What should the church bring to the annunciation. Annunciation - Great Feast

The holiday itself, according to history, heralds a new era in the history of mankind, because according to legend, on this day the Archangel Gabriel came to Mary from Nazareth to announce to her the immaculate conception and the birth of the Son of God. What can and cannot be done on this day - read in our material.

The Feast of the Annunciation is celebrated exactly nine months before the Nativity of Christ and three weeks before Easter. At the same time, this holiday is celebrated every year at the same time - April 7 and does not depend on church calendar. In addition, the Annunciation is considered one of the 12 most important Christian holidays. With this day in church traditions and folk beliefs associated with many rules and beliefs.

What can and should be done during the Annunciation

On this day, the church is recommended to Orthodox believers to put aside all their affairs in order to visit the church and pray. On this day, you can work, but you can not overwork and forget about prayer. It is believed that on the Annunciation it is necessary to cleanse your soul of negativity, so you should not neglect the holiday.
In addition, on this day, an indulgence is allowed on the Lent menu and you can afford fish products if you follow the canons of fasting.

  • On the Annunciation, it is allowed to tell fortunes for the future, since it is believed that today the divine forces themselves will show you the right path.
  • You can wash and do other household chores.
  • It is possible to perform baptism during the Annunciation, but usually on this day the clergy are busy holding a festive service and taking communion. Therefore, it is worth transferring the sacrament to another suitable day for this.
  • Everything related to needlework, whether it be knitting, embroidery or other work, can be done if you devote due time to prayers and family.
  • If on the Annunciation from morning to midnight you call your husband “dear” forty times, the whole year the husband will love and groom.
  • Also on this day, you can “steal” something - for happiness. That is, take some small thing with you - a pen, pencil or other small things. They are believed to bring good luck.
  • In addition, on this day you need to burn salt for happiness and health, and then scatter it in the wind - it is believed that this way you can get rid of diseases.
  • On this day, funeral or memorial services and prayers are also held.

However, a number of prohibitions and prohibitions also apply to the Annunciation.

What not to do on the Annunciation:

  • On this day, any household work is prohibited, as well as sewing and cooking. It is customary to finish all chores and cleaning the day before.
  • On this day, it is advisable to stay at home and refuse to travel in order to be with your family and it is not recommended to borrow or borrow anything.
  • In some regions, there is also a belief that new things should not be worn on the Annunciation, as they can deteriorate. And also not accepted to shave.
  • On the day of the week that falls on April 7, no new business can be started throughout the year. They won't be successful.
  • There is a belief that you can’t cut, dye or comb your hair on the Annunciation - you can confuse your fate.
  • April 7, you can not work in the garden and cut trees. Many believe that it is on this day that the Lord blesses all plants so that they quickly sprout and turn green.

Annunciation- This is one of the largest Christian holidays, which is celebrated on April 7th. It is believed that this day is also magical. Everyone who sincerely believes in the power of this day will definitely get what he wants. It can be health, love, happiness or well-being in all areas of life. In addition, a lot is connected with the feast of the Annunciation. folk signs to which attention should be paid.

The bird does not nest, the maiden does not weave braids

No work can be done on the Annunciation - there will be no luck. Old people say that this day even because it is a sin. So for any person, not a single job on this day will go for the future. On this occasion, there is even a legend that the cuckoo did not obey the rules of this day and made a nest. Now she is punished - the cuckoo can no longer make nests, and now she is forced to lay her eggs in the nests of other birds. This day is intended for contemplation of nature, reflections on one's destiny in this world. There used to be a custom, as soon as it got dark outside, people with whole families went to the local mill. The whole village gathered there. Everyone sat down in the hayloft and began to dream, looking at the sky, about what the harvest would be and how they would all live happily.

A girl should not weave a braid on this day - she shortens her life. Some believe that this sign is connected with the previous one, which says that nothing can be done on this day. However, there is another explanation. It is believed that if you comb your hair on this day, they begin to weaken and fall out. Beautiful healthy hair has always been considered the first sign of a woman's health. Therefore, by the beauty of the hair, the guy could judge whom he met. For some guys, a healthy wife was more important than love, so they could refuse to marry. So it was believed that if a girl combs her hair that day, then she deprives herself not only of health, but also of marital happiness. Usually, the girls braided a tight braid on the eve of the Annunciation, so that it would not unravel until the holidays had passed.

The day of the week on which the Annunciation fell is considered unlucky for crops during the entire sowing period. It is rather difficult to explain this sign. It has been borne and tested by many generations of our ancestors. Well, the day of the Annunciation itself is understandable, as already mentioned, nothing can be done on this day. But the next day, on the contrary, is considered very successful. If you start planting the next day after this holiday, then the harvest will be unprecedented. By analogy, if this day fell out, for example, then all Fridays will be successful for garden work. It may be very difficult for someone to believe in this sign, but my friends decided one day to check it out for themselves. As a result, the harvest was stunning. From now on, they adhere to this sign every year, and thanks to this, they stand steadily on their feet.

On the Annunciation, you can not burn candles, torches and lamps to illuminate the house. It is believed that on this day Angels come to every house to see how you live and bring happiness and prosperity to your house. Some say that if you light candles on this day, then the Angels will see all your sins, but they will not notice good deeds. But, most likely, this explanation is not correct. The second explanation is that if you do not use lighting, you will be able to see the light of the Angel, because nothing will interfere with you. Then the Angel will come to you and bless you for a happy life.

The Bird of Happiness

Release the birds to freedom - they will bring you happiness. This sign is as old as the world. When it arose, hardly anyone can even say. Birds have always been considered messengers of Good Forces. Well, maybe with the exception of . But it was believed that any bird has the right to live in the wild. Therefore, if on this day you release birds, then the first thing they do is fly to your Guardian Angel to tell about your act. And the Guardian Angel then rewards the person who did this. He gives him the opportunity to be happy, loved and rich. But there is always a choice. You will have several paths to choose from. Everything will depend on which path you choose.

You need to steal something - for good luck. Let's start with the fact that stealing is not good at all. A thief is unlikely to go stealing in a petty way, for the sake of some ephemeral happiness. This can be a good excuse for kleptomaniacs. But it is not important. In magic, there really is such a thing when you need to steal some little thing in order to attract happiness into your life. But usually this is done in order to steal the luck of another and appropriate it for yourself. This is probably not our case. Therefore, this sign can be considered valid only for witches, but for no one else.

You can’t sew and knit on the Annunciation - you will confuse your life and the life of your relatives and friends. This sign is associated with an ancient belief that human life is a thread that can be cut or tangled. Only God and Angels can manage these threads, as directed by the Almighty. But the Annunciation is when, by great chance, one who has not obeyed this rule can confuse everything in his family. It may be that among relatives everyone will divorce and create families with other people. But in the worst case, the fate of people can be confused in such a way that instead of a sick old person, a child will lose his life. Of course, the old person is very sorry, but the child will never be able to live his life. Therefore, one who wants everything to go in his family the way the Lord wants, will never, not only pick up threads, but even look at them on this day.

Overcooked salt in the Annunciation - adds health. If you properly prepare salt on this day, then with its help you can even lift a seriously ill person. And all the rest, who will eat food in which such salt is added, will be able to avoid very many diseases. In order for such magical healing salt to be in your home, you need to purchase a pack of salt in advance and keep it until holiday. On the Annunciation, before the dawn of the sun, you need to get up, pour this salt into the pan and fry it for ten to twenty minutes, the heart itself will tell you when the salt is ready. All the time while you fry, read all the prayers that you know. After that, wait until the salt has cooled down. Pour some of the salt into a separate bag or jar in order to use it in case someone becomes very ill. The rest of the salt can be used for its intended purpose, during cooking. God forbid that no emergencies happen in your house. Therefore, if you still have the salt that was not needed for any emergency, then it must be used until the next Annunciation. If you did not have time to do this, then before the holiday, make a fire and throw this salt into the fire - all your troubles and problems will burn with it. And on a holiday, prepare fresh salt for your family.

Annunciation prosphora is able to heal. It is believed among the people that if you buy prosphora before the festive service, defend the service with it, bring it home and hide it behind the icon, then it can cure any disease. This sign was used by many generations, and such a prosphora saved many people's lives. There is only one small but very important rule- according to your faith, it will be for you. This is the main rule of healers. But the church also honors this rule, because, indeed, what you believe in is what you will receive. And as life shows, this rule fully works. Moreover, it does not matter what you want - health, happiness or material well-being.

Don't wear the Annunciation new clothes- break or ruin. For the holidays, people always try to wear something new and beautiful. Women especially adhere to this rule. It is so important for them to look beautiful. But not on this day. It is practically impossible to explain this rule. The question arises, what difference does it make, what day it is, a holiday is a holiday, you need to look accordingly. But this question arises only among modern secular lionesses. And then, only if they heard about this sign at least out of the corner of their ear. But in the past, this sign was very common. We have not received information about how fashionistas from wealthy families treated this. But in the village, if a girl wanted to appear in a new outfit, then she must carry it for at least a week. It is desirable so that none of the outsiders see this outfit, that is, without leaving home. This rule ensured that the outfit would remain intact for a long time. Well, you don't have to worry about the rich. They can afford new clothes, but in damaged ones ... the maid will fix it and wear it herself.

The Annunciation is one of the three biggest Orthodox holidays. His signs are closely watched by those who know about them. And it is necessary to know them, because, due to your ignorance, you can do much harm to yourself.

The holiday of the Annunciation 2020 is designed to remind believers of the great event that began new era in history. After all, as the biblical tradition tells, it was on this day that the Virgin was visited by the archangel Gabriel, who told her amazing news: the Holy Spirit descended on her and she became pregnant with the Son of God.

What can and cannot be done on a big Christian holiday - let's talk about it in this material. And also consider the rituals for marriage, prosperity, good luck, which are done on the Annunciation.

The Annunciation of the Holy Mother of God is the twelfth (that is, very important) church holiday, which is not transferable. That is, every year the date of the Annunciation remains unchanged, it falls on April 7(New calendar style used in Orthodoxy).

As for the followers of Catholicism, they celebrate the great celebration 2 weeks earlier - on March 25 of each year.

An interesting point. On the Annunciation, dwellings are decorated with lilies or their images, because it is the lily that symbolizes purity.

Historical information about the holiday

The very first mention of this event is provided by the Gospel of Luke. There we find a story about how the archangel Gabriel came to St. Mary to please her with the good news - she had the honor of becoming the Mother of the Savior of the world. The archangel approached the Virgin and said:

"Rejoice, full of grace, the Lord is with you."

At first, Mary was frightened, but the angel managed to calm her down, explaining that she had the honor to participate in the great work of the Almighty - the salvation of the human race. in his gospel, he emphasized how devoted and humble Mary was. She accepted the news gratefully, trusted God in order to fulfill a great mission.

And although the Annunciation played a huge role for Christianity as a religion, this celebration was not officially approved for a long time. So, the church of the Eastern rite included the holiday in the liturgy only in the 5th century AD, while Catholic Church did not recognize it until the 7th century.

Initially, all attention was paid to the image of Jesus, the beginning of whose stay on the sinful Earth was when his mother received great news. A little later, at the beginning of the Middle Ages, a significant event is already more associated with the Virgin Mary herself - after all, it was she who became the main instrument for fulfilling God's plan. This perception of the holiday is confirmed by the presence of ancient churches of the Annunciation, which were erected in the 9th-10th centuries and built to honor the memory of the Mother of God for centuries.

The date of the blessed holiday is associated with a popular Orthodox prayer troparion "Our Lady of the Virgin, rejoice." She, together with "Our Father" is considered mandatory morning prayer to be read by believers. The troparion is included in all solemn liturgies. In Catholicism, there is an analogue of this prayer - "Ave Maria".

An interesting point. The color of this Mother of God holiday is a sky-blue hue. And the symbol is white doves, which are released from the cages into the sky. They personify the purity and innocence of the Mother of God, and are also called to remind of the good news that she received.

What can and cannot be done on this day?

Like most other important church holidays, the Annunciation has a number of certain rules and restrictions.

The most severe ban is associated with the performance of any work.. There is even a saying among the people about this: “on the Annunciation, the maiden does not weave braids, the bird does not build nests.” And here we can trace the legend of the cuckoo, which violated the prohibition of God, for which she was punished - she does not have a home, she throws her eggs in other people's nests, they only drive her away from everywhere.

In addition, it is forbidden to do the following on the day of the Annunciation:

  1. Borrowing or lending money or any items. By such actions, you risk saying goodbye to your health, well-being and harmony in the family. The ban applies even to close people, so you should not follow their lead so as not to harm yourself.
  2. call guests. Spend April 7 in a close family circle, without strangers.
  3. Engage in sewing, knitting, weaving from beads. In many world cultures, the symbolism of the thread is associated with life and destiny. If you start working with her, there is a risk of worsening your share, attracting difficulties and problems.
  4. hair care: wash, cut curls, you can’t even comb! Such a ban is explained again by statements that there is a danger of badly influencing the future fate. The Lord can also send hair loss to a disobedient person as a punishment.
  5. Put on new clothes. According to the sign, then it will quickly become unusable, and for the whole 12 months there will be no finances to purchase a replacement. And young ladies who did not obey the ban will not see marriage for at least another year.
  6. Start something new. If you disobey, you will not see success in the event that has begun, everything will come to naught.
  7. quarrel, conflict, sort things out with relatives or strangers. Show friendliness and tolerance to everyone.

What can be done?

  1. Believers are required to go to the temple where the festive church service is to be held. It is especially important for the fairer sex.
  2. Nature rejoices at the Annunciation: villagers take out evidence with bees on the street, children release the birds.
  3. The holiday is held in a cozy homely atmosphere with the most dear to my heart people. It is important that you have a bright, wonderful mood. Do not be alone with yourself, even if you have not yet met your fate: visit your parents, meet friends.
  4. On this important date, the fast becomes less strict: today, believers can eat fish, season their dishes with olive oil, and drink red wine in small quantities.
  5. Pet owners must feed their fill, having previously added crumbs of prosphora consecrated in the temple to food: in this way you will save the tailed ones from all sorts of ailments.
  6. The Lord will give his blessing to everything on this bright holiday, therefore, the healing abilities of plants are significantly increased. Go to the Annunciation to collect herbs, which you can later use to treat various ailments. Natural medicine is much more useful than chemical pills.

Allowed products on a holiday

In the future 2020, the day of the Annunciation coincides with Great Lent. But for such a great celebration, the clergy make an exception and therefore you can allow yourself to eat some of what is forbidden in others. fast days. What exactly can be served at the festive table?

  • Fish meals. The Annunciation is one of the 2 days during Lent when you can eat fish. And you can cook it in any form - according to your taste preferences.
  • Seafood. Seafood lovers can rejoice, because they are also allowed to be eaten on April 7th.
  • Cereals. Whole great post you can cook cereals from cereals, which are the main food of fasting people. Annunciation Day is no exception to their rules.
  • Legumes, beans. Due to the long absence of meat and dairy food, for almost 50 days of Lent, hemoglobin in the blood can greatly decrease, which will lead to anemia (anemia). Anemia is accompanied by weakness, apathy, fainting and other unpleasant symptoms. You need to at least periodically supplement your diet with legumes, for example, cook dinner from them in honor of a solemn event.
  • Vegetables. Opt for simple salads made from fresh vegetables or make roasts out of them, bake them in the oven.
  • Mushrooms. They are an excellent source of protein and can compete with meat.
  • Fruit. Serve them in any salad, eat them fresh on their own, or use them in desserts.
  • Sweets. Even the use of marmalade, marshmallows, chocolate or dried fruits is allowed.

Rites and rituals

Annunciation is great church holiday and a very strong energetic day. Because of this, many different rites and rituals of light magic are performed on this day. I propose to get acquainted with the most popular of them.

Ritual to attract love

It is performed in daytime days, being alone with yourself, the environment should be calm and harmonious. Stock up on the following items:

  • mirror;
  • paper sheet;
  • scarlet pen;
  • scarlet candle;
  • scarlet box.

Why are things of red color predominantly taken for the ceremony? It's not without reason - the fact is that since ancient times, it is red that has been considered the color of love and passion. Many magical rituals to attract love, they suggest the use of red things.

How is it done:

  1. Light a candle, take out a piece of paper. On it, you describe in detail all the characteristics that you want your future chosen one to have: from height, weight and leg size, to internal qualities, life goals, social status and so on.
  2. Then the leaf is folded and placed in a box.
  3. Take a mirror in your hands, peer into your reflection in it and pronounce the spoken words:

« Father-Mother-God One! I create pure intent. My thoughts are focused on creating the image of a loved one. I attract love and happiness into my life. Amen".

Then you should blow out the candle, put all the items in a box, close it and hide it in a secluded place where no one will find it.

An important point. Of course, the rite will help to bring the betrothed to life, but it’s definitely not worth sitting and passively waiting for the weather by the sea: therefore, put yourself in order and go for a walk on the street, or at least register on a dating site - who knows, maybe that’s where the second one is waiting for you half.

Ritual to get married

You can’t meet your soul mate in any way or are you in a relationship, but the chosen one is in no hurry to give the coveted ring? Don't despair, take advantage next ritual for marriage, which is held on the day of the Annunciation.

Prepare a handful of wheat - but you need not the one that is taken to make porridge, but the one that is planted. It is sold in the markets, in the same place as animal feed.

Taking wheat in the morning solemn day go to worship. It is important to endure the entire service, holding the wheat in your fist next to your chest. When the service is over, go home without saying a word along the way. Ignore even people you know. When you come, pour wheat at the threshold of the apartment and say the words of the conspiracy:

“Just as there are many lights in the church, so many suitors for me, as many grains of wheat, so my fiance will be faithful to me.”

After that, the grains should lie for 7 days at your home. And then they are planted in a flower pot and diligently watched over them, watering them in time so that they germinate. Be very careful, because along with the first sprouts, positive changes will also occur in your personal life: you will begin to receive invitations to dates more often. Now the main thing is to feel with your heart which of the candidates is your destiny.

Ritual for good luck in trading

If you have your own store or shop, then on the Annunciation, perform the following simple ceremony that will increase the flow of customers. In the morning, come to the store early, sprinkle it with consecrated water, to which the following words were previously said:

“The Gospel announced a miracle.
The blessing of people leads to the temple,
And my conspiracy will call the people to my shop.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.".

This must be done before the first buyer.

Ritual to bring good luck

Suitable for all those who are in disfavor with Lady Fortune. Buy a jar of honey in advance, and on April 7, spread it on your right palm, then press it firmly against your left. Try to separate your hands, it will not be easy to do this, because the honey is firmly stuck. Say a slander:

"How the honey melts,
Hand sticks to hand
So that and good luck to me,
Name, lipla.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen."

Other simple activities associated with the holiday of receiving the good news:

  • If early in the morning (until they washed) give alms to the poor, then during next year you will live in abundance.
  • It is necessary to collect the grass in the temple and hide it behind the icons in the house so that all households are happy and healthy.
  • A married woman needs to address her husband 40 times a day, calling him “dear” - then the whole year the atmosphere in the family will be peaceful and happy.

Feast of the Annunciation is one of the most important in Christianity. Different denominations celebrate it at different times. First, the holiday will be celebrated by churches living according to the Gregorian and the New Julian calendar, which coincides with it. These are Catholics and Protestants, as well as some Orthodox churches. Then the turn of the Russian will come Orthodox Church and other churches that adhere to the Julian calendar.

When Western Christians Celebrate the Annunciation

Catholics call this holiday Annunciation of the Virgin Mary. It is celebrated March, 25.

When the Annunciation is celebrated in Russia

In Eastern Orthodoxy, the holiday is called Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, it is celebrated in two weeks - April 7(March 25 according to the Julian calendar).

The history and meaning of the holiday of the Annunciation

Holiday Annunciation associated with the most important gospel event - the proclamation by the archangel Gabriel virgin Mary what she will become Mother of God- will give birth from the holy spirit of the savior of mankind Jesus Christ. According to the Gospel, Mary, who was already betrothed to the saint Joseph, was frightened by the prophecy, but did not dare to contradict the will of God.

The Christian meaning of the Annunciation: the obedience of the Mother of God to God's will is the atonement for the original sin of the ancestor eve who disobeyed God and for this was expelled from paradise along with the first man Adam.

Annunciation, Christmas, Easter and Spring Equinox

The date of the Annunciation was not chosen by chance. March 25 comes exactly nine months before Christmas. Thus, Mary learns that she will give birth to the son of God nine months before the birth, which corresponds to a normal pregnancy.

There is another explanation for the date of the holiday, this is due to the spring equinox, celebrated at this time. The Christian meaning of the holiday - the beginning of the redemption associated with the conception of the son of God by Mary, occurs on the day of the vernal equinox, which is considered the day of the creation of the world, and shortly before Easter(death and resurrection of Jesus Christ).

In the Middle Ages, the Annunciation was considered the beginning of the New Year, which corresponds to ancient traditions, according to which this holiday just fell on the spring equinox.

Annunciation in Russia: what you can eat

Russian Orthodox Church celebrates the Annunciation April 7. In 2019, this holiday falls on Sunday, the last day of the fourth week of Great Lent.

This is a Sunday and a big holiday, so serious indulgences are allowed for those who fast: allowed hot lean food with vegetable oil, as well as fish and seafood, adults are allowed to drink silent red wine.

Annunciation: folk traditions and signs what not to do

The Annunciation, which folk calendar marked the final onset of spring, among the Slavs it was considered the last free day before the start of sowing. Therefore, the holiday had to be completely devoted to rest, any work was prohibited, it was even impossible to clean up the house. In the villages, women and even young girls were encouraged to walk that day in a “shabby” - uncombed, unwashed, somehow dressed.

Hence the ironic saying:

“A bird does not nest on the Annunciation, a short-haired girl does not weave a braid.”

In addition, it was forbidden to make fire in the huts on the Annunciation, it was believed that the disobedient fire would destroy both the house and outbuildings.

The custom of releasing birds on the Annunciation

On the Annunciation there is an ancient custom - to release birds into the wild. The rite symbolizes the return with the spring equinox of birds ready to nest and produce offspring. In addition, the holy spirit, from which Mary gave birth to Jesus, in Christian tradition depicted as a dove. We also recall that when Jesus was brought into the temple, Mary and Joseph also brought two doves as a temple sacrifice.

Therefore, the rite of releasing birds on the Annunciation is alive to this day, including the patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church. Today, only specially trained tame pigeons are used for this.

In Russia, before the Annunciation, birds were specially caught, which were then sold to perform the ceremony. However, today this tradition has no place in the civilized world, according to environmentalists and animal rights activists, since 90% of the birds caught and then released die. Therefore, the church does not bless the laity to release birds on the Annunciation on their own, only priests should do this.

Annunciation Holy Mother of God considered one of the most important religious holidays is a significant day in biblical history when the Archangel Gabriel brought the gospel to the virgin Mary that she would soon have a son of God, who would be called Jesus Christ. A bright holiday evokes positive emotions among believers, they treat it with reverence and observe the existing canons - each person needs to remember what cannot be done on the Annunciation and what is possible, and not violate the written rules.

The holy holiday is considered non-transitory and the date of the celebration never changes - in 2019, as in previous years, the Annunciation is celebrated on April 7th. The date was determined many years ago, back in 560, and it is interconnected with another bright holiday - the Nativity of Christ. 9 months are taken away from her - as a period of bearing a child, and the Annunciation celebration takes place in April. Many things cannot be done on the Annunciation, so as not to incur the punishment of God.

On this day, young people and old people try to behave correctly, as required by the traditions of the holiday - it is not recommended to break customs, believers know that this should not be done on the Annunciation.

The holiday is considered one of the most important 12 Christian religious events and requires proper attitude and behavior.

Church service in the temple takes place according to a certain, long-established order:

  • Great Compline - the priest performs the service throughout the night.
  • Matins is one of the longest services, during which food is illuminated in the morning and bread and wine are distributed to parishioners.
  • Vespers - is considered short and is held in the evening.

What is prohibited

The celebration of any religious event requires certain rules of conduct and adherence to established traditions and customs. The Annunciation falls on Lent and this imposes some restrictions on the festive dinner menu. In addition, there are many more prohibitions for a believer.

  • housework;
  • physical activity and exercise;
  • leave the home and go on a trip - it is recommended to reschedule to another day;
  • work with and on the ground;
  • cut tree branches - God blesses plants and trees, they begin to grow and bear fruit better;
  • the female sex is forbidden to do hairstyles on the Annunciation, especially pigtails - this can let life go downhill and radically change fate for the worse;
  • do not lend household items and money - health and luck will leave the giver and go to the asking person;
  • on the day of the week on which the Annunciation falls in the calendar, it is not recommended to start new business during the year;
  • you can’t wear recently bought clothes - they will tear and get very dirty;
  • do not needlework - it can break family relationships, quarrel with loved ones and involuntarily transfer fate to another person;
  • do not violate Great Lent - the Annunciation is not a reason to move away from dietary restrictions. It is allowed to eat only fish, provided that the holiday does not fall on Holy Week- then fish is also prohibited;
  • it is impossible to bury and commemorate, it is better to postpone the mourning event to another day;
  • do not cut your hair;
  • do not have fun and do not spend time idly;
  • on the Annunciation you can not use drugs and alcoholic beverages;
  • one must not indulge in lust and one must not make children;
  • do not sort things out, use obscene language, create and participate in conflict situations.

What is allowed

Church servants are considered that it is impossible to do magical rituals and rituals on this day, but the final decision remains with the fortuneteller.

You can do in the Annunciation:

  • go to a festive service, pray, put candles;
  • perform water procedures;
  • do laundry;
  • baptize adults and children, get married.

Folk customs and beliefs

In ancient Russia, the feast of the Annunciation among the people marked the beginning of the spring period - the air temperature rose, and the peasants began to work on the land.

Most of the signs and beliefs, therefore, are associated with fertility - nothing was planted before this day, it was believed that the earth wakes up only after a bright event. Every person from childhood knew that nothing on earth could be done on the Annunciation.

Popular Rites:

  1. Mix the ashes from the oven with thursday salt, ready to scatter the composition around the corners of the field or garden - this will put protection on the ground from evil looks and save it from bad weather.
  2. The head of the male family must cross the grain of spring crops with the Annunciation icon and read a special magical conspiracy The plants will grow better and will bring a big harvest.
  3. Mixing the crumbs from the morning bread used in the liturgy with plant seeds for planting and Thursday salt will increase the amount of the crop.
  4. On an empty stomach, eat prosphora, consecrated during church service and drink holy water - manipulations guarantee good health, material well-being and attract fortune.
  5. On the feast of the Annunciation, each family member takes a handful of ordinary salt in his hand, throw it into the pan in turn, fry well over high heat and read a special slander. The charmed composition is poured into a tight fabric bag and stored in a dark place. If necessary, get salt and it will help to find deliverance from serious illnesses, spoilage and the evil eye.
  6. If a woman lives with a man who has a stern disposition or a terrible character, you need to tell him the appeal “dear” 40 times - this will make even the most ferocious male meek and kind for a whole year.
  7. In the morning, buy or catch a bird, whisper all the troubles and worrying problems that you want to find deliverance from, during the church service, lightly toss the bird and let it fly away - it will take away the unnecessary, and in return promises a person well-being, happiness and good luck in all matters. This rite cannot be performed more than once during the Annunciation.
  8. During sunrise, come to a deserted crossroads, bow three times towards the sun, read a prayer to the archangel Gabriel three times and mentally ask for what you want.
  9. On the day of the Annunciation, sprinkle the premises and goods with special enchanted water - this will bring entrepreneurs success in trade and attract a large number of buyers. Nothing further can be done.
  10. Go into the church while the bells are ringing, hold a wallet with money in your hands, utter the words of a slander and give coins to the poor - after that, financial difficulties they will leave the beggar, and the amount in the wallet will increase several times.

There are a large number of signs associated with the feast of the Annunciation, which are passed down from generation to generation, and in their original form have come down to the present.

Popular beliefs about the weather for the Annunciation:

  • the weather on this day will coincide with Easter;
  • morning fog and wind - to a large harvest;
  • thunderstorms - hot summer;
  • lack of wind, scorching sun - there will be prolonged thunderstorms;
  • swallows do not fly to the cold and long spring;
  • warm festive night - frosts will not be.

Life notes:

  • it is impossible to drink alcoholic beverages on the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary - this will lead to alcoholism;
  • if you light the stove, there will be a fire.

The Annunciation is a wonderful bright holiday that fills the heart and soul of believers with warmth and love. You need to visit the temple and pray at the image of the Most Holy Theotokos - she will help improve things and will definitely come to the aid of a person who really needs it. You need to clearly remember what you can’t do on this day. On the Annunciation, it is recommended to spend time in the family circle and fully enjoy communication with loved ones on such a beautiful day.

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