Aviation rehearsal of the parade. A dress rehearsal of the Victory Day parade took place on Red Square

The last review before the main holiday in the country. ended on Red Square dress rehearsal Parade in honor of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War. 10,000 servicemen passed under the walls of the Kremlin, diligently honing every movement, keeping a single pace, strictly keeping a distance.

At this time, on Tverskaya, enthusiastic spectators saw off the mechanized column, which next drove out onto the paving stones. And then they peered into the sky, where the aircraft formation was flying, closing the parade.

Exactly at 10 am under the chimes. The dress rehearsal coincides minute by minute with the moment when the Parade in honor of the Victory Day will begin on Red Square on May 9th. Every detail is important: where is the sun at this time of the day, will it blind your eyes; whether the shoes are comfortable, whether the dress uniform fits well. This is the last opportunity to fix anything, the finish line, the result of almost three months of constant training for five hours a day.

One of the most exciting moments - the soldiers of the Preobrazhensky Regiment carry the Flag of Russia and the Banner of Victory. The parade crew takes exactly 322 steps. The orchestra performs the song "Holy War" and the musicians must stop in sync with the guard of honor company. The military is ready for any emergency situations - from an unexpected gust of wind to heavy rain.

There are 10,000 soldiers on foot on Red Square. Representatives of all military branches. For the first time, marines from the 61st separate brigade, which is based in the village of Sputnik, Murmansk Region, will march at the parade. Among the debutants are the guys from the patriotic movement Yunarmiya. They can be recognized by their bright red berets.

Snow-white ceremonial tunics of military girls. Last year, cadets of the Military University from the Saratov region made a splash. This year, the number of women's ceremonial calculation decided to double. The stands are filled to capacity - relatives and friends, as they can, support the military. “I went to parades with two elders, and now with the younger one - to the general one,” says one of the spectators.

At the head of military equipment is the legendary "thirty-four", more precisely, the T-34-85 tank. The last two digits are the caliber of the gun. This modification was put into service in 1944 and is considered the most successful.

Infantry fighting vehicles on the Kurganets-25 platform, MSTA-S and Koalitsiya-SV self-propelled howitzers, the T-14 Armata tank with fully digital equipment, an uninhabited turret and an armored capsule for the crew.

And a novelty - the T-72B3M tank - a modernized 72nd model, the main vehicle at the "Tank Biathlon". And in the data sheet of this technique, which stands out for its unusual color, it is said that it is adapted for movement in conditions of the absolute absence of roads and operation at ultra-low temperatures. The TOR M2DT and Pantsir SA complexes are designed for the Arctic latitudes. In tests, they climbed an almost sheer slope.

In a mechanized column, the basis of our Ground Forces of Nuclear Deterrence is the YARS complex with the RS-24 ballistic missile.

Seconds later, aircraft appear in the sky. The well-established attack helicopters Mi-28N "Night Hunter" and Ka-52 "Alligator", the latest Mi-35, the prototype for which was the famous "twenty-four", who fought back in Afghanistan.

Strategists capable of carrying nuclear weapons - Tu-95M and Tu-160 - are sailing over Red Square, unofficially called the "White Swan" for their snow-white coloring and graceful flight. The largest production cargo aircraft Ruslan and the largest Mi-26 helicopter are traditional participants in the parade.

Aces of the Lipetsk Center demonstrate battle formation - a tactical wing of 10 Su-30, Su-34 and Su-35 fighters. And the aerobatic teams "Russian Knights" and "Swifts" completed the construction of "Cuban Diamond". In the same formation with an interval of no more than a meter, cars of different classes and weights. Keeping them in that order is a difficult task. The speed of the aircraft is 550 kilometers per hour, the height above the Red Square is only 350 meters.

For the first time, the Knights will perform at the parade on the new generation of Su-30MS fighters, they switched to them last fall. And if the connoisseurs in the stands pay attention to the modification and characteristics of the aircraft, then the majority of spectators are simply glad to enjoy the opportunity to enjoy the spectacle of how huge steel birds fly over Moscow.

"Fantastic! I just have tears in my eyes. Of course, the passage of aircraft is already the height of emotions, ”the young man admits.

“Such feelings, it’s just that everything on TV is not something that you can see with your own eyes,” the girl shared.

On May 9, 72 aircraft and helicopters will pass over Red Square - according to the number of years that have passed since the Great Victory. And this is one of the traditions of the holiday.

Military equipment after the rehearsal returns to the parking lot as the columns pass, most of the streets are already open for vehicles. Barrikadnaya, Krasnaya Presnya, Zvenigorodskoye Highway, Mnevniki and Nizhniye Mnevniki streets are closed until 13:00.

More details about all the changes can be found on the websites of the Moscow traffic police and the Department of Transport. Parking on all streets of the capital on holidays is free.

The first training of military personnel and equipment will take place in Moscow on April 27 from 22:00. More than 10,000 military personnel and over 110 units of military equipment will pass through Red Square.

According to the Department of Information and Mass Communications of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, military personnel of the highest military educational institutions, Suvorov, Nakhimov military schools, cadet corps, as well as military personnel of the Western Military District, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Russian Guard and the FSB of Russia.

For the first time, the parade crew of the All-Russian military-patriotic movement will take part in the parade. Yunarmiya ”, and military personnel of the 61st separate brigade of the marines of the coastal troops of the Northern Fleet.

According to the Ministry of Defense, self-propelled howitzers will pass as part of the mechanized column. Msta-S ”, newest “Coalition-SV”, missile system “ Iskander", armored vehicles " Tiger " And " Typhoon", armored personnel carriers BTR-82A, anti-aircraft missile systems of air defense " BUK-M2”, “Tor-M2U", anti-aircraft missile and gun systems “ Pantsir-S1” and launchers of the anti-aircraft missile system " S-400”, missile systems “ Yars”. Armored vehicles on the platforms “ Armata", “Kurganets", “Boomerang". For the first time, samples of air defense weapons in cold Arctic colors will appear at the parade - an anti-aircraft missile system “ Tor-M2DT ” Pantsir-SA ”, tanks T-72B3, - reports "Interfax-AVN".

It will be possible to watch the passage of military equipment through the central streets of Moscow from 18:00 until late at night.

The traffic route will be as follows: Nizhniye Mnevniki Street - Narodnogo Opolcheniya Street - Mnevniki Street - Zvenigorodskoye Highway - Krasnaya Presnya Street - Barrikadnaya Street - Sadovaya-Kudrinskaya Street - Bolshaya Sadovaya Street - Triumphal Square - Tverskaya Street - Kremlin Embankment - Borovitskaya Square - Mokhovaya Street - Vozdvizhenka street - Novy Arbat street - Novinsky Boulevard - Sadovaya-Kudrinskaya street - Tverskaya street; Red Square - Bolshoi Moskvoretsky Bridge - Bolotnaya Street - Bolotnaya Square - Bolshoy Kamenny Bridge.

Please note that there will be military equipment along the route, and therefore motorists are advised to use public transport and the metro during the rehearsals of the Victory Parade.

The following metro stations are located along the route of the column: “ Youth ”, “Krylatskoye ”, Polezhaevskaya, "Street 1905", Krasnopresnenskaya, "Barricade", “Mayakovskaya ”, “Pushkinskaya ”, “Tverskaya ”, “Chekhovskaya ”, "Okhotny Ryad ", "Theatrical", Revolution square, “Borovitskaya ”, "Lenin's Library", Alexander Garden, “Arbatskaya ”, “Smolenskaya ”.

Several streets of Moscow will be blocked on April 27, May 3, 7 and 9 in connection with preparations for the Victory Parade

Drivers will not be able to use the passage through some streets of Moscow on April 27, May 3.7 and 9 due to the rehearsal of the Victory Parade. These days, the passage will be blocked due to military equipment entering the roadway ().

Parade column ready for testing

On April 27, Red Square will host the first night training of parade crews and military equipment on foot this year. On the eve of its participants, they were preparing a mechanized column for the upcoming march through the capital ().

/ Thursday, April 27, 2017 /

Topics: Movement restriction Arbatsko-Pokrovskaya Metro Garden Ring road Incidents Victory Day

Traffic in the center of Moscow will be limited due to the rehearsals of the Victory Day parade on April 27, May 3 and May 7, according to the portal of the mayor and government of the capital.
On April 27 and May 3, traffic will be limited from 18:00 until the end of the rehearsal, and on May 7 - from 05:00 until the end of the event.
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Motorists are asked to refuse to travel to the city center by car and use public transport.
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The Victory Day parade on Red Square will traditionally begin on May 9 at 10:00 am. For the first time, a convoy of the military police of the Russian Armed Forces, Arctic military equipment will take part in it, and Su-30SM multi-role fighters will be involved in the air part of the parade for the first time.

The operation of several central stations of the Moscow Metro will change on April 27 and May 3 due to the rehearsal of the military parade, timed to coincide with the 72nd anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War, the press service of the Moscow metro reports.
These days from 19:00 until the end of the station rehearsal Revolution square, "Okhotny Ryad ", "Theatrical", Alexander Garden, “Borovitskaya ” and "Library named after Lenin" will work only for the entrance and for transferring passengers.
In addition, due to the rehearsal of the military parade in Moscow, several streets will be blocked on April 27. Movement on them will be limited from 17:00 until the end of the rehearsal.
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Traffic on the capital's roads will be limited on April 27 and May 3 in connection with the rehearsals of the Victory Parade. Changes will be in effect from 18:00 until the end of the event. Also, the movement will be limited from 05:00 until the end of the rehearsal on May 7.

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Drivers are asked to refrain from traveling to the center by car if possible and use public transport. . . . . . Mechanized and foot columns will take part in it.

This year, for the first time in the history of the parade, Arctic military equipment will enter the square, represented by self-propelled air defense systems. Tor-M2DT ” and anti-aircraft missile and gun complex " Pantsir-SA ”, as well as arctic support vehicles. In addition, the military police column of the Russian Armed Forces will take part in the parade for the first time. Cross-country multi-purpose armored vehicles will pass through Red Square Tiger ", “Typhoon-K ”, “Typhoon-U". In the aviation part of the parade, 17 helicopters and 55 aircraft will fly over the Moscow sky, including Tu-160 and Tu-95MS missile carriers and Su-30SM multirole fighters.

Until May 9, in the center of Moscow, along the route of military equipment participating in the Victory Parade, parking will be prohibited

The restriction will operate around the clock on the streets of the People's Militia, Krasnaya Presnya, Barrikadnaya, Sadovo-Kudrinskaya, Bolshaya Sadovaya, Bolotnaya, as well as on Triumfalnaya and Bolotnaya squares, and Novinsky Boulevard. It is reported by AGN " Moscow " with reference to the GKU "Organization Center traffic"(TsODD).

"From April 27 to May 9, in connection with a number of dress rehearsals of the Victory Parade, parking space on the roads of the capital will be limited. Restrictions will operate around the clock from April 27 until the end of the Victory Parade on May 9", - said in the message TsODD.

Drivers are asked not to park under prohibition signs in order to avoid the evacuation of the car. At the time of installation of the signs, leaflets with information about the changes will be laid out on cars parked on these streets.

In connection with the rehearsal of the Victory Parade on April 27 and May 3, from 18:00 until the end of the event, the passage through Moscow streets will be blocked. . . . . .

. . . . . As Metro was told in the Department of Information and Mass Communications of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the training starts at 22:00.

- The second night rehearsal will take place on May 3, beginning also at ten in the evening, the department said.- The dress rehearsal on Red Square will take place on the morning of May 7 at 10:00.

. . . . . Also, multi-purpose armored off-road vehicles will pass through Red Square. Tiger ", “Typhoon-K ”, “Typhoon-U", and 17 helicopters and 55 aircraft will fly over the Moscow sky, including Tu-160 and Tu-95MS missile carriers and Su-30SM multirole fighters.

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Military equipment will appear on the central streets of Moscow at 18:00, and the procession is scheduled to start at 22:00. More than 10,000 servicemen and about 110 units of military equipment will take part in the event.

. . . . . The composition of the military equipment participating in the parade will be replenished with the complexes “ Tor-M2DT ” And " Pantsir-SA ”- T-72B3 tanks will also join them.

In connection with the rehearsal of the parade, the streets will be blocked along which military equipment will pass, the newspaper's website notes. “Evening Moscow”.

Traffic in the center of Moscow will be limited on April 27 and May 3, 7 and 9, 2017 in connection with the dress rehearsal of the Victory Parade, the press service of the Center for Traffic Organization (TsODD) reported.
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It is specified that the movement will be limited along the route of passage of military equipment: from the street. Lower Mnevniki - st. People's militia - st. Mnevniki - Zvenigorod highway - st. Krasnaya Presnya - st. Barrikadnaya - st. Sadovaya-Kudrinskaya - st. Bolshaya Sadovaya - Triumphalnaya Square - st. Tverskaya - Kremlin embankment - Borovitskaya square - st. Mokhovaya - st. Vozdvizhenka - st. New Arbat - Novinsky Boulevard - st. Sadovaya-Kudrinskaya - st. Tverskaya; Red Square - Bolshoi Moskvoretsky Bridge - st. Bolotnaya - Bolotnaya Square - Big Stone Bridge.

It is also noted that in connection with the military Parade on May 9, traffic on these streets will be completely blocked from 5:00 until the end of the events.

. . . . . Lenin, Alexander Garden, “Arbatskaya ”, “Smolenskaya ”- concluded in the press service of the department.

First evening training for the parade Victory will pass on Red Square in Moscow on Thursday, the Russian Defense Ministry said in a statement.

"Citizens and guests of Moscow will be able to see all military equipment today after 18.00 and until late at night to see modern and promising military equipment on Zvenigorodskoye Highway, Tverskaya Street, Krasnaya Presnya Street and other streets in the center of the capital", the message says.

Military personnel of higher military educational institutions, Suvorov and Nakhimov military schools, cadet corps, as well as military personnel of the Western Military District, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Russian Guard and the Federal Security Service of Russia, members of the Yunarmiya and military personnel of the 61st Separate Marine Brigade of the coastal troops of the Northern Fleet will pass through the square.

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"Today, for the first time on Red Square, the latest models of air defense weapons in a cold arctic color - an anti-aircraft missile system" Tor-M2DT ” and anti-aircraft missile and gun complex " Pantsir-SA ”, as well as T-72B3 tanks ", the message says.

In total, more than 10,000 military personnel and 114 units of modern weapons and military equipment will take part in the training.

"Okhotny Ryad ", “Borovitskaya ”, "Lenin's Library", Revolution square, "Theatrical" And Alexander Garden.

These stations will operate only for the entrance and transfer of passengers. This mode of operation will last until the end of the parade rehearsal. Representatives of the metro specified that the same restrictions would apply during the rehearsal on May 3, according to the official website of the Moscow subway.

In addition, due to the following column of military equipment, there was movement on several streets of Moscow. As a result, the streets of Nizhniye Mnevniki, the People's Militia, Mnevniki, Krasnaya Presnya, Barrikadnaya, Sadovaya-Kudrinskaya, Bolshaya Sadovaya, Tverskaya-Kremlevskaya Embankment, Mokhovaya, Vozdvizhenka, Novy Arbat, Sadovaya-Kudrinskaya, Tverskaya, Bolotnaya will be inaccessible to motorists. In addition, Zvenigorodskoye Highway, Triumfalnaya Square, Kremlin Embankment, Borovitskaya Square, Novinsky Boulevard, Bolshoi Moskvoretsky Bridge, Red Square, Bolotnaya Square and Bolshoy Kamenny Bridge will be closed for drivers.

On Thursday evening, the first evening training session of the Victory Parade, which will be held on May 9, will take place on Red Square, the Department of Information and Mass Communications of the Russian Defense Ministry reports.

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Also, as part of the mechanized column, promising samples of armored vehicles created on the platforms “ Armata", “Kurganets", “Boomerang".


In connection with the rehearsal of the parade on Red Square and the passage of military equipment from 17:00 on April 27, traffic will be limited on almost 20 streets of the capital. It was reported " Interfax ” in the press service of the Moscow Department of Transport.

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Similar traffic restrictions will apply during the evening rehearsal of the parade on May 3 from 17:00; during the dress rehearsal on 7 May and the parade itself on 9 May from 05:00.

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Why do people study the schedule according to which the rehearsal of the 2017 parade in Moscow will be held, if on May 9 everyone will see it, one might say, in a ceremonial, official form, to the music? Well, here, of course, there is an opportunity to do without a crowd of other people who want to, at the same time see a variety of equipment closer, admire the organized movement, brave soldiers. The schedule for motorists is also needed, because some of the roads for rehearsals will be blocked.

dress rehearsal

Such parades have already become an honorable, long-term tradition. Previously, they were accompanied by large posters, where there were both the faces of the leaders and revolutionary slogans, and the authorities watched, welcoming the people. Even uninitiated spectators can see the level of organization, thoughtfulness of the procession, when almost every movement, turn of the route is known.

Such unity, of course, is achieved through long training, first outside the city, then already on the spot. the general, last rehearsal will be available to casual viewers, will take place on the city streets - they will repeat the given route, and those who wish will be able to see what is happening.

Location? Of course, you can wait by visiting Red Square, the parade will definitely get there, but it is only part of its given route. The rehearsal of the 2017 parade in Moscow, the schedule has already been transferred by the administration, at the same time, motorists will be able to adjust their routes in advance, because part of the streets will be blocked for the parade.

The dress rehearsal itself is planned to be held on May 7, therefore, already from early, 5 in the morning, they will partially or completely block the usual traffic in some of the central streets.

Military equipment selected for the Victory parade will first gather in a special wasteland, it is not far from house 45, this is on Nizhniye Mnevniki (street). From there, the parade starts, moving through the wide, central streets to Red Square itself.

On May 7, those who want to see the beginning at the general rehearsal can gather at 10.00, this is the start time.

Where is the best place to sit and see better? After all, the Victory Parade is a beautiful, even majestic spectacle. Moreover, the dress rehearsal is not the holiday itself, which means the people - the spectators will gather much less than usual. It is possible to see everything in full. Modern people of course, arm yourself with phones, so the rest, who decide to wait for the parade at home, will be able to see everything through videos from amateurs. Although, of course, it is better to see for yourself.

The last of the rehearsals will take place already at night, again starting from the wasteland described above, Nizhniye Mnevniki and further, through the nearest Zvenigorod highway, then the section from the Garden Ring, through Tverskaya, then Novy Arbat. Accordingly, the Kremlin embankment with Borovitskaya Square will be blocked from 5 pm.

The rehearsal of the 2017 parade in Moscow itself, the schedule with the official route are set out in detail, there are clarifications for metro stations, people should find out in advance the name of all the planned changes so as not to end up in a dead end later. Blocking metro stations is already a common thing for May 9th.

Already from 19.00 the following stations: Ploshchad Revolyutsii, then Okhotny Ryad, with them Teatralnaya with Aleksandrovsky Sad, then Borovitskaya with the Lenin Library will be able to operate only as an entrance or transfer point.


Start - Lower Mnevniki (there is a wasteland where people and equipment will first gather);
Go to st. People's Militia;
St. Mnevniki;
Zvenigorod highway;
Move to st. Krasnaya Presnya;
st. Barricade;
Will go to u. Sadovaya-Kudrinskaya;
Next Bolshaya Sadovaya;
Triumfalnaya Square;
St. Tverskaya;
Manezhnaya Square;
Red Square (main place);
Vasilyevsky descent;
Kremlin embankment;
Borovitskaya area;
Mokhovaya street;
Vozdvizhenka street;
Further to New Arbat;
Novinsky boulevard;
Street Barrikadnaya;
Then to Krasnaya Presnya;
Zvenigorod highway;
Mnevniki street;
Again People's Militia (street);
Lower Mnevniki.

It will start at 10.00, the rehearsal will be completely open, people will not be blocked from accessing the review.

The tanks themselves with armored personnel carriers will arrive earlier, already by 6.00. The rehearsal of the 2017 parade in Moscow, the schedule includes the evening, last training, from 18.00.

What are the innovations?

It is possible that more women soldiers will be included in the parade, approximately 210 people, which is more than last year's figure. The very participation of women is fully justified, because they are also soldiers, ready to serve and show themselves in the parade.

On May 7, a dress rehearsal of the parade in honor of the victory in the Great Patriotic War took place on Red Square. Usually a lot of people come to look at the dress rehearsal, because in fact, this is the same parade, only without Putin. They say that on May 9 they will block Tverskaya and from there it will be impossible to observe the passage of equipment to Red Square. The weather on Victory Day is also promised not like spring, so all those who want to see the parade participants closer, and not watch them on TV, usually do not come for the General Run. What else is it different from the previous night rehearsals. The fact that the military wear exactly the dress uniform in which they will march on the holiday. The flags are also the same, and not their imitation, as it was at night rehearsals. So everything is as it will be on May 9th. First, "boxes" with soldiers will pass, then equipment, and military and transport aircraft will complete the parade. Let's try to look at it all.
1. I thought that a great place to take pictures of the parade participants is Sofiyskaya Embankment, just opposite Vasilyevsky Spusk, where the military from the parade and equipment will go. But it turned out that there are more than a hundred smart people like me.

2. A lot of people, it is clear that people took their seats in the morning. Many were with children.

3. Children in patriotic caps.

4. From Red Square came the sound of an orchestra, then the cries of "Hurrah!" ... and after a while, ZILs drove from Vasilevsky Spusk along the Kremlin Embankment, on which they were taking the parade. When these cars become unusable, what will the parade be held on, because the ZIL plant is no more? It turned out that everything is not so simple. It turned out that the workshop for assembling exclusive ZILs still exists. There you can even order a personal convertible and cut it like the general secretaries of the past.

5. And further on Vasilyevsky Spusk began to go "boxes" from Red Square. To distribute the flows, the military goes after Red Square to the left along Moskvoretskaya Embankment, and the equipment goes to the Kremlin.

6. Some viewers prepared very seriously.

7. Completely unexpected white color of the form. We'll take a closer look a little further.

8. There were also soldiers upstairs on the bridge. Apparently they were not taken to the parade, although their dress code is quite formal.

9. Beauty.

10. After everyone passed and the movement was opened, we went to take a closer look at the parade participants and it turned out that not everyone had dispersed yet. Here are the paratroopers, they sang a song about Moscow very cheerfully.


12. Further on, I am not very good at identifying the branches of the military that participated in the rehearsal.

13. The military, among other things, pinned St. George ribbons. What struck me personally, very many with medals. Although it seems like we live in peacetime.

14. Harsh standard-bearers.

15. But these are hard not to recognize. These are the orange berets of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

16. And then behind them are representatives of the Air Force Academy named after Professor N. E. Zhukovsky and Yu. A. Gagarin.

17. Beautiful blue uniform.


19. But the most spectacular were the girls in white. They stand out very strongly from the general background.

20. After the soldiers went equipment.

21. The military here, too, in front and with banners - beautiful.

22. BMP-3.

23. Tanks went... T-14 and right behind them T-72B3M. Thank you grizli_999 for helping to deal with military equipment.

24. Looks impressive against the backdrop of the Kremlin wall.

25. No traffic jams, great.

26. "Buki".

27. Arctic technology has gone. "Shell" on a caterpillar all-terrain vehicle DT-30.

28. Oh! The soldiers were dressed in white camouflage, at the last rehearsal they were in green.

29. Another "Shell" but already on wheels.

30. The Yarsy crawled last.

31. Not all equipment has yet left Vasilevsky Spusk, and helicopters have already appeared in the sky. Mi-26 accompanied by "kids" Mi-8.

32. Mi-28N.

33. Everything is the same as last time. However, it's still impressive.

34. KA-52.

35. Mi-35.

36. And the most beautiful participants in the air parade Tu-160 "White Swan" surrounded by Tu-22M3.

37. I really like it.

38. An-124-100 "Ruslan", a giant transporter.

39. More "smaller" Il-76.

40. Imitation of refueling. It seems that the "White Swan" flies for the bait.

41. "Fencers" Su-24M.

42. "Defenders" Su-34.

43. The "tactical wing" flew. So so ... let's see what line-up today, because on the first

P - to dream