The Life and Teachings of the Elder Silanus of Athos. Life and teachings of Elder Silyan of Athos Troparion, kontakion, magnification

(worldly name - Simeon) was born in the Tambov province, in the village of Shovsky, in the family of a peasant, Ioann Antonov, in 1866. His parents were illiterate, but pious, wise, sensitive and sympathetic people. Despite their poverty, they were hospitable and helped those in need. Sometimes they had to share even from a meager supply, even the last. Simeon himself (Father Silouan) always spoke of his mother and father with love and warmth.

Saint Silouan of Athos

Being hardworking and economic people, they always found time to visit the temple. Simeon loved to be present at the service with his parents. Here he got acquainted with the word of God, with the history of the life of the saints.

During working hours, Simeon worked together with adults: he helped his father in the field, and sometimes his older brothers took him with them to construction.

The future elder was brought up in Orthodox traditions and a Christian upbringing was to his liking. From his youth, he disposed himself to the idea of ​​a monastic ascent to God and the Kingdom of Heaven. He even chose a monastery where he would like to make vows to the Lord and indulge in ascetic deeds: he wanted to enter the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra.

Meanwhile, the father, warning his son against the haste of making such an important decision, carefully insisted that he, first, test himself in military service, and then decide what to do.

Obeying the will of the parent, Simeon postponed his plans. Gradually, worldly temptations and pleasures began to tighten him more and more, and soon they completely outweighed the desire to secede from the world. The idea of ​​monasticism receded (for the time being) into the background.

But soon the Goodness of God reminded of itself. One day, when Simeon returned from another walk and fell asleep, either half asleep or in a subtle dreamy vision, he suddenly saw himself as if from outside. At the same time, he personally contemplated how the disgusting serpent penetrated into him.

Feeling disgusted and horrified, Simeon woke up and immediately heard a mysterious voice. It was the voice of the Most Pure Mother of God. The Mother of God explained that just as it was disgusting for him to look at the swallowing of a snake, so it was hard for Her to look at his sinful life.

As a result of such an extraordinary admonition, Simeon realized his wrong, heartily repented, and thanked the Heavenly Queen for her attention and kindness. After this incident, he was again inflamed with zeal for the Lord, a burning desire to live according to God's law, in harmony with his conscience.

The hardships of military duties did not frighten Simeon. The army service, which he passed in St. Petersburg, contributed to the strengthening of character, accustomed to responsibility and diligence. More and more resolutely he thought about the monastic life, far from worldly temptations and senseless fuss.

Several times Simeon donated the accumulated money to the needs of the Athos monks. On this occasion, there was a saying among his colleagues that he abides with his mind on the Holy Mountain and on the Last Judgment.

When the term of military service was drawing to a close, Simeon decided to visit John of Kronstadt, ask his blessing for monasticism and receive a pastoral parting word. Not finding Father John in place, he wrote and left him a note in which he asked for prayers. And the very next day, while at the location of the unit, Simeon felt as if he were in the midst of a buzzing hellish flame. This feeling helped him to establish himself in the desire to leave the world and surrender to the service of God.

Returning home after serving, Simeon stayed there for several days, and then, having gathered for the road and prepared gifts, said goodbye to his relatives and went to Athos. It was 1892.

Arriving at the Holy Mountain, he entered the Russian Panteleimonov monastery. The first time he worked at a mill. Then he began to appoint other obediences.

Physical labor was on his shoulder, because he grew up in a peasant family, went through the army. It was much more difficult to resist the temptations.

At some time, Simeon was so discouraged that he intended to leave the monastery. And only the thought that he would again grieve the Mother of God sobered the confused spirit.

On another occasion he was tempted by conceit. The thoughts that tormented him destroyed the beginnings of humility, contributed to the formation of pride and vanity. Eventually, through prayer, obedience, and the advice of the priests, Simeon overcame this temptation as well.

But here another danger lay in wait for him: an excessive, to the point of despair, awareness of personal insignificance, disbelief in the possibility of salvation. Then the merciful Lord lifted Him up in spirit to the Kingdom of Heaven. Feeling the presence of the Almighty, Simeon felt that he seemed to be filled with the grace of "martyrdom." This beneficial experience of meeting with the Heavenly King was remembered by him for the rest of his life.

Once having known the sweetness of Paradise, he strove with all his might to acquire grace, intensified his exploits, the fight against evil thoughts. Later, he compared a person who has lost grace through sin with a small child who has lost the joy of communicating with his mother.

Simeon did not have any specific elder mentor. As the closest example to follow, he always kept in mind the activities of Seraphim of Sarov.

In 1896, Simeon took monastic tonsure and a new name - Siluan, and in 1911 he was elevated to the schema.

Growing with spiritual age, he increased his exploits. In an effort to submit himself to God, he strengthened his abstinence and humbled himself in almost everything: he ate little, kept a strict fast; often limited sleep to two hours a day, while sleeping fitfully, not lying down, but sitting on a small stool.

Once, when, despite the efforts made by Father Siluan, prayer did not work out (evil spirits prevented the prayer impulse, it was not possible to concentrate and move away from extraneous movements in the soul), he turned to God for help. The Lord heeded the conversion and answered that the proud suffer from demons. In addition, God commanded him not to despair and to remember the hellfire.

Over time, in the elder’s prayers, petitions for a world that sins and forgets the Creator began to sound more and more often. These petitions were accompanied by sorrow and love.

Father Siluan attached great importance to prayers for neighbors and in some respects compared them with the shedding of blood for people. He believed that thanks to prayers, peace is preserved, and when prayer weakens, the world will not stand.

Having lived for many years according to the rules of the cenobitic charter, the elder did not strive for the solitary life of a recluse, as other ascetics did. He believed that this required a special favor of God, which is not given to everyone.

On September 24, 1938, Father Siluan left the earthly temple, appeared before the Court of God's Truth and moved to the Kingdom of Saints.


Troparion to St. Silouan of Athos, tone 2

Seraphim's love for the Lord is a fiery zealot / and Jeremiah, about the weeping people, / a zealous imitator, / all-blessed Father Siluan, / you, call to the Mother of the Lord of Forces, / you courageously spewed out the sinful serpent / and you retired from the vanity of the world to Mount Athos, / where in labors and prayers with tears / richly acquiring the grace of the Holy Spirit. / With it, inflame our hearts / and with you tenderly cry out and strengthen: / My Lord, my Life and Holy Joy, / save the world and us from all the fierce.

Kontakion to the Monk Silouan of Athos, tone 2

Humble confessor of wisdom / and kindness warmed by the Holy Spirit, / beloved Siluan to God, / the Russian Church rejoices in your feat, / the monks of Mount Athos and all Christian people, / rejoicing, filial love to God rush. / He pray for us, equal to the angels of the theologian, / in a hedgehog to be saved for us, imitating you in burning love.

Prayer to Saint Silouan of Athos

O marvelous servant of God, Father Silouan! By the grace given to you from God, pray tearfully for the whole universe, the dead, the living and the future, do not be silent for us to the Lord, who diligently fall to you and tenderly ask for your intercession (names). Move, O all-blessed, to prayer the Zealous Intercessor of the Christian race, the Most Blessed Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary, miraculously calling you to be a faithful worker in Her earthly garden, where the chosen one of God is merciful and long-suffering for our sins, they beg God to be, in a hedgehog not to remember our iniquities and iniquities but by the unspeakable goodness of our Lord Jesus Christ, have compassion and save us by His great mercy. She, the servant of God, with the Most Blessed Lady of the World - the Most Holy Abbess of Athos and the holy ascetics of Her earthly lot, ask the saints for the most holy Word of the holy Mount Athos and her God-loving hermit from all the troubles and slanders of the enemy in the world will be preserved. Yes, we deliver the Angels from evil with the saints and strengthen them with the Holy Spirit in faith and brotherly love, until the end of the age they pray about the Ones, Saints, Cathedrals and Apostles of the Church and show everyone the way of salvation, yes the Church on Earth and Heaven unceasingly glorifies the Creator and Father of Lights, enlightening and illuminating peace in the eternal truth and goodness of God. Ask the people of the whole earth for a prosperous and peaceful life, the spirit of humility and brotherly love, good-nature and salvation, the spirit of the fear of God. Let not malice and lawlessness harden human hearts, which can destroy the love of God in men and overthrow them into godly enmity and fratricide, but in the power of Divine love and truth, as in heaven and on earth, may the name of God be hallowed, may His holy will be done in men and may peace and the Kingdom of God reign on earth. So also for your earthly Fatherland - ask for the land of Russia, servant of God, the longed-for peace and heavenly blessing, covered in the hedgehog by the all-powerful omophorion of the Mother of God, get rid of hunger, destruction, coward, fire, sword, invasion of foreigners and internecine warfare and from all visible enemies and invisible, and thus the most holy house of the Most Blessed Mother of God until the end of the age, he will remain, the Life-Giving Cross by power, and in the love of God, the inexhaustible be affirmed. But for all of us, immersed in the darkness of sins and repentance of warmth, below the fear of God, and who endlessly loves us, the Lord who constantly insults us, ask, about all-blessedness, from our All-Generous God, that with His Almighty divine grace He will visit and revive our souls, and all malice and let the pride of life, despondency and carelessness in our hearts be abolished. We also pray for the hedgehog and for us, strengthened by the grace of the All-Holy Spirit and warmed by the love of God, in philanthropy and brotherly love, humbly crucified for each other and for everyone, to be established in the truth of God and in the grace-filled love of God to be well-strengthened, and son-loving to Him draw near. Yes, so, doing His all holy will, in all piety and purity of temporal life, we will shamelessly pass the path and with all the saints of the Kingdom of Heaven and His Lamb marriage we will be honored. To Him, from all earthly and heavenly things, may there be glory, honor and worship, with His Beginningless Father, the Most Holy and Good and Life-Giving Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

15th week after Pentecost. Tone 5. Today the Holy Church honors the memory of St. Silouan of Athos

The saint was born in the Tambov province into a peasant family. Since childhood, he wanted to become a monk, but at the insistence of his father, he entered the military service.

Having retired from it, he went in 1892 to Athos, where he was tonsured four years later in the Russian monastery of St. Panteleimon. In 1911 he took the schema with the name Siluan.

According to his biography compiled by his student and close friend Archim. Sophronius (Sakharov), from the very beginning of his obedience acquired the gift of prayer. At the same time, he experienced numerous temptations. His memories and reflections were carefully preserved by Fr. Sofrony and published by him. The elder died in 1939 and was glorified in 1988 by the Patriarch of Constantinople.

Saint Silouan of Athos, pray to God for us!

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Saint Silouan of Athos is a vivid example of a man who dedicated himself to God. In the 19th and early 20th centuries, a sufficient number of people lived on the territory of our current state, who differed from everyone else in that they believed in God and dedicated their entire lives to Him. One of these people is Silouan of Athos, who spent the entire earthly life in prayers. After the death of the monk, September 24 is annually celebrated as the feast day of the saint.

History of St. Silouan of Athos

The real name of St. Siluan of Athos is considered to be Simeon, who was born in the Tambov province, the village of Shovskoye in 1866. The Antonov family was large and very friendly, they all believed in God, lived like a Christian. The Reverend was the youngest son. The family was not very rich, but they never refused those in need of help. Wanderers were frequent guests in the house of Simeon's family. The father of the monk greeted them with joy, and they talked on various topics that remained in Silouan's memory.

From an early age, Simeon had a desire to gain knowledge, but in life it turned out differently. When the monk graduated from the second class, due to the circumstances, he went to work in the construction of the landowner, where his brothers also worked. But, despite this, Simeon received a church charter at the temple, in which the whole family regularly came to pray. Thanks to frequent church attendance, the monk learned to pray correctly and learned the secrets of the Lives of the Saints.

While the young son became a young man, he decided to leave for a monastery, but his father said that he first needed to enter the service, and then he could decide for himself how to live. Simeon could not disobey the pope and went to the service, and during this time the monk abandoned his plans. But it happened the way God wanted.

Once it happened like this, Simeon returned from the festivities and went to bed, in a dream he saw himself from the side, and as if swallowed a snake. Waking up, I heard the voice of the Mother of God, who said how upset she is when she sees how he lives. After that, the idea of ​​leaving for a monastery returned to Simeon.

The monk's military service took place in St. Petersburg, where he was respected by his colleagues and superiors alike. Thoughts about God never disappeared, and he decided to go to the monastery at the end of the service. All the money that Simeon had, he sent to Athos monastery. At the end of the service, he asked for a blessing from St. John of Kronstadt.

Life in the monastery of Silouan the Athos

After the end of the service, Simeon returned to his parents, where he stayed for a short time, during which he said goodbye to his relatives and helped them with the housework. Then he gathered everything he needed and set off on his journey. In the autumn of 1892, the monk came to Mount Athos, where he became a novice of the Panteleimon Monastery.

At first he worked at a mill, then as a housekeeper, the next step in the monastery he became the head of workshops, and before leaving he had his own trading shop. And only in 1896, Simeon put on a mantle with the name Silouan.

In the monastery, he lived on his own, he spent whole days in the Jesus prayer, kept all the fasts. I attended all services in the church. I read a lot of patristic works. He continued to do all this for 46 years, worldly interests did not exist for him.

Life in the monastery at first was not easy. It often happened that Simeon could not pray to God calmly, because demons interfered with him. He asked the Creator for help, who gave him some advice. The Reverend listened to them and everything began to turn out.

Traditions on the day of St. Silouan of Athos

Simeon lived for 72 years, died on September 24, 1938. He had been ill for a week before leaving. Therefore, the day of remembrance of the Saint is connected precisely with his departure.

Pilgrims come to bow to the Intercession Church of the Svyatogorsk Panteleimonova, where the relics of Elder Siluan are located. If you bow and ask in prayer near the shrine, then everyone gets what they asked for. When time passed, a book was written, which described the life and deeds of Elder Siluan.

On this day, namely September 24, 2018, services will be held in churches in honor of St. Silouan of Athos. On this day, people come to the temple and ask for reconciliation between the warring, for an increase in love, for consolation, and liberation from unbelief.

Semyon Ivanovich Antonov - the future Elder Siluan, was born in the Tambov province in the village of Shovsky into a peasant family in 1866. About parents he always spoke of his own with special reverence, and he often liked to repeat about his father: “... I would like to have such an old man, he never got irritated, he was always meek and even. When trouble happens in the house, he remains calm. After the fire, they told him: "You, Ivan Petrovich, got burned," and he replies: "God willing, I'll get better." Once we were walking past our field, and I said to him: “Look, sheaves are being stolen from us,” and he: “Hey, son, the Lord has spoiled us with bread, it’s enough for us, and whoever steals, therefore, he has a need” .

Ivan Petrovich received strangers in the house, and then one day, without knowing it, he invited a bookseller to the table, who put doubt in faith in his son's heart with his impudent words. From his own experience, the future great elder experienced a disease characteristic of the end of the century. The healing from her was miraculous: at the age of 19, after the story of the pilgrim about the prayer at the grave of the ascetic John Sezenovsky, a young man presented an amazing and simple proof of the existence of God: “If there is a holy man, then God is with us, and there is no need for me to go around the whole earth to look for Him” . And in response to this bright determination, the Lord immediately endowed him with the great gift of heartfelt prayer, which he will remember with gratitude all his life. It was then that he developed an inner attraction to monasticism.

But God was pleased to allow Semyon one more temptation: to taste those common human sins that in the 20th century. almost considered the norm: fornication, drunkenness, bloody fights. And although it was a brief moment in young life, it made me feel the ontological horror of sin, especially the sin of prodigal, and tell people about it. And the fall itself served as a manifestation of the special mercy of the Mother of God: in a subtle dream, he saw that the snake slipped through his mouth into him. Semyon felt a strong disgust and woke up, and at that time he heard the words: “You swallowed a snake in your sleep, and you are disgusted, so it’s not good for me to look at what you are doing.” According to the undoubted conviction of the elder, it was the voice of the Mother of God Herself. A feeling of deep shame and repentance seized the young man's soul, and he decides to leave for a monastery.

But it is still destined to see the life of a big city, to enter into communication with different people in different circumstances - he was called up for military service in St. Petersburg. Without avoiding people, Semyon, however, "was smart on Athos and on the Last Judgment." Subsequently, the elder said that he does not disperse and does not lose peace in the hustle and bustle of people, and even in tempting circumstances, who "does not stop loving the people and did not stop praying for them:" Lord, grant Thy peace to Thy people.

Such a prayer book was St. rights. John of Kronstadt, to whom, at the end of the service, Semyon goes for a blessing to labor on Athos. He is driven by the age-old love of the Russian people for the Lot Mother of God, the desire to pray for the people of God on the Holy Mountain. Through prayers Righteous Semyon, after a short vacation home, where he receives parental consent and the covenant of his fellow villagers to keep them in prayerful memory, manages to get to Athos.

In 1892, he became a novice of the Russian St. Panteleimon Monastery and humbly obeyed a thousand-year-old tradition: he went through various labor obediences, participated in long prayer vigils in the church, often confessed and took communion. At the very beginning of the feat of prayer, he experienced such temptations that one can read about in ancient patericons and observe their mass character in our days: the temptation of substitution, the temptation of miraculous phenomena that give false spirituality.

One night brother Simeon's cell was filled with a terrible light, penetrating even his body, so that he saw his insides. The thought whispered to him: “Accept this is grace,” the soul became confused, and the spirit of repentance retreated from it. Then the elder will contritely say that “all your life you have to cry about your sins - this is the way of the Lord,” and this is true Orthodox spirituality, unlike all other “lifting up to heaven” teachings that nourish human pride.

The truth of this path is also evidenced by the special malice with which the forces of hell fell upon the ascetic after he did not accept the thought that confuses him and was not seduced by a miracle. The torment of demonic attacks increased and plunged into a terrible state of God-forsakenness, languor and longing. On the same day, when he happened to endure terrible torments, in the church of St. the prophet Elijah, during Vespers, he saw the living Christ, and this predetermined the future life of the monk. The elder constantly recalled the appearance of the Lord and wrote about the feeling that settled in his soul: “The Lord loves us so much that we ourselves cannot love like that...”, “And if people by the Holy Spirit knew what our Lord is, then everything would change: the rich would despise their riches, the scientists their sciences, and the rulers their glory and power, and everyone would humble themselves and live in earthly peace and love, and there would be great joy on earth.

But the elder’s soul grieved over what was happening in Russia and throughout the world, the pernicious state of which was revealed to him in his prayer for “all Adam,” which he offered to the Lord with tears every night for decades. Great compassion for self-torturing people who are “searching for their freedom” blew out a prayerful call from a painful heart: “Oh, peoples of all the earth, I kneel down before you and implore with tears: come to Christ ...”.

The Lord alone knows how many people, and perhaps nations, were saved by this prayer of the elder. The world was given a new example and a new testimony of the immensity of God's love, so that those paralyzed by despair would rise up. Moved by the Holy Spirit, he wrote: “Many ... out of shame do not go to repentance. But they forget that all their sins before God are like a drop of the sea. Oh my brethren, all the earth, repent while there is time. God graciously seeks our repentance."

The prayer outpourings of the elder, fixed in writing, became known only after his death. During his lifetime, as an experienced ascetic, he did not come to light. But the special grace emanating from him was felt by everyone, from ordinary workers to hierarchs. From the conversations recorded with him, it is especially important for our days that the elder spoke about scientific - head - and experienced, heartfelt knowledge: he put the prayerful comprehension of the world and man above any scientific one, but foresaw that in the coming time many learned people would be monks in world and in this is a special providence of God.

Those who had contact with him were not always immediately convinced of the foresight of the elder, but after some time their soul acquired a new spiritual experience, a new state. Athos monasticism, in its sober mistrust of man, adheres to the rule: “Do not please anyone before the end.” Already after the death of the elder, the Athonite fathers said: “Now we see that the elder Silouan has reached the measure of the Holy Fathers ... His death convinced him of this.”

Shortly before his death in 1938, to the question: “Elder, do you want to die?” he said: "I have not yet humbled myself," but all his behavior in the monastery hospital was full of secret humility and silence. After the departure of the elder to the Panteleimon Monastery, letters began to arrive testifying to his heavenly intercession for those who turned to him with prayer, and after the publication of Schema-Archimandrite Sophrony’s book “Elder Silouan. Life and Teachings” the question of canonization was raised, which took place in 1978 in the Patriarchate of Constantinople. He was, as is sung in the Akathist, "Blessed birth of the Russian land and an olive branch from the root of the Russian land."

See also:

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Lived on the earth for a man-lo-age, the husband of a gigantic si-ly du-ha, his name is Si-lu-an. He prayed for a long time with an uncontrollable cry: “For-me-lu-me,” but God did not listen to him. Many months passed by such a prayer, and the strength of his soul was gone; he went to ot-cha-i-niya and rose-click-zero: "You are relentless!" And when, with these words, in his from-could-not-neck from-cha-i-niya soul-she something was-to-tear-elk, he suddenly for a moment I saw the deeds of the living Christ; the fire filled his heart and all his bodies with such force that if the vision had lasted another moment, he would have died. After that, he could never forget to be not-ra-zi-mo meek, demon-pre-del-but-loving, happy, not-sti-zhi -my world-full-full-eye of Christ and the following long years of my life, tirelessly, but witness-de-tel-stvo -shaft that God is love, love without measure, not-sti-zh-may.

About him, this wi-de-te-le Divine love, we have a word to say.

Athos schema-mo-nah father Si-lu-an (secular name - Se-men Iva-no-vich An-to-nov) was born in 1866 in Tam-Bov-skaya gu -ber-nii, Le-be-din-sko-go county, Shov-sky in-lo-sti and se-la. He came to Athos in 1892, in the mantle of haircut in 1896; in schema - in 1911. Hearing pro-ho-dil: on the mill-ni-tse, on Ka-la-ma-rei-me-to-he (vla-de- mo-on-stay-rya outside Athos), in Old Na-mountain Rus-si-ke, in Eco-no-miya. He died on September 24, 1938. These few facts are scoop-well-you from the for-mu-la-ra of Athos-th mo-on-stay.

From "born" to "deceased" - everything is poor, there is nothing to talk about; ka-sat-sya the same inner-ren-her life-no che-lo-ve-ka before God - de-lo immodest, bold-but-ven-noe. In the middle of the square of the world, to open the "deep-bo-some heart-tse" hri-sti-a-ni-na - almost sacred; but I am sure that now the old-tsu, who has gone-she-mu from the world in-be-di-te-lem mi-ra, is no longer afraid of anything, no longer don’t break it forever in God, pos-in-lim se-be in-torture to tell-say about him through-you-tea-but god - that, royally, but richly of life, referring to those few, some who themselves are attracted to the same divine noah life.

Many, co-with-ka-sa-essing with mo-na-ha-mi in general and with the elder Si-lu-a-nom in particular, do not see in there is nothing special about them, and in some way they remain uncomfortable . Pro-is-ho-dit is because they go to mo-na-hu with the wrong measure, with the wrong-wild-we-we-tre-bo-wa-ni -i-mi and is-ka-ni-i-mi.

Mo-nah would-be-wa-et in a constant motion, and often through-you-tea-but on-strong-wife-nom, but right-in-glorious mo -nah - not f-kir. His accomplishment-shen-but does not captivate to-sti-the-same-tion by means of special exercises of his own -tia of psi-chi-che-forces, that so they-ne-ru-et many ignorant is-ka-te-lyam of mi-sti-che-sky life. Mo-nah leads a strong, strong, stubborn scolding, some of them, like father Si-lu-an, lead a ti-ta-no-che-boo , unknown to the world, for killing the mountain-to-the-th beast in yourself, for becoming a man-lo-ve-com, under-ling-ny man-lo- ve-com, according to the model of the co-ver-shen-no-go Che-lo-ve-ka of Christ, i.e. meek-kim and humble-ren-nym.

Strange, incomprehensible to the world of christian life; everything in it is pa-ra-dok-sal-but, everything is in a row, as it were, in reverse order mi-ra, and there is no possibility to explain the thread her word. The only way to ura-zu-me-niyu is to do the will of God, i.e. blu-sti for-ve-di-Christ; the path indicated by Im Sa-mim.

Childhood and young years

From the long life of the old man, I want to bring in a few facts that are-la-yu-shchi-sya-for-the-tel-us-mi for his internal -ren-her life and at the same time his "is-that-ri-her." The first of them dates back to his early childhood, when he was no more than 4 years old. His father, like many Russian peasants, loved to have a go-ste-pri-im-of-country-no-kam. One day, on a holiday, with special pleasure, he invited to himself a certain book-go-no-shu, on- de-essing from him, like a man-lo-ve-ka "book-no-go," to learn something new and interesting, because he was dear to his "that-but-that" and greedily yearning for knowledge and enlightenment. In the house of go-stu, tea and food would be offered. Little Se-men (worldly name), with curiosity, re-ben-ka looked at him and pay attention, but listen to be-se-de. Book-go-no-sha do-ka-zy-val from-tsu that Christ is not God and that in general there is no God. Mal-chi-ka Se-me-na is especially-ben-but in-ra-zi-whether the words: "Where is He, God?", and he thought-small: "When are you- ras-that pain-shoy, then all over the earth go to seek God. When the guest left, Se-men said to his father: "You teach me to pray, and he says that there is no God." To this, the father said: "I thought he was a smart man, but he turned out to be a fool. Don't listen to him." But the father’s answer didn’t come from the boy’s soul with me.

Many years have passed since then. Se-men grew up, became a big healthy guy and worked ne-da-le-ku from their village, in the estate of Prince Tru-bets-ko th. Ra-bo-ta-whether they are ar-te-lew, Se-men in the quality of a hundred-la-ra. Art-tel-shchi-kov had-la ku-har-ka, de-re-Viennese ba-ba. One day she ho-di-la on bo-go-mo-le and in-se-ti-la mo-gi-lu for-me-cha-tel-no-go in motion-no-ka - for-creation-ni-ka John-on Se-ze-nov-sko-go (1791-1839). Upon returning, she told-sa-la about the holy life-no for-the-creator-no-ka and that on his might-gi-le would-va-yut chu-de -sa. Some of the existing ones confirm the stories about miracles, and everyone says that John was a saint human.

Hearing this be-se-du, Se-men is thought-small: "If he is a saint, then, then, God is with us, and there is nothing for me to walk all over earth - seek Him, "and with this thought, the young heart for-go-re-moose love-view to God.

Surprise-ve-tel-noe yav-le-nie, from four-you-reh-years-not-to-de-vyat-on-tsa-ti-years-not-age-ra-ta pro-der- the thought sank into the soul of the re-ben-ka at the hearing of the book-go-no-shi; a thought, someone-paradise, vi-di-mo, cha-go-ti-la him, remaining somewhere in the depths of unresolved, and once again -re-she-she-was in such a strange and, it would seem, in a-wi-th way.

After the fact that Se-men felt himself to-be-re-shim faith, his mind came to-le-drank-sya to the pa-me-ti of God , and he prayed a lot with crying. Then, at the same time, he felt in himself an inner-of-me-not-ing and an attraction to monasticism, and, as he said himself, the priest, he began to look at the young beautiful-si-s to the prince with love, but without the same-la-niya, as at the sister, then -when, as before, the sight of them demon-po-ko-silt him. At that time, he even asked his father to send him to Ki-e-vo-Pe-cher Lav-ra, but father ka-te-go-ri-che-ski answered: "Sleep-cha-la con-chi in the en-th service, and then you will be free to go."

In such an unusual so-sto-i-nii, Se-men stayed for three months; because of that, it was from-stu-pi-lo from him, and he again began to make friends with his peers, no-ka-mi, go-lying with the girls for village, drink vodka, play har-mo-ni-ke and, in general, live like other de-re-Viennese couples.

Mo-lo-doy, beautiful, strong, and by that time already for-exact, Se-men was waiting for life. In the se-le, he is loved-by-li for the ho-ro-shi mi-ro-lu-bi-vy and all-se-ly ha-rak-ter, and the girls looked at him as for-view-but-no-ha. He himself was carried away by one of them and, before he was put in question about the wedding, in the late evening, it happened with them " ordinary."

At the same time, at the same time, that the next morning, when he worked with his father, he quietly said to him: "Sy- nok, where were you yesterday, bo-le-lo my heart." These meek words of the father for-pa-li in the soul of Se-me-na, and later, remembering him, the old man said: "I am in me -ru didn’t come from my father. day" instead of "today," he taught in the church by ear, but he was a meek and wise man.

They had a big family: father, mother, five brothers-sy-no-wei and two do-che-ri. Do they live together and friendly. Adult brothers ra-bo-ta-li with their father. One day, during harvest time, Se-me-well had to cook something in the afternoon; would-la Friday; forgetting about it, he cooked pigs, and everyone ate. Half a year has passed since that day, already in winter, on some holiday, my father says to Se-me-nu with a soft smile:

Son, do you remember how you fed me a swine in the field? But after all, it would be Friday; you know, I used to eat it like a bitch then.

Why didn't you tell me then?

I, son, did not want to embarrass you.

Ras-tell-ing-wai about good cases from her life in her father’s house, old man do-ba-vil: “Here I am I would like to have: he never once fought, he was always smooth and meek. I was waiting for a convenient mi-well-you to correct me and not embarrass me.

Elder Si-lu-an was a very big physical force. He was still with all his youth, before the military service, one day at Easter, after a plentiful meat-no-th lunch, which -when his brothers dispersed among the guests, and he stayed at home, his mother offered him “egg-no-tsu”; he doesn’t give up; mother sva-ri-la him a whole chu-gun, up to a lu-hundred eggs, and he ate everything.

In those years, he worked with his brothers on the estate of Prince Tru-bets-ko-go and on holidays sometimes went to trak-shooting gallery; were there any cases that he would drink a “quarter” (2.5 liters) of water in one evening, but he wouldn’t be drunk.

One day, in a strong frost, hitting after from-the-pe-whether, he sat in a hundred-I-scrap yard. One of the hundred-yal-tsev, pe-re-no-che-vav-shey there, wanted to return home; he went to hide his horse, one-on-one soon returned, saying:

Be-yes! I need to go, and I can’t: the ice ob-lo-lived lo-sha-di ko-py-ta in a thick layer, and she doesn’t give-to beat him from pain .

Se-men go-vo-rit:

Let's go, I can help you.

At the ko-nyushny, he took the neck of lo-sha-di oko-lo go-lo-you under the arm and go-vo-rit mu-zhi-ku: "Obi-wai." The horse all the time stopped-I-la didn’t move-loh-nu-shis; the man beat the ice off the co-pyt, harnessed it and left.

Go-ly-mi ru-ka-mi Se-men could take a hot chu-gun with shcha-mi and transfer it from the stove to the table, for some-eye ra -bo-ta-la their ar-tel. With a hit-rum ku-la-ka, he could re-re-beat to-free-but-thick dos-ku. He lifted-no-small big weights and gave a big you-nose-whether in both heat and cold, he could eat very much -gu and a lot of work.

But this power, some kind of paradise, later served him to perform many exceptional moves, while time would-la at the same time his sa-mo-th-pain-sho-go-ha, for which he brought through-you-tea-noe .

One day, on the holy feast of se-la, in the afternoon, when all the people lived-whether ve-se-lo be-se-do-wa-li near their huts , Se-men with that-va-ri-shcha-mi walked along the street, playing paradise on gar-mo-ni-ke. Two brothers went to meet them - sa-please-no-ki se-la. The eldest - a man of enormous stature and strength, a large scan-da-list, was on-ve-se-le. When they were equal, the sa-pozh-nick became funny-from-no-mother to Se-men; but he managed to re-re-give it to his-e-th-va-ri-schu. Standing against sa-please-no-ka, Se-men ugo-va-ri-val his "pro-ho-dit his-do-ro-goy", but that one, on-me-re-va- being, in a vi-di-mo-mu, to-show your superiority over all the guys-nya-mi se-la on such a day when all the girls would it be on the street and with laughter on the blu-yes-whether the stage, well, on-throw-strength on Se-me-on. And this is how the old man himself told about this:

At first I thought to give in to drink, but suddenly I felt ashamed that the girls would laugh, and I hit him hard in the chest; he is yes-le-ko from-le-tel from me and a load-but-wa-po-li-sya on-a-draw in the middle-to-ro-gi; from his mouth flowed pen-on and blood. Everyone was-pu-ha-lis, and I; I think: killed. And so I stand. At this time, the younger brother, sa-please, took a big boulder-ski from the ground and threw it at me, I managed to dodge; a stone hit me in the back, then I said to him: "Well, do you want the same thing to happen to you?" - and move towards him, but he ran away. Long pro-le-zhal sa-pozh-nick on the road; people ran away and, if possible, washed him with cold water. It took no less than an hour before he could get up, and it was with difficulty from-ve-whether to mine. He spent two months, but, fortunately, he remained alive, but I had to be careful for a long time: the brothers sa- no-ka with your-and-mi then-va-ri-scha-mi by ve-che-ram with du-bin-ka-mi and but-zha-mi under-ste-re-ha-li me-nya in the back-streets, but God saved me.

So in the noise, mo-lo-doy life-no-began already for-de-sh-shat-sya in the soul Se-me-at the first call of God to my-on-she-sko in a move, but having taken him, God again called him with some kind of vi-de-no-eat.

One day, after a net-lo-wise-ren-but about-ve-den-no-th time, he fell asleep and in the state of I saw someone in a dream that a snake penetrated through his mouth into his mouth. He felt numbness in his neck and woke up. At this time, he hears the words: “You swallowed a snake in a dream, and you are against; so I don’t feel good to look at what you are doing -eat."

Se-men did not see anyone. He heard only a voice that carried these words, which, in its own sweetness and beauty, was perfect but unusually ny. Action, they were pro-of-ve-den-noe, for all their ti-ho-sti and sweetness, it was shaking. According to the deep-bo-to-mu and not-to-my-no-mu conviction of the old man - that was the voice of My God-go-ro-di-tsy. Until the end of his days, he blessed the Mother of God, that She did not rejoice at them, but Sa-ma bless-go-li-la set it and re-stand from pa-de-niya. He said: “Now I see how the Lord-in-du and God-she Ma-te-ri sorry for the people. Our Mother came from heaven to hurt me, young man, in sins.

The fact that he didn’t get to see Vla-dy-chi-tsu, he added-pi-sy-val unclean-those, in someone swarm would-be-shaft in that moment.

This secondary call, made not long before the military service, already had a decisive choice further-her-she-go-ty. Its first consequence was the root of me-non-life, having taken an unkind bias. Se-men felt deep shame for his past and began to go-rya-cho-ka-yat-sya before God. Decision on the windows-of-a-nii of the military-en-noy service would go to mo-to-stay back-well-elk with a smart-female power-loy. An acute feeling of sin woke up in him and, in the strength of this, of me-no-elk, from no-no-no-ne to everything that he saw in life. This, because of me, did not say, not only in his personal actions and in-ve-de-ni, but also in his through-you-tea-but in-te -res-nyh be-se-dah with people.

Time in service

In-en-nuyu service-bu Se-men from-would-shaft in Peter-burg-ge, in the Life Guards, in the sa-per-nom ba-ta-lyon. Going to the service with a lively faith and a deep-bo-kim-ka-yan-y feeling, he did not re-re-stand to remember about God.

In the army, he is very loved-by-whether as a sol-yes-that is always used-half-no-tel-no-go, calm-no-go, ho-ro-she-go-ve -de-nia, and then-va-ri-shchi as a faithful and welcome friend; however, it was not uncommon in Russia, where the salt-yes-you lived very brotherly.

One day, on the eve of a holiday, with three guards-dei-tsa-mi of the same ba-ta-llo-on, he went from-right to the city. They went into a large one-hundred-personal tavern-shooting gallery, where there was a lot of light and a loud play of music; for-ka-for-whether dinner with water and loudly be-se-do-wa-li. Se-men was more silent. One of them asked him:

Se-men, you keep silent, what are you thinking about?

I think: we are sitting now in a truck-ti-re, we eat, we drink water, we listen to m-zy-ku and we-se-lim-sya, and on Athos those now they are doing a vigil and all night they will be praying; so - which of us on the Terrible Su-de will give the best answer, they or we?

Then another one said:

What a man-lo-age Se-men! We listen to music and ve-se-lim-sya, and he is on Mount Athos and on the Terrible Su-de with his mind.

The words of the guard-dei-ts about Se-men: "and he is with his mind on Athos and on the Terrible Su-de" can be from-not-se-na not only to that mo-men -the one when they are si-de-li in the truck-ti-re, but also to all the time he was in the military service. His thought about Athos, by the way, was exalted in the fact that he sent that money several times. One day he went from Ust-Izhora-sko-go-la-ge-rya, where their ba-ta-lyon stood in the summer, to mail in the village of Kol-pi-no to make a re-re-water de-neg to Athos. On the way back, still not far from Kol-pi-na, on the way, straight to meet him be-zha-la be-she-naya co- ba-ka; when she was already approaching with everything and was about to throw herself at him, he said with fear: "Mr. di, mi-lui!" As soon as he said this short prayer, like some kind of si-la from-bro-si-la so-ba-ku in a hundred-ro-well, word-but she stumbled on something; bending around Se-me-n, she is be-zha-la in the village, where there is a lot of harm to both people and cattle.

This case led to Se-me-to a deep impression. He lived in a sense of the closeness of God who kept us, and even more strongly attached himself to the pas of God.

Having finished his service in the guards, Se-men did not take long before the soldier-dates of his age went home together with the company pi-sa- rem went to his father to ask for his prayers and blessings. Father John, they didn’t stop in Kronstadt and decided to leave letters. The pi-sar began to write some kind of wise letter in a beautiful black-and-black letter, and Se-men wrote only a few words: "Ba -tyush-ka, ho-choo go to mo-na-hi; please, so that the world does not hold me.

They returned to St. Petersburg in the barracks, and, according to the Elder, the very next day he felt, that around him "the infernal flame is buzzing."

After leaving Peterburg, Se-men came to my place and stayed there for one whole week. Quickly collect canvases and other gifts for him for the monastery. He said goodbye to everyone and left for Athos. But from the day that Father John of Kronstadt prayed for him, the "hellish flame gou-de-lo" around him did not stop, where no matter how he was: in the po-ez-de, in Odessa, on the pa-ro-ho-de, and even on Athos in the mo-on-sta-re, in the temple, in all du.

Arrival to Holy Mountain

Mo-na-she-sky in dvi-gi

Pri-e-hal Se-men on the Holy Mountain in the autumn of 1892 and stepped into the Russian mo-on-stay of the holy ve-li-ko-mu-che -no Pan-te-le-and-mo-on. A new, moving life began.

According to the Athonite customs, but-in-the-initial-listener "brother Si-me-on" had to spend a few days at half-hour -something to remember your sins for a lifetime and, from-lo-live their writing-men-but, use-ve-give a spirit-how-no-ku. Is-py-you-va-e-my infernal mu-che-ing in-ro-di-lo in it is unstoppable-my hot-ra-ra-ka-i-nie. In the Ta-in-stvo For-ka-i-niya, he wanted to free his soul from everything that t-a-go-ti-lo it, and in some way with go- comrade-no-stu and great fear, in no way justifying himself, he gave all the de-i-niya of his life.

The spirit-nick said to brother Si-meo-nu: “You gave your sins before God and know that they are forgiven you. .. From now on, let's put on a new life... Go in peace and rejoice that the Lord has brought you to this place become spa-se-niya".

Introduced brother Si-me-on into the spiritual feat of the ve-ko-y way of the Athos mo-na-styr-sky life, full of -stan-noy pa-my-tyu about God: prayer in a cell-liya on-one, long-term divine service in the temple, in a hundred and vigilance, frequent use and partaking, reading, labor, listening. Soon, he mastered Jesus-co-woo mo-lit-woo by the chet-kam. A little time passed, only about three weeks, and one day in the evening, when praying before the image of Bo-go-ro- di-tsy mo-lit-va entered into his heart and began to do there day and night, but then he still didn’t understand the great things and red-ko-sti da-ra, in-lu-chen-no-go to them from God-she-her Ma-te-ri.

Si-me-he's brother was patient, kind-hearted, obedient; in the mo-at-sta-re he was loved-by-li and praise-li-li for the right work-bo-tu and good character, and it was with him -yat-but. Did you then come to him in thought: “You live sacredly: for-ka-yal-sya, sin-khi you-be-for-you-we, mo- only-sya incessantly, in-hear-sha-ing, use-half-nya-eat ho-ro-sho.

Mind, listen-no-ko-le-ball-sya with these thoughts, and tre-vo-ha pro-no-ka-la in the heart, but due to inexperience he is not small for her, what, in fact, is going on with him.

One day, at night, someone’s cell was filled with a strange light, someone pro-no-hall, and even his body so that he saw affairs and internal-ren-no-sti. We sat down and said to him: “Get it, it’s a blessing,” one-on-one, the soul, listening, was embarrassed at the same time, and he remained in great perplexity.

After seeing the countries of the world, did demons appear to him, and he, na-iv-ny, with them once-go-va-ri -Val "as with people." Gradually-but on-pa-de-niya usi-li-va-lis, sometimes they say to him: "You are now a saint," and sometimes: - "You're not going to sleep." Brother Si-me-he asked once a be-sa: "Why do you say to me in a different way: that I am holy, that I shall not be saved?" The demon, laughingly, answered: "We never tell the truth."

Change to de-mo-no-che-suggestions, then ascending to the "heaven" in the mountains, then lower-ver-ga-yu-shchih in the eternal new death, oppress-ta-la soul-shu mo-lo-to-to-listen-to, to-vo-dya to from-cha-i-niya, and he prayed with through-you-tea-nym on-string-the same-no-eat. He slept little and snatch-ka-mi. A strong physi-che-ski, a genuine bo-ga-tyr, he didn’t go to bed in bed, but he spent all the night in mo-lit-ve or standing , or sit on a ta-bu-ret-ke. From-not-mo-gay, he sat down for 15-20 minutes and then got up again on mo-lit-vu.

Pro-ho-di-whether month after month, and mu-chi-tel-ness de-mo-no-che-skih on-pa-de-ny all voz-ras-ta-la. Spiritual forces mo-lo-do-to-listen-no-ka-whether to fall-give and his mu-stvo from-no-mo-ha-lo, fear gi-be- whether and from-cha-i-niya - grew-whether, the horror of hopeless-no-sti more and more often overwhelmed all of his being. He went to the next-not-from-cha-i-niya and, sitting in his cell in the pre-evening-black time, he thought small: "It is impossible to pray to God." With this thought, he felt complete abandonment, and his soul was plunged into the darkness of infernal tom-le-tion and melancholy.

On the same day, at the time of evening, in the church of the holy prophet Elijah, which is aground, to the right of the royal gates, where on-ho-dit-sya local icon-on the Spa-si-te-la, he saw the deeds of the living Christ.

"Lord-god-not-sti-zhi-mo appeared mo-lo-to-mu in a listen-no-ku" - and all being, and my body itself is used by no-elk with fire, b-go-da-ti of the Holy Spirit, with that fire, someone the Lord brought down to earth with His coming -eat (). From the vision of Si-me-he came to from-not-can-be, and the Lord hid himself.

It is impossible to describe that state of affairs, in which he was at that hour. His axis was a great Divine light, he was withdrawn, as it were, from the world and with the spirit ascended to heaven, where he heard the unknown -nye gla-go-ly, at that moment he received, as it were, a new birth from above (). The meek gaze of all-for-you-th-th-th-th, without-measure-but-loving-by-sche-th, ra-dignity-no-tho-hundred Christ attracted to himself everything -lo-ve-ka and then, hiding, sweet-to-stuy of the love of God-she-it-hit his spirit in the contemplation of the Godhead is already outside about-ra-call of the world. Subsequently, in his pi-sa-ni-yah, he endlessly repeats that the Lord knew by the Holy Spirit that God he saw in the Holy Spirit. He also affirmed that when the Lord Himself appears to the soul, then it cannot fail to recognize in Him its Creator and God.

Knowing your resurrection and seeing the light of the true and eternal being, the soul of Si-meo-for the first time me after yav-le-niya pe-re-zhi-va-la pas-chal-noe tor-same-stvo. Everything would be ho-ro-sho: and the world is ve-li-ko-le-pen, and people are nice, and at-ro-yes-ra-zi-mo is beautiful-on , and the body became different, light, and the strength, as it were, was added to the ba-moose. But in a step-by-step-but-feel-my-action of b-go-yes-ti began to weaken. Why? What to do in order not to-pu-stit this po-te-ri?

At-cha-moose, pay attention-ma-tel-noe is-ka-ing from-ve-ta to the growing incompetence in the co-ve-tah of the spirit-hov-no-ka and in your re-ni-yah of the holy fathers-as-ke-tov. "During the time of mo-lit-you keep your mind clean from all-tho-o-o-ra-zhe-niya and thought-la and enclose it in the words mo -lit-you," the elder father Ana-to-liy from Holy Ru-si-ka told him. At the elder Ana-to-liya Si-me-he spent up to a hundred exact time. Father Ana-to-liy finished his teaching and useful conversation with the words: “If you are now like that, then what are you going to get old?" It’s so good, but with his surprise, he gave mo-lo-do-mu in a move-no-ku strong reason for vanity-glory, with someone else, he still didn’t know how to fight.

At mo-lo-do-go and still inexperienced-no-go mo-na-ha scold with vain-sla-wee. Pride and vanity-glory entail all the troubles and pa-de-nia: leave the blessings, the heart cools down, donkey-be -va-et mo-lit-va, mind races-se-and-va-et-sya and na-chi-na-yut-sya at the same time passionate thoughts.

Mo-lo-doy mo-nah Si-lu-an in a degree-pen-but on-teaching-is-sya more perfect as-ke-ti-che-sky in a move- din, some-rye pain-shin-stvo in general seems to be impossible. His sleep is still intermittent - several times a day for 15-20 minutes. He doesn’t go to bed as before, he sleeps sitting on a ta-bu-ret-ke; pre-be-va-et in labor during the day, like a worker; carries a feat of inner-ren-not-go-listening - from-se-che-thing of one’s own will; learns the possibility of more than a half of pre-giving oneself to the will of God; voz-der-zhi-va-et-sya in food, in be-se-dah, in motion-same-no-yah; for a long time, praying to the mind of Jesus, with-howling prayer. And despite all his efforts, the light of b-go-yes-ti often leaves him, and the demons of the crowd surround him at night.

Change-on with-hundred-i-ny, then some swarm of bla-go-yes-ty, then left-len-no-sti and de-mo-no-che-sky on-pa-de-ny , not pro-ho-dit fruitless. Bless-go-da-rya this change of soul and diligently is-ka-nii is-ho-yes.

Fifteen years have passed since the day the Lord appeared to him. And then one day, in one of such mu-chi-tel-nyh bo-re-nies with be-sa-mi, when, despite all the old-ra-nia, chi -one hundred prayers fail, Si-lu-an gets up from ta-bu-re-ta to make clones, but sees before co- the battle of a huge figure of a be-sa, a hundred-I-sche-go-forward-re-di icons and expect-yes-y-th-th-th-clo-on-se-be; cell-liah half-on be-owls. Si-lu-an's father again sits on ta-bu-ret and, on-clo-niv go-lo-vu, with heart disease go-vo-rit mo-lit -woo: “Lord, you see that I want to pour you with a pure mind, but the devils don’t let me. Teach me, what should I do so that they do not interfere with me? And there was an answer in his soul: "Proud people always suffer so much from demons." "Lord-po-di, - go-vo-rit Si-lu-an, - teach me what I should do, so that my soul will be humbled." And again in the heart there is an answer from God: "Keep your mind in hell and not from-cha-and-wai-sya."

From now on, his soul was opened not from-attraction-but-in-tel-lek-tu-al-no, but being-ty-but, that the root of all sins, se -mya death is pride; that God is the Sme-re-nie, and in a certain way, the la-yu-shchy to reap God should be to reap the re-re-nie. He knew that it was unsaid-zan-but sweet-whether-some media-re-ing of Christ, someone-swarm he would-yes-but re-live in time -my Yav-le-niya, there is an inseparable-le-my property of Divine love, Divine being. From now on, he in-is-ti-well knew that the whole feat should be directed to the achievement of the media. He would-but would-lo know the great tai-well of Being, be-ty-but know.

He went through the spirit of the tai-well struggle-would-be-do-no-go, someone after the appearance of the Lord to him in the temple at the time me li-tur-gyi, pe-re-zhi-vaya in-te-ryu bla-go-yes-ti and bo-go-left-len-ness, you-sya-chu days and you-sya-chu but -whose stood in the wilderness on a stone, crying out: "God, have mercy on me, sin-no-mu."

He opened a genuine meaning and strength from-ve-ta pre-be-good-no-go to his teacher: "Believe me, cha-yes! Where sa-ta-na, there I will be. He realized that the pre-beautiful was sent by God to the Aleks-san-dry-sky-sa-pl-no-ku to learn the same de-la-nia: from sa-please-no-ka, he learned how to mouse: "Everything is spa-day, I'm the only one who perishes."

He knew in the experience of his life that, according to the spirit of the spiritual battle with evil, kos-mi-che-evil, is his own new heart of a man-lo-ve-ka. He saw in spirit that the deepest root of sin is pride, - this scourge of man-lo-ve-che-stva, tearing people from God and the grieving world into innumerable troubles and suffering; this is a genuine seed of death, enveloping the neck of a man-lo-ve-thing with darkness from-cha-i-niya. From now on, Si-lu-an, you-y-y-y-y-ying-gi-gant du-ha, all your powers are co-medium-do-to-chit on the move for the media-re- the vision of Christ, he would have known something in the first manifestation, but he did not save something.

Mo-nah Si-lu-an, after the Lord-on-the-go was given to him, from-blood-ve-niya firmly became on the spiritual path. Since that day, his "love-be-my song-new," as he himself you-ra-sorry-sya, sta-but-wit-sya: "Soon I'll die, and oka-yan-naya du my sha will descend into a cramped black hell, and there I will be alone in the gloomy flame and cry for the Lord: "Where are you , the light of the soul-shi my-her? Why did you leave me? I can not live without you".

This is a de-la-nie with-ve-lo soon to the world of the soul-shi and pure mo-lit-ve. But even this fiery path turned out to be not short.

Grace-to-give no longer leaves him as before: he feels it in his heart, he feels the living presence of God ha; he is full of surprise before mi-lo-ser-di-em God-zhi-im, the deep world of Christ-s-se-scha-et him; The Holy Spirit again gives him the power of love. And although now he is no longer the same non-intelligent one that he was before; although he would have come out of a long and hard struggle; ho-tya from him you-ra-bo-tal-sya is a great spiritual fighter, - one-on-one and now he suffered from ko-le-ba-ny and from-men-chi-in-sti man-lo-ve-che-sky on-tu-ry and continued to cry-not-ra-zi-my cry-than hearts, when mind-la-las in it bla-go-give. And so for another fifteen whole years, until he didn’t get the strength of one ma-but-ve-no-em mind, no way you didn’t zha-e-mym outwardly, re-ra-reap what was previously hard for him.

Through a pure smart mo-lit-wu, move-nick on-teaching-is-ve-kim tai-nam du-ha. Going with your mind into your heart, sleep-cha-la, this is a flesh-heart, he na-chi-na-et pro-no-kat into those depths of him, to something is no longer flesh. He finds his deep heart, spiritual, me-ta-fi-zi-che, and in it he sees that the being of all things lo-ve-che-stva is not something alien to him, aside from it, but somehow connected with his personal being.

"Our brother is our life," the old man said. Through the love of Christ-hundred-vu, all people are re-pried-ni-ma-yut-sya, as an inseparable-le-may part of our personal eternally -tiya. For-for-after all - to love your neighbor as sa-mo-go-se-bya - he is na-che-na-motherwise not like this-che-nor-mu; in the word, as he sees, the indication is not on the measure of love, but on the he-lo-gi-ches-sky community of being.

"The Father does not judge anyone, but gave all judgment to Si-nu ... because He is the Son of a man" (Jn: 5:22-27). This Son of a man-lo-ve-che-sky, Ve-li-ky Su-dya mi-ra, - on the Terrible Su-de will say that "one from the least of these" is He Himself ; in other words, He generalizes the being of each person with His own, includes it in His personal being. All man-ve-th-stvo, "all-god-Ada-ma," took it into Himself and suffered for all-go-go-Ada-ma.

After the experience of hellish suffering, after the decree of God: "Keep your mind in hell" for the elder Si-lu-a-na, it would be especially ben-but ha-rak-ter-nym to pray for the dead, then-me-things in hell, but he prayed the same way for the living, and for the dirt blowing. In his prayer, you-ho-div-shey for the pre-de-ly time-me-ni, is-che-for-la the thought of the pre-ho-dying yav-le-ni-yah che-lo-ve-che-sky life, about enemies. He would have, yes, but in sorrow for the world, divide people into those who knew God and those who did not know Him. It would be unbearable for him to know that people would be so-mite "in the darkness of the cro-mesh."

In be-se-de with one mo-na-hom-pu-styn-no-one, someone said: "God na-ka-zhet all without-god-no-kov They will burn in eternal fire "- obviously, he is getting-la-lo-satisfied-your-re-nie that they will be on-ka-za- we are eternal fire - to this, the old man Si-lu-an with a vi-di-my soul wave-no-no-it said: "Well, tell me, in- oh-lui-hundred, if it’s s-sa-dyat you-you go to heaven, and you will go from there-yes, see how someone burns in hellfire, will you by-ko-en?" - "And what do you de-la-eat, sa-mi vi-no-va-you" - from-ve-til mo-nah. Then the old man with a mournful face replied: "Love can't do this in a way ... We need to pray for everyone."

And he actually prayed for everyone; praying only for himself became unusual for him. All people under the same faith are sin-hu, all the glory is to God-she-she (). For him, vi-dev-she-th already in the measure given to him, the glory of God and re-living-she-she-she-she-she, one thought about such -vom-she-nii would-la heavy-ka. His soul was knowing that people live, not knowing God and His love, and he prayed mo-lit-howl, so that the Lord, in my in-ve-di-my love of His, would give them Himself to know.

Until the end of his life, despite the pa-da-u-thing forces, and the pain, he kept the habit of sleeping snatch-ka- mi. He has a lot of time left for a solitary prayer, he is a hundred-yan-but prayed-sya, me-nya in for-wee -mo-sti from ob-hundred-new-ki about-time mo-lit-you, but especially-ben-but strengthened-whether-va-lased his prayer no-whose, until morning. Then he prayed for the living and the dead, for friends and enemies, for the whole world.

So-sta-vi-li Na-ta-liya Bu-fi-us and Bishop Alexander (Mi-le-ant)


Troparion to the Monk Silouan of Athos, tone 2

Serafimsky love of the state is scattered by the jealousy,/ and Jeremiah, about the crying of the people,/ dual for the imitator,/ all the sigine of the mate of the state of power,/ sniring the sinful husband, and the mighty of the man, and in the city, and in the city and the city / where in labors and prayers with tears / abundantly acquiring the grace of the Holy Spirit, / ignite our hearts / and with you tenderly cry out strengthen: / My Lord, my Life and Holy Joy, / / ​​save the world and us from all evil.

Translation: an ardent zealot of love for the Lord, and, about the weeping people, a zealous imitator, all-blessed Father Silouan, you, heeding the call of the Mother of the Lord of forces, cast out a sinful snake with prudent courage, and on Mount Athos from the vanity of the world retired, where in labors and prayers with tears abundantly acquired the Holy Spirit, inflame our hearts with it and humbly cry out with you: “My Lord, my Life and Holy Joy, save the world and us from all disasters.”

John troparion to the Monk Silouan of Athos, tone 4

Christ the Teacher / on the way, having humbly prayed, thou hast / to the witness of the Spirit in thy heart salvation. / For this sake, now all people are rejoicing / for your memory in the hope of the title, / like our father, Silvanus Khp, we pray

Translation: Christ the Teacher on the way, having humbly prayed, you accepted, testifying by the Spirit of salvation in your heart m. Therefore, all people rejoice now on the day of your memory, called to hope, reverend father Silouan, pray to Christ God for the salvation of our souls.

Kontakion to the Monk Silouan of Athos, tone 2

Smirichemodriy, the rejupportant, is the forefront,/ and manoli prayer saints warmly kind,/ God is like Siluan,/ Rossiye is haired by your zerkov,/ Ino is more likely, I am a good thing, I am a good thing. Equal to the angels of God, / in the hedgehog we will be saved, imitating you in burning love.

Translation: An amazing confessor and philanthropy, beauty warmed by the Holy Spirit, beloved by God Siluan, the Russian Church rejoices in your feat, the monks of Mount Athos and all Christians, rejoicing, aspire to God with filial love. Pray him for us, equally angelic God, for our salvation, imitating you in the burning of love.

In kontakion to the Monk Silouan of Athos, tone 3

O all-blessed Silouan, diligently cleanse my soul, overwhelmed with passion, with your prayers, and call with joy, as if glory to the one who has acquired from God, glory to Christ who glorified you, glory to the one who surprised you, glory to you meekly.

Translation: zealously cleanse my overwhelmed soul, all-blessed Silouan, with your prayers, but I appeal to you with joy, as having acquired glory from God: “Glory to Christ who glorified you, glory to Him who showed you in miracles, glory to you, who appeared in and filled with infinite joy.”

Prayer to Saint Silouan of Athos

Oh, the wonderful servant of God, Father Silouan! By the grace given to you from God, pray tearfully for the whole universe, the dead, the living and the future, do not be silent for us to the Lord, who zealously fall to you and tenderly ask for your intercession. Подви́гни, о всеблаже́нне, на моли́тву Усе́рдную Засту́пницу ро́да христиа́нскаго, Преблагослове́нную Богоро́дицу и Присноде́ву Мари́ю, чу́дно призва́вшую тя бы́ти ве́рным де́лателем в Ея́ земно́м вертогра́де, иде́же избра́нницы Бо́жии о гресе́х на́ших ми́лостива и долготерпели́ва бы́ти Бо́га умоля́ют, во е́же не помяну́ти непра́вд и беззако́ний на́ших but by the unspeakable goodness of our Lord Jesus Christ, have compassion and save us by His great mercy. To her, the corner of the Bogy, with the condensed lord of the Mira - the holy abbess of Afon and the holy ascetic of the earthly priesthood of the saint of the holy saint of the bitterness and the God -loving, from all the troubles of all the troubles of all the troubles. Yes, the angels are saints from the evils of the deliverance and the soul of the saints in Vera and fraternal are strengthened, to the understanding of the belief about one, holy, sober and the apostles of the chain of prayer and the saving path is indicated and the uninhabited and the creative is fame and the creator is the creator. peace in eternal truth and goodness of God. Ask the peoples of the whole earth for a prosperous and peaceful life, the spirit of humility and brotherly love, goodwill and salvation, the spirit of the fear of God. Yes, not evil and lawlessness are fiercely fierce human heart, I can destroy the love of God in the human and lower than their God -perceptive enmity and fraternity, but in the sile of God's love and great -sorcative and may peace and the kingdom of God reign on earth. To the earthly domestic, the lands of Russia, the lands, the fanned world and the non -blessing, in the same time, the omnipotent omofor of the Mother of God, get rid of the storm, and our, and we, and we have a trim, and we have to do. visible and invisible, and thus the most holy house of the Most Blessed Mother of God until the end of time for him to abide the Life-Giving Cross by the power and in the love of God; the inexhaustible to be established. All of us, in the darkness of sinful sins and repentance of the warmth, lower than the suffering of the god of the noble and the blessing of a mlessedly frying of us, the unceasingly insulting us, about the all -wilahous, and the most vice -to -hearted, and they have been the best of gratings to the best of life. and the pride of life, despondency and carelessness in our hearts let it abolish. We are still praying, more about the grace of the omnipotent soul, strengthened and the love of the most warmed, in manolobia and fraternity, humble shavings and for all, in the right of love, and more closely, more closely, more closely in greatness. Yes, so, doing His all-holy will, in all piety and purity of temporal life, let us pass the path shamelessly and with all the saints of the Kingdom of Heaven and His Lamb's marriage we will be honored. To him from all earthly and Heavenly things there will be glory, honor and worship, with His Beginning Father, the Most Holy and Good, and His Life-giving Spirit, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Second Prayer to St. Silouan of Athos

О, преди́вный уго́дниче Бо́жий, преподо́бне о́тче Силуа́не, святы́я горы́ Афо́нския но́вый свети́льниче, Пресвято́ю Богоро́дицею возлю́бленный и бы́ти ве́рным де́лателем в Ея́ земне́м вертогра́де призва́нный, со умиле́нием ны́не преклоня́ем коле́на серде́ц на́ших и взыва́ем ти: принеси́ моли́тву на́шу к Всеми́лостивому Бо́гу и испроси́ вся, I am for the benefit of our souls and our bodies: faith is right, hope is undoubted, love is not hypocritical, courage in temptations, patience in malice and sickness, perseverance in piety, diligence in prayers; accept our humble prayer, warm us with the breath of your love, illumine us with the light of the grace bestowed upon you, and be an intercessor for us to the Lord, pour out your prayer to Him, may it calm the storm of our passions, and let our cold heart with the fire of its divine love and unite us with its divine love To bring him with tears, but the works of the life and scoop this one patient, rash and with the thanksgiving, and at the hour of the comprehensive life of the earthly life, the sinful of the Mori's Miloserdia is indignant and it is indifferent to their own May it grant in the Kingdom of Heaven to enjoy His Divine love together with you and all the saints, forever and ever. Amen.

Canons and Akathists

Kondak 1

Ikos 1

The Creator of Angels and the Lord of Powers from the womb of your mother pre-selected you, and, according to the Psalmist, give your heart deeply, God-bearing Father Silouan, yes, as if in a hell of a lot, containing the inconceivable name of God the Most High and by the power of God and God's Wisdom angelic life you will wholeheartedly follow. We, praising the wonderful feat of your earthly labors, reverently call you:

Rejoice, by the word of God, like sweet honey, sweetening the mind of your youth:

Rejoice, Father Silouan, in prayer for the world, the burning of love is unquenchable.

Kondak 2

Seeing you, the Most Blessed Mother of God, immersed in the abyss of sin, when sinful sweetness, like an evil-smelling serpent, enters into the womb of your youth, Motherly grieving, wonderfully cry out: child, it is regrettable for Me to see you defiled in sinful deeds. South, having comprehended your fall into sin, you wisely cast out the sinful serpent, conquering it with repentance and prayer, while loving the Lord, singing the song of thanksgiving about His Most Pure Mother: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

The Divine Mind of the fall of thee, when you were honored to hear the voice of the Mother of the Lord Forces, the chosen one of God, Siluana, and fill your heart with the grace of the Holy Spirit. The same action, like a chamois from the nets, miraculously calling thee to the Mother of God - Mount Athos, into the garden, from worldly bustle rushed thou, in a hedgehog to cleave to God son-loving. We, seeing the miraculous desire of the mistress of the world for you, tenderly call you:

Rejoice, from the darkness of sin to the light of the Truth of Christ called by the Most Pure One;

Rejoice, to be a faithful worker of Her earthly garden wondrously chosen.

Rejoice, sweet-flowing bunch of Russian lands, richly grown on Mount Athosstei;

Rejoice, unsleeping conscience, blunting the sting of sin with prayer of repentance.

Rejoice, having served God angelically in the Holy Panteleimon Monastery:

Rejoice, in labor, fasting and silence of the enemy, fighting you, gloriously conquering.

Rejoice, all the intrigues of the devil humbly right;

Rejoice, thirsting for God's undefiled faith, gloriously acquiring.

Rejoice, Father Silouan, in prayer for the world, the burning of love is unquenchable.

Kondak 3

The power of the Most High truly preserves you, when the spirit of hell and death tempts you and your soul is seduced by sinful seductions, God-loving Father Silouan. Exhausted, God is inexorable thought thou beat, then the Lord of mankind, in the inexpressible brilliance of Favorst, visit you and strengthen you with the fire of the grace of the Holy Spirit, all-blessed. But you, like Paul, having perceived a new birth, with fear and joy called to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 3

Having a wealth of grace, you were raised by the Spirit into Heaven, and you heard unspeakable words there. Truly, whoever confesses the joys, Father Blessed Siluana. Whenever, outside the images of the world, in the contemplation of the Divine, the inexpressible kindness, the infinitely loving and all-forgiving Christ God, you were honored to see the Face of you, you were filled with the inexpressible love of God. But we, wondering at your unexpressed vision of God, cry out:

Rejoice, in the ascetic labor of the faith of Christ, you were worthy of visitation and consolation;

Rejoice, thou who didst behold the goodness of His inexpressible glory.

Rejoice, heavenly Eden of wondrous beauty raised by the Holy Spirit;

Rejoice, there you were abundantly drunk with the grace-filled gifts of the Holy Comforter of the Spirit.

Rejoice, partaker of the indescribable beauty of paradise;

Rejoice, beloved of God and blessed by Him with the bounties of Heavenly kindness.

Rejoice, diligent intercessor of grace to the whole human race;

Rejoice, as a wakeful watchman, awakening us by the morning of eternal life.

Rejoice, Father Silouan, in prayer for the world, the burning of love is unquenchable.

Kondak 4

A storm of fierce temptations has been raised up on you by the murderous devil, who from time immemorial seeks to destroy, but you, Father Siluana, are instructed by the Holy Spirit: keep your mind in hell and not despair, in unceasing vigilance and humility, anticipating the intrigues of the devil, you defeated him. But he, shamed by you, does not hesitate to say that he is a liar. Taco from the nets of the enemy, your soul, like a meek dove, God kept you, constantly singing to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

Hearing about you, as if miraculously from worldly vanity to monastic feat, the former was called and by the grace of God good fruit, creating, reverend, not only the young monks, but also the elders, in the ascetic zealous temptation, I flow to you and like honey, I enjoy your deeds and words and attaining a life equal to the angels, I am like the Lord. We, seeing you adorned with humility, call you with joy:

Rejoice, inexhaustible storehouse of humility and chastity;

Rejoice, earthly Eden, fragrant and unfading.

Rejoice, lovingly carrying the good yoke of Christ in your labors;

Rejoice, thou who didst establish thy mind, heart and will in God by prayer.

Rejoice, diligent guardian of spiritual and bodily purity;

Rejoice, having ascended with unceasing prayer to the height of dispassion.

Rejoice, most zealous imitator of patristic rules;

Rejoice, unceasing herald of the Heavenly Fatherland and God's love for us.

Rejoice, Father Silouan, in prayer for the world, the burning of love is unquenchable.

Kondak 5

A star that points the way and enlightens the mind - Divine grace is given to you by the Lord, the love of God, Father Siluan, and that one, like the prophet Elijah at the stream of Chorath, strengthens you for a saving feat. But you, wonderfully nourished from the unexpected treasures of the Holy Spirit, in youth and old age, from the watch of morning until night, in prayers for the whole universe, like a flute of sweet song, incessantly cried out to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 5

We see you, O blessed Father Silouan, in a good feat, like a baby seeking milk for the mother of God's love, and flaming for that love, and tearfully crying out: remember, my soul, the love of the Lord, and warming my heart: who more will give me such a heat, hedgehog do not know me peace in the days, lower in the nights from the love of God? For this reason, we tremble in our hearts and are touched by our souls about the so much burning of your love for the All-Bountiful God, and we tenderly call to you:

Rejoice, more than sweet honey insatiably thirsty for the truth of God;

Rejoice, imitating an angel in your love for the Lord.

Rejoice, lift up the censer of pure prayers, like a fiery flame;

Rejoice, having adorned the mountain and the valley with the beauty of angelic reverence.

Rejoice, for your heart is likened to the fire of the fireless bush;

Rejoice, for your hands, like those of Moses, for the people chosen, stretching out for all before the Lord.

Rejoice, for thou hast loved thou to desire the fate of God for all time, and thou hast sought His justifications;

Rejoice, for thou hast called unceasingly to Him: save, O God, Thy people, and bless Thy inheritance.

Rejoice, Father Silouan, in prayer for the world, the burning of love is unquenchable.

Kondak 6

The preacher of incessant silence appeared thou, the servant of God, when the Lord of mankind desires to test in love and visit the All-Holy Spirit deprive you. But you, realizing yourself deprived of being that grace, like Adam, the sobbing deprivation of paradise, tearfully cried out with a broken heart: Lord! Thou didst seek me first and gave me Thou to enjoy Thy Holy Spirit, and my soul love Thee. Now my soul yearns for Thee. Sobbing sobbing, both trusting in the mercy of God, you cried out to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 6

Thou hast shone forth, God-loving Father Silouan, like a new mystic, with humility and prayer with tears, the grace of the Holy Spirit has been acquired again, from which your heart is filled with unspeakable love. But you, having comprehended the grace of sowing power, with the boldness of Elijah called out: Lord! Not only to me, grant to the whole world to know Your love and be saved! We, having thee a prayer book before God, are unsuccessful, with tenderness we call you:

Rejoice, for thou openest heaven was a prayerful crucification for the dead, the living, and the future;

Rejoice, for with love you have interceded for your soul the Kingdom of Heaven.

Rejoice, wonderful incarnation of purity of faith and malice;

Rejoice, for the fall of your neighbors, you have acquired Christ's forgiveness.

Rejoice, faithful companion of the wondrous sanctuary of the world - the saints of God;

Rejoice, Blessed Abbess of Athos, faithful novice and receptacle for the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

Rejoice, sweet-song flute of the Athos Mountains, proclaiming the coming life;

Rejoice, Toya of the garden is more difficult, vigilant, strengthening in the feat of the exhausted.

Rejoice, Father Silouan, in prayer for the world, the burning of love is unquenchable.

Kondak 7

Although the Lord of mankind, reveal in you a new radiant luminary, reverend Father Silouan, like an olive branch, from the root of the Russian land, plant in the desert of Athos, and irrigate the Holy Spirit with grace, make you fruitful: for your deeds and words, like life-giving oil, purity and chastity, piety and brotherly love thou didst instruct all. but they, bound by a union of love, punish the worst to the best, singing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 7

New hermit companion, monk and worldly mentor and teacher, reveal the Lord, blessed Siluana. You are more, still alive in the world, a certain warrior about the fall of his wife, seduced and raging in anger, taught Christ's forgiveness, and by this the Sacrament of Marriage - the small Church is preserved from destruction: the monks, fallen into despondency, calling for the acquisition of peace of mind and fear Instructing God, you led to repentance, and thus prepared the inhabitants of paradise for all. Leading thee tacos about the salvation of all, grieving, it is worthy to cry out to you with love:

Rejoice, zealous companion of the desert-lovers in the search for God;

Rejoice, diligent builder of brotherly love and warm for all the prayer book,

Rejoice, faithful companion on the path of life, in troubles and misfortunes;

Rejoice, in illnesses, and sorrows, and sorrows of the soul, the servant is not hypocritical.

Rejoice, messenger of God's love, calling everyone to reconciliation with God and your neighbors;

Rejoice, witness, as the Lord is good, strengthening the souls from sin, exhausted in the hope of forgiveness.

Rejoice, faithful ascetic of earthly Eden, tearfully interceding for the salvation of the world;

Rejoice, for all unrepentant sinners who wish to go to hell.

Rejoice, Father Silouan, in prayer for the world, the burning of love is unquenchable.

Kondak 8

Show the Lord a strange miracle to you, Blessed Father Siluana, when the elder spiritual father Abraham, transformed in His image, inexpressibly radiant, miraculously shows you and instructs us so honestly to honor the Sacrament of Penance. We, seeing you, our will, as if to the Lord Himself, spiritual father entrusting to our own, and so with humility and repentance, we cut off our evil desires, to the will of God, through the shepherds of the Church of Christ, we learn to trust, and, before our departure, avoid the wrath of God and the Judgment of the future, crying out to the Triune God: Alleluia.

Ikos 8

With all your heart and soul you have acquired the humility of Christ, the most wonderful servant of God, and crucify Him, the Beloved, for the world, tearfully crying out: Sweetest Jesus! Thou hast raised my soul to love Thee and thy neighbor. Grant me, therefore, shed tears for the whole universe, so that all people will know Thee and may they enjoy Thy peace and see the light of Thy Face. But we, in our sins, dependent on our life and save you, we bless you:

Rejoice, zealous Intercessor in prayers for the world, tireless ascetic;

Rejoice, as Jeremiah weeps for the people, irrigating the Holy Mountain with tears.

Rejoice, marvelous Ascetic of Athos, who sanctifies the whole universe with prayer;

Rejoice, as a child-loving father, for all those who perish in sins, tearfully interceding before God.

Rejoice, dearly beloved of Christ God, joy and wonder to the angels;

Rejoice, bright radiance of the North, in Athos the desert of Holy Rus' is a pure reflection.

Rejoice, in humility and obedience, revealing to the world the image of angelic beauty;

Rejoice, with the warmth of your prayer and want to make us the house of the Divine Spirit.

Rejoice, Father Silouan, in prayer for the world, the burning of love is unquenchable.

Kondak 9

All angelic nature and many ascetics marveled at your humility and philanthropy, our father Siluan, when you accepted the obedience of the economy, you became like the chaste Joseph in Egypt. And not only about the brethren of the holy monastery, but also about the worldly laborers who worked there, as if about the children of God, having care, God, who loves all His creation, you cried out for those: Lord, send Your Holy Spirit and comfort the sorrowful souls of these poor people . So, in every obedience to humility of wisdom, showing beauty, you incessantly cried out to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 9

Vetii multicasting will not be able to utter the power of your love, more than Father Siluan, you tearfully longed for all enmity and discord in people to extinguish and reconcile all with God, crying out to the Ruler of the world: Lord! I long to be with you and be crucified with you for the whole universe, so that all will be saved. Thou didst cry out to the brethren: children, pray for your enemies, for they are your brethren - your life, but the enemy of the world is only the devil. We, tacos to brotherly love and philanthropy instruct you, we call you:

Rejoice, for you have become like Christ on Golgotha ​​with your kindness;

Rejoice, not with your hands, with your heart and soul for your enemies, crucify yourself.

Rejoice, taking care of your neighbors and not losing the beauty of grace-filled silence;

Rejoice, loving your neighbors, acquiring the power of unceasing prayer.

Rejoice, thou who didst reflect the arrows of the evil one to the end with fasting and prayer;

Rejoice, thou who taught us to overcome the mischief and tricks of the devil.

Rejoice, in the mill of Christ, exhausting the flesh with labor, like with sacred bread, delighting the heart with prayer;

Rejoice, O richly nourishing the laborers of the Queen of Heaven's garden with the bread of life.

Rejoice, Father Silouan, in prayer for the world, the burning of love is unquenchable.

Kondak 10

Seeking the salvation of your soul and wishing to cling to Christ the Sweetest, from the earth your father humbly flowed to the Holy Mountain, where in abstinence and silence, industriousness and philanthropy, you acquired equal angelic beauty, all-blessed. And so blessed in the morning, when all the desert-lovers of the monasteries of Athos sang the midnight song to the Creator, you reached a good end and your soul, nourished with the Life-giving Body and Blood of the Lord, into the Divine hands of Him you betrayed, in a hedgehog incessantly with all the saints chant the saints to the Most Holy Word: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

The King of Heaven, He is glorified by the Cherubim and Seraphim and the holy cathedrals, with life, faith and love, the most zealous servant was thou, reverend and, like a fragrant creel, with all the chosen ones of the Most Pure Theotokos, at the Throne of the All-Holy Trinity appeared thou. Wake, all-blessed, for the prosperous world of the earth, your father, a zealous intercessor before God, for the Church of the Saints, an angel of vigilant prayer and a warm intercessor, let us deliver you from troubles, thankfully call you:

Rejoice, angel of the Russian land, on Holy Mountain hard at work;

Rejoice, warmest prayer book, at the Throne of God for us with love.

Rejoice, zealous intercessor before God for the people of the land of your fathers;

Rejoice, brethren of the Athos city, in the feat of the exhausted, quick representative.

Rejoice, thou who uncomplainingly bore the wounds of thy Lord upon thy body;

Rejoice, thou who hast made thy soul white with repentant tears, entrusting pure Tom.

Rejoice, faithful worker of the grapes of Christ, called to the Mountainous Zion by the Lord;

rejoice, as you are talking with the saints and angels, crowned with glory and honor.

Rejoice, Father Silouan, in prayer for the world, the burning of love is unquenchable.

Kondak 11

We bring the song of praise to you, servant of God, Father Silouan, with burning love for the Lord, for the salvation of the world, who hung on and humbled the devil with His humility, faithfully following, the desert of Athos was fragrant with a pure prayer, the image of an equal-angelic life, adorned with the many-fruited gifts of the Holy Spirit, gracefully showing us . You likened the Holy Mountain to heaven, you shamed the enemy, but you acquired the Kingdom of Heaven for your soul, urging us to cling to God with love, crying out to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 11

The light-giving Light and grace of the Holy Spirit, the bearer in life and death throughout the world, reveal the Lord in our days, reverend, in a hedgehog looking at you, with the incorruptible beauty of earthly deeds shining and cherubic at the Throne of God, making prayers for us, in the hope of our salvation we will be sure and let us follow a good-natured life with all diligence, but let us sweetly subdue the will of our love of God, so that in our bodies and souls the glorification of the name of the Lord who loves us will be affirmed. The same, we strengthen you in faith, with love we call you:

Rejoice, fortifying us with the feat of a well-behaved life in love for God;

Rejoice, zealous denouncer of malevolence, keep us instructing the Sacraments and rules of the Orthodox faith.

Rejoice, diligently jealous of Peter the Athos in fasting and silence;

Rejoice, faithfully imitating Abba Athanasius with care for the good manners of the monastics.

Rejoice, new lamp of faith, in our days showing the right path to God;

Rejoice, you wonderfully testifying to everyone about the impoverishment of the grace of the Holy Spirit in the Orthodox Church.

Rejoice, faithful servant of Christ, worthy at the Throne of His Glory coming;

Rejoice, good death and a good answer at the Terrible Judgment of Christ, earnestly asking us.

Rejoice, Father Silouan, in prayer for the world, the burning of love is unquenchable.

Kondak 12

Grace of the inscrutable power poured out on you Christ our God, reverend, in a hedgehog in Heaven, where everything lives and moves in the joy of the Holy Spirit, manifest in the person of Athos ascetics, with all the saints for all earthly-born prayers. Leading thee like this, we pray: pour out, oh, all-blessed, a warm prayer to the Lord, but having mercy, His Holy Church, for our salvation, will establish forever, the desert-lovers of earthly Eden, save and strengthen everything, and forever glorify the name of God from the earthly and Heavenly, singing: Alleluia.

Ikos 12

Singing your glorious memory, God-bearing Father Siluana, we worthily appease your illnesses and labors, even in vigil and fasting with all the chosen ones of God's Mother, you all-heartedly suffered. Whoever counts your labors and sighs, in prayers for the world tearfully offered, in the image of the Lord His wrath, for our sins, take an oath for mercy and love for mankind, they swear by it - the Church of the Saints until the end of time be affirmed - do not destroy. We, thankful to your present intercession, touchingly call you:

Rejoice, diligent follower of the guidance of the Holy Spirit;

Rejoice, Christ - the Goodness and Wisdom of God - with bodily eyes to the beholder.

Rejoice, humble ascetic of Christ, the Mother of God before all heavenly and earthly joy and praise;

Rejoice, vigilant prayer book for the world, our salvation is hope and consolation.

Rejoice, heir to the Kingdom of Christ, adorning Mount Athos with your feat;

Rejoice, faithful companion of our salvation, the path leading to God, sanctifying us.

Rejoice, gold-forged trumpet, proclaiming the glory of God with all the saints and angels;

Rejoice, crowned with a crown of immortality by God, who does not leave us in your prayers.

Rejoice, Father Silouan, in prayer for the world, the burning of love is unquenchable.

Kondak 13

O marvelous saint of God, Siluana, blessed birth of the Russian land, praise and adornment of the desert-lovers of Mount Athos! Receive this small prayer from us and ask Him to have mercy on all of us, His children, and by the grace of the Holy Spirit, in the union of His love, He will bind us and, in the image of fate, bring us to Himself, in a hedgehog with your prayers shamelessly appear us on the Day of Judgment before the Face of His glory and be vouchsafed with all the saints and angels to sing the song of victory: Alleluia.

(This kontakion is read three times, then ikos 1 and kontakion 1)

Ikos 1

The Creator of Angels and the Lord of Forces from the womb of your mother pre-selected you, and, according to the Psalmist, give your heart deeply, God-bearing Father Siluan, yes, as if in a hell of a lot, containing the inconceivable name of God the Most High and by the power of God and God's Wisdom angelic life, you will wholeheartedly follow. We, praising the wonderful feat of your earthly labors, reverently call you:

Rejoice, pious parents are the fruit of chaste purity;

Rejoice, fragrant flowering of their feat of faith, unfading beauty.

Rejoice, sincerely loving the piety of your parents;

Rejoice, benevolent one who is likened to their chastity and love of God.

Rejoice, thou who didst marvelously manage to find joy from the depths of God;

Rejoice, like a deer rushing to the source of God's grace.

Rejoice, by the word of God, like sweet honey, sweetening the mind of your youth;

Rejoice, thou wholly submissive thy heart to the will of God.

Rejoice, Father Silouan, in prayer for the world, the burning of love is unquenchable.

Kondak 1

Chosen ascetic and earthly angel of Christ, all-blessed Father Silouan! In the unceasing vigil, fasting and humility of the fathers of Athos, a great imitator, thirsting for God and burning love for Him, you acquired the grace of your abundant soul, all-blessed. Imitating Christ, for those languishing in hell, the living and the future, you were crucified with a tearful prayer. Do not deprive us of your love of yours, in the sinful vale of your intercession before God, asking and tenderly calling:

Rejoice, Father Silouan, in prayer for the world, the burning of love is unquenchable.


O marvelous servant of God, Father Silouan! By the grace given to you from God - pray tearfully for the whole universe - the dead, the living and the future - do not be silent for us to the Lord, who zealously fall to you and tenderly ask for your intercession. Move, oh, all-blessed, to prayer the Zealous Intercessor of the Christian race, the Most Blessed Mother of God and Ever-Virgin Mary, miraculously calling you to be a faithful worker in Her earthly garden, even the chosen one of God for our sins, be merciful and long-suffering to be God, in a hedgehog do not remember iniquities and iniquities ours, but, according to the inexpressible goodness of our Lord Jesus Christ, have compassion and save us according to His great mercy.

She, the servant of God, with the Most Blessed Lady of the World - the Most Holy Abbess of Athos and the holy ascetics of Her earthly lot, ask the saints for the Most Holy Word of the Holy Mount Athos and her God-loving wilderness dweller from all the troubles and slander of the enemy in the world will be preserved. Yes, the Angels deliver us from evil with the Holy Spirit and strengthen with the Holy Spirit in faith and brotherly love, until the end of the age about the Ones, Saints, Cathedrals and Apostles of the Church, they pray and show everyone the way of salvation, and the Church on Earth and Heaven unceasingly glorifies the Creator and Father of Lights, enlightening and sanctifying peace in the eternal truth and goodness of God.

For the peoples of the whole earth, ask for prosperity and peaceful life, the spirit of humility and brotherly love, kindness and salvation, the spirit of the fear of God. May not malice and lawlessness harden human hearts, which can destroy the love of God in men and overthrow them into godly enmity and fratricide, but in the power of Divine love and truth, as in Heaven and on earth, may the name of God be hallowed, may His holy will be done in men and may peace and the kingdom of God reign on earth.

So also for your earthly Fatherland - ask for the land of Russia, servant of God, longed-for peace and heavenly blessing, in a hedgehog, covered by the all-powerful omophorion of the Mother of God, get rid of him from gladness, destruction, coward, fire, sword, invasion of foreigners and internecine warfare and from all enemies visible and invisible, and thus the most holy house of the Most Blessed Mother of God until the end of the age, he will remain the Life-giving Cross by the power and in the love of God, unfailingly affirm.

But for all of us, plunging into the darkness of sins and repentance of warmth, below the fear of God and not having the Lord who loves us immeasurably, incessantly insulting us, ask, oh, all-blessed, from our Almighty God, that with His Almighty divine grace He will visit and revive our souls, and every may the malice and pride of life, despondency and negligence in our hearts be abolished.

We also pray for the hedgehog and us, strengthened by the grace of the All-Holy Spirit and warmed by the love of God, in philanthropy and brotherly love, humility of wisdom and prayerful crucification for each other and for all, to be established in the truth of God and in the grace-filled love of God to be well strengthened, and son-loving to Him draw near. Yes, so, doing His all-holy will, in all piety and purity of temporal life, we will shamelessly pass the path and with all the saints of the Kingdom of Heaven and His Lamb we will be worthy of marriage. To him, from all earthly and heavenly things, may there be glory, honor and worship, with His Father Without Beginning, the Most Holy and Good, and His Life-Giving Spirit, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

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