January 2nd is a holiday. January name day, Orthodox holidays in January

According to Orthodox calendar holidays for 2020, name days on January 2 are celebrated by those who were baptized exclusively with male names, while female names are not presented for this period.

Therefore, the birthday people on this day are Antons, Daniels, Ignats and Yanas. But since the memory of St. John of Kronstadt is venerated on January 2, Ivans also celebrate Angel Day.

And the boys who were born today are recommended to be named after their heavenly intercessor.

Then the connection between them will become inextricable, and the name will turn into a real amulet, before which any evil is powerless. Besides the name Ivan has a powerful energy and a positive meaning: it endows its owner with kindness, resourcefulness, love of life and purposefulness.

Girls born during this period must be baptized in honor of the saints revered by the Church on the eighth day after their birth.

Thanks to this old Orthodox tradition naming children, you can choose the most suitable names and according to Orthodox canons, set their name day.

In order to name the child correctly and know who to honor his patron saint, you need to turn to the saints. They are arranged by day all women's and male names given at baptism.

Also, according to the holy calendar, you can determine your own name day, if their date is unknown. To do this, you need to find the day of veneration of the saint whose name you are named.

Ivan Sergeev was born into a family of hereditary clergy and was brought up in the customs Christian morality and boundless love for the Almighty, and therefore he could not imagine life for himself without serving God.

Training started at religious school, continued to comprehend science in the theological seminary, and after - in the academy. At the same time, he worked as a clerk, since after the death of his father he became the only breadwinner for his mother and sisters.

As a student, Ivan tied the knot with Elizaveta Nesvitskaya, while the couple took a vow of chastity.

After graduating, he took the priesthood and served in the St. Andrew's Cathedral in the city of Kronstadt, then was ordained an archpriest. People from all over the country came to worship Father John.

John of Kronstadt was an active public figure, teacher and personal confessor of Emperor Nicholas II. He was endowed with the gift of healing and foresight. He built monasteries and churches, schools and almshouses, and also helped the destitute in every possible way.

Holidays January 2, 2019

Saint Berthold's Day in Switzerland

Saint Berthold's Day is celebrated in Switzerland on the first day immediately after New Year's Eve. This holiday in 1191 was established in honor of the founding of the capital of Switzerland - the city of Bern (Berne) by order of Duke Berthold the Fifth of Zähringer, who was the ruler of Burgundy. The city of Bern was founded by Duke Berthold on the banks of the Aare River in order to protect Berthold's possessions from the west.
Duke Berthold once announced that this new settlement would have in its name the name of the animal that Berthold would first shoot while hunting. Can you imagine if the capital of Switzerland now bore the name of a roe deer or a quail? But the city of Bern was lucky because the duke killed the bear and was given beautiful name, which in German means bear. It was the bear that soon became the symbol of the city and the invariable image on its emblems, and the inhabitants of this city were compared with bears, they said that the Bernese are the same bumpkins as their symbol. But the Bernese themselves say that this is all from envy. Their canton was once the strongest and largest in the confederation.
January 2 is officially a day off in many cantons of Switzerland, where since the 14th century various entertainment and festive events have been held every year: concerts, parades and festivities in honor of this holiday.

Church holidays


religious holiday January 2
On this second day of January, all Orthodox in Russia honor the memory of the great Ignatius the God-bearer or Ignatius of Antioch, who was considered a disciple of John the Theologian, who lived in the 1st-2nd centuries of our era. The origin of his nickname is explained in two versions: according to one, the nickname God-bearer Ignatius was given because Jesus took him in his arms as a child, and according to another, his nickname means that Ignatius was the bearer of the holy divine spirit.
This day in Rus' was dedicated to the home, to the place where a person was born, grew up and was blessed for his independent life.
On this day, our ancestors, in order to protect their homes from adversity, served prayers to Ignatius the God-bearer in the church. Also on this day, they always bowed to their home and went around procession around his village several times with an icon.
This date was also considered an "apple day", because just on this day, in order for the harvest to be rich, it was supposed to clean the apple trees in the garden from the fallen frost and snow.
According to the weather of this day, our ancestors predicted the weather of August, the month, the month when apples ripen.
According to folk omens, a person who was born on Ignatiev Day will definitely be attached to his relatives, family and home all his life. good deed On this day, communication with relatives is considered.
Name day January 2: Anton, Daniel, Ivan, Ignatius

Unusual holidays

New Year's resolution day

The United States offers a unique holiday - New Year's Resolution Rejection Day. Focusing on the special meaning of the corresponding holiday, there is a chance to drop any overly made promises on the most important holiday of the year.
How to celebrate?
It is desirable to celebrate the holiday with your close relatives and good friends. Taking into account that the day falls on January 2nd, it becomes possible to schedule exactly those meetings that should take place. Knowing how important promises can be, it is best to discuss what was said during the main fun on New Year. Only with the appropriate approach are there the best opportunities to break the promises made without any unfortunate consequences and undesirable conflicts.
What to cook?
On New Year's Day of Abandonment, which is celebrated almost immediately after the main holiday of the year, you can prepare a lighter version of the festive feast for the New Year. Knowing what culinary preferences the invited people have, there is a chance to understand which dishes it is desirable to stop the preference on. In addition, you can implement the planned culinary ideas in the shortest possible time.
What to wish?
On New Year's New Year's Promise Relinquishment Day, it's best to choose the appropriate wishes.
Sanity, because without it, every person can do serious things and face serious problems, life obstacles.
Purposefulness and understanding of what and how should be in reality, because only a person is able to build a life on his own.
Striving for a correct and sober lifestyle, because drunk you can always make extra promises, which are not so easy to disown.
New Year's Resolution Day is a chance for some serious fun that should be valued more than drinking under the influence.
On this day, you can also celebrate:
- Rotten Mandarin Day
- Day of watching funny New Year's videos
- A day of reflection on the usefulness of leading a sober life
- Hug day with your favorite pets
- Day of soft pillows.

world calendars

Julian calendar: December 20, 2013
Jewish calendar: 1 Shevat 5774
Islamic calendar: 29 Safar 1435
Chinese calendar: 2nd day 12 months 30 years 74 cycles (horse, blue-green, tree)
National Calendar of India: 12 Pause 1935
Indian moon calendar: 1 Pausha 2070 Vikram era - constellation Purvashadha
Persian calendar: 12 Daya 1392
Baha'i Calendar: 1 kull-i shay 9 wahid 18 year (Abha) 16 month (Sharaf) 3 day (Jamal)
May calendar (Long count): 13 baktun 0 katun 1 tun 0 uinal 17 kin
Calendar "May" (Short account - Haab): 15th day of the month "Kankin"
Calendar "May" (Short account - Tzolkin): 4th day of the month "Hish"
French calendar: 3rd day (Tridi) 2nd decade 4th month (Nivosa) 222 years

All holidays January 2

Imam Reza (Shia) Day of Suffering
Statehood Day (Georgia, USA)
Bulgaria's admission to the European Union (Bulgaria)
Carnival Capse Klopse (South Africa)
Black and White Carnival (Colombia)
Armed Forces Victory Day (Cuba)
Saint Basil's Day ( Catholic Church)
Memorial Day (Haiti, USA)
Liberation Festival - Surrender Day (Grenada, Spain)
Saint Berthold's Day (Switzerland)
Day of St. Ignatius the God-bearer - Chicken Christmas (Montenegro)
National Cream Puff Day (USA)
National Science Fiction Day (USA)
National Buffet Day (USA)
National Personal Trainer Awareness Day (USA)
Speed ​​Limit Act Day (USA)
Raising an Idea and Getting a Reaction Day (USA)
National Day of Motivation and Inspiration (USA)

January 2nd in history

1649 - Bogdan Khmelnitsky was triumphantly greeted in Kyiv as the liberator of Ukraine
1905 - The heroic defense of the fortress of Port Arthur ended
1959 - The USSR launched "Luna-1" - the first automatic interplanetary station
1961 - Diplomatic relations between the United States and Cuba are severed.

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Today is January 2 (December 20 old style), Orthodox Church celebrating the Orthodox Church holiday:

* Prefeast of the Nativity of Christ. * Hieromartyr Ignatius the God-bearer (107). Saint Daniel, Archbishop of Serbia (1338). *** Righteous John of Kronstadt (1908).
Saint Philogony, Bishop of Antioch (323). Rev. Ignatius, Archimandrite of the Caves, Resting in the Far Caves (1435). Martyr John of Sweden (1652). Icons Mother of God Novodvorskaya (early XIV) and Lenkovskaya (Novgorod-Severskaya) (1301), called the "Savior of the drowning".

Day of St. John of Kronstadt

The Holy Righteous John of Kronstadt was born on October 19, 1829, into the family of a poor clerk, Ilya Mikhailovich and Theodora Vlasyevna Sergiev, in the village of Sura, Pinezhsky district, Arkhangelsk province. His grandfather and other ancestors in his father's family were priests for 350 years. The boy was in poor health, often sick. The mother prayed for a long time for her son, and Vanya, seeing his mother praying, learned deep soulful prayer himself.

From early childhood, his father constantly took him to church and instilled in him a special love for worship. John's school affairs were not going well. He prayed a lot for the gift of reason to comprehend the doctrine, and the Lord heard his prayer. After the parish school, he graduated from the Arkhangelsk Theological Seminary first in terms of academic performance and the St. Petersburg Theological Academy. He married the daughter of Archpriest Konstantin Nesvitsky Elizabeth. The couple took upon themselves the feat of virginity.
Upon ordination, the young priest was appointed dean of St. Andrew's Cathedral in the city of Kronstadt. At that time, the government exiled murderers, thieves and other criminals to Kronstadt. It was these people, rejected by all, that the young Kronstadt priest drew attention to. Every day he came to their dugouts and basements not for 10-15 minutes to fulfill some requirement and leave; he went to a living priceless soul, to brothers and sisters, stayed there for hours, talked, exhorted, consoled, looked after the sick, wept and rejoiced with them. He himself went to the grocery store, to the pharmacy for medicine, for the doctor, gave the poor all his money, clothes and shoes. He left there joyful, hoping that the Lord would send funds for further good deeds. The inhabitants of Kronstadt saw how he returned home barefoot and without a cassock and brought shoes to his mother, saying: "Your gave his to someone, he will come barefoot."

Giving all his means to the poor, Father John soon became convinced that such charity was not enough to satisfy all those in need. He called on the inhabitants of Kronstadt to help the homeless poor. People actively responded to the request of the shepherd. Through the efforts of Father John, the House of Diligence was built in Kronstadt with workshops, a school, a kindergarten, an orphanage, a canteen, a library, a free hospital, an overnight stay and a hospitable home. The charitable activities of Father John amounted to millions of rubles a year. He said: “I have no money of my own. They donate to me, and I donate." The true health resort of grieving souls, Father John considered the temple of Christ, and the most effective means of healing - Divine Liturgy. Father John celebrated the Liturgy every day. “Christ the Savior instituted the sacrament of Communion in order to purify us with the fire of His Divinity, to eradicate sin, to tell us His holiness and truth, to make us worthy of paradise and unspeakable joy.” When Father John prayed, it seemed that he saw God before him and boldly spoke to Him. He pleaded, pleaded, and even insisted, as if, clutching the robe of Christ, he was ready not to let go of it until he was heard. Through his prayers, miracles began to happen, and rumors about them spread in Kronstadt and St. Petersburg; they began to be published and discussed in the press. People were drawn to him, first by tens, then by hundreds and thousands. Up to 6,000 people came to confession, which lasted 12 hours.
St. Andrew's Cathedral could accommodate 7,000 people and was always crowded. No one had such an influence on all layers of the Russian people that Father John had. The power of Father John's word was poured out in his wonderful book - a spiritual diary "My Life in Christ". Not only from all over Russia, but also from Europe, India, America sent him thousands of letters and telegrams with a request for prayer. Father John said: “I do not seek and did not seek glory, she herself comes to me. I give glory to the One who said: "I will glorify those who glorify me." Together with the entire Russian people, Emperor Alexander III also honored Father John, who, before his death, called the priest to his place in Livadia. Father John later said: “I raised the dead, but I could not beg the father-king from the Lord. May His holy will be done.”

On December 9, 1908, Father John celebrated the last Liturgy, and on the morning of December 20, quietly surrendered his spirit to God. He was buried in the lower church founded by him in December 1902 of Ioannovsky convent on the river Karpovka in Petersburg.
The Holy Righteous John of Kronstadt was glorified by the 1990 Cathedral.

Hieromartyr Ignatius the God-bearer, Bishop of Antioch

According to legend, St. In childhood, Ignatius was precisely that baby on whose head the Savior laid his hand, saying: “Unless you turn and become like children, you will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven” (Matt. 18: 3). Because St. Ignatius and received the name of the God-bearer. Emperor Trajan (98-117) ordered to make sacrifices everywhere pagan gods on the occasion of his victory over the Scythians, but St. Ignatius opposed this, for which he was sentenced to death: he was sent to Rome, where in public, in front of the audience, he was to be torn to pieces by lions. In Rome, entering the circus arena, he fearlessly confessed Christ - and accepted martyrdom. When the body of the sufferer was torn to pieces by the lions, only his heart was left untouched, the golden inscription “Jesus Christ” shone on it.
Memory schmch. Ignatius the God-bearer is celebrated on December 20 / January 2 and January 29 / February 11 (transfer of relics).

Today is an Orthodox church holiday:
Holidays expected:
23.03.2020 -
24.03.2020 -
25.03.2020 -

Psychological complexes