Library "House of A. Losev" in Education

March 1, at 18.00, Friday
An evening of piano music

Honored Artist of Russia, Professor of the Moscow Conservatory Mikhail Petukhov (piano). Program: Schumann, Wagner - Liszt, Tchaikovsky - Rachmaninov and others.

March 4 at 18.00, Monday
To the 210th anniversary of the birth of F.I. Tyutchev. "Key flowing in the darkness"

Soloists of the Moscow Musical Theater "Helikon-Opera" Elizaveta Chudovskaya (soprano), Alexandra Kovalevich (mezzo-soprano), Dmitry Khromov (tenor), Sergei Chechetko (piano) perform. Program: Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninov, Medtner, Viardo-Garcia.

March 11 at 18.00, Monday
THE WAY TO FAITH. A series of lectures on the history of the Orthodox Church

Is reading Artemy Safyan. "The Theology and Exegesis of John the Evangelist".

March 12 at 18.00, Tuesday
Book presentation

Introducing the series "Philosophy of Russia in the First Half of the 20th Century". Volume "B.V. Yakovenko. The authors of the collection are speaking.

March 14 at 18.00, Thursday
Seminar "Preclassical Science"

The "general science" project in Leibniz's early philosophy. Report by N.A. Osminskaya (NRU-HSE).

March 15, from 19.00 to 20.45, Friday

"Puzzles: Formal or Intuitive?" The lesson is paid.

March 18 at 18.00, Monday
To the 120th anniversary of the birth of A.F. Losev. To the 140th anniversary of the birth of S.V. Rachmaninoff

Moscow musical theater "Amadeus", artistic director O.V. Mitrofanov. Musical performance "The house named SENAR: music and legends".

March 19, at 18.00, Tuesday
Seminar “Creative heritage of A.F. Losev: problems and prospects»

Report by K.V. Zenkin (MGK named after P.I. Tchaikovsky) “The work of Richard Wagner in the assessments and interpretations of A.F. Losev".

March 21 at 18.00, Thursday
Seminar "Russian Philosophy"

Report by S.A. Lishaeva (Samara State Administration) "Space and time in aesthetic experience: from the contemplation of beautiful forms to the aesthetics of becoming".

March 22, from 19.00 to 20.45, Friday

Inventor K.P. Grebnev invites you to the world of mechanical puzzles. Theme of the evening: "Puzzles: the limits of what is achievable" The lesson is paid.

March 26 at 18.00, Tuesday
"Russian Philosophy: Ideas and Faces"
March 28 at 18.00, Thursday
International festival "Russia-Germany"

Belcanto Foundation. Einar Steen-Nockleberg (Norway, piano), Honored Artist of Russia Alexander Zagorinsky (cello). Program: Brahms, Mendelssohn.

All concerts start at 18.00. Entrance to concerts is by invitation only, which can be obtained 30 minutes before the start of the concert on the 1st floor of the Library.
In addition, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that from January 2012 for attending any events library card required. Please sign up for the Library in advance.

The library has an exhibition of books and illustrations

"To the 400th anniversary of the royal house of the Romanovs: a dynasty in the history of culture"

Library of the History of Russian Philosophy and Culture “A.F. Losev" - yesterday, today, tomorrow

The building of the Library “House of A.F. Losev” is a historical and cultural monument of the 19th century. Library “House of A.F. Losev” is a library-museum that performs a memorial function related to the life and work of the outstanding thinker A.F. Losev. A serious memorial exposition dedicated to the history of the development of philosophical thought in Russia. Russian philosophy is presented in documents and portraits of great Russian philosophers.

The outstanding Russian philosopher, Doctor of Philology Alexei Fedorovich Losev was born on September 10, 1893 (according to the old style) in the city of Novocherkassk. From his student years (since 1911) he attended meetings of the Religious and Philosophical Society in memory of Vl. Solovyov. In 1915 he graduated from the Faculty of History and Philology of Moscow University. In 1917, he took an active part in the meetings of the Free Academy of Spiritual Culture, whose members gathered in the apartment of the religious thinker N.A. Berdyaev. In the 1920s, Losev wrote: “The Philosophy of the Name” (1927), “Ancient Space and Modern Science” (1927), “Dialectics art form"(1927), "Music as a subject of logic" (1927), "Dialectics of myth" (1930).

1930-1933 Alexei Losev was repressed as a result of "smuggling" inserts in the book "Dialectics of Myth" and sympathy for imyaslavie, exiled to the construction of the White Sea Canal. A.M. Gorky, who visited the White Sea Canal, in a gift edition of a book published for members of the party nomenclature and the top of the NKVD, calmly described the hard labor of the builders - how they ate, what they dressed in and how many hundreds per day died from unbearable conditions. Alexei Losev was lucky - half-blind, he returned from the construction site of the century.

Since 1944 he was a professor at the Moscow State Pedagogical Institute named after V.I. Lenin. The main themes of later works are research ancient culture, philosophy, mythology, aesthetics (a monumental work in 8 volumes). He translated Aristotle, Plotinus, Proclus, Nicholas of Cusa. Edited and commented on Plato's writings. Alexey Fedorovich lived 95 years, of which 50 years of his life were spent in house number 33 on the Arbat, where from 1941 until his death in 1988 he lived and worked in apartment number 20.

On April 18, 1990, through the efforts of his wife and colleague A.F. Losev, Doctor of Philology, Honored Professor of Moscow State University, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation - Aza Alibekovna Takho-Godi, the Losevsky Conversations Cultural and Educational Society was created, one of the goals of which was the creation of the Library of the History of Russian Philosophy and Culture on the Arbat, in a house where the great philosopher of the "Silver Age" lived for the last 50 years. This idea was warmly supported by the Moscow scientific community and foreign scientists. In December 2000, the Library of the History of Russian Philosophy and Culture “A.F. Losev”, on the third floor of which there is a memorial book collection of A.F. Losev and A.A. Tahoe-Godi.

On September 23, 2004, on the birthday of Alexei Fedorovich Losev (according to the new style), the official opening of the State Library of the History of Russian Philosophy and Culture “A.F. Losev. A memorial plaque was installed on house number 33. In the courtyard of the house on September 23, 2006, a monument to A.F. Losev by the sculptor Vasily Vasilyevich Gerasimov.

Cultural Center Library of the History of Russian Philosophy and Culture “A.F. Losev"

Where is (address)
119002, Moscow, Arbat street, 33/12, building 1

Nearest metro stations
metro station Arbatskaya, Arbatsko-Pokrovskaya line,
metro station Arbatskaya, Filevskaya line,
Smolenskaya metro station, Arbatsko-Pokrovskaya line

How to get from the nearest metro stations
House of A.F. Losev is located on Arbat street at the equidistant
distance from the metro station "Smolenskaya" Arbatsko-Pokrovskaya
lines and stations of the Arbatskaya metro station.
If you go from the Arbatskaya metro station (any), you must
go through the underground passage near the cinema "Khudozhestvenny"
to the restaurant "Prague", go around it on the left, and passing along Arbat street
about 200 meters, on the left we will find the desired house.
If you go from the Smolenskaya metro station
(Arbatsko-Pokrovskaya line), leaving the ground pavilion
turn right, go out onto Arbat street, and after 5 minutes
We will be at the door of the Losev House.

Days and hours of work

From September 1 to June 30, the Library is open:
Monday-Friday from 12.00 to 20.00,
on Saturday - from 12.00 to 18.00,
Sunday is a day off.

From July 1 to August 31, the Library is open:

Saturday and Sunday are days off.
The last Friday of every month is a sanitary day.
The memorial exposition is open:
Monday-Friday from 12.00 to 19.00,
on Saturday - from 12.00 to 17.00.

The whole world appears to be last years shows an increased interest in Russian philosophers. By the way, none of them has monuments not only in Moscow, but throughout Russia, with the exception of one - on Arbat, 33, where the great Russian thinker Alexei Fedorovich Losev lived from 1941 to 1988, the author of grandiose studies on antiquity, an interpreter and commentator on Plato, Aristotle, Proclus, and other prominent philosophers. And this monument is not the usual bronze monument, but a whole cultural and scientific complex "Losev's House".

Losev's House is the center of contemporary Russian philosophy. A memorial exposition dedicated to the life and work of the scientist, known and revered throughout the world, has been opened here.

A divine gift, multiplied by incredible capacity for work and discipline, was given to Alexei Fedorovich from birth, and, if we draw parallels, just as Pushkin could not stop writing poetry, so he could not stop the work of a powerful thought for a day. Philosophy, philology, linguistics, psychology, pedagogy - this is an incomplete range of areas of science where A.F. Losev achieved outstanding results. Can we name a philosopher of music equal to him!

Tour of the memorial apartment, conducted by researcher S.N. Gerasimov, made an indelible impression. Particularly surprising is the fact that during the period of imprisonment in the camp in the 30s, Alexei Fedorovich composed all his future scientific works, without putting it on paper, he kept everything in his head.

The lines formed into sentences. The proposals were formed into chapters. Chapters are in books.

This is what strikes me to the depths of my soul: the probability of ever being released from Stalin's dungeons is minimal. But the scientist, by that time practically blind due to the unbearable conditions of hard labor at the construction of the White Sea-Baltic Canal, does not stop creative mental activity for a minute! But these were not documentary or literary texts, but scientific research, which were subsequently recorded from memory and published. By the way, many of the works of A.F. Losev remained banned literally until recently.

In addition to the memorial apartment, the Losev House has a library of the history of Russian philosophy and culture, a music library, an archive, rooms for exhibitions and a meeting room. Researchers are doing a lot of work to prepare for printing the manuscripts of the Losev archive, as well as the manuscripts returned from the Lubyanka archive.

A wonderful marvel - thousands of books of the 18-19th century that are in the public domain (almost the only place in the country where this is possible!). About a hundred of them contain artifacts: marginal notes or bookplates famous people, library stamps. "ELEPHANT" - stands on one of them. In its usual form, pleasant to the ear, in the form of an abbreviation, this word has an ominous meaning - the Solovetsky Special Purpose Camp.

The unique scientific center hosts various seminars and a musical lounge. The library regularly publishes the Bulletin, its website reflects its versatile activities, and on May 17, a mobile audio guide was presented, allowing you to virtually get acquainted with the exhibits of the museum and the sights of the Arbat and the Arbat region.

But the main rarity of this wonderful house is A. A. Takho-Godi, a faithful friend and comrade-in-arms of the scientist, the keeper of his heritage, and to this day living in an apartment on the second floor of house number 33. During the life of Alexei Fedorovich and after his death, Aza Alibekovna did and does everything (in his 90s!) to preserve and promote his heritage.

On the ninth day after the funeral of A.F. Loseva revealed Aza Alibekovna a big secret - since 1929, the scientist was a monk (that's where his unchanging hat came from), and he especially honored Saints Cyril and Methodius. He died on their day, May 24, in the year of the Millennium of the Baptism of Rus', and he predicted the date of his death two months before his death.

Apart from scientific papers Alexey Fedorovich also wrote works of art: stories, novellas, novels and poems.

* * *
I had two engagements
I was the groom for two brides.
Maybe both golden vestments
I have stained my madness with sin.

But my two bright brides
Were gentle and good
That they hugged and together
Saved me the truth of the soul.

I came beside them, just as young
As it was, to this gray hair,
What else touches the strings,
What else I worship spring.

And one gave me in my children
Father's unspeakable joy
And the other - living in the centuries
Thought and wisdom and life without end.


State Cultural Institution of the City of Moscow Library of the History of Russian Philosophy and Culture “A.F. Losev"

Alexey Fedorovich Losev
(11/23.09.1893 - 24.05.1988)
On September 23, 2004, on the birthday of the outstanding Russian thinker Alexei Fedorovich Losev (1893 - 1988), the Library of the History of Russian Philosophy and Culture "A.F. Losev's House" was opened in the very center of old Moscow on Arbat Street at 33. The library was established on the basis of the Decree of the Government of Moscow dated December 26, 2000 and the order of the Committee for Culture of Moscow dated January 26, 2001 "On the establishment of the state cultural institution" Library of the History of Russian Philosophy and Culture "A.F. Losev's House". The initiators of the creation of the Library are the Losevsky Conversations Cultural and Educational Society and the Department of Culture of the Central Administrative District of Moscow.

History pages.
The building where the Library is located is a historical and cultural monument of the 19th century. Previously, this place was the possession of the Chaadaevs. Later - the princes Golitsyn, Kokoshin. After the fire of 1812, by order of the new landowner M.I. Lopyrevsky in 1869, a three-story house was built (designed by architect I. Ya Bykovtsev). Until 1917, the house had a maternity hospital and shops, then living quarters, editorial offices of scientific journals.

The great Russian philosopher, educator, esthetician, expert in the field of ancient culture, theologian and scientist Alexei Fedorovich Losev lived here from 1941 to 1988. Now this old building on the Arbat has been overhauled, and all the conditions for thoughtful work have been created in the cozy interiors of the reading rooms over the book.

About the Library.
"The House of A.F. Losev" is an amazing place. Firstly, it is the Library-Museum. There is a serious exposition dedicated to the history of the development of philosophical thought in Russia. Climbing the marble stairs to the reading room, the reader will be able to see the portraits of great philosophers brought together, and in a small cozy conference room, the whole history of philosophical thought in Russia is represented in faces

On September 23, 2006, a memorial exposition dedicated to A.F. Losev was opened in the Library, and a bust of the philosopher, made by the Honored Art Worker of Russia, sculptor V.V. Gerasimov. The memorial exposition, which reflects the main stages of Losev's creative biography, presents his personal belongings, his books published in Russia and abroad, photographs, and documents. Here you can also see newsreel footage depicting a philosopher reflecting on the meaning of human being. The unique map "Philosophical Arbat" is intended to remind those Russian thinkers whose life and work are closely connected with the Arbat.

Library Foundation.
The main treasure of the Library was the collection of books by A.F. Losev, which was donated to the “House of A.F. Losev, the widow of a scientist, Honored Professor of Moscow State University Aza Alibekovna Takho-Godi, a student and heiress of the philosopher. This is about 11,000 volumes of the most valuable collection, which includes books on philosophy and history, culture and psychology, linguistics and astronomy, mathematics and literature - in Russian, many European and ancient languages. It is unlikely that there will be another library in Moscow that has such priceless rarities as, for example, "History" by Cornelius Tacitus of 1807 edition, "Odyssey" by Homer of 1840 edition, complete works
I. Kant, “The Cabinet of Philosophy” of 1782 edition, translated from the ancient Greek language, as well as many other antiquarian publications of the 18th-19th and early 20th centuries. There are many books in the fund with dedicatory inscriptions, with notes of famous scientists and philosophers. And, of course, all editions of the works of A.F. Losev. All of them are located in the "Losevsky" (scientific) reading room, intended for scientists, teachers and graduate students.

Common reading room and media library
The funds of the common reading room and media library contain all the latest publications and CDs on philosophy, history, cultural studies, religious studies, art history, philology, and local history.

There are books from personal collections of famous scientists, encyclopedias, reference books, dictionaries, periodicals. In the halls - modern computers with Internet access. The electronic catalog will allow you to quickly find and order books, see images of title pages and tables of contents. Anyone can come here. For those who do not yet know how to use a computer, an experienced consultant will help. In the media library, you can listen to audio books and music, make virtual tours, use electronic encyclopedias and educational programs that are unique in terms of information content. You can also get access to all catalogs and become our reader through the library's website

Cultural and scientific life.
From the first days of its existence, the House of A.F. Losev" becomes a significant cultural and educational center of the Old Arbat. The library is doing a lot of work on the study of the heritage of Alexei Fedorovich Losev and Russian thinkers of the 19th and 20th centuries. It hosts cycles of regular philosophical seminars and meetings with researchers, meetings of the scientific seminar "Russian Philosophy (traditions and modernity)", international scientific conferences and "Losev Readings", meetings of the "Green Lamp of the Arbat" club, Moscow Philosophical Library Evenings, book presentations, exhibitions , classical music concerts
and much more. Employees of academic institutions, universities and museums, descendants of famous philosophers and scientists, speak to the audience. Excursions for new readers, lectures and quizzes for youth have become a tradition. The Library publishes its own Bulletin. On its pages, as well as on the website of the library, you can read about the cultural life of the “House of A.F. Losev.

Our readers.
The library accepts scientists and teachers, students and lovers of philosophy, politicians and cultural and art figures, residents of the Arbat, Moscow and other cities and countries. We invite everyone who is interested in Russian and foreign philosophy, world history, problems of language and linguistics, psychology and all the wealth of humanitarian knowledge.
The Library of the History of Russian Philosophy and Culture "The House of A.F. Losev" has become one of the best cultural and intellectual centers of the capital, rallied around itself well-known representatives of modern philosophical, scientific, cultural and Orthodox thought.

“House of A.F. Losev" - the only one in Russia
public specialized philosophical library.

Losev library address: Moscow, Arbat, 33 - in the building, which is a monument of history and culture of Moscow, A.F. lived in it. Losev for almost fifty years, from 1941 to 1988.

On September 23, 2004, the Library was opened to readers. It contains the 11,000th memorial book collection of the philosopher, handed over by the student and heir of A.F. Loseva - A.A. Tahoe-Godi. Today it is available not only to Muscovites, but also to residents of Russia and abroad. Over 150,000 users visited the Library "A.F. Losev's House" during its operation.

Library Dom A.F. Losev performs a memorial function associated with the life and work of the outstanding Russian thinker A.F. Losev and conducts cultural and educational work (holding conferences, seminars, exhibitions, public lectures, evenings, tours of the memorial exposition dedicated to A.F. Losev, and other events that contribute to the study and promotion of Russian philosophical thought and culture). September 23, 2006 in the courtyard of the library with the participation of the prefect of the Central Administrative District S.L. Baidakov, a monument to A.F. Losev.

The Library "House of A.F. Losev" provides information and library, leisure, cultural and educational services for the population of the capital and residents of the Central Administrative District, including in a virtual format.

The exposition “I was exiled in the 20th century”, dedicated to A.F. Losev, “Works and Days of the House of Losev”, thematic exposition “Russian philosophy in the collection of A.F. Losev”. The library has a portrait gallery of Russian philosophers - "Philosophical Stairs".

The library's reading rooms provide free access to:

Memorial book collection of A.F. Losev;
continuously updated thematic collection of literature and media resources on philosophy, history, cultural studies, religious studies, art history and other humanities;
the latest scientific periodicals, popular newspapers and magazines;
a system of electronic catalogs reflecting the entire library fund;
a full-text database of publications from journals in the humanities and social sciences since 2000 "EastView";
electronic database of dissertations of the RSL;
to their own media resources created for events held at the Library.

Library staff prepared the map "Philosophical Arbat", which is now exhibited in the library, and on the basis of which a route and walking tours along the Arbat have been developed.

With the active assistance of the Prefecture of the Central Administrative District, as part of the preservation of cultural heritage, the library carried out the restoration of rare books from the collection of A.F. Losev, which are now available to all library visitors in the Losevsky Scientific Reading Room.

The library conducts:

Chamber concerts of classical music, the Musical Lounge of the Losev House;
lectures on the history of world culture and philosophy;
philosophical seminars (“Russian philosophy”, “A.F. Losev's creative heritage. Problems and prospects”, etc.);
conferences, promotions, festivals;
book presentations, meetings with researchers and publishers;
lecture hall "Russian Philosophy in Dates and Persons";
consultations scientific staff on issues related to the selection of literature about the life and work of A.F. Losev;
introductory excursions through the halls of the Library;
tours of the memorial exposition;
tours of historical places Arbat: "Arbat of 1812", "Philosophical Arbat", etc.;
live webcasts of the most interesting events to expand the audience.

Arbat, 33 is the only public specialized philosophical library House of A.F. Losev - scientific, memorial and educational Intellect Center. The Library has a general and scientific Losevsky reading room, where readers are provided not only with books available in our fund, but also with Internet access to scientific periodicals, catalogs and texts of books located in the largest libraries in Russia and foreign countries.

Library them. Loseva - public, free, specialized. Any person from the age of fourteen can come to us, regardless of the place of his registration and citizenship, at the same time she has a fund of scientific literature, works with specialists in the field of the humanities, the scientific elite of the city, Russia and the world. The scientific nature of the library is in the features of the composition of the fund. A huge amount of special literature is collected here, and it is this that is the basis of the collection of A.F. Losev. Today's staffing has retained the same principles that were laid down by Alexei Fedorovich Losev.

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