Tarasius of Constantinople prophecies. Orthodox Faith - Joseph of Vatopedi about the Antichrist


The following prophecy is a text once inscribed on the tomb of Emperor Constantine the Great. This inscription must have appeared under his son Constantius II. Having transferred the remains of his father from Nicomedia to Constantinople, he laid them in the church of the Holy Apostles, which he himself built.

The text was first published in the 17th century in Dorotheus of Monemvasia's "Collection of Miscellaneous Historical Writings" (Constantinople 1684), and then republished in Minh's "Greek Patrology". The fact that the inscription is still little known and practically unexplored is due to its mysterious nature.

In the days of the penultimate Emperor John VIII Palaiologos, the first and almost the only commentator on this text was Gregory Scholarius, future patriarch Constantinople. We quote it verbatim from the above editions (the tombstone itself, as well as the temple where it was placed, were destroyed long ago) and attach our own commentary.

In its language, the inscription is very different from Greek texts mid-4th century A.D., but this, in our opinion, is due to the fact that the first publisher, Dorotheus of Monemvasia, who lived thirteen centuries later, took care to make it understandable to his contemporaries.

In the first year of the indiction, the power of Ismail, who is called Mahomet, will defeat the clan of Palaiologos, take possession of Semikholm, will dominate it, many people will destroy and devastate the islands to Pontus Euxinus.

In the eighth year, the Indicta will ruin those who live along the banks of the Istra, the Peloponnese will be devastated, in the ninth year it will fight in the northern lands, in the tenth year it will defeat the Dalmatians, turn back for a while, [but then] * against the Dalmatians [again] raise a great battle, but those partial he will be defeated. And numerous, like foliage, [fighters] to the western [peoples] will start a war on land and sea, and Ismail will be defeated.

And his offspring will rule short time. The fair-haired clan ** with his assistants will completely defeat Ismail and Semiholmie with special advantages [in it] will receive. Then a fierce internecine strife will begin, [lasting] until the fifth hour. And a triple voice will sound: “Stop, stop with fear! And, hastening to the right country, you will find a husband there, truly marvelous and strong. This will be your master, for he is dear to me, and you, having received him, do my will.

Kutlumush manuscript.

Another no less remarkable text of a prophetic nature, previously dated to 1053, was found in the monastery of Kutlumush on the Holy Mountain. It contains twenty-four predictions, most of which have also been fulfilled by now:

great European war;
the defeat of Germany, the catastrophe of Russia and Austria;
the triumph of the Hellenes over the Hagarians;
the defeat of the Hellenes by the Hagarians, supported by the peoples of the West;
the beating of the Orthodox;
great confusion among the Orthodox peoples;
invasion of a foreign army from the Adriatic Sea. Woe to all who live on earth, hell is ready;
the short-term appearance of a great husband among the Hagarites;
new European war;
union of Orthodox peoples and Germany;
the defeat of the French by the Germans;
the uprising of the Hindus and the separation of India from England;
the reduction of England to its own limits;
the victory of the Orthodox and the massacre of the Agarians;
worldwide confusion;
widespread despair on earth;
struggle of seven powers for Constantinople. Three-day mutual extermination. The victory of the strongest power over the other six;
alliance of six powers against the victor; new three-day mutual extermination;
the cessation of enmity by God's intervention in the person of an Angel and the transfer of Constantinople to the Hellenes;
the conversion of the Latins to the intact Orthodox faith;
the spread of the Orthodox faith from East to West;
the horror and awe she inspires in the barbarians;
the removal of the pope from spiritual authority and the appointment of a single Patriarch for the entire European world;

in the fifty-fifth year, the end of the tribulations. In the seventh [summer] there is no accursed one, there is no exile, for he returned to the arms of his Mother [about his children rejoicing]. This will be, this will be done. Amen. Amen. Amen. I am Alpha and Omega, First and Last. The end is a single flock of true Orthodox faith. Slave of Christ true God.

Prophecy of St. Andrew the Holy Fool.

Associated with the name of another divinely inspired man and referring to the first third of the 10th century, this prophecy is in full agreement with the previous ones and makes up for much of what they are silent about. It says, in particular, that Constantinople will be betrayed into the hands of the Muslims and the brilliant Byzantine civilization will come to an end, but it will rise in its former splendor after two terrible upheavals that will coincide with the world war sent for the sins and retreats of our time. Answering the question of one of the disciples about the future of the capital, the saint reveals to him what, by the grace of God, he was able to foresee.

Here are the most significant fragments of this prophecy.

This city, which is appointed to rule over many peoples, will be invincible for foreigners ... But there is a rumor that it will open internal access to the Hagarian family and that great multitude of people will be killed with a sword. But I say that a fair-haired family will also appear, whose name is contained in the eighteenth of the twenty-four letters, combined in the correct order, and the feet of sinners will step on the carpeted floors.

Woe to them from the two branches, whose swords are like the wind, and the sickles that cut the copper-red ear in the harvest, do not turn back and leave nothing behind ... In the last days, the Lord God will raise the king from poverty, and he will enter [in hail] with great truth. And there will be a world in the likeness of the world that was in the days of Noah, for they will no longer fight. And because there will be no war on earth, they will reforge their swords into plows, sickles and [other] agricultural implements.

And [the king] will turn his face to the east and humble the sons of Hagar, for our Lord Jesus Christ will be angry with them for the iniquity of Sodom, which they do. Of these, many will Holy Baptism and they will be honored by that pious king, but he will destroy the rest, burn him with fire, and betray [any other] violent death. In those days, everything will be restored, and Illyricum [will become part of the power] of the Romans, and Egypt will find its gates. And [the king] will lay his right hand on the surrounding nations, and subdue the fair-haired race, and defeat his haters. And he will keep the kingdom for thirty-two years, and taxes and gifts will not be collected for twelve years.

He will restore ruined treasuries and rebuild holy temples. In those days there will be no litigation, nor the unrighteous with the lawless one, for the whole earth will be afraid of the [royal] face, and he will compel all the sons of men out of fear of him to be chaste, and among his nobles he will destroy every transgressor ... Then joy and fun will come , and many good things will come from the earth and the sea. And it will be as it was in the days of Noah ... When his dominion is gone, the beginning of evil will come

Prophecies of Methodius of Patara.

Two holy men are known under the name of Methodius of Patara. The first suffered martyrdom in A.D. 312, the other, to whom the following prophecies go back, lived in the ninth century.

And the blond-haired family will rule Semikholmie for five or six [months]. And they will plant potions in it, and many of them will be cut off in vengeance for the saints. And the predestined ones will rule in the east, and after this a certain autocrat will rise up, and after him another, fierce ox ... and the settled peoples that are on the northern side will be thrown into confusion, and they will move with strength and great fury, and will be divided into four principalities, and the first will winter - near Ephesus, the second - near Melagia, the third - near Pergamum, the fourth - near Bithynia.

Then the peoples living in the southern country will rebel, and Philip the Great will rise with eighteen tribes, and flock to Semikholm, and start a battle like never before, and rush inward through its gates and passages, and human blood will flow like a river, so that the depths the sea will become clouded with blood. Then the ox will roar and the dry stone will weep. Then the horses will stand and a voice will be heard from heaven:

“Stop! Stop! Peace to you! Enough vengeance on the unfaithful and obscene! Go out to the right land of Semikholmiya, and you will find there a man standing near two pillars in great humility, bright and righteous, suffering great poverty, severe in appearance, but meek in spirit "... And the command from the Angel will be announced: "Set him up and put the sword in his right hand, saying: “Be of good cheer, John! Strengthen yourself and defeat your adversaries." And having received the sword from the angel, he will smite the Ishmaelites, the Ethiopians, and every unbelieving generation.

Under him, the Ismailites will be divided into three parts, and he will kill the first part with a sword, baptize the second part, subdue the third part, which is in the East, by force. And upon his return, the treasuries of the earth will be opened, and all will be enriched, and there will be no beggar among them, and the earth will yield its fruit a hundredfold. And they will forge all weapons into plows and sickles. And his reign will be thirty-five years.

Prophecy of Saint Tarasius, Patriarch of Constantinople.

This holy man, who occupied Constantinople patriarchal throne in 784 - 806, known among other things as the initiator of the VII Ecumenical Council and as the author of the following prophecy:

Civil strife will rise up, and the whole unbelieving generation will perish. And then the holy king will arise, in whose name [letter] I is the initial one, huh? - final.

Thus, here, as in previous prophecies, a terrible fratricidal war and the appearance of a righteous king named John, who has an anointing from God Himself, are predicted.

Prophecies of Emperor Leo the Wise.

The son of Basil I the Macedonian, the Byzantine emperor Leo VI the Wise, reigned in 886-911. He owns a number of poetic and moralizing texts, including those of a prophetic nature, and among them the following:

About the many-verbal king, who lives on the outskirts of Byzantium [Constantinople], wretched and [God] chosen, famous and unknown. The true king... expelled from his dwelling by people... will appear at the end of the Ismaelites... at the third hour... It is fitting for him to reveal himself in the radiance of light and [other] signs. This one will be called from an Angel, having the image of a man-eunuch in white robes, who will speak in his ear, embraced by sleep: “Arise, sleeper, and rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you.

For He calls you to shepherd a great people.” And another time he says: “Go out, hidden one, and do not hide, for many are looking for you.” And for the third time, he will hand him the tablets of stone with the inscription of two laws, of which the first is “Revenge [enemies] and give the people everything they need”, the second – “Destroy wickedness, punish with fire those who do the deeds of Sodom. Above this, cast out the vicious priests from the temple, and put the worthy again into the service of God. That king has special signs. On the nail of his right foot he has a bright spot, and on both shoulder blades there is a purple-like inscription of the cross ... but the name of this king is hidden among the peoples. And the Lord will lay His hand on his head.

In those days, people will endure great distress, and bow their faces down, and sprinkle dust on their heads, and cry out to the Lord God of heaven and earth. Then the Lord will hear their prayer, and turn His ear to those who inhabit the earth, and send His Archangel in human form, and he will settle on the islands. And he will find the holy God, hitherto invisible and unknown. Hidden and unknown to everyone, known only to the Lord and to himself, he will be from the inheritance of the prince and from the royal family ... holy to God. This God Himself will reveal and anoint at the end of days...

It will open like this. For three days and three nights, a star will appear at the top of the city, and not from among the planets, but similar to the one that appears at Christmas Spasovo. And for three days the voice of the herald will sound, calling for the desired [king] to open. Then all, marveling at the sight and the thunderous cry of the herald, in frenzy and fear say in response that this one they are looking for is unknown to them. But after that, as, looking at the sky, they cry out “Lord, have mercy!” and falling down, with tears of sorrow, they will sprinkle dust on their heads, God will hear, look at them with a merciful eye, and for the sake of the remaining chosen ones will reveal the proclaimed one.

The sunny firmament in the clouds will open to the eyes of all, similar in size to a threshing circle for six oxen, and a purple-shaped cross will come down from there, and on its left side an arc will appear, given to our forefathers as a sign of the covenant. And indicating the desired chosen one by all, this arc will stretch through the southern limit of the heavenly circle, and its lower edge will be above the place where the hut of the true king is found. Then the people, giving glory to God, will rush with lamps and olive branches to the place marked by the edge of the arc, and, having received with great honor the aged offspring of the royal family, they will wish to lead him at least by cunning into great Zion*...

And the messenger will publicly, but without revealing himself, proclaim from heaven: “Is this one pleasing to you?” People, beating their chests and raising their hands to heaven, with weeping and groaning say: “It is truly pleasing to her, Lord, for You have given it to us!”. And bowing before the king, they will bring him into the great Zion. And when he prays, the sealed gates will open... All those around will gather with great trepidation and, having raised him to an elevated place, they will declare him king and so in the middle of the night they will lead him into the palace, accompanied by two angels in the guise of Belarusian husbands. These angels will speak in his very ears, instructing him in every work that must be undertaken.

Prophecies of the Hieromartyr Cosmas of Aetolia.

The cited texts are in many ways consonant with the prophecies of a later time, which belong to the holy martyr Cosmas of Aetolia (1714 - 1779). A tonsure of the Holy Mount Athos, with the blessing of the hierarchy, he went around the Greek lands, strengthening Orthodox faith, piety and national consciousness of the Greeks in the difficult years of Turkish oppression.

Saint Cosmas died as a martyr in Calicondasi (Epirus) in August 1779. Having the blessed gift of prophecy, he predicted, among other things, the future destinies of our people, many scientific and technical achievements of our time, and, most importantly, the restoration of Constantinople as a reigning city, as the prophets before him spoke about.

Saint Cosmas announced the coming events in a special way. So, the predicted about the liberation of Greece from the Turks is dressed in his pictures of the last times and Armageddon. Below are those of his prophecies that we believe will certainly be fulfilled in due time:

if the dispute is resolved by war, you will be subjected to great ruin. Of the three cities, one will survive;
blood will be shed in the city, in which a three-year-old steer will swim;
when thousands of sailing ships appear in Greek waters, the fate of the city will be decided;

along the three narrow gorges Kra, Krasi and Muzina - a large army will advance towards the city. It would be good for women and children to go to the mountains. If they ask you how far the city is, do not tell the truth, for they will harm you. This army will not reach the city, because in the middle of the way they will know that the war is over;

you will see that people in the sky fly like starlings and throw fire on the ground. All who will live then will run to the cemetery and begin to shout: “Come out, the dead, so that we, the living, come in!”;

how many will be such whom mothers will give birth prematurely from their own fear!
after the war, people will run a half-hour path to find a person and make him [their] brother;
happy who will live after the general war. He will eat with a silver spoon.

We do not cite the predictions of the saint that came true, as well as those that are not directly related to our topic. In the above, we see a striking similarity with those analyzed above. Both there and here they talk about the horrors of the war, about its last phase and catastrophic consequences, and, finally, the “golden age” of the post-war period.

Pictures of people whose future interests us were offered by NTV journalists to the elder right during the shooting. The Persian clairvoyant looked at each photograph in silence for about half an hour. He then fell into a trance, then began to make active passes with his hands.

Donald Trump was the first to fall under the distribution of prophecies. The American president is a mystery even to his own Republicans, not to mention the rest of the world. But how will the Iranian elder see him?

Salman Salehigudarza: “This person really wants power precisely geographically, that is, to expand his geography. Very greedy for power. Always plays a role and considers himself very handsome. It is impossible to agree with him. Sleeps very little. Unpredictable and fickle in life."

In the United States, Donald Trump is predicted to be impeached from the first day of his presidency. Will the American leader make it to a second term and be able to win the next election? Salman Salehigudarza is sure that they will not be able to dismiss him during his first term, but his second term will be short.

Big troubles have been plaguing French President Emmanuel Macron all winter, in whom Trump believes no less than in himself. "Yellow Vests" is not the first month and just dream of bringing him to the zugunder. In the meantime, everyone is waiting for miracles from Macron in France, he himself strongly expresses support for the protesters in Venezuela.

Salman Salehigudarza: “A person, I can immediately say, makes decisions only with his feelings. And then he has no confidence in whether he did the right thing. Indecisive. Ambitious, but will achieve nothing in his field. A person who very quickly falls under the influence of others and changes his mind.

Theresa May is much bolder than her French counterpart. If she said "Brexit", then.

Salman Salehigudarza: “She has a very strong character. Such a person does not bend under someone else's opinion. She is her own leader and if she says something, she will do it, even if it costs her career. And in the family she behaves like a general. Her relatives are just soldiers.”

Frau Merkel, whose position was noticeably weakened after the opening of European borders to migrants, played ahead of the curve and herself abandoned plans for another term as Chancellor. But will she be able to find her female happiness by taking a political pension?

Salman Salehigudarza: "Human . If we talk about personal life, then it is not filled with feelings. She always likes to make everyone fight side by side, and she calmly makes a decision. She always achieves her goal. Goal-oriented person".

Let's move from Europe to Ukraine. There, on March 31, the fate of the whole country will be decided and. According to the latest polls, Peter is the first in Ukraine after comedian Vladimir Zelensky and Yulia Tymoshenko. Will Poroshenko be able to roll his rivals into asphalt? Will ordinary Ukrainians vote for him?

Salman Salehigudarza: “The choice will not depend on the people. There will be massive fraud. There will be scandal. Rich people will bite each other, and the result will be deplorable in the end.

The result will be disastrous. But for which one? Is it possible that the second Yulia Tymoshenko will forever fly past the presidential chair again? According to the Iranian visionary, Poroshenko has a good chance of winning the election, despite his negative rating. And if America helps the chances are even greater. But, according to Salman, Poroshenko "entered into an unsuccessful game and will soon be stabbed in the back by those people from whom he does not expect, the president will simply be torn to shreds."

Tarasius occupied the patriarchal throne of Constantinople in 784-806. Known as the initiator of the convening of the VII Ecumenical Council.

Prophecy about the coming Savior: “An internecine strife will rise up, and the whole unbelieving generation will perish. And then the holy king will arise, in whose name [the letter] I is the initial, and Σ is the final. Perhaps these are the initials of the name and surname of the future Tsar, i.e. Jude I is the first letter of the name, and the ancient Greek letter sigma Σ is the surname. On modern Greek this letter is pronounced as S - Simonov.

John Kyriot (Geometer)

The Byzantine poet John Kyriot (X century), nicknamed the Geometer, which he received for his studies in science and mathematics, wrote a prophetic poem "On Komita" (About the Comet?), where he predicts the appearance of the star Typhon in the sky. During this cataclysm, according to the predictions of the Geometer, a worldwide fire will begin:

A comet in the sky illuminates the whole ether,
And on earth, the committee burns the entire West.
The star that prophesied the darkness with its appearance,
With the rising of the sun fades, luminiferous,
And this Typhon rose from the victorious
Nikifor by sunset - he burns everything,
Embraced by the spirit of vengeance…

Prophecies of Emperor Leo the Wise

The Byzantine Emperor Leo VI the Wise (son of Basil I the Macedonian) reigned from 886-911. The emperor owns a number of poetic and moralizing texts, including prophecies about the Savior:

“About the many-verbal king, who lives on the outskirts of Byzantium [Constantinople], wretched and [God] chosen, famous and unknown. The true king... expelled from his dwelling by people... will appear at the end of the Ismaili [rule]... at the third hour... It is fitting for him to reveal himself in the radiance of light and [other] signs. This one will be called from an Angel, having the form of a man - a eunuch in white robes, who will say in his ear, embraced by sleep: “Arise, sleeper, and rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you. For He calls you to shepherd a great people.” And another time he says: “Go out, hidden one, and do not hide, for many are looking for you.” And for the third time, he will hand him the tablets of stone with the inscription of two laws, of which the first is “Revenge [enemies] and give the people everything they need”, the second – “Destroy wickedness, punish with fire those who do the deeds of Sodom. Above this, expel the vicious priests from the temple, and put the worthy again into the service of God. That king has special signs. On the nail of his right foot he has a bright spot, and on both shoulder blades there is a purple-like inscription of the cross ... the name of this king is hidden among the peoples. And the Lord will lay His hand on his head.

In those days, people will endure great distress, and bow their faces down, and sprinkle dust on their heads, and cry out to the Lord God of heaven and earth. Then the Lord will hear their prayer, and turn His ear to those who inhabit the earth, and send His Archangel in human form, and he will settle on the islands. And he will find the holy God, hitherto invisible and unknown. Hidden and unknown to everyone, known only to the Lord and to himself, he will be from the inheritance of the prince and from the royal family ... holy to God. God Himself will reveal and anoint this at the end of days ...

It will open like this. For three days and three nights, a star will appear at the top of the city, and not from among the planets, but similar to the one that appears at Christmas Spasovo. And for three days the voice of the herald will sound, calling for the desired [king] to open. Then all, marveling at the sight and the thunderous cry of the herald, in frenzy and fear say in response that this one they are looking for is unknown to them. But after that, looking up at the sky, they cry out: “Lord, have mercy!” And falling on their faces, with tears of sorrow, they will sprinkle dust on their heads, God will hear, look at them with a merciful eye, and for the sake of the remaining chosen ones will reveal the proclaimed one.

The sunny firmament in the clouds will open to the eyes of all, similar in size to a threshing circle for six oxen, and a purple-shaped cross will come down from there, and on its left side an arc will appear, given to our forefathers as a sign of the covenant. And indicating the desired chosen one by all, this arc will stretch through the southern limit of the heavenly circle, and its lower edge will be above the place where the hut of the true king is found. Then the people, giving glory to God, will rush with lamps and olive branches to the place marked by the edge of the arc, and, having received with great honor the aged offspring of the royal family, they will wish at least by cunning to lead him into great Zion ... And the herald publicly, but without revealing himself will cry out from heaven: “Is this one pleasing to you?” The people, beating their breasts and raising their hands to heaven, with weeping and groaning say: “It is truly pleasing to her, Lord, for You have given it to us!” And bowing before the king, they will bring him into the great Zion. And when he prays, the sealed gates will open... All those around will gather with great trepidation and, having raised him to an elevated place, they will declare him king and so in the middle of the night they will lead him into the palace, accompanied by two Angels in the guise of husbands - Belarusians. These angels will speak in his very ears, instructing him in every work that must be undertaken.

Prophecy of St. Andrew the Fool

The famous Christian saint was born in Scythia. In his youth he was sold into slavery. Andrew became a slave to the wealthy bodyguard Theognostus from Constantinople. Having accepted the ascetic feat of foolishness, Andrei was expelled by his master and lived in poverty and cold, patiently enduring the ridicule and humiliation of those around him. Later, Andrey Yurodivy, according to various sources, was awarded a vision Holy Mother of God. The saint died at the age of 66 in 936.

Andrew's revelation about the end of the world

“Once, when Epiphanius and blessed Andrei had the opportunity to spend at least one week in their leisure time, Epiphanius took him to his home. And when they sat down alone, Epiphanius began to ask the blessed one: “Answer me, please, how and when will the end of this world happen, and also what is the beginning of torment and how will people know that it is already close, at the door? By what signs will death be visible, and where will this city of ours go, new Jerusalem (Constantinople) , and what will the holy temples, crosses, precious icons, books and relics of saints located in it turn into? Open to me, I beg you: I know what the Son of God said about you and those like you: “It has been given to you to know the secrets of the Kingdom of Heaven,” and how much more than the secrets of this world!”

And the blessed one replied: “Know about our city: until death, no people will captivate or take it, in any case, for it has been given under the protection of the Mother of God, and no one will steal it from her hands. Indeed, many peoples will attack its walls and break their horns, retreating in disgrace, but taking away gifts and great wealth from it.

Hear about the beginning of torment, and about the end of the world, and about the rest. In the last days the Lord God will raise up the kingdom out of poverty, and he (the king) will march in great righteousness, and he will stop all war, and make the poor rich, and everything will be as in the days of Noah (liken, of course, some people to others, having in not the corruption of those who lived then, but their deliverance from troubles): after all, people will be very rich all their days, they will eat and drink, marry and give in marriage in an unceasing world, and, not fearing war, will indulge in earthly affairs in carelessness. And when there is no more war, they will beat their blades into sickles, and their spears and darts into tools with which they will till the land. And after that he will turn his face to the east and subdue the sons of Hagar ( descendants of Ismail, son of Hagar, concubine of Abraham, allegorically - nomadic eastern tribes), for the Lord will be angry with them because of their slander. Therefore he will move and raise up the king of Rome against them, and he will completely destroy them and burn their children to ashes in fire; and they themselves, given into his hands, will be betrayed by the fiercest fire. And all Illyria will be restored ( an ancient region stretching along the northeastern coast of the Adriatic Sea, from the Istrian peninsula in the north to Epirus in the south) in the Roman Empire. And Egypt will bring its tribute. And he will set his right hand on the sea and subdue the fair-haired nations, and humble the enemies under his hand, and he will hold his scepter for thirty-two years. And in the twelfth year of his reign, he will not collect taxes and gifts, but will restore the holy temples and recreate the destroyed altars. And there will be no more judgment, neither those who oppress nor the oppressed, because with the help of fear it will force the sons of men to be prudent, and the criminals from the nobility will humble and put to death. Indeed, in those days, all gold, wherever it is hidden, by the direction of God, will be revealed before his power, and he will scatter it among his people with a winnowing machine, and his great ones will become rich, and they will be like kings, and the poor will become like rulers. And he will have great zeal, he will persecute the Jews, and in this city there will not be a single Ismaili. And he will firmly bind this city, and there will be no one playing the lyre or cithara, or doing a shameful deed, for all such people he will hate and sweep away from the city of the Lord. And then there will be great joy and rejoicing, blessings will come from the earth, and wealth from the sea. And it will be as it was under Noah, when they rejoiced in the world until the flood came.

And after the end of this kingdom, the beginning of torment will come. Then the son of iniquity will rise up and reign in this city for three and a half years, and will cause iniquity to come, which has not been from the beginning of the world, nor will it be. For when he sits down, he will announce that the father should marry the daughter, and the son with the mother, and the brother with the sister; if not, then the one who resists will be brought to death and equated with John the Baptist on the Day of Judgment. Then he will unite the nuns with the monks, as well as with the priests, and the lawlessness of copulation will become worse than murder, and he himself will corrupt the mother and daughter, and at this time, using permissiveness due to accursed impunity, fools will shamelessly laugh at their own sisters. And rottenness and stench will arise as an abomination before the Lord, and the Lord God will be cruelly angry, and in great fury will look at the whole earth, and will command his thunder in the sky and lightning, and they will begin to fall powerfully to the earth in great fear, and many cities will be burnt in the fire, and people from the roar of those terrifying thunders will be bound by great horror and die a terrible death, and many will be incinerated by lightning. Woe to the earth from the threat of the Almighty and from his boundless anger and fury, already approaching the entire inhabited world! But this scepter will be broken and thrown into the unquenchable flame. And after those days, blessed are those who live in Rome or in a robe, or in Armenopetra, or in Strobil, or in Karioupol, for in these cities and places they will find peace. Indeed, in all other places of war there will be unrest, and great confusion, according to the words of the one who said that “you will hear wars and rumors about wars,” and so on.

And after that, another king will rise above this city, and he will be a formidable donkey, denying Jesus Christ. After reading the writings of the Hellenes, he will turn to Hellenism and create war with the saints, and will persecute the Church of God. And after a few days of his reign, he will incinerate the temples of the saints in fire. He will call the precious cross a gallows. Then he will cause the priests to fall and will publicly torture the people in the streets. And in those days parents will rise up against their children, and children against their parents, and will kill them. And brother will betray brother and each other. And many who recognize our Lord as God and King of all will put on crowns of martyrdom. Then, having driven out those who live on the islands, he will drive them into the lands of Thrace and Macedonia. And the islands will turn into deserts, into caves of demons and snakes. And there will be terrible blows high in the sky, and great earthquakes, and the fall of cities. For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be terrible destruction on earth, and tribulation and torment to the sons of men. Then, with lightning speed, fire from heaven will appear, menacingly shading the entire face of the earth, and numerous flocks of birds, and then the earth will be filled with vile snakes, devouring people who are indulgent to sins. For all this is the beginning of torment.

And after this godless kingdom comes to an end, the king of Ethiopia will appear from the first horn, who, as they say, will hold the helm of power for twelve years. He will be kind and will reign in the world, and will restore the temples of the saints, destroyed before him, and, like a good king, will be loved by the people, and under him the love of the Lord will spread throughout the inhabited world, and there will be joy and gladness.

But this kingdom will also pass, and another king will come from Arabia, as they say, for one year. And in his reign, the holy parts of the precious and life-giving tree will be gathered together, at the direction of the invisible God, and will be given to the king. And he will come to Jerusalem, to the place where the feet of Christ our true God trod, and with his own hands he will establish there a precious tree and a royal diadem. And at the same time he will surrender his soul to the Lord God.

And then three youths, shameless, stupid and useless, will rise in this city and rule the world for one hundred and fifty days. And after that, being angry with each other, at the instigation of the devil, they will declare cruel war on each other. And the first one will rise and enter Thessalonica, saying to her: "Thessalonica, you will overcome your enemies, for you are the pride of the saints, and the Most High has sanctified you." And then he will arm his people from the age of seven and older, and supply the priests and monks with military weapons. And he will build large ships and go to Rome, and, standing in front of the gate, will say to him: “Rejoice, three-street Rome, your sword is sharp, your arrows are numerous, and you are honored; keep your faith so that it does not fall away from you, for blessed are those who dwell in you.” Then the fair-haired peoples will go on a campaign and pass between Delos and Adelos, and receive their friends.

And the second youth will also go on a campaign to Mesopotamia, and from the islands to the Cyclades, and send priests and monks on a campaign because of insane rage against the others. And he will rise, and he will move to the center of the universe (but some say to Alexandria), and there he will receive his associates, with whom he will be judged, angry and raging.

And the third one will go out and also arm Phrygia, Caria, Galatia, and Asia, and Armenia, and Arabia. And, having come to Sileon, he will tell him the following: "You are called Sileon, but you will not be kidnapped or captured by any of your enemies." Having said this, he will also go to the unconquered people, that is, those who were not under him or his associates.

After they come together like this, against each other, then they will forge a great and terrible war against themselves and cut each other to pieces, like sheep in a butcher's shop. And these three kings will be killed, and because of this murder, the blood of the Romans will be shed like unbearable rain, and not one of them will remain. Then the sea will mingle in that place with their blood twelve stadia. And then every woman will become a widow, so that seven women will strive to get one man and will not get it until they hear about it and men come from a foreign country. And the surviving youths will become men before their time, not understanding this, like pigs from great lust. Then blessed and thrice blessed will be those who serve the Lord in the mountains and in the caves, for they will not see evil happening in public, but will wait alone at the door of great mercy, the sweetest lambs who are destined to be sacrificed for the sake of Christ by the crafty demon Antichrist.

Then, because there will be none noble husband but all the rascals will rise shameful woman from Pontus and reign in this city. This woman is a Bacchante, the daughter of the devil, a sorceress, greedy for women and men, and in her days there will be mutual slanders, murders right on the streets and in houses, and the son will kill the father, and the father of the son, and the mother will kill the daughter, and the daughter will kill the mother. , and brother will kill brother, and friend - friend, and there will be great evil and hatred in this city, and in the holy churches - debauchery, and debauchery, and incest, and playing the kithara, and dancing, and satanic songs, and ridicule, and games that man has not seen and will not be able to see until that time. After all, this impure queen, posing as a goddess and fighting with God, striving to fight with Him, will smear the holy altars with feces and stain all the people with the filth of her shamelessness. And she will turn her face to evil, and will plunder all the property of the Church, and will gather precious images of saints, and precious crosses, and holy Gospels, and every book of the Apostles, and every book of Scripture, and make a great heap, and, throwing fire, will incinerate everything. And she will destroy the churches and will look for the relics of the saints in order to destroy them, and will not find them, for God by an invisible force will transfer them from this city. And then this unfortunate woman will destroy the altar of the great church of the Wisdom of God and, crushing the whole temple, will rise, turning to the east, and arrogantly say to the Almighty the following: “O He Who is called God, was I afraid to sweep Your name from the face of the earth? Look what I have done to You, powerless, and You cannot even touch my hair! However, wait a little, and I will overturn the firmament, I will rise to it and see who is stronger, and I will see who has power among the gods and goddesses. This is what this gangrene will say and do, and even more than that, spitting into the sky and throwing stones; but I will refrain from telling even more terrible things about her.

At that time, the Lord God Almighty will bend his bow and his unbridled anger, and with the terrible strength of all his might, will stretch out his hand to this city and seize it tightly. And with the sickle of his power he will cut off the layer of earth from the lower part of the city and will tell the waters that have washed it from time immemorial to swallow it up. And they will pour out in terrible obedience, with terrible speed and a terrifying roar. And he will tear down its foundation from the ground and lift it up like a turning millstone, so that those inside the city will cry out in great fear: “Woe to us!” And when he is thrown down again, the waters rushing from below will powerfully overthrow him, covering him with a formidable and boundless sea of ​​the abyss. This is how, my son Epiphanius, the end of our city will come, and what I told you about what should happen to this world later are the very horrors that, as our Lord Jesus Christ said, will be the beginning of torment.

Then, after the exodus of this city, the end will come. And some say that after the end of the reign of the Gentiles, God will take care of the exaltation of the divine kingdoms of Israel, so that they rule all the time until the end of the seventh century, citing Isaiah’s saying: “And it will be in last days so that the Lord God will raise up an ensign after the fulfillment of the kingdom of the Gentiles for the sheep scattered among the Gentiles, and will gather the dead of Israel in the holy city of Jerusalem, and it will be for Israel, as on the day when she left Egypt, ”and also what blessed Paul said:“ When the full number of the Gentiles enters, then all Israel will be saved.” So they unanimously say, and Hippolytus is a martyr of the rivers, that with the coming of the Antichrist, the Jews will be the first to be led astray; and Christ, testifying with him, said, “I have come in the name of my Father, and you do not receive me; another will come in his own name and receive him,” that is, that He will gather them in the city of Jerusalem and give them what belongs to them, in order to cut off from them then the disastrous ground for scattering. After all, if He had not done this, they would have said during the Judgment, they say, “If You had gathered us to Jerusalem and returned to us ours, we would have believed Christ long ago and rejected the basis for hatred, which was that the Gentiles are preferable to you.” And now, having been assembled and received theirs, and at the same time remaining in the same unbelief, how will they be saved if, here, the Antichrist appears among them - the Antichrist, whom they will believe, according to the formidable word of the Son of God? For God alone does not lie, saying: "I am the truth." And when He gathers them, He will first of all deprive them of this justification: after all, Paul also said that they would be saved not from eternal punishment, but from wandering for so many years in foreign lands, from the reproach of the Gentiles and from unspeakable shame. For being in such great need and such ridicule, enduring for so many years the mockery of the pagans, they will be saved from bondage and yoke, because they were gathered in their own land, but they will not be saved, as I have already said, from eternal punishment, for if suffering has not persuaded them to believe in the life-giving and only-begotten Son of God, how shall so-called joy convince them? And so on.

Epiphanius said: “Leave this, dearest father, and bring me the following: after all, some say that this great church God's will not sink with this city, but with the help of an invisible power it will hang in the air. And the righteous man answered: “What are you saying, child? How will she stay if the whole city drowns? Does God really live in man-made temples? However, this opinion is not entirely false: only the column in the Forum will remain, for there are precious nails in it. Therefore, she alone will remain and be saved, so that the passing ships, tying their ropes to her, will weep and mourn this Babylon, saying: “Woe to us that our great city has sunk, into which we entered and in which we successfully carried out our business. ".

And mourning for him will be forty days. And after those days, kingship will be given to Rome, Sileon, and Thessalonica, for the end will already be near. And then things will go worse and more terrible, and more disastrous: after all, in that year the Lord God will open the gates in Indalia, which Alexander the Great closed, and seventy-two kings will come out with their peoples, the so-called unclean peoples, more disgusting than any abomination and stench, and will be scattered over throughout the earth under heaven, eating living human flesh, drinking blood, devouring with pleasure dogs, mice, frogs and all the abominations of the world. And woe to every land they pass through. And therefore, in these days, may there be no Christians, Lord, if it is possible! But I know they will. And the air these days will be darkened, as if in mourning, because of the dirty tricks that these disgusting peoples will create. The sun will turn to blood, looking at the abominations that rushed to the earth. And the moon and all the stars will darken, for they will eat even the dust of the earth. They will turn altars into braziers and use precious vessels for abomination. Then let the inhabitants of Asia flee to the islands of the Cyclades (because Asia will mourn the islands, and the islands will mourn Asia), for there these peoples will not go. But they will mourn for six hundred and sixty days.

Then Satan will rise - the Antichrist from the tribe of Dan (not by his own power, however, he will turn into a man, not at all, but the Lord God will make a shell for him, shameful and vile, so that what was spoken by the prophets will be fulfilled in him), and will be freed from hellish shackles, into which the Lord Christ imprisoned him when he was there, and he will enter into the shell made for him. And when he turns into a man, matures and reigns, then he will begin to show his deceit, as John the Theologian said. Then he will raise a war against the islands of the Cyclades (the islands, according to Isaiah, are the churches of the Gentiles), while Elijah and Enoch and the Son of Thunder will come out to announce his deceit and the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. And he will bitterly humiliate the Christians living at that time, torturing them to the last breath and destroying them - a monstrous scoundrel! Then the one who does not fall into error will turn out to be a great and powerful friend of Christ, for blessed are all the saints, but more certainly those who testified to their holiness at the time of the Antichrist, they are blessed and thrice blessed, for the greatest glory will receive them for endless ages . But first he intends to kill Elijah, then Enoch, and finally the Son of Thunder, and then he will put a cruel death to those who do not believe in him. Then a terrible war will take place between him and the Lord: after all, when he learns that the existence of this world is coming to an end, he will come out against the sky in a terrible fury, flashing with lightning, rumbling and making blows, so that from the sound of cries the heavenly will shake and ring menacingly. And then who will not be shocked and frightened, sweetest child? Blessed then are those who will not be offended against our Lord Jesus Christ, our true God, blessed then are those who will not separate themselves from the one born of the holy Virgin Mary, blessed are those who will die for the love of Him and will expose the dragon in the face and its lies , blessed are those who will show courage when they meet the dragon and bravely brand his crimes, beautiful lights, precious pearls, sweet, sweet and honeyed hearts, and those who believe in the Father and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, in the Holy, Consubstantial and Life-Giving Trinity."

While the blessed one sat and spoke this, Epiphanius, who was listening to what should happen to the earth, sobbed with deep groans: after all, as I have already said, he was too compassionate. Then he said to the saint: “Please, tell me how mankind will be swept off the face of the earth and how will the resurrection take place then?” The saint said: “Some will be destroyed by unclean nations, others will be destroyed in continuous wars, and the rest of the believers will be killed by the Antichrist because of the Lord. And to those who believe the Antichrist, the Lord God will send winged beasts, according to the word of Ezekiel, having stings filled with poison on their tails, and those who do not have the sign of the seal of Christ, whole and pure, on their foreheads will be stung by these beasts and, poisoned dangerous poison, die a bitter death. Then, if one of the saints who hid from the Antichrist in the deserts is found, the Lord, by the power of His Spirit, will gather them all in the holy city of Zion: these are “inscribed for life.”

When the Antichrist is already smitten and seized along with his demons, and imprisoned in chains by fiery angels, and taken into custody to appear before judgment, and will be asked in justice about those souls that he destroyed, then the trumpet will sound, and the dead rise up incorruptible. And then those who live, as Paul said, who remained until the coming of the Lord, changed in the twinkling of an eye from corruption to incorruption, will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. So, when anyone sees that vile peoples have come into this world, O child, then he will know that everything is at the door and that the Judge will soon come.”

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Memorial Day of St. Tarasius falls on March 10th. He was canonized as a saint by the Orthodox and Catholic Churches.

Life of Saint Tarasius

The future patriarch was of noble birth, served as secretary to Empress Irina at court and played an important role in the state affairs of Byzantium. When the head of the church, Pavel, died in 784, Irina organized a meeting in the Mangavar Palace to select a candidate. Many began to offer Tarasius, who was not a sacred minister. The Empress also wanted to see him head of the church.

According to the rules of those times, it was not necessary to choose his Holiness or the Pope among the clergy, it could be any person of a noble family. The main thing is:

  • lack of marriage;
  • religion;
  • education.

In ancient times, knowledge of theology and languages ​​was given to almost everyone.

Tarasius was introduced to the ranks of a priest; on December 25, 784, he became the patriarch of Constantinople. Then he sent, according to tradition, his religion and an invitation to take part in Ecumenical Council, where he later was chairman and spoke about the restoration of icon veneration.

The life of St. Tarasius, Patriarch of Constantinople, is connected with the fate of the granddaughter of Philaret the Merciful, Mary, who became the wife of the emperor. The patriarch refused Constantine to terminate the marriage relationship with his wife. He considered the only reason - adultery. The Byzantine king wanted to send his wife to a monastery and marry Fedot. Later, the saint took the tonsure from Mary. This caused outrage in Orthodox world, and the Olympic monastery renounced the Byzantine church.

Tarasy led a modest life, he helped the poor, orphans and widows. On Easter, he organized dinners, at which he served people on his own. He wisely led the church for twenty-two years and died on March 10, 806. was buried in men's cloister on the Bosphorus.

Icon and relics of the saint

After his death, miracles of healing took place at the relics. One woman suffered from bleeding for several years. Since the monastery was special, she dressed in a man's attire. When the sick woman touched the tomb with faith and took the oil, she was cured. One man could not see well with one eye, when he smeared it with oil, he was healed.

On the icon, Saint Tarasius is depicted as a gray-haired old man with a waist-length beard. Gospel in hand. It is customary to pray at his holy face like this:

Oh, all-praiseful saint of Christ and wonderworker Tarasia! Accept this little prayer from us sinners who come running to you, and with your warm intercession, beseech the Lord and our God Jesus Christ, as if, having looked upon us mercifully, he will grant us forgiveness of our voluntary and involuntary sins, and by His great mercy will save us from troubles , sorrows, sorrows and illnesses of the soul and body, obscuring us; may it give fruitfulness to the earth, and all that is necessary for the benefit of our present life; may he grant us the end of this temporary life in repentance, and may he vouchsafe us sinners and unworthy of His Kingdom of Heaven, with all the saints to glorify His infinite mercy, with His Beginningless Father and His Holy and Life-giving Spirit, forever and ever. Amen.

The old prophecy of Tarasius of Constantinople remained: the prediction of a fratricidal war and the appearance of Emperor John, the anointed of the Lord.

God bless you!

You will also be interested in watching a video story about the holy Archbishop Tarasius of Constantinople:

« Remember your leaders who preached to you about God, despite the end of their lives. Imitate their faith» gospel source, Heb.13.7

Tavrion was born into the family of the treasurer of the city government on August 10, 1898 and was the sixth child in the family. From the age of eight, the boy served in the Church and was interested in God and His teachings.

After the First World War, he returned to the Glinskaya Hermitage, where he worked as an icon painter before being drafted into the army, and was tonsured a monk. Tavrion survived both arrests and camps, but did not betray the faith and remained devoted to Christ until the end of his life.

Since March 1957, he was the rector of the Glinsk Hermitage, and later he was appointed confessor of the Transfiguration Hermitage.

He spoke quietly and often with sorrow: “Speak while it is being said, because the time will soon come when you will be afraid of everything. There will be an imperceptible decline in spirituality among the people, and people will not find words to communicate with each other.”

Isn't that what we're seeing now? Gathering at the family table, relatives no longer have those conversations, but with their noses on the phone, they quickly eat food and leave for different rooms. Only old people are capable of long spiritual dialogues with the memories of the past, then everything was different.

« The people to whom God will reveal the truth will try to convince others of this, but will not be heard. They will want to read the scripture, but if they repeat it even 100 times, they will not see the point.

The enemy will be selenium, but he is powerless against Christendom. There will be a lot of meanness and lies in the world, a struggle for money and wealth, which will entail troubles. Only those who believe in Jesus Christ will survive.

Everything around will be sold, and have its monetary value. Money in large quantities will pass through the hands of people, but it will not be possible to save even a penny».

At the moment, indeed, everything is for sale, we even pay for air. Here I mean various kinds of information services (seminars, consultations, etc.). At the expense of savings, we already see that few people succeed in saving.

« A ruler will come to power who will carry out a reform with documents and money. People will hand over old documents and receive new ones, thanks to which they will be able to save money, and without them they will not be able to earn money. A system will be created that will involve a large number of people to receive money and then lose it. The enemy will be strong and draw people in so that they receive the mark of the beast».

Doesn't this remind you of our new document flow and cashless payment cards, as well as the country's credit system?

« Before the coming of the Antichrist, there will be great signs in densely populated cities. Some of them will go underground, others will be washed away with water. Holy people will come out with a sermon and remember the prophecies. Some will be able to reach the hearts, while others will speak in vain.

There will be changes in church service, The sacraments will be simplified and shortened in time.

Churches that will pray for the authorities will be contrary to God and there will be no grace in them. Many people will lose faith in the Resurrection of Christ and in the fact that He even existed. People will say that the elders told them nonsense, and they will scoff at these words.».

As you can see, many of the predictions of Elder Tavrion are already coming true. Maybe you should think about the purity of your own thoughts and the observance of the Commandments of God?

P - to dream