Misha's birthday. The name Michael in the Orthodox calendar (Saints)

When by church calendar Michael's name day: November 21, September 19 - Michael the Archangel the Archangel; December 5 - Michael of Bulgaria, equal to the apostles, December 31 - Michael of Constantinople, reverend, confessor.

Characteristics of the birthday boy Michael:

From the Hebrew language - god-like, "divine," who is like God? Among Christians, Michael is the Great Prince, standing for the sons of the people, the Angel of Mercy for the people before God, the leader of the heavenly host in last battle against the forces of Evil. Michael's name day four times a year.

Modern Michael, just like his divine namesake, is trying to stand alone against the forces of evil. He even has a special Personality Symbol - "the one who besieges." The main character traits: will, activity, health. Totem plant - elm; the totem animal is the tiger. Type of thinking - "tiger under the elm." Obviously, therefore, Michael is constantly withdrawing into himself under some kind of tree and sternly looks at others. Unnecessarily subjective - rarely tries to put himself in the place of another person.

All Michaels have a lively analytical mind. However, they lack diplomacy. Their favorite saying is: "Either pan or go." Perhaps they also need to learn a friend "saying, Polish" Tso too much, then it's not healthy. They have a very strong will - even somewhat despotic. The excitability is weak, but gives them some warmth, which gives them the opportunity to pick up smart, intelligent friends, who sooner or later subordinate to their will.

Easily achieve success. Michael from childhood gets used to a very strict discipline. He works to achieve a specific and clearly defined goal, and not for the sake of mythical discoveries. He pays much attention to children, as well as to sick and old people. He likes medicine, as well as trade, where he achieves great success.

He has good intuition, but Mikhail very rarely listens to her voice. He has a lively analytical mind, so he never draws conclusions until he thoroughly examines all the circumstances. His memory is amazing - he never forgets either the good he has done or the evil done to him. As for his health, Mikhail has a huge vitality. He is healthy and disease resistant. Weakness in his body - the cardiovascular system. His sexuality is very high. Early reaches puberty, but does not know psychology at all. Instead of seducing a woman, he acts like a caveman

Congratulations on the birthday of Michael:

Do not forget to celebrate Michael's name day and congratulate Michael on the day of the angel.

Congratulations, Michael

Happy birthday, have a wonderful day!

So that the angel illuminates the way for you,

So that the night was nothing to you!

I wish you find love

So that happiness comes to you with her!

Good luck let it help again

Dreams find a window soon!

They give random names.

Our Michael is like God!

Always in a hurry to his doorstep

His beloved family!

Tries for everyone as best he can

He is famous for his kindness,

And if guests are expected in the house,

Always help his wife!

Let me tell you, Misha:

You deserve respect

Perseverance to achieve the goal,

And don't lose your soul of fun.

Let the mind also be sharp,

Let success go hand in hand

And does not disturb your feelings

Sadness, longing or anxiety.

Church rules separate the concepts of name day and angel day. Michael's name day is the date when Orthodox Church remembers the saint, and the day of the angel is celebrated when the rite of baptism of a particular child named by this name was performed. The date of the day of the angel Michael is individual, on this day you can come to church and light a candle, remembering the sacrament. What date is the day of the angel Michael, only the closest people can answer, but the dates of the name day are set by the church.

Name Michael: meaning, origin, name day

This name comes from Hebrew and means "God-like." The bearers of this name have such character traits as activity, adherence to principles. Michael is distinguished by good willpower and excellent health. He is usually smart, but very demanding of those around him. Just like his saint, he seeks to protect everyone.

For the Orthodox, Michael is a special figure - he is an intercessor for mortals in the face of God, and also leads the heavenly forces to battle against the army of evil.

Michaelmas Day, which is celebrated on November 21, is associated with the end of the wedding season. The people liked him very much. It is on November 21 that the Orthodox Church holds the Cathedral of the Archangel Michael, and this is considered one of the major events autumn. Michael is the protector of believers from diseases and all kinds of temptations.

It has long been believed in Russia that no evil spirit can resist the Archangel Michael, because as soon as he appears, all evil spirits hide in burrows and caves, or fall into the ground.

Slavic beliefs associated with this day

Depending on the region, Mikhailov's day was celebrated in different ways. For example, in Polissya he was respected, because they believed that he was a protector from thunder. Therefore, on this day, no one chopped, cut or weaved anything, so as not to offend the saint. In some regions of Belarus, it was noticed that after Mikhailov's Day, bears hibernate. This day was officially considered the beginning of winter, from this day frosts began. There were signs: if there is frost on this day, the winter will be snowy, if there is fog, there will be a thaw. If the weather is clear on Michaelmas Day, the winter will be cold and frosty.

Michael was also considered the ruler of the souls of the dead. Therefore, everyone who wanted to die easily had to celebrate his day.

According to the church calendar, the celebration of Michael's name day falls on November 21. Mikhailov's day, when gifts are brought to the so-called yard or domovik and meet winter, has very ancient roots and found a place even among the Eastern Slavs. Today this date is very great importance for Christians and dedicated to Orthodox holiday"Cathedral of the Archangel Michael", which was established in honor of the angels revered by Orthodox believers.

Below you can view a list of dates that are dedicated to this name.

Day of the angel Michael according to the church calendar

All numbers of Michael's name day in the year:

  • January 14 - the day of the martyr Michael
  • January 24 - the day is dedicated to St. Michael of Clops (Novgorod)
  • February 27 - Right-Believing Prince Mikhail of Chernigov
  • March 23 - the day of the martyr Michael of Thessalonica
  • March 27 - we celebrate the day of the right-believing prince the great Rostislav - Mikhail
  • April 29 - the day of the martyr Michael Vourliot
  • May 15 - name day of Prince Boris, baptized by Mikhail
  • June 3 - name day of Prince Mikhail of Murom
  • June 5 - the name day of two Michaels is celebrated, the Monk Michael the Confessor, as well as the Monk Martyr Michael the Black Sea
  • June 28 - the wonderworker of all Russia, the first metropolitan Kyiv saint Michael
  • July 12 - Martyr Michael the Gardener of Athens
  • July 16 - the day of Blessed Mikhail Solvychegodsky
  • July 17 - name day of the Archbishop of Athens, St. Michael
  • July 25 - the day of St. Michael Maleip
  • August 11 - the name day of the Monk Martyr Michael is celebrated
  • September 9 - the day of the name of the Hieromartyr Michael of the Resurrection Stefan (Nemkov)
  • September 19 - the day of the name of Archangel Michael
  • October 3 - the day of the martyr and confessor, miracle worker of the Right-Believing Prince Mikhail of Chernigov
  • October 13 - name day at the first Metropolitan of Kyiv and All Russia, St. Michael
  • October 14 - the name day of the hegumen of Zovia, the Monk Martyr Michael is celebrated
  • October 15 - Martyr Michael of Kazan
  • November 21 - Cathedral of the Archangel Michael and others heavenly powers, as well as the New Martyr Michael of Chernigov Blessed
  • December 5 - name day of the right-believing prince, martyr Mikhail of Tver, and righteous Michael the warrior
  • December 31 - the day of the name of Michael the Confessor

Michael: the meaning of the name, character and fate

Michael is a Hebrew name meaning "equal to God" or "like God." This name is widely used in Europe in various varieties: Michael, Michel, Mihai.

People with this name often try to please others and live in harmony with them. Mikhail can choose something for a long time and carefully consider everything when making a decision. Very often Michael is good friend and comrade. He is honest and hospitable.

Mikhails have a very good sense of aesthetics. They are well versed in art and beauty. The negative side can be narcissism and the desire to achieve perfection (sometimes this manifests itself in a manic form).

Michael always has a desire to find his true love. He always puts family first, not work. But despite this, a person with that name often becomes a doctor, lawyer or teacher.

Michael, Mishan, Mishka,
I congratulate you
Joy to you, health,
Farta, happiness and dough!

And you have patience
Bright colors, easy days,
To be in the mood
With him, life will be more fun!

Congratulations Michael!
We wish the strength of the tide,
Don't be sad, don't be sad
Difficulties and troubles do not know.

Michael, our good friend,
We wish very, very,
For your life to be
Like the life of a king.

For money to flow
So that everyone around has fun
And the wife is like that queen,
To be something to be proud of.

May every moment of your life, Misha, be filled with unearthly happiness, brilliant success and good spirits! Let relatives and friends always be there, give you their love and charge you with positive! Step confidently forward towards your goals and know that everything will work out!

The name Michael has been given to you.
It is very well chosen:
The best features only confirms
After all, "like God" means.

Nature has rewarded you with everything:
I did not deprive you of strength and mind,
Your body is built like Apollo,
Like an Olympic champion.

We sincerely congratulate you
We wish you personal happiness
For career advancement
And in the family - love and respect.

Michael, I wish you
Happiness, money and kindness.
In life, let everything be yours
Cool, just cheers.

On this day I wish you
Be healthy forever
Be successful and happy
Be full of goodness.

Strength, strength, charisma
God didn't cheat on you.
You are smart and enterprising
Our lovely Michael.

I wish you happiness
Bright ups and downs,
Don't be afraid of obstacles
Be healthy, live without troubles.

Stay optimistic
Brave warrior, fighter,
Everything will be great
In your harmonious world.

Strength, Agility, Charisma
God has not cheated you.
You are excellent, kind fellow,
Our cheerful Michael.

We wish you today
Loud, significant victories,
So that a ray of love and happiness
Was, Mishan, you are warm.

May the cherished peaks
Submit before you.
Be persistent and stubborn
Follow your dreams.

I wish that in abundance
And in love you always lived
May you be lucky in life
Be happy, Michael.

Reveal your talents
Believe in luck and destiny
Deftly solve all problems,
Remember - tomorrow be good.

Michael, we congratulate
And we wish from the bottom of our hearts
So that all your efforts
It just didn't go to waste.

To fulfill hope
To be successful at work
You were lucky as before
Lots of things to do.

Let the soul spread its wings
Let love come to you
Happiness will be in abundance.
Let joy come again!

I send you, Michael,
No problem and no worries
I want you to live.

To always be lucky
Your faithful companion
To walk the path of life
You are in the company of friends.

To achieve everyone's goals,
Conquered all peaks
And the happiest of all in the world
To become you, Michael.

wonderful boy,
You are nice to people
Accept today, Mishka,
Congratulations from friends!

Acted so that you rightly
He was always honest and kind
In life they were to their liking
Both work and food.

Though the golden mean
Don't miss the opportunity
Appears as a half
Look at her, don't let her go!

When is Michael's Angel Day.

When is the Day of the Angel Michael according to the church Orthodox calendar?

The name Michael is ancient Jewish, endowed with a huge energy potential. It is believed that Michael is the owner of a special power. There are two translations of this name. The first interprets the name as "equal to God", the second - "asked from God." In European countries, men are called analogue names. among them the most famous are the following: Michael, Michel, Miguel, Mihai. In Australia, Mitchell is considered a derivative of the name Michael.

  • A man named Michael is endowed with abilities that bring him closer to the Creator. Orthodox especially revere the main of the seven archangels - Michael. It is believed that Michael is able to fight with evil spirits, which is considered the source of various ailments. The book of Enoch tells that the archangel Michael patronized the people of Israel.
  • Boy Misha charms those around him with his tenderness, greed for affection. The child uses beauty, insight to achieve his goals. He is not indifferent to beauty and tries to surround himself with beautiful things from childhood, among which you can often find art objects.
  • As an adult, Mikhail strives to please everyone who is close to him, because it is important for him to be in harmony with others.
A man named Michael is endowed with abilities that bring him closer to the Creator

When is the name day of Michael according to the church calendar, in the Orthodox faith: in January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December

Michael's name day (angel's day) - dates by month:

Some saints are venerated only once a year. The name Michael is not one of them. saints with that name 92 times a year. The main date for each Michael is Angel Day.

Michael's birthday in January

  • January 3 - veneration of the memory of the righteous archpriest, martyr. Mikhail Kiselev
  • January 8 - veneration of the memory of the righteous martyr. Mikhail Smirnov, Hieromartyr, Deacon
  • January 13 - veneration of the memory of the righteous Michael Berezin, priest
  • January 14 - veneration of the memory of the righteous Michael Blaive, archpriest
  • January 21 - veneration of the memory of the righteous martyr. Mikhail Novoselov
  • January 24 - veneration of the memory of the righteous Michael of Klopsky of Novgorod
  • January 28 - veneration of the memory of the righteous Michael Samsonov, archpriest
  • January 31 - veneration of the memory of the righteous Mikhail Kargopolov

Michael's birthday in February

  • February 16 - veneration of the memory of the righteous Mikhail Agaev
  • February 17 - veneration of the memory of the righteous Mikhail Rybin
  • February 18 - veneration of the memory of the righteous Mikhail Amelyushkin
  • February 26 - veneration of the memory of the righteous Mikhail Popov
  • February 27 - veneration of the memory of the righteous Mikhail Vsevolodovich Cherny
  • February 28 - veneration of the memory of the righteous Mikhail Pyataev

As an adult, Mikhail strives to please everyone who is around.

Michael's birthday in March

  • March 2 - veneration of the memory of the righteous Michael Nikologorsky
  • March 7 - veneration of the memory of the righteous Mikhail Gorbunov
  • March 8 - veneration of the memory of the righteous Mikhail Razhkin
  • March 12 - veneration of the memory of the righteous Mikhail Markov
  • March 14 - veneration of the memory of the righteous Michael Bukrinsky
  • March 16 - veneration of the memory of the righteous Mikhail Stroev
  • March 22 - veneration of the memory of the righteous Mikhail Maslov
  • March 23 - veneration of the memory of the righteous Michael Mavrudis of Thessalonica
  • March 26 - veneration of the memory of the righteous Mikhail Okolovich
  • March 27 - veneration of the memory of the righteous Rostislav (in baptism Michael) Mstislavich of Kyiv
  • March 28 - veneration of the memory of the righteous Michael the Bogoslovsky

Michael's birthday in April

  • April 11 - veneration of the memory of the righteous Mikhail Viktorov
  • April 29 - veneration of the memory of the righteous Michael Vourliot
  • April 30 - veneration of the memory of the righteous Mikhail Novitsky

Michael's birthday in May

  • May 15 - veneration of the memory of the righteous Boris (in baptism Michael) of Bulgaria
  • May 24 - veneration of the memory of the righteous Mikhail Belorossov

Michael's birthday in June

  • June 1 is the day of icon veneration in memory of martyr. Mikhail Deineka
  • June 3 is the day of icon veneration in memory of martyr. Mikhail Muromsky
  • June 4 is the day of icon veneration in memory of martyr. Mikhail Borisov
  • June 5 is the day of icon veneration in memory of martyr. Mikhail Savvait
  • June 16 is the day of commemoration of martyr. Mikhail Markov
  • June 18 is the day of commemoration of martyr. Mikhail Votyakov
  • June 20 is the day of commemoration of martyr. Mikhail Denisov
  • June 28 - the day of honoring the memory of Mikhail of Kyiv
  • June 29 is the day of honoring the memory of Mikhail Makarov

archangel Michael

Michael's birthday in July

  • July 13 is the day of commemoration of martyr. Michael
  • July 16 is the day of commemoration of martyr. Michael
  • July 17 - the day of honoring the memory of Michael of Athens
  • July 22 is the day of commemoration of martyr. Michael the Dreamer
  • July 25 is the day of commemoration of martyr. Mikhail Malein

Michael's name in August

  • August 4 is the day of icon veneration of St. Mikhail Nakaryakov
  • August 11 is the day of icon veneration of St. Mikhail Savvait
  • August 17 is the day of icon veneration of St. Mikhail Zhuk
  • August 20 is the day of icon veneration of martyr. Mikhail Plyshevsky
  • August 25 is the day of icon veneration of St. Mikhail of Gareji
  • August 31 - the day of icon veneration of martyrs. Mikhail Eregodsky

Michael's birthday in September

  • September 4 - the church honors the memory of martyrs. Mikhail Lyubertsev
  • September 9 - the church honors the memory of martyrs. Mikhail Voskresensky
  • September 13 - the church honors the memory of martyrs. Mikhail Kosukhin
  • September 15 - the church honors the memory of martyrs. Mikhail Trubnikov
  • September 16 - the church honors the memory of martyrs. Mikhail Sushkov
  • September 17 - the church honors the memory of martyrs. Mikhail Bogorodsky
  • September 19 - the church honors the memory of martyrs. Michael
  • September 20 - the church honors the memory of martyrs. Mikhail Tikhonitsky

Michael's birthday in October

  • October 1 - the church honors the memory of martyrs. Mikhail Skobelev
  • October 3 - the church honors the memory of martyrs. Mikhail Vsevolodovich Cherny
  • October 10 - the church honors the memory of martyrs. Mikhail Platonov
  • October 13 - the church honors the memory of martyrs. Michael of Kyiv
  • October 14 - the church honors the memory of martyrs. Michael Zovisky (Sevastian)
  • October 15 - the church honors the memory of martyrs. Mikhail Kazansky
  • October 17 - the church honors the memory of martyrs. Mikhail Tverdovsky
  • October 27 - the church honors the memory of martyrs. Mikhail Lektorsky

Michael's birthday in November

  • On November 2, the memory of Mikhail Isaev is honored
  • On November 20, the memory of Mikhail Gusev is honored
  • November 21 is the memory of Michael
  • On November 23, the memory of martyr. Mikhail Arefiev
  • On November 27, the memory of martyr. Mikhail Nekrasov
  • On November 29, the memory of martyr. Mikhail Abramov
  • On November 30, the memory of martyr is revered. Gobron (in the baptism of Michael) of Kakheti

Michael's birthday in December

  • On December 2, the memory of martyr is revered. Mikhail Kvanin
  • On December 5, the memory of Mikhail Yaroslavich of Tverskoy is honored
  • On December 7, the memory of Mikhail Bogoroditsky is honored
  • On December 9, the memory of martyr is revered. Mikhail Zelentsovsky
  • On December 20, the memory of martyr is revered. Mikhail Uspensky
  • On December 23, the memory of martyr is revered. Mikhail Yakunkin
  • December 31 Michael Singell (assistant bishop) is commemorated

You will also learn a lot of interesting things about a man named Mikhail from the video.

Video: The meaning of the name Michael

Dream interpretation online