Twelve animals in Chinese astrology. Horoscope by hour of birth Chinese calendar clock

When Chinese astrologers study a horoscope in detail, they also take into account a person's birthday. The animal of the day - the fourth sign in addition to the year, month and hour - helps to build a more detailed chart of the horoscope. The card shows how the four signs are related to each other, whether they are in harmony or in conflict.
Analyzing a birthday reveals a number of interesting things. For example, the Animal of the Day shows people's relationships with members of their own generation—partners, siblings, colleagues, and friends. While the Animal of the Year gives a general assessment of a person's personality and perspectives, the Animal of the Day is used to get more specific information about the different stages of a person's life.

Definition of Animal Day

Finding the Animal of the Day is very easy, because there are no problems associated with the solar and lunar calendars. The downside is that the definition requires some calculations based on a Western date and special tables (albeit quite compact and easy to rewrite).
Information about the Animal of the day is used not only when working with a person's horoscope, but also to determine the general forecast for the day.
Date of birth tables and calculations also show the Element of the day. Its meaning is explained further, but for now, the animal sign is enough for us to see if there is a harmonious relationship, and even to find out the forecast for each day. But anyway, write down which Element of the day turned out, because it will come in handy later, with a more detailed analysis of the horoscope.
Note. A question that is asked very often: what if a person was born before the Chinese New Year? Is it necessary to assume that a person was born in the previous year? Not really! Remember that the calculations are based on the Western date of birth, whether it is before or after the Chinese New Year.

Chinese astrological indicators of the day

The following steps will help you determine the animal sign of any day from 1931 to 2030. As a result, you will also get the Element of the day. It will be needed later.
1. First, find the code number for the year of birth in table A.
2. Then find the code number of the month of birth in table B.
3. Add the two code numbers and add the birthday to them.
4. If the year is a leap year (the last two digits of the year are divisible by 4) and the date of birth is in or after March, add 1 more to make up for the 29 days in February of the leap year.
5. If the sum turned out to be more than 60, subtract 60. If it is more than 120, subtract 120.
6. Find the number in table B and you will get the required data.

Example. What is the animal sign of June 25, 2010?
1. According to table A: the code number for 2010 is 47.
2. According to table B: the code number for June is 31.
3. Code number A = 47, code number B = 31, day = 25.
47 + 31 + 25 = 103
4. 2010 is not a leap year, no need to add one.
5. The sum is greater than 60, subtract 60:
103 — 60 = 43
6. Thus, June 25 is the day of the (Fiery) Horse.

ANIMAL HOUR according to the Chinese calendar

When calculating a horoscope, the second factor (after the year of birth) is the sign of the hour. Some astrologers believe that the Animal of the hour (which is determined by the hour of birth) is the inner "I", that part of the personality that people often keep secret, hidden plans and desires that will never come true. Animal of the year describes the image yang, projected by people into the outside world - an everyday personality that outsiders know. And the Animal of the hour is a reflection of personality yin which a person would like to be.

In addition, the Animal of the hour describes the attitude of a person towards children. If an astrologer studying a full horoscope is asked about children, he will turn to the sign of the hour.

How to determine the Animal of the hour

At first glance, determining the Animal of the Hour should be easy, but it is not. Chinese astrologers divide the day into 12 double hours. The important thing is that the first double hour of the Rat does not begin at midnight, but at 23:00. Midnight itself is the middle of the double hour of the Rat, and then everything goes simply: the hour of the Ox is from 1 to 3 o'clock in the morning, the hour of the Tiger is from 3 to 5 in the morning, etc.

Summer time

However, there are one or two points that can make the calculations difficult. The first is daylight savings time. If the time of birth is recorded during daylight saving time, the appropriate adjustments must be made. In most cases, this doesn't matter: a person born at 4:30 in June during daylight saving time must subtract one hour, so the actual time of birth is 3:30. However, both 3:30 and 4:30 refer to the same double hour of the Tiger, so there is no difference. But if a person was born at 3:30, subtracting one hour transfers his birth to the hour of the Ox.

Time Zones

The second point that must be taken into account is time zones (24 zones into which the earth's surface is divided to calculate standard time). The time difference between neighboring zones is 1 hour.
There are also several strange anomalies in the world: for example, China is located in 5 time zones, but one standard time is used throughout the country - VIII zones. There are 11 time zones on the territory of Russia. To make travel more interesting, Russian airlines use local time for departure and arrival, but only Moscow time is used on the railway, even if local time differs by 7-8 hours.

solar time

The solution to both problems related to determining the hour of birth is solar time: count the time from true noon - the moment when the Sun is at its zenith (highest point).
If you are afraid of making a mistake, measure the time when the Sun reaches its climax. If the clock shows 12:00, then the local time is correct. And if, for example, 12:30 p.m., subtract 30 minutes from the hour of birth to get the time for the horoscope.
The ancient Chinese, who did not have instruments to measure time, determined the time of birth using incense sticks. When a child was born, a stick was lit. She burned until dawn (if the child was born at night) or sunset (if the child was born during the day), and then the stick was extinguished. When the family turned to the astrologer, he measured how burnt the incense was, and thus calculated the hour of birth.
Even today, in rural China, time is measured with incense sticks.

You can choose the ideal date for a particular event, taking into account both personal and common date selection tools, but not get the expected result.

The reason for this may be the wrong hour.

Conversely, almost every day has a watch that can at least double your luck.

In all predictive practices, be it Western astrology or Chinese metaphysics, the choice of an auspicious hour is given no less importance than the choice of a good day.

If you are a frequent visitor to this site and appreciate the usefulness of choosing favorable dates for important events, then you have a real opportunity to increase your success.

Having mastered a few simple rules for choosing an auspicious hour, you will add good luck and luck to yourself.

And many of your deeds and undertakings will be able to receive additional support from the energies of the Cosmos.

Every 2 hours they are assigned to one of the 12 animals.

23.00 - 01.00 - Rat hours

1.00 - 3.00 - Ox clock

3.00 - 5.00 - Tiger hours

5.00 - 7.00 - Rabbit clock

7.00 - 9.00 - Dragon clock

9.00 - 11.00 - Snake hours

11.00 - 13.00 - Horse hours

13.00 - 15.00 - Goat hours

15.00 - 17.00 - Monkey hours

17.00 - 19.00 - Rooster hours

19.00 - 21.00 - Dog hours

21.00 - 23.00 - Pig hours

So, you have chosen a day for some significant event for you.

1. Now your first priority is to eliminate the most unfavorable hours of the day.

Every day has in its composition the so-called hour-destroyer.

On the day of the Tiger - the hour-destroyer - the Monkey

On the day of the Rabbit - the hour-destroyer - Rooster

On the day of the Dragon - the hour-destroyer - Dog

On the day of the Snake - the hour-destroyer - Pig

On the day of the Horse - the hour-destroyer - the Rat

On the day of the Goat - the hour-destroyer - the Ox

On the day of the Monkey - the hour-destroyer - the Tiger

On the day of the Rooster - the hour-destroyer - Rabbit

On the day of the Dog - the hour-destroyer - the Dragon

On the day of the Pig - the hour-destroyer - the Snake

On the day of the Rat - the hour-destroyer - the Horse

On the day of the Ox - the hour-destroyer - the Goat

Thus, if an important event is scheduled for the day of the Ox - do not choose the hour of the Goat (from 13.00 to 15.00), if on the day of the Tiger - do not choose the hour of the Monkey (from 15.00 to 17.00).

2. There is one more rule to follow. Do not choose a personal hour-destroyer.

The Personal Destroyer corresponds to the Destroyer Hour from the table above.

That is, if you were born in the year of the Ox - your personal destroyer is the Goat, in the year of the Tiger - the Monkey. Accordingly, do not choose the hour of your personal destroyer for important events.

However, this rule does not always work, as there are indications in the Ba Zi chart that this particular hour can be useful for you personally.

But if you do not know the details of your card, try to stick to this rule.

There are many different points of view on the choice of an auspicious hour and on the concept of time in general in Chinese metaphysics.

There are many legends about why the twelve animals included in the Chinese zodiac are arranged in this order.
One of them says that Huang Di, the founder of the Chinese nation, decided to choose 12 guards for himself. Many beasts fought for the right to protect the Yellow Emperor. The cat, for example, asked the rat to convey to Huang Di a request to be included in the detachment of guards, but the rat forgot about the cat's request. Since then, cats have not been in the zodiac cycle, and rats and cats have remained mortal enemies. The elephant also refused to participate in the competition for the right to be the guard of Huang Di, because the rat climbed into his trunk. Initially, the bull was first in line, but the rat climbed onto his back and thus took first place. Dissatisfied with the sequence, the pig began to rage, so she was placed at the very end of the detachment. To appease the tiger and dragon, which failed to come first, they were given the titles of "lord of the forest" and "lord of the sea" and placed at the front of the line after the rat and the bull. The offended rabbit challenged the dragon to a contest and won, for which he received a place ahead of the dragon. The dog was also unhappy and bit the rabbit, for which he was punished, getting a place at the end of the line in front of the pig. All other animals also received their places as a result of fierce competition.
Another, no less popular version says that the order was established according to the time of activity of each of the animals. In ancient times, the day was divided into 12 hours, each of which was again named in accordance with the "earthly branches". Time from 11 am to 1 am (3rd watch) - the period of activity of the rat, from 1 am to 3 am (4 guards) the bull chews the cud, from 3 to 5 am (5 guards) a formidable tiger walks, from 5 to 7 am , when the sun has not yet risen, the legendary jade hare prepares the “mao” medicine on the moon, from 7 to 9 in the morning the dragon catches up the clouds and prepares rain, from 9 am to 11 o’clock the snake is active, from 11 to 1 o’clock in the afternoon horses frolic, from 1 to 3 p.m. is the juiciest grass for a sheep, from 3 to 5 p.m. is the most favorite time for monkeys, from 5 to 7 p.m. chickens go to sleep, from 7 to 9 p.m. (1 guard) the dog starts night guarding the house, from 9 to 11 pm (2 guards) the pig enjoys sleep.
Not only the Chinese (Han) themselves, but also other Chinese nationalities have used a similar system of chronology since ancient times. The chronicle "Tangshu" says: "In the kingdom of Syagensy, the inhabitants count the years, naming the years as one of the 12 signs, for example, the year" Yin "they call the year of the Tiger."
Some scholars believe that the Han borrowed this system of chronology from the northern peoples. Qing Zhao Yi wrote: “Since ancient times, the northerners named the years, assigning them the names of one of the 12 animals. Later, the traditions and cultures of various peoples intertwined, and as a result, a method of reckoning was formed, which is used to this day.
In fact, the Han do not claim a "monopoly" on the zodiacal system of chronology. Other peoples (Mongols, Thais, Liang) have their own "shengxiao", slightly different from the Chinese "shengxiao" system. For the Chinese, "shengxiao" is not an abstract concept at all. Over the centuries, many legends have developed around the 12 signs of the Chinese zodiac, many customs and beliefs are associated with them.

"Zi - shu", Rat
The hieroglyph "Zi" (子) in the ancient Chinese language meant "seeds", "roots", "fruits", the meaning of procreation and inheritance. "Zi" - the first sign of the duodecimal cycle, corresponds to the time interval from 23 o'clock to 1 o'clock (3 guards), as well as the direction to the North (352.5 - 007.5 degrees). In the calendar, the month "Zi" corresponds to the 12th lunar month. The hour of "Tzu" corresponds to going to bed after a hard day's work. At this hour, rats are most active.

"Chow - nu", Bull
In ancient times, the sign, which later began to be written as "丑", depicted a dense rope woven from many thin threads. Therefore, this hieroglyph can be interpreted as “unification into a single whole”, “ordering”. In the traditional calendar, the Bull corresponds to the 1st lunar month (“the month of consent”). In the coldest month of the year, it is good to sit by the hearth and wait for spring. This is the time of accumulation of internal forces and energy. The sign "Chow" corresponds to the time from 1 to 3 am (4th watch), as well as the direction to the Northeast (022.5 - 037.5 degrees).

"Yin-hu", Tiger
The cyclic sign "Yin" (寅) corresponds to the character "Hu" ("Tiger"). The Hour of the Tiger - the 5th watch - lasted from 3 to 5 in the morning. The sign "Yin" corresponds to the Northeast direction (052.5 - 067.5 degrees). The month of the Tiger is the 2nd lunar month of the year, the period when the shoots of plants appear under the rays of the sun.

"Mao-tu", Rabbit
The sign of the Rabbit (卯) in the system of "earthly branches" corresponds to the symbol "Mao". This symbol corresponds to the direction to the East (082.5 - 097.5 degrees), the time from 5 to 7 in the morning and the 3rd month of the lunar calendar, when wildlife awakens. The most gentle month of the year and the most beautiful hour of the day - when the sun rises above the horizon - received the name of the most defenseless animal.

"Chen-Long", Dragon
Of all the animals in the duodecimal cycle, only the dragon (辰) is a mythical character. Since ancient times, the Chinese have categorized the dragon, phoenix, qilin, and tortoise as the "four spirits" and considered them symbols of great happiness. The dragon has the head of a horse, the body of a snake covered with scales, the legs of a rooster. The mythical dragon can fly and swim, it is a mysterious and changeable creature. The sign "Chen" corresponds to the Southeast direction (112.5 - 127.5 degrees), the time from 7 to 9 o'clock in the morning and the 4th month of the lunar calendar. The time from 7 to 9 o'clock in the morning is the period of complete awakening of all living things.

"Sy - she", Snake
Of the signs of the duodecimal cycle, the Snake (巳) and the Horse belong to the element of fire, only the Horse belongs to the “yang” fire, and the Snake belongs to the “yin” fire. The sign of the Snake corresponds to the symbol "Sy", meaning "right striving", "striving for the best." The sign "Sy" corresponds to the Southeast direction (142.5 - 157.5 degrees), the time of day from 9 to 11 am and the 5th month of the lunar calendar. This is the month of crop growth.

"U - ma", Horse
The sign of the Horse (午) corresponds to the symbol "U" in the system of "earthly branches". "U" is the seventh sign of the cycle, representing the South (172.5 - 187.5 degrees), noon (from 11 to 13 hours) and the 6th month of the lunar calendar. This is the time of the highest sun during the day. In the 6th month of the lunar calendar, the peasants are busy cultivating the land, nature is filled with energy and strength.

"Wei-yang", Goat
The goat (未) in China is considered a symbol of happiness and love, it has a gentle character, goats and sheep are obedient to humans, they are patient and hardy animals. The sign of the Goat corresponds to the symbol "Wei", which corresponds to the 7th month of the lunar calendar, when the plants are preparing for fruiting. The "Hour of the Goat" in the day is the interval between 13 and 15 hours. The Wei sign corresponds to the Southwest direction (202.5 - 217.5 degrees).

"Shen-hou", Monkey
The year of the Monkey in the duodecimal cycle of "earthly branches" corresponds to the sign "Shen" (申). In ancient Chinese, this sign denoted the hand that grabbed the stick. If you put the sign “man” next to this hieroglyph, you get a hieroglyph denoting “stretching”, “development” and “flexibility”. The sign "Shen" corresponds to the 8th lunar month, the Southwest direction (232.5 - 247.5 degrees) and the time from 3 to 5 o'clock in the afternoon.

"Yu - chi", Rooster
The sign of the Rooster (酉) in the system of "earthly branches" corresponds to the symbol "Yu", which denotes the 9th lunar month, the time from 5 to 7 pm when the sun hides behind the horizon, and the direction to the West (262.5 - 277, 5 degrees).

"Xu - gou", Dog
The sign of the Dog (戌) in the duodecimal cycle corresponds to the character "Xu". This symbol denotes the North-West direction (292.5 - 307.5 degrees), the time from 19 to 21 hours (1st watch) and the 10th lunar month, when the foliage flies from the trees, the sky becomes higher, the air is clearer . A dog is a friend of man, our ancestors have kept dogs with them since ancient times.

"Hai Zhu", Pig
The Year of the Pig (亥) is the last year in the duodecimal cycle. It corresponds to the symbol that denotes the North-West direction (322.5 - 337.5 degrees), the 11th lunar month and the hour of the 2nd watch - from 9 to 11 am.

This horoscope will reveal the relationship between the exact time of birth, the signs of the zodiac and their character. If you know a more accurate time of your birth, thanks to the horoscope by the hour, you can replenish your knowledge with additional characteristics of your personality.

The sign of the zodiac, corresponding to birth by the hour, greatly affects the qualities of a person’s character, according to astrologers. Determine your zodiac sign and character according to the hour of birth.

Mouse: 23.40-1.40

People born in this time period have a soft character, they are characterized by straightforwardness and luck in business. The people around them are confident in their success, although the Mice themselves do not think so, since in order to achieve their goals they are forced to work hard. The mouse is the embodiment of dexterity, resourcefulness, and also sensitivity, it does not easily endure failure. She is too excitable, which has a negative effect on health and the consequence of which are frequent neuroses. The mouse is focused on successful commerce, and what is good for her is the work of asserting her own prestige for positions and work for the good of the family. The mouse is forced to work incessantly and in a hurry all the time, so she needs to plan her budget in detail, as well as draw the right conclusions from the past in order to avoid failures in the future. The mouse is attentive to his health, she likes physical activity, with the exception of athleticism, she rejoices in every achievement. The Mouse feels a lack of energy, and this is a hindrance, it causes fear for the health, which the Mouse has in excellent condition, but from time to time nervous shocks happen to her, there are colds and mental breakdown for no reason.

Relationships of the Mouse: it can be difficult to communicate with the Hare, Boar, Sheep, it is advisable to limit contacts with the Snake, Ox and Rooster, since all these signs will become "vampires" of the Mouse. Communication with the Tiger, Dog, Horse is recommended. Relations with the Dragon, Mouse, Monkey will benefit, subject to mutual understanding among partners.

Bull: 1.40-3.40

A person born in the hour of the Ox is patient and calm, he is characterized by activity in actions, he is able to perform several works at the same time. Activity does not in the least detract from the solidity of his personality, he does not accept hasty assessments and decisions, but is determined to choose the most optimal option. The bull stops at the decision that sounds convincing to him. He loves disputes, but only in the sphere of politics, and most often about something everyday. The Ox has excellent health, he is almost never stressed, rarely gets sick, and has authority over the opposite sex. The bull likes extravagance in clothes, and as for wearing things, he allows slight negligence in this. The bull is easy-going, however, when performing routine work, he lacks perseverance. Often the Bull is limited to the role of an observer.

The bull manifests itself as a vampire, but unconsciously. He does not even notice how much strength others give him. The Mouse and the Monkey can suffer the most from it, and to a lesser extent - the Tiger, Horse, Dog. The Bull, on the other hand, tends to become a victim of the Sheep, Boar, Hare. But the energy lost due to vampirism is quickly restored. The Ox will be happy in communication with the Snake and the Rooster, and it is better for him to limit his time with the Hare and the Boar, and also behave more closely with the Sheep.

Based on the characteristics of the personality, it is advisable for the Ox to devote more time to housework, and it is also worth reducing the number of meals consumed from fatty meats with spicy spices, alcoholic beverages - all this will help to cope with a lack of energy and not take it away from others, and also reduce it vampirism.

Tiger: 3.40-5.40

Those born in the hour of the Tiger are quick-witted, savvy people, prone to reasoning. The tiger analyzes his actions, perfectly foresees the consequences and evaluates the people around him. The Tiger is characterized by adherence to principles and a subtle analysis of what is happening, the validity of thinking, the desire to comprehend the essence of everything. This person will make an excellent scientist, engineer, doctor. The tiger is sensitive to people, but sometimes it is let down by self-will. The tiger must definitely go in accordance with the chosen direction in the work. At home he should have a place of rest and work. As a rule, those born in the hour of the Tiger are distinguished by a massive body, some heaviness, slowness, but not laziness. It is undesirable to allow swearing and insults against the Tiger, so he may react too aggressively. Experience in communication with the Tiger the power of persuasion, not perseverance. The energy of the Tiger has such a feature that it freely replenishes the forces necessary for the body, and also accumulates their excess, but it is not easy for him to part with the energy reserve. A tiger can devote his energy to vampires, and then it will turn into a disease for him. With prolonged waste of energy resources, the Tiger is threatened by diseases of the liver, brain, and genital organs. The most unsafe signs for the Tiger: Hare, Sheep, Boar; the Bull, the Snake, the Rooster are considered less dangerous. A good friendship will turn out with the Mouse, the Dragon and the Monkey.

Hare: 5.40-7.40

In accordance with Eastern philosophy, the Hare is not a harmless sign, it is a strong and insidious animal that can act suddenly and stealthily.

The Hare retreats before the power of the Tiger and the Ox, but is too persistent in achieving power. Experiencing a passionate desire to achieve universal respect, the Hare is ready to use any methods. He respects strong personalities, their ways of achieving goals under pressure, and uses the same methods himself. The hare loves physical training, but rarely achieves high results. Overexertion negatively affects his health, upsets attention and impairs visual perception.

The Hare really wants to become a Tiger, and in this state he can look like a paper Tiger. The hare, as a rule, is wealthy, tries to look chic, and in order to only provoke the envy of the neighbors, he will work hard. But in dealing with people, the Hare is able to conflict, and under the influence of failures, he is prone to drinking alcohol. People around should understand that the best way to get rid of depression for a Hare is a job for which he is praised. Given the need for a large amount of energy, the Hare has to take it away from the people who surround him. Signs that lack energy are not able to help him. The Hare is forced to turn to the Mouse, Dragon, Dog, Monkey, Tiger, Horse for energy reserves. People born in the hour of these signs are not recommended to have much contact with the Hare. It is better for a hare not to change its energy metabolism due to the caloric content of the diet, exercise, swimming and rubbing in the afternoon. He is shown to spend time in the bosom of nature, go hiking, walk in parks, get pets (dogs, rodents, birds).

Dragon: 7.40-9.40

Time of the Dragon - winter period, sunrise. People born in this hour have a strong will and physical abilities, rational thinking is inherent in them. The highest activity of the Dragon is in the evening. It can keep working capacity, both physical and mental, for a long time. But after a short rest, the Dragon is included in the work most intensively compared to other signs.

The main advantage of all the qualities that the Dragon has is its creative approach to business. He can suddenly create a useful and unusual thing out of nothing. Before starting work, the Dragon tries on for a long time, thinks, and when the work is in the process of execution, nothing stops him.

The dragon prefers to work alone. He is not a fan of materialism, prestige, jewelry. The dragon knows that there are people stronger than him, so he is ready for attacks from enemies. The dragon is preparing for war in advance. Compromise is not in his habits. Conflicts are resolved through negotiations. If this does not produce results, then the battle is not for life, but for death.

The dragon is a hard-working and extraordinary person, easily endures financial hardships. Values ​​money and material goods. He loves the opposite sex, but remains "in the shadows" until he is convinced that his partner likes him, so his chance is often missed. The dragon is happy to give himself to physical self-development and work. Easy victories do not attract him, he does not need undeserved praise, and he does not accept anything incomprehensible.

Snake: 9.40-11.40

The snake is distinguished by cunning and deceit, the ability to tactically calculate its capabilities. The snake does not trust others, keeps secret with them. A person born in the hour of the Snake does not have a special influence, but has physical endurance, goes in for sports. Snakes are attracted by Eastern philosophy, yoga, martial arts.

The snake feels good in noisy gatherings, although it behaves independently. The snake likes a feast in the circle of admirers, only her individuality is much higher than any collectivity.

A person born during the Snake is almost never negative. In life, he has a lot of troubles, complications that require making the right decisions that meet the real situation and with the least loss of strength. For this, the Snake needs energy, which it receives with difficulty and quickly wastes. The snake has mobility, a wide range of interests that are superficial. The snake is constantly in search of new sensations, new people.

The snake dreams of luxury, travel, a beautiful partner, an adoring public, preferring to arouse the envy of others. The snake is focused on today, loves beautiful things. As a rule, she is attractive and slightly windy. If desired, the Snake can succeed at work, but does not stop there, she always wants something new. The snake is not distinguished by vindictiveness, but is ready to use its bites as revenge for the offense caused, using its connections in society. If the Serpent is among your enemies, be prepared for the worst. The snake will be able to lie in wait and destroy the victim in the most shameful way.


A person born under the sign of the Horse can be very useful to others. He is good-natured and friendly, ready to sacrifice himself. The horse is not too smart, but not simple either. She is hardworking and achieves everything on her own. To achieve the goals set by the Horse, endurance and strength are needed. The horse is physically strong and has high volitional qualities compared to other signs. She is not exacting either to clothes, or to food, or to the house, and is able to live both in a hut and in a basement. Works in the field of agriculture, likes to do housework.

The horse is a sign of practicality. If it may seem that she is stingy, then this is not so, she really appreciates the work, her own and those around her. The Horse will make an excellent accountant, machine operator, agronomist, farmer, breeder, agricultural organizer, head of an enterprise. Such a quality as honesty and incorruptibility, loyalty to one's principles, and justice are very pronounced in the Horse. And the Horse does all this not for state purposes, but for himself, his own authority and prestige. The horse is distinguished by good nature and selflessness, but it does not give mercy to anyone. The horse does not accept dubious transactions, her own name is dear to her, and she also receives the well-deserved respect of relatives and colleagues.

Sheep: 13.40-15.40

As the ancient beliefs of Europe and the East say, the Sheep is a source of great vitality and energy power. The main positive quality of the Sheep is discipline. She does not try to please and does not use flattering speeches to win over the powerful of this world. She scrupulously honors discipline, follows the laws, observes social principles. In order for all this to become real in her life, the Sheep adjusts her consciousness to the "correct" worldview. Often she is drawn to the past, to bureaucracy. The sheep is not in a hurry to make decisions, she thinks everything over very carefully, and just as consistently brings everything to completion.

The sheep is not malicious, peaceful, easily forgives offenders. But when her pride is hurt, she will express everything that she thinks about her opponent. The sheep is endowed with great energy, but is not able to use it for its intended purpose. The sheep does not have a very bright appearance and voice, although it could. The limitation in reincarnation has a depressing effect on her. The best way for a Sheep to feel its value is through teamwork, which gives confidence in friendly support and abilities. The sheep is not very sociable, it is not easy for her to get closer to unfamiliar people, she is quick-tempered. However, Sheep is happy with small companies where she takes a leadership position. She dresses with taste, is aware of political events, loves sports. Her health condition is excellent.

Monkey: 15.40-17.50

The monkey is the very embodiment of industriousness and ingenuity, although she does not have particularly good health and muscles. The monkey is sociable and sensitive, she has a lot of energy, but she is in constant search for her replenishment. The monkey is encouraged to replenish energy in the process of communicating with nature, although this is not always enough. She is constantly in motion, communicating, busy with the implementation of daring plans, which allows her to develop the best human qualities - quick wit, resourcefulness, patience, willpower, balance.

The powers of the Monkey are well restored in communication with the Tiger, Dog, Horse. She redirects their excess energy to herself. Mouse, Dragon, Monkey - signs with which the Monkey should not go beyond friendship, they will not fill the Monkey with energy. Despite everything, among these people the Monkey has many friends.

Bull, Snake and Rooster are signs that strive to get closer to the Monkey. These are signs of success and demonstration of the best. The monkey is in contact with them, not realizing that for them it is only a source of energy supply, and not interest. Vampires take away a lot of energy from her, without giving anything in return, thus, the Monkey experiences mental disorders and breakdowns, spasms in the digestive system.

The most dangerous signs in terms of vampirism for the Monkey are signs such as Sheep, Hare and Boar. They are not happy with contacts with her, but do not refuse to communicate in order to receive biological energy and the body of the Monkey. The monkey is simply obliged to destroy such an alliance. The monkey devotes himself a little to today and the same amount to tomorrow. It’s hard for her, but her ingenuity and high performance helps her out. The monkey is more inclined not to monotonous, but to creative work, wanting to show talents in a team. The monkey is easy to offend, she is not able to listen to ridicule, hints, curses and will seek to punish her offenders.

The monkey is a sign of efficiency, she performs any task at work conscientiously and thoroughly. Such qualities of her surprise colleagues and annoy management. They do not like her, although she is an excellent employee, a sensitive comrade.

A monkey is best suited for a specialty related to anatomy, biochemistry, genetics, agriculture and medicine. In the course of its development, it reaches a position in the field of culture and pedagogy. It is not very well compatible with technical specialties. The monkey needs a friend of life, it does not rely on chance, it tends to lead among friends.

Rooster: 17.40-19.40

This sign is too careless and self-confident, inclined to overestimate their own decisions, confident in their rightness and the absence of mistakes. Such confidence can be explained by a stable nervous system, excellent health. He recognizes silhouettes, oblivious to details, like a light rail passenger. His life is given to the flow of waves, and he only occasionally corrects them.

The rooster easily does the job, but does not always finish what he started. It is distinguished by some versatility, and is able to perform several functions at the same time: to be a controller, an executor and an assistant in debugging equipment. The rooster quickly achieves superficial results, he loves space, living in voluminous rooms, he loves humor and is not averse to giving a joke to attract the attention of others. Loves fashionable clothes. Society respects him, and he, in turn, gives people smiles and flowers. The rooster is distinguished by vital stability and activity. He is able to withstand any danger, is not a victim of energy vampires, because he consumes energy little by little, not caring about its accumulation.

A rooster is someone who can become a vampire, but he is not as dangerous as other vampires, given the way he uses energy - in portions. If you have to meet with the Rooster too often, this will have a negative effect. It will be difficult with the Rooster for such signs as the Monkey, Dragon and Mouse. Communication with the Horse, Tiger and Dog will not be particularly good either. The vampirism of the Rooster is harmless for the Rooster itself, the Bull and the Snake due to their equality. At first glance, the Rooster has a good relationship with the Hare, Sheep and Boar, but he may be their victim. The rooster does not dissolve under the influence of love. He is indifferent to a partner, family, family ties, he does not oppose anyone to others, he is simply selfish. He keeps away from what is happening, but if his pride is affected, he will win back his position.

The work of the Rooster is often associated with science, the development of technical specialties, he is an excellent specialist in the field of physics and mathematics, he feels great in the water, earth and air elements, but does not like humanitarian disciplines. His inclinations to medicine and sports are manifested. May be interested in agriculture, may achieve good results in gardening, in a factory, in the field of law and order, trade, cooperation, the armed forces. The rooster does not handle money in the best way, often spending it on all sorts of little things.

He gets along well with the Snake, worse relations develop with the Monkey, Horse, Dragon, Mouse, who act as his energy victims and can feel his influence.

Dog: 19.40-21.40

The dog is subject not only to the influence of vampires, but also to his body, as it is an excellent accumulator of energy, but it is difficult to get rid of excess. Excessive energy potential entails hypertension, obesity. A dog is not a vampire, it acquires energy from the environment. Some energy can be transferred to her, but such an exchange is more necessary for the partner of the Dog than for herself. The Dog is in excellent contact with the Horse and the Tiger, which are energetically equal with it. The Dog feels great with the Mouse, Monkey and Dragon, who are not particularly eager to communicate, given that they need nourishment, and they can get temporary food from the Dog - from half an hour to three hours.

For the Dog, such vampiric signs as the Snake, Rooster, Bull, who intuitively feel the contribution to the communication of the Dog, and therefore wish to become friends, as well as giant vampires - the Boar, the Hare, the Sheep, are dangerous. Only giant vampires require a lot of energy, and are able to take on the excess energy potential of the Dog. The dog is recommended to communicate with the Hare, Boar, Sheep, after overeating (preferably after three hours), with the help of work, intimacy, sports. At the same time, the meetings of the Dog with the Sheep, Rooster, Boar, Snake, Bull can be useful. At other times, it is better for the Dog not to contact them.

To regulate the energy balance, it is better for the Dog to use active physical activities, staying in nature, doing gymnastics after 16.00.

Boar: 21.40 – 23.40

The Boar has an excellent physique and good health. He has willpower and business qualities. The boar is a vampire, he goes in search of a victim, after which he consumes its life-giving energy. The boar needs energy mainly not for the distribution of energy resources within itself, but for business. He spends energy on society, but not his own, but received from his victims. This is an active entrepreneur, a persistent businessman, a farmer, promising and promising.

The Boar will easily take away energy from the Tiger, Dog, Horse, and they will immediately feel it. In the Mouse, Monkey, Dragon, after contact with the Boar, there is a breakdown and diseases of the nervous system, as well as the digestive system, may begin. Hare, Sheep, Boar will cheer him up in the company of friends, but will not feed him on their own. A good relationship with the Boar develops with the Rooster, Ox, Snake. Suitable signs for feeding are Tiger, Horse and Dog, sometimes Mouse, Dragon or Monkey.

Among the many diverse astrological traditions, the Chinese lunar calendar and the horoscope built on its basis stand out for their simplicity and originality.

12 animals of the Chinese 12-year cycle are known to most of the inhabitants of our planet, and more than a quarter of earthlings celebrate the New Year according to the Eastern calendar, praising its next symbol every year. Undoubtedly, the Chinese horoscope is one of the most popular in the world.

Chinese horoscope signs

Year of the Rat (...1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008 ...)

Year of the Ox (...1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009 ...)

Year of the Tiger (...1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010 ...)

Year of the Cat (...1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011 ...)

Year of the Dragon (...1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012 ...)

Year of the Snake (...1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013 ...)

Year of the Horse (...1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014 ...)

Year of the Goat (...1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015 ...)

Year of the Monkey (...1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016 ...)

Year of the Rooster (...1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017 ...)

Year of the Dog (...1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018 ...)

Year of the Pig (...1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019 ...)

Elements in the Chinese horoscope

The Chinese horoscope includes two theories of the elements, to which all living things in the world obey.

The first theory: about the three world principles. Jan- active, masculine, transformative, carrying novelty and sudden changes; its opposite yin - perceiving, feminine, giving out the final result of the initiatives taken by yang. When these two principles actively interact, then a third, purely esoteric principle arises - Dan, which symbolizes the intellect, the denial of the material, the priority of the spiritual, the flight of fantasy, as well as social law and order. Dan is a sexless start. In accordance with this classification, people can be divided into three camps, in which there will be typical representatives of each of the great principles.

In addition to the theory of the three principles, Chinese astrology develops a system of knowledge about the five world elements, or elements. The element in Chinese astrology expresses the essence of an astrological object, both in statics (its birth) and in dynamics (its subsequent fate).

earth element (years ending in 8 and 9)

Metal Release (years ending in 0 and 1)

Water Release(years ending in 2 and 3)

Wood Release (years ending in 4 and 5)

Fire Release(years ending in 6 and 7)

Birth hour

In the Chinese horoscope, the day is divided into 12 "hours", each with two astronomical hours, and these large "hours" symbolically correspond to the signs of the 12-year lunar calendar. The first half of the Chinese hour gravitates in its characteristics to the previous sign, and the second - to the next one.

The daily cycle in the Chinese horoscope (and other countries of the Far East) begins with the hour of the Rat (23:00 - 01:00). Time is always used only local; there is no reference to Greenwich Mean Time or any other reference time reference.

The most striking manifestation of the qualities of the hour of birth will take place if the symbol of the hour of birth coincides with the symbol of the year. For example, a person born in the year and hour of the Horse will show the maximum of the qualities prescribed for this sign.

Hour of the Rat (23:00 - 01:00)

Hour of the Ox (01:00 - 03:00)

Hour of the Tiger (03:00 - 05:00)

Hour of the Cat (05:00 - 07:00)

Hour of the Dragon (07:00 - 09:00)

Hour of the Snake (09:00 - 11:00)

Hour of the Horse (11:00 - 13:00)

Hour of the Goat (13:00 - 15:00)

Hour of the Monkey (15:00 - 17:00)

Hour of the Rooster (17:00 - 19:00)

Hour of the Dog (19:00 - 21:00)

Hour of the Pig (21:00 - 23:00)

Planets in the Chinese horoscope

The Chinese lunar calendar focuses on the 12-year cycle of Jupiter around the Sun, the 30-year cycle of Saturn and their interaction. In addition to animal symbols, each year in Chinese astrology has its own ruling planet. It is appointed according to an ancient rule - the so-called "star of magicians".

Psychocorrection of deviations in children