Weak spots on the body of girls. Erogenous points in women - a guide to the female body

The erogenous zone is a part of the human body, by influencing which you can get a sexy colorful excitement. Ladies own similar erotic points in huge volumes in different places. The fact is that men about most of them have a very superficial idea. It's a pity, because real sexual intercourse in women and ladies comes out only after a preparatory touch to these "cherished" places.

Touch must be correct. The bodies of women are arranged in such a way that if touched by mistake, such touches will be nasty. What sacred buttons ( erogenous zones) do the ladies, and what should be done with them?

How to find the erogenous sacred points of a lady

It is easier for a man to find the most excitable "buttons" on a woman's body if you create perfect conditions for the complete relaxation of his partner. Only later you need to start searching for them, using gentle touches and kisses. In principle, to identify erogenous places is the goal for both partners. The male must find and explore more parts of the partner's body. The lady, on the other hand, should give a hint to her partner which part of her body is most sensitive.

You should not stop only at places that are already considered erogenous zones for both women and men (chest, neck, genital area). You can find the sacred buttons of a woman's body in almost all places. They start from the tips of the lady's fingers to the roots of the hair. All sacred points are connected together. With experienced following with hands or tongue along these connecting threads, it can be disturbing and even open new exciting places. You just need to give them enough attention. Certainly, the lady must give consent to these deeds of the man and encourage them in every possible way. She should let him kiss and smooth her wherever he wants. When new points appear on the lady’s body that excite their mistress, it’s not at all a fact that they will only react to their own “discoverer”. The main thing is that these points of excitation will work only with a gentle and correct appeal to them.

The most famous "female places" are: on the lips and tongue, earlobes, a dimple near the collarbone, in the area around and near the nipple (the nipple itself). The vagina and clitoris, the tummy area around the pubis, the navel, neck, buttocks, the area under the shoulder blades, the area under the knee and the waist area, as well as the inner thighs and the upper third of the thighs (outer part) are also erogenous zones.

Primary, secondary catalysts

Lip touches. All erogenous zones of a woman's body are sensitive catalysts by nature, they are called primary. Some ladies own such places in the complex, others selectively. Along with the primary ones, there are also secondary sacred points, which open evenly, along with the sexual experience. They are often located in virtually all places and react to the same impact in different ways. It is confirmed that all erogenous points respond positively to kissing. Remember that specifically touching sponges on various parts of the female body determines places that are especially responsive to affection. Erogenous zones can be located on the elbows or even on the heels of the beloved. Efforts in the search for erogenous points are needed, because their result will be high-class - incomparable and unforgettable sex.

Tactile impact on some areas of the body is especially pleasant for us, it causes excitement, and sometimes even an orgasm. Hence the name "erogenous zones". In the scientific literature, they are usually divided into two types. Unconditional erogenous zones are located on the body in most representatives of the same sex in approximately the same way, while conditional erogenous zones for each person are strictly individual.

Over time, some parts of the body may become less sensitive to touch and caresses, but others can give new wonderful sensations. Erogenous zones in men and women are very sensitive and beautiful in their own way.

The body of a woman is literally permeated with erogenous zones, while men have to be content with only the inguinal region. Each of us is so individual that caresses that excite one may be indifferent and even unpleasant to another. However, areas of increased sensitivity can only be determined empirically. The unconditional erogenous zones of a woman are, first of all, the genitals: the clitoris, labia minora, vagina, points G, A, P, U. The clitoris is the most famous, and for 60% of women, the most important of all erogenous zones. The clitoris is located in the upper third of the space between the outer labia, which close it from the eyes, but not from the hands of a loving partner. The labia minora is slightly less sensitive - only 25% admitted that they experience pleasure when touched. However, according to experts, it is the labia minora that can help a woman experience strong sensations. Explain to your loved one that the sensitivity of this organ needs to be developed.

By the way, in one of the African tribes, the criterion for choosing a bride for the head of the clan is precisely the labia of the chosen one, because the severity of sensations during sex depends on their size. The vagina, according to its anatomical purpose, is part of the birth canal. There are practically no nerve endings in it, otherwise the beautiful half of humanity simply would not have survived childbirth! However, most women talk about the high degree of pleasure they get from masturbating or directly from sexual intercourse with a partner in a vaginal way. Doctors say that the reason for this is the proximity of the clitoris and the G-spot, which is located directly below it, as well as the tension of the labia minora. Together, this causes a pleasant sensation inside or near the entrance to the vagina. Erogenous points: G, A, P, U.

Those who believe in the existence of the G-spot can easily find a bump on the inner wall of the vagina, shaped somewhat like a walnut. With active stimulation, it may well deliver an unforgettable experience to its owner. Point A is a piece of hypersensitive tissue at the very end of the vagina. It is unlikely that it will be possible to find it without additional devices, and for stimulation you will need a special vibrator - thin, long, with a ball at the end. With a uniform pressure on the erogenous zone rich in nerve endings in men and women, you may get incomparable pleasure. Point P exists in both men and women - it is located between the vagina (scrotum) and anus. This smooth thin tissue can turn into a zone of amazing discoveries, and its proper stimulation with rhythmic pressure will lead to a quick orgasm. Finally, point U is the area around the opening of the urethra. Smooth circular movements perfectly stimulate this erogenous zone in men and women, and stroking it at the same time as the clitoris, you can even bring the girl to orgasm. The chest is another erogenous zone. Most women experience pleasure from various manipulations with the nipples. The paradox lies in the fact that the sensitivity to the caresses of the nipples and the halo around them directly depends on the general arousal of the woman. So the stronger the passion, the more actively you can develop this erogenous zone in men and women. The conditional erogenous zones of a woman can be, in fact, in any part of the body. Their location is strictly individual, however, from the point of view of physiology, in some areas there are more nerve endings than in others. The eyelids are highly sensitive and can be stimulated by kissing, which helps a woman to relax, inspires confidence and readiness for further intimacy. Lips. A kiss in itself is already a source of pleasure and excitement. 30% of respondents admitted that they like to kiss with the tongue, the rest are excited by the touch of the partner's lips. Neck. A very common erogenous zone. True, in some women the skin on it is so sensitive that any touch, instead of excitement, causes only tickling and trembling. The earlobes are saturated with nerve endings; it is believed that they are closely related to many physiological processes in the body. Stimulation of this erogenous zone in men and women contributes to rapid arousal.


Touching them is usually either very pleasant to a woman, or, on the contrary, annoying. The lower part and the area near the anus are most sensitive to caresses. The lower abdomen and inner thighs are also erogenous zones. Their strokes or kisses often become a prelude to sexual intercourse. The navel is an erogenous zone much less often than the previous ones. A large number of nerve endings are also concentrated here, and the touch of the fingers can cause pleasant sensations, for most men there is only one - this is the inguinal region, which includes the head of the penis, the inner part of the foreskin, the place behind the coronal groove (where the penis passes into the head) , scrotum and the area next to it. The path from the frenulum to the anus is also replete with nerve endings. By the number of pleasant sensations that arise when exposed to any form, this zone is unrivaled!

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Erogenous zones on the body of a man and a woman

1. Primary erogenous zones on the body (yin energy) include:

Lips, labia, tongue, nipples.

The nipples emit subtle energy and absorb vital energy qi for its transmission to the thymus gland, the “house of the heart”. With mild breast stimulation, the Third Eye opens (in the middle of the forehead between the eyebrows). This leads to the activation of a small energy cycle.

In a woman, the clitoris is the key to the autonomic nervous system. In a man, in the head of the penis, there is a zone of reflection of the heart.

2. Secondary erogenous zones (yang energy):

Earlobes. They stimulate the sex glands. First, you should massage the lobe of the right ear to release the energy flow, and then the lobe of the left ear.

Back of the neck, especially the seventh cervical vertebra (GV-14): firmly but gently massage 72 times in a clockwise direction, then gently massage 72 times in a counterclockwise direction (opens all meridians of the yang aspect).

The most effective stimulation point is at the point where the sacrum and lumbar vertebra meet. Massaging this place has a beneficial effect on the gonads and adrenal glands and causes a pleasant sensation in the genitals.

Buttocks (the point where the legs meet the thighs): massaging this point provides the strongest stimulation of the gonads.

Inner thighs. Gently stroking upward towards the genitals opens the adrenal glands and causes the testicles to rise upward.

Hollow under the knee. Gently patting and stroking the hollow of the knee stimulates the kidneys, a source of immune defense, and causes an extremely pleasant sensation.

Right side body

Yin form - receptive force

Remember! The right side of the body in men is more sensitive.

In special sexual rituals, individual erogenous zones (triangles) are massaged, kissed, caressed, rubbed with aromatic oils, and also caressed with the eyes in a clockwise direction, and the zones marked with squares (secondary) - counterclockwise - until until the whole body turns into a single erogenous zone in its own energy field.

The strongest erogenous stimulation of a partner can be achieved if:

Start by massaging the secondary erogenous zones;

Immediately after this, proceed to the massage of the primary erogenous zones;

And finally, massage the tertiary erogenous zones.

3. Tertiary erogenous zones of the body - neutral energy

These zones are usually dormant until they are stimulated by the activation of the secondary and primary erogenous zones. Tertiary erogenous zones include:

Sides of the little finger (heart and small intestine): lightly stroking them causes waves of pleasure in the dorsal vertebra.

Palms (heart-circulation/sexuality): they are very sensitive to circular gentle movements.

Navel (point of convergence of the 14 main meridians in the radius from the pubic bone to the solar plexus): gently stroke and pat 72 times in a clockwise direction and 72 times in an anti-clockwise direction. This massage opens and cleanses, heals and strengthens the flow of energy.

Left-hand side body

Yang form - creative force

Remember! The left side of the female body is more sensitive.

1. The primary erogenous zones of the body - the energy of the yin aspect.

2. Secondary erogenous zones of the body - the energy of the yang aspect.

3. Tertiary erogenous zones of the body - neutral energy between yin and yang.

After awakening all these erogenous zones, it is recommended to concentrate on the zones that resonate the most with your partner.

The anus (rectum) has a direct connection with the "first house of the gonads" and causes extraordinary pleasure.

Nostrils: Stroking, biting or touching the nostrils with the tongue causes an intense erogenous effect.

Ear openings (kidneys, liver): if you blow hard into the ear, you can cause a trance state in the partner.

Soles of the feet (renal meridian): massage of the soles of the feet activates sexuality and potency in general.

Some people experience orgasms when their partner sucks them. thumb on the foot.

Acupuncture points on hands and feet:

1 - small intestine; 2 - heart; 3 - endocrine glands; 4 - parenchyma; 5 - allergy, vascular degeneration; 6 - blood circulation, sex; 7 - nervous degeneration; 8 - large intestine; 9 - lymph; 10 - lungs, bronchioles

1 - spleen; 2 - liver; 3 - joints; 4 - stomach; 5 - connective tissue; 6 - skin; 7 - muscle fat; eight - gallbladder; 9 - kidneys; 10 - bladder

Relationship between the five elements and organs

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Erogenous zones- areas on the skin, the impact on which causes pleasant sexual sensations. The location of erogenous zones on the human body is individual. The sensitivity of the zones can vary in one person depending on the circumstances (mood, well-being, fatigue, etc.). With age, some areas may become more sensitive, while others may lose sensitivity. Previous sexual experience can also affect the sensitivity of erogenous zones.

Exposure to erogenous zones during or leads to an increase, appearance and onset (discharge).

The most typical location of the erogenous zones y and y is shown below.

The most sensitive male erogenous zones include: the glans penis, the inner part of the foreskin, which opens when the head of the penis is exposed, the place behind the coronal groove (the neck of the penis is the place where the penis passes into the head), the scrotum, the inguinal region next to the scrotum.

In addition to the external genitalia, some men also have more neutral erogenous zones: ears, neck, chest, buttocks, and, to a lesser extent, hips.

There are certain patterns of perception by a man of sexual impulses emanating from women, which should not be considered a dogma, but it is still necessary to take into account. First of all, this is the order in which a woman influences the erogenous zones of a man, which is determined both by the degree of sexual emancipation of partners and the purpose of the impact.

If caresses are in the nature of sexual stimulation, serve to stimulate sexual activity before intercourse, then they should begin with peripheral erogenous zones. That is, caress the legs, stomach, chest and, as a peak, move on to caressing the genitals. The best option is to practice the following sequence: chiropracting of the peripheral erogenous zones - chiropracting of the main erogenous zones - oral caresses of the peripheral erogenous zones - oral caresses of the main erogenous zones - intercourse.

If caresses are preparatory before the first intercourse, then they should not be too long in order to avoid possible premature ejaculation and loss of penile erection by a man. But even if a man has a strong erection without female caresses, then a woman should not conclude from this that her caresses are not necessary or unnecessary. Another thing, a woman should remember that a man is excited faster than a woman, so the duration of the preliminary love game should be somewhat shorter than the woman herself would need. But there can be no exact indicator here. It all depends on individual characteristics. And knowing the sexual characteristics of your partner is a matter of time and your attentiveness. Caresses carried out by a woman after the first ejaculation, regardless of the methods of leading to it, may be longer if it is envisaged that they serve as a prelude to the second, third and subsequent intercourse. The order of influence on male erogenous zones remains approximately the same. But now caresses can be diversified and enriched without the risk of causing premature ejaculation. Very effective caresses male body female breast. Moreover, the sequence of impact on the erogenous zones of a man by the female breast is preserved: from the peripheral zones to the main ones. The whole complex of sexual stimulation with the breast is preferable to place between positions 2-3 or 3-4. If we depict female tactics of influencing male erogenous zones, then the conditional scheme will look like this:

Before the first intercourse: 1-2-7-5-6 before the second and subsequent intercourse: 1-2-7-3-4-5-6, -

where the numbers are:

  • 1 - manual caresses of peripheral erogenous zones;
  • 2 - manual caresses of the main erogenous zones;
  • 3 - breast caresses of peripheral erogenous zones;
  • 4 - breast caresses of the central erogenous zones;
  • 5 - oral caresses of the central erogenous zones;
  • 6 - intercourse;
  • 7 - oral caresses of peripheral erogenous zones.

Caresses of erogenous zones are necessary both before and after intercourse. And not so much to excite a man (he needs it less woman), how much to create an emotional background for a woman’s passion for a man, his body. It always flatters male pride. But the game is dangerous! The caresses carried out after intercourse are carried out in the reverse order, that is, the impact on the erogenous zones is carried out in the order of the extinction of their sensitivity to sexual irritation. Schemes 6, 5, 7, 2, 1 (after the first intercourse) and 6, 5, 4, 3, 7, 2, 1 (after subsequent intercourse).

Erogenous zones of a woman

The location of erogenous zones on the body of a woman differs significantly from that of men.

  1. They are differentiated, that is, they are located almost throughout the body of a woman, and are not concentrated mainly in the genital area, as in a man.
  2. Peripheral erogenous zones in women are significantly more sensitive than men and therefore play a more important role in sex.
  3. Erogenous zones in women are much more individual than in men. What excites one woman sharply may be indifferent or even unpleasant to another.
  4. Erogenous zones in women swim, that is, they change their position throughout life.

The main erogenous zones in women are (see table below)

  1. . The most sensitive is the upper third of the vagina; caresses of the posterior fornix of the vagina and cervix somehow excite only about a third of women. However, those women whom these caresses excite, they, as a rule, excite sharply.
  2. especially the nipples. Many women enjoy oral nipple caresses. When a woman is aroused, her nipples swell and harden.
  3. . Most women enjoy kissing. However, only a third of women like kissing with; moreover, about a quarter of all women they are unpleasant.
  4. Inner thighs
  5. for about half of the women. Many women like neck kisses.
  6. Lower abdomen for about half of women.
  7. Fingers for 40% of women.
  8. - many women like oral caresses of the ears, in particular earlobes.
  9. Small of the back
  10. Sacrum

As a rule, it is not an erogenous zone. Only 10% of women caresses in this area are pleasant at least to some extent; besides, they are sharply unpleasant to many women.

The so-called "cat's place" (the area between the shoulder blades) is not an erogenous zone either. The vast majority of women caresses in this area are indifferent, although there are exceptions.

A man should be able to recognize which of his touches gives a woman more joy and pleasure, and take this into account in the future. In addition, a man must remember that without his influence on the erogenous zones of a woman, she will not receive proper satisfaction from sexual intercourse, and in the worst case, she will not even be ready for sexual intercourse and remain disappointed. For many women, foreplay means even more than the act itself.

You should take care of the methods of influencing the erogenous zones. They should be diverse both in manual execution and in emotional coloring. Moreover, with caresses, the magnitude of the applied efforts can range from light touches and strokes to fairly strong, and sometimes somewhat rough squeezes, squeezes, bites. In this case, one should take into account not one's own ideas about the magnitude of these efforts, but pay attention to the physical and emotional reaction of the partner. Many women enjoy some rudeness and minor pain caused by the man they like, but this has nothing to do with the masochistically sadistic style of sexual relations. An indicator that a woman likes such rudeness can be her movements towards her partner, moans, fragmentary compliments to a man, strong and sensual hugs, gentle biting of her partner’s body, biting her lip or lightly scratching her partner. With this behavior of the partner, "rudeness" can be increased to reasonable limits. And vice versa, if a woman opened her previously closed eyes, tried to push her partner away, move to the side, back away, move her legs or arms into a position that is not conducive to love game or intercourse, then you should stop such caresses and move on to mutually acceptable ones. But not abruptly, as a change in mood can lead to a drop in arousal and desire for intimacy.

It is necessary to influence the erogenous zones of a woman from the periphery to the center. Most successful contacts a man begins to influence the erogenous zones of a woman located in open places.

Embrace the woman with your hands around the neck and cheeks, touching the ears and hair behind them with your fingers. Then run your tongue along the lips of the partner, which is why they usually open slightly, exposing their teeth. There are many varieties of kisses, this is another topic for conversation. Let's just say that kissing a woman on the lips, neck, a man already excites her, without at the same time performing any actions in relation to the main erogenous zones of the partner, which, with its sharp directness, could shock the woman and discourage the desire for closer contact.

Many women are very pleased when a man plunges his tongue into her ear, playing with tickling there. If a woman normally perceives these caresses, a man can proceed to more decisive actions. A kind of massage would be appropriate here, with which a partner can walk through the main erogenous zones of a woman, even through clothes - these are stroking and squeezing caresses of the shoulders, chest, waist, back, hips, legs. Usually after that the woman allows herself to be undressed. It is not worth taking off all the clothes from a woman at once, since gradualness in this excites a woman more. A man is also more excited about an almost naked woman than an undressed one. A man, kissing a woman, achieves her tacit consent to undress, and undressing her, is excited by the beauty of a naked body and covers it with kisses. Thus, a vicious circle is obtained in which both partners win.

Women are very excited from kissing the breast, especially the nipple and areola, biting it, massaging it with fingers, tickling with lips, tongue, touching it with the genitals, especially the naked head of the penis.

After these caresses, it will be justified to go lower, affecting the erogenous zones of the genital area. Pleasantly exciting for a woman will be kissing, tickling the tongue of the labia minora, clitoris, etc.

Many women love it when hands, lips, genitals caress different erogenous zones at the same time. But it should be borne in mind that a woman, like a man, focuses her attention on the most powerful sensations, which naturally come from the main erogenous zones. Therefore, you can caress at the same time two or three main or two or three minor erogenous zones. If a man caresses the peripheral zone with his tongue (for example, the thigh), and with his hand - the main one (for example, the clitoris), then all the partner’s attention is focused on the sensations emanating from the main source of pleasure, and the man’s peripheral efforts often remain either ineffective or even distracting, and therefore unnecessary. After sexual intercourse, repeated caresses of the woman's erogenous zones are necessary, but in the reverse order - from the center to the periphery. A passionate woman is more suitable for a fast pace of caresses, and a more calm one is slow.

Table "Erogenous zones of a woman"

The main erogenous zones in women are (especially the nipples), inner thighs,. Sensitivity may change throughout life, depending on general condition women. In addition to those mentioned, many other parts of a woman's body can become erogenous zones. A general idea of ​​the ratio of the sensitivity of some erogenous zones in different women can be obtained from the following table (the table shows the number of women interviewed who gave an appropriate assessment of the sensitivity of the erogenous zone).

grade 3 2 1 0 ? a b c
zone ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
80 115 105 73 2 23 2
70 49 30 46 111 74 16 4
6 59 139 192 4
11 45 65 78 183 12 4 2
eyelids 9 6 1 52 117 110 6

As for the hands as such, try caressing the elbows and armpits. Pay close attention to the reaction, there is a risk that your man will be tickled.


Playing with curls on the chest can be a warm-up for more daring caresses. As for the nipples, everything is individual. For some men, touching them brings untold pleasure. With these, use the entire arsenal of touches.

But we must remember that, unlike women, nipples are not such a powerful erogenous zone for men, and sometimes caresses even cause discomfort.

If your chosen one is one of these, look for another place to apply your passion. For example, try the elements of a body-body massage - stroke his bare chest with your wide strokes.


For men, caresses of the abdomen are a signal that a woman is about to begin the most important thing. In addition to the caresses of the palms, breasts and abdomen that come to mind, try the crown spiral massage.

To do this, you need to put a man on his back, saddle him from above, bow his head strongly, put his head on the man’s navel and make circular movements with his head, gradually expanding the circles. We assure you, he has never experienced such sensations.


Many men admit that foot massage is very exciting for them. It is not for nothing that in Eastern countries there is such a tradition as washing the feet of one's spouse with water.

Also, do not ignore the area with reverse side knee, she is extremely susceptible to tenderness. Since each man has his own threshold of sensitivity, such procedures may seem very ticklish to some.


Yes, yes, including the back. Often this area is left without due attention, and meanwhile, several erogenous zones are located on the back at once, such as the area of ​​the sacrum and the interscapular space. Massage movements are best done from top to bottom.

Your chosen one will be pleasantly surprised if you diversify stroking with your hands, for example, touching your chest or running the ends of your hair along your back, or maybe with a delicate feather or sharp claws, or maybe even crush it with your feet. Fantasize, be unpredictable and never get bored with your partner!

The most important

We deliberately left out the caresses of the penis, perineum and anus. Usually, women are somewhat aware of what to do with these male erogenous zones in order to cause arousal. But you want not just sex, but one that will become memorable and unusual for your man.

The secret reception of Thai masseuses

Often, men who have lived in Thailand with a local girlfriend, returning, feel that something is missing in making love with any other woman. It turns out that the Thai put the so-called anchor on the body of a man. If this anchor is not activated during sex, it seems to a man that caresses are not full and pleasant enough. So Thais protect themselves from betrayal.

How to install this anchor? You need to choose two non-banal parts of the body of your chosen one. You will pay attention to one zone before the very beginning of sex, to caress the other after the end of coitus. You need to do this for seven sexual acts in a row, so the anchor will be fixed. In the future, it is desirable to keep the anchor up to date.

Zones should be those that are rarely touched in ordinary life. If you pat your partner on the shoulder at the beginning of each act, then any friendly pat in the office later can lead to unnecessary excitement.

But if you choose the right secret place, which means "dear, there will be sex soon," then you can excite your partner in the future by caressing this zone. Similarly, instead of the annoying "I have a headache," you can caress the final zone, and your partner's romantic intentions will subside by themselves.

Psychology of bed relations