Quantum Healing Deepak Chopra. quantum healing

quantum healing

Over the past ten to fifteen years in medicine and psychology, the old concepts of the interaction of mind and body have undergone significant changes. It has been found that a person's belief system plays a decisive role both in the occurrence and in the healing of various diseases.

Deepak Chopra

The most conceptual research in this direction was carried out by Deepak Chopra, MD from Massachusetts. Deepak Chopra calls himself a quantum biologist and applies the principles of quantum physics to the human body. In his book "Quantum Healing" (1986), Chopra sets a new paradigm for the process of renewal of all organs of the body. Previously, it was believed that all body cells are completely replaced with new ones within about seven years. Chopra claims that the process only takes a little over a year.

According to Chopra, our stomach is completely replaced in four days, the skin in thirty days, the liver in six weeks, even our skeleton is completely replaced in three months. Questions arise: how, at such a rate of renewal, do chronic diseases manage to persist? Doesn't this indicate that it's not about biology, but about "software"?

Perhaps an even more important idea of ​​quantum biology is the assertion that, it turns out, consciousness does not have a specific localization in the body.


Approximately a quarter of a century ago, neurophysiologists discovered specific substances in the brain of humans and animals, which were called neuropeptides. It has been found that neuropeptides, along with hormones, play an important regulatory function and control our feelings, emotions, instincts and even thoughts. Subsequently, it was found that receptors sensitive to certain neuropeptides are present not only in our brain, but, in fact, throughout the body. And most importantly, these receptors are highly present in the organs and cells (eg, killer T-cells) of our immune system. Thus, the power of neuropeptides is virtually unlimited. They circulate throughout the body and control all the organs and cells of our body.

Based on these studies, Deepak Chopra claims that our immune system is constantly "eavesdropping" on our internal dialogue, "the train of our thoughts." Our immune system is very sensitive to our thoughts, feelings, addictions, to the pictures that we draw for ourselves, to the internal dialogue that we constantly have with ourselves.


Our subconscious controls all involuntary actions and functions of our body. It also connects our consciousness with the immune system. And it can communicate with any part of our body at any time, stimulating the healing process.

Every thought, every emotion, desire, and associated inner representation that unfolds on the screen of our mind's eye or is broadcast on our inner radio is evaluated by our immune system as a guide to action. It has been found, for example, that resentment has a corresponding effect on the cells of the immune system. And if the insult lasts long enough, then the immune system becomes, as it were, "offended", and the body, accordingly, becomes more susceptible to a wide range of diseases.

Therefore, it is very important for each of us to understand that negative emotions do not lead us to health.

Emotional traumatic experience (ETROP)

According to quantum biology, all mental and physical illnesses are initiated etropes(holodynamiches in Holodynamics, engrams in Dianetics) - emotional traumatic experiences that took place in the recent past or even in early childhood. The more negative charge etrop, the greater the potential danger it poses. According to Dr. Morris Massey and his book "People Puzzle", etropes of the same type can be combined into a chain, increasing their destructive potential. Emotional Engagement is a process that the subconscious mind uses to bring together experiences of the same type. Hence the healing effects holodine tracking in Holodynamics, erasing personal history by Castaneda, changes in personal history And reimprinting in NLP, the discharge of systems of condensed experience by S. Groff.

Negative Potential etropians in the initiation of various diseases is based on the "freezing" of emotions in our memory, since emotions, according to quantum biology, are "stored" in the body. According to the work of Dr. Paul Goodwin, a neurophysiologist from Alaska Pacific University, emotions "frozen" in the body are able to create functional (not physical) connections (something like software), which inhibit the normal passage of nerve impulses in the body and prevent the normal operation of the neural network.

The experience accumulated at the end of the 20th century in the application of various practices aimed at "re-preservation" and removal of accumulated emotions from the body shows that as a result, not only physical health improves, but mental abilities also improve significantly.

Dr. Hammer (Hammer)

A significant contribution to the study of the relationship between emotions and health was made by the German oncologist Dr. Hammer.

At one time he practiced in Italy, in Rome, and his 18-year-old son was accidentally killed in a street shootout. A couple of years later, Hammer fell ill with cancer, he underwent surgery, fortunately successfully. Back in Bavaria, Hammer decided to find out if strong negative emotions affect the likelihood of getting cancer. He has examined over 10,000 cases. In virtually all of them, the first signs of cancer appeared one to three years after the emotional trauma.

When it happens in a person's life etrop, the emotions associated with etropom, "concentrate" in a certain area of ​​the brain and, according to Hammer, form a "closed oscillatory circuit". Since almost every area of ​​the brain is associated with a specific organ or area of ​​the body, the result is an increased (or decreased) tone of muscles and blood vessels in a certain place in the body. Hammer claims that this process is very similar in mechanism to paralysis. In his work, Hammer found a clear correspondence between the type of psychological trauma, the location of the "closed circuit" in the brain, and the location of the tumor in the body.

Hammer believes that childhood trauma cannot be the cause of cancer. According to his research, the source is always within 1-3 years before the onset of the disease. However, it is important to understand that early traumas "pave the way" for later ones, as if teaching the brain a specific response (again, we can recall COEX systems - systems of condensed experience - S. Groff). For treatment, Hammer used traditional psychological methods of working with trauma. However, he noted that psychological conflicts in the lives of patients similar to those that caused cancer, and even the imagination of these conflicts, could lead to the return of cancer symptoms. For example, one woman was again forced into treatment only because she began to reread the love letters of her deceased husband, imagining that he chose death as a way of refusing to continue sexual relations with her.

Further research has shown that it is precisely with the initial (as it is also called - root) incident that helps to completely prevent the return of symptoms of the disease. Etrop, which underlies the oncological disease, can be very insignificant for an outsider's eye. For example, the death of a pet, a collapse in stocks on the stock exchange, the loss of a job, even gossip spread by someone about a patient or his relatives. It all depends on those specific shifts in the human psyche that etrop produces, and from personal history - whether there is a trace in the nervous system from a chain of similar experiences to which this incident can join.

The question arises: "Why don't we, instead of fatally dragging ourselves to the cemetery with this heavy load, get rid of all the negative emotions frozen in the body and live a happy healthy life?"

When ETHROP occurs, the patient simply does not have adequate strategies for responding to psychological trauma. Emotions get trapped in a certain area of ​​the brain, the brain begins to send inadequate signals to the corresponding area of ​​the body, where the tumor begins to grow. At this stage, the patient feels very uncomfortable, being in constant tension, not getting enough sleep, his palms and feet are constantly cold. These are signs of activation of the sympathetic nervous system, which we use for mental and physical activity. A healthy person is able to switch between the sympathetic and parasympathetic (rest and rest) nervous system at will. In addition, there is a periodic change in the activity of the nervous systems, which is subject to circadian rhythms.

If the patient manages to resolve the internal conflict, then the trapped emotions are released, the swelling in the brain resolves, and the growth of the tumor stops. At this stage, the patient immediately switches to the parasympathetic system. He begins to feel relaxed, tired, drowsiness appears and appetite awakens.

Sometimes (especially if the tumor has been growing for more than 9 months) the healing phase can be very uncomfortable. Patients usually complain that everything hurts them, especially the head, swelling, cardiac arrhythmia, or other temporary dysfunctions of various organs (in some cases even a mild form of epilepsy) are possible. In this case, a massage, a hot bath - and a lot of laughter are usually recommended, since all these negative symptoms clearly indicate that the healing process has begun. During the healing phase, the patient needs comfort, avoidance of stressful situations. The regimen includes plenty of food and drink, frequent sleep, daily light exercise for all muscle groups and no other activity other than treatment.

An amazing healing power lies within each of us and manifests itself when we establish a good connection between the consciousness and the subconscious. In all cultures, "techniques" have been developed over the centuries to do this. But, unfortunately, modern man is cut off from his roots. And only at the end of the 20th century, these techniques began to receive their new development.

  • This book is addressed to future mothers and fathers, as well as to anyone who wants to be involved in the birth and upbringing of children. Despite its inspiration and loftiness, it has a very practical character. Her ideas, techniques and exercises will help the expectant mother to listen to the wisdom of her body. You will naturally develop the skills to neutralize stressful situations, balance nutrition, strengthen muscles, increase the firmness and elasticity of your tissues, find inner balance and comprehensively prepare for childbirth. Guided by the principles of this book, you will learn a lot about yourself and the secrets of your inner harmony and happiness.
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    • Genre:
    • Deepak Chopra is a novelist? The author of such books that have long entered our life as "Seven Spiritual Laws of Success", healing Ayurvedic literature, etc., and suddenly - a purely fiction book ... You can be sure that this is not an ordinary novel. The main character - an American doctor - discovers the Middle East with its constant tension - the place where three great world religions arose; in the center of the novel are the mysterious Thirty-six, who hold on their shoulders this illusion, assumed by the familiar world of man. The emergence of a new Messiah - or a false prophet? A fight between good and evil? No, everything is much more complicated, because the most important thing is balance.
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    • Fatigue is defined as a lack of physical, mental and emotional energy, and chronic fatigue is a prolonged absence of energy. However, living in modern Western society, you hardly need to define fatigue. Most likely, you are already quite familiar with this problem. And, it is quite likely that at this very moment you are experiencing chronic fatigue. Despite the fact that fatigue is widespread in modern life, from the point of view of nature as a whole, it is a true phenomenon. First of all, because nature abounds in energy and creative activity. Birds wake up early in the morning, they sing, tirelessly build nests, get food for their chicks; squirrels scurry up and down the trees, jumping from branch to branch; and when spring comes, it seems as if the grass and flowers are about to break out of the ground and reach up in abundance, full of vitality.
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    • Deepak Chopra is a well-known endocrinologist, Ayurveda specialist and writer who has written many books on spiritual self-improvement and alternative medicine. By 2011, he has written more than 57 books that have been translated into 35 languages, with a total circulation of more than 20 million books worldwide. The main idea of ​​​​this book is that life is not a series of accidents. Each creature has its own script and purpose. And the reason for the problems is simple: they should help you realize your inner goals, your purpose.
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    • This amazing little book looks at the step-by-step process of developing Divine consciousness in a person. Each step brings us closer to full interaction with the highest secret - the Divine Mind. In these pages, Deepak Chopra aims to equip us with the tools to help us meet our Higher Self.
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    • Series:
    • Genre:
    • This book will be of great benefit both to the millions of people who are trying to get rid of bad habits themselves, and to millions of their families and friends who seek to help these people solve their problems. Dr. Deepak Chopra offers a completely unexpected look at bad habits, at what they represent themselves, and on the people who succumb to them. Despite the fact that bad habits bring us both physical and emotional suffering, this book is about pleasure and prosperity, love and hope, health and happiness. In essence, a person suffering from bad habits is a seeker of happiness, but he is looking for it in the wrong place, where necessary, and wandering - perhaps for many years - in a roundabout way. True happiness is a return to the deep harmony of the body, mind and spirit - the harmony that was characteristic of you at birth and can be found again. Having restored it, a person will no longer feel the need for stimulants, depressants and all that needs to be bought, hidden, stabbed, inhaled, turned on and off. None of this was necessary for you in childhood, when a sunny day and the love of loved ones were enough to overwhelm you with happiness. This openness to love, this ability to connect with the outside world is still with you, and you can easily and painlessly revive it.
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    • “I don’t know a single person who has never suffered from insomnia in his life. I'm also happy to say that I don't know a single person who wouldn't benefit from the techniques described in this book. Most importantly, you can expect immediate improvement even if you have been deprived of a healthy night's sleep for many years`. Deepak Chopra's book `Full sleep` contains information on how to restore the harmony we have lost with nature (the main condition for normalizing sleep), determine your Ayurvedic body type; a simple but very effective meditation technique; ancient yoga exercises and many other very useful recommendations that together can radically change your life.

    Current page: 1 (total book has 11 pages) [accessible reading excerpt: 8 pages]

    Deepak Chopra
    The healing power of the mind. The spiritual path to solving life's most important problems

    To everyone who needs support, and to everyone who lends a helping hand.

    From the author

    From the very first days of my medical practice - and it began forty years ago - people have been looking for answers to their questions from me. Although all of them needed healing of bodily ailments, they also needed words of comfort and encouragement from me that would shed balm on their souls, being an equally, and perhaps even more important part of the healing process. A doctor, if only he is a person who is not indifferent, “not burned out”, perceives himself as a rescuer, quickly taking people out of a dangerous state and returning them to well-being and comfort.

    I am grateful to fate that over the many years of working with sick people I understood the difference between advice and solutions. People in trouble are rarely helped by advice. In a critical situation, help must be provided immediately, and if the right solution is not found, irreparable things can happen.

    I adhered to the same principle when writing the book that you now hold in your hands. It all started with the fact that people began to send me letters, where they shared their doubts and sad thoughts. Letters came from all over the world - and I had to answer weekly or even daily questions from people in India, the United States and many other places, mainly via the Internet. And yet, in a certain sense, they were all sent from the same place - from the soul, where chaos and darkness reigned.

    These people have been hurt, betrayed, insulted, misunderstood. They were sick, worried, agitated, and even despaired. Unfortunately, some people experience these negative feelings almost constantly, but happy and contented people also experience them from time to time.

    I wanted to give answers that could help people for a long time, and possibly their whole life, so that in case of problems they would have something to rely on. I call this the spiritual way of problem solving, although this term does not involve solving problems through religion, prayer, and faith in God. Here I mean worldly spirituality. This is the only way modern humans can reconnect with their own souls, or - barring the religious overtones - with their true selves.

    What is a "critical situation" for you personally? Whatever character she wears, in any case, you experience inner stiffness, and you are completely captured by anxiety. The state of constraint of consciousness does not allow you to find the right solution. Only an expanded consciousness can indicate the real way out of the crisis. You no longer experience stress and fear. The boundaries of perception are expanding, and space is created for new ideas. If you are able to get in touch with your true self, then consciousness becomes limitless. At this point, solutions appear spontaneously, and they are really effective. Often their results are like the action of a magic wand, and obstacles that seemed insurmountable disappear by themselves. When this happens, a heavy burden of anxiety and sorrow falls from the soul. Life was never meant to be fought. Life was meant to evolve from its origin to pure consciousness. And if at least one of the postulates of this book makes a proper impression on you, my hopes will be justified.

    Deepak Chopra

    Part 1
    What is the spiritual path?

    No one will deny that there are problems in life, but look deeper and ask yourself the question: why? Why is life so hard? No matter what advantages you have at birth - money, intelligence, an attractive appearance, a great character, or useful social connections - all of them, either together or separately, do not guarantee a prosperous existence. Life still forces one to face great difficulties, often entailing inexpressible suffering and requiring enormous effort to overcome them. Whether you fail in your struggle or succeed depends on your attitude towards these difficulties. Is there a reason for this state of affairs, or is life just a chain of random events that we are almost unable to cope with, because they constantly unsettle us?

    Spirituality begins with a definite answer to this question. It says that life is not a series of accidents. The life of each creature has its own script and purpose. The reason for the problems is simple: they should help you realize your inner goals, your purpose.

    If the occurrence of problems can be explained from a spiritual point of view, then there must be a spiritual solution to each problem - and there is one. The answer does not lie at the level of the problem, although most people focus all their energy on that level. But the spiritual solution is beyond it. When you are distracted from the process of struggle, two things happen at the same time: your consciousness expands, and new ways of solving the problem begin to appear. When consciousness expands, events that seem to be random cease to be so. A big goal is trying to be realized through you. When you recognize this goal - and it is different for each person - it is as if you turn into an architect who has been handed a project. Instead of laying bricks and fitting pipes at random, the architect can now act confidently, knowing what the finished building should look like and how to build it.

    The first step in this process is to understand at what level of consciousness you are currently operating. There are three levels of awareness of any problem - whether it concerns personal relationships, work, personal changes or a crisis that requires immediate action. Learn them and you will take a huge step towards the right decision.

    Level 1. Limited consciousness

    This is the level of the problem itself, and therefore it immediately captures your attention. Something went wrong. Expectations are not justified. The situation has reached an impasse. You find yourself in front of obstacles that do not want to get out of your way. You put in more and more efforts, but the situation still does not improve. When examining the problem level, the following elements are typically found:

    Realization of your desires interfere. In doing so, you encounter resistance.

    You feel that every step forward is given to you with a fight.

    You keep taking actions that have never worked before.

    You are gnawed by anxiety and fear of failure.

    There is confusion in your head. You cannot think clearly and experience internal conflict.

    When disappointment grips you, your strength dries up. You feel more and more empty.

    Checking if you are stuck at the level of limited consciousness is very simple: the harder you try to free yourself from the problem, the more you get bogged down in it.

    Level 2. Expanded consciousness

    This is the level where solutions begin to emerge. Your vision extends beyond the conflict, and its essence becomes clearer to you. It is difficult for most people to immediately move to this level of consciousness, because their first reaction to the problem is that the consciousness is closed only on it. A defensive reaction is triggered, a person is afraid and cautious. But if you manage to expand your consciousness, then events of this kind will begin to happen to you:

    The need to fight begins to diminish.

    You begin to pay much less attention to the problem.

    More and more people are helping you with advice and information.

    You make decisions with more confidence.

    You really look at things, and fear starts to let go of you.

    By more clearly imagining the situation, you no longer panic and do not feel the former confusion. The confrontation is no longer felt so acutely.

    You can say that you have reached this level of consciousness if you no longer feel attached to the problem: the process has begun. When your consciousness expands, invisible forces come to the rescue, and your desires begin to come true.

    Level 3. Pure consciousness

    This is the level where no problems exist at all. Each challenge of fate is an opportunity to show your creativity. You feel at one level with the forces of nature. This is achieved due to the fact that consciousness can expand indefinitely. You might think that to reach the level of pure consciousness, you need to go through a long path of spiritual development, but in fact this is not at all the case. At every moment of life, pure consciousness is in contact with you, sending creative impulses. The only thing that matters is the degree of your ability to perceive the decisions sent to you. When you are fully open, the following events will occur in your life:

    Complete lack of struggle.

    Wishes come true on their own.

    Then the best thing that can happen to you will happen to you. You will begin to benefit yourself and your surroundings.

    The outer world reflects what is happening in your inner world.

    You feel completely safe. Your home is the entire universe.

    You treat yourself and the world around you with compassion and understanding.

    To be fully established in pure consciousness means to achieve enlightenment, the state of unity with all that exists. Ultimately, every life moves in this direction. Even before reaching this final goal, you can say that you are in touch with pure consciousness if you feel truly yourself, free and calm.

    Each of these levels brings with it a different kind of experience and experience. This can be easily seen in a sharp contrast or sudden change. Love at first sight instantly transfers a person from a state of constrained consciousness to a state of expanded consciousness. You do not just communicate with another person - he suddenly becomes unusually attractive and even perfect for you.

    If we are talking about creative work, then a person is visited by insights. Instead of an unsuccessful struggle with the imagination, which does not want to give out an answer, a new and fresh solution suddenly appears by itself. Such insights happen to people quite often. They can be fateful - for example, in the state of the so-called peak experience, when reality is illuminated by light and the discovery appears in the human mind in its finished form. But people don't understand that the state of expanded consciousness should be a normal state and not a momentary flash. Achieving a permanent state of expanded consciousness is an essential part of spiritual life.

    After listening to people talk about their problems, obstacles, failures and disappointments - about a life languishing in the prison of limited consciousness - one comes to the inevitable conclusion that achieving a new vision is of great importance. It's too easy for a person to get lost in the details. The difficulties associated with every life problem are overwhelming. No matter how keenly you experience your situation with all its unique features and difficulties, looking around you will see other people, just like you, immersed in their situations and their problems. Take away the details and you will be presented with a common cause of suffering: the underdevelopment of consciousness. I do not mean inherent in the nature of personality characteristics. My point is that if a person is not shown how to expand his consciousness, he will have no choice but to sit in the grip of a limited consciousness.

    The body shudders in physical pain. The mind also has a similar reflex, and it withdraws and shrinks when faced with mental pain. Here again, an example of how this detachment feels is appropriate. Imagine yourself in any of the following situations:

    You are a young mother who came with her child to the playground. You stop for a moment to talk to another mother, and when you turn around, you do not see your child.

    At work, you are sitting at your computer, and suddenly someone, as if by the way, says that layoffs will begin soon, and the boss wants to see you.

    You open your mailbox and find a letter from the IRS.

    You are driving a car approaching an intersection when a car behind you suddenly overtakes you and runs a red light.

    You enter a restaurant and see your other half in the hall, sitting at a table in the company of an attractive person of the opposite sex. They leaned towards each other and quietly talking about something.

    It doesn't take much imagination to imagine the changes in consciousness brought about by situations like this. Panic, anxiety, anger and gloomy premonitions overshadow the mind. This is the result of the activity of the brain, which, in stressful situations, sends a signal to the adrenal glands to release adrenaline, which provokes such reactions. Any feeling manifests itself both on the mental and physical levels. The endless combinations of electrochemical signals passing through the billions of brain neurons give an accurate picture of what the mind experiences. Brain scientists are using magnetic resonance imaging to more and more accurately determine which parts of the brain are producing these responses. But only the tomogram of the brain does not reflect the processes taking place in the human mind, because the mind functions at an invisible level of consciousness. Spirituality and consciousness are not synonyms.

    Spirituality is directly related to the state of consciousness. It has nothing to do with medicine or psychotherapy. Medicine deals with physiological changes. Psychotherapy addresses mental problems such as anxiety, depression, or actual mental illness. Spirituality is connected with the exit of a person to higher levels of consciousness. In our society, spirituality, unlike other methods, is not considered an effective way to solve problems. During periods of stressful situations, people cope with bouts of fear, anger, mood swings and other manifestations of emotions. It doesn't even occur to them to combine the words "spirituality" and "solution" in the same sentence. This indicates a limited understanding of what spirituality really is and what can be achieved with its help.

    If with the help of spirituality you can change your consciousness, you will thereby take a real, practical step towards solving the problem.

    Consciousness is not passive. It leads directly to action (or inaction). The way you perceive a problem inevitably influences how you solve it. We've all had the experience of being in a group class where we're asked to do a certain task, and when the discussion starts, each participant gives his or her opinion. Someone takes the floor, demanding everyone's attention. Someone is silent. Someone's statements sound cautious and pessimistic, someone, on the contrary, confidently and hopefully. This game and similar role-playing games that show relationships and emotions come down to consciousness. Each situation in itself provides an opportunity to expand your consciousness. The word "expands" does not mean that the consciousness inflates like a balloon. Rather, on the contrary, our consciousness deepens into very specific areas. When you are in a situation, the following aspects of your consciousness come into play:





    As soon as you change these aspects - even a few of them - changes occur in consciousness. As a first step towards a solution, it is important to delve deeper into any problem until you reach the aspect (or aspects) of your consciousness that feeds the problem.

    Perception. Different people perceive the same situation differently. Where I see misfortune, you may see opportunity. Where you see a loss, I can see a burden being taken on. Perception is not something immovable, frozen; it largely depends on the personality of the person. So when you look at levels of consciousness, the key question is not "what is the situation?" but "what situation appears to me personally?". By asking yourself a question about your perception, you thereby separate yourself from the problem, move away from it at some distance, and from there you can evaluate it objectively. But there is no such thing as complete objectivity. We all see the world through glasses with colored glasses, and what you take for reality is actually just some shade of it, not a pure color.

    Beliefs. Hiding in the subconscious, they seem to play a passive role. We all know people who claim to be free from prejudice—racial, religious, political, or anything else. But they act as if stuffed with prejudice from head to toe. Prejudices are easy to hide, but just as easy to not be aware of them at all. It is very difficult to recognize your own fundamental beliefs in yourself. For example, in ancient times, the fundamental belief was the superiority of men over women. Not only was it not discussed, it was not even questioned. But when women demanded the right to vote and this resulted in a broad, noisy feminist movement, the men decided that their founding belief was being violated. And how did they react? It was as if they were personally insulted because they identified themselves with their beliefs. "This is me" in our mind is very closely related to "this is what I believe." When you respond to a challenge by taking it too personally, defensively, angry, and blindly stubborn, it means that some of your core beliefs have been touched.

    Assumptions. Because they change as your situation changes, they are more flexible than beliefs. But they are also little studied and difficult to track. Let's say a police inspector is signaling you to pull over to the side of the road. Doesn't it immediately occur to you that you've broken some rule, and don't you prepare to defend yourself? It's hard to believe that a policeman can say something nice to you. That's how assumptions work. They instantly replace uncertainty. The same applies to simple everyday situations. For example, when you invite a friend to dinner, you immediately have an idea in your mind about how this dinner will go, and it will not be at all like the assumptions that will line up in your mind if you have dinner with a stranger. As with beliefs, if you question a person's assumptions, the outcome is difficult to predict. Although our assumptions change all the time, we still find it unpleasant to hear from someone that they need to be changed.

    Expectations. What you expect from other people has to do with desire or fear. Positive expectations are dictated by your desire, in which you want to receive something and expect it. We expect our spouses to love and care for us. We expect payment for the work we do. Negative expectations are driven by fear, where people expect the worst possible outcome. A great example of this kind of expectation is Murphy's Law, which says that if anything can go wrong, it will. Since desire and fear are always easily realized, expectations are always more active than beliefs and assumptions. Your belief about your boss is one thing, but being told you're taking a pay cut is another. Deprivation of what is expected directly affects a person's life, introducing problems into it.

    Feelings. No matter how much we try to disguise them, they still lie on the surface; other people see them or feel them as soon as they begin to communicate with us. So we spend a lot of time fighting feelings we don't want or feel ashamed of and judge ourselves for. Many people don't want to have any feelings at all. They feel exposed and vulnerable. Emotionality is equated with a lack of self-control (which in itself is an undesirable phenomenon).

    To become aware that you have feelings is to take a big step towards the expansion of consciousness, and then you need to take the next step, much more difficult: to accept your feelings. With acceptance comes responsibility. Owning your feelings, and not throwing them out on others, is a sign of a person who has advanced from limited to expanded consciousness.

    If you can examine your state of consciousness, then these five aspects of consciousness will manifest. When the person is truly self-aware, you can ask them directly about how they feel, what their assumptions are, what they expect from you, and whether you have hurt their core beliefs. In response, there will be no defensive reaction. He will tell you the truth. It just seems reasonable, but what does this reaction have to do with spirituality? Self-consciousness is not praying, believing in miracles, or seeking the grace of God. The self-perception that I have briefly described here is spiritual because it assumes a person has a third level of consciousness. I call it pure consciousness.

    This is the level that believers call the soul or spirit. When you build your life in accordance with the real existence of a soul in a person, you adhere to spiritual convictions. When you go further and make the spiritual level the basis of life - the basis of existence, then spirituality becomes your active principle. The soul has awakened. In fact, the soul never sleeps because pure consciousness pervades every thought, feeling and action. We may hide this fact even from ourselves. By the way, one of the signs of a limited consciousness is the complete denial of the "higher" reality. This denial is based not on a conscious unwillingness to recognize it, but on a lack of experience. A mind filled with fear, anxiety, anger, resentment or suffering of any kind cannot experience a state of expanded consciousness, let alone a state of pure consciousness.

    If the mind worked like a machine, it would not be able to get out of the state of suffering. Like mechanisms worn out by friction, our thoughts would become more and more negative until the day came when suffering would triumph completely. A huge number of people experience life in this way. But the possibility of getting rid of suffering is never completely worn out; change and transformation is your birthright, guaranteed not by God, faith, or soul salvation, but by the indestructible foundation of life, which is pure consciousness. To be alive means to be in a constant state of change. When we feel stuck in one place, the cells in our body continue to continuously process basic physical elements. In the complete absence of any feelings and depression, life seems to stop. The same applies to sudden loss or failure. And yet, no matter what shocks we experience and no matter what intractable obstacles stand in our way, the foundation of existence remains intact.

    On the following pages, you will read the stories of people who feel stuck in problems, frozen, frustrated, and cornered. From the point of view of each of them, his story is unique, but the way out is the same for all. And it consists in a change in the state of consciousness. And I'll show you how to do it step by step. This is another reason why the proposed solutions lie on the plane of the spirit: self-observation must first be undertaken, then awakening must follow, when the person becomes open to new perceptions. The most practical way to solve a problem is spiritual, because you can only change what you can see. No enemy is more insidious than the one you cannot see.

    We live in an unspiritual time, so the idea of ​​life that I have just outlined is far from the norm. As a matter of fact, it is the opposite of generally accepted norms, because, unlike a building for life, it is impossible to draw up a project in advance. Life is seen as a series of unpredictable events that we struggle to manage. Who will be fined or fired from work? Which family will be hit by disasters: accidents, alcoholism, divorce? There is no rational explanation for such events. They just happen. Obstacles appear out of nowhere. Each of us justifies the limitations of our thinking by assimilating such beliefs, and they are very deeply rooted in consciousness. We tell ourselves that it is human nature to have many negative motivations, such as selfishness, aggression, jealousy. When they are activated, we can at best partially control them. But in other people, we cannot control these qualities, so every day we have a reason for clashes with various accidents and with people who by all means strive to get what they want, even if their desire will turn into problems and even losses for us. Starting to expand your consciousness, you must first question such a worldview, even if it is the norm accepted in society. Normal does not mean right or true.

    And the truth is that each of us wanders in a world that we call real. Thinking is not a ghost. It is built into every situation you find yourself in. In order to see how it functions, first stop separating the thought, the brain cells that generate that thought, the reactions of the body that received the message from the brain, and the action you decide to take.

    All these moments are part of one continuous process. Even among geneticists who have been saying for decades that genes determine almost every aspect of life, there is now a new witty phrase: genes are not nouns, they are verbs.

    Dynamism exists everywhere.

    You, too, do not exist in a meaningless environment. Your environment is affected by your words and actions. The phrase "I love you" has a very different effect on people than the phrase "I hate you." The whole society is electrified by the phrase "the enemy is attacking." More broadly, the entire planet is affected by the global exchange of information; you participate in this process by sending an email or joining a social network. The food you rush to eat at a fast food outlet has an impact on the entire biosphere, as environmentalists go out of their way to show us.

    Spirituality has always started with integrity. Each of us is an integral part of the life process as a whole, and isolation is just a myth, although we often forget about it. Your life at this moment is a complex process involving thoughts, feelings, brain chemicals, bodily reactions, information, social interactions, personal relationships, and interactions with the environment. Therefore, whatever you say or do causes ripples that are felt by the flow of life. Yet spirituality goes beyond describing you as an individual. And it also offers the most effective way to influence the flow of life.

    Since everything is based on pure consciousness, the most powerful way to change your life is to start with your own consciousness. When your consciousness changes, your situation will also change. Every situation is both visible and invisible at the same time. The visible part is what most people deal with, because it can be "touched" so to speak, that is, it is accessible to our five senses. They do not want to fight the invisible aspect of their situation, because it is inside you, and there are hidden dangers and fears. From the point of view of the spiritual vision of life, "inside" and "outside" are connected by countless threads; the fabric of existence is woven from them.

    Two diametrically opposed views collide. One is based on materialism, randomness and the influence of external influences. The other is based on consciousness, purpose, and the union of inner and outer. Before you can find a solution to the problem you are facing now, right this minute, you must choose on a deeper level which vision of life is closer to you. Spiritual vision leads to spiritual decisions. Non-spiritual vision leads to many other decisions. It is clear that this choice is of paramount importance. Whether you realize it or not, your life unfolds according to the choices you have made subconsciously, dictated by your level of consciousness.

    However, this brief description of what can be achieved through decisions made on a spiritual level will seem foreign to many people. Most of us avoid fighting ourselves; we are unable to define our vision of life. Instead, we live our lives, trying our best to cope with problems and relying on the lessons learned from past mistakes, on the advice of relatives and friends, hoping for the best. We get angry when we have to give in under the onslaught of circumstances, and we cling to what we think we want. So what do we need to look at our lives from a spiritual perspective? In this book, we will not follow the path of conventional religion. However, prayer and faith, although they are not the main guarantee of the development of spiritual vision, are not excluded. If you are a believer and find comfort and help by turning to God, you have the right to your own version of the spiritual life. But here we will be referring to a much more widely accepted tradition than any of the world's religions. This tradition is based on the practical knowledge of the sages and seers of the East and West, who looked deeply into the essence of man and perfectly understood human circumstances.

    Here is just one of the nuggets of wisdom that will abound in the following chapters: life is constantly renewing itself and at the same time developing. This should be true for your own life as well. When you see that all your struggles and frustrations have kept you from joining the evolutionary process, you will have a good reason to stop fighting. I am inspired by the teachings of the famous Indian sage, who said that life is like a river flowing between two banks - pain and suffering. Everything is going great as long as we stay in the river, but as we experience pain and suffering, we continue to cling to them as if they offer us security and shelter.

    Life flows out of itself, and being stuck in any kind of immobility is against life. The more you let go of the situation, ceasing to control it, the more intensely your true self can express its desire to develop. Once the process is started, everything changes.

    The inner and outer worlds mirror each other without any interference or conflict. Since decisions now appear at the soul level, they are not resisted. All your desires lead to the most favorable result for you and your environment. After all, happiness is based on reality, and nothing is more real than change and development. This book was written with the hope that everyone could find a way to jump into the river.

    Deepak Chopra - about the author

    Deepak Chopra is a world renowned leader in the field of mind-body medicine and human performance. He is the author of many best-selling books, including Ageless Body, Timeless Mind, Quantum Healing, Creating Abundance, The Wizard's Way, The Way to Love, and numerous audio and video programs that promote health and well-being.

    Deepak Chopra's books have been translated into over twenty-five languages ​​and he is a regular lecturer in the Americas, India, Europe, Japan and Australia. He is currently the Executive Director of the Institute for Psychiatric Medicine and Human Performance at the Emergency Medical Center in San Diego, California.

    His devastating books combine physics and philosophy, the practical and the spiritual, time-honored Eastern wisdom and polished Western science, bringing to life results.

    Deepak Chopra - books for free:

    Deepak Chopra is a famous Indian naturopath who discovered the healing power of Ayurveda to the Western world and laid the foundations of the global intuitive eating movement. Do you want to have a perfect figure and at the same time not suffer from malnutrition? Would you like to follow...

    This book is addressed to future mothers and fathers, as well as anyone who wants to be involved in the birth and upbringing of children. Despite its inspiration and loftiness, it has a very practical character. Her ideas, techniques and exercises will help...

    The conflict between who we are and who we want to be is at the root of all our difficulties and efforts. Duality constitutes the axis around which all human experience revolves. Life and death, good and evil, hope and submission to fate...

    Deepak Chopra is a novelist? The author of such books that have long entered our lives as "Seven Spiritual Laws of Success", healing Ayurvedic literature, etc., and suddenly - a purely artistic book ... You can be sure that this is not an ordinary ...

    For the first time in the world, outstanding spiritual teachers of our time - Debbie Ford and Marianne Williamson - have joined forces in order to shed light on the dark sides of our soul. To what we prefer to hide, deny and drive deep into ourselves ...

    Many Hollywood stars manage to keep in great shape and at the same time indulge in anything at parties and in chic restaurants! Do you think it's all about diets and exhausting sports? No! These stars follow a very simple...

    One of the world's most famous spiritual leaders Deepak Chopra talks about his success story. Once he was an immigrant, one of hundreds of thousands of "guest workers" - and he managed not only to "break out into the people." He proved: an immigrant is not a scourge...

    In his worldwide best-selling book The Path to Love, Deepak Chopra teaches how we can transform our lives and relationships by filling every day with deep meaning, romance and passion...

    Dr. Deepak Chopra, an Indian-born American endocrinologist, is deeply committed to the centuries-old tradition of Indian medicine, Ayurveda, which uses the healing power of the mind. In his books, he combines Eastern and Western philosophies of medicine and points the way to ideal health, to the harmony of mind, body and spirit. On this path, a person finds the strength in himself to fight diseases and overcomes the separation of body and soul, which often leads to many ailments.

    Deepak Chopra is a world renowned leader in the field of mind-body medicine and human performance. He is the author of many best-selling books, including Ageless Body, Timeless Mind, Quantum Healing, Creating Abundance, The Wizard's Way, The Way to Love, and numerous audio and video programs that promote health and well-being.

    Deepak Chopra's books have been translated into over twenty-five languages ​​and he is a regular lecturer in the Americas, India, Europe, Japan and Australia. He is currently the Executive Director of the Institute for Psychiatric Medicine and Human Performance at the Emergency Medical Center in San Diego, California.

    His devastating books combine physics and philosophy, the practical and the spiritual, time-honored Eastern wisdom and polished Western science, bringing to life results.

    Author's website - http://www.chopra.comAbout the author in the encyclopediaReviews about the author "Chopra Deepak"

    How to use the power of the dark sides of your soul for good.

    For the first time in the world, the world's foremost spiritual teachers of our time - Deepak Chopra, Debbie Ford and Marianne Williamson - have joined forces to shed light on the dark sides of our soul. On what we prefer to hide, deny and drive deep into ourselves. On the gloomy shadow of our "I".

    This book is an indispensable practical and spiritual guide for those who want to honestly face their "shadow", understand, accept and love it and turn the "shadow effect" - all the colossal power of the dark sides of their soul - for the benefit of themselves, their loved ones and of your future.

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