Traditions of Holy Week before Easter. Week before Easter, traditions of every day

Holy Week is the last and strictest week of Lent. During this period, it is important to observe all traditions and prohibitions in order to properly prepare for Easter and avoid trouble.

The last week of Great Lent is called Holy Week. This period is devoted to memories of the earthly life of our Savior, of his suffering and torment, death and resurrection. Holy Week ends with the feast of Easter.

In 2018, Easter falls on April 8th. A week before its onset, Orthodox believers will celebrate Palm Sunday. Accordingly, Holy Week will begin on April 2. Unlike the previous weeks of Great Lent, it is one of the strictest, because after it comes the most important religious event - the Resurrection of the Lord. To prepare for it correctly, you should follow all the traditions and prohibitions, which the experts of the site will tell you about.

On Holy Week, it is better to abstract from borrowed entertainment and fuss. It is desirable to spend free time in the temple, or you can offer a prayer to the Lord God at home. All work, including homework, must be completed before Maundy Thursday, since from that moment on, believers actively begin to prepare for Easter, bless Easter cakes and eggs, and attend pre-Easter services.

Great Monday. On this day, it is advisable to limit the number of meals to two times a day. Portions should be small. From this day on, it is necessary to start cleaning around the house in order to complete it before Clean Thursday. On the first day of Holy Week, it is recommended to visit the temple to honor the memory of Patriarch Joseph, who became a victim of betrayal.

Great Tuesday. On the second day of Holy Week, we remember the sermon of our Savior in the Jerusalem temple about death, resurrection and the Last Judgment, as well as about the tribute to Caesar and the parable of the ten virgins. Orthodox believers continue to prepare for the Great Pascha.

Great Wednesday. On this day, they remember Judas Iscariot, who betrayed his Teacher, and the sinful woman who prepared Jesus Christ for burial. Great Wednesday is a day of intense preparation for Easter. By Wednesday evening, all household chores should be completed.

Maundy Thursday. On Maundy Thursday, it is customary to attend church and offer prayers addressed to the Savior. Traditionally, real Easter preparations begin, namely the preparation of Easter cakes and the painting of eggs. No wonder Maundy Thursday is called "Clean". On this day, believers should wash themselves, and then pray to Jesus Christ in order to be cleansed of sins and worthily meet the resurrected Son of God.

Good Friday is a day of great sorrow. On this day, believers should offer prayers, remembering the suffering of Jesus Christ and his painful death. It is advisable to refrain from eating until the end of the evening service.

Great Saturday is the final day of Great Lent. Believers go to church, consecrate Easter, Easter cakes, colored eggs and Cahors. According to tradition, the preparation of Easter dishes ends on this day.

Happy Easter. In 2018 it will be April 8th. You should put aside all business and go to the temple. The presence at the Easter service is an important tradition of the holiday. Orthodox believers remember the miraculous resurrection of Jesus Christ, to which this event is dedicated. After the service, it is customary to lay a festive table and gather guests. Congratulations traditionally begin with an Easter greeting: "Christ is risen!",- to which it is customary to answer: "Truly Risen".

It is also customary to attend church daily during Holy Week. During this period, every believer should be imbued with the events that took place many years ago, and mentally be present at the last days of the earthly life of Jesus Christ. Remember to offer prayers in honor of the Savior.

During Holy Week, all the restrictions of Great Lent must be observed. The consumption of meat, fish, eggs and dairy products is still prohibited. It is forbidden to indulge and drink alcoholic beverages. Each meal should be modest, and only lean meals are allowed.

Sewing, knitting, cooking, cleaning - all this can be done until Maundy Thursday. FROM fourth day During Holy Week, all household chores are banned, since from that moment it is time for Easter preparations and regular visits to the temple.

During this period, it is forbidden to visit noisy entertainment places, behave lewdly, sin, insult other people and lie. Sins committed during Holy Week are unforgivable, so it is better to spend this time at home praying or in church. It is necessary to fully concentrate on the upcoming holiday and exclude entertainment such as singing, dancing, watching TV and spending time on the Internet.

Get rid of negative feelings: envy, anger and sadness. During Holy Week, you should only experience positive emotions and engage in charitable deeds instead of wasting time on anxiety and useless worries.

Good Friday is a mournful day, which means that it is forbidden to rejoice, have fun and laugh. Do not forget that once on this very day Jesus Christ suffered suffering, so you need to behave with restraint. To avoid trouble, it is not recommended to go to bed until the morning of Holy Saturday. According to legend, in order not to bring trouble on yourself, on Good Friday you can not pierce the ground with iron.

It is not recommended to throw out food that remains from the festive table. It is preferable to give it to the homeless or bury it in the ground. By throwing away Easter dishes, you risk dooming yourself to trouble.

Lent is the strictest and longest of all known. During this period, believers should limit themselves to entertainment and seriously review their diet. Despite the fact that this measure is voluntary, anyone who wants to achieve union with God should not neglect church laws. Let your faith be sincere.

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Preceded by Palm Sunday, Holy Week - the last week of Lent - was marked by the observance of special rites. From Monday on Holy - or, as the people used to say, Terrible - week, everyone began to put themselves and their homes in order, preparing for Easter.

Herself week before Easter- the week of the Week is dedicated to the last days of the life of Jesus Christ. So, for example, Palm Sunday commemorates the entry of Christ on a donkey into Jerusalem. The people meet him, laying their clothes and palm branches. At present, it is supposed to bring willow branches into the house, it has become an obligatory tradition to whip each other with them in order to expel illness, failure from the body, bad thoughts and charge the spirit with health, driving away thinness and troubles for the next year.
From this day begins the diligent preparation for Easter. Each family member is supposed to decorate their willow bouquets with ribbons, beads, bright threads, and flowers. It was also customary on this day to clean the house, wash, wash. Yes, it is on this day, and not as we are used to, believing that clean Thursday is named so that it is on this alleged day that you need to get out.
This is the last day when it was allowed to sew seven new clothes for Easter, and on this day it was supposed to put up with everyone with whom he was in a quarrel. Today you can simply put all your clothes in order for the great Easter holiday.
The busiest day is the middle of Holy Week, it was on Wednesday that they created main character Easter "spider" made of hollow branches of straw and thread, which was supposed to personify the fragility of the world. They hung this decoration in the middle of the main room and began the general cleaning. Before midnight it was necessary to wash. On this day, a parallel was drawn between the repentant and forgiven sinner and the traitor Judas. According to other sources, on Great Wednesday, on the contrary, it was necessary to finish all the cleaning around the house and be prepared for the next great day.
There is misconception, what in Maundy Thursday need to clean the house and put things in order. On this day, it was strictly forbidden to do anything about the housework, so as not to bring trouble to your home. In the morning, women collected dew, with which they washed all their relatives, rewarding them with good health, those who washed themselves from silver dishes called wealth into the house. It was on Thursday that people cleansed their souls: they took communion, stood a service, during which the Thursday fire was lit. It was supposed to be brought to your house in order to protect everyone from diseases and fill the house with happiness. The most important Gospel events belong to this day (the Last Supper, the Lord washing the feet of his disciples, prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane of the Savior and the betrayal of Judas). Also on this day, it is necessary to knead the dough for Easter cakes, but do not bake.
The strictest day of fasting, on which it was forbidden to eat. This is the day of the crucifixion of Christ, his death and subsequent burial. To distract from temptation, which is why the day is called Passionate, people decorated their houses with willow, heather, embroidered towels and other decorations.
From the very morning on this day, the hostesses baked Easter cakes, painted eggs, in order to consecrate holiday delicacies at the evening service. All believers on this day tried to attend the all-night service, after which they congratulated each other with the joyful news “Christ is Risen” and received in response a triple kiss with the words of joy “Truly Risen”. After three in the morning it was possible to break the fast.
On this day, all believers celebrate Easter, exchange eggs, treat each other at the festive table, go to visit, sing solemn prayers and rejoice in the new day, listening to the chimes.
If we follow long-standing traditions, then this is how last week before Easter every believing family.

More signs

AT Holy Wednesday and Maundy Thursday it was customary to wash with water melted from snow, all domestic animals - from cows to chickens - and burn salt in the oven, which, according to popular belief, acquired from this healing properties. In some villages, at midnight on Maundy Thursday, women were also instructed to douse themselves with water to protect themselves from disease. It was believed that at this midnight even "the raven bathes his children."

There was even a custom at midnight on Holy Thursday for girls to go waist-deep into the river (if the ice had already gone) and, standing in a tight circle, call for spring. If the ice had not yet broken, the girls washed themselves from the hole and rolled "to the east and west sides" on the ground.

If you wash before dawn on Great (Clean) Thursday, it is necessary to say at the same time: “I wash off what was let loose on me, what the soul and body toils with, everything is removed on Maundy Thursday.”

And so that young people pay attention, the girls, washing themselves, said: “As Pure Thursday is bright and red, so the slave (name) will be beautiful for everyone. Amen".

Wednesday of Holy Week they remembered a special rite against any bodily infirmity. It was necessary to scoop up a mug of water from a well or from a barrel on the street or draw water from a river. Crossing themselves three times, they covered the mug with a clean or new towel, and at 2 o'clock in the morning, crossing themselves again three times, they poured this water on, leaving a little in the mug. After that, they put on clothes on a wet body, without wiping themselves, and the water that remained in the mug was poured up to 3 hours on a bush or flowers. It is said that a body washed in this way is reborn.

On Maundy Thursday they advised cutting the hair of a one-year-old child for the first time (up to a year it was considered a sin to cut), and for girls - the tips of the braids so that they grew longer and thicker. All livestock were also advised to cut a tuft of wool for health and well-being.

There was also a custom to burn crosses on doors and ceilings with a candle to protect the house from the invasion of evil spirits. Passionate candles were given into the hands of the seriously ill or suffering difficult childbirth: believed that they have healing power. From Maundy Thursday it was forbidden to sweep the floor in the house until Easter itself. Weather signs were also associated with it: if it rained, spring would be late and wet.

Good Friday- the day of the most strict fast - was especially revered by the people. He anticipated Great Saturday when it was customary to conjure matinees (morning frosts).

Throughout Holy Week, according to pagan tradition, bonfires were lit on high hillocks in honor of the fire god Perun. Another pagan tradition was the fencing of fields from evil spirit. Guys and girls with lit torches in their hands, and some with brooms, whips, began to ride horses with wild cries from one end to the other in the village: it was believed that this should scare away evil spirits.

So, the last, seventh day of Holy Week came - Holy Christ's Resurrection. According to custom, on this day in the morning bonfires were lit in front of churches and along the hills, which is also associated with the pagan tradition of celebrating the victory of light over darkness and spring warmth over the winter cold. In the villages, on Holy Night before Easter Sunday, tar barrels are burned, and coals are collected from them and then these coals are placed under the roof: it is believed that this protects the house from a lightning strike.

As soon as in Easter Sunday bells began to ring, people crossed themselves and said three times: “Christ is risen, and my family will have health, my house of wealth, my field will harvest. Amen".

After singing in the churches: “Christ is risen,” it was customary to shoot into the air with blank charges from guns, which also symbolized victory over darkness and death.

If on Easter night you scoop up water from a spring or river, then, according to popular belief, it will have a special power.

If someone is near death in the house, then in the church on Easter Sunday it was necessary to try to take the Easter egg from the hands of the priest. Leaving the church, you need to go to the icon of the Mother of God and call her with you: “Mother Mother of God, come with me to my house. Spend the night with us, heal the slave (name of the patient). At home, it was necessary to feed at least part of the brought egg to the patient. Then, according to popular belief, he will not die this year.

There is another, no less interesting belief: if at the morning service on Easter Sunday you stand in the corner of the church, holding a silver coin in your left hand, and at the first greeting of the priest “Christ is Risen” instead of “Truly Risen” say: “Antmoz Mago”, the coin will receive miraculous power and will not only return to owner, but also bring him a lot of money.

More signs and conspiracies

On this day, money should be counted three times, so that the money is "carried" all year. Everyone in the family should take a handful of salt and pour it into one bag. This salt is removed and stored, and it is called " thursday salt”, i.e. Great Thursday. You can treat yourself with it, as well as your family and friends. This salt is used to make amulets for the family, livestock, garden, home, etc.

On Maundy Thursday remove, erase. Starting from Thursday, nothing is returned from home until Easter.

AT Friday sweep the corners with a rag, this rag will help get rid of lower back pain if you tie yourself with it. The same rag is used to wipe the feet in the bath after washing, so that the feet do not hurt. Ash, taken on Friday before Easter, will help to recover from alcoholism, black shaking, from the evil eye and from mortal anguish.

AT Friday they look out the window, noting who they will see first of all: if a man, then to well-being for three months. If a person falls ill at this time, he will quickly recover. Any problem is easily solved. If you see an old woman, then there will be a series of three months of failure and illness, and a young woman - you will live these three months without problems. You will see the family - to peace in the family, to the reconciliation of those who are in a quarrel. A dog - to longing, a cat - to profit, birds to a new acquaintance and good news, a disabled person - to the death of a loved one.

Of course, all prepared work: cooking, painting eggs must be completed before Bright Sunday.

Easter morning they wash themselves with water left from Maundy Thursday. It is good to put a silver little thing or a spoon in it, you can use a coin. Wash for beauty and wealth. If a girl cannot get married, you need to give the towel with which she wiped herself on Maundy Thursday to people for Easter, those who beg for alms, along with krashenka and Easter cake. After that, they soon get married.

The last week before Easter is called Holy Week.

Also in ancient times, this week had many names - Red, Red, Great, Holy Week, Holy Week. During this period, they were actively preparing for the celebration of Easter (therefore, Easter home decor, recipes for the Easter table, recipes for Easter cakes, etc. are relevant now). Each day of the week before Easter had its own traditions, which were sincerely honored.
Throughout Holy Week, when Christ was approaching his death on the cross, believers observe the strictest fast. You can not eat meat, fish, eggs, dairy, vegetable oil. Also, in Holy Week, you can’t sing, dance, you need to go to services and cleanse yourself as much as possible for the bright holiday of Easter. The last week before Easter is an important period of preparation before the most important religious holiday April.

The week before Easter begins on Maundy Monday . On this day, it was necessary to finish all the work around the house and on the site near it: paint, repair, clean, without putting it off for other days.

Maundy Tuesday the last week before Easter was usually devoted to work with clothes: washing, ironing, darning. On other days, these works are not recommended.

AT Great Wednesday they took out the last garbage from the house, prepared the eggs and everything necessary for the preparation of colored eggs.

Clean Thursday - one of the most important days Holy week before Easter. Pure or Maundy Thursday is dedicated to the memory of the Last Supper of Jesus with the apostles, the prayer of Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane, where Judas Iscariot betrayed him and where the Savior was taken into custody.

Many people are waiting for Clean Thursday to come in order to cleanse their house of everything bad, and themselves of sins.

Also, for many years in a row, people from generation to generation have been transmitting signs on Maundy Thursday, as well as conspiracies on Maundy Thursday for love, which will be useful to unmarried girls.

Signs on Clean Thursday for marriage

Folk signs say that after cleaning on Maundy Thursday, which cannot be ignored, you need to allocate a place in your house for the groom so that he knows that they are waiting for him. For example, buy a new pair of slippers, make room in the bathroom for men's items, and save some space in the closet.
On Pure Thursday, you need to take a flower pot and plant an apple seed in it, saying to yourself: “Seed, seed, break through the ground! Lure the suitors to my house as soon as possible. Amen! Amen! Amen!". It is believed that the sooner a sprout appears from the ground, the sooner you will get married.

Rites and rituals for Maundy Thursday for marriage and love

If a girl cannot get married in any way, languishing from loneliness, you need to perform one ritual on Maundy Thursday for marriage and love. She should wash herself, dry herself with a towel, then put it away. And on Easter, she will take Easter cake, krashenki and give them to people who ask for alms. After that, the girl will meet her love.
Also, lonely girls need to get up with the sunrise and say out loud: “As Maundy Thursday is bright and red, so the slave (her name) will be beautiful for everyone. Amen".

Prayer for Maundy Thursday while bathing, cleanse me of all evil:
"How confession cleanses, how water removes dirt,
so you, Thursday, be clean, cleanse me from all evil,
from resentment to people, from disobedience, from intemperance,
from the diabolical Deleted, from bad rumors, from evil talk,
demonic disputes. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

On this day, you need to swim, especially for the sick and weak, because the water in the early morning has healing powers.

And on Thursday they begin to cook Easter, Easter cakes.

It is believed that before kneading the dough, you need to pray, cleanse your soul and space, otherwise Easter cakes will not work. On Maundy Thursday, a fire is lit in churches, which must be preserved and brought to your home. This candle will protect the house from fire all year round.

The classic recipe for "Royal" Easter (cottage cheese).

What we need:
cottage cheese - 500 g
egg yolks - 3-4 pcs (or 2-3 eggs)
sour cream - 200 g
butter (room temperature) - 100 g
sugar - 100 g
vanilla sugar - 1 teaspoon (or 1 tsp vanilla extract)
raisins - 80 g
nuts (almond petals or chopped peeled almonds, hazelnuts, cashews, etc.) - 50 g.

To prepare the classic royal Easter: rinse the raisins, pour boiling water over them and leave for 20 minutes. Drain the water and dry the raisins on a paper towel. Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve (you can pass it through a meat grinder twice or rub it with a blender).

Add yolks (or eggs), sour cream, sugar, vanilla sugar to cottage cheese and mix everything well. Add the diced butter and beat the curd mass with a mixer until fluffy and smooth. Pour cottage cheese into a thick-walled saucepan. Put on a small fire and cook, stirring constantly, until the first bubbles (i.e. until boiling).

Tip 1. At first it will be thick, but the more it is heated, the more liquid it will become - this is normal.
Tip 2. You should not boil the curd mass for a classic Easter, you just need to bring it to the boil.
When the first signs of boiling appear, remove the pan from the heat, put in a bowl of cold water (you can add ice cubes to the bowl) and stir until completely cooled. Remove the cooled curd mass for Easter for 1-2 hours in the refrigerator so that it thickens.

Add raisins, nuts to the chilled cottage cheese base of the "Royal" cottage cheese Easter and mix well. Cover the pasochnitsu with gauze soaked in water and folded in 2 layers. Put the curd base for the Easter recipe in a pastry box.

Tip: Instead of a pasta box, you can put the curd mass for Easter in a sieve or use a new flower pot (with holes in the bottom of the pot).

Bend the edges of the gauze, press down on Easter with oppression and put in the refrigerator for 1-2 days. The pastor needs to be placed on a plate so that the whey can drain into it.
Carefully release the finished Easter from the paster, unfold the gauze and put on a dish. Easter, if desired, decorate with candied fruits, raisins or marmalade.

According to tradition, in Good Friday you can not physically work, go to recreational activities and arrange hearty meals for yourself. For those who fast, Good Friday is the strictest day on the diet of food. On Good Friday, some people significantly restrict themselves in food and eat only bread and water.

Holy Saturday - the day when you need to prepare an Easter basket, as well as dishes for the festive table, on this day they continue to paint eggs.

Sunday - Bright holiday of Easter - This holiday should be spent in the circle of relatives and friends.

Holy Week is dedicated to remembrance last days the life of Jesus Christ, his execution and resurrection, as well as preparations for the bright holiday. Baking, painting eggs and other preparations must be completed by Sunday. Easter is supposed to be celebrated, not cooked or cleaned.

Holy Week

The Passion of Christ (anonymous artist of the 15th century, the Netherlands)

Signs for the week were of great importance for our ancestors, as was the very essence of these dates. Even prisoners who committed serious crimes were released into the wild in the old days, so that they, too, had the opportunity to engage in their spirituality. Litigation was suspended until the end of the holidays.

By church tradition, commemoration at this time cannot be arranged. There are no weddings. The Church does not approve of secular marriage during Lent, especially in Palm Sunday and Maundy Thursday. Baptism must be rescheduled for other dates.

Great Lent will end only on Sunday, those who observe it eat bread, vegetables and fruits. You can not have fun, sing and dance, especially on Good Friday. Whoever breaks the ban will cry all year. Quarrels, noisy showdowns, foul language are prohibited.

Signs for Maundy Monday

Holy Monday of Holy Week: Joseph the Handsome and the withered fig tree.

On the Monday of the Great Week, they remember Joseph the Beautiful, who was sold by his brothers to Egypt because of envy. Joseph personifies the suffering experienced by the Savior. Also, the date is associated with the curse of a fig tree that does not bear fruit. It is comparable to a soul devoid of spirituality - repentance, faith, good deeds.

After cleaning, it is worth doing a vegetable garden, a garden, house plants. The seeds planted on this day will give an excellent harvest. Those who do not eat and drink before midnight will have special luck in finding bird nests.

On Clean Monday, they don’t start cooking dishes for the Easter table - it’s still too early for this. Meat, milk and eggs must be purchased no earlier than the second day of the Week. In the autocephalous churches, preparations are underway for the rite of Chrismation. This is done until Wednesday, only once a year. On Maundy Thursday, the myrrh is consecrated.

On the morning of Holy Monday, you should wash yourself with water in which a gold or silver object lay. This helps to preserve youth, restore health and increase income.

The Eastern Slavs have Great Monday - Easter of the Dead, or Navi Day. It is dedicated to cleaning the cemetery and commemoration. During the latter, fasting is often broken.

Maundy Tuesday - preparation for Easter

On Tuesday, the denunciation of the Pharisees and scribes is remembered, as well as parables and conversations in the Jerusalem temple. On this day, the Savior told his followers about the tribute to Caesar, the resurrection of the dead, the Last Judgment and the Apocalypse, talents and ten virgins.

Great Tuesday. The Parable of the Ten Virgins. Modern Greek fresco

From time immemorial, on Maundy Tuesday, they have been engaged in preparation of festive clothes for Sunday. Everything related to this is allowed: from shopping to sewing and washing. The main thing is that by the evening you understand what you will wear in Bright Sunday clean, nice clothes.

You need to prepare or buy a tablecloth for the festive table and a towel that is taken to the Easter service. They must be white, red or green embroidery is allowed. Anyone who meets Easter with a dirty tablecloth or towel will suffer from bad luck for a year. If there is enough time, it is worth putting in order everyday wardrobe items and home textiles.

It is customary to buy not only clothes, products for Easter dishes are purchased on Tuesday. In the old days, they harvested firewood for baking Easter cakes and inspected the fields, planned work in the garden. On Maundy Tuesday, you can eat hot dishes without vegetable oil.

Remaining after winter healing herbs used to make teas and tinctures. Only women were involved in this, men were not supposed to touch health-improving fees until they were ready for use.

What to do on Great Wednesday of Holy Week

On Wednesday evening, Judas decided to make a deal with the Jewish elders. She brought him 30 pieces of silver. At that time, this was a substantial amount, sufficient to buy a home in the vicinity of Jerusalem. We also remember the sinner who washed Christ's feet with her tears in the house of Simon the Leper.

Giotto. Kiss of Judas

Great Wednesday, like Thursday - time for general cleaning. Some signs for Holy Week before Easter advise finish tidying up by Thursday noon. Therefore, it is better to start cleaning on Wednesday in order to have time for everything - scandals and illnesses come to dirty houses at Easter. Special attention - unnecessary things. Getting rid of them on Wednesday or Thursday of Holy Week is a good omen.

Products were bought on Tuesday, and on Wednesday - eggs were selected for Easter eggs and Easter eggs. Not everyone has a chicken coop now, so both days are considered to be good days for a trip to the supermarket. Signs say that eggs bought on Wednesday retain freshness longer. Work in the garden is allowed.

You can prepare a remedy for the evil eye. It is necessary to put salt under the roof of the house, and on Thursday, hide it so that no one knows. Salt should be added to the drink - a pinch per glass. Since Wednesday, soap has been taken out into the street, which they are going to use on Maundy Thursday. Some signs advise leaving it under the moonbeams, others - under the roof or on the threshold. In a city apartment, a balcony is quite suitable.

Maundy Thursday

On Thursday, the Last Supper is remembered, at which it was established sacrament of the Eucharist - communion, as well as Christ washing the feet of his disciples. On the same day, Judas made a deal, betraying the Teacher.

The Last Supper

Get up before dawn and take a shower or bath. Water of Pure Thursday - from all sins and diseases. For the same reason, cleaning is required. It must be completed before midnight, according to some signs - before noon. If possible, rearrange furniture and things, this will attract positive changes in all areas of life. You can clean up the graves of loved ones, in some regions of Ukraine and Russia - a memorial day.

Maundy Thursday is the best time of the year for haircuts for adults, children and even animals. This is especially true if this is the first haircut in your life. It removes sins and diseases. Count the money three times so that they are not transferred in the wallet for a whole year. You can’t borrow and lend money and things - luck goes with them.

On Maundy Thursday they cook - a strong remedy for damage, illness and family troubles. On the same day, it is customary to start preparing dishes for the Easter table. But you can’t eat them until Sunday morning - Great Lent continues until Easter.

Good Friday - mournful day

Remember Friday Judgment, suffering on the Cross and death of Jesus Christ. Honoring him, it is customary to observe Great Lent with particular rigor. Whoever abstains from food and drink on Friday will be protected from theft and intrigues of enemies for a year. Restrictions apply not only to food, but also to entertainment, relationships between spouses and other aspects of life. So Good Friday best time to wean the baby from the breast.

Crucifixion of Christ (fresco by Theophanes the Cretan in the Krestonicitsky Monastery of Athos)

Do not work around the house or in the garden. An exception is the sowing of bread and peas, this brings a good harvest. It is undesirable to cut your hair and dye your hair - to loss of health. But in Eastern Europe on this day they bathe in natural reservoirs to ward off diseases.

Bearing in mind the mournful atmosphere of the date, it is forbidden to have fun, laugh, rejoice, sing. As on Maundy Thursday, you can’t give anything away from home and borrow things and money so as not to lose your luck. You can bake Easter cakes and paint eggs.

To see a man, a young girl or a cat in the window immediately after waking up - you will live happily for three months. The old woman outside the window - to illness. A disabled person portends the death of one of the family members. Mother, father and child - reconciliation, family happiness, prosperity. Dog - to problems, birds mean receiving news and acquaintances.

Appeared in the disease and problems will quickly come to naught. The ash collected on this day cures the evil eye, alcoholism and depression. A consecrated ring keeps its owner from disease.

Saturday - beliefs about the eve of Easter

A sad and happy day at the same time. Jesus Christ is in the tomb, but it is known that his Resurrection will soon be celebrated. His soul is in hell, freeing others who were waiting for the Savior to come. This is the last day of Lent. People call him Quiet- Noise, songs and other entertainment is still banned.

Descent from the Cross by Rogier van der Weyden. 1435–1438

Saturday is the last day Holy Week when it is forbidden to borrow and lend money and things. But it is also undesirable to refuse those who ask directly - say that you can give the thing they need next week. Easter Eve is the best time to repent of your sins and ask for forgiveness.

You can’t work around the house and in the garden, fish, hunt, do needlework, but you can cook - by the evening all treats for the holiday should be ready. Signs allow you to clean the graves, decorate the house, buy gifts. Sleeping on the night before Easter is not accepted - there will be no harvest. On Saturday, the Easter basket is collected and put in order - washed and dried.

Each day of Holy Week has its own meaning, and many signs are associated with all six days before Easter. Some of them appeared in pre-Christian times and have other meanings of the date - the meeting of spring. Observing old signs, everyone can attract happiness and drive away troubles.

Each folk sign for Easter has its own little backstory, which confirms the sacred theme of the main church celebration. While waiting for the holiday to come, pass the time by studying the omens noticed by the ancestors - they will reveal the incredible side of Easter traditions.

The content of the article

  • On the eve of Easter - signs, traditions, customs of Passion Week

    The Bright Resurrection of Christ is preceded by a strict seven-week (40 days) fast, during which human souls are cleansed of filth and become closer to the Lord. The last week before Easter (week) is the most strict, Passionate. How to spend these six days that are left before the holiday - see the basic prescriptions.


    In the morning, it is customary to go out into the yard and evaluate the weather conditions: the bright sun in the clear sky foreshadowed a warm and fruitful year. And for young people who are planning to get married this year, the sign reads a happy and prosperous family life.

    Start putting things in order - the time is right for minor repairs of worn-out household utensils, to give the appearance of a home of novelty.

    If you want prosperity and preservation of youth, pour water into a dish made of silver (gold) and wash yourself - this is what the ancestors did.


    A suitable day for the preparation of festive attire. Decide what outfit you will wear to church. Wash, iron the furniture, hem - when necessary. You can continue cleaning the house.


    When you have not yet achieved perfect cleanliness in your home, try to take out all the rubbish and garbage from the room - get rid of the past. Then go shopping for eggs and related attributes (paints, stickers, candles, cake molds).


    The main sign of a Clean Day: when the house is dusty and not tidy, you will live in mud all year.

    Healers advise to cook on these days. Put the powder in a heavy canvas bag in a preheated oven, hold for 10 minutes, then cool and consecrate the salt in the church.

    You can use the magical mineral until next Easter: it is suitable for removing damage that was made with the help of a lining (treat a suspicious object), cleaning your home from negativity, medical procedures (gargling a sore throat or warming up a diseased part of the body).

    Everywhere hardworking hostesses bake Easter (necessarily from cottage cheese), paint and paint eggs. In order for the baking to be successful, the sign of a prosperous life came true - before kneading the dough, the culinary specialist reads a holy prayer, and the blank placed in the mold is sent to bake with the words: “Lord, bless!”.

    Those who wish to find a betrothed girl are advised to keep an unwashed towel with which they dried themselves after morning bathing (washing). When you go to the solemn service, grab a towel, put Easter cake and eggs there. Give everything to the beggars on the porch - get ready for the wedding soon.

    Haircuts are successful on Pure Thursday - hair will become thicker and healthier.


    On strict Good Friday, you will not get off with one refusal of food. On this day, humanity mourns the death of Christ, so all entertainment events, listening to music and walking are prohibited. They spend the whole day at home, in prayer, they constantly light candles in all rooms.

    There is no ban on baking Easter cakes on Friday - most importantly, read Our Father and ask the Lord for blessings. When you prefer to keep up the old traditions - bake muffins in a wood-fired oven. The omens left after the ashes are recommended to be preserved and used as a magical remedy, which removes damage, love spells, the evil eye and heals from alcoholism.

    Make sure that Easter cakes do not burn and the crust does not crack on them - according to superstition, the family will not know happiness for a whole year when the baking fails.

    Healers advise people suffering from pain in the joints or lower back to take a piece of fabric (to be tied later) and cover the corners with it. Use this rag as a warming belt or wipe sore feet with it after a bath or bath.


    Throughout the day and until the end of the Easter service, grief for the Savior continues. You can’t go to bed, and when you’re not going to go to church for the vigil.

    Signs and superstitions for Easter - do not miss the signs of the holy day

    When the main religious moment of the end of the Great Tribulation is over - the Holy Fire will be carried out in Jerusalem from the tomb of the Lord, the turn of universal rejoicing and celebration of the resurrection of Jesus comes. Near the icon is always placed "eve" - ​​a jug of honey. A lit candle is placed in it - this is how the dead are commemorated.

    In the joyful bustle of Sunday, try to remember everything that happens around you. Perhaps one of the signs will open the veil of the future before you. Read folk signs for Easter. Weather, food, animals, fateful events - what wise ancestors noticed will come in handy for you too.

    Easter weather tips

    The very first thing that people necessarily paid attention to was the weather conditions on the holiday. The choice of clothes for going to church and the subsequent seasons of the year depend on what the Great Day will be like.

    • Meet the sunrise - you will not know trouble all year.
    • You will see a multi-colored sunset - great luck awaits.
    • Clear weather - for a hot summer, cloudy - for a cold, dry.
    • Rain on Easter - the end of spring will be rainy, and the rye harvest will be plentiful.
    • A thunderstorm on Easter or Bright Week - in late, dry autumn.
    • The snow before Easter had all gone from the fields - to a bountiful harvest.
    • A lot of stars on Easter night - wait for more frosts.

    Solemn worship - beliefs for the fulfillment of desires

    Visiting holy places is an integral part of the Easter holiday. Going on the road and in the temple, you can speed up the approach of the cherished goal - signs will help.

    • oversleep morning service Don't count on luck until the end of the year.
    • Keep the candles bought in the church - they “clean” the house with them, put the sick at the bedside to get better, take them off.
    • When you pray in church, sincerely ask God for what you want - He will fulfill all bright, good desires.
    • When a girl wants to get married, she should say in church:

    "Resurrection of Christ! Send me an unmarried bridegroom!”

    • Pay attention to how kissing happens with people you meet: a friend kissed you first on the left cheek - he does not treat you positively, harbors hostility.
    • Lovers cannot kiss on the road - a sign promises separation. Do it under the canopy of trees - you will become happy in marriage.

    Easter signs and beliefs about money

    To become a favorite of Fortune and get rid of problems with money, try to do the following on the day of the celebration:

    • give a coin to the one asking the church;
    • come from the temple to the neighbor;
    • having broken your fast, go out into the street and look around - what attracts attention first, start doing that - the business will turn out to be profitable and successful;
    • women who want to rejuvenate and get rich should wash themselves from a container where coins and krashanki lie;
    • in the morning, climb the bell tower and strike the bell - the ancestors believed that when you ask the Almighty from your heart for health, prosperity, new love or peace in the family, you will get what you want.

    There are also controversial signs for money for Easter, which help players, treasure hunters and scammers:

    • treasure hunters took Easter eggs with you for fishing - they say that the magical effect of the symbol of the holiday is such that all the devils that guard the treasure scatter when a person approaches with an egg in his hands, and it is easy to notice the values;
    • gambling applicants for fabulous winnings, when they gathered for matins, put a nickel under the heel in their shoes;
    • the thief tried to steal from the church on a holiday - such an act will make him lucky and elusive.

    Fearless blasphemers took a deck of cards to church and did the following: when the priest came out of the altar in a bright robe and said for the first time: “Christ is Risen!”, The player threw in response: “The cards are here!”. To the repetition of the main Easter cry, the gambler answered: “Swish here!”. The third response phrase of the atheist was the words: “Aces are here!”.

    Shabby Sunday beliefs

    After a long fast, the faithful with special enthusiasm began to absorb the dishes prepared for the holiday, but did not forget about signs that they could have a beneficial effect on the future.

    • You need to start breaking the fast with the whole family, and everyone must eat a piece of Easter cake and a sacred egg, so that there is harmony in the house all year round.
    • Easter was cut first - and given to the cow so that she would give milk.
    • When a couple does not have children, the woman puts an extra plate on the table, puts a piece of Easter and says: "Kulich - for the kids." When you eat, crumble the muffin to the birds.
    • The sacred knife was hidden after dinner. When hail was observed in the summer, which was accompanied by thunder, they threw a poker and a shovel in the courtyard with a cross, a knife was thrust between them. So the tool gained strength, and it is easy for them to kill the boar.
    • When they finished the meal, the peasant did not drink for two hours - so that he would not want water at the harvest.
    • The shells from the sacred eggs were collected and tied to sticks, which were installed in the garden - so that worms would not breed in the ground.

    The baby born on Easter will definitely be lucky - luck will accompany the lucky one: he will become famous or change the history of mankind when the moment of birth falls at noon.

    How Easter week is celebrated - meaning in signs

    Easter does not end with the eating of holy Easter cakes - the holiday lasts a whole week, among the people it is known as Light, Easter, Great Day, Great, Joyful, Glorious, Delicious.

    Along with the customs of visiting, drinking wine and delicacies, having fun and glorifying Christ, Christians commemorated the dead, wooed, watched pets, noticed the signs that are mentioned in numerous signs.

    Every day when combing their hair, older people say:

    “How many hairs are on the comb, so many grandchildren have been sent to me, Lord!”

    Peasants on Easter week chase chickens from their perch at dawn - so that they rush better.

    When unmarried girl he won’t take salt in his hands all week - they won’t sweat.

    The beauty's lips will itch - for loving kisses. If she dreams of kissing someone, an unpleasant incident will happen to her.

    Monday and Thursday are visiting days. To commemorate deceased relatives, jugs with candles, red Easter eggs (three), and sweets are brought to the graves.

    Be sure to crumble the krashanki on the cemetery ground for the birds to eat. These days they do not sew or wash, so as not to harm the dead.

    If you want to learn a craft, go to the temple on Monday. When the priest says “Christ is risen!”, instead of the response “Truly!” speak your own desire.

    And on Tuesday it is possible to meet with the brownie. According to legend, one must climb into the attic with a burning candle.

    Weak old people dreamed of dying on Easter week - it was believed that the soul freed from the body at such a time would be in paradise.

    Woo in holidays allowed, but church weddings were forbidden. (comes after the Great Week) - signs promised the engaged couples a happy family life.

    Finally, keep in mind: you can’t get drunk, swear and just scream loudly on holidays - otherwise you will incur God’s wrath on yourself. Remember the main reason for the Holy Triumph and be worthy of Christ's sacrifice!

  • Psychology of self-development