Erogenous points in girls. Sexology

The cause of poor-quality sex may be insufficient sexual arousal. But it can be stimulated by influencing special points on a woman's body. These points are called erogenous zones. The right influence on them can bring the highest degree of pleasure. Therefore, today Estet-portal will tell you about where they are located and how to influence them.

Types of female erogenous zones

Sexologists distinguish two types of women's erogenous zones: primary and secondary. Primary erogenous zones due to the physiological structure of the body. So the most erogenous zones are the clitoris, female breasts, small lips and vagina due to the huge number of nerve endings. Of course, the stimulation of these areas brings genuine pleasure and the highest peak of sexual arousal. But men should not forget that the number of erogenous zones in women is so large and varied that it is simply not permissible to deprive them of pleasure by neglecting them and using only one or two of them.

Secondary erogenous zones are acquired and very individual areas of the body, the impact on which causes sexual arousal in women.

Stimulation of erogenous zones

It can be eyelids and whiskey, gentle kisses of which can evoke a voluptuous feeling. It could be the ears. After all, it is not for nothing that they say that women love with their ears. A gentle touch of the lips or a light biting will cause the female body to tremble. The neck and shoulders are ready to receive more passionate kisses and nibbles. Then you can smoothly descend to the stomach and navel, here you can already connect your tongue and hands, but remember that many are afraid of being tickled, so do not overdo it.

Do not rush to move on to the stimulation of the genitals, pay attention to the area from the navel and below, because the sweet expectation sometimes excites more than the actions themselves. Do not forget about the buttocks - this is the strongest erogenous zone for many women. Here, each woman has her own preferences, but it is better to start with gentle caresses, eventually moving on to more active ones. Also erogenous zones are the legs and feet. Care must be taken in this area, as some women associate this area with dirt and may be disgusting.

As it becomes clear from the foregoing, female erogenous zones are very individual, as well as individual reactions to various influences on them. creative work men - to find, identify them. BUT female body It will tell you exactly which activities bring the greatest pleasure. But, of course, a woman can help a man by directing him to his most sensitive areas.

Causes of changes in the sensitivity of erogenous zones

I also wanted to draw the attention of readers to the fact that female erogenous zones are very changeable and capricious. They can change after significant events in a woman's life, such as menstruation, childbirth, breastfeeding, menopause. They even change when changing partners. What gave pleasure only from touching a part of the body by one man may not turn on at all or even cause disgust with another. It has been proven that the sensitivity of erogenous zones directly depends on the psychosocial state of a woman. So, if a woman is tired or worried about something, or she is irritated, or she doesn’t like or strains the surrounding atmosphere (smell, sounds, children, parents behind the wall, etc.), then no matter how much the man tries, and no matter how pleasing her erogenous zones, it is unlikely that she will receive complete sexual arousal, and even more so, satisfaction.

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There are a lot of erogenous zones on a woman's body, and it is better to start the search from the very top. Stimulation of hair, or rather, hair follicles, can be very pleasant for you. Strands can be pulled, sorted, twisted between the fingers. The head massage will also be exciting. Just rest your head on a man's lap while he sits on the couch reading a book or watching a movie, and an innocent play with your hair can turn into a passionate foreplay.


Surprisingly, the eyelids are the most powerful female erogenous zone, as many nerve endings are concentrated in them. Gentle kisses in this area and stroking will be pleasant to you. Let your partner pave the path of kisses from the outer corner of the eye to the temple - a slight stimulation of this area will bring you a lot of pleasure.


Women love with their ears, and this phrase does not mean only compliments whispered by a man. The auricles themselves are quite sensitive, especially the area behind them. Light biting, stroking, kissing and even "scratching behind the ear" your body will take with a bang. Of course, all this can be accompanied by whispering spicy details of your future pastime.

There is a version that women began to wear earrings precisely in order to draw the attention of men to this delicate part of the body.

Neck, shoulders and area between the shoulder blades

Usually men pay due attention to the neck, especially its back, as well as the shoulders of their girlfriends. Massage is a fairly common prelude to sex, it helps to relax, forget about everyday worries, start feeling your body and prepare for even more pleasure. However, not all representatives of the stronger sex are aware of the sensitivity of the area between the shoulder blades. Pay attention to the representatives of the cat family: during mating, the cat holds the cat tightly in this particular place. Girls don't need to be held tight, but light bites between the shoulder blades may please you.


Most women like to feel fragile and defenseless, being in the ring of strong male hands. Ask your partner to put their arms around your waist while they caress your neck or kiss you with their lips. Also, a man can pay attention to the navel, make light stroking movements with his hand, moving to the pubic bone and back. This has a strong stimulating effect.


The buttocks are one of the most powerful female erogenous zones, but they need a smooth approach. A man should start with gentle caresses: stroking, biting, lightly squeezing the buttocks. After the girl warms up, you can bring in the heavy artillery: strong compression and spanking.

Particular attention should be paid to the hollow between the buttocks - this is an incredibly sensitive place.

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The area below the knee

In the area under the knee, thin and sensitive skin, so this area is very responsive to caresses. However, before advising this to a man, try this method of stimulation on yourself. For some of the fair sex, stroking under the knee can cause an attack of laughter from being tickled.


For some women, this causes a feeling of disgust, while others, on the contrary, really like it when a man caresses their feet. To make you feel comfortable during this practice, it can be combined with an aromatic foot bath followed by a foot massage performed by a loved one. After stimulating the feet with his hands, the man will be able to repeat the same actions with his tongue and lips.


The pubic area is very sensitive to caresses and needs to be stimulated separately from the genitals. A man can move from the navel to the pubis and vice versa. The partners of those ladies who leave vegetation on the pubis can please the woman by lightly pulling her hair, while the rest will have to be content with kisses and strokes.

Inner thighs

The inner thigh is the last area to be stimulated just before moving on to the genitals. A man can alternate between light finger slapping and kissing without touching the clitoris and vulva. Such caresses will finally excite his partner.


Almost everyone modern man after a long search according to the schemes given in men's magazines and encyclopedias, I found out that a woman has a clitoris, and its stimulation gives the beautiful half of humanity great pleasure, which can end in an orgasm. If this organ is very sensitive for you, warn your partner to be careful during caresses, otherwise the foreplay may end without going directly to sex. The last bastion is the labia. After stimulating this area, the blood will rush even more to the groin, and it will be possible to move on to the main dish.

Which zones are the most sensitive: male and female erogenous zones

It is unlikely that anyone will deny that obsession with anything can lead to success. This applies to all areas human life, including the sexual sphere.

AT last years, in connection with sexual emancipation, as well as savoring this topic in all means mass media there is, frankly, not always a healthy interest in the so-called erogenous zones - the cherished areas on the body of each person that can make him or her feel literally unearthly pleasure and happiness.

Everyone has heard about these zones, and almost everyone says the same thing: there are traditional erogenous zones, when touched, we simply have to experience sexual arousal. If we do not experience it, or experience it from touches in completely different places, then we begin to consider ourselves sexually cold, or, on the contrary, almost perverts.

Who and when came up with the idea that erogenous zones should be there and there? Such a narrow approach can have rather deep cultural and social roots, when for some reason a person's sexual life is sharply separated from other areas: communication, work, hobby, etc. It turns out that a person is divided into two halves, one of which can afford to be sexual, and for the second it is at least indecent.

What are erogenous zones

What are these zones about which so much is said and written?

Erogenous zones are called areas of our body, which are distinguished by a special, increased sensitivity and susceptibility compared to other areas, since they have many nerve endings.

How many such areas can be on the human body? Yes, as much as you like, and in the most unexpected, "non-traditional" places, which are not written about in any popular science literature. Experts believe that women have more such zones than men - on average, of course, because you can’t bring everyone to a common denominator.

Erogenous zones are also able to arise under the influence of many factors, individual for each person, and then disappear in an incomprehensible place. In general, the sensitivity of these zones depends on the perception of the partner, age, health, temperament and well-being, weather, the influence of the situation - you can list for a long time. Sexologists have noticed that a positive and pleasant sexual experience increases the number of erogenous zones on the body, and a negative one can simply “freeze” them, or turn them off altogether.

What are the most sensitive zones: male and female erogenous zones

In fact, everyone has already learned them by heart: in a woman, the head of the clitoris is considered the main erogenous zone, and in men, the head of the penis. Other "traditional" zones: lips, tongue, earlobes, neck, back of the head, chest, armpits, waist, groin area, knees, inner thighs and toes. Of course, the sensitivity of these zones in different people is very different: someone needs a light touch or even a breath, while someone needs more persistent caresses.

For many men, the erogenous zone is the scrotum, chest, back, buttocks and abdomen. Special place occupies the anus - it turns out that if you caress it with a fingertip or tongue, you can deliver a man with incomparable sensations in strength.

Men know everything about female erogenous zones - that's what they think. Of course, almost all men are accustomed to the fact that in women the sensitive areas are the clitoris, vagina and breasts (nipples), and then the ears, neck and groin area, but that you need to pay attention to the back between the shoulder blades, back of the neck and feet legs, not everyone knows.

It is much more interesting to learn about where the "non-traditional" erogenous zones may be. Amazing Facts, noticed by some sexologists, talk about a female orgasm when stroking some points of the eyebrows or touching the teeth. It is hardly possible to know about such zones in advance, and it makes no sense to look for them specifically. You can only find such zones by a lucky chance, if you're lucky.

There are also especially coveted areas that very few have been able to find. For example, the G-spot, located on the front wall of the vagina, has long been the object of desire for many men. It is believed that if you find this point correctly and stimulate it with your fingers, you can make a woman experience an orgasm of incredible strength. Scientists explain the phenomenal properties of this point by the fact that it was conceived by nature to facilitate childbirth and reduce pain.

Another point is below the clitoris, about 2.5 cm (is it really the same for everyone?). It's called the U-spot, and it's supposed to be stimulated, even mildly, to produce a frenzied orgasm. It sounds a little ominous though...

Unraveling the mysteries of nature, especially the sexual nature of man, is generally a thankless task. For example, women's legs below the knees can be caressed and stroked as much as you like, but sexual fantasies do not even arise. And another time, purely by chance, touching this place, you can cause strong excitement and desire. What can I say, solid riddles and secrets ...

In general, every part of the body can be an erogenous zone. And everything agrees that the main erogenous zone, so to speak, is in our brain. If you don't like touch, then it is the brain that sends such information, having received it from the nerve endings. And we respond to these signals by expressing certain feelings and emotions.

Are the erogenous zones turned off at this time? Of course not. It’s just that we experience emotions that are not conducive to the perception of pleasant sensations. That is why it can be difficult to find an approach, even if the partners have been together for many years and love each other.

You should not always believe the so-called maps of erogenous zones: after all, each person is a separate, unique and interesting world, and although everyone has receptors in a very similar way, each one reacts to the same touch in his own way.

Sensitivity and character

Psychologists claim that a person's sexual perception can be used to judge his character, tastes and preferences. What can you say about a woman who likes to caress her neck? She is a sensual and sophisticated person, likes to do everything slowly, and sometimes prefers loneliness to noisy companies.

If a woman likes to be touched in the waist area, then she is most likely athletic, loves dancing and parties, and in general can behave unpredictably.

Ladies who are turned on by touching their arms and hands are very rational and thoughtful. They think a lot and weigh different options before making any decision. By the way, such ladies make decisions not on the basis of feelings, but are guided by reason. As a rule, these women are of great interest to most men.

Sensitive hips indicate that a woman is unlikely to stop until she reaches her desired goal. Such ladies are called fatal, there are always a lot of men around them, but they are looking for the strongest and most purposeful - to match themselves.

Men's sexual perception also has not escaped psychological interpretation. So, about men whose erogenous zone is the chest, experts say that they are calm and kind, like to fantasize, and if you wish, you can live happily ever after with such a man all your life.

Those who love it when they caress their neck are romantic and dreamy natures. Living in a hut can seem like paradise to them, if there is an appropriate mood for this, and their sexuality can be simply amazing, although it is hidden deep enough.

Men with a sensitive back are pragmatists, they calculate everything and set realistic goals. They can be very fond of their work - work or hobby. Such men think that they do not like various “female things”, but most often they fall for them.

The one whose sensitive area is the legs is most likely courageous and strong. Courage in making decisions and responsibility are his qualities of character. Such men like fragile and tender girlfriends who can be protected and taken care of in every possible way.

Wise nature distributed erogenous zones not just like that, but with a meaning, which is not always easy to find. Therefore, do not get tired of studying your loved ones, discovering new sweet secrets - day and night, winter and summer, alone and in a noisy company. Sometimes an accidental touch on the neck or knee can open up such amazing sensations that you had no idea about before.

Be happy, and don't get hung up on the number of orgasms and the location of your erogenous zones. After all, even your own sexuality can be a happy secret to yourself ...

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