How to use fountains for good feng shui. Home fountains in feng shui - how to choose and activate to attract well-being Is the fountain appropriate in the trading floor

The fountain is the most powerful feng shui activator. On the one hand, this is good, because installing a fountain can bring very quick results and help us get what we want. But on the other hand, just as a fountain can activate good energies, it can also activate bad ones. Therefore, you need to be very careful with it.

Very often in books about pop feng shui there are articles that you need to put a fountain in the southeast, because this is the sector of wealth, and you will be happy. Only now, after performing this activation, a huge number of people began to have serious problems. Why? Yes, because each house is unique, and each house has its own energy, and it’s not a fact that everything is fine in your southeast. And if you have, for example, natal chart there are 2-5 stars there (these are the worst energies), and you turn on the fountain for a long time - then you are guaranteed problems!

Let's discuss how to use fountains correctly so as not to bring problems on your head.

First, to install it, you need to choose a good day and hour. It is important. After all, when we turn it on, we capture and multiply those energies that dominated at that moment. If they are bad - you understand.

Secondly, after installation, the fountain cannot be turned off. Of course, we are talking about long-term formulas, for example, about the activation of flying stars. He must constantly work. And many make mistakes: first they put the fountain on, and then turn it off when they go to work, then turn it on again. It is not right.

The moment you turn off the fountain, the activation ends. And for the next activation, you will also need to choose a good day and a good hour.

Thirdly, it is extremely important to choose the right fountain. And the main condition - the water in the fountain must flow in ONE direction! And in most fountains that are sold, water flows in different directions as in the photo below:

Ideally, she would generally just beat up with a fountain. By the way, instead of a fountain, you can buy a pump for aquariums at any pet store. Take an ordinary jar of water, insert a pump there and here's a fountain for you.

In the traditional teachings of Feng Shui, water is the source vital energy Shi. Therefore, a waterfall, fountain or aquarium can serve as an ideal reservoir for living water, which will bring health, well-being and happiness into your home.

The murmur of water will not only have a calming effect on your psychological state, but will also improve the air in the room. Flowing water is soothing, it is good to look at it during relaxation, meditation, as well as rest after a hard day's work.

It is especially relevant to have fountains and waterfalls in urban apartments, which are made mainly of concrete and plastic. After all, in such rooms, energy imbalance very often reigns. A fountain, waterfall, or even a picture of water will help restore the balance between Yin and Yang.

Feng Shui fountain: which one to choose

If you decide to put a fountain in your apartment or house, then first you must decide on its shape and the pressure of the jet. The jet of water in the fountain must certainly beat up, while it can be of any height and force of ejection.

Fountains are both desktop and floor, in the form of bowls, columns or various compositions. Therefore, choosing the shape of the fountain, be guided only by your tastes and preferences.

Some decorative fountain firms sometimes let the customer choose the decorative elements and fountain stands. This is very convenient because you can choose the height and shape of the fountain yourself.

If for some reason you do not want to have a fountain at home, then you can replace it with a beautiful waterfall with crystal clear water.

Which waterfall to choose

The shape and height of the waterfall, as well as the fountain, choose based on your preferences. But the stronger the noise and the more powerful the flow of water, the more spectacular the waterfall will look. But even small, quietly murmuring waterfalls have the same calming effect as large waterfalls.

The film of water also looks elegant. It not only adds elegance to the interior, but is also a very good air humidifier.

And if you want something new and unusual, then get a waterfall in the form of rain jets. It can be of any height and width.

But if the room is not very large, then it is better to purchase a small waterfall, otherwise a large amount of water in a small room can lead to energy imbalance.

Feng Shui Aquarium: which one to choose

In China and many Asian countries, fish tanks are the most popular. They can be seen in almost every house in the southeast sector. Aquariums with fish are a symbol of not only living water, but also well-being, wealth and prosperity. Wherein great importance has the color and number of fish. The best option is when one black fish and eight gold fish live in an aquarium.

Unlike fountains and waterfalls, an aquarium must be a certain width and height. Since the aquarium is supposed to bring power and wealth to the home, the appropriate size for an aquarium is: 38 cm high, 38 cm long, and the width of the ideal feng shui aquarium is 26 cm.

The size and inhabitants of the aquarium, of course, are of great importance, but that's not all. You also need to choose the shape and place where the aquarium will be located. It is best to put the aquarium in the aisle, so you can constantly see it. Just don't put it in front of a toilet or front door, otherwise all your luck will go down the drain or into the street. As for the shape of the aquarium, it can be anything, but not triangular.

In ancient China, there was a legend about how carps swam up the river, overcoming the rapids, and those of them that could not cope with the course became dragons. Since that time, the Chinese consider fish a symbol of determination and perseverance. And therefore, if you decide to start a fish, then in the aquarium it is worth putting a device that will create a current, and an apparatus that will saturate the water with oxygen.

Where should the decorative pond be located

A fountain, waterfall or an image of a reservoir should be located on the left side of the front door (if you are facing it), if you put the reservoir on the other side of the front door, then it will begin to attract not only prosperity and happiness to the house, but also other women to to your husband. It used to be believed in China that successful man must have a large number of concubines. But in our time, the loving nature of a man can destroy a family.

Feng Shui Expert Tips

Remember that if your element is fire, then you should not abuse the elements and symbols of water in the house. In this case, waterfalls, fountains and water paintings should be small.

If you have completely healthy fish died in your aquarium, then do not panic. This means that the dead fish took with them all the misfortunes and troubles that wanted to fall on you. In this case, simply change the water in the aquarium and replenish it with new fish.

If you do not have time to fish, then you can grow lotuses or water lilies. These flowers, like fish, bring good luck and prosperity to the house.

If you have your own house and south side a small garden spreads, then Feng Shui experts recommend building a small fountain or waterfall in the garden. It is better if the waterfall or fountain is located near the front door. This will bring prosperity to your home. But, make sure that the water flows towards the front door, and not away from it, otherwise luck and prosperity will “leak” from you. As we said above, it is important that this “reservoir” is located on the left side of the door (when viewed from the house), otherwise women who want to beat off your husband will often come into the house.

Many people treat the science of feng shui as an oriental invention that has no place in Russian culture. But, if we look into the history of Rus', we will understand that our ancestors built and equipped their homes according to special rules, which are in many ways similar to the rules of Feng Shui. True, in our time no one remembers them. But many people know that the construction and location of houses, windows, doors, baths and wells were not determined arbitrarily, but taking into account orientation to the cardinal points and terrain. Our ancestors also paid great attention to water, because they knew that pure water It is a source of energy, health and vitality.

In the traditional teachings of Feng Shui, water is the source of Shi's life energy. Therefore, a waterfall, fountain or aquarium can serve as an ideal reservoir for living water, which will bring health, well-being and happiness into your home.

The murmur of water will not only have a calming effect on your psychological state, but will also improve the air in the room. Flowing water is soothing, it is good to look at it during relaxation, meditation, as well as rest after a hard day's work.

It is especially relevant to have fountains and waterfalls in urban apartments, which are made mainly of concrete and plastic. After all, in such rooms, energy imbalance very often reigns. A fountain, waterfall, or even a picture of water will help restore the balance between Yin and Yang.

Feng Shui fountain: which one to choose

If you decide to put a fountain in your apartment or house, then first you must decide on its shape and the pressure of the jet. The jet of water in the fountain must certainly beat up, while it can be of any height and force of ejection.

Fountains are both desktop and floor, in the form of bowls, columns or various compositions. Therefore, choosing the shape of the fountain, be guided only by your tastes and preferences.

Some decorative fountain firms sometimes let the customer choose the decorative elements and fountain stands. This is very convenient because you can choose the height and shape of the fountain yourself.

If for some reason you do not want to have a fountain at home, then you can replace it with a beautiful waterfall with crystal clear water.

Which waterfall to choose

The shape and height of the waterfall, as well as the fountain, choose based on your preferences. But the stronger the noise and the more powerful the flow of water, the more spectacular the waterfall will look. But even small, quietly murmuring waterfalls have the same calming effect as large waterfalls.

The film of water also looks elegant. It not only adds elegance to the interior, but is also a very good air humidifier.

And if you want something new and unusual, then get a waterfall in the form of rain jets. It can be of any height and width.

But if the room is not very large, then it is better to purchase a small waterfall, otherwise a large amount of water in a small room can lead to energy imbalance.

Feng Shui Aquarium: which one to choose

In China and many Asian countries, fish tanks are the most popular. They can be seen in almost every house in the southeast sector. Aquariums with fish are a symbol of not only living water, but also well-being, wealth and prosperity. In this case, the color and number of fish is of great importance. The best option is when one black fish and eight gold fish live in an aquarium.

Unlike fountains and waterfalls, an aquarium must be a certain width and height. Since the aquarium is supposed to bring power and wealth to the home, the appropriate size for an aquarium is: 38 cm high, 38 cm long, and the width of the ideal feng shui aquarium is 26 cm.

The size and inhabitants of the aquarium, of course, are of great importance, but that's not all. You also need to choose the shape and place where the aquarium will be located. It is best to put the aquarium in the aisle, so you can constantly see it. Just do not put it in front of a toilet or front door, otherwise all your luck will go down the drain or into the street. As for the shape of the aquarium, it can be anything, but not triangular.

In ancient China, there was a legend about how carps swam up the river, overcoming the rapids, and those of them that could not cope with the course became dragons. Since that time, the Chinese consider fish a symbol of determination and perseverance. And therefore, if you decide to start a fish, then in the aquarium it is worth putting a device that will create a current, and an apparatus that will saturate the water with oxygen.

Where should the decorative pond be located

A fountain, waterfall or an image of a reservoir should be located on the left side of the front door (if you are facing it), if you put the reservoir on the other side of the front door, then it will begin to attract not only prosperity and happiness to the house, but also other women to to your husband. It used to be in China that a successful man should have a large number of concubines. But in our time, the loving nature of a man can destroy a family.

Feng Shui Expert Tips

Remember that if your element is fire, then you should not abuse the elements and symbols of water in the house. In this case, waterfalls, fountains and water paintings should be small.

If you have completely healthy fish died in your aquarium, then do not panic. This means that the dead fish took with them all the misfortunes and troubles that wanted to fall on you. In this case, simply change the water in the aquarium and replenish it with new fish.

If you do not have time to fish, then you can grow lotuses or water lilies. These flowers, like fish, bring good luck and prosperity to the house.

If you have your own house, and there is a small garden on the south side, then Feng Shui experts recommend building a small fountain or waterfall in the garden. It is better if the waterfall or fountain is located near the front door. This will bring prosperity to your home. But, make sure that the water flows towards the front door, and not away from it, otherwise luck and prosperity will “leak” from you. As we said above, it is important that this “reservoir” is located on the left side of the door (when viewed from the house), otherwise women who want to beat off your husband will often come into the house.

Many people treat the science of feng shui as an oriental invention that has no place in Russian culture. But, if we look into the history of Rus', we will understand that our ancestors built and equipped their homes according to special rules, which are in many ways similar to the rules of Feng Shui. True, in our time no one remembers them. But many people know that the construction and location of houses, windows, doors, baths and wells were not determined arbitrarily, but taking into account orientation to the cardinal points and terrain. Our ancestors also paid great attention to water, because they knew that clean water is a source of energy, health and vitality.

Water in Feng Shui and in general in China is considered the primary element, the basis of all life on earth. After all, it is from Water that all other elements originate: Wood, Fire, Earth and Metal. The ancient Chinese learned to derive great benefit from the union of water and gemstones. Marianne Wong, an expert and guru of this oriental science, talks about the simple rules and techniques of feng shui.

The element of water in feng shui

Observant fans of Chinese painting and drawings in the genre of the ancient teachings of Feng Shui have noticed that all shades of blue, blue, black, as well as wavy and smoothly curving forms symbolize the element of Water in space. The more such images surround a person, the more opportunities he has to live a long, healthy and happy life. Water is personified by mirrors and mirror surfaces, glass objects, containers filled with water, and images of water. Much can be said about the benefits of Water as an element of Feng Shui. With proper use, Water helps to restore strength, soothes and cleanses the energy of the room. However, using too many items of this element can lead to apathy, self-doubt and indecision. Everything has a good sense of proportion. That is why in China it is customary to balance energies: the element of Water cannot reign supreme. And in the Celestial Empire, it is customary to harmonize a home or office by combining two powerful energy forces - water and natural gemstones, endowed with positive and healing properties. Especially common are fountains-slides, consisting of malachite, jade, agate and other stones in combination with ordinary, non-precious gems. These home water units (fountains) with a pleasant and soothing sound of murmuring water are traditionally among the multifunctional means of activating favorable energy. In addition to the fact that the fountain has a good psychological impact on the human condition, its correct use in accordance with the rules of Feng Shui will help to attract good luck and positive events in life.

Where is the best place to put a feng shui fountain

The water that is constantly moving in the fountain symbolizes the continuous circulation of auspicious qi energy. It is for this reason that the fountain is advised to be placed in places of a house or apartment where a lot of stagnant energy is collected. - murmuring water will disperse negative energy and attract positive. In contact with natural gems, water is saturated with bio-currents, which not only improve the human biofield, but also prevent complex diseases. You can easily identify these places - where there is no movement at all: next to the sofa, TV, where there is a lot of complex equipment that takes clean energy and leaves stagnant. You can put a fountain at the entrance to your home or office. However, remember that the fountain should be located to the left of the front door, when viewed from the room.Taking into account the impact of various elements on the areas of the room, the most unfavorable sector is the south - the sector of glory. The main element of the southern sector is Fire, which is destroyed by Water, so these two elements should not be opposed. A fountain and water containers, including an aquarium, do not belong in this zone.The most favorable directions for placing the fountain are north (career sector), east (family sector) and southeast (wealth sector). The element of the eastern and southeastern zones is the Tree, which is fed by Water, therefore the zones of family and wealth will be symbolically "charged" with positive energy from the fountain. For the northern sector, the main element is Water, so the presence of a fountain is considered a traditional way to activate the sector.

Refuse to use the fountain stands in the bedroom and kitchen. The use of any water element in the bedroom can destabilize your love and marital relationship. It is also better not to put a fountain in the kitchen (or opposite the kitchen), since Fire is considered the main element of the kitchen.

Feng Shui Fountain: Important Additions

  • The water in the fountain should be clean and fresh.
  • The fountain must be turned on as often as possible so that the talisman works and the energy does not stagnate.
  • Natural stones can be changed and new ones thrown into the water - for example, if you feel that your relationship has become cooler, lowering carnelian into the fountain - and your husband will look at you with different eyes.
  • The fountain can be supplemented with other talismans, for example, put a three-legged toad with a coin in its mouth at the bottom of the fountain.
  • For a better effect, incense can be added to the water in the fountain. For example, patchouli essential oil stimulates the nervous system and activates mental and emotional processes. Geranium oil induces a feeling of cheerfulness. And the aroma of jasmine soothes and helps with insomnia.

Image of water: how to use feng shui paintings correctly

Feng Shui fountain is one of the most famous and widely sought after talismans, which not only brings harmony and order to the house, but also looks incredibly beautiful and aesthetically pleasing. If you are also thinking about buying a similar item for your home, read below and you will learn how to choose the right feng shui fountain and where to put it.

How to choose a feng shui fountain?

From the point of view of the Eastern science of wind and water, a fountain can have any shape, type and design style. There are no strict requirements for the materials from which it must be made. In addition, in order for it to bring prosperity and good luck, it is not at all necessary to buy a fountain that seems to be a truly oriental product. Thus, you have the right to safely buy everything that you like best in the store.

As for its location and type, it can stand both inside the house and on the street, be built into the wall or be a separate decorative element.

What is it used for?

The fountain is actually quite a powerful feng shui talisman used for many different purposes. However, its main advantage is the fact that it brings into the house the energy of Water, which has long been considered an ancient symbol of wealth and prosperity.

In addition, the continuously flowing water in the fountain fills the environment with negatively charged ions, which have a beneficial effect on the health of all the inhabitants of the house.

Where to place it?

The most suitable areas for a fountain are:

  • East- located here family and health zone, and therefore a fountain placed in this direction will strengthen the well-being of its owners, and will also make positive changes in family relationships;
  • Southeastwealth zone. Here the fountain plays a role money talisman attracting the energy of wealth and material prosperity;
  • North- located in this direction Career zone, which can be easily activated using any miniature fountain and immediately observe the improvement of your own career advancement.


Meanwhile, there are 2 places in the house where it is strictly forbidden to put a fountain. This:

  1. South. Its control element is Fire, the energy of which is any water bodies(including fountains, aquariums, etc.) will actively suppress and destroy. Because of this, a so-called conflict of energies will arise, and therefore a bad Feng Shui and an unfavorable aura will be observed in the house.
  2. Bedroom. Regardless of which part of the house it is located in and which sector it belongs to, the fountain does not belong here. Being a water feng shui talisman, it will bring the energy of anxiety and sadness here, so it should be placed anywhere, but not in the bedroom.

From a practical point of view, I would also like to advise you to buy exceptionally good quality fountains with a silent motor for your home. And in order to enhance their effect on the bottom of the fountain, you can always put a few Feng Shui crystals or stones.

It is also worth paying attention to the fountain model equipped with a diffuser for essential oils. Due to the presence of the latter, the fountain will not only bring harmony to your home, but will also fill it with pleasant aromas and will have a slight relaxing or tonic effect on others (depending on the characteristics of the oil used).

Hypnotic Therapy