Witch friend what to do. My friend made me jealous out of jealousy

My best friend, with whom we were friends from kindergarten, moved to live on the other side of our vast Motherland. Now we call up once a week, or even less often.

I was very upset by our separation, there was no one to talk to, complain about my husband, child and life, no one to laugh with. And our Friday gatherings over a glass of wine! In general, the girls will understand what it means to be left without the best girlfriend, who has been tested for years. There are, of course, I just have good friends, but that's not it.

And then, one fine day, I hear a knock on the gate. On the threshold of a girl, she saw me, immediately began to chatter, introduced herself as our new neighbor, asked for an extension cord. In a few minutes I listened to almost all of her biography, and about plans for the future, and she managed to ask for tea. I didn’t want to let her in at all, but there was nothing to do but kick her out.

We met over tea, I complained of boredom and depression. Katya, let's call her that, (I don't want to write her real name) immediately offered a lot of ideas for spending time together. And she needs to go to the market, and to a beauty salon, and to a lot of other places. Thus began our friendship. Every morning I accompanied my husband to work, waited for Katya to arrive, and the two of us walked or drove somewhere. I became very close to her, and the site simply could not imagine my life without our friendship. She saved me from loneliness! Katya was a kind of lighter girl, she could not sit still for a minute. She and I climbed all the local sights, went with the children to the mountains, where my husband had promised to take me for 5 years, but he didn’t find time all the time. Katya and I did everything together: we made dumplings for two families, baked pies, cakes, etc. In turn, they made repairs for me and for her. My friend always gave me small gifts. That's beautiful indoor flower, then cosmetics, then knitted socks, then a vase of sweets.

Katya praised me and constantly complimented me. And I'm beautiful, and I have a good taste, and I'm a wonderful hostess, and we have a chic house, and repairs, and a car. Sometimes it looked like outright flattery, but I was very pleased, and I listened to the site, hanging my ears. I must say that my husband did not like our friendship. He began to say that I had changed a lot, that I no longer needed a family, that we practically did not see each other. He grumbled that there were too many Katya in our house, and that she sticks her nose into all our affairs. It was true, the new girlfriend constantly spent time with us, she knew where everything was, she could open any closet, see what was there. It bothered me a little, but I remained silent. And I kept silent about one more thing: my husband and I keep money at home, he gives it to me, and I hide it in a stash. And I gave almost half of this stash to Katya. I was not going to do this, but she came over and over again, complained about the difficult divorce and division of property, said that she and her child had nothing to live on, and I climbed into the hiding place like a somnambulist.

Once I counted the money, and was horrified. If the husband found out how much is there, he would obviously not be happy. And so we often began to swear, and most of it over trifles. I cried into Katya's vest, and she said that my husband was not worthy of me. A friend imperceptibly became an indisputable authority for me, as she says, so I do. Everything ceased to interest me, I lived simply by inertia, I was engaged in household chores, because I had to. She knew in her mind that something was wrong, but she couldn't do anything. And then a whole bunch of sores popped up: at first she was seriously ill with conjunctivitis, then all her teeth ached so much that even climb the wall. Hair was falling out in clumps. Pimples appeared on my face, and I didn’t even have them in my teens! website Doctors only prescribed vitamins, which are of little use. Katya made all sorts of masks for my hair and face, but this did not help either.

Then Katya went away for a short time to her relatives, and my mother came to visit me. When she saw me, she just cried, said that I didn’t look like myself. She immediately thought that I was in a position and the pregnancy was so difficult. In general, we sit, communicate with her, she looks around and says that she is uncomfortable, as if someone is watching us. Then her head ached, she quickly got ready to go home. A few days later she calls, and I told her about the money. She promised to come up with whatever. The next day they come together with a girlfriend, they put me, in what I was, in a car and take me somewhere.

We arrived at a neighboring village. They brought the site to me to a woman healer. She asked me questions, taught me what to do, sent me home. At home, we performed one operation: I poured salt into the pan, began to interfere and read the words that the healer told me. An hour later, Katya suddenly appears somewhere, although she was supposed to arrive in a few days, not in the mood, she began to persuade her to go to the store with her. I said I'm busy. It was like a demon had taken over her! I have never seen her like this! She screamed, begged, cried. Mom came out, somehow escorted her out. The next day we again went to this woman. She said that Katya, probably with her gifts, to keep me on a short leash. She told me to burn all the presents. She began to treat me: she poured water, burned candles, and I felt so good, so calm!

Arriving home, I went to bed and slept for almost two days. During this time, my mother found everything and burned it, and my husband went to Katya to sort it out, threatened that if she did not return the money, he would strangle her. Well, my husband is a man of his word, she gave the money and quickly self-destructed somewhere. I saw her twice after that, I simply asked why she did it. She answered something like: "One everything, and the other nothing." And most importantly, I did not see any remorse in her eyes.

Now I'm having a hard time again. I can't believe how this could even happen. I almost considered her a sister, because we ate almost from the same plate! My husband forgave me, everything is fine with us. In winter, he promised to take me to the mountains. The story is real and happened very recently. I wrote to warn everyone: be careful, you never know what kind of person can be nearby. Maybe it's a wolf in sheep's clothing.

A Guide to Understanding Pagans and Witches.

Imagine that you are with best friend spend time in a cozy cafe and have pleasant conversations. And then a friend says that she is a pagan. In addition, she real witch.

Are you surprised? What does it mean? What are your reactions to such recognition? At first, it will seem ridiculous that a grown man in our time calls himself a witch. Perhaps imagine her dressed all in black, flying on a broom through the night sky...

Perhaps her confession will frighten her. As if the person you trust with your home, life, friendship has become a force of darkness. The truth is that a friend confessed that she is a witch, as this should not remain a secret to you. Your friend entrusted you with the truth about her faith and her spiritual path.

If your friend were a Baptist, would it make you uncomfortable to admit that she is following this path. No, i guess. But here your doubts are the result of all the media that have been directed against the pagan way of life for many centuries. When you realize that a friend is not joking and is serious, you begin to consider how this may affect your future relationship and feelings for her. The best thing to do right now is to keep your composure. Your friend has confided something very precious, and traditionally dangerous: the truth about who she is. Remember, for centuries witches have been persecuted and executed for nothing but their faith.

So what does this mean?

Let me start over. Paganism is not a religion, but a term. This term, paganism and pagan worldview, covers most religions that are not among the main world religions, that is: Christianity, Judaism and Islam. A person who follows another religion is considered a pagan. Many witches, and other neo-pagans, simply refer to themselves as pagans to make it easier to talk to someone (maybe you?..) who is unfamiliar with the differences of religious systems. Therefore, sometimes there is misconception as if paganism - spiritual path, which is opposed to the main world religions.

Who?.. Witch?..

Witches practice nature religions and revere nature. But not all witches follow the same faith. There are many different systems. Some witches practice the Old Religions and follow the cycles of nature (the Wheel of the Year). This system has its roots in the beliefs of the ancients, which existed long before the rise of monotheism. The earth is alive, therefore a gift for us from God and the Goddess. Many witches adopt a polytheistic system, usually based on the local gods and goddesses of their homeland. Most witches feel the monotheistic worldview is half of the whole. They believe that worship of God, often presided over by male clergy, is unbalanced and only half as effective. Witches are convinced that the Divine has feminine and masculine aspects.

So, you are sitting at the table, listening to the confessions of a friend and pondering what this means? Will she try to involve you in her sect? Maybe she will force you to participate in her terrible rituals? Can she leave her birthday party because it's a full moon and it's time for her to fly? Her room is probably inhabited by snakes and toads... and various evil and disgusting accessories? Does she worship the devil? Does he offer sacrifices? Curses those who make her angry?

It is very likely that your friend will tell you all about her faith herself, if you are ready to listen to her. Perhaps there will be things in her room that you cannot understand (although you may not notice). If a friend invites you to visit, it is always better to ask her what some incomprehensible object means than to make judgments based on false information. She is the best source of information when you come across something surprising or embarrassing. If you see something strange, in particular, if it has a negative connotation for you, ask a friend about it.

Witches don't recruit new members. They respect their faith as a purely personal choice and personal path. Witches also believe that there are many spiritual paths for everyone, and every path—Christian, Wiccan, Hindu, and many others—is acceptable and valuable. You must know that your witch friend does not believe in the devil; the master of evil with a list of sins, hiding in every corner, waiting for the right opportunity to seduce a person and his soul, is absent from her faith. She doesn't worship what she doesn't believe... so please put the devil worship scenarios aside. Your friend believes in the Earth... the changing seasons... the seasons of life. There is good and bad in many things, and witches - as humans - understand the difference. Witches are convinced that people are responsible for their own actions. When witches do something wrong, they must accept the blame for it and try to learn this lesson in communicating with the universe. But, also, when witches are right and something good happens, such lessons teach them good deeds.

Witches live by many rules, but the most precise, concise and all-encompassing rule of a witch is: "Do no harm to anyone, do what you want." This basic rule, for example, forbids your friend to curse someone who made her angry. Witches live by the law of threefold return. Everything we do comes back to us thrice. If your girlfriend wishes someone evil, these evil desires will return to her three times. But good wishes also come back three times. Therefore, it is very possible that a friend is a wonderful and positive person who wants the best for most people. Your friend is also forbidden from making blood sacrifices. Obviously, this follows from the main rule. Now, before we move on, look at your friend and notice that not all witches are old, ugly and broom-riding. Some bright, attractive, wonderful people!

So, what now?

Your friend told you about her faith, now what? Nothing. You will see that nothing has changed. A friend simply explained that you liked her from the very beginning. She admitted that she thinks independently and has free will. She respects and understands nature. She will be the one who will remind you when to stop and smell the flowers around!

On the eve of Halloween, you will increasingly meet all kinds of evil spirits on the streets - witches, vampires and zombies. But real witches don't wear pointed hats and don't ride broomsticks. They live among us. Maybe it's your friend. classmate or neighbor? Take a closer look!

The first sign. Appearance.

As a rule, witches do not always have an attractive appearance. But despite this, they have an inner magnetism that attracts people and arouses admiration in their eyes. Witches can also be inconspicuous, gray mice. But when the right moment comes, she will show herself from a completely different side. On the body of a witch, there may be unusual marks, moles, which are a direct confirmation of hereditary magic.

Sign two. Sight.

You can recognize a witch by a tenacious look. She always looks into the eyes of any person without fear, and this look seems to penetrate the body and looks into the future. From the look of a witch, it often becomes uncomfortable.

Sign three. Loneliness.

A witch is rarely seen in a large company. She has practically no friends. This is a cat that walks by itself. However, she has a strong connection with her relatives, especially if she is a hereditary sorceress.

The fourth sign. Behavior.

She is always confident in herself and her abilities. She never shows negativity towards people in the usual way. This is not a gossip, not a dirty trick, not a rude woman and not a fighter. She solves all her problems in relationships with people in a magical way. So you may never guess in your life that a sudden illness is a consequence of a witch's revenge.

Fifth sign. Energy.

Pets are a certain indicator of a person's belonging to the world of magic, they feel magical energy and begin to react. Usually animals have a negative reaction to strangers: they bark, hiss and bite. At the sight of a witch, something incredible happens to them. They become accommodating and friendly. The same miracle happens with small children. If a child, distinguished by isolation and shyness, suddenly behaves freely with an unfamiliar woman, then this is proof that she is a witch. Children have weak energy, and therefore they are drawn to someone who is energetically stronger than them.

Sign six. attitude towards the church.

You can recognize a witch in a church. As a rule, she behaves casually there, as if she feels out of her element. But some witches display feigned piety in order to divert all suspicion from themselves. They may attend church frequently and appear to the people around them as obsessed with faith.

In contact with


11 Signs that you have a strong Witch in front of you. We often hear that someone has been damaged, and some can even cite as an example someone they know who suddenly suddenly stopped being lucky in life. The ability to recognize a witch among the surrounding people will help to avoid unpleasant situations.

Witches have long been considered the girlfriends of the devil himself and the receptacle of evil otherworldly forces. People have always been sure that witches can cause damage or jinx, they were afraid, hated and at the same time respected. Nowadays, half of the people are skeptical about the existence of witchcraft, and most are sure that witches, psychics and sorcerers exist and live among us.

How to recognize a modern witch by appearance
Appearance is the most striking indicator of witch nature. Many people endowed psychic abilities, have a noticeable flaw or a bright, catchy appearance.

Hair color and length are the most striking feature. Often witches have fiery red or blue-black long hair that seems to be filled with power.

If a woman carefully braids her hair in public or, on the contrary, constantly wears them loose, strictly monitors that her hair is not touched by strangers and scrupulously destroys the hair removed from the comb, then you can take a closer look: it is possible that this woman knows the secrets of nature and is familiar with the concepts of energy metabolism.

External flaw is the second extremely important indicator.

Strabismus, lameness, or noticeable birthmark is considered a mark indicating the otherworldly power of the owner of the imperfection.

However, the absolute, catchy, perfect beauty of the face and figure is also a clear sign of the ability of this woman.
Rare eye color is another sign of witches who often have green, black or blue eyes. Also, women with a penchant for extrasensory perception and witchcraft often have the ability to put a person in their place with one glance or win them over.

If a woman from your inner circle causes you an irrational fear or, on the contrary, you cannot resist her silent participation and tell her all your secrets, and she sits silently and does not take her eyes off you, then you are almost certainly a witch.

The wardrobe of women with witchcraft abilities is often characterized by a predominance of dark and natural colors, natural fabrics and loose fit.

But if it is natural that on certain days your colleague or acquaintance, who constantly wears elegant, discreet and modest clothes, suddenly puts on a bright flashy dress and drives the entire male half of the team crazy, then most likely this is no accident: witches, due to the attention of others, can raise and energize your energy.

Jewelry and accessories of unusual girls are often incomprehensible to many people: for example, witches rarely wear a combination of silver and gold, they can wear an incomprehensible symbol around their necks and do not allow anyone to touch their jewelry with their hands, much less try them on.

What does her behavior say about a witch?

The behavior of a witch in almost any life situation will be different from the behavior of an ordinary woman. There are some of the most obvious signs of the unusualness of a person and the presence of certain abilities in him.

The ability to predict the future is perhaps, the fundamental sign of a witch. Many women who do not want to be suspected of having abilities deliberately hide them, but spontaneous predictions can be impossible to hide.

For example, if your colleague always guesses what mood your boss is in and never gets "under a hot hand", talks about some business and subsequently always turns out to be right or, in a bad mood, grimly wishes "good" to an annoying colleague, and her words come true after a while - then you probably have a witch in front of you, who owns the power of the word and the gift of fulfilling the plan.

Love for animals is another sign modern witch by which it can be recognized. A witch will never throw a kitten out into the street and will not be afraid of a street dog. She will talk to the dog as if she were her own, and she will take the cat from the street, wash it, and in some incredible way put it in good hands in a couple of days.

A woman with abilities is very rarely afraid of spiders., snakes or mice, almost certainly gets a black or red cat in her hair color, and is able to “negotiate” with an evil yard dog so that she will sincerely rejoice at every meeting with a witch, hating all the other neighbors.

Witches have knowledge of edible and medicinal herbs and roots, adding them to almost any dish and constantly experimenting with spices.

And it does not spoil the food, but on the contrary, it makes it tastier.
The witch loves unusual teas, is often meticulous about the use of utensils, and when complaining of a headache, she may suggest an herbal mixture that will help.

The speech and manner of speaking will help to recognize the witch: these women carefully monitor their speech, as if weighing every word, especially when they are angry or upset.

Even at the peak of emotions, you won’t hear useless curses or screams from a witch: she knows that her words can come true, and even if she wishes evil, then carefully, deliberately, and in such a tone as if she is saying goodbye forever.

How to calculate a witch by date of birth

It's no secret that esoteric abilities are often built into witches from the day they are born. Most often, people with abilities are born in numerologically strong numbers, and the types of abilities are inherent in the essence of different Zodiac Signs and their elements.

For example, fire signs: Aries, Leo and Sagittarius are often represented by psychics who see the future, know how to masterfully handle fire and understand animals well.

Representatives of earthly zodiac signs such as Virgo, Taurus and Capricorn most often born with the ability to predict the future using tarot cards, runes or a book of fate.

Air Signs - Aquarius, Libra and Gemini- often seen prophetic dreams, easily master the technique of lucid dreaming and cannot imagine their life without meditation.

Lily and I haven't seen each other for a whole year. And when we finally agreed to meet, she promised to tell about the miracle that happened to her. I agreed to a miracle, and to the usual chatter, and to revelations - just to distract from my heavy thoughts. IN Lately I was depressed, very often sick, I felt old, sick and lonely. I just didn’t intend to tell Lilka about this - I don’t like to hang my problems on people. I just hoped that I would unwind a little, at least for the evening I would forget about my experiences.

Lily, as usual, right from the threshold threw herself on my neck with a joyful laugh. And as soon as we settled down at the table, the news came out:

Darling, I have a vision!

And the old friend began to excitedly tell how for the first time she realized that she could see people through and through, how illnesses and love spells look like. That she can lift the curse, only it is not so easy and takes a lot of energy, and you can “pick up the filth” ... How “black” sorcerers come into contact with her, how they persuade her to their side. This is where I got scared. I was not afraid of black magic, but that Lilya had gone crazy.

She apparently noticed my distrust, grinned and interrupted the story about the "blacks" in mid-sentence. She was silent for a minute, and then she took my hands in hers. Her hands were soft and warm, it somehow did not fit with the dangers. underworld and I relaxed.

But in you I feel great sadness, - she said suddenly. — What torments you?

Yes, where did you get it? It's all right, I whispered.

Do not lie to me.

This was said in such a tone that I began to cry and began to lay out all my troubles to Lilka. She said that in the last six months I have often been sick, it all started with a sore throat, then I caught a cold and could not get back to normal for a long time. I am tormented by a cough, I do not get out of the doctors, and they cannot cure me, but they threaten that if there is no improvement in the near future, everything will end with asthma. Well, the main pain is that my husband has lost interest in me. I need his support now, and he has become so indifferent ...

Lily got up and pulled me along. The two of us wandered around the apartment, she seemed to be looking out for something. Finally, she stopped in the hallway at the chest of drawers and pointed to the object that lay on it.

Is that your scarf? How long have you had him?

Yes, about six months. A colleague gave me for my birthday.

Colleague? Hmm… Do you wear it often?

Almost every day. Look how it fits my eyes... What are you doing?!

Lily snatched the scarf out of my hands and threw it on the floor.

Yes you are right. I'll burn it myself... But I'd rather do it like this - I'll return it to your colleague.

You don't know her, you've never seen her.

I haven't seen it, but I know. A brunette with long hair, gray eyes, a good figure, but her legs are a little crooked, thirty-two years old, never married. Well, what do you believe now in my gift? Lily suddenly laughed. - But that is not all. Find out her address at work. And when the husband calls that he is being detained at work, he goes straight there. You can find it at your colleague's.

Come on! We communicate so well with her, we discuss everything. And how could they meet my husband? They never crossed...

Look, you don't have to be clairvoyant to understand this. Does she smoke? And smoking is prohibited in all offices, which means that all your smokers go out into the street. Did your husband meet you after work? Met. And while he waited, he also went out and smoked. I don’t know why she impressed him, but they had the opportunity to meet ...

After her departure, I could not calm down for a long time. Is my husband cheating on me? Yes, it can not be! But the more I thought about the situation, the more it seemed to me that it was all true. Yes, and he has grown cold, and indifferent, and does not sleep with me for this reason - and not because he protects my precious health! But on the other hand - what if this is all Lilkin nonsense, but I believed it? I hesitated for a week, until my husband got ready for a business trip. I was instantly suspicious! Yes, and that my colleague, whom Lilka pointed out, unexpectedly took a vacation.

And I made up my mind, and in the evening I went to her. Leaked into the entrance, went to the right door, already raised her hand - to call ... No, it's all nonsense! I went to the window ... And I see a car parked near the house, well, very similar to ours. And my husband comes out of it with bags and a bouquet of roses and heads to the entrance. I quickly galloped up to the floor above and covered my mouth with my hand in horror - what if my damned cough gives me away?

The elevator went up, someone got out and rang the doorbell.

Well hello! Finally! I can't wait for this week! my husband said to his mistress. In response, she also mumbled something inarticulate, as if she was choking on something. And coughed hoarsely.

And I remembered that I had been breathing easily for a long time, and my cough was gone. He immediately began to decline as soon as Lilya took the scarf from me.

So, that's how she returned the "gift"?

Thoughts that Lilya is a dreamer immediately flew out of my head. Everything turned out to be true! The doves disappeared behind the door, and I walked out of the entrance on wadded legs and went home. Having somehow reached, I dialed my friend the witch.

Lilya, hello... You were right. She has it. What should I do now? I just don't want to do a spell on him...

But I myself do not want, and I do not offer you either. You do not need a love spell, and this husband is not needed. Get a divorce.

How so? We have a son...

Listen. I see that this matter must be completed as soon as possible. Divorce your husband, you saw everything with your own eyes. If you break up with him now, you will soon meet your fate, marry again, and be happy. And if you pull, and you miss your happiness, and you lose your husband, he will leave you anyway.

To this girl from my work?

What's the difference…

Acting quickly, as advised by a friend, was scary, painful and unpleasant. Everything happened too fast. However, I plucked up the courage to ask my husband for a divorce. To my shock, he said: “I agree, it will be better!”. And I, a fool, hoped that he would fight for me ... And he quickly collected a couple of boxes, threw them into the car and left. After all, he had a place.

Further events developed just as rapidly. A school friend suddenly invited her classmates to a meeting. She said that few people would be able to come, and offered to sit in a "narrow circle" in a cafe. And - surprise! A guy from a parallel class entered the “narrow circle”, with whom I was in love during my school years. He still looks great to me. But only now he did not turn up his nose, but on the contrary - there was attention and charm itself. After the gatherings, he took me home in a taxi, sent me a bouquet in the morning, and called me on a date a day later ... In general, everything started to spin. It seemed to me that I was 17 again, and there were no those years after school. A month after the "meeting in a narrow circle" he proposed to me. Gorgeous with a diamond ring. I agreed - it was clear that my fate was decided.

And everything is great for me now. Only the scarf that my friend “returned” to its intended purpose does not give rest. Will I have to pay for her tricks? Kinda scary...

M - to dream