Where to change the health insurance policy to a new one. When, how and where to change the medical policy

Name changes can be for a variety of reasons. But in any case, every person who has changed his data in the proper manner must apply for a change in each document.

And the very first thing to change should be an identity document - a passport. And then, on the basis of this document, and are subject to change.

What it is?

All citizens Russian Federation Those who decide to change their last name should be prepared for the fact that they will have to change all the documents. And this will require a fairly large amount of time and money.

Each procedure requires the payment of a state fee for reissuing a document.

The surname is an integral part in the life of every citizen. It is given to him from birth, usually from his father. This information will accompany him throughout his life. For its change, there must be a basis and sufficiently weighty. For example, marriage or adoption. In some cases, the personal desire of a person is allowed.

The basis can be the personal desire of only an adult. At the same time, the action is accompanied by writing a statement of the established form addressed to the city administration. There it will be necessary to indicate the desire that entailed.

The legislation stipulates that a change of surname can only be on the basis of a significant one.

This concept is abstract. For any person, all this is individual. Significant will be not only marriage and adoption, but also the change of a foreign surname to Russian or, for example, dissonance.

Many citizens come to the passport office based on astrological indicators. This is not considered illegal. However, representatives of the registry office conduct a preventive conversation with a person and, on the basis of it, determine further actions.

It is impossible to take the name of an idol. This new trend among young people made the state body think. This is, of course, possible. But if a person only proves that this surname belongs to a relative. Otherwise, he will be denied.

A person can take the surname of both a close and a distant relative. If the applicant has doubts about the choice of surname or the validity of the act, then he has the right to consult with representatives of the registry office.

After registration of new amendments in the registry office, a confirming document is issued to a person. Together with him, he is obliged to go to the passport office and change the data in the passport.

It must be remembered that, on the basis of legislation, a person who has changed his surname must amend his passport within a month. Otherwise, there will be a fine of up to 5 thousand rubles, depending on the region of residence.

In addition to the passport, you need to change the SNILS, driver's license and medical policy.

The legislative framework

This act is regulated by several normative documents. Basically, this is Federal Law No. 326 of November 29, 2010 “On Compulsory Medical Insurance in Russia”.

It is worth reviewing such subsections in the act as:

  • article 16 which describes the full list of rights and obligations of citizens who have changed their surname;
  • article 17, which stipulates the list of rights and obligations of insurance companies;
  • article 18, which spells out liability for violation of requirements;
  • article 19, which specifies the list of rights and obligations of medical companies;
  • article 20, which spells out the rights of medical organizations;
  • article 43, which spells out the rules for personalized registration of insured persons;
  • article 44, which stipulates exactly how accounting is carried out and how medical care is provided;
  • article 45, which stipulates what the concept of "insurance policy" is;
  • article 46 - the policy issuance algorithm is established;
  • article 47 - work between all organizations of medical type and insurance;
  • article 48 - joint accounting by an insurance company and a medical one;
  • article 49 - informational nature of the process;
  • article 40 - quality of service provision and volumes;
  • article 40 - the grounds and procedure for granting sanctions to a medical company.

Replacing the compulsory medical insurance policy when changing the surname

Many citizens want to know how to change a medical policy to a new one when changing their last name. Since May 2011 this document has the same shape. And already in 2014, the replacement of poles with plastic ones began, which significantly reduced the loss and loss.

Without a document, one cannot count on the free provision of services.

The policy is provided by insurance companies that have this license. Now almost all companies provide such services. If this is an unemployed person, then he has the right to go to the insurance company on his own.

If a person works, then the situation is somewhat simplified. He doesn't need to do anything. It is enough to inform the personnel department about the change of name. The employer will independently perform all necessary actions. The person will already receive the finished document.

The document is a personalized card. It is somewhat similar to a bank one, it has a similar chip for reading information.

It contains the personal data of a person - date of birth, city and surname, first name, patronymic. In this connection, with any change in information, it is necessary to make amendments.


The grounds for changing the medical policy of compulsory insurance are:

  • marriage;
  • its termination;
  • change of information in the birth certificate of children;
  • other reasons for changing the surname.

Is it necessary?

To understand the question of how to change an OMS policy when changing a surname, each person wants to know whether this must be done without fail?

Making changes to the medical policy is a mandatory procedure.

After obtaining a passport, you need to come to the insurance company and submit a corresponding application. Otherwise, when issuing sick leave or providing medical care, difficulties may arise.

This must be done, as well as changing other registered documents.

To issue a new plastic, you will need to provide a passport and a modified SNILS.


Changes can be made in several ways. At the same time, the submission of new data is mandatory.

You need to contact depending on the situation. If there are no more changes planned in addition to the surname, then you should contact the insurance company directly. In the same place, write a statement of the established form.

If the change of surname is accompanied by a new place of residence (often this happens during marriage), then there may be several options for applying.

If the insured person is completely satisfied with everything in the insurance company, then he can act by analogy with the previous option.

If not, then you need to contact the new insurer with a full package of documents.

public services

If you apply through the State Services Portal, the process is somewhat simplified. But before you turn to the portal, you need to know a few features.

Replacing the policy in this way has several advantages, such as:

  • minimum time;
  • minimum financial costs;
  • registration remotely.

You also need to remember that in order to work on the portal, you must first register and then get the required account level.

To complete a document, you need:

  • go to the official resource of the company and open the registration tab;
  • enter data (full name, contact phone number and e-mail ";
  • confirmation code that comes in the last two ways;
  • then the registration is completed and you will have to go through authorization;
  • then you need to go to the service catalog tab - my health, all services, what is a medical policy and how to get it.

In this tab, all the information of interest to the applicant becomes available. To obtain a new policy, you need to fill out a questionnaire.

After 30 days it will be possible to pick up a new policy at the branch of the insurance organization.

Also, through the State Services portal, you can apply for a replacement and,.

Insurance Company

To apply for an insurance policy in a company, you need to collect a complete package of documents and apply at the place of residence. The policy will be issued within the same period.

Registration procedure

As mentioned earlier, the design will not require much time. And if you know the order of registration, then it will not take more than five minutes.

Required documents

For registration, in addition to the application, you will need to provide certified copies of the following documents:

  • passport of a citizen of Russia;
  • marriage certificate;
  • insurance SNILS;
  • birth certificate (when applying for a policy for a child).


Amendments are made on the basis of the submitted application. It specifies:

  • old and new data of the applicant;
  • the reason for replacing the policy;
  • Contact Information.

When changing the name of a minor, an application must be submitted to the parent or guardian.

How much to wait?

The current law stipulates the period of submission.

A temporary policy is issued during the waiting period. It is this document that confirms the applicant's right to receive medical care while waiting for the issuance of a permanent insurance policy. A person has the right to contact a medical organization during this period of time.


It should not take more than 30 days from the issuance of a temporary policy to the receipt of a reissued one.

After this time, the representative of the company must notify the applicant of the readiness of the plastic. After that, the client comes to the office and receives the finished document.

The temporary policy terminates upon receipt of the permanent one.


The renewal of the medical policy is free of charge.

It is possible that when issuing an additional policy on behalf of the company, the organization itself pays extra for this procedure.

Possible difficulties

Replacing an OMS policy when changing a surname in 2017 is a mandatory procedure. Therefore, immediately after marriage, a woman should visit the branch of the insurance company.

If you do not issue a medical policy in a timely manner, then a person will not receive medical care free of charge.

That is, you will have to pay for calling medical help. Often citizens are faced with the difficulty that they cannot visit the branch, since it is no longer in their city.

In this case, you should send a letter with the necessary documents attached. All of them must be certified by a notary. It is also possible to change the insurance company to a new one. To do this, you need to submit a full package of documents to the new insurer.

On the video about the procedure for replacing the document

Citizens of the Russian Federation have the right to receive free medical care guaranteed by federal law. And they can exercise their right by issuing a policy of compulsory medical insurance.

This document is issued to a person once in a lifetime and does not require replacement, except in some cases provided for by applicable law. Such cases, in particular, include a change in the name of the owner of the policy.

Issuance of a compulsory medical insurance policy when changing a surname

If a citizen has changed his personal data regarding his first name, patronymic or last name, he is obliged, within 30 days from the date of these changes, to submit documents for reissuing a compulsory medical insurance policy.

The procedure for replacing an old document with a new one is practically the same as the procedure for obtaining compulsory medical insurance policy first.

First of all, the person who changed his surname must prepare a package of documents, certifying the changes made.

Thereafter he should contact the branch of the medical insurance company in which the old policy was issued, or to the branch of any other medical insurance company, if by the time the policy was reissued, he had changed his place of residence, place of work or decided to change the insurer.

At the same time, it should be borne in mind that if a citizen has a permanent registration in one region of the country, but works and lives in another region, he does not need to return to the place of permanent residence to perform actions to replace the policy.

According to the legislation on compulsory health insurance for citizens of Russia, the CHI policy is valid and can be issued or reissued throughout the country, regardless of the place of permanent residence.

Fill out an application

Reissuance of the CHI policy is carried out on the basis of a citizen's application.

This document must include the following information about the applicant:

  • old personal identification data;
  • new personal identification data;
  • reason for substitutions s compulsory medical insurance policy;
  • Contact details.

In the event that we are talking about changing the name of a minor child, an application for reissuing a policy is filled out by his parent, guardian or legal representative.

Most health insurance companies place application forms and samples of their completion on their own Internet resources. Therefore, a person has the opportunity to download and fill out the necessary form in advance. Otherwise, the application form can be obtained directly from the office of the insurance company. In addition, the office specialists will assist the client in filling out the application on the basis of the original documents attached to it, confirming the identity of the applicant.

When submitting an application, the client has the right to choose what type of policy he wants to receive.

Since 2011, paper policies and policies in the form of a plastic card have been operating in Russia. If the applicant chooses a plastic card, an electronic photo will be taken at the office of the insurance company.

Attach documents or certified copies

All data of the client who applied to the insurance company with a request to reissue the CHI policy are entered into the application only on the basis of the original documents or their notarized copies confirming the identity of the applicant.

Therefore, going to the office of the medical insurance company, you should prepare a package of documents, copies of which will be attached to the application.

These documents include:

  • passports of a citizen of the Russian Federation, which indicates his new name;
  • certificate of conclusion or termination marriage
  • insurance pension certificate SNILS. At the same time, if SNILS has not yet been reissued due to a change in surname, it is allowed to provide the old one, since when reissuing an insurance pension certificate, its number remains the same.

If the policy is reissued for a minor child, the application must be accompanied by:

  • child's birth certificate indicating a new surname or a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, if the child has reached the age of 14;
  • SNILS child;
  • previous policy child;
  • applicant's passport.

The law provides for the possibility of issuing a policy for another person.

In this case, you must provide:

  • handwritten power of attorney from a person in whose name the new policy is issued. In this case, notarization of the power of attorney is not required;
  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation
  • SNILS citizen in whose name the policy is issued;
  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, applying for a policy.

Submit an application at the Company's office

You can apply for reissuance of the CHI policy and a package of supporting documents for it at the office of any medical insurance company accredited by the state.

A list of such companies can be found in the nearest medical facility. e.g. in a local clinic.

A citizen has the right to choose an insurer at his own discretion, without reference to the place of work or residence.

Therefore, the choice of a company should not be limited by the principle of walking distance.

Experts advise before making a final decision, gather as much information as possible about different insurers, as well as Read reviews from customers who use their services.

Get a temporary

After the medical insurance company has accepted from the citizen an application for reissuing the CHI policy, a temporary document is issued to the applicant.

It confirms the right of its owner to receive free medical services in the period until he receives a permanent policy.

With this document, a person has the right to seek help from any state medical institution.

Get a reissued CHI policy

The current legislation establishes the period during which the insurer is obliged to re-issue the CHI policy .

This period cannot exceed 30 days from the date of acceptance by the company of the application.

After the specified period, the company's specialists are obliged to notify the applicant of the readiness of the permanent policy.

Having received such a notice, a person must once again visit the office of the insurance company and receive a new permanent policy with changed data.

From that moment on, the old policy is automatically terminated.

It is important to remember that the CHI policy is a guarantor of the timely receipt of free qualified medical care.

The service for replacing the CHI policy is provided to Russian citizens completely free of charge.

We all, unfortunately, sometimes need medical attention, and any of us certainly knows that "pleasure" is not cheap. However, regardless of their financial capabilities, every person has the constitutionally guaranteed right to receive timely and qualified medical care. It is for this purpose that a system of medical insurance for the population has been created in Russia. It has existed for a long time, and today there is such a need as a mandatory replacement of compulsory medical insurance policies. Why this was needed and how to do it - we will consider below.

What is OMS

The health insurance policy is just a document confirming the right of a citizen to receive qualified and, importantly, free medical care. For any hospital and polyclinic, the patient's possession of this document is very important, since it is he who is the basis for issuing an invoice to the insurance company, which will compensate for the costs of treatment. Therefore, the need to have a CHI policy is not a whim, but a duty stipulated by law. However, due to new laws in this area, some insurances issued earlier may become invalid. Replacing the CHI policy will help to avoid such trouble. Moreover, it is quite simple to do this.

Why you need to change the CHI policy

Needless to say, the replacement of old compulsory medical insurance policies gives citizens some inconvenience. Is it really necessary? The fact is that before the introduction of the new legislation, each insurance company put into circulation its own forms and entered there the information that it considered necessary. Such a policy was valid only in the territory served by a particular IC, therefore, if a person had to seek medical help outside his region, it was problematic to prove the right to free medical care. The replacement of the CHI policy is precisely designed to eliminate this kind of misunderstanding, because the new document has a single form throughout the Russian Federation and gives its owner the right to seek help from any medical institution of his choice.

How and where to get a document

It is very simple to issue a CHI policy - for this you just need to choose any insurance company and provide the necessary documents there. It is worth noting that if earlier the need to insure their employees was forcibly assigned to employers, then under the new legislation they are deprived of this “honorable” duty. Now the design, as well as the replacement of the CHI policy, is entirely your concern. However, this also has its advantages: for example, you are not obliged to contact exactly the organization with which your employer has an agreement, but you can choose the insurance company of your choice.

If for some reason you are not working, you can take out an insurance policy at the institution that serves your area (you can get information about this by contacting the city health insurance fund).

Or maybe over the internet?

Another innovation is the replacement of the CHI policy via the Internet - many insurance companies allegedly provide this opportunity today. However, in fact, it is impossible to issue insurance remotely - you still have to personally visit the office of the organization (at least to receive a document in your hands). Therefore, although the replacement of the CHI policy via the Internet is offered on the websites of many insurance companies, in fact this is only a kind of advertising ploy designed to attract as many customers as possible.

In practice, via the Internet, you can only submit an application and some scanned copies of documents (unless, of course, you are afraid that they will go to the wrong address). The maximum result that you can get is to save 5-10 minutes of personal time, this is how much an insurance company specialist will spend entering the necessary information about you in your presence.

Where to change the policy

As already mentioned, now you can independently choose the organization in which the CHI policy will be replaced. Addresses and phone numbers can be found in the territorial fund of medical insurance. Of course, it is best to choose a large insurance company with a good reputation, a sufficient number of positive reviews, and most importantly, a licensed one. For example, the replacement of the CHI policy in Moscow is carried out by organizations such as:

  • "F-polis".
  • "Vicks-polis".
  • "Direct Policy".
  • "Solidarity for Life".
  • "Max-m".
  • Uralsib.
  • "Insurance Group" Spassky Gate - M ".
  • "Reso-guarantee".
  • "12 Policies".
  • "Icarus" and others.

Replacing the CHI policy in Moscow, Ryazan, Saratov and any other city of the Russian Federation is exactly the same, and the insurance company has the right to demand from you only those documents that are provided for by law. Also, in any region of Russia, the same terms for issuing the form, as well as the procedure for its execution.

Documents for replacing the compulsory medical insurance policy: what to prepare

Oddly enough, but each insurance company requires its own list of documents for issuing and replacing a policy, but a very specific list is fixed by law.

Citizens of the Russian Federation must provide the following papers:

  • Children under 14 years old - a passport of either parent or a document confirming the right to custody; birth certificate, which contains a mark of citizenship of the Russian Federation; SNILS, if any.
  • For children from 14 years old and adults - an internal passport of the Russian Federation or a certificate that is issued for the period of registration of a permanent passport, as well as SNILS (if any).

Documents for replacing the CHI policy for foreign citizens include:

  • Passport or any document recognized, in accordance with an international treaty, as an identity card.
  • Residence permit or a document allowing temporary residence in the Russian Federation, with a mark of registration.
  • SNILS (when available).

The same papers are provided by stateless persons temporarily or permanently residing in Russia. But people who have the status of an migrant or refugee must additionally provide documents confirming this fact.

If you do not have the opportunity to personally arrive at the office of the insurance company, you can entrust this procedure to any relative or friend of your choice. In this case, you will need to additionally provide the passport of the person receiving the policy in your name, and a notarized power of attorney confirming his right to do so.

What is a temporary certificate and to whom it is issued

Replacing the MHI policy with a new one is a fairly quick procedure and takes approximately 30 business days. During this period, you will be issued a so-called temporary certificate confirming your right to free medical care. It usually contains the following information:

  • personal information about the insured - full name, gender, date and place of birth and residence, passport details, etc.;
  • the name and details of the insurance company that issues the policy;
  • number and date of issue of the certificate, its validity period;
  • signatures of the parties.

The temporary certificate has the same powers as the main document, therefore, all medical institutions, without exception, are required to accept it, as well as the CHI policy.

Is it necessary to hurry

Despite the fact that the period for replacing the compulsory medical insurance policy is not completely defined, it is still not worth delaying, especially if your old document contains a note that it is valid until 01/01/2011. Such a policy is considered overdue and is subject to immediate replacement - if this is not done, then you may be denied medical assistance, except in emergency cases. Moreover, only the case in which there is a direct threat to the life of the patient is recognized as an emergency. Any other disease, even the most severe, does not fall under this definition and will require you to either immediately issue a compulsory medical insurance policy, or treat yourself at your own expense.

All insurances issued after this date are considered valid until the replacement, and you are not entitled to refuse medical care on the basis that you have an old document. If this happens, feel free to file a complaint with the head of the medical institution (chief physician or his deputy), the territorial health insurance fund or the insurance organization that issued the policy.

If the policy form is damaged

It is worth knowing that there are cases when the replacement of the CHI policy is mandatory. In accordance with Russian law, a valid CHI policy can be either paper or plastic with an embedded chip. The validity of such a card is five years, after which it is subject to mandatory replacement. A paper policy can be replaced due to deterioration (dilapidation, wear, illegibility as a result of getting wet, and so on). In case of loss of a policy of any kind, a duplicate will be issued to you.

You will also have to contact the insurance company to replace the form in case of changes in personal information: last name, first name, patronymic and other data entered into it.

Benefits of having a new document

  1. The MHI policy of the new sample does not have an expiration date, is valid indefinitely and does not require renewal.
  2. When changing the place of work and residence, it is also not required to reissue the document.
  3. Also, you do not have to change the policy if you decide to use the help of another company that provides insurance services - data about it is simply entered into an existing form. Such a replacement can be made up to 10 times, but not more than 1 time per year. It is worth knowing that you need to apply for a change of insurance company before November 1 of the current year, after this date such an application may not be accepted.
  4. CHI policy replacement points are located in every city and town, in close proximity to your place of residence.
  5. The policy of the new model is valid throughout the country and gives the right to choose not only a medical institution, but also a specific doctor.
  6. Treatment and consultation should be provided not only in the state, but also in a private clinic, if it is included in the CHI system.
  7. The policy allows you to make an electronic appointment with the right specialist, and also contributes to the creation of a single information database throughout the territory of the Russian Federation.
  8. When issuing a new document, each citizen is assigned a unique 16-digit number, knowing which, you can remotely view your medical record, test results, etc., of course, in the case when your clinic has its own website and provides its patients with the opportunity to use "Personal office".

We change the policy to UEC

In conclusion, it is worth noting another important point - you can get a new type of policy not only on paper or plastic, but also in the form of a universal electronic card, which is a multifunctional tool for its owner. With the help of UEC, you can make payments, pay for travel in the metro and public transport, it also replaces SNILS and some other documents. For some time now, the registration of the UEC on the territory of the Russian Federation has been of a recommendatory nature.

Even if you are sure that health care you will not need it in the near future, do not delay replacing the CHI policy, because in the future this may turn into unpleasant moments.

Replacing the compulsory medical insurance policy when changing the surname is the same mandatory event as the replacement of a passport or driver's license. However, how thechange of medical policy when changing surname , is not said as often as it happens in the case of other documents. In the article we will discuss how the policy is replaced in situations of this kind.

Do I need to change my medical insurance policy when changing my last name? Is it necessary to replace it?

Let's start with the fact that since May 2011 this type of insurance document has a single form, and since the beginning of 2014, the widespread replacement of paper-based policies with plastic cards has begun. But in any case, without it, it is not necessary to count on the provision of medical care on a free basis since 2010.

The document is nominal, since it contains the full name and other personal data of the insured person. However, it often happens that a person changes his surname - for example, as a result of:

  • marriage;
  • dissolution of marriage;
  • changes in information in the birth certificate of children, etc.

Is there a change of policy when changing surname? The answer is unequivocal: it is just as necessary to do this as it is to replace all other registered documents. True, it should be noted that when applying for a new policy, you will need to present "new versions" of some of them (for example, a passport). The only exception is SNILS: although its replacement is provided, it is allowed to present the old one upon receipt of the policy, because the number will remain the same in the new version.

Where to change the CHI policy when changing the surname?

So we found out that change of policy when changing surname provided on a mandatory basis. Where do I need to go, where is the replacement of this document?

It all depends on the specific situation. If no changes (other than the surname) are planned, an appeal is made to your insurance company with a corresponding application. If change of policy when changing surname is accompanied by a move or a change of residence, then there may be several options for further action.

For example, if an insurance company suits the insured person and the services it provides cover the territories where the citizen will subsequently live, then his actions will be similar to the previous case. That is, he applies to the office of the insurer with an application to replace the policy due to a change in personal data and a change in the territory of service (of course, by presenting the necessary documents).

If it is planned to change the insurance company (for example, due to the banal absence of its branches in the new place of residence), you should choose the insurer of your choice, and then also contact him with an application and a set of necessary documents.

How to change the CHI policy when changing the surname?

So, where to replace the document, we figured out, it's time to find out how to change the compulsory medical insurance policy when changing the surname.

When visiting the insurance company, an application is filled out in the prescribed form and the necessary package of documents is presented. In addition to the passport, you will need to submit documents in accordance with which there was a change in personal data (this may be, for example, a certificate of marriage / divorce). After that, all personal information about the citizen is entered into the existing insurance database.

When replacement of an insurance policy when changing a surname with a simultaneous change of company, a citizen is issued a temporary document, the validity of which is limited to 30 days. Then, at the appointed time, it remains only to visit the office of the insurer for the second time to obtain a permanent policy.

If a citizen has a medical insurance policy of a single sample, it will not be necessary to change it - it is enough to conclude an agreement with a new company that provides the necessary services in a particular Russian region. After the conclusion of the contract for reverse side the document will contain the name of the new insurer and its telephone number.

Important! Persons wishing to change insurers should remember that you can immediately switch to another insurance company only if you submitted an application before November 1 of the current year. If this is done after the specified date, then the rights and obligations of the insurer will be transferred to the new insurance company only from January 1 of the year following the year of application. This rule does not apply only to cases where the change of insurer is associated with moving to another area or the liquidation of the insurance company.

What else you need to know when replacing honey. policy when changing surname?

After we told how to change insurance policy when changing surname, it remains to pay attention to a few more points.

At the legislative level, it is established that when changing the name, change the policy it is necessary within a month from the date of the changes (FZ No. 326 of November 29, 2010).

If we are talking about changing medical policies for children, then this should be done by their parents / guardians. The algorithm of actions remains similar to the one mentioned earlier; The following documents are presented to the insurer for reissuance:

  • passport of the legal representative (parent/guardian);
  • child's passport (if the minor has reached the age of 14) or birth certificate;
  • SNILS of the child (if any).

Replacing a medical policy with a legal representative is possible not only in relation to children, but also in the case of any other citizens. In this case, the representative must have a power of attorney and a certain package of documents. At the same time, a power of attorney does not require notarization - it will do well and executed with your own hand.

Any resident of the Russian Federation who officially has citizenship falls under the program of compulsory health insurance and can receive medical services if they have a compulsory medical insurance policy. Today, both old and new documents are considered valid, however, replacing the CHI policy with a new document is a necessary procedure that should be carried out so that there are no problems with obtaining medical assistance in the future.

Types of insurance documents

Today, Russian citizens use the following types of compulsory medical insurance policy:

  • paper form of the established form, size A5;
  • a plastic card that contains basic information on the front side (the card is issued together with a paper policy);
  • an electronic universal card that contains all the data about the owner and is read using electronic magnetic scanners. Such a card is more convenient to store and keep with you, it is accepted in several states.

Compared to a paper document, a policy issued in the form of a standard plastic card or UEC has a number of advantages: it is more durable, durable, compact in size, so you can take it with you and always keep it in your wallet or passport. A paper document is more relevant in regions of the country where there is no equipment for reading data from a plastic card, and employees of a medical institution are forced to transfer information to the database manually.

How long is the policy valid?

Compulsory medical insurance policies available to citizens of the Russian Federation have the following validity periods:

  • paper forms are issued for 1-5 years; the exact expiration date of relevance can be viewed on the sheet itself;
  • modern electronic cards and UEC do not have an expiration date and are issued for an unlimited period of time. Replacement of such a document will be required only in the event of a change in passport data, loss or severe spoilage cards. Issued old-style policies are considered valid even after the expiration date, however, in order to avoid problems, it is better to get a new one.

Replacement procedure

If you do not plan to change the insurance company, then the replacement procedure is extremely simple. To do this, you should contact the insurance company that issued the old-style policy, providing the policy itself, an identity card and a pension certificate. According to the law, the change of the document is free of charge.

If the need to replace the document coincided with a change in any data, you must also take with you papers confirming this fact (for example, a certificate of change of name / surname). The insurance company will need to fill out an application and submit it together with the old policy, instead receiving a temporary certificate, the validity of which varies from 1 to 1.5 months. When the new card is ready, you will need to visit the company again and obtain a permanent type compulsory medical insurance policy.

If you intend to change the insurance company, you should choose a suitable organization and apply there with the same set of documents.

Note! Change of insurance company is possible once a year and is carried out until November 1. Therefore, you must apply for a replacement no later than this date.

When and where to get a new policy?

To obtain a new sample document, you will need to perform the following steps:

  1. Choose the right insurance company. At the same time, you can focus on both personal factors (proximity to the office of the organization, opening hours, etc.), and preferences in choosing a clinic where the service will be carried out - you can find out about this at the information stand or the official website of the institution.
  2. Prepare a package of documents: if the policy needs to be changed for an adult, you will need to take an old document, passport, SNILS; when replacing a policy by a person under the age of 14, you will need to take a birth certificate instead of a passport.
  3. Visit the insurance company and fill out an application for a replacement document.
  4. Get a temporary certificate. You can find out about the readiness of a permanent policy by calling or using the online service of the insurance company.

It is worth noting that, although clinics and hospitals may have preferences in choosing an insurance company, they are obliged to provide assistance to the holder of any policy, regardless of which organization issued the documents to him. Denial of service based on the wrong choice of insurance company will be illegal.

Do I need to change the new policy?

The insurance policy of the new model is termless, but in some cases (replacement of full name, place of permanent residence, correction of incorrectly specified data, etc., as well as damage or loss), it will need to be replaced. To do this, you must contact the old or new insurance company and fill out a questionnaire indicating the reason for issuing a new policy (certificates or other legal documents confirming this reason must be attached to the application).

If the insurance policy has been lost, the account number in the company is attached to the application, but if the document is in hand, it is handed over along with the questionnaire. At the end of the verification period and after the issuance of the policy, the client must personally come to the insurance company and, having made sure that the specified data is correct, receive a ready-made card.

Initially, a new type of policy is issued to the following categories of citizens:

  • children and adolescents under the age of 14;
  • persons who arrived in the Russian Federation from another state for permanent residence.

In the first case, the relatives of the insured person submit documents to the company - they need to provide a birth certificate, SNILS, a passport or other identification of the parent who submits the documents. The passport of the person who applies for a minor (guardian, parent) must contain information about this person. In the second case, you will need to present a refugee document and an identity card. If an official pension program is supported in the country where the citizen came from, it is also necessary to present SNILS or its equivalent.

After replacement, the new policy allows you to use the volume of free medical services without restrictions, which implies the current Russian legislation. The presence of a new type of policy allows you to receive high-quality budgetary services and emergency assistance at any time.

Medical Encyclopedia