Phrases for a collage of desires. How to make a do-it-yourself feng shui wish collage to make your life really better

dream collage- is one of the most effective ways achieve your dream. You have no idea how much its creation can change your life.

A dream collage is a picture of you in your desired reality. It can be some desired event, for example, a wedding. Or the acquisition, for example, of a car, house, apartment. Or relationships with people, for example - peace and harmony in the family. Or climbing the corporate ladder. Or creative success. Or the birth of a child. Or the perfect fit. Everyone has their own cherished dreams.

A few successful examples of dream collages are given at the end of the article.

The first and most difficult step in creating a dream collage is deciding what to put in it. Difficult because you need to choose the most sincere, positive and important desires for you. It is useless, for example, to portray yourself as a great conductor just because your mother dreams of it. It makes no sense to simultaneously work on a hundred different desires - from successfully passing the technical inspection of a car to buying a personal aircraft.

Now you need to decide where you will place your dream collage and what size it should be. You can stick all your dreams on a large sheet of drawing paper and hang it on the wall in a prominent place. You can use a regular photo album. You can create a collage on ordinary sheets of paper and paste them into a file folder and flip through them periodically. In general, do it the way you feel most comfortable. I pasted my first dreams into a notebook. Then I liked to use a large photo album with "magnet" pages, and now I prefer to place my dreams in the most visible place in my own bedroom!

When we have decided on the wish list, we need to find their image. This is a very exciting activity! You leaf through various magazines, consider, for example, photographs of various houses and choose the most suitable one for yourself. A huge number of images can be found on the Internet. But do not rush, you can not use the first image that comes across. You are creating your own dream, and not doing work for someone else's uncle!

First, make sure the image is exactly what you want. For example, you have been dreaming of a vacation at sea for a long time, but you find a stunningly beautiful image of a ski resort. Our World has a good sense of humor, so there is a high probability of relaxing in the snowy mountains instead of the sea. And if you're dreaming of a luxury car, it's dangerous to use a great photo of a tiny Peugeot 107.

Secondly, make sure that the picture you are using does not have any scratches, streaks, or blemishes. We strongly recommend that you do not cut out an image from a magazine if it is two pages long.

Case from practice: when creating a collage, a young man used a dream of a very beautiful image of a car from a magazine spread. Of course, there was a fold in the middle of the photo. After some time, he really bought himself just such a car. That's how great the dream collage worked! But soon, during a hurricane, a tree fell on his car, bending the roof exactly where the fold was in the photo. in the middle, where a large scratch formed. You can consider this a coincidence, but is it worth the risk in vain?

Case from practice: the girl was pasting the wedding dress of her dreams onto the collage, but at the very last moment she accidentally dripped red paint on it. The collage by this point was already almost ready, so she decided not to redo anything. In the midst of the wedding, someone accidentally spilled a glass of red wine on her delightful dress. It was not possible to remove the stain, I had to walk in a red spot until the end of the celebration. Can you imagine the condition of the bride? There are a lot of similar examples, so be attentive to the little things. You don't want something to ruin your dreams, do you?

Now we place our photo on the image of the desired event, object, and so on. You can cut your photo from an existing photo and stick it on the selected image. Will it be your whole body or just your head - depends on the composition. If you have at least basic knowledge of Photoshop, then use this program. Then your "pasting" into the image will be more organic. Remember that you should always be featured in your dream collage! You should not post images of things without your presence. For example, a photograph of a large LCD TV is unlikely to say anything to the Universe, because they will continue to be produced without your asking. But if you depict him standing in your room and yourself near him, then it will be a completely different matter!

Case from practice: A few years ago, I found an image of a nice digital camera in a magazine, cut it out, pasted my photo on its screen, wrote its model and the date when I should have it. Do you think I seriously believed it then? Not a drop! I just did everything as homework at the training. But a miracle happened: three days before the set date, I became the owner of this particular camera model, absolutely free of charge and in the most unusual way!

If your dream car, it is very important to put your image inside it. But many people do not do it the best, but the simpler way: they stick themselves near the car, or place the image of the car near the photo of their house, and without their photo at all.

Case from practice: This is exactly what a good friend of mine did. He took a picture of his house in which he lived, and pasted an image of his dream car on the photo near the fence. The picture was very beautiful. In less than a few months, the dream collage worked! A neighbor bought just such a car, and since there was already space near his house, he began to park the car near the fence of my friend's house. Everything came out as pictured. Received exactly what ordered. Claims are not accepted! All of your photos that you use to create your dream collage should be from good times in your life. You should be there cheerful, beautiful, and it will be much better if you smile at them! Never stick photos that remind you of sad events in your life.

Case from practice: one of my clients made a very beautiful collage. But it didn't work at all. Moreover, for some reason, he evoked sadness in a woman, and not a joyful anticipation of a miracle. They began to understand. It turned out that all the photos in the collage - of excellent quality, by the way - were taken shortly after the death of her beloved cat. In those days, to cheer herself up, she went to a photo salon. As a result, not joy came from the collage, but a reminder of grief. The whole collage had to be redone.

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Many people dream of fulfilling a cherished dream or wish, and this is possible if you believe in success. A wish collage will be an excellent tool for visualizing the goal and will help bring what is needed to life.

Unfortunately, not everyone knows that everyone, without exception, can fulfill a dream, if you do not sit back. Site site experts recommend compiling a collage of desires so that the goals become material and it is easier to strive for them. With its help, everyone will be able to program themselves for success and not turn off the path until all dreams come true.

What is a wish collage

A collage is a poster on which, according to the principles of Feng Shui, photographs or pictures are placed to visualize their desires. With its help, everyone who creates a collage mentally tunes in to success, because with the help of visualization it is much easier to prepare for the struggle for your own well-being.

Prepared pictures need to be arranged in a certain way so that the path to the dream is as short as possible. You can arrange the images in any order, but in this case, the time for the fulfillment of desires increases and the path to the goal becomes longer.

Collages are both annual and thematic, but they have the same principle of creation. There are also differences: in the annual collage, images are placed in all sectors, while thematic ones are designed to fulfill the desires of a narrow focus when one or more sectors are affected.

You can create a collage any day, but the following are considered the best:

  • the time of the growing moon, especially the first 5 days;
  • birthday;
  • significant date;
  • New Year holidays;
  • major religious holidays.

The most important thing in choosing a day to create a collage is your own mood. The inner voice will help determine when you can begin to visualize your desires.

How to make a wish collage

To create a collage, you will need a large sheet of white paper. It is drawn into 9 equal sectors, leaving a place in the center for your own photo. Each sector is signed by hand:

  • wealth, prosperity;
  • success, glory;
  • love, marriage;
  • relationships with relatives, friends, loved ones;
  • offspring, creativity;
  • gaining wisdom, travel;
  • career growth;
  • patrons and helpers;
  • me health.

The field of how the sectors are designated, you can begin to formulate desires. In each square, they enter their dream in an affirmative form, without using the “not” particle. Each desire should be joyful, personal, not imposed, and not harm anyone. For example, if you want to gain prosperity, they write exactly what is needed: “I have a three-room apartment in the city center N”; "I have money to buy..."; “My lottery winnings are 100,000.”

After all desires are formulated and written, you can start choosing photos and pictures. They are printed or cut out from magazines or newspapers, and they are also drawn on their own. The more colorful and detailed the image, the easier it will be to go to the goal. Remember that the realization of desires is not just dreams, but also imagination, thanks to which everyone is able to program themselves for success and not turn off the path. It can be photos of desired jewelry, a certain car, a dream home. The more detailed the photo reflects your desire, the easier it will be to achieve it.

During the selection of pictures, everyone can find a note in a magazine or newspaper that fully reflects the desire. Such headlines and sentences should be cut out and pasted into a collage. The Universe thus sends a sign that the dream has already begun to come true.

How to charge a collage for the fulfillment of desires

The completed collage will work if activated correctly. To do this, you need to read each desire aloud and try to imbue with the idea that each written word will be fulfilled. The collage must be signed: “I approve for execution. Let it be so", date, signature. You can also put a personal seal, fingerprint or palm print next to the signature. The collage is placed in a conspicuous place so that every day you can see your own desires and strive for their fulfillment.

A ready-made charged collage of desires is the goal towards which a person begins to go, even if there are temporary obstacles on his way. The main thing is faith and a sincere desire to achieve everything that will make life happy. The collage does not need to be hidden: it cannot be jinxed or harmed in any way by the one who created it. Create, fulfill your cherished dreams and remember that happiness is in your hands and everyone deserves the life they dream of. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

04.02.2020 06:24

Fulfillment of the desired is the dream of every person. A correctly made wish card will help fulfill the most cherished dreams.

A wish collage is a very powerful tool to help you make your dreams come true. In this article, we will figure out how it works, think about how best to make it, where to hang it and how often to update it.

How does a wish collage work?

Pure psychology, friends. Let's analyze the effectiveness of your desires and dreams using examples from my personal experience.

The first case: we write down desires in a notebook / notebook / electronic notes At the beginning of 2015, I decided to write down all my dreams in an electronic notebook for reasons that they will always be with me, I can always see what I dream about, write down new desires. I supplemented this list for about a month or two, looked through the already recorded desires. Then the frequency of visiting this note began to decrease ... Six months passed, I looked there, accidentally remembering this note, and was slightly surprised: “Do I really dream about this?” Some desires, recorded spontaneously, I no longer remembered! Needless to say, not a single one has come true during this time, because I did not think about it. Conclusion: do not try to keep a list of your desires in notebooks / notebooks. If you don't see this list every day, it doesn't work.

Second case: a collage of desires on paper, hanging in the place where you will most often see it The fact that a collage of desires should be just a collage hanging on the wall, I have heard more than once. However, to me, as a person who weakly believes in the magic of the universe, this has always seemed unimportant. The first "bell" was the forgotten dreams from the notes. I made the final decision to create a collage of wishes on whatman paper after talking with two people for whom it worked. And not just once. The principle of the collage of desires is simple to disgrace - this is the work of your subconscious. Read John Kehoe's book The Subconscious Can Do Anything. It is it that can change your life beyond recognition. The main thing is to learn how to control your subconscious and understand the signals that it sends. But I digress. So, the collage of desires works at the subconscious level. You see it, you think about your desires. Looking at it, your subconscious mind tunes in to make these dreams come true. And you will even unconsciously do everything to make these dreams come true. That is why wish collage should hang in the place where you will see it most often.

How to make a collage of desires correctly

On some sites, I saw advice to make only a personal collage of desires, they say, this way it works better. In fact, I believe that if you do family collage, it will work even better, because at least two people already dream of the same thing. Consequently, the energy and forces for the implementation of these desires will go at least twice as much. So feel free to make a family wish collage if you want. If the desires are different, then place them on opposite sides of the collage.

Images for a collage of desires

Personally, I look for pictures on the Internet, print on a photo printer, cut and glue. You can also cut them out of newspapers, magazines, flyers. Yes, anywhere! If only the image was colorful and bright. Try not to use black and white photographs and low quality images. Remember that the human brain responds best to bright colors. Yes, also sign your pictures in the spirit: "I'm in Rome", "My new car", "My new home", "I'm on vacation on the Cote d'Azur" and the like. Signatures can be done directly on the computer before printing or with a pen / marker already on the collage itself. The second, I think, is preferable.

Wishes collage layout

Use A1 paper. Your photo (personal or family) should be in the center. Select the photo in which you are good mood, smile. This will have a positive effect on you. Next, identify your biggest dreams and stick them next to your photo. It is advisable, for the most important desires, to choose larger pictures so that they are more visible. Remember that the collage will be constantly updated with new dreams. Place more and more desires on the collage from the center to the edges. Fulfilled desires carefully remove and replace with new ones. Never stop dreaming. If a person believes that he has everything in life, he simply does not have enough imagination.

Where to hang a collage of wishes

I already wrote about this above - where you will see it most often: opposite the bed, on the refrigerator, above the workplace (relevant for those who) and so on. Choose a place yourself. And every time your eyes fall on the collage, hold it for a few seconds, distract yourself from your current thoughts and remember your dreams. Good luck to you, friends, and the speedy fulfillment of desires. Share your thoughts on wish collages in the comments.

17.10.2014 fortune

"The wishes of the arbiter come true sooner or later, one way or another" Max Frei

It is no secret that all thoughts are material and have the ability to translate into reality. But it is better to manage this opportunity so as not to forget about some kind of dream (after all, there are always a lot of them). A feng shui wish map (or visualization board) is a great way to harmoniously change own life, fill it with what is sometimes so lacking (money, health, good luck).

What does a wishlist look like?

Large sheet of paper with marked sectors colored in different colors. On the sheet, you need to make a collage with your own hands from your photo (it is placed in the center) and images of those objects or images in which you see your dreams. The Feng Shui visualization map is based on the Ba Gua grid.

Mesh Ba-gua

The divine octagon, with the help of it, the zones in the house necessary for activation are determined, when exposed to them, certain areas in life can be improved. The grid is tied to the cardinal points. Zones of influence are located in accordance with them:

  • Southeast: Wealth. All higher material goods.
  • South: Reputation. Forming the opinions of people around you about you.
  • Southwest: Love. If you do not have a family, then this sector is not activated for you. In this case, it is recommended to use special techniques.
  • East: Family. These are all your relatives, ancestors, close circle.
  • Central sector: Health. Harmony and balance of everything around.
  • West: Hobbies. Children, spiritual or physical creativity, ability to communicate.
  • Northeast: Wisdom. Experience, intelligence, clarity of thought, self-improvement.
  • North: Career. Professional activity, self-realization.
  • Northwest: Travel. This sphere of help and protection (teachers, mentors, guardian angels), she is also responsible for travel.

An example of how the board looks like (in each sector, you can place several photos, instead of one:

According to the rules of Feng Shui, the wish card does not have to have a rectangular shape (it is allowed to make it round). The only thing to keep an eye on is that all nine sectors are the same size.

How to compose it

We need to take a large sheet of paper (you can use a drawing paper or an unnecessary poster) 68x68cm in size (these dimensions are considered ideal). We divide the surface of the paper into 9 equal sectors. It is necessary to color each sector of Feng Shui wishes in the appropriate color:

  • "Wealth" - light green
  • "Reputation" - red
  • "Love" - ​​brown
  • "Intimate environment" - green
  • "Health" (central) - yellow
  • "Creativity" - white
  • "Knowledge" - light brown
  • "Work" - blue
  • "Travel" - gray

You can’t make a mistake in the sequence of colors, otherwise the collage will not work. You need to start creating a wish board on your auspicious Feng Shui day. The days with good luck indicators are best suited for this. Example: dates of Opening, Success, Filling, etc.

Do not start work on the days of Destruction, Closure and Deliverance. It is necessary to start manufacturing on the growing moon. To make a card successful, you need to follow all these simple rules.

Interesting: How to make a wish so that it comes true? ()

Instructions for designing sectors

Each sector of Feng Shui is responsible for the fulfillment of the desired in a particular area. We need to choose images that best meet the dreams. You can find them on the Internet (print), draw or cut from magazines. The very first thing you need to do on the map is the central sector where our photo will be located (select your best image for this).

You can make a collage of Feng Shui wishes from several images, draw the necessary elements, create an applique, decorate with sparkles, sequins, various accessories, etc. Paste your image on photos of beautiful interiors, among celebrities, in a car interior, etc. (transfer yourself to the place where you want to be).

  1. It is necessary to make a wish card sequentially, following the order, starting from the top row (left-to-right), central (left-to-right) and bottom (left-to-right).
  2. You can't leave any spaces empty!
  3. When choosing desires, listen only to your own thoughts, do not accept goals and dreams imposed by someone, even loved ones.
  4. When you select, cut and attach a photo, do it while rendering (mentally visualize the end result, "animate" the image).

In each sector, it is also necessary to make a wish (affirmation), in which we write in the affirmative form what we dream about. Avoid vague phrases. Example: you can’t write: “I want to live in this house”, “I earn a lot of money”, it’s better to write like this:

"I live happily in this house"

“My salary is 100 thousand rubles.”

Provide your central photo with wishes for health, and attach to this place a photo of those goals that are of paramount importance to you.

A few Western examples:

How to activate the card

You need to constantly activate the collage of desires in Feng Shui. Consider it every day, turning on pleasant relaxing music and sitting in coziness and comfort. Imagine the smallest facts, colorful images, conversations, smells, lighting, music, etc. Transport yourself to your ideal world!

This method also includes hidden additional personal energy reserves, reveals new abilities and amazing qualities in one's own self. You have to work alone.

Where is the best place to keep

To determine its best place, you can use the table of monthly and annual Flying Stars (beware of the sector in the apartment where the Yellow Five lives). The poster must be placed where you can see it so that you can see it at all times.

No need to fold the collage or lay it down with pictures - the Feng Shui Qi energy should function freely. This enhances the performance of the card. The best example for its location:

  • Bedroom. Hang it against your headboard to start each morning by looking at it, imbue yourself with magic and get a charge of good mood.
  • Closet. His inner side. In this case, the visualization map will be securely hidden from prying eyes, and nothing will interfere with your visualization.

You can not place the card in the toilet, bathroom, kitchen. According to the teachings of Feng Shui, energy will constantly be washed away and weakened.

Most Common Questions

Q: When does the board usually start working?

Answer: based on the feedback of people who use the card, it starts working (that is, fulfilling dreams) after 3 months. Of course, subject to constant visualization.

Q: Can it be done electronically?

Answer: you can make it on the Internet using graphics or online services. But handmade much more appreciated. After all, you put your energy through touch when you create a map manually. Therefore, it is better to make a wish card according to the laws of Feng Shui on your own, it is much more effective.

Question: why the desire is not fulfilled?

Answer: it happens that the card does not fulfill all dreams. This is due to the unreality of execution (example: "I'm flying to the moon"). In this case, simply replace the fantastic wish with a more vital one. If a fairly simple desire is in no hurry to be fulfilled, you should simply “let go” of it, then this change in life will lead you to unnecessary problems.

Question: what to do if the desire has changed?

Answer: just replace the picture with another one that matches your new dream. But you need to change the goal in extreme cases. Before you make a map, take a good look at your own dreams.

By the way: if she granted her wish, these images should be removed from there. Thus, the energy of the card is not spent on unnecessary details.

Your feng shui wish map will make it clear to your subconscious and the world around you that you are on the verge of great changes in life. And when this happens is a matter of time. The Qi energy will be with you all the time. The harmony of your life is the main condition for happiness and prosperity. Make a feng shui wish card and enjoy the change!

Psychosomatics (diseases from emotions)