 (UU), 1950 (5), 1963 (0) 1886 (5), 1899 (0), 1912 (L), 1925 (UU), 1938 (5), 1951 (0), 1964 (L)
1.01 - 12.01
13.01 - 14.01
15.01 - 27.01
28.01 - 9.02
10.02 - 22.02
23.02 - 8.03
9.03 - 21.03
22.03 - 3.04
4.04 - 16.04
17.04 - 29.04
30.04 - 12.05
13.05 - 25.05
26.05 - 7.06
8.06 - 20.06
21.06 - 3.07
4.07 - 16.07
17.07 - 29.07
30.07 - 11.08
12.08 - 24.08
25.08 - 6.09
7.09 - 19.09
20.08 - 2.10
3.10 - 15.10
16.10 - 28.10
29.10 - 10.11
11.11 - 23.11
24.11 - 6.12
7.12 - 19.12
20.12 - 31.12
1.01 - 5.01
6.01 - 18.01
19.01 - 31.01
1.02 - 13.02
14.02 - 3.03
4.03 - 12.03
13.03 - 25.03
26.03 - 7.04
8.04 - 20.04
21.04 - 3.05
4.05 - 16.05
17.05 - 29.05
30.05 - 11.06
12.06 - 24.06
25.06 - 7.07
8.07 - 20.07
21.07 - 2.08
3.08 - 15.08
16.08 - 28.08
29.08 - 10.09
11.09 - 23.09
24.09 - 6.10
7.10 - 19.10
20.10 - 1.11
2.11 - 14.11
15.11 - 27.11
28.11 - 10.12
11.12 - 23.12
24.12 - 31.12
Table 5 Table 6
1887 (0), 1900 (L), 1913 (UU), 1926 (5), 1939 (0), 1952 (L), 1965 (UU) 1888 (L), 1901 (UU), 1914 (5), 1927 (0), 1940 (L), 1953 (UU), 1966 (5)
1.01 - 9.01
10.01 - 22.01
23.01 - 4.02
5.02 - 17.02
18.02 - 3.03
4.03 - 16.03
17.03 - 29.03
30.03 - 11.04
12.04 - 24.04
25.04 - 7.05
8.05 - 20.05
21.05 - 2.06
3.06 - 15.06
16.06 - 28.06
29.06 - 11.07
12.07 - 24.07
25.07 - 6.08
7.08 - 19.08
20.08 - 1.09
2.09 - 14.09
15.09 - 27.09
28.09 - 10.10
11.10 - 23.10
24.10 - 5.11
6.11 - 18.11
19.11 - 1.12
2.12 - 14.12
15.12 - 27.12
28.12 - 31.12
1.01 - 13.01
14.01 - 26.01
27.01 - 8.02
9.02 - 21.02
22.02 - 7.03
8.03 - 20.03
21.03 - 2.04
3.04 - 15.04
16.04 - 28.04
29.04 - 11.05
12.05 - 24.05
25.05 - 6.06
7.06 - 19.06
20.06 - 2.07
3.07 - 15.07
16.07 - 28.07
29.07 - 10.08
11.08 - 23.08
24.08 - 5.09
6.09 - 18.09
19.09 - 2.10
3.10 - 14.10
15.10 - 27.10
28.10 - 9.11
10.11 - 22.11
23.11 - 5.12
6.12 - 18.12
19.12 - 31.12
Table 7 Table 8
1889 (UU), 1902 (5), 1915 (0), 1928 (L), 1941 (UU), 1954 (5), 1967 (0) 1890 (5), 1903 (0), 1916 (L), 1929 (UU), 1942 (5), 1955 (0), 1968 (L)
1.01 - 4.01
6.01 - 17.01
18.01 - 30.01
31.01 - 12.02
13.02 - 1.03
2.03 - 11.03
12.03 - 24.03
25.03 - 6.04
7.04 -19.04
20.04 - 2.05
3.05 - 15.05
16.05 - 28.05
29.05 - 10.06
11.06 - 23.06
24.06 - 6.07
7.07 - 19.07
20.07 - 1.08
2.08 - 14.08
15.08 - 27.08
28.08 - 9.09
10.09 - 22.09
23.09 - 5.10
6.10 - 18.10
19.10 - 31.10
1.11 - 13.11
14.11 - 26.11
27.11 - 9.12
10.12 - 22.12
23.12 - 31.12
1.01 - 8.01
9.01 - 21.01
22.01 - 3.02
4.02 - 16.02
17.02 - 2.03
3.03 - 15.03
16.03 - 28.03
29.03 - 10.04
11.04 - 23.04
24.04 - 6.05
7.05 - 19.05
20.05 - 1.06
2.06 - 14.06
15.06 - 27.06
28.06 - 10.07
11.07 - 23.07
24.07 - 5.08
6.08 - 18.08
19.08 - 31.08
1.09 - 13.09
14.09 - 26.09
27.09 - 9.10
10.10 - 22.10
23.10 - 4.11
5.11 - 17.11
18.11 - 30.11
1.12 - 13.12
14.12 - 26.12
27.12 - 31.12
Table 9 Table 10
1891 (0), 1904 (L), 1917 (UU), 1930 (5), 1943 (0), 1956 (L), 1969 (UU) 1892 (L), 1905 (UU), 1918 (5), 1931 (0), 1944 (L), 1957 (UU), 1970 (5)
1.01 - 12.01
13.01 - 25.01
26.01 - 7.02
8.02 - 20.02
21.02 - 6.03
7.03 - 19.03
20.03 - 1.04
2.04 - 14.04
15.04 - 27.04
28.04 - 10.05
11.05 - 23.05
24.05 - 5.06
6.06 - 18.06
19.06 - 1.07
2.07 - 14.07
15.07 - 27.07
28.07 - 9.08
10.08 - 22.08
23.08 - 4.09
5.09 - 17.09
18.09 - 30.09
1.10 - 13.10
14.10 - 26.10
27.10 - 8.11
9.11 - 21.11
22.11 - 4.12
5.12 - 17.12
18.12 - 30.12
1.01 - 3.01
4.01 - 16.01
17.01 - 29.01
30.01 - 11.02
12.02 - 1.03
2.03 - 10.03
11.03 - 23.03
24.03 - 5.04
6.04 - 18.04
19.04 - 1.05
2.05 - 14.05
15.05 - 27.05
28.05 - 9.06
10.06 - 22.06
23.06 - 5.07
6.07 - 18.07
19.07 - 31.07
1.08 - 13.08
14.08 - 26.08
27.08 - 8.09
9.09 - 21.09
22.09 - 4.10
5.10 - 17.10
18.10 - 30.10
31.10 - 12.11
13.11 - 25.11
26.11 - 8.12
9.12 - 21.12
22.12 - 31.12
Table 11 Table 12
1893 (UU), 1905 (5), 1919 (0), 1932 (L), 1945 (UU), 1958 (5), 1971 (0) 1894 (5), 1907 (0), 1920 (L), 1933 (UU), 1946 (5), 1959 (0), 1972 (UU)
1.01 - 7.01
8.01 - 20.01
21.01 - 2.02
3.02 - 25.02
26.02 - 1.03
2.03 - 14.03
15.03 - 27.03
28.03 - 9.04
10.04 - 22.04
23.04 - 5.05
6.05 - 18.05
19.05 - 31.05
1.06 - 13.06
14.06 - 26.06
27.06 - 9.07
10.07 - 22.07
23.07 - 4.08
5.08 - 17.08
18.08 - 30.08
31.08 - 12.09
13.09 - 25.09
26.09 - 8.10
9.10 - 21.10
22.10 - 3.11
4.11 - 16.11
17.11 - 29.11
30.11 - 12.12
13.12 - 26.12
27.12 - 31.12
1.01 - 11.01
12.01 - 24.01
25.01 - 6.02
7.02 - 19.02
20.02 - 5.03
6.03 - 18.03
19.03 - 31.03
1.04 - 13.04
14.04 - 26.04
27.04 - 9.05
10.05 - 22.05
23.05 - 4.06
5.06 - 17.06
18.06 - 30.06
1.07 - 13.07
14.07 - 26.07
27.07 - 8.08
9.08 - 21.08
22.08 - 3.09
4.09 - 16.09
17.09 - 29.09
30.09 - 12.10
13.10 - 25.10
26.10 - 7.11
8.11 - 20.11
21.11 - 3.12
4.12 - 16.12
17.12 - 29.12
30.12 - 31.12
Table 13 Determine your table number by year of birth
1895 (0), 1908 (L), 1921 (UU), 1934 (5), 1947 (0), 1960 (L), 1973 (UU)
1.01 - 2.01
3.01 - 15.01
16.01 - 28.01
29.01 - 10.02
11.02 - 23.02
24.02 - 9.03
10.03 - 22.03
23.03 - 4.04
5.04 - 17.04
18.04 - 30.04
1.05 - 13.05
14.05 - 26.05
27.05 - 8.06
9.06 - 21.06
22.06 - 4.07
5.07 - 17.07
18.07 - 20.07
21.07 - 12.08
13.08 - 25.08
26.08 - 7.09
8.09 - 20.09
21.09 - 3.10
4.10 - 16.10
17.10 - 29.10
30.10 - 11.11
12.11 - 24.11
25.11 - 7.12
8.12 - 20.12
21.12 - 31.12
1920 - 12 (L)
1921 - 13 (UU)
1922 - 1 (5)
1923 - 2 (0)
1924 - 3 (L)
1925 - 4 (UU)
1926 - 5 (5)
1927 - 6 (0)
1928 - 7 (L)
1929 - 8 (UU)
1930 - 9 (5)
1931 - 10 (0)
1932 - 11 (L)
1933 - 12 (UU)
1934 - 13 (5)
1935 - 1 (0)
1936 - 2 (L)
1937 - 3 (UU)
1938 - 4 (5)
1939 - 5 (0)
1940 - 6 (L)
1941 - 7 (UU)
1942 - 8 (5)
1943 - 9 (0)
1944 - 10 (L)
1945 - 11 (UU)
1946 - 12 (5)
1947 - 13 (0)
1948 - 1 (L)
1949 - 2 (UU)
1950 - 3 (5)
1951 - 4 (0)
1952 - 5 (L)
1953 - 6 (UU)
1954 - 7 (5)
1955 - 8 (0)
1956 - 9 (L)
1957 - 10 (UU)
1958 - 11 (5)
1959 - 12 (0)
1960 - 13 (L)
1961 - 1 (UU)
1962 - 2 (5)
1963 - 3 (0)
1964 - 4 (L)
1965 - 5 (UU)
1966 - 6 (5)
1967 - 7 (0)
1968 - 8 (L)
1969 - 9 (UU)
1970 - 10 (5)
1971 - 11 (0)
1972 - 12 (UU)


The best partner is her. Connected with nature and physically very dexterous. Hates inactivity and immobility. Always "on the street", in the fresh air - therefore she has good health. These are gardeners, foresters, peasants, that is, "farmers" - they stand firmly on the ground. Reliably, with a sense of duty does its job. Even better than required, it easily endures losses and defeats. In marriage, it is reliable, gives support. You are safe with her, she controls her nerves. She's doing well.


Sign of good mothers. Knows how to approach life from the easy side. Forgets often about duty and duty. Fate favors her; career - according to RISING, to well-being. Strikingly lazy, can fall; if this happens, then he gets to a safe place, and things will go better than before. Even debts and guilt will not bring you out of a sense of peace. Appreciates gluttony, company. She has many friends, she is welcome everywhere, she is a merry fellow. In her youth, she caused a lot of worries, got sick, was naughty. The Snake Woman is valued as an intelligent colleague. A wife is a reliable comrade, like a mother above others. Her birth is easy, she is lucky here too.


These are lucky people with great abilities. The main properties are strength and insight. Great physical strength, performance. They love to work and eat. They can be top athletes. In love, feeling is not the strongest side, but they are strong and inventive, they find a bad approach to a partner. They know how to lead. A person of this sign is not a means for mechanical traction. The combination of vitality with the mind. It is straightforward and simple. He is incorruptible in his position, his advice is valuable. Nerves are like steel wire. Sometimes pedantic. Always sincere and decent, the minion of fate, who succeeds in everything.


His days are under the influence of formidable goddesses - women who are envious of a person. A person of this sign must be quirky in order to win a place under the sun. He is engaged magical powers, sorcery, sorcery. Men are troubled guys, seducers, looking only for pleasure. Women are carefree, fickle, seek pleasure and find it. They are capable of commerce, because in addition to cunning, they have amazing stability. Beware of their language, for this they are not sympathized, but sometimes they are respected.


He has no conflict between love and work. Daredevils, but go to the goal with a cool head. Bring happiness to those around you. Personal well-being is dear to him. Exudes optimism and generosity. Touchingly takes care of the partner, sometimes deifying him. Women are attractive creatures, feminine, combine work and family life. Next to them, a man rests from everyday life. She is the mistress of the house, very collective, has many friends. They are all lucky, they know how to handle money.


These are people for clear relations. Not very diplomatic. Appreciate the open, direct word. Where they are, clear relationships are created, but they are achieved in an indelicate way. Everything is thought out, the nature of a revolutionary. They know how to captivate, inspire, and sometimes confuse. In love conquer immediately. They want everything or nothing. The partner is expected to be actively involved. Spirituality is more important to them than sex. A difficult but generous person.


They love a quiet life, they are faithful. secured long life. Children get sick at first, but live long. Do not run after happiness. Reasonable, born scientists. They make a problem out of love. They want to possess a partner not only physically, but also his thoughts, although they themselves do not like it when they climb into their souls. Very faithful, homely, friendly, but taciturn, thrifty, but sometimes generous.


They mistakenly see themselves as failures. The name is more than a symbol. Gentle, affectionate, but sometimes strangle with their affection. The man is a reliable artisan "with two right hands". A woman knows many crafts, loves children and sacrifices herself for them. prone to pessimism. Mine and yours - these two concepts they do not share. So, like a magpie, he collects those treasures that do not belong to him in order to enjoy them. No wonder he always has friction with neighbors and friends.


Respect for this windy sign. The pipe in the view of the Aztecs is the road along which the wind and storm come to earth. People of this sign are quick-tempered, hot-tempered, internally disturbed, fickle and absent-minded. They cannot take root anywhere. Adventurers, discoverers, love travel. Major speakers, lawyers. They love big words, you have to be careful with them, because they are created to be troublemakers and spies. Wealth does not fall on them, but they know how to float, sometimes at the expense of others. A difficult partner, although you may like it.


Demanding in love. A loner, contacts are difficult, selfish, arrogant. Exceeds many in intelligence, few can be at his level. Attaches great importance his appearance, he takes care of himself. In love, demanding and selective. It's not easy going and, | connection. A partner for him is an ornament to his person. He knows how to interpret everything in his favor. Don't fiddle with the little things. Becomes a gourmet. Happiness catcher.


The hunter for whom there is no ban. Resourceful, nature endowed him with many abilities with which another would have achieved much, but not a jaguar. He seeks only his own happiness, pleasure, does not know remorse. He does not like all sorts of duties both in love and in work. These are free, carefree natures who always play with love. They are adored, they willingly test themselves in the arts, often with varying degrees of success. Accuracy and accuracy are not their forte. They know how, however, to glide through life.


Don't be afraid of this sign! Born under this sign is a minion of fate. Life in abundance. Spiritual and material wealth, respect, honor, but they are afraid of him. Although he is a hospitable person who loves to arrange feasts, he gives his mercy and disgrace according to his mood. It is dangerous to have an enemy in it. Loyalty is not his forte. He has few friends, he is capricious, power-hungry. From misfortune can benefit. You must take care of your fragile health.


Carefree, frivolous, cheerful. If it is necessary to expend labor to achieve wealth, she will not strive for it, as she is afraid of regular work. Her dream in the profession: dancer, musician, singer. Favorite occupation - game, dream. She loves coquetry, but it is impossible to be offended by her. She believes in castles in the air, which she herself will break. She loves children, as she herself has a lot of childish carelessness. Monkeys are loved in society. They bring good mood, but in principle predisposed to melancholy. A lot of health care. But they don't have to worry about that.


Disinterested and selfless, born peasants and educators. They think about others, often forgetting about themselves, although they plan the future with a cool head and businesslike. They love children. They give advice. In love - not an active partner, but a yielding one, as well as a man and a woman. They play a second role voluntarily. In work, too, in the shade, they do not like the light of the ramp. In difficult times, they turn to art, which means more to them than money, which they often refuse. They need a realistic partner who understands them.


They love surprises in marriage. The goddess (water) is very iridescent. She shows a new face every moment. People of this sign are neither good nor evil, neither poor nor rich ... They are often in conflict with themselves. Not an easy partner, but often brings pleasant surprises. They are easy to manage, you can not openly offend them. They are gentle and affectionate. Happiness must be fought for. They demand a lot from them, especially in their younger years, but then it is easier for them. They have the right to reap the fruits of their labors.


In love, not home. By nature a player. The tendency to pessimism, sometimes there is a reason for that. They play passionately, at worst they risk everything they have. Women are sociable, talkative. They love to pour out their hearts. Looking forward to new adventures. They love passionately and sacrifice everything in love. You need a firm hand in a partner that will lead people born under this sign.


The name speaks for itself. loving person, does not know boredom, is constantly active, he is overcome by ideas and thoughts. Energetic. Not a very comfortable marriage partner. She is a beautiful, thoroughbred woman, her sensual radiation completely destroys the world of a man. He is a merciless daredevil, knows his strength. Everything they do soon turns into smoke. Fickle, changeable, but can enter into the position of a partner. Not at any cost, but faithful in their own way. After a long search, they find a permanent partner.


Flower children are born artistic natures: musicians, writers, experts in their field. They have a cheerful disposition, they are happy and contented, even if there is no special reason for it. Their frivolity is dangerous. Sometimes they are arrogant and can offend, offend. They expose their merits, which, however, are obvious. If something fails immediately, then retreat. Therefore, they are either above or below, but not in the middle. Women are cheerful, love to dance, enjoy life. They love to dress and know how to wear clothes with taste. Delnaya and faithful wife if you find the right partner.


Horns do not threaten you. These people climb the wall wisely, as they do not tolerate obstacles. Very proud. Behind their temperament lies a timid nature, fear of a cliff of happiness. Jealous, fall in love quickly and strongly. They are looking for a type who will worship them. They know how to caress a partner. Happy in life. They always need a person who is ready to serve.


His love requires sacrifice. Happiness falls unexpectedly. He does not expect a miracle, does not rely on chance, and even more so in love. He knows how to fight for happiness, but he does it not as a player, but as a worker. Able to do big things, to lead. Created to be a director, conductor. He has a flair for the essential, the necessary. Faithful and reliable, if his life does not turn into hell. An almost ideal partner in marriage, but "married" tightly with his profession, so he can lose a partner. It is not very easy to understand him. To love him, you need to sacrifice something, which he, however, will generously and generously pay for. What is given to him comes back a hundredfold.

As you know, the Aztecs, who lived in central Mexico, were quite enlightened people. The Aztec horoscope by date of birth is based on lunar calendar, consisting of 250 days. In their opinion, every 24 hours the planets and stars make a kind of cycle, which in turn has a direct impact on every person. The Aztec horoscope, which we will consider in this article, includes 20 characters corresponding to the character and preferences of the people born under them. So, let's move on to the description of the symbolism of the Aztec horoscope. The first symbol is a flower, which refers to those born from January 1 to 6, from April 9 to 21 and from December 25 to 31. It is worth noting that these are quite optimistic, cheerful and cheerful people. They have especially developed creative abilities, they are somewhat frivolous, but at the same time they always remain faithful. The second sign in the Aztec horoscope is reed, its periods are from January 7 to 19 and from April 22 to May 4. Those born at this time of the year are nervous and irritable, but they are distinguished by excellent oratorical abilities. They are very difficult to get along with.
The symbol of death in the Aztec horoscope comes from January 20 to February 1, and also from May 5 to 17. It is believed that this is one of the most successful signs of the Aztec horoscope. These people will always be accompanied by success and luck, not only financially, but also spiritually. It is difficult to find a common language with them and get their location, therefore, most often those born under the sign of death are lonely.
Rain people in the Aztec horoscope are born from February 2 to 14 and from May 18 to 30. They are often attractive, but their persistence creates an unpleasant impression on others, so they have very few close friends.
The sign of the rope is next in the Aztec horoscope, it starts from February 15 to 29 and from May 31 to June 12. As a rule, those born at this time often doubt their abilities, therefore they place responsibility on their environment. They sacrifice themselves for their children.
The crocodile in the Aztec horoscope starts from March 1st to 13th and also from November 16th to 28th. These people are known for their luck, they are perfectly capable of handling money, they will do anything to achieve their goals.
The time of the jaguar in the Aztec horoscope lasts from March 14 to 26 and from November 29 to December 11. The "followers" of this symbol value entertainment and various adventures most of all in life. They always put themselves above others, while rarely experiencing deep feelings.
The next symbol is a deer. Born from March 27 to April 8 and from December 12 to December 24 have a somewhat cowardly character, feel comfortable only under cover strong man. They are proud and slightly arrogant.
Aztec horoscope, sign of the snake from June 13 to 25. Those born during this period are quite lucky, however, a little scattered. They are able to be reliable and wise in love relationships.
The knife falls from June 26 to July 8. Powerful, demanding people, in their actions one can often notice aggression, while they are full of wisdom.
Monkey sign from 9 to 21 July. Monkey people are dreamy and have a childish spontaneity. Let them act as they want, then for a long time they will be deeply grateful to you.
The lizard in the Aztec horoscope is valid from July 22 to August 3. They are full of activity, prefer to spend most of their time in nature, according to this principle they often choose their life path.
The symbol of the movement lasts from 4 to 16 August. Ingenuity is the main quality of those who were born during this period. They are wonderful family men, faithful to their partners.
The dog sign of the Aztec horoscope starts on August 17th and ends on August 29th. They have inherent organizational skills, they should not be particularly trusted, as dogs always pursue their own benefit.
The symbol of the house falls from August 30 to September 11. Frivolous and gambling people often cannot stop, so they just need a serious partner.
Next in the Aztec horoscope is the Kite from September 12 to 24. He leads a measured, calm lifestyle. Jealousy accompanies him everywhere, however, you will not regret proving your devotion to him.
Water people are multifaceted and contradictory in many ways, they are born from September 25 to October 7. They are difficult to understand, it is very difficult to find a common language.
The wind sign in the Aztec horoscope lasts from October 8 to October 20. Its representatives are one-sided and uncompromising in their approach to resolving any issues. They often change partners, unable to keep them.
From October 21 to November 2 in the Aztec horoscope is considered the period of the eagle. Those who were born at this time are arrogant and have a very bad character.
From November 3 to November 15, the time of the rabbit lasts. These people are born teachers and educators, their altruism comes first, so they are often used for their own purposes. Rabbits forget about themselves and try to help everyone around them. The Aztec horoscope by date of birth can be used when choosing a partner, as well as in many life situations.

As you know, the Aztecs, who lived in central Mexico, were quite enlightened people. The Aztec horoscope by date of birth is based on the lunar calendar, which consists of 250 days. In their opinion, every 24 hours the planets and stars make a kind of cycle, which in turn has a direct impact on every person. The Aztec horoscope, which we will consider in this article, includes 20 characters corresponding to the character and preferences of the people born under them. So, let's move on to the description of the symbolism of the Aztec horoscope. The first symbol is a flower, which refers to those born from January 1 to 6, from April 9 to 21 and from December 25 to 31.

It is worth noting that these are quite optimistic, cheerful and cheerful people. They have especially developed creative abilities, they are somewhat frivolous, but at the same time they always remain faithful. The second sign in the Aztec horoscope is reed, its periods are from January 7 to 19 and from April 22 to May 4. Those born at this time of the year are nervous and irritable, but they are distinguished by excellent oratorical abilities. They are very difficult to get along with.
The symbol of death in the Aztec horoscope comes from January 20 to February 1, and also from May 5 to 17. It is believed that this is one of the most successful signs of the Aztec horoscope. These people will always be accompanied by success and luck, not only financially, but also spiritually. It is difficult to find a common language with them and get their location, therefore, most often those born under the sign of death are lonely.
Rain people in the Aztec horoscope are born from February 2 to 14 and from May 18 to 30. They are often attractive, but their persistence creates an unpleasant impression on others, so they have very few close friends.
The sign of the rope is next in the Aztec horoscope, it starts from February 15 to 29 and from May 31 to June 12. As a rule, those born at this time often doubt their abilities, therefore they place responsibility on their environment. They sacrifice themselves for their children.
The crocodile in the Aztec horoscope starts from March 1st to 13th and also from November 16th to 28th. These people are known for their luck, they are perfectly capable of handling money, they will do anything to achieve their goals.
The time of the jaguar in the Aztec horoscope lasts from March 14 to 26 and from November 29 to December 11. The "followers" of this symbol value entertainment and various adventures most of all in life. They always put themselves above others, while rarely experiencing deep feelings.
The next symbol is a deer. Those born from March 27 to April 8 and from December 12 to December 24 have a somewhat cowardly character, they feel comfortable only under the cover of a strong person. They are proud and slightly arrogant.
Aztec horoscope, sign of the snake from June 13 to 25. Those born during this period are quite lucky, however, a little scattered. They are able to be reliable and wise in love relationships.
The knife falls from June 26 to July 8. Powerful, demanding people, in their actions one can often notice aggression, while they are full of wisdom.
Monkey sign from 9 to 21 July. Monkey people are dreamy and have a childish spontaneity. Let them act as they want, then for a long time they will be deeply grateful to you.
The lizard in the Aztec horoscope is valid from July 22 to August 3. They are full of activity, prefer to spend most of their time in nature, according to this principle they often choose their life path.
The symbol of the movement lasts from 4 to 16 August. Ingenuity is the main quality of those who were born during this period. They are wonderful family men, faithful to their partners.
The dog sign of the Aztec horoscope starts on August 17th and ends on August 29th. They have inherent organizational skills, they should not be particularly trusted, as dogs always pursue their own benefit.
The symbol of the house falls from August 30 to September 11. Frivolous and gambling people often cannot stop, so they just need a serious partner.
Next in the Aztec horoscope is the Kite from September 12 to 24. He leads a measured, calm lifestyle. Jealousy accompanies him everywhere, however, you will not regret proving your devotion to him.
Water people are multifaceted and contradictory in many ways, they are born from September 25 to October 7. They are difficult to understand, it is very difficult to find a common language.
The wind sign in the Aztec horoscope lasts from October 8 to October 20. Its representatives are one-sided and uncompromising in their approach to resolving any issues. They often change partners, unable to keep them.
From October 21 to November 2 in the Aztec horoscope is considered the period of the eagle. Those who were born at this time are arrogant and have a very bad character.
From November 3 to November 15, the time of the rabbit lasts. These people are born teachers and educators, their altruism comes first, so they are often used for their own purposes. Rabbits forget about themselves and try to help everyone around them. The Aztec horoscope by date of birth can be used when choosing a partner, as well as in many life situations.

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