Nature in April - spring April, spring April whims. Depressurization of the Soyuz: what happened in April Historical events in the month of April

Incredible Facts

These people are successful in almost everything!

April is the month when the grass begins to turn green and trees and bushes begin to bloom.

It is in this month that we begin to truly feel the onset of spring.

Perhaps for this reason, children born in April have a friendly and ardent character.

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The month of April is named after the ancient Greek goddess of love, Aphrodite. The Romans have a nameAprilis meant "opener".

This is a month of surprises and contradictions, because not only many geniuses were born in April, but also insane despots.

Here are a few moreinteresting facts about those born in april .

People born in April

1. They are born under the sign of Aries or Taurus

If we talk about astrology, then people who celebrate their birthday from April 1 to 20 belong to the sign of Aries, which is under the auspices of the planet and the Roman god of war Mars.

Those born between April 21st and 30th already fall under zodiac sign Taurus. This earth sign is ruled by the planet and the Roman goddess of love, Venus.

2. Their birthstone is a diamond

The birthstone for April people is a diamond, one of the hardest substances on the planet that forms deep in the earth. It is also considered the most valuable of all stones.

It is believed that diamonds bring all sorts of benefits to their owners, increasing their inner strength and helping in relationships. They bring clarity, abundance, courage, wealth and symbolize eternal love.

Two flowers symbolize the month of April: the daisy and the sweet pea. Daisy represents innocence, devoted love and purity.

Sweet pea is a symbol of blissful delight and is often used as a farewell.

4. They know how to put themselves in the place of another

People born in April always feel what is happening around them, as they are very emotional. They can always give advice to those who are disappointed, frustrated or do not know what to do in life. They are able to reason and inspire a person.

5. They are successful in many professions.

While people born in other months tend to choose only a few chosen professions, the same cannot be said for April people.

Perhaps thanks to leadership qualities and assertiveness, those born in April become successful in many professions. You will never find them bored because they always have many hobbies or activities.

6. They get sick less often than others

According to Columbia University Medical Research, people born this month are less likely to suffer from cardiovascular, neurological, respiratory diseases and diseases of the reproductive organs than those born in the remaining months of the year.

People born in April

7. They are more optimistic

According to scientific studies, people born in March, April and May score high on the hyperthymia scale. Hyperthymia is a scientific term for high spirits and optimism.

April kids will always see the glass as half full and see the good in everything.

8. There are many geniuses and rulers among those born in April.

If you were born in April, then you share your birthday with such famous people like Queen Elizabeth II, Leonardo da Vinci, William Shakespeare, Jackie Chan, Garry Kasparov, Alla Pugacheva, Al Pacino, Barbara Streisand, Adolf Hitler and many others.

9. If you get married in April, you will have a good marriage.

Those born in April belong to the zodiac sign Aries and most often marry Aries, succeed in life, and their marriage is filled with spontaneity. If you were born in the last 10 days of April, then you are more likely to have a solid marriage, where both partners will have a shared love for a beautiful life and beautiful things.

10. They are bold and adventurous.

One of characteristic features born in April is their dislike for routine, monotony and predictable life. These people are not looking for easy ways.

No matter how difficult the case, they always boldly and energetically take on it. These are real thrill-seekers who love adrenaline rushes.

11. They are independent

People born in April prefer to do things their own way, they need personal space and freedom. It annoys many people when someone tells them what to do and what not to do.

They pave their own way, and do not wait for everything to be served on a silver platter. They try not to depend on the family and partners.

12. They are romantic

April men and women can be called real romantics. They are able to love to the maximum if they believe that they have found a suitable partner, otherwise they become simply indifferent.

You will know if they like you or not, as they are able to make their intentions quite clear. Sometimes love can blind them, and they can quickly fall in love without realizing that this person is not right for them.

13. They are great friends

They value friendship above all else and wherever they appear, they make a lot of friends for themselves. Their charisma, playfulness and energy are hard to resist. They attract others like a magnet.

14. They are impatient

Since they are very curious by nature, they are always trying to find answers to their questions, and they want to get them here and now.

During the April return of the ISS crew, the Soyuz spacecraft depressurized at an altitude of 8 km. This was stated in the United States by the famous astronaut Thomas Stafford, who specified that the incident did not pose a danger to the life of the crew.

Last spring, during the return of the Soyuz spacecraft with three members of the crew of the International Space Station, an emergency occurred, which became known only the day before. However, this incident, as reported, did not pose a danger to the life of the crew.

The incident was announced yesterday in the United States during a meeting of the NASA Advisory Committee on the International Space Station, which discussed the reliability of Russian ships, which currently maintain the viability of the station.

The chairman of the committee, the famous American astronaut Thomas Stafford, said that the incident occurred in April during the descent of the Soyuz spacecraft at an altitude of eight kilometers above the ground at the moment the main parachute opened over the Kazakh steppe - when the parachute bracket unexpectedly hit and damaged the descent capsule.

“The brace hit the weld and as a result, a depressurization occurred, due to which some of the air left the capsule,” Stafford said, reports Spacenews.

And although Stafford did not specify what mission he meant, we can only talk about the descent of the Soyuz-MS-02 spacecraft with astronauts Shane Kimbrough and cosmonauts Sergey Ryzhikov and Andrey Borisenko, who landed in the Kazakh steppe on April 10, 2017 at 14 :21 Moscow time.

“All operations for descent from orbit and landing took place normally. The well-being of the crew members who returned to Earth is good, ”then said in a message from Roscosmos.

However, at the post-flight conference, cosmonaut Andrey Borisenko compared the landing with a rollercoaster.

“It's much worse than a rollover in a car, the impact is strong enough, and then it threw quite well. We will assume that it looks like a roller coaster at the moment when the cabin breaks off from them, ”said Borisenko.

NASA spokesman Harry Jordan confirmed to reporters that the incident took place during the descent of the Soyuz-MS-02 spacecraft and advised that additional questions be addressed to Roscosmos. At the time of publication, the state corporation could not be reached for comment.

According to Stafford, the partial depressurization did not pose a threat to the ship's crew. At an altitude of five kilometers, a valve automatically opens in the ship, allowing outside air to enter the landing capsule. In addition, the crew members at the time of the descent are in spacesuits -

The cosmonauts began to put them on during descent after the tragic death due to depressurization of the crew of the Soyuz-11 spacecraft in 1971.

"Because the crew were wearing spacesuits, the depressurization was not a threat to them," Stafford said, adding that the crew knew what had happened from sensors inside the ship.

According to Stafford, the issue of the April incident was raised at a summer meeting of his committee with Russian colleagues. He stated that Russian representatives then suggested that the way the parachute was packed, as well as the angle of orientation of the ship during descent, could have caused the incident.

Stafford said he was not aware of incidents of a similar nature with Soyuz landings in the past. “Work has been done to investigate the anomaly and steps have been taken to avoid similar cases in the future,” he said.

The Russian-American crew that returned to earth in April has been on the ISS since October 21, 2016. The duration of stay in space flight of the crew of the ISS-49/50 expedition was 173 days.

During their stay on the ISS, the crew completed the program of scientific and applied research and experiments, maintained the ISS in working order and carried out work on re-equipping it with equipment delivered by cargo ships.

April is the fourth month of the modern calendar. According to the most common version, the month was named that way because of the Latin word "aperire", which means "to open" in translation. At this time, spring began in Italy. The ancient Greeks approximately also called the month, which only confirms the previous judgment. But there is another version, according to which the word April comes from the name of the pagan goddess of love and beauty Aphrodite - on the first day of April there was a holiday in her honor. Most European names come from Latin, but in Poland the month is called "kwiecień", which means "bloom", and in the Czech Republic - "duben" from the word "oak".

Before the adoption of Christianity in Russia official name month was "berezozol", and among the people it was called primrose, caddisfly and aquarius. At this time, many herbaceous plants begin to bloom, towards the end of April you can hear the first singing of cuckoos. For rural residents and gardeners, this month is the most busy. During this period, trees and vegetables are planted, meadows are irrigated. In the middle of the month, when the soil finally thaws, the sowing of spring crops begins. As for the weather, April is the most capricious month in this regard. Frosts return extremely rarely, but it can rain several times in one day. In April, the snow finally melts and the rivers open up.

Folk beliefs, signs, proverbs and sayings of April

  • In April - water, in May - grass, in July - bread.
  • Three rains in April replace a thousand rains in July.
  • If there is a lot of precipitation in April, then the summer will be mushroomy.
  • In April, seven weather for one day.
  • If a thunderous April is issued, then there will be a rich harvest of nuts.
  • The April high water means a good harvest of grain crops.
  • The first thunder this month heralds the onset of heat.
  • If the birds nest high in the trees, then there will be dry weather in the summer, if it is low, a rainy and thundery summer is expected.
  • If the leaves bloom on the alder earlier than on the birch, then there will be a rainy summer.
  • Good and dry weather on the Annunciation speaks of a thunderous rainy summer.

Holidays and memorable dates of April

  • April 1 is World Laughter Day. On this holiday, it is customary to kindly play each other. If a person fell for any prank in the afternoon, he is called the "fool of the day."
  • April 2 is the day of unity of the peoples of Russia and Belarus.
  • April 3 is the international holiday of the geologist.
  • On the 4th, employees of the investigative bodies of the Russian Federation celebrate their professional holiday.
  • On April 7, 1994, the, which was new at that time, was registered and entered into the international database of addresses. In fact, this day is considered the birthday of the Internet in Russia.
  • The 10th is the day of the military personnel of the air defense units.
  • On April 11, 1945, a riot of prisoners took place in the Buchenwald concentration camp, which was brutally suppressed. Now this day is considered a day of remembrance for the victims of concentration camps.
  • The 12th marks the International Day of Aviation and Cosmonautics.
  • April 19 is Snowdrop Day. The holiday was established in 1984 and came to us from the UK.
  • Also this month there are many Orthodox holidays, for example, Pure Thursday, Good Friday and Easter - the day of the resurrection of Christ.

Admire: spring is coming,

Cranes fly in a caravan

The day is drowning in bright gold,

And streams on ravines rustle.

I. Nikitin

April is the second month of spring. If it is known as the “spring of light”, then April is the “spring of water”, in common people it is the “month of Aquarius”.

Its ancient Russian name is beautiful and sonorous - pollen; because in this month the first greenery appears and some plants bloom. The Romans called the second month of their calendar Aprilis, from the Latin "aperire" - "to open" (in this month, as we know, the kidneys open). Russian folk etymology connects the word "April" with the verb "pret" (in April it is). This is the month of snow driving, the month of opening of rivers and floods, bird songs, forest snowdrops.

According to folk signs: "April has never been colder than March, nor warmer than May."

According to long-term data, the average air temperature is 2-4 degrees Celsius. In some years, usually in the third decade, as, for example, in 1950, 1970, 1975 and 1977, there were hot days with a temperature of 25-30 degrees Celsius. However, in the first decade at night, during the intrusions of the Arctic air, there may still be a short-term drop in temperature to 20-30 degrees below zero (1957 and 1963).

The transition of the average daily temperature through 5 degrees of heat occurs in the third decade of April (19-24); the snow cover usually disappears in the second decade of April (12-18). Monthly rainfall is 25-30 mm.

Snow is still whitening in the fields, and the waters are already rustling in spring ...

Under the bright rays of the spring sun, the snow melts and darkens, the earth is gradually freed from the snow cover, saturated with moisture.

As cold matinees do not hold young spring at first, it takes its toll. April begins her "talk" under the snow. At noon, puddles of snowy water spill on the streets, and bright streams ring on the slopes. warms day by day all warmer and warmer. Blue sky. Slopes and steeps turn black. Beams and ravines turn into turbulent streams that make noise day and night and become dangerous obstacles at the time of mudslides.

The people noticed: “February is rich in snow, April in water”, “Where there is a river in April, there is a puddle in July” and “April streams wake up the earth”. And indeed, how much unbridled power in this picture! April - spring water.

April weather is fickle, changeable, there are seven weathers a day. Either the sun and the steppe, then suddenly the north wind “siverko” will blow and it will snow, at night the frost will grab the puddles with transparent blue ice. And the next day it gets warmer again and it starts to rain. Return frosts in April are common. No wonder they say: "April - do not believe anything" and "Do not break the stove - it's still April in the yard."

Noise and din all day stands in rook colonies. The old rooks have occupied their former dwellings and are renovating them, the young ones are building new ones, announcing the neighborhood with a loud croak. At the nests, the birds stay in pairs. Often fierce fights arise between rooks for possession of nests. It is important that rooks pace on thawed patches. It can be seen, indeed, "Rook pecked the winter."

The laying of eggs in rooks begins in the first half of the month of April. In cold and lingering springs, the clutch is 3, in favorable springs - 4 eggs.

Remarkable songbirds, mockingbirds, occupied the birdhouses, driving out uninvited guests from them - the ubiquitous sparrows, and in the forest they settle in the hollows of trees. The spring starling is beautiful: it is all black, chest and neck with a greenish-purple tint. The tail and wings are brownish. After arrival (in early spring at the end of March), starlings sing sluggishly, without inspiration. And only when the starling starts laying eggs, the starling's song will sound in full force. He sings passionately, fluttering his wings with joy. This bird does not have its own song, but it imitates many other birds well. In the whistles of the starling, you can hear the nightingale clicking and the voices of larks, thrushes and warblers.

From the height of the sky above the thawed fields in the fields comes the perky, iridescent song of the lark. Immediately upon arrival (at the end of March), this small bird in a modest motley gray outfit begins to sing. A hillock with last year's grass that has melted on the field is its first refuge.

In the first days of April, finches usually arrive - the most numerous birds of our forests. Soon after arrival, everywhere in the forests, gardens and parks one can already hear their cheerful song. Males have a brownish-red breast, a bluish head, a dark back and a white wing mirror. Females are colored much simpler: monotonous, gray. First, males arrive from wintering, they occupy nesting sites and, singing a sonorous song, as if they warn their rivals: do not come near, the place is occupied. Females ten days after arrival begin to build a nest. They do not sing, but only make short ones. The nest is arranged on a solid support near a tree trunk, at a height of 1.3 to 15 meters. The finch is one of the most skillful nest builders. The base of the nest is woven from blades of grass, dry stems, grass roots, sometimes moss, needles, tree leaves are added. The inner layer is laid out from small feathers of birds, wool of mammals or from vegetable fluff. For the outer decoration of the nest, pieces of lichens growing on the bark of trees, thin birch bark films are used. In the first half of May, it is already possible to meet nests of finches with a full clutch of 5-6 eggs. Thrushes arrive simultaneously with finches, and later small, nimble white wagtails appear - harbingers of floods. From time immemorial in Russia this cute, elegant bird is called “icebreaker-coy”. The black-breasted pichuga shakes its long tail merrily, quickly running on its thin, springy legs along the roads, paths, banks of rivers and lakes, loudly pronouncing its “Tsvenk ... Tsvenk”. Its arrival usually coincides with the opening of small rivers. It was believed that with its long trembling tail, the white wagtail breaks the ice.

In Kazan, the average date of her arrival is April 7 (the earliest was March 30, 1975, and the latest - April 24, 1926).

In addition to the white one, there are three species of yellow wagtails, closely similar to each other; they can be found in meadows and damp pastures. Wagtails are one of the most useful birds. They destroy a large number of insects.

Hollow-nesting birds can be found everywhere, dozens of their species settle near human habitation, even in large cities. These are sparrows, gray flycatchers, redstarts, starlings, pied flycatchers and great tits. However, hollow-nesting birds can only settle where there are hollows or something replacing them.

The house and field sparrow, starling, pied flycatcher are very undemanding in choosing a birdhouse, and for them even significant deviations in the shape and size of the box are not significant. It should only be remembered that the birdhouse must necessarily remain unplanned, rough inside, so that the birds can easily get out. It should not have cracks.

The nests of the same design, but smaller, are populated by small birds - tits, flycatchers. Such nests are usually called titmouses. In them, the main value is the diameter of the notch through which the bird flies. In order for the city sparrow not to nest in the titmouse, the notch should have a diameter of 3 centimeters, although in nature the tit likes to nest in hollows with a relatively large diameter of the notch.

The great tit is picky in its choice of nesting sites. She cannot stand the cracks in the titmouse and clearly prefers those made of thick boards. For a titmouse, you need to carefully choose a place. Its height from the ground should be 3-5 meters. The nest is located in the crowns of trees, on thick trunks, so that the notch is turned into dense branches of trees, but would not be covered by them. It has been observed that tits prefer green color hollows for all other colors.

It is better to hang nests from autumn, and since the size of the nesting area of ​​the great tit is large, titmouses should be at a distance of at least 5-12 meters from each other.

Crane triangles chirp high in the sky, noisy shoals of geese rush to the north. Once, on April 4, we were on winter fishing in front of the river port. Above us, comparatively low, seventeen geese flew up the Volga; migratory geese, around this time, in different years can also be seen near the village of Shuran, in Sorochie Gory, Maslovka and in other places on the Kama. At the beginning of April, as soon as the edges of the river banks and in the field lakes of water appear, gulls arrive (their average arrival time is on April 14), mallard ducks, somewhat later dives-gogols, then the smallest ducks: teal- whistles and crackling teals. Meadows and swamps resound with the lingering cries of lapwings, in the folk style of pigalits: “Tiu-vi!”, “Tiu-vi!” Woodcocks and other waders, redstarts and chiffchaffs appear. The very first seagulls in our city can be found on the Dalniy Kaban, where the warm waters of KazGRES flow down.

The first-born of spring are blooming in the forest. The earrings are blooming at the alder, hazel or hazel. The spring wind carries the greenish, dry and light pollen of alder, yellowish hazel. There are no leaves yet, and alder and hazel are in bloom. First-flying bees buzz on them, collect pollen. Previously inconspicuous in the forest, a fragrant shrub - a wolf's bast has changed, he was one of the first to dismiss his lilac-pink bells. This rare plant is now under protection. You can not pick flowers, dig it up, cause damage to it. Aspen blossoms, at the end of the month of April - beginning of May - goat willow (nonsense), the buds on the trees noticeably round, the tops of birches and willows blush.

Late spring and deep freezing of the soil delay sap flow in trees: in birches, it begins only after the average daily air temperature rises above zero. As a rule, in the vicinity of Kazan, this happens on April 12; the earliest for recent times sap flow was observed on April 2, 1975, at the latest on May 3, 1968.

Butterflies flew out - yellow lemongrass, brown urticaria. The ladybugs also came to life in the sun. Their bright dotted color is a warning to birds: don't take it, it's inedible! ladybugs bring great benefits - exterminate aphids.

On slightly thawed clay hillocks, along roads, on railway embankments, yellow flower baskets bloom on short, thick, greenish-gray stems. These are coltsfoot flowers. The plant is medicinal, flowers and leaves are dried, and then brewed and drunk as tea. A decoction of coltsfoot is used for coughs and sore throats.

In the pine forests, one of the first to bloom in late April - early May is a beautiful shaggy flower - open lumbago or, as it is also called, sleep-grass. The most appropriate name for this snowdrop would be, perhaps, a forest tulip. In some places we call it that. It pleases with its freshness and unusualness. Extremely tender, this dark purple or blue flower is threatened with extinction. After all, the border of its distribution goes further and further away from Kazan, it becomes less and less in the nearest forests, and therefore it is included in the list of protected plants of the republic.

On light, dry clearings in deciduous and mixed forests, the lungwort rose from the ground and blossomed - a typical forest plant. Lungwort is a plant with small flowers sitting on one stem - pink, red, blue, blue, purple and rough leaves.

You will see a lungwort and rejoice, because it appears in the spring among the first flowers. The beginning of its flowering can serve as a sign of the disappearance of the snow cover in the forest. An interesting feature has a lungwort - its flowers change color within a few days. At first the flower is pink or red, and then turns purple and finally in Blue colour. On one stem, you can often see all the colors at once - a multi-colored bouquet, because the flowers do not bloom at the same time.

Why are these flowers called lungwort? Probably because bees love to collect nectar from these flowers in early spring. But if you carefully observe the bees, you will notice that they fly only to the purple flowers of the lungwort: there is no nectar in pink and red flowers.

AT folk calendar April 4 is a sunny day. April 7 - winter day. "Spring overcame winter" - says the saying. At this time, badgers and raccoons come out of their holes, bears crawl out of their dens, ants crawl up, hedgehogs and lizards appear. Thunderstorm on this day - to a warm summer; and if the night is warm, then spring will be friendly. The winter path collapses a week before this day or a week later. At this time in Russia, the rite of "setting the birds free" was observed. The townspeople bought birds at the market and immediately released them into the shining spring sky. The beekeepers took out the beehives from the omshanik. It is noted among the people: “The gray alder is dusty - it’s time to put out the hives,” in nine days the bees will bring the first crop. April 9 is Nastovitsy Day. On this day, it is customary to meet lapwings - "nastovits". "The lapwing flew in, brought water on its tail." And indeed, according to our zoologists, the average date of arrival of lapwings near Kazan is April 9, the earliest was March 19, 1937, the latest - April 20, 1952. Lapwings keep after the arrival of temporary field reservoirs. As the spring waters descend, these pretty and cautious Birds with a tuft on their heads move to large reservoirs with meadows adjoining them. At the same time, they said that "the pike breaks the ice with its tail."

April 14 - the day "light the snow, play the ravines", and four days later - the greenhouse blew, dissolve the window.

The penultimate day of April - urvi coast. The high water on the rivers has subsided - the banks have been torn apart, the bridges have been soaked.

In the month of April, the vegetation of winter and fruit crops, trees and shrubs resumes after the transition of the average daily temperature through plus 5 degrees. For the rapid renewal of nature, fine sunny April days and streams of melt water are favorable.

In the middle of the month of April - early May, when there is still snow in the ravines, and in some places in the forest, the first mushrooms appear: morels and lines. You can meet snowdrop mushrooms both in coniferous and deciduous forests: they are easiest to find in glades, clearings, near forest roads, along the edges of forest swamps and in burnt areas. They are fleshy, tender and have a spicy smell. Morels have a yellow-brown conical cap, cellular, as if sewn from scraps. The stump is hollow inside. The line has a dark brown hat irregular shape, with deep folds. Neither give nor take some kind of "potato". Morels and lines should be collected young, as old, flabby mushrooms acquire some toxicity. Fresh morels and lines are boiled for 10-15 minutes, the broth is drained, the mushrooms are washed afterwards, and then fried, boiled or stewed, marinated. Morels fried in sour cream are not inferior to white mushrooms.

April is the breeding season for game animals. At the beginning of the month, you can meet the first tiny spring rabbits. Hares are very prolific: they bring babies up to four times a year, and there are an average of three or four hares in a brood. They are born sighted, covered with wool. The first spring hares, the so-called "nastoviki", in most cases die, mainly from the cold. Around the same time, offspring appear in - from three to eight baby squirrels. Little squirrels are born naked and blind; they are completely helpless. For almost a month, the mother feeds them with milk. A squirrel has two or three broods per year. Young ones appear in wolves (from 3 to 12 blind puppies), in badgers (from 2 to 6 blind badgers), in muskrats and martens. The animals are in the midst of a molt. Squirrels, martens, hares, foxes shed their winter coats.

In the forest, at dawn, bird fights begin. On the edges, clearings and clearings, grouse-grouse mumble, mumble, fierce fights start. Red-browed enemies have feathers flying in all directions. Black grouse willingly lek also in meadows, which has been repeatedly observed, sometimes in the fields. Capercaillie currents flare up in pine forests. Capercaillie have been flying to the lek since evening and start to lek very early, just before dawn. The song of the capercaillie consists of clicking and grinding. During the gnashing, the capercaillie hears absolutely nothing. An ancient bird sings, uncontrollably singing its quiet magical song. In the distance, you can hear the flapping of the wings of males fighting on the ground. Few of these forest beauties are left in our forests. That is why hunting for them is prohibited for a long time in many places.

Woodcocks begin to crave - evening flights in search of females; cranes have "dances" in the swamps.

In ancient Russia, the month of April was also called "berezozol", which means angry for birches. This name was given because since ancient times, from the end of the month, they harvested sap - sweet birch sap, and often destroyed trees with this. Birch sap flow begins after the ground thaws. The juice, in which there is a lot of sugar, moves upwards through the vessels of the wood, from the roots of the tree to the swelling buds. In our time, birch sap is harvested only at logging sites intended for felling in the next two or three years. Then the hole in the birch bark is covered up and the runoff stops. Birch sap attracts various insects (ants, hive butterflies, flies) and especially woodpeckers. The latter on the trunks of birches hollow out holes in several rows with their strong beak. Such pits are called "woodpecker rings". Birch sap is used both as a refreshing drink and as a remedy for stomach diseases. There is a popular sign: if a birch has a lot of juice in spring, wait for a rainy summer.

For amateur fishermen last days ice fishing. The end of March and the beginning of April is the most productive time for fishing. Catch on spinners, mormyshka, donkeys. The trophies are very different: large silver paths, mother-of-pearl pike perch, weighty scavengers, white bream, bream, elegant perches. The most wonderful fishing: the water in the holes does not freeze, no gloves are needed, the sun is already hot with might and main, and the first spring tan appears on the faces of the sub-glacial fishermen. Clean air and passion for fishing - isn't this a good rest after a five-day work day?

Fans of ice fishing should not forget about the danger: the ice at this time becomes loose, thin and fragile, there are scours, polynyas, not long before trouble. And if, through negligence, trouble happens, the main thing is not to lose courage, presence of mind. You must immediately spread your arms wide, trying to keep them on the surface of the ice, and the best thing is to lie with your chest on the edge of the ice and throw your arms forward or turn on your back and throw your arms back. It is necessary to get out of a dangerous place by moving lying down in order to increase the area of ​​\u200b\u200bsupport and call for help with screams. In fact, keeping your cool, you have to get out on your own, not hoping for someone's help from the outside.

With cloudy water, winter fishing ends, as the fish no longer sees the bait. Pike spawning begins.

It is appropriate to recall that at the end of April, the Fish Protection Inspectorate announced a ban on commercial and amateur fishing for a certain time on the Volga, Kama, Mesha and Sviyaga rivers. During the prohibition period, amateur fishing is allowed from the shore with one line and one hook outside the spawning grounds; at the same time, the fight against poaching is intensifying.

I remember such a case. It was several years ago in the second five-day period of the month of April. At night it still froze well, and during the day the sun warmed with might and main, the snow melted and it was quite warm. I then went on winter fishing near the village of Students. The narrow winter path from the tank farm initially went along. The muddy ditch, then the banks, and then turned sharply to the right in the direction of Nizhny Uslon. From there I was already getting along the coast to the Students. Right under the shore, in the crooked places, it was very good to take a perch on a mormyshka. By evening my fishing box was full; the perch, basically, came across average. I put the box with the fish in my backpack and walked briskly across the snowy water back towards Nizhny Uslon. Before reaching the main thorny path (three hundred and fifty or four hundred meters), I went obliquely from the coast to this path. I walked with a pick, from time to time testing the strength of the ice. at the same moment I found myself in a ravine, released a pick, which immediately sank to the bottom of the Volga. thin ice. The ice first broke off, then went stronger and I soon got out of the dangerous place. But I managed to take only a few steps - the ice broke again, and I again found myself in the water. This time I didn’t get up when I got out onto the ice, but lying down, like a plastuna, as they taught in the army, I crawled about three hundred meters to a path packed with hundreds of feet. Until now, I consider my fishing box, put in a backpack, as a savior, which did not allow me to dive deeper into the water, and I, like a float, stayed on the water. Frivolity - there is no other way to explain it, although I really wanted to shorten the distance to the path - under other circumstances could end in irreparable disaster. These are the stories that happen in nature with amateur fishermen.

In the second half of the month of April, spring hunting is allowed on permits for woodcocks on evening draft and black grouse on leks in organized hunting farms with a strict shooting rate. A few days before the start of the hunt, a hut is set up at the place of the current, so that the birds get used to it. On the day of the hunt, the hunter, still dark, before dawn, climbs into it and shoots black grouse in the morning.

Usually the first spring thunderstorms occur in May. But in 1977, strong peals of thunder in Kazan were heard on the morning of the eleventh of April. This is one of the few cases of such an early thunderstorm in our republic.

Spring work is underway in the fields: top dressing of winter crops, harrowing of fallow and perennial grasses. The farms treat proven, high-quality seeds. After all, it’s not for nothing that they say: “What you sow, you will reap.”

Old-timers say that the Volga begins to open when the length of the day according to the calendar is fourteen hours. And this is confirmed in practice: the first movement of ice always occurs at this time.

In the third decade of April, navigation on the Volga, the “blue street of Russia”, usually opens. The small rivers Mesha, Kazanka, Svnyaga break up one or two weeks earlier; Kama - somewhat later than the Volga.

I remember well the ice drift on the old Volga. This time was a real holiday for the townspeople. For about a week and a half, people impatiently asked each other: “Have you gone yet?” And how the current swept through the city - "I started!" Then everyone, both old and young, hurried to look at the great Volga-mother. Trams of the first route were overcrowded; catchy posters were pasted on the windows of the cars: “The ice has broken” and “The ice is completely drifting on the Volga”. Even when approaching the shore, a dull rumble, rustling and gnashing of ice floes was heard. The river roared, rumbled, churned with bizarre heaps of ice. With spring waters, small and large ice floes rushed downstream, sometimes huge ice fields. And on them often, and sometimes not entirely explicable, one could see either a small wooden hut, or some kind of animal. And multi-ton bulks of transparent blue-green ice were easily carried to the shores. The river was awakening after a long winter, and everyone wanted to see this great awakening, the power of the elements. Ice drift on the Volga was an unforgettable, majestic sight. And crowds of well-dressed townspeople admired it for several days. And now, with the advent of the Big Volga, the river has slowed down its run to the sea and the ice drift is almost imperceptible.

Folk signs about the weather and sayings:

The crane is humming - it gives news of warmth.

Cranes pull north - to heat, fly back -

to the cold.

A wagtail-ice about breaking a crane on its tail brought.

The seagull flew in - soon the ice will pass.

Migratory birds fly in flocks - towards a friendly spring.

Early rise of bees - to the red spring.

A sandpiper flew in from across the sea, brought spring out of the gate.

If the pigeons coo, it will be warm.

Excess moisture in the ground - extra bread in the bins.

Snow in April - the granddaughter came for the grandfather.

If hares do not shed for a long time in spring, wait for the cold weather to continue.

If migratory birds do not chirp for a long time in the spring, then it will be cold.

There would be water, and greenery would be born.

The first spring rain will wash the roots.

Wet April is good arable land. Spring is red during the day.

The cuckoo began to crow - no more frost.

The lark is warm, the chaffinch is cold.

The cat washes, licks its paw - to a bucket, climbs onto the stove, curls up, covers its muzzle with its paw - to rain and cold.

Thunder in early spring - before the cold.

Geese fly high - there will be a lot of water; fly low - little.

The hostess comes spring into its own. There is a wonderful time for the awakening of native nature.

So spring April has come, which is quite simple to characterize in terms of natural changes, because it is from this month that active life begins in the northern hemisphere. From the first days of April, meltwater will gush in a swift stream from all hills, mounds and hillocks, which in many places forms swift streams, almost turning into small rivers.

Everyone is looking forward to the arrival of the long-awaited spring April, because after prolonged cold weather, we all want warmth and bright days, which, thanks to the warm and bright sun, are becoming more and more every day.

Description and characteristics of the nature of April

April is driven away by the cold wind and the remaining snow, which is why they call it "Snegogon". Here and there, the first grass and flowers appear on the bare ground, the soil is preparing for large-scale flowering, parks, squares and forests wake up from the singing of migratory birds that have just returned from warm lands.

The second month of spring begins to actively advance with heavy snowmelt. The sun in April is already quite high above the horizon and it heats up in a special way, in the daytime the air temperature warms up almost to summer degrees.

Every day the air becomes warmer, which, with the help of light winds, spreads the smell of spring through the natural expanses of meadows, fields, forests and rivers. The flood becomes massive, the rivers overflow their banks. Bright streams sparkle in the sun and flow in a string, joyfully murmuring flow down from the hills and slopes, finally freeing them from snowdrifts.

In April, many trees and shrubs bloom, including alder, which heralds the arrival of a warm and steady spring with its flowering. People are starting to prepare for work in their summer cottages, they have already planted some crops, and some are destined to be planted any day now.

Heated by the warm sun, the remaining snow descends from the trees, freeing their bark from the winter shackles. The earth is becoming more and more bare, only here and there you can see the remaining drifts of dark snow, which remained in the most darkened and hidden places, hidden from the sun's rays and the warm wind.

Ice cracks and breaks on rivers and reservoirs, flooding begins, numerous ice floes are launched downstream. At this time, you should be especially careful on ponds and rivers, the ice in early April is very deceptive, it becomes very thin and viscous, thawed patches form.

With the arrival of the April heat, we begin to pick up a lighter wardrobe for ourselves, changing heavy winter clothes for sweaters and suits. The pleasant sun calls us to the street, and we gladly offer our face and hands to it.

The cheerful spring drops sounded, which means that the fourth of April has come, Vasily-Solnechnik has come to us. Even in the morning that day there was a light frost, and by the middle of the day it was almost summer heat, the ringing music of the droplet invites us to the street to enjoy the arrival of heat.

FROM Orthodox holiday The Annunciation, which always takes place on the seventh of April, we are already counting on a real spring, which usually does not let us down. It is generally accepted that it is from this Orthodox holiday that winter, if it does not completely leave us, is already ready to admit that it is time for it to give way.

In early April, from about the ninth day, when the day of Matryona the Mentor is celebrated, lapwings fly to us, and ice begins to melt on the rivers, as the people said, Marya brought floods with her.

Every day there is less and less snow, the earth is more and more exposed and the first grass and flowers appear on it. Numerous small streams flow loudly along the roads and paths, intertwining with each other in a string and turning into more rapid streams.

Forests, parks and squares come to life, as well as the slopes of various reservoirs are filled with the joyful singing of birds. They unite in pairs and prepare for replenishment, rearing chicks.

In April, the hottest mating season in the animal world begins - many are steaming and ready to raise their offspring soon. The trees are just starting to bud, but they are still bare, but very soon they will blossom, which means that a new life is being born.

The nature of April and its description

In conclusion, we will present you some of the most significant and interesting folk signs about the nature of the month of April, what they portend, what the weather will be like in the future, how to navigate with their help. This knowledge came to us from the depths of centuries, thanks to centuries-old observations, and therefore it is quite possible and necessary to trust them ...

If a birch has a lot of juice in April, then you should expect a rainy summer;

The swallows did not arrive at the beginning of April, which means that the rest of the spring will be cold;

If the first April rains are with thunder, then most likely the summer will be warm and dry;

A lot of rain in the second month of spring promises a large harvest of mushrooms in summer, and nuts in autumn.

The second month of spring is characterized as the beginning of a new life, it is in April that many things in nature are born again, animals steam, people begin to dig in the ground, plant vegetables and fruits, trees and shrubs in their summer cottages in the hope of getting a good harvest.

With the advent of this month, we connect a lot, count on a lot, it is in April that new opportunities open up, a new life is given a start, not only in nature, but also among animals, birds, and even here.

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