Sketch of a crescent with a star. What is the meaning of a crescent moon tattoo

People have always been attracted by everything mysterious and mystical. The moon tattoo is positive symbol, which is usually chosen because of its visual appeal. What does a tattoo mean for girls and for men, how can you characterize the owner of such a pattern?

Moon in myths and legends

Even in ancient times, people noticed the influence of the heavenly body on human life. That is why the symbolism of the moon was endowed with a special divine meaning, attracted by its mystery and unexploredness. This patroness of the night in many nations was associated with the feminine. The ancient Greeks and Romans identified the revered goddess Artemis with the moon, and the ancient Celts identified the sorceress fairy Morgana. Saint Maya, the patroness of the tribe of the same name, also symbolized the heavenly body and was the protector of all believers and pregnant women. Only in Japan was the month endowed with masculine energy and associated with the wind god Susanoo.

The Chinese were wary of the moon, considering it the source of all anomalous phenomena and punishment for humanity for its misdeeds. According to the ideas of this people, she is able to outshine the sun. The fact that the phases of the moon affect the entire earthly nature and human activity was noticed back in Ancient Babylon and India. At the same time, the first lunar calendars appeared, and the dates of important rites fell on the most favorable days.

AT Christian religion the Virgin Mary was associated with the heavenly body. Great holiday Easter is still determined according to the lunar calendar, and it always falls on the new moon. For Muslims, the crescent is considered a symbol of progress, it is also associated with faith and religion.

The image of an incomplete moon and a star can be seen on the flag of Turkey, Azerbaijan and many other Muslim countries.

The meaning of the moon tattoo

What is the meaning of the moon tattoo? The main meaning of the moon tattoo is mystery, femininity, variability. Despite the fact that the symbol has female energy, it can often be found among the representatives of the stronger sex as a spectacular wearable decoration. Sketches in the form of the moon hidden behind the clouds have a mystical character. Usually in such compositions there are wolves, owls, bats and other animals and birds leading a nocturnal lifestyle. Moon tattoo meaning for men in many respects has something in common with the female interpretation and may indicate a person’s passion for magic or astrology.

A girl's moon tattoo will tell about her desire to become a mother, since the heavenly body is associated with motherhood and procreation. The owner of such a tattoo is a woman shrouded in a halo of mystery and mysticism. This is what makes her special in the eyes of others. The owner of the tattoo in the form of the moon is charismatic, charming, and is fond of astrology. Sometimes a girl's drawing is chosen only because of its decorative properties.


The moon tattoo (see photo in the gallery below) is usually done using the realism technique. Thanks to the detailing, rich colors, the play of shadows and shades, the drawing looks very beautiful and original. The moon and stars, as well as space, look good in watercolor style. Such work resembles a picture of a talented artist. The technique is distinguished by airiness, lightness and smoothness of lines. The inscription will help convey the whole meaning of the tattoo. Such large-scale complex compositions are best done on the arm or on the back. Polynesian style tattoos are characterized by original ornate patterns and ornaments, as well as the predominance of black and gray flowers. It is believed that such drawings have a special sacred meaning and can change the fate of a person, so the choice of a sketch should be approached with particular care.

Fans of monochrome miniature tattoos can opt for a minimalist style. Its main features: simplicity and conciseness, clear neat lines. The image looks beautiful on the wrist, neck or finger. The moon tattoo goes well with the image of the sun. Usually one luminary is applied to one hand, and the second - to the other. Such a stylish composition will become a spectacular underwear decoration for both sexes.

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Photo of tattoos with the moon

The crescent moon tattoo has an endless number of different interpretations, all due to the fact that many people put their meaning into the crescent moon image. Despite this, the common meanings of a crescent moon tattoo can be distinguished:

  • the personification of water, peace and eternal change;
  • image of eternal paradise;
  • symbol of the Islamic religion.

Crescent Moon Tattoo Symbolism

Whatever meaning is currently assigned to the crescent, its significance is rooted in antiquity. Various peoples often turned to the moon for help, considered him one of the heavenly deities. Since ancient times, people have adorned their bodies with images of the crescent moon, thus showing respect and reverence.

Most often, the symbol of the crescent was supplemented with a combination of stars or the sun. It was believed that the month is the father of the entire firmament. Some peoples believed that the moon has much greater power than the sun, since only a month can be observed day and night, and sometimes even cover the sun. In some cultures, the crescent was depicted on the clothes of men, personifying it with the sign of a warrior.

The image of the crescent moon is mentioned in the mythology of many cultures. Later, the crescent symbol is indicated in Christian faith. The crescent moon in the hands of the Virgin Mary brings "light into the darkness of the night." The Byzantines used the image of the crescent as a sign to indicate safety. If the crescent is depicted with a star, this means an attitude towards the Islamic religion. However, many Muslims oppose tattooing on the body, as it is prohibited by the Koran. Also, a crescent with a star can help their owners find what they have been looking for for a long time and guide them on the right path.

For many people, the month is associated with something mysterious and mysterious. Such people most often complement the tattoo with a cloud. If a crescent moon tattoo is made in dark and gloomy colors, it is associated with werewolves. A smiling crescent, on the contrary, is able to bring great luck to its owner in life. It is believed that the image of a crescent moon on the body can help its owner cope with emotions and feelings and even manage them. Since the crescent moon is best seen at night, it is believed that its owner is active during these hours. Many believe that a tattoo with the image of a crescent moon is more suitable for a female; a crescent moon will add romance and mystery to its wearer.

The crescent moon tattoo has several meanings. Each tattoo lover interprets this symbol in his own way. But of the most common interpretations, it is worth highlighting the main three meanings of a crescent moon tattoo:

  • The symbol itself is associated with the moon, it personifies water, the world of changeable forms and phenomena, the passive, feminine principle.
  • The crescent (moon) is often found in the medieval emblems of the Western world, and especially when associated with a star - this symbolic image Raya.
  • The crescent (month) is most directly related to the Islamic religion, is one of the most recognizable Muslim symbols.

Not every tattoo can be called a masterpiece, but tattoo culture itself is directly related to modern art. And what can be art without the free flight of fantasy? The conclusion follows, like other types of creativity, tattoos and their meanings cannot be driven into a strict limited framework.

Hence the free interpretations of seemingly ordinary and familiar symbols when they are visualized as tattoos.

In the case when a person puts a crescent moon tattoo on his body, the meaning of the symbol can also be completely different. It all depends on the bearer of the drawing, his worldview and appearance the tattoo itself.


Since ancient times, even before the advent of astronomy, people worshiped the moon. It was believed that she brings good luck and patronizes in important matters. But even in our time, even when a person managed to visit the moon and, it would seem, solved all its mysteries, the halo of mystery does not leave the satellite of the Earth.

A modern man, putting a crescent moon on his body, puts his meaning and meaning into a tattoo.

The crescent, as conceived by the owner of the tattoo, should attract good luck, mean strength, even brutality. But this tattoo is found among the representatives of the stronger sex infrequently.


Among girls, on the contrary, a tattoo in the form of a crescent is very popular. It is not surprising, because this symbol is more suitable for women. Even among the ancient Greeks in mythology, the moon was patronized by the goddess Artemis.

Night hunter, well-aimed shooter and just beautiful woman. In addition to combining the above qualities, a crescent (month) tattoo adds mystery and romance to the image of a girl.

On the "zone"

Do not forget that the tattoo came from the criminal world. The exception is the tattoos of the natives from Oceania. These days, tattoos in the criminal world no longer have their former of great importance and influence. Especially considering the fact that many venerable repeat offenders and professional criminals do without them at all. However, earlier there was often “demand” for the “partaks” in the “zone”.

What is the meaning of the symbol of the crescent (month) among criminals? Most often, a crescent moon tattoo is found in the form of a "ring" on the finger of a criminal. The crescent gives the criminal either a Muslim, or means a sentence served in a correctional facility with a strict regime. This is the meaning of this tattoo.

“Perfect loneliness and peace is the best that the only satellite of the Earth can give us.” Haruki Murakami's phrase reflects the emotional influence of the moon on people. The planet is only visible at night. This is a time of silence, peace, reflection. You feel peace, longing and that same loneliness. No wonder they say: - "Howl like a wolf at the moon."

Turning dreary songs to the Sun does not occur to anyone. The night luminary only reflects the rays of the daylight, without generating energy on its own. Hence the feeling of coldness. It is also transmitted by artistic images of the satellite, in particular, moon tattoo. Consider the meaning of body paintings in more detail.

The meaning of the tattoo "Moon"

Meaning tattoos can be associated with the Virgin Mary. Among Christian icons, there are many where the mother of Christ stands or sits on a crescent. Such a plot is a symbol of victory over the forces of darkness. Proof of this are the lines of John the Theologian from the "Apocalypse": - "... a woman dressed in the Sun, under her feet the Moon."

The Virgin Mary is a woman, albeit an immaculate one. From time immemorial, the night luminary has been associated precisely with the representatives of the weaker sex. Reason is coincidence lunar month with the menstrual cycle of most women. The Chinese add that the maiden essence of the planet is expressed in its darkness. Distant lands are visible only when illuminated by the Sun.

In the Celestial Empire they believe that male energy is the light. Yin, on the other hand, is dark. Harmony reigns in the world only with their equal merging, as in the yin-yang sign. It can serve as a kind of analogue tattoo "Moon and Sun".

Tattoo "Moon" - photo, serving as a symbol of rebirth. Every morning the luminary disappears, every night it returns, but in a different form. The sickle gets a little bigger, a little smaller, or the full moon comes. Hence the belief of the ancients in the ability of the moon to be reborn.

Our ancestors also believed in the influence of the phases of the satellite on the ebb and flow, the movement of juices in plants, the ability of hair to grow. Many women still cut their hair on the growing moon, so that the curls grow faster.

The influence of the Earth's satellite on its inhabitants is considered magical. Scientists do not explain many of the relationships between the night luminary and the course human life. Hence another decryption moon tattoo. What does tattoo? Sorcery spells, incomprehensible forces of the Universe, a mystery. The night light is other world. This is what the Jewish myths say. Earthly existence is personified by the day star. Hence the dualism tattoo "Moon and Sun".

Meaning tattoos with both luminaries explain the legends of Peru. In a Latin American country, the Moon is called the wife of the Sun. The Peruvian people consider him their father. Accordingly, the night luminary is the mother of the Incas. Popularity in the south of the American continent is connected with this.

Popular Moon Tattoo Sketches

Classics of the genre - wolf howling at the moon tattoo. The picture is associated with loneliness, independence. Sometimes, the composition is associated with an experienced betrayal, or the loss of loved ones. scientific explanation there are no howls of predators. More precisely, there are no facts, only hypotheses. One of them is connected with the vision of wolves. For them there is only white and black paint. The moon in the eyes of predators is the same Sun. His appearance at night is annoying. Here are the animals howling on the full moon, when the entire disk is visible.

With a wolf, the color of the moon is important. If it is bloody, it is a symbol of readiness for revenge. Blue paint is a sign of icy cold. As a rule, it means mental frost. Warmth emanates from the yellowish moon. The picture leaves a feeling of albeit sad, but good memories, nostalgia.

Sketches with the union of two luminaries are also in demand. And the value is parsed. Let's stop only on interesting variants of images. The most popular plot is with the kissing Sun and Moon. The day star, as a rule, is drawn in a full circle, and the Earth's satellite is drawn in a crescent. The moon seems to be layered on the sun, but does not overlap it. The lips of the heroes merge.

The drawing of faces, as it were, animates the luminaries, gives them human features. The moon can be sad, but the sun is serious. There is an opportunity to convey bliss, tenderness, even anger. Negative emotions often accompany tattoos, the luminaries in which are only neighbors. No kissing, but the spirit of competition can be felt.

If only the Moon is depicted, sketches with its phases are popular. They try to place such a composition on the arm, chest, back. full moon located, for example, in the middle of the lower back. On the left side there is a growing disk in two or three manifestations. On the right, an aging moon is drawn.

Among single sketches, attention is paid to crescents. Pictures in demand similar topics found in children's books. The moon appears either as a gray-haired and wise old man in a nightcap, or as a radiant young man, or as a stern and evil wizard. Retreat towards the parallel with the feminine. Crescent - universal, equally suitable for both men and girls.

In addition to a personified luminary, they also vote for a realistic month surrounded by stars. True, one star in the center is a symbol of the Islamic religion. Remember the crescents on the mosques. So, if you are not related to Islam, it is better to order a scattering of stars near the luminary.

The nuances of applying a tattoo "Moon"

The tattoo is not large. Schematic images are provided with a minimum of details and nuances. This allows you to place the tattoo anywhere. The picture fits on the fingers, earlobes. The tattoo is located on the wrist, heel, knee.

There are no problems with the design of large-scale areas of the body. It is enough to add details, and the plot will fill the back, stomach, thigh. For example, we draw the moon's hair that develops in the wind. We weave stars into braids. Below we have a lunar path and the sea surface. So the “canvas” is ready, occupying the entire back.

For a large-scale picture, a sketch with Dunno on the Moon is also suitable. The tale of Nikolai Nosov is loved by many. Therefore, tattoos with Dunno are popular. Illustrations are usually located on the sides, stomach, or back. An extreme option is a tattoo on the head. The skull is ideal for drawing a night star and craters on it.

When choosing a tattoo with the image of a month, you should know that people have honored this symbol since ancient times. Different religions and the peoples addressed the month as a divine being. People put the image on the body, expressing respect for the heavenly body. Therefore, the tattoo month has deep meaning coming from the depths of centuries. A sketch of a tattoo for a month is performed both in black and white and in color.

The symbol of the month is widely used in the mythology of various cultures. It was considered a sacred sign of the Chaldean and Babylonian Astarte, the Greek Diana and the Egyptian Isis. At a later time, the month was used in Christian mysticism. The Virgin Mary with the sickle of the month signifies the feminine principle that brings light into the darkness of the night. In the Byzantine Empire, the symbol of the month was used to indicate security.

The symbol of the month with a star is considered a sign of Islam. At the same time, many Muslims oppose various symbols and designations in Islam, since "there is no god other than Allah, and there are no images." Therefore, the meaning of a tattoo of a month with stars should be taken as a symbol of magical miracles. In addition, the moon and stars are considered to be assistants on the way, helping the lost to find the right path in the night.

In ancient civilizations, the image of the month was used along with the sign of the sun or stars. For example, it was believed that the month takes care of the stars, like a father takes care of his beloved children. The Indians believed that the month had a more powerful influence than the sun. This was due to the fact that the moon shines at any time and can even obscure the sun. In some cultures, the month was considered a sign of warriors, men's clothes and toys were decorated with it.

For many, the month symbolizes mystery and mystery. To give a mystical idea, a tattoo with the image of the month is complemented by a cloud that covers it. A tattoo of the month, made in a gloomy light, is considered close to sleepwalking and werewolves. While the image of a smiling month brings good luck. It is believed that the month is able to restrain emotions, manage them. After all, it is no coincidence that the month affects the ebb and flow, it also controls the feelings.

Night hunters, such as a wolf, a panther, an owl or a bat, are associated with the image of the month. In this case, there is a hint of a penchant for nocturnal lifestyle in the tattoo. When giving preference to a tattoo with the image of a month, it should be remembered that it always catches the eye and speaks of belonging to a secret. Demand from your master a unique sketch of a tattoo with the image of the month and other elements of your choice.

Video tattoo month

And below are photos of tattoos with the image of the month from different masters.

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