What comes first soul or body. Can blood be a container for the soul

And within the framework of the topic of health - both bodily and mental - we will talk about this difficult and very strong union - about the union of mental and physical, as well as about its consequences ...

So, one of the most striking manifestations of the joint creativity of the soul and body are psychosomatic disorders, i.e. such diseases or disease states in which psychological factors play a key role in their etiology, formation, development and outcome.

The term "psychosomatic" itself was first used in 1818 by a German psychiatrist, but it became widespread in the 20-50s of the XX century thanks to Franz Alexander (1891-1964), one of the leading American psychoanalysts of his time, who is considered founder of psychosomatic medicine.

According to F. Alexander, seven diseases should be classified as classical psychosomatic conditions: peptic ulcer, bronchial asthma, ulcerative colitis, rheumatoid arthritis, arterial hypertension, neurodermatitis and hyperthyroidism. To this primary list, however, many other conditions and diseases can be added. Each of these disorders is characterized by its own special psychological conflicts, therefore, the concept of "specificity" is basic for all psychosomatic conditions and diseases.

In the modern view, there is such a thesis: "there are no psychosomatic diseases, but there are psychosomatic patients." It concerns the fact that one should not rush to extremes, explaining everything either in physiology or psychology. But there are a number of diseases, the origin of which is mainly associated with psychological causes, and the unconditional belonging of the above seven to psychosomatics is considered proven.

Complaints of a somatic nature can be regarded as a manifestation of the symbolic language of the internal organs, reflecting libidinal tendencies, repressed complexes. The suppression of this kind of unacceptable unconscious drives, according to representatives of foreign psychosomatics, further exacerbates them and creates a chain of negative effects on the body. Psychosomatics in this sense is a biologically oriented version of Freud's teachings. According to F. Alexander, most human diseases are psychosomatic.

Thus, the range of psychosomatic disorders is wide and also includes: psychosomatic reactions - short-term changes in various body systems (increased pressure, heart palpitations, redness, blanching, etc.; functional neuroses of organs (without objective signs of damage to these organs), somatoform disorders (constant complaints of pain and discomfort, functional disorders observed in several organs, in the absence of objective signs of their damage, a clear relationship between the patient's complaints and psychological factors); conversion disorders (with clear and symbolic manifestations of the personal characteristics of patients and the influence of psychotraumatic factors ) and actually psychosomatic diseases.

In general, in the explanation of psychosomatic diseases, multifactoriality is recognized - a set of causes that interact with each other. The main ones are:

- non-specific hereditary and congenital burden of somatic disorders (broken chromosomes, gene mutations);

- hereditary predisposition to psychosomatic disorders;

- neurodynamic shifts associated with changes in the activity of the central nervous system - the accumulation of affective excitation - anxiety and intense autonomic activity is expected;

- personal characteristics, in particular - infantilism, alexithymia (inability to perceive and label feelings with a word), underdevelopment interpersonal relationships, workaholism;

- temperamental traits, for example, a low threshold of sensitivity to stimuli, adaptation difficulties, a high level of anxiety, isolation, restraint, distrust, the predominance of negative emotions over positive ones;

– background of family and other social factors;

- events leading to serious changes in life (especially in children);

- the personality of the parents in children - very often children with psychosomatics have mothers with borderline personality disorders; family disintegration.

We all have three bodies - spiritual, astral and physical, where the spiritual is our thoughts and hopes, the astral is our feelings and passions, the physical is arms and legs and everything else. You can be healthy if all three bodies are in harmonious interaction. The head, as everyone understands, is connected with the spiritual body. Therefore, our health depends on the spiritual body, on our thoughts, aspirations and thoughts. That's why healthy lifestyle life is, first of all, to be in harmony with God, the world, people and everything that surrounds us.

The whole problem of the spiritual, mental and physical spheres of our health arises from the conflicts of our natural biology with the environment - the modern way of life. The development of scientific and technological progress, urbanization and globalization create conflicts with our natural biology. Our body has powerful adaptive mechanisms that are designed for our survival as a species and as an individual in various environmental conditions, whether it is cold water that you can fall into, or a stressful situation in our lives.

However general rule is such that adaptation to external influences requires costs energy resources and depletes our vitality, causing disease and accelerated aging. It is important to note here that the age of a healthy person corresponds to the age according to the passport, since the state of health is determined by the energy of the body. And the difference between our biological time and our passport age just determines the general degree of the disease - the inconsistency of the state.

Spiritual health is our thoughts and thoughts, and if they do not conflict with each other and with the world, then everything is fine. Humanity has known this for a very long time. It is important for us that vital energies, without which our body cannot function, flow into us in a state of bright joy and create the very comfort and well-being.

This question of human duality has long occupied the minds of philosophers of various directions, leading to serious disputes and contradictions. But for us, it is not the answer to this question that is more important, but the simple fact that the soul and body are a single whole, respectively, the influence of one component on the other has not been in doubt for a very long time.

And within the framework of the topic of health - both bodily and mental - we will talk about this difficult and very strong union - about the union of mental and physical, as well as about its consequences ...

So, one of the most striking manifestations of the joint creativity of the soul and body are psychosomatic disorders, i.e. such diseases or disease states in which psychological factors play a key role in their etiology, formation, development and outcome.

The term "psychosomatic" itself was first used in 1818 by a German psychiatrist, but it became widespread in the 20-50s of the XX century thanks to Franz Alexander (1891-1964), one of the leading American psychoanalysts of his time, who is considered founder of psychosomatic medicine.

According to F. Alexander, to classic psychosomatic states should include seven diseases: peptic ulcer, bronchial asthma, ulcerative colitis, rheumatoid arthritis, arterial hypertension, neurodermatitis and hyperthyroidism. To this primary list, however, many other conditions and diseases can be added. Each of these disorders is characterized by its own special psychological conflicts, therefore, the concept of "specificity" is basic for all psychosomatic conditions and diseases.

In the modern view, there is such a thesis: "there are no psychosomatic diseases, but there are psychosomatic patients." It concerns the fact that one should not rush to extremes, explaining everything either in physiology or psychology. But there are a number of diseases, the origin of which is mainly associated with psychological causes, and the unconditional belonging of the above seven to psychosomatics is considered proven.

Complaints of a somatic nature can be regarded as a manifestation of the symbolic language of the internal organs, reflecting libidinal tendencies, repressed complexes. The suppression of this kind of unacceptable unconscious drives, according to representatives of foreign psychosomatics, further exacerbates them and creates a chain of negative effects on the body. Psychosomatics in this sense is a biologically oriented version of Freud's teachings. According to F. Alexander, most human diseases are psychosomatic.

In this way, spectrum of psychosomatic disorders wide and also includes: psychosomatic reactions - short-term changes in various body systems (increased pressure, heart palpitations, redness, blanching, etc.; functional neuroses of organs (without objective signs of damage to these organs), somatoform disorders (constant complaints of pain and unpleasant sensations, functional disorders observed in several organs, in the absence of objective signs of their damage, a clear relationship between the patient's complaints and psychological factors); conversion disorders (with clear and symbolic manifestations of the personal characteristics of patients and the influence of psycho-traumatic factors) and psychosomatic diseases proper.

In general, in the explanation of psychosomatic diseases, multifactoriality is recognized - a set of causes that interact with each other. The main ones are:

- non-specific hereditary and congenital burden of somatic disorders (broken chromosomes, gene mutations);

- hereditary predisposition to psychosomatic disorders;

- neurodynamic shifts associated with changes in the activity of the central nervous system - the accumulation of affective excitation - anxiety and intense autonomic activity is expected;

- personal characteristics, in particular - infantilism, alexithymia (inability to perceive and label feelings), underdevelopment of interpersonal relationships, workaholism;

- temperamental traits, for example, a low threshold of sensitivity to stimuli, adaptation difficulties, a high level of anxiety, isolation, restraint, distrust, the predominance of negative emotions over positive ones;

– background of family and other social factors;

- events leading to serious changes in life (especially in children);

- the personality of the parents in children - very often children with psychosomatics have mothers with borderline personality disorders; family disintegration.

We all have three bodies - spiritual, astral and physical, where the spiritual is our thoughts and hopes, the astral is our feelings and passions, the physical is arms and legs and everything else. You can be healthy if all three bodies are in harmonious interaction. The head, as everyone understands, is connected with the spiritual body. Therefore, our health depends on the spiritual body, on our thoughts, aspirations and thoughts. Therefore, a healthy lifestyle is, first of all, to be in harmony with God, the world, people and everything that surrounds us.

The whole problem of the spiritual, mental and physical spheres of our health arises from the conflicts of our natural biology with the environment - the modern way of life. The development of scientific and technological progress, urbanization and globalization create conflicts with our natural biology. Our body has powerful adaptive mechanisms that are designed for our survival as a species and as an individual in various environmental conditions, whether it is cold water that you can fall into, or a stressful situation in our lives.

However, the general rule is that adaptation to external influences requires energy resources and depletes our vitality, provoking diseases and accelerated aging. It is important to note here that the age of a healthy person corresponds to the age according to the passport, since the state of health is determined by the energy of the body. And the difference between our biological time and our passport age just determines the general degree of the disease - the inconsistency of the state.

Spiritual health is our thoughts and thoughts, and if they do not conflict with each other and with the world, then everything is fine. Humanity has known this for a very long time. It is important for us that vital energies, without which our body cannot function, flow into us in a state of bright joy and create the very comfort and well-being.

At a superficial (first) glance, everything is “simple” in this matter. The "correct" answer is "for whom - what." Those who consider themselves to be in the camp of materialists, of course, will defend the point of view that the body is the most important thing.

The word “soul” is either excluded by materialists from their vocabulary or they use “soul” as a metaphor.

Those who stand on the positions of (1) religion, (2) spiritual or (3) mystical practices, rather, in our popular opinion, will belittle the importance of the body, but giving preference to the soul.

In this second camp, it is indeed common to hear "claims" against the body. (It is unreliable, mortal, it is sinful...)

But let's not generalize - High religion (any), High spiritual practices and High mysticism never humiliate the concept in their reasoning " Human body". This, rather, an illiterate superficial approach to religion, mysticism and "spirituality" humiliates him. Or rabid sectarianism.

Let's get acquainted with the real thinkers, and of all kinds. After all, a real and honest thinker does not adjust anything to his cherished concept and does not belong to any "camp".

If you talk calmly, then the representative of science, and the philosopher-mystic and the priest-theologian will talk about the same thing and come to similar conclusions.

Another paradoxist Oscar Wilde said: “He who sees the difference between soul and body has neither body nor soul.” Subtly noticed!

Do you know what roots nourished this statement of his? After all, it was not Wilde who “invented” this idea, this maxim is the fruit of his reading and reflection.

Oscar Wilde was able to formulate this idea because he was always interested in the High Theology of Catholicism. That is, he read theological works.

But whatever you and I read, if we read carefully and wisely, we will formulate the same thought.

Why is the body more important than the soul?

I jumped ahead and discovered the secret: yes! The body is considered even more important than the soul. Let's get into a simple argument.

Imagine that you are a very religious and spiritually growing person. And so you decided to observe some moral and religious commandments.

Well, let's say you decide to consecrate your “bread”, your meal, with a prayer or a short blessing.

Let's look at two hypothetical options.

Option one

Before you “consecrated the meal”, you sat down and thought about all the great meaning of this ritual, about words and customs, about what “so-and-so” and “so-and-so” said about it.

As a result, you didn't consecrate the bread with your blessing... You forgot.

Second option

You very quickly hurriedly uttered the words that you usually utter - the words of blessing. You didn't forget to do it and you did it. Before mechanically pulling the spoon into your mouth, you cast a glance at what you were eating, “saw” it with an attentive and grateful look, and, having said the right thing, perhaps (as in a patter) have already begun to eat ...

At the same time, you did not reason, did not imbue the importance of this commandment and did not investigate its high philosophical meaning.

The question is: in which of the two given cases did you fulfill the commandment? In the second. And where did all the “benefit” from the first go? There was no use there.

The same applies to the case with

  • giving alms,
  • hospitality
  • love for neighbor
  • non-anger and many other "spiritual practices" - there are thousands of them.

Look, in fact, any "spiritual practice" turns into a practice ... bodily.

The body is the Goal towards which all commandments are directed.

Sometimes, in order to perform a highly moral moral spiritual act, only one thing is needed - just do the right physical action .

Reach out your hand, don't put your foot down. Move or raise your seat...

That is why all religious thinkers believe that it is our body, and not our soul, that plays a central role in the service of God.

Scientists will tell you the same thing, but in different words.

They will just tell you - take care of the body. Don't scatter them. Do you have several of them?

Monophysites and pagans

If we talk about Christianity, which is closer to us civilizationally and culturally, then it has always struggled with two so-called "heresies".

First, it fought those who disrespected the human body so much that they denied that Christ had an earthly body at all. That's what they were called - "mono-physites", supporters of the doctrine of one "nature", of the only spiritual nature of Christ. Without a body.

Like, to fools-earthlings it simply “seemed” that he had a body. It was he who brought such a "wraith" on them.

And Christianity also struggled with ancient pagan ideas, which boil down to beliefs about various kinds of “impurity” of a dead body. And teach him to be afraid to horror.

Like, the dead is taboo, he is “unclean”, he needs to be out of sight out of mind as soon as possible and still poop around with something strongly odorous.

Christianity teaches that a deceased person simply falls asleep, therefore he must be treated as a sleeping person - carefully, touchingly, with love, with respect for his sleep.

He falls asleep — until the time, until the moment when the entire Creation is transformed and all the Flesh is transformed.

Christians call this time - the Second Coming of Christ, Jews - the coming of Mashiach.

What do you think - why did Christianity fight in earnest with those who “kicked”, despised, ridiculed the Human Body in their reasoning and, as a result, was afraid to the point of an attack of psychosis, when this body began to get sick and die in general?

I can answer this partially and, as it were, from the side of a historian-archaeologist.

Because such an approach is a cultural evidence of savagery, barbarism, lack of civilization, lack of highly developed Spirituality in a given ethnic group at its given phase of development.

The uncivilized barbarians threw their dead to be eaten by wild beasts and left. A little more civilized - they were already buried, but in the burial and its rituals it was clearly written - fear, disgust, an attempt - to appease.

You see, what a "paradox" it turns out - the inability to appreciate, the lack of a High attitude to the Body, even to the deceased body, is a strict classification sign of the "lack" of Spirituality in this people, the absence of a developed Soul.

Superficially understood "teachings about the spiritual" traditionally criticize the body, the flesh. Isn't it time to stop swimming on the surface of "talk about the high" and find out the true state of affairs in the old problem of "soul and body"?

Elena Nazarenko

The reason for the existence of all things

First, the question is: why do we buy different things? The answer is obvious: to use them! We buy a mobile phone to communicate with people remote from us; car - to comfortably move from point "A" to point "B"; washing machine - to facilitate the labor of washing clothes and linen, etc. More broadly, every thing we acquire has a reason for its existence, or, simply, a purpose. Any object is used by us for a specific purpose: communication, movement in space, household amenities, etc.

Now let's look at things from a different angle. Are they of value in and of themselves, that is, without our use of them? No. What is the use of a switched off phone lying on a shelf in a communication salon? What is the use of a parked car? Only then do these things make sense when we interact with them. When we pick up the phone, dial the desired number and talk to the subscriber. When we sit in the cab of the car, start the engine, and move off to go in the right direction. When we stuff dirty laundry into the washing machine, enter the program and turn on the machine. We humans control things. They obey us, serve us.
At the same time, we think little about how things work. Yes, we basically know how a car works. But when a person rides in it, sitting behind the wheel, he does not think about the principle by which the engine and transmission work, how the exhaust gases are removed. His job is to drive. The girl talking on the phone does not understand the device of the phone at all. If he suddenly goes haywire, she carries him to the workshop. Why am I all this? And here's what.

The perfect mechanism to carry out our will

Let's try to look at ourselves from the outside. What will we see? Of course the body! Our beautiful, beloved body: head, torso, arms and legs. We all associate ourselves with our body, we cannot imagine ourselves without a body. How is this possible? I am me, this is my body. What is our body? The totality of a wide variety of organs, vessels, nerves, tissues. To be precise, it is a system of organs in which everything is interconnected and interdependent. The lungs fill with air, the heart pumps blood, the stomach and intestines digest food, and the liver filters it. Each organ performs its own function. And, mind you, we practically do not interfere in this process. We do not give commands to the heart to beat with a certain frequency, we do not “rule” the process of digestion and urination, we do not care about the development of the fetus in the uterus. All this is done by our brain, but how it does it is a mystery for us. And, in principle, we do not need to know. Our job is to manage our body, this perfect biological machine, the ideal natural mechanism.

Feel the analogy with a car, telephone, washing machine? We use them without thinking about their device. We control our own body, but how it works, or, to put it simply, how it lives, is unknown to us for the most part.

This begs the question: who controls our body? Like, clearly - our brain. But the brain, in principle, is the same organ as the heart or spleen. It performs its function in the body, albeit one of the most important. But who controls the brain? If we imagine that our body is a car, then where is the driver who drives the car in the right direction? Who makes sure that the car works properly: refuels it with gasoline, changes the oil, repairs components and assemblies? And we support the life of our body: we feed it, drink it, walk it, bathe it, dress it, train it. But this does not change the essence: we use our body.

And now the most important thing: for what purpose do we use our body? Every thing, as I said, has a purpose, a reason for its existence. Every object in the universe has such a purpose. This means that our body should have such a goal. For the body itself, as such, the purpose of its existence is clear: to eat more tasty, drink sweeter, sleep softer, have more fun; In short, live more comfortably. But an important question arises: what about the “driver” of the body, the rider, the “user” - what is his goal? Who is this "driver"? All religions in the world, at all times, have answered this cornerstone question of our existence: it is our soul.

Any of us more or less familiar with Christianity knows that the soul is what God gives to each person at his conception. A person is born from the womb of a mother with a body that combines the beginnings of mother and father, and a soul given by God. We know that the soul is eternal, immortal, indestructible, which cannot be said about the body. Flesh, our body is mortal, corruptible, passionate, in the sense that it is subject to illness and suffering. The soul contains the personality of a person with all his thoughts, feelings, experiences, impulses.
So who is this mysterious “driver” of our body! Soul! The soul controls the body as a driver controls his car. The brain is a kind of “telephone exchange”, “computer”, which transmits commands to various members of the body to act in accordance with the program given by the soul. Yes, the brain stores information about work skills, knowledge we have received; the brain decides how best to use this knowledge and skills in order to accurately fulfill the "task" of its "commander" - the soul. The soul and only the soul is responsible for all its "orders".

Of course, we are aware of ourselves inseparable from the body. The soul is inseparable from the body. In other words, a body without a soul is not a person, and a soul without a body is not a person. God created us this way. But for what purpose? Again, again this "Her Majesty" GOAL! What is the purpose of the soul to control the body? Here begins the most interesting.

Where are you body?

The greatness of man, his superiority over other other creatures of God lies in the fact that two hypostases have merged in him - the earthly body and the heavenly soul. The body is given to us by our earthly mother and father, and after death the body returns to the earth. The Lord gives the soul to man, and after the death of the body immortal soul returns to the One who gave it.
And this is where the basic law of our life, our destiny is contained. The purpose of our existence, if you will. The eternal fate of our soul directly depends on our life on earth There, beyond the grave, in the Kingdom of our Heavenly Father. Thus, the soul must so control the mortal body in order to merit the bliss of eternal life.
It is very, very difficult. Why? Because the desires of our soul often do not coincide with the desires of our body. And to match, you need a very serious effort. What does the body want? I repeat: eat deliciously, drink sweetly, sleep softly. The body is an earthly child, and it is naturally drawn to earthly things that are understandable to it. heavenly life completely incomprehensible to the body, it did not see it, did not feel it, there is nothing to compare it with. And the voice of the soul must still be able to hear.

Well, yes, it would be good if we satisfied the natural needs of the body: hunger, thirst, rest, shelter. Alas, the devil, the prince of this world, is constantly pushing each of us to meet unnatural needs. What does it mean? It is natural for our nature to satisfy hunger and thirst, and it is unnatural for us to overeat, enjoy sweets, drink alcoholic poisons. It is natural to experience sexual desire, and it is unnatural to be inflamed with prodigal passion: to sleep with anyone, to change sexual partners indiscriminately, to be inflamed by the lust of men for men and women for women. The devil seeks to pervert our nature by inciting unnatural desires or passions. What are passions? These are poisoned arrows that inflict wounds on our soul and our body. Why do we give in to them? Why do we harm ourselves: smoking, alcohol, drugs, fornication, gluttony? Because: a) our body likes passion, it gives sensual pleasure; b) we get used to passion. Maybe somewhere we understand that we are slowly killing our body, not to mention the soul, but oh, how difficult it is to stop! The devil is strong.
Stop, stop! And what about our "driver", our soul? In theory, it should "steer" the body, but it turns out the opposite, the body begins to control the soul. That is, the car ceases to perceive the actions of the steering wheel and pedals, and, even worse, begins to give instructions to the driver where to govern him. The phone ceases to obey us and begins to “live its own life”: calling by itself to an unknown person at 3 a.m., turning on and off when he “wanders into his head”.

When passions completely enslave a person, when bodily desires and aspirations occupy all the thoughts of a person, no one listens to the subtle voice of the soul. Or in general, they stop believing in this very “soul”. “I don’t see it, I don’t feel it, so it doesn’t exist.” And what happens in the end? If your phone has completely broken down, or it has begun to irreversibly “fail”, what do you do with it? You throw it away from the tenth floor, and it forever loses its existence in your world. The same thing happens with the body. It is given to us by God so that with its help the soul can win eternal blissful life. And since we have devoted our lives only to satisfying our mortal body as fully as possible, what will we reap when the body dies and goes into the earth? The soul will live on. That is, our consciousness will not fade away, all thoughts, feelings, desires and ... passions - everything will continue to live. Live forever. That's when the nightmare starts. Passions burn us, demanding satisfaction, and the instruments of this satisfaction, the body, are no more! And the more passions, the stronger they are rooted in us, the more terrible the torment. This is what is called "going to hell." Well, what did the Lord think of us? Did He create us to give us eternal torment?

What do you want, my soul?

Target human life here on earth to earn eternal life. Man as a person is indestructible. He is called to the highest form of being, to infinite life, to likeness to God, to rapprochement with his Creator, eternal communion with Him. The body is given to the soul for temporary use, with one purpose - using talents, abilities, skills, skills, knowledge to begin approaching God. Earth life ours is an exam. If we surrender it, we will receive eternal joy as a reward. Fail - eternal torment.

How to pass this most important test of our life is clearly stated in the Gospel. To help us is the Holy Tradition of the Church, the experience of the Holy Fathers, live communication with people who have reached heights in spiritual life.

It is necessary to understand for yourself once and for all: the soul is primary, the body is secondary. The body is an instrument in the hands of the soul, it is a "horse" that carries the soul to heaven. Yes, this horse is a recalcitrant, it is trying to turn off the right path, trying to subjugate itself to the charioteer. This is where it is, the spiritual struggle: the body demands its own, it pulls the soul to the earth. And the soul, on the contrary, reaches for Heaven and pulls the body there as well. The soul compels the body to prayer, fasting, going to church, prostrations, good deeds. Before the eyes of the soul is a clear goal set forth by Jesus Christ in the Gospel: the Kingdom of Heaven. And she directs the body to Him.

But our soul is not abandoned "to the mercy of Satan." In all matters, one way or another bringing the soul closer to Heaven, the Lord God Himself helps her. God is stronger than Satan. Satan cannot do anything without the will or permission of God. No matter how strong the evil one is, he is only a creature. Vile creature, wanting the eternal death of man. A lying creature that seduces people with castles in the air and sand cities. F.M. said exactly. Dostoevsky: "God is fighting Satan, and the battlefield is the soul of man." God is always ready to help a person if he wholeheartedly asks Him about it. "Lord, help me, I'm dying! Passions burn, put them out! Temptations suffocate, deliver me from them!”

The Church teaches that the main condition for a person's eternal salvation is his awareness of his powerlessness, his imperfection, the impossibility of doing anything for his salvation without God's help. Realizing all this, seeing in himself the countless sand of sins and passions, and calling in repentance to God, a person can receive salvation from Him. Everything else - prayers, sacraments, good deeds, almsgiving - are means of helping a person in his struggle with passions and sins.

The spiritual life, the life in the Church, is difficult. It is difficult because the soul must constantly subdue the body. Just like a rider needs to bridle an unbroken horse. Our “horse” is constantly striving for “freedom” in order to surrender to its passions. And it is difficult for a rider to keep such a “horse”, it is difficult to direct him in the right direction. But we have no other way. The main thing is that God is helping us. God wishes everyone salvation, everyone is ready to help. There is little left: our own desire.

There are people who want to get to the root of everything that exists. They ask themselves questions that others do not care about, because, in their opinion, they have no practical application. What comes first - the soul or the body? What is a soul anyway? What is the relationship between the soul and the body?

The answers to these questions, the disclosure of these abstract categories, help these people feel that there is meaning in life. The system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan determines their owners and fully satisfies their lack of knowledge of the structure of man and the world. In particular, it provides answers to the following question: why do we see the world the way we are used to seeing it, and not otherwise?

Illusion one: a sense of one's own uniqueness

The soul and body of a person are closely interconnected, approximately to the same extent as the organs in one organism. It’s just the soul, it’s the psyche - it’s an “organ” that is not visible. Despite this, both the physical part of a person and the metaphysical part live in a single system and determine each other. About psychosomatics - the influence of mental state on health - has been known since ancient times. Does this mechanism work the other way around? Do the characteristics of the body determine our psychological sensations?

From the moment of birth until death, a person feels only himself. Your hunger and cold, your joy and pain. Some are able to sympathize with the condition of another person, but it is impossible to go beyond the boundaries of the closed capsule of one's own body. Each feels separate from the others, experiencing a seeming autonomy. This "condition of the game" is one of the reasons for the first and very important psychological experience - the feeling of one's own uniqueness.

The background of each person accompanies feeling of loneliness. This "curse" is imposed by the nature of our physical body.

However, this perception of reality is an illusion.

The body, indeed, for each person is a separate, closed system. But mentally we are not isolated, but on the contrary, we are connected into a single "organism" collective unconscious- one for all people.

Illusion two: first I receive, then I give

There is another feature of the body that we project onto psychological aspects. Each person lives desires both physically and spiritually. In order to satisfy bodily desire, one must first consume inward in order to give outward. That is, first taking water and food, and then cleansing, obtaining energy for action. And nothing else.

In the psyche, this principle is reversed exactly the opposite. To satisfy a mental lack, you first need make an effort that is, to give, and only then comes the pleasure. In other words, you first need to make a creative action, and the pleasure will flood during the process and after.

Thus, the body, accustomed to receiving - to eat, drink, breathe, sleep - misleads a person. And if you measure the soul and body with one arshin, then this can break your own destiny. After all, the desire to receive pleasure only for oneself, inside, without giving away anything in body and soul, deprives a person of the enjoyment of life.

So is it worth living according to the principles of a limited and finite body, or changing the focus to the vast expanses of the unconscious?

Reality as it is

According to the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan, the human psyche is made up of vectors - innate groups of desires and properties. In total, there are eight of them in nature, with modern residents of large cities, as a rule, an average of three to five.

A person is born with a body, relatively speaking, perfect: everyone has the same set of organs and body parts plus or minus. But the psyche of one person, his individual unconscious is only a fragment. Relatively speaking, the soul of each of us is an element that makes up one whole - the collective unconscious.

One person, for example, is born with. He is smart, dexterous, prudent - never your own benefit will not miss. Another person with, his exact opposite - unhurried, attentive to detail, assiduous and with an encyclopedic memory - loves learn and teach others.

A visual person is born with a powerful emotional amplitude ranging from fear to love. He cannot live without travel, art, intense emotional experiences. His "big brother" is a man with a sound vector. Quiet, loving to be in silence, darkness and loneliness, thinking about the world and about himself: "What is the sense of life?"

People are different. They are born with different or similar sets of vectors, receive different development in childhood, then go through different life path… However, everyone is present with their psyche, like a piece of a mosaic, in the overall picture of the unconscious. And we all influence each other with our states.

People only survive together. Man is a social species. That is why understanding the features of the structure and development of the psyche of the species gives a person huge advantages in life.

Harmony of soul and body

Despite the fact that this knowledge is not about the material, it is still quite practical, allowing you to radically change the quality of human life.

Illusions of perception of the world, formed by the body, in any case affect the quality of a person's life, even if he is not aware of their existence. Some people live their whole lives with a feeling of longing, enduring loneliness, to the point of absolute despair. Others lament that they cannot take everything from life - they are looking for a source of happiness, joy, satisfaction and cannot find it, not understanding the basic principles of the structure and work of the psyche, not realizing that they live in illusions.

Finding connections between the soul and the body, between our desires and possibilities means getting rid of old problems, find the joy of life. Each person can get such a result if he fully reveals all the secrets of the unconscious. Learns the nature of each vector and the mechanisms of interaction of vectors with each other. Determines its vector set and, accordingly, its place, your meaning in this world.

Tens of thousands of people have already decided on this, who have left positive results. Here are three of them:

"Worldwide delusions. In our world, there are a lot of wrong attitudes and delusions that come to our minds and limit our development. In the process of training, there is a rethinking, awareness of the causes and correction of incorrect attitudes and misconceptions picked up during life from others who have conscientiously lost their way. As an example, I will cite one installation that psychologists from pseudopsychology hang on us, it is called like this - love yourself, spit on others, causing harm to people. The correct attitude is to love your neighbor as yourself. At the training, there is a process of understanding why this is so, and not otherwise, there is an awareness of the reasons and does not cause any contradictions.

“Thank you for the opportunity to feel more happiness in this life, to feel the taste of life in all its manifestations. Feel life itself and touch what we call the meaning of life. To say with certainty that God exists. Seeing beauty where it was hard to see before. Look at others with a clear, open look.

Thank you for the opportunity to smile more often. Just from understanding other people. Thank you for the opportunity to know the world in which we live, looking into the human soul. To accept the world of another person as your own, to feel his desires, to see the world through his eyes, to share his suffering, not to pass by in difficult times - this is real happiness!

“I lived in some unreal, invented by me world. Lived in illusions that had nothing to do with real life. Now I look back and feel the fear of understanding what all this could lead to.

Problems, or rather, what I used to call problems, now they are not. The view of them has completely changed, they ceased to exist for me. Now I clearly differentiate my states, my desires, feelings and thoughts. I understand their roots. Now I know myself like never before, and this is an incomparable thrill!

You can get to know yourself better already at the free online training "".

The article was written based on the materials of the training " System-Vector Psychology»
Career psychology