Erogenous zones in men how to stimulate. Cool route. How to find erogenous zones in a man

To believe that men have only one erogenous zone - you know where - it means to impoverish your intimate relationship! After all, if you skillfully go through the right points, the level of partner's passion will simply go off scale.

magic dots

Despite the fact that any sexologist can immediately name the most common male erogenous zones, it's not so simple. After all, each man their number and location is different. And therefore, certain caresses, from which one is in euphoria, can leave indifferent or even categorically dislike the other. Therefore, it is possible to find and learn how to correctly influence these magical points only by experience.

Of course, you can always openly and bluntly ask: “What do you like most about sex?” Still, try to show an exploratory interest - and then your own joy at a chance find will double the pleasure of intimacy. Not to mention the ninth wave of his excitement, suddenly surging from an unexpected touch to that very secret place, which, perhaps, your partner himself did not know about.

You are on the right path!

How to compose the sexual topography of his body? Pretty simple. You just need to slowly explore every corner, carefully listening to the partner's reactions. Accelerated breathing, sighing, moaning, goosebumps, shivering or trembling running through the body - there are many signals with which a partner can hint that your hands, lips and tongue are on the right track.

However, it is very important not to confuse pleasure and pain and not to mistake one for the other. Out of delicacy, a partner may be afraid to openly say that certain actions of yours are unpleasant to him. Therefore, women need to be very sensitive in this matter. At first, the movements should be light, like butterfly wings. If the partner does not respond to them, you can move on. And if he sighs or gasps, try to carefully increase the impact.

Where is his button?

In addition to lips and intimate places, erogenous zones are most often located on the following parts of the body.

Breast. Nipple stimulation is not to the liking of all men. But what if you like it? Try it!

Back. Especially the scruff, which is also called the cat's place - it is for him that cats hold cats during intercourse. Many men like to be stroked or lightly scratched along the back.

Feet. There are points responsible for sexual arousal.

Under the knees. Touching with fingers and tongue to this sensitive place, where the skin is thin and hairless, can give a man a special feeling.

Inner thighs. Gentle leisurely caresses in this area will make him tremble with anticipation.

Ear recognition. And yet the main male erogenous zone is the ears. No, it's not even about their stimulation by stroking and biting. Although they say that women love with their ears, in fact, the opposite is true. Not only can you say exciting things in your ear, but you can also say something very flattering. Against subtle and elegant (and sometimes overt and rude) flattery, perhaps not a single man can resist. Say nice things to your loved ones more often, praise, stroke their fur - and then even the most brutal type will be more gentle with you than a kitten. By the way, do not forget to admire your partner immediately after sex - the sincerely you do this, the better for you.

The worst enemy of sex is boredom and monotony. How many types of kisses do you know? Here's a couple more for you: ice - when there is ice in the kisser's mouth. And hot - when, before starting oral sex, you took a sip and held a sip of hot coffee or tea in your mouth.

Examine the body of your chosen one or chosen one according to traditional horoscopes.

Each of us wants to please our partner. In a healthy sex life, taboo topics or some kind of strict prohibitions rarely arise. We're all trying to loosen up and get by love game maximum pleasure. But what can be done to help your partner relax, how to properly set him up in a loving way? We suggest starting to study the body of your chosen one or chosen one according to traditional horoscopes. You can definitely start with at least small steps in this direction.

So let's go!

Erogenous zones of Aries

The most erogenous zone in Aries men counted as the head. They love a light head massage with gentle stroking of the hair. In second place are mainly lips and ears. They love kisses and light nibbles on their lobes. But you need to be able to do all this professionally, otherwise you will fail completely.

Aries women they love it when a Man caresses her ears and showers her body with passionate kisses. Start with her little ears and you will have unforgettable sex.

Erogenous zones of Taurus

For Taurus, tactile contact is important, so without touching they will not be able to start the process of foreplay. Their love language is gentle touches and passionate kisses. Their erogenous zones are the neck and ears. For this sign, these erogenous zones are sensual and mega responsive for both women and men.

Erogenous zones of Gemini

One of the most erogenous zones in Gemini (for both men and women) hands count. Especially the fingertips. A light touch to the fingers causes shivers and goosebumps throughout the body.

In Gemini men the fingertips serve as the area to be stimulated to arouse him by biting and sucking, and Gemini women should caress the space between the knuckles and the wrist with a light touch or kiss.

Erogenous zones of Cancer

Everything is very simple. Cancerians love to kiss. And if they kiss their chest, then you are already halfway to the desired goal. It is this zone that causes a surge of excitement and desire. Cancers are connoisseurs of long-term relationships and a permanent sexual partner, so if they have a spontaneous relationship, then most likely it will not bring them moral pleasure.

Erogenous zones of Lviv

We will reveal to you the secret of "taming" the Lion and the Lionesses - this is a light back massage. Smooth and gentle touches on the back work wonders, cheer up and cause passion. Don't miss your chance to "tame" the King of Beasts with one light touch.

Erogenous zones Dev

Like no other zodiac sign, Virgos are susceptible to caresses in the abdomen. And this means that you can come up with different approaches to this part of the body: kisses, wax drops, fluff, a jet of water, an ice cube and other original methods of arousal. The main thing to remember is that the more you pay attention to the Virgo's tummy, the more grateful she / he will be further.

Erogenous zones of Libra

The erogenous zone of Libra is their brain. They love to be surrounded by originality, care and attention. They are lovers of non-standard courtship. This is what causes a “slight tingle” in their lower abdomen.

In Libra Men the most erogenous place is their “fifth point”. It is the caresses of the buttocks that are the first to cause desire and attraction among the representatives of this sign.

For Libra Women the place that needs special attention is the spine. It is a light massage and gentle kisses that can give a wave of pleasure, desire and excitement to these beauties. Do not be afraid to experiment with the body of your loved ones, because by finding the “right” place, you can bestow them with an ocean of voluptuousness.

Erogenous zones of Scorpions

Scorpio Man likes light touches on the area below the abdomen. He instantly reacts to a gentle kiss, a light touch and even a barely noticeable breeze. His pride is his "weapon". The desire of women to kiss his "Dignity" is the main aspect of the success of a bright orgasm.

Scorpio woman can become your slave, if you carefully pay attention to her area below the tummy, then she will give you endless pleasure with a sea of ​​​​all kinds of additives in the form of various experiments, games and caresses.

Erogenous zones of Sagittarius

Sagittarius man he loves when a woman pays attention to his back during foreplay, and especially to his lower back and buttocks. You can use both light and passionate stroking, biting, barely noticeable touches and kisses. A Sagittarius man will go crazy from any of your touches on his lower back.

Sagittarius Woman not indifferent to head massage. A gentle touch on the skin, stroking the hair, a light head massage while taking a joint bath will show you your partner from the side from which she has not opened before. You can safely expect an avalanche of passion and excitement. So don't be afraid to try this little trick.

Erogenous zones of Capricorns

Capricorn Man goes crazy when a woman plays with his body. His partner should slowly caress his body with her touch. She can use fingertips, kisses, hair, excited nipples, tummy and other sweet parts of her body.

Capricorn Woman loves when a man plays with her tummy. Light touches and kisses of the lower abdomen cause a hurricane of passions and a volcano of emotions in the body of a Capricorn woman.

Erogenous zones of Aquarius

Aquarius Man will not remain indifferent if you caress his main male “dignity”, but believe me, a barely noticeable touch on his legs will make a splash no less. Erogenous zones Aquarius men are concentrated much lower than every woman thinks.

Aquarius Woman will not be able to resist if you lightly touch her ankle or calf. Any unplanned, barely noticeable movement will cause a response wave of passion and pleasure. If you try this trick, you won't regret it.

Erogenous zones of Pisces

Pisces Man loves to be kissed on his neck and lips. He hides from the gentle touch of his chosen one. Light touches on the neck cause a great desire for his main "dignity".

Pisces Woman feels a surge of excitement if the partner pays attention to her feet, inner thighs and lower back. Legs and lower back are her erogenous zones. Kissing and light massage is a must for any foreplay.

Regardless of who your partner is according to the sign of the Zodiac, we still suggest that you sit down with him / her one day and discuss your most secret common sexual fantasies. Perfect sex happens only if both partners completely trust each other. Open up to your companion and then in bed you will receive only pleasure and enjoyment.

Taken from here seemed interesting
Confessions of a traitor

In order to reveal all the erogenous zones of men in real life, it is necessary to have the skills of a real spy, because a mere mortal rarely succeeds in pulling such secret secrets of the stronger sex into the Light of God. Being a male traitor, I openly go over to the side of the weaker sex and, in order to be accepted into their ranks with open arms and legs, I want to leak the top secret information known to me. This infa concerns those areas of the male body that most often and best respond to the caresses of a woman during intercourse. I consider it my duty to declare that my betrayal and transfer of the secret map of male erogenous zones to the opposite sex is a deliberate act aimed at better understanding between people of different sexes in bed and out of it. I'm sure anyone in my place would have done the same if they knew where the original version of this map is. But since only I have such knowledge in full today (excuse my indiscretion), it is I who will do it for the benefit of all Humanity. Yes, maybe I won’t say anything new, but you yourself try to draw a map of your yard offhand like this - it’s unlikely that you will be able to do it in detail. Here we are talking about such a complex organism as Man, and even in the field of his nervous connections, the most complex and little studied.

No, in the usual sense of these words (medicine, psychology, anatomy) I am a complete layman, but I have seen something in my life, and since there is an ability for some analysis, I will try to explain something clearly and accessible. The stump is clear, not everyone will agree with the conclusions of such a simple guy from the Russian outback, but I really feel like a drum - let everyone, if not laziness, look for their sources to bring themselves to perfection in other places. Those who, having reached this page of my “multi-volume book” (here’s a joke) have not yet wanted to draw horns and a beard with a mustache on my photo of the title page, let them listen further, especially in the process of writing a book, more and more sexual topics appear in my head that require sensible explanations. Today it will be the erogenous zones of men - a topic that only looks simpler than a steamed turnip, but in real life it is such a complex complex mechanism that even after my chewed-chewed explanation, you will not understand everything right away, and only after a long practice you will be able to further cubate the following.

For example, you know that all the sensitivity zones of a man are divided into primary and secondary? So I did not know until I subjected myself to a thorough analysis on this topic and interrogated my friends. And what is a set of erogenous primary zones? relative arousal and absolute- you know? And that the former enter into a working state only after careful work on them or in connection with certain genetic prescriptions, and the latter work in the body of almost every male representative, do you know? Believe me, upon closer examination, everything turned out to be so confusing that I had to draw up a map of erosions in several copies, and only then bring them all together, supplementing with each new sheet what was missed in the previous one. And all this only in order to help strong-sexed comrades who are still unable to help themselves, hiding the thin strings of their soul and body until the end of their lives. Okay, good tryndet, let's study. Suddenly, it is you, the reader, who will have to carry my research to the masses, if I do not live to see...

Erogenous primary zones of a man

Erogenous primary zones are those areas of the skin, mucous membranes, and tissues of internal organs that, due to the large number of nerve endings located in them, are erotically sensitive. In real life, every man has them, but far from all sexual friends manage to find them, as well as evoke a response. What can I say, the owners of erozones themselves cannot detect them, is it worth talking about the fruitless attempts of aliens from the outside, even if they are thrice beautiful and sexy. Don't flatter yourself, I'm not a magician and I can't make you the owner of countless treasures, even if they are inscribed on the map, but give a tip on how to organize searches in the best possible way - that's welcome. And let's start, respectively, with primary or ordinary zones, which include:


Hair actually plays a protective role of the head, but only in cases where it does not concern sex. With a certain attitude, the scratching of the male head with gentle movements excites him no less than stroking the scrotum, since the head itself is literally stuffed with erogenous conclusions, and proximity to the brain also affects extraordinary reactivity. By the way, the bald head that they wear so proudly modern men, due to openness to external influences, over time, it loses the sensitivity inherent in a hairy head, like mine.


In this context, a man's eyes are not an erogenous physical zone, but rather a virtual one. Almost every man is a hidden or explicit voyeur, that is, some pictures obtained through vision have an exciting effect on him. So why not consider visual receptors akin to tactile? Something, but there is no need to educate visual receptors. It is enough to stop being ashamed of your voyeuristic inclinations and visual stimuli alone will load the brain to the very eyeballs. A man loves with his eyes only what his penis chooses. Yes, it’s gone, but he didn’t say it with a twisted soul.

No, you shouldn’t lick a man’s snotty nose at all, especially if he doesn’t breathe, then this erogenous zone does not work. The olfactory apparatus, as well as the visual one, is directly connected with important parts of the brain, therefore it is easy to distinguish sexually provocative aromas from sexually repulsive ones. Animals, for example, in sex are always guided by aromas, and we humans are not far from them in this, we just do not always find our opportunity to do so. Knowing the list of smells impressing a partner, you can easily avoid many problems associated with his sexual arousal and erection.

The hole at the bottom of the head where we put food is called the mouth. It contains an unmeasured number of nerve endings that signal the brain about the taste of food, as well as about the information content of the saliva that got into it, say, during a kiss. The mouth is the receptacle of a whole group of organs rich in erosions (lips, tongue, larynx), together with which it is able to deliver a lot of pleasure to a man. The mouth is able to contact with any organ of a bed partner, actually collecting the lion's share of exciting impulses.


Longitudinal skin folds protecting one of the gates leading into the body are called lips. Due to their mobility, elasticity and constant hydration, they can be an excellent addition to a man's sexual set, and in cases of homosexual contacts, together with the mouth and tongue, they can even really play the role of one of the genital organs. The lips also play the main part in all kinds of oral sex, such as kissing, cunnilingus and blowjobs. Nerve endings are located both on the outside of the lips and on the inside, so when properly activated, they can be extremely sensitive.


The tongue is a separate sexual organ of a man, which, when proper training able to replace not only his limbs, but also the "end" in the sense of the penis. I'm not joking at all, because this is not only my opinion. In terms of the number of nerve endings capable of delivering positive mancodes to the brain, the tongue is in no way inferior to the penis, anus or scrotum, but due to the shorter route to the sexual centers of the brain, in some cases it turns out to be preferable. This is especially true for those who leading role in sex prefers to leave for oral caresses. The undeniable advantage of the erogenous language zone is its lifelong functionality, that is, the ability to feel sex remains until death.

In relation to men, the erogenous zone of the neck is relative, therefore, its stimulation does not have the same effect on most males that is characteristic of women in a similar situation (see below). However, do not neglect such caresses. Relative erosions often have the ability to awaken with proper handling of them, moreover, in recent times many men are characterized by the activation of erogenous zones of the female direction. Yes, we're getting mad, but what else is left if the women become masculine?

The auricles can really be an erogenous zone, because they have many nerve endings. No wonder that many types of therapeutic acupressure fall on this area. These receptors give the greatest preference to contacts with the lips and tongue of the partner, while it is necessary to touch not only the inner part of the ear, but also the one behind it and under it.


The lobes of male ears are not as active as the lobes of women, but, nevertheless, there is no need to discount them. The urinary activity is checked with the usual sucking movements and light biting, while you should not be particularly active, because you can easily injure the delicate cartilage.


Underarm skin, hidden by hairline, is unusually delicate and excitable with the right approach. But since shaving the armpits of men is scrap, she is underdeveloped and rarely involved in erotic foreplay. True, modern womanizers have understood this, and depilation has long become their trademark, but most men are still able to poison cockroaches with the smell of their armpits, so this erozone is only for amateurs.


The male breast, unlike the female breast, has been in constant frictional contact with coarse tissues since childhood, while being exposed to cold, heat, wind, the sun, and other external quenchers of receptor reactivity. As a result, the erogenous chest zones of men are often underdeveloped in their perception of caresses, especially if the impact is too gentle. It is possible to educate (develop) these nerve endings, but there are few among the strong-sexed who are really concerned about this.


Although male nipples are inherently analogous to female ones, they are significantly poorer endowed with the necessary receptors. The reason is the same - oblivion of them as zones of absolute excitation. However, despite this, at certain moments of excitation, the nipples are easily connected to the general process, and then you can feel their true excitability. The main thing here is to determine the pain threshold.


Perhaps, one of the most typical zones of absolute excitation of men can be considered the lateral parts of the body from the armpits to the hips. Especially brightly feels the moment of stimulation the lower part, located under the ribs. Any gentle touch in this area provokes the appearance of goosebumps, which is an indicator not only of a sharp cooling of the body, but also of its sharp excitation. The only thing that should not be allowed when in contact with such zones is to touch them out of the right moment, because in this case everything will immediately come down to a banal tickling.


An individual erogenous male zone, which is extremely rare.

shoulder muscles

Massage of the shoulder muscles unusually relaxes a man, and if you immediately after them engage in the excitation of more sexually oriented parts of the body, the phase of sexual take-off can be significantly accelerated. But you should not be zealous with massage if you plan to continue in the form of sexual intercourse, since relaxation also affects sexual readiness.


The back is a less relaxing area than the shoulder girdle, however, its scratching or massage really orients a man to a sexual way. Despite the fact that the number of erogenous exits to the surface of the skin of the back per square centimeter is small, there are enough of these centimeters on it to gain the required number of exciting impulses.


An individual erogenous male zone, which manifests itself more often than the withers, but much less often than the lower abdomen.

Lower abdomen

As for the lower abdomen, the zone is universal and is involved in almost all representatives of the stronger sex. Nerve fibers suitable for the penis and perineum in this area have a high concentration, so the skin under the elastic band from the panties and down to the pubis is literally stuffed with sensitive receptors. In the case of abundant vegetation, the features of this zone are poorly used, but if the pubis is shaved baldly ...


It is in the perineum that not only the legs converge, but all the nerve pathways of a person, making this place between the lower extremities a concrete receptacle for erogenous endings. There is no man in the world for whom unambiguous contact with his crotch would not seem exciting. Another thing is to choose the necessary style of caresses and the degree of impact on the skin, as well as to overcome the eternal disgust regarding this place. But this has nothing to do with the number of erosion zones.


The anus and the entire area around it will hardly yield to the head of the penis in terms of excitability, and for this a man does not have to change his orientation at all. A light touch of the tongue (anilingus) on this area unusually stimulates the potency of a man, even if he is a zealous homophobe and actively rejects such types of caresses. Such a number of erogenous rashes on the surface is unlikely to be ignored even with a great desire, however, it all depends on the perseverance of the woman.


The prostate, although it is an internal organ of a man, if desired, can become a real generator of his excitation. The only problem with this bright erogenous zone is the male prejudice in this regard. Strong sexes associate any penetration into the anus as a form of homosexual intercourse, ignoring the fact that the "penetrator" is not of the same sex as him and the contact cannot be considered homosexual. Prostate massage is the only caress that can cause a male orgasm without contact with his genitals, but it is used only by lovers of this business.


Actually, the genitals are nothing but a complex of male genital organs from the penis, testicles and scrotum, in which the latter are packed. Naturally, the genitals are the main erogenous zone for the excitation of any man, since most of the ways of sexual arousal fall on them.

glans penis

The head of the penis is in no way inferior in its significance to the main head of a man, because no less number of thought processes of a strong-sexed man take place in it, even if indirectly. The number of nerve endings in her exceeds all other erogenous zones, in addition, she is a direct participant in every sexual intercourse involving a man, including homosexual ones. According to their sensitivity, the nerve endings of the heads of the penises are different, but that every man has them - definitely.

shaft of the penis

The shaft of the penis is less sensitive relative to its head, however, in terms of the totality of nerve endings of its entire surface, it may well compete with it. The most receptor-concentrated erozone is the lower part of the penis on the sides of the dividing suture, which must be taken into account during oral caresses.


Male eggs in the sac are called the scrotum and are another absolute zone of male arousal. If we take as a basis a square centimeter of the skin of the scrotum, the number of erogenous endings on it will seem not as large as, say, on the penis, however, taking into account the fact that this same skin can shrink dozens of times, it is easy to imagine what their concentration will be at the moment when the area of ​​the scrotum was reduced.


Excellent erogenous zone characteristic of both sexes equally. The ass is constantly protected from external influences, so it feels everything, always and everywhere. The only thing that needs to be considered when trying to finish with her is the force of the effect on the skin from the caress. The area of ​​the buttocks is huge, but you should not concentrate your attention on something specific. So you can lose sight of other equally sensitive areas of "appetizing men's buns."

Inner thighs

The upper inner thighs in most men are also erogenous, since the skin there is tender, and the nerve endings leading to the legs are in close proximity to the surface. These areas react to the most gentle caresses no worse than the scrotum or perineum, it is enough to act on them with your tongue or hands. And if it wasn't for the thick coarse hair...

Fingers and toes

Oral caresses of the fingers and toes of a man, as well as areas of skin between them, show that these “outgrowths of the limbs”, which are not quite typical for sexual assessment, respond quite adequately to sexual contacts with a partner. I warn you right away: this does not work for everyone and not always, but you still need to tinker with the selection of master keys for these zones, especially if a man follows the rules of hygiene and his arms and legs do not cause nausea even at the thought of looking for erogenous zones there.

The described (I mean the above) areas are kind of reserved by nature as a sexual stimulant and given to man from the very beginning. In one, they are present in single copies and often sleep soundly, in the other, they are found all together and act without ceasing. Although the latter is not typical for everyone and not always, therefore, any existing erogenous zones must be protected and developed.

Erogenous secondary (acquired in childhood) zones of a man

Secondary zones, as I hope you have already understood, are in the field of acquisitions. They complement the primary ones along the way, and can be located almost anywhere. male body. Usually a teenager, masturbating in splendid isolation, uses various objects and fantasies. At the same time, he involuntarily experiments with sensations, trying to diversify them at any cost, which is quite natural. Sooner or later, the young offspring creates the same bizarre conditions for enjoyment and at the same time often finds those same secondary erogenous zones in the most unusual places. I assure you that with this approach, you can detect and register anything in the center of pleasure, and if the experiments end successfully, the guy on his immense body will learn places that even theoretically cannot be used as erogenous zones. The stump is clear, not all of them can be used in partner sex. You can’t explain to your partner your desire to caress genitally while sitting in an ice bath, when only the skin remains from the excitement of the penis due to the fact that it is frozen like a dog. Although who knows. Suddenly, a woman is also one of these and a common language will be found.

Do you think that's all I can say about a man's erogenous zones? - You're wrong. There are many species that no one has ever thought about, much less classified. These are pseudo-erogenous zones, and wandering, and zones of extreme impact, and opening only under hypnosis, but you never know where a sexual human fantasy can lead ... But more about this decl later, because I promised to cash out the windows with plastic lining at work and this topic is currently For me, it seems more important than the fate of Mankind, which, without my knowledge, can wait for now.

Psychology of bed relations