I found these entities in numbers. Life path number - a vector of a person's life mission

Get the entity number

To get the number of the entity, you must add the numbers of the day, month and year of birth. After that, the amount received must be reduced to a single digit. For example, a person was born on February 3, 1982:
3 + 2 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 2 = 25; 2 + 5 = 7
Essence number in this case equals 7. In the same way, you can calculate your own own Number Essences.
Now more about the numbers, one of which is yours!

Number 1
This number endows a person with such qualities as a thirst for action, activity, leadership and ambition. If the Essence Number is 1, a person, before doing something, must necessarily draw up a clear action plan, in accordance with which he will achieve his goal.
A person with such a Number will not be able to achieve everything at once, he needs to act gradually, step by step. He should definitely avoid any manifestation of self-interest and selfishness, as well as be wary of the people around him, avoid conflicts if possible.
If not taken seriously, such a person can very quickly lose his friends and make dangerous enemies. This is a pretty strong number. Having such a Number of Essence, a person manages his own life. As he makes his life, so it will be.

Number 2
The life of a person with this Essence Number is cyclical, all situations are constantly repeated at certain intervals.
A person with Essence number 2 is characterized by tact and gentleness. He manages to avoid the most pressing problems through various compromises. Such a person is very often at odds with himself. Usually he is overly reasonable, likes to constantly give advice to all the people around him, as a result of which he forgets about his own affairs.
A person with Essence Number 2 must accept life as it is, adapting to various circumstances. First of all, such a person must learn to take care of himself, and only then about all other people. This person is prone to team work, he works better together than alone.

Number 3
A person with Essence Number 3 will never miss his own, he knows how to enjoy all the blessings of life. He is able to reveal his abilities and talents faster than other people. He easily learns new knowledge, especially at an early age. Despite the fact that this person has quite a lot of various talents and abilities, he is unlikely to be able to do anything alone, only other people will help to realize his talent.
This person takes only those cases that promise immediate benefit. He lives for today, not thinking at all about the future, which worries him little. Such a person is rarely visited by self-doubt. Very competent at work.
Such a person should learn to be more patient and not strive for easy activities, as in the future this may prevent him from moving on to the path with the best opportunities.

Number 4
The main mission in the life of people with Essence Number 4 is to develop a sense of justice, stability and discipline.
This person is not devoid of abilities, he always has several interesting ideas or plans in reserve. He always strives to figure it out on his own, categorically does not accept outside help. These people avoid any undertaking involving even the slightest risk. They are very honest and reliable. If a person with such an Essence Number sets big goals for himself, he will certainly bring them to life. But if he underestimates his plans, he will achieve nothing but poverty.

Number 5
People with Essence Number 5 are great originals, striving for everything new and unusual. Distinctive features of such people are enthusiasm and mobility.
Most of all they love travel and various trips, they know how to adapt to any circumstances. Sometimes the actions of these people can be unexpected for others and often lead to unpredictable consequences. These are very strong personalities, able to overcome everything in their path, to cope with difficulties and obstacles. In any case, they show resourcefulness and cheerfulness. Such people strive for the future, which sometimes prevents them from appreciating the present and seeing what is nearby.

Number 6
The life of people with Essence Number 6 is quite fruitful, there are many changes in it, both good and not so good. Their success will be ensured by such character traits as purposefulness, firmness and stability. These people are quite ambitious, throughout their lives they do not leave hope of making a name for themselves. It is very important for such people to achieve the respect of others, endearing themselves as much as possible. more people. They are full of optimism and very cheerful. Strive to reach the pinnacle of career and fame.

Number 7
People with Essence Number 7 strive all their lives for big things, for which they have enough life force.
This Essence Number gives a person knowledge and life wisdom. It is very difficult to hide anything from such people. They are unlikely to take anyone's word for it, preferring to explore everything on their own.
Such people have great creative abilities, they have a vivid and lively imagination, they are endowed with exceptional intuition. Among the people born under this Essence Number there are a lot of creative people who need complete solitude for inspiration.
They are very understanding of other people. Among such people there are a lot of leaders and speakers who perfectly feel the slightest change in the mood of others. Only in one they show some weakness - in financial affairs or commerce, in which case they will need the help of other people. Such people need to avoid pessimism and despondency in every possible way.

Number 8
People with Essence Number 8 have an active, busy life, but often a little hectic. They have a certain ambition that constantly pushes them forward.
Thanks to their strong character and willpower, these people themselves realize their plans and intentions. In ordinary life, they rarely pity others, but never themselves. Their energy and efficiency only increase the various resistances and obstacles on his life path.
Such people are characterized by excellent administrative abilities, they are able to manage a large team and can carry others along with them. They need to be involved in politics and commerce, in these areas they can achieve good success. Such people should not be exchanged for small things. Their destiny is large-scale events.

Number 9
People born with Essence Number 9 have a well-developed intellect, they are capable of high spiritual perfection.
Such people need to engage in art, success awaits them in the theater and film careers. Rare and unusual professions are literally created for such people. But what is completely contraindicated for them is commerce.
home life goal people with Essence Number 9 is to protect humanity. Such people will always find the strength to continue the work, despite numerous failures. It is not easy for these people to find the right path in life, as well as to realize their abilities and capabilities. Their main enemies are uncertainty, slowness and intolerance.


The main numbers of our life

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  • City: Tashkent

Names and surnames can change throughout life, exposing our character and destiny to changes. But the date of birth remains the same even when moving to another country. Therefore, the numbers of the date of birth (day, month, year) will be the main numbers of our life. The main number of the date of birth is the Essence Number (the sum of the numbers of the day, month and year).


The number of the birthday exerts its influence in the average period of life from 28 to 56 years and is responsible for the physical body of a person.

Number 1 (birthdays 1, 10, 19, 28)

A person born under any of these numbers will be an individualist, determined in his views, stubborn and determined, able to creatively approach everything that he does not do.

1 - independence, originality, leadership.
10 - creativity, artistry, idealism.
19 - Strongly expressed independence, originality.
28 - efficiency, dreaminess, strong will.

Number 2 (birthdays 2, 11, 20, 29)

People with this number are romantic, imaginative, but not self-confident. Therefore, they are not very persistent in the implementation of their ideas.

2 - sensitivity, emotionality, ability to work in a group.
11 - inspiration, psychic abilities, emotionality.
20 - tact, diplomacy.
29 - daydreaming, imposing one's will on others.

Number 3 (birthdays 3, 12, 21, 30)

Such people are ambitious, do not like the position of a subordinate. They often reach a high position due to their determination.

3 - friendliness, artistry, pronounced intellectual abilities, sense of humor.
12 - practicality, discipline, emotionality.
21 - versatility, nervousness, love for social events.
30 - artistry, great imagination, intuition, do not like hard work.

Number 4 (birthdays 4, 13, 22, 31)

The number gives dependence and practicality, vulnerability, sensitivity. If a person with such a number does not achieve success, then he becomes depressed and melancholic.

4 - accuracy, honesty, consideration of small details, stubbornness, susceptibility to influence.
13 - not afraid of hard work, ambitious, but at the same time insecure and pessimistic.
22 - high intuition, emotionality, nervousness.
31 - good business ability, energy and responsibility.

Number 5 (birthdays 5, 14, 23)

People with this number are quick-witted and agile in decisions, impulsive in actions, strive to make money quickly, and have a flexible character.

5 - versatility of nature, self-forgetfulness, intellectuality.
14 - duality of nature, emotionality.
23 - professionalism, high speed of thinking, commercialism

Number 6 (birthdays 6, 15, 24)

This number makes people attractive, it attracts others to itself. Stubborn and decisive in the implementation of their plans.

5 - love for home, community, musicality, dedication.
15 - an ambitious leader, stubborn, but easily influenced, irritable and short tempered.
24 - caring for others, integrity, but weak willpower.

Number 7 (birthdays 7, 16, 25)

The number gives the ability to the occult, developed intuition and a special mysterious attraction, which greatly influences others.

7 - pronounced individualism, stubbornness.
16 - analytical mind, a tendency to despondency, the need for affects, artistry, the ability to establish contacts.
25 - romantic materialist, intuition, tendency to change.

Number 8 (birthdays 8, 17, 26)

Such people have an ardent nature, great strength of individuality, but they often remain misunderstood and for this reason are very lonely at heart.

8 - the ability to make money, the ability to assess the situation and use it for your own good, a split character.
17 - a good sense of business, self-arrangement, restlessness and inconstancy.
26 - good organizational skills, but excessive emotionality.

Number 9 (birthdays 9, 18, 27)

The number gives a person compassion, lack of selfishness and the ability to make contacts.

9 - generosity, intolerance, independence.
18 - ambition, talent, artistry, sensitivity to others, emotional instability.
27 - great vitality, emotionality, nervousness.


The number of the month of birth is responsible for our emotional state and energy.

1 - Emotions are impetuous and passionate. The mood is very changeable: gentle subtle feelings can be replaced by dryness or even rudeness. When problems arise in his path, he becomes cold and distant. The energy is strong, overwhelming others, but he himself will not tolerate pressure on himself.

2 - In a harmonious environment, emotions are sensitive, impressionable, subtly feel the mood of others. But those around you must be careful not to hurt their feelings. Tolerant, easily fall under the influence of others. They are also easily offended, with pressure on them and a rude attitude, they easily explode, become hysterical, capricious, depressive.

3 - This number indicates the unpredictability of your emotional state. You can be cheerful, sensitive, tremulous and passionate, but suddenly you can lose control of yourself and then irascibility and aggressiveness can sweep away everything in its path. And when you release steam, you quickly cool down and calm down. Energy can be quickly depleted and also quickly restored.

4 - Emotions and feelings are cautious and restrained, very dependent on the people around you. You try not to show them if you are not sure how your partner or interlocutor will react. The internal accumulation of negative emotions can lead to neuroses. With loved ones and subordinates, you can behave very emotionally and irritably.

5 - Emotions can be expressed easily, cheerfully and superficially. Grievances may not notice or treat them with humor. At the slightest infringement of his freedom, he is easily irritated, becomes withdrawn, aggressive, quarrelsome and can poison the existence of himself and his loved ones.

6 - He sincerely shows his feelings and emotions, which are deep, romantic, cordial. Expects from others the same manifestation of feelings for themselves. If he does not find it, then he suffers a lot, withdraws into himself, becomes tearful and melancholic. Energy is often weakened and depends on how harmonious
environment around.

7 - Can give the impression of insensible and cold, which does not always correspond to the internal state. This person simply cannot express his feelings because of false modesty or for fear of being ridiculed. But it can easily pretend to be calm and cheerful when everything is boiling inside. Very vulnerable and stressed.

8 - Feelings are impetuous and "fiery", which a person never hides or hides. He is kind and loyal, able to sacrifice a lot for the sake of others. But he never forgets insults, does not compromise and is always ready to take revenge. The energy is very strong.

9 - Very sentimental and sensitive, you can be moved to pity by a sad story or a movie. But you try not to show your inner feelings. Your feelings are difficult to analyze. In relation to partners - warmth, sentimentality, romance are manifested if you are treated with respect or worship. But if this is not the case, then without regret you break the connection, cold-bloodedly cross out the person from your life.

10 - (1+0) = 1
11 - (1+1) = 2
12 - (1+2) = 3


The number of the year of birth is responsible for the way our thoughts and their direction. To find it, you need to add all the numbers of the year of birth. For example, 1976 - 1+9+7+6=23; 2+3=5.

1 - Thoughts are aimed at achieving independence, independence, the desire to stand out from the crowd, lead an active life and not submit to anyone or anything.

2 - Thoughts are directed to helping others, friends, family. Willingness to make sacrifices, since the affairs of loved ones are more important than their own. They are happy only when they know that they are loved and are a support for loved ones.

3 - The number of the year of birth is responsible for the way of thinking and their direction. You dream of an active, joyful life, without worries and sorrows. Strive to realize your creative abilities, gain popularity and bring joy to others.

4 - Dreams of material stability, of an orderly and calm life, of an existence planned in advance and devoid of surprises. The acquired knowledge is used for practical application in life.

5 - Such a person wants to feel free from the pressure of others. Strives to be active interesting life and dreams that his merits would be appreciated by society.

6 - Dreams of love, harmony, a good family, a friendly attitude from others. If there is an opportunity to devote himself completely to his family, he will sacrifice his professional career without regret.

7 - Sublime and idealistic dreams. Others have the impression that everything earthly does not matter to such a person. This is a loner who dreams of free time to spend in solitude and reflect on the true meaning of his existence and gaining knowledge.

8 - Dreams are ambitious. The desire to assert oneself in the eyes of others. Gain material well-being and a prominent position in society.

9 - The thoughts of such a person should be aimed at improving the life of all mankind. Everything that he possesses: time, money or knowledge - he must sacrifice in the name of building better world. Often at the same time, such a person can forget about himself and his loved ones.


NUMBER OF ESSENCE obtained by adding the numbers of the day, month and year of birth. In this case, the amount received must be reduced to a single digit.

3 + 2 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 5 = 28; 2 + 8 = 10; 1 + 0 = 1

Received NUMBER OF ESSENCE will never change and will accompany a person all his life. But to what extent it can determine the character of a person will depend on other numerological factors. Theoretically, two people born on the same day and having the same essence number should be similar in many ways, but this is very rare.

NUMBER OF ESSENCE associated with the karmas of past lives. Everyone must go through what Fate has prepared for him, but you can also make life easier, change it for the better, make it more harmonious. Each of us chooses our own path, our own path. No one is forcing us to follow the path that is given to us from birth.

To solve their esoteric goals, some Teachers in the East chose for themselves not only a name, but also a new date of birth. After some time, they got used to a completely new rhythm and completely changed their fate. If a person changes his first or last name, then it is not enough to change it only in the passport - you need to "get used to it." Usually adaptation takes one and a half to two years, and then a new rhythm is switched on.

NUMBER OF ESSENCE determines the inner potential of a person, talents and abilities inherent from birth. Shows which way to go and where to direct our energy. Therefore, the Essence Number is of paramount importance. A person who acts against his natural inclinations encounters serious obstacles in life.

Number 1 is the number of leadership, activity, action and ambition. A person with this number should systematically move forward, not trying to achieve everything at once. Here it is necessary to avoid selfishness, self-interest, be careful in dealing with people around you, avoid conflicts, otherwise you can lose friends and make enemies. This is a strong number. Man makes his own life.

The number 2 determines the cyclical nature of life with the repetition of similar situations at certain intervals. Two endows a person with softness and tact, the ability to avoid acute problems, finding a compromise solution. A person is characterized by internal contradictions, excessive prudence, a desire to constantly give advice to friends and others, this often makes it difficult to sort out one's own affairs. Such a person must accept all circumstances as they are, adapt and come to terms with them. He must think and take care not only of others, but also of himself. It is better to work not alone, but with friends and companions.

Number 3 - knows how to use and enjoy life. Faster than all other numbers reveals its abilities. Easily acquires knowledge from an early age. It is talented and capable person, but alone will not be able to use his talent. Likes to adapt to anything that promises immediate benefit. Lives in the present. He doesn't care about the future. He does not doubt his abilities, he is competent in his work. Impatience, the desire for easy activities should be avoided - this can prevent you from moving on to a path with higher opportunities.

Number 4 - The life mission of people born under the influence of 4 is to develop a sense of stability, justice and discipline. This is a capable person with his own ideas, plans. He tries to figure everything out on his own, without outside help. Reliable, honest, cautious, avoids risky enterprises. This number can give great success in life, but if a person has modest goals, then the number 4 can become a symbol of poverty and defeat, so you should not underestimate them.

The number 5 will give a person great enthusiasm, originality, mobility, a penchant for everything unusual. He loves travel and travel, everywhere he feels at home. Often his actions are unexpected, with unpredictable consequences, but, being a strong personality, he overcomes all the difficulties and obstacles that arise, while showing resourcefulness and cheerfulness. Sometimes the desire to go only forward does not give him the opportunity to appreciate the present, to see what is at hand.

The number 6 is a fruitful, but full of change life. Success is achieved only through firmness, focus, stability. A person has a great desire to make a name for himself, to achieve the respect and location of others. He exudes optimism and joyfulness of life. Do not strive to achieve the heights of career and fame.

The number 7 - this number gives the ability and craving for great things and willpower to carry them out. it magic number wisdom and knowledge. It is impossible to hide some secrets from this person. He loves to explore everything and does not take anything for granted. Seven endows a person with a creative mindset, exceptional intuition, a lively and vivid imagination. Creative people are born with this number, but they need complete solitude for inspiration. Understanding other people. They often become leaders and teachers of the highest class. But in dealing with commercial or financial affairs, they will need outside help. Discouragement and pessimism should be avoided.

Number 8 - active, but often hectic life. Ambition pushes forward. As a rule, a person himself carries out his plans and intentions - the will and strong character, the ability not to feel sorry for not himself, not others, but resistance affect, obstacles in his path only increase energy and efficiency. Such a person has good administrative skills, the ability to manage a team, dragging people along with him. He can succeed in commerce, politics, in the business world, but at the same time give up the little things. He should only deal with big things.

Number 9 - gives a person a developed intellect, the ability for high spiritual development. Success awaits these people in the world of art, theater, cinema, they will find themselves in rare and unusual professions, but it is better to immediately abandon commerce. The mission of the nines is to protect and educate humanity. If such people fail, then they always have the strength to rise and continue on their way. The problem can be awareness of one's talents and abilities, as well as choosing the right one. life path. They should fight against slowness, uncertainty and intolerance.


One of the important numbers of the numerological code is NUMBER OF PERSON, "our face", which perceives the world, determines the goals to which we will strive in real life. It is very important that our goals help to reveal our inner potential. Then the person will live in harmony with himself. Or vice versa, NUMBER OF PERSON can interfere with a person in his development, if it does not match at all by date of birth.

To determine NUMBER OF PERSON must be folded numerical value letters NAME, PATRONYMID and SURNAME.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
S T U V X Z H W ​​W
b y b e yu i

Example: Ivanova Anastasia Vladimirovna

Ivanova - 1+3+1+6+7+3+1=22, 2+2=4; Anastasia - 1+6+1+1+2+1+1+3+6=22, 2+2+=4; Vladimirovna - 3+4+1+5+1+5+1+9+7+3+6+1=46, 4+6=10, 1+0=1.

NUMBER 1- You strive to lead, crave vigorous action. Especially this thirst overwhelms you in contingencies, critical situations and at the most inopportune moment. Therefore, you need to think about each step in order to avoid rash decisions.

NUMBER 2- Defines the character of a complex, restless full of doubts. They often say about you: you are a person of mood. They are unsure of themselves, prone to extremes, even to fatalism. Avoid disputes and quarrels, attach less importance to trifles. Remember: it is better for you to work not alone, but in a team. It is useful to listen to the advice of friends, and from time to time - just go with the flow.

NUMBER 3- Symbolizes the character of light, cheerful, sociable. You have a variety of interests, but there are more desires than opportunities. If you are concerned about a career, then you will have to limit the range of your interests and concentrate on the main task.

NUMBER 4- Means success in science and technology. You are a reliable, conscientious person, but sometimes very stubborn. You are distinguished by a desire for stability, you easily find friends and achieve recognition. Your element is difficult, extreme situations: here you are "at ease".

This number speaks of your intellectual independence. You are very sociable, although you value your own experience more than the advice of others. You love everything new: new interests, hobbies, new partners. You are drawn to change by a kind of languor, mental anxiety. "Five" indicates a philosophical mindset. You can take risks, but take risks wisely.

NUMBER 6- It is not difficult for you to succeed and you easily get along with everyone if you are guided by that in life. That only honest efforts bring real results. Your word should not be at odds with the deed, this will attract people to you. With a personality number of 6, your mission is service. Your task is to support the family, love others, take care of creating harmony and comfort in society.

NUMBER 7- You are interested in art, philosophy. You have excellent intuition, but at the same time, it is especially important for you to deeply analyze the past and carefully plan the future. Do not get too carried away with mysticism - it is better to remain a realist. "Seven" can be a shadow leader, inspire many. But in commerce, you need support.

NUMBER 8- Promises material wealth. You have all the data for this. You can successfully engage in unusual activities, non-traditional teachings - here you are doomed to success. In any case, your element is big things, and leave the little things to others.

NUMBER 9- You are a reasonable, respected and authoritative person. Much has been given to you, but much will be required. It is easier for you to win positions than to hold them. Consider the opinions of others. Be fair, tolerant and responsive - and fate will reward you.


"GOLDEN" NUMBER determined by adding NUMBERS OF THE ESSENCE and NUMBERS OF THE PERSON. "GOLDEN" NUMBER" determines the meaning and justification of our entire existence. The planetary energy of this number will be our protection and support. The final result of our existence will be the exit to the high hierarchy associated with this planet. In the second half of life, a person comes to understand his true purpose and his true "I".

The force behind this number begins to exert its influence on a person from 35 to 40 years old and manifests itself in a desire to better understand oneself. During this period, previously unrealized talents are revealed in a person. And by the age of 50, a person can open up in full force, using the life experience gained or acquiring new knowledge.

Number 1- A born leader who decides everything with his mind. He should be in the center of events, leading. "Units" are better off working alone. He prefers to lead rather than follow someone else's advice. His work should serve both the personal and the public good. In your more mature years, you will have the opportunity to become more independent and self-confident.

Number 2- The number of the peacekeeper. Such a person cannot remain alone, he must act in concert with others. He easily adapts to the environment and life circumstances. Achieves the goal by avoiding obstacles and intuitively taking advantage of favorable opportunities. Home and family are important to him. Mood swings often occur, so he unconsciously looks for a person who would support him. With this number, you will find happiness in the circle of your family and like-minded people.

Number 3- This is the number of self-expression. "Threes" are mostly optimists, positively disposed towards others and towards themselves. They give love to others and expect respect in return. Full of a sense of responsibility, striving for self-improvement. Friendship is very important to you. And in adulthood, you are able to attract friends to you. Mature years can be a time of joy from communication with friends and thanks to creative self-realization.

Number 4- This number is characterized by practicality, as a result of which a solid foundation is created. Such a person needs to be surrounded by very active people who grasp everything on the fly, giving a stimulus to action. He does not like changes, responsibility and is very dependent. Manages money well and does not squander it. He does not tolerate haste, because he likes to bring everything to the end. You can discover organizational talent in yourself and in your mature years create something reliable, long-term.

Number 5- Number of changes. "Fives" actins, always on the move, in search of a new one. They make quick, but not always right decisions. Easily change jobs and make new friends. They have ups and downs in life. In mature years, you will not be bored with this number, you will not sit still, you are attracted by travel, adventures, meetings with various people. With this number you will feel "forever young". Just try to direct your energy in a "peaceful direction", otherwise it can become destructive.

Number 6- The number of responsibility for the family, home, society. Sixes love to be the center of attention. They are reliable. They are trustworthy, treat people with understanding and sympathy. They will always come to the rescue. They need to be trusted and held accountable. Their surroundings should be beautiful and keep themselves in order. For the number 6, it is very important to be more prosperous than others, and in mature years you can count on material well-being. Because this number is able to attract money.

Number 7- This is the number of wisdom, knowledge. "Sevens" - silent thinkers, revealing the secrets of life. Silence and a craving for solitude sometimes harm them - others may not understand them. The life mission of the "Sevens" is to use their knowledge for all mankind. They don't like other people's advice. They love to work alone. You can only help them in an unusual way. They dislike crowds and have few close friends. In your mature years, you will be interested in spiritual and philosophical goals. Long hours of contemplation, writing or reading will become a habitual lifestyle during this period. Secluded, but not lonely, these people will attract to themselves those who need their moral support.

Number 8- The number of material success. The "Eights" have a strong character, they are practical. Their abilities can manifest themselves in the management of big business, but on condition that the case is aimed at the common good. They need to learn how to manage money because they tend to earn and spend. Great success will come to them when they learn to balance between the spiritual and the material. People with this number rely only on themselves, and are responsible for their actions, but this is not very good friend. But they can become great leaders and teachers of others.

Number 9- Your true essence is mercy, compassion, humanity. "Nines" are emotional, kind, capable of understanding others. They want to be loved, but their goal should be to give love and mercy to others. Through compassion and love for others, they go through a lot of trials. Their mission is to protect and help humanity without benefiting themselves. In adulthood, you can get carried away with healing, esotericism, writing, or any other activity that benefits people.


The name determines the goals in life that a person will strive for. Add up the numerical values ​​of the letters of the name under study. Based on the amount received, determine the value of the name under study.

Number 1- For people with such names, constancy of purpose and an unshakable desire for success on the chosen path are characteristic. They are purposeful and, as a rule, set themselves only one important task, to which they devote all their strength. These are strong personalities: they are optimistic, stubborn, arrogant, ambitious and aggressive, ready to defend their opinion and assert their innocence at any cost. They are distinguished by an excellent memory and an exceptional ability to concentrate. They lead other people, create and invent. These are pioneers who are attracted by everything new and unusual. They are highly independent and dislike taking orders, following other people's advice, and cooperating with other people. Calling them pleasant in communication is sometimes difficult. As a rule, they are not interested in love and friendship; their circle of friends and relatives is very narrow. If such people show friendliness and sympathy for others, then, most likely, only for their own benefit. They seek to suppress and control everyone around them, sometimes reaching the point of real tyranny. These are people who want to be first in everything.

Number 2- People with Name Number 2 are distinguished by qualities that are traditionally considered feminine. They have a soft, flexible and even character. They behave meekly and tactfully, always set to compromise and strive for peace and harmony. In general, they prefer to play second fiddle, and they make excellent subordinates - diligent, accurate and modest. Such people are rather led than leading; if they want to get their way, they prefer to act by persuasion and diplomacy, rather than brute force. Often they are shy and even shy. They tend to change their minds frequently, are often indecisive and put off important things "until later" in order to have more time to think. In addition, people with Name Number 2 also have a dark, gloomy side of character, which can sometimes manifest itself in the form of harshness, malice and deceit.

Number 3- A person with Name Number 3 is characterized by a brilliant mind, rich imagination, flexibility, versatility and energy. Such people express their opinion boldly, brightly, eloquently and at every opportunity. Three is the number of brilliance and iridescent radiance. Witty, agile, charming, the owners of this Name Number usually achieve great success in life. Often they are endowed with outstanding talents, especially in the field of arts. They are rather frivolous and rarely take anything seriously. Usually they are lucky, and success comes to them almost effortlessly. At the same time, people with Name Number 3 are proud and independent, ambitious, domineering, and sometimes show dictatorial habits. Their biggest faults are their tendency to waste their energy by trying to do many things at the same time, and their inability to take life seriously. In addition, they are too concerned about popularity and approval from others.

Number 4- Four - the number of solid, practical, down to earth people. Such people are deprived of a creative spark, but they become excellent organizers and administrators. Calm, stubborn, hardworking and respectable, they imagine themselves to be the true pillars of society. They love a strict schedule and accuracy, they are ready to give all their strength to work. But at the same time, unfortunately, they are unnecessarily harsh, gloomy and boring, tend to suppress others and treat with suspicion and irritation to anyone whose lifestyle is not similar to their own. However, the representatives of the four are not without their oddities and quirks: sometimes they are prone to bouts of melancholy, and sometimes they explode and unleash long-accumulated rage on those around them. You cannot call these people lucky, and they can only achieve success in life with hard work.

Number 5- A person with a Name Number 5 is an interesting and bright personality. He is restless, restless, smart and impatient. His whole life is a series of adventures. He is attracted to everything unusual and bizarre. He loves traveling, meeting new people and changing his surroundings frequently. A typical representative of the five takes on everything, but does not really know how to do anything; everything attracts him, but nothing can keep him for a long time. Such people are adventurers; they love gambling, speculation and risky situations. They make excellent traders. They are attractive, but quick-tempered, and sometimes too ironic and conceited. They hate all responsibility and try their best to avoid it. For them, the very thought of being tied to one place or one thing is unbearable. They are imprudent and too indulgent to themselves, but they are very inventive, cheerful and multifaceted; they are not so easy to "calculate" or catch by the hand. People with Name Number 5 lead a rich and interesting, but very fickle love life.

Number 6- Six - the number of harmony, home comfort and serene happiness. People with Name Number 6 are balanced, good-natured and reliable. They are literally created for friendship, for home and family life. They are loyal, conscientious, idealistic and affectionate. These people are distinguished by common sense and tend to adhere to customs and conventions. They are capable and diligent workers, but, as a rule, they cannot boast of good business sense. To be happy, they need a peaceful circle of friends and a calm family life. Sometimes people of the six are too smug, arrogant, stubborn and conceited, and they also fuss and gossip in vain.

Number 7- Seven is the number of scientists, philosophers, mystics and occultists. Such people are full of dignity, restrained and serious, well in control of themselves and cannot stand tomfoolery and frivolity. Money and material comforts do not interest them. These people have a powerful, penetrating mind, but they are not devoid of dreaminess and are endowed with a rich imagination, sometimes giving rise to very bizarre and strange fantasies. To achieve the goal, it is necessary to show inflexibility, perseverance and look at life philosophically. Such people should set goals that would help them to show their essence.

Number 8- The number eight symbolizes strength, money and worldly concerns. This is the number of material success - or material failure. Owners of Name Number 8 are strong, tenacious, practical people, successful businessmen or politicians; however, it cannot be said that their life path was strewn with roses. Money never floats into their hands. The basis of their success is struggle, strenuous effort, prudence and hard, diligent work. They carry out all their plans with the greatest care and prudence, but without inspiration. These people can be overly rigid, materialistic and selfish, and sometimes reach outright tyranny and promiscuity. In such people lies the self-willed and rebellious soul of a rebel, capable of insane eccentric antics. Representatives of the G8 are able to achieve impressive successes, but at every step they are in danger of crushing defeat.

Number 9- Nine - the number of higher intellectual and spiritual accomplishments. People with this Name Number are idealistic, dreamy and tend to think in broad terms. Romantic, impulsive and passionate, they are endowed with exceptional charm and generously give their love to those around them. They have a powerful desire to help others and serve humanity as a whole. They make excellent scientists, teachers and artists. They are endowed with a strong will and determination, inspired and able to inspire others; however, less talented contemporaries often condemn them as unmanageable, impractical, and generally "uncomfortable." Representatives of the number 9 easily fall under the influence of others, often fall in love and just as often experience cooling towards the object of their passion. If someone opposes them, they can be merciless and intolerant. Sometimes these people are so absorbed in love for the abstract "neighbor" that they forget to take care of real people. But in general, these people are nice and charming.



  • Gender: Woman
  • Real name: Klelia

9 - generosity, intolerance, independence.


4 - Emotions and feelings are cautious and restrained, very dependent on the people around you. You try not to show them if you are not sure how your partner or interlocutor will react. The internal accumulation of negative emotions can lead to neuroses. With loved ones and subordinates, you can behave very emotionally and irritably.

Here we are - April

3 - You dream of an active, joyful life, without worries and sorrows. Strive to realize your creative abilities, gain popularity and bring joy to others.

bring joy? don't know. if only along the way

Essence number: 7 - this number gives the ability and craving for great things and willpower to carry them out. This is the magical number of wisdom and knowledge. It is impossible to hide some secrets from this person. He loves to explore everything and does not take anything for granted. Seven endows a person with a creative mindset, exceptional intuition, a lively and vivid imagination. Creative people are born with this number, but they need complete solitude for inspiration. Understanding other people. They often become leaders and teachers of the highest class. But in dealing with commercial or financial affairs, they will need outside help. Discouragement and pessimism should be avoided.

maybe not with such pathos and scale, but it suits me in general. the image fits perfectly. how do you think?

The number of the entity is obtained by adding the numbers of the day, month and year of birth. In this case, the amount received must be reduced to a single digit.

The resulting number of essence will never change and will be with a person all his life, therefore, according to him, many magicians and soothsayers calculated the character and fate of a particular person. However, it is by no means a constant, unchanging constant. Such a number can determine the character of a person, but not his choice, social status, upbringing. A lot will depend on other factors as well.

So two people born on the same day and having the same essence number may be similar in character, desires, way of perceiving the world and acting, but the results are different, and the similarity of their fates is very rare.

The essence number is directly related to the heritage and nature of past lives. Everyone should experience what the magic of days and numbers has prepared for him, but you can try to make your life easier, change it for the better, make it more harmonious.

Each of us, despite the laid down program, still makes his own choice, finds his own path and his personal responsibilities.

No one forces us to make our choice - we are free to do as we see fit, that is, we build our lives in accordance with the opportunities given to us by dates and numbers.

There are cases when some teachers in the East, in order to get rid of their karma or the problems of this life, chose not only a new name for themselves, but also a new day and date of birth.

According to eyewitnesses, after a while they got used to a completely new style and character of life, completely changed their fate. Remember: if a person changes his first name, last name, date of birth, then he should not only change his “name” and “fate”, but also change his lifestyle, “get used to” his new identity.

Usually, the merging of a new personality and a person occurs in a year and a half or two, and only then does the magic of a new name and number begin to work.

The number of essence determines the internal capabilities of a person, gives talents and abilities, predetermined by the star and the numbers of his birth.

The magic of numbers can tell us which way to go and where to direct our energy, in which area it is better to make a career.

The number of the essence is extremely important, in many respects determining. Moreover, a person who begins to act contrary to his nature, against his natural desires, faces serious difficulties on his way.

The proposed interpretations of numbers give general ideas about the character, capabilities and inclinations of a person.

Number 1

This is the number of people who are leaders, active, active and ambitious. A person of this number calculates everything in advance, systematically achieves the goal, without trying to achieve everything at once. He should refrain from excessive selfishness, reveal his selfish goals, be careful in dealing with others, and avoid conflicts. The straightforwardness and strength of such a person contribute to rather than acquiring enemies than friends. People of this number are strong and independent. They independently and purposefully build their lives.

Difficulties - if the number "1" is missing, even in the calculations. When the Personality Number is “2” or “4”, then these people are real martyrs.

Number 2

This number determines the recurrence in a person in periods of life, that is, the repetition of situations at certain intervals of time. It seems that his life is like a year with its seasons. This number also gives a person softness of character and tact. Such people masterfully know how to avoid conflicts, solve problems perfectly, and almost always find compromise solutions. They are characterized by internal inconsistency in actions and decisions. This is due to excessive prudence, the desire to constantly give advice to friends and others, which often prevents a person of the number 2 from understanding his own affairs. Such a person should accept all circumstances naturally, not interfere with the course of events, and also adapt to the habits and shortcomings of others. He does not have to constantly take care of others, he needs to pay attention to his own person. It is better for such individuals to work not alone, but with friends or associates.

Number 3

Such a person knows how to enjoy life, take everything from it. This number reveals its abilities faster than all the others. A person of number 3 is a talented person who, from an early age to gray hair easily acquires knowledge. He is very capable, but at the same time defenseless against aggression and meanness. Therefore, alone, he will not be able to properly use his capabilities. In addition, he may try to adapt to everything that promises immediate benefit, but he does not always succeed. He lives one day, and this is his serious drawback. He cares little about the future. He is so confident in his abilities and competent in his work that he does not doubt his indispensability. Such a person should avoid haste, striving for easy money - this may prevent you from realizing higher ambitions.

Number 4

For people born under the influence of the number 4, luck and success in life lies in achieving stability and discipline. With these components, happiness is guaranteed to the number 4.

This is a capable person who has his own original and effective ideas, plans and projects. He seeks to understand everything on his own, tries to do everything without outside help. Such a person is reliable, honest and careful. He is indispensable as a partner in business, because he avoids risky decisions and ventures. This number can bring great success in life, but if a person has modest needs, then the number 4 can become a stigma of poverty, misery and failure. Therefore, do not belittle yourself and underestimate your capabilities.

Number 5

Such a number endows a person with great enthusiasm, originality of decisions, mobility, a penchant for everything unexpected, extravagant. He loves travel and traveling, he feels comfortable everywhere. Often the actions of such a person are spontaneous, unexpected and fraught with unpredictable consequences. However, this strong personality overcomes all the difficulties and obstacles that arise, while showing resourcefulness and vitality. It happens that the desire to move only forward towards the intended goal does not give him the opportunity to appreciate the present, to see the impending troubles. People of this number should always soberly assess the current situation.

Number 6

For such people, life is full of changes and accomplishments. Success is achieved only if a person shows firmness, purposefulness of character, and maintains stability. He has a great desire to make a name for himself, to achieve the respect and location of those around him. It is pleasant to communicate with a person of number 6: he radiates optimism and cheerfulness. These are not proud and not conceited people, they do not strive to achieve peaks in their careers and popularity.

Number 7

This number gives a person the ability to perform feats, to conduct serious business, and most importantly, the willpower to carry them out. This is the magical number of wisdom and knowledge. Such a person has an extraordinary intuition, it is impossible to hide any secrets from him. By nature, he is a researcher who does not believe anything and anyone at the word. The number 7 gives a person an inventive creative mindset, exceptional intuition, a lively and vivid imagination. Creative people are born with this number, but for creativity they need complete solitude, so they often become loners. Understanding and respecting the interests of other people, they can be bosses and teachers of the highest class. However, in commercial or financial activities, they need the help of a more rigid materialist. They should avoid discouragement and pessimism.

Number 8

This person has an active and hectic life, full of adventures and surprises. Ambition pushes him forward. Such a person independently implements his plans and intentions - this is facilitated by the will and strong character, the ability not to feel sorry for either himself or others.

He does not tolerate resistance, obstacles in his path only increase the desire to win, increase his efficiency and energy. Such a person has good administrative abilities, he knows how to manage people, he is able to captivate the crowd. He can succeed in commerce, politics, in the business world, but at the same time give up comfort and personal happiness. Number 8 people should only take on big things and significant projects.

Number 9

It endows a person with a strong intellect, an analytical and sober mind. In addition, he also has the ability for high spiritual perfection.

These people will find success in art, theater, cinema, television, they will also find themselves in rare and exotic professions.

Such people cannot work in business. Their task and purpose in the world is to protect humanity from death, to give it new knowledge. If they fail, they never lose heart, they find the strength to rise and continue on their way.

The problem for them can be an overestimation of their abilities, pride, as well as the wrong choice of life goals.

Their shortcomings: slowness, self-doubt and exactingness towards others.

We live in a world of vibrations, and each creature that comes into the world has its own individual vibration, different from all the others.

Date of birth is the primary defining vibration for a person. The numbers that make up the date of birth are the main numbers that reflect its essence. They indicate on what the individual harmony of the essence of a person and his three bodies is built: physical, astral and mental.

Birthday number - vibrational number of the day, used for harmonization physical body person. In esotericism, it is called the number of the physical body.

The number of the month of birth is used to harmonize the energy and emotions of a person, this is the number of the astral body.

Number of year of birth - number mental body, human thoughts - the most subtle spiritual plan available to us in awareness and control at the level of everyday life.

The sum of the vibrations of these three numbers corresponds to the number of the essence.

The essence number gives the most general, global characteristic of a person. It shows the strategic task for the solution of which a person was born on earth. It shows the natural talents and gifts that a person has from birth.

In numerology, the number of essence is often called the number of fate or the number of the life path. After all, it shows the main task facing a person in this incarnation. The life path can also be understood as the direction of the greatest development of a person, or as the opportunities provided to him in this life. Sometimes, however, it takes a long time until a person understands his destiny.

Thus, the essence of man is the essence of a higher concept. The essence of man consists of three bodies: physical, astral, mental. Man in three faces. God is also in three persons.

Pay attention to the birthday number, which is determined based on the birthday and serves as a kind of addition to the number of the entity. It indicates a special talent that a person possesses. It also defines a specific approach this person to common problems life path. Although this number plays a secondary role in the numerological code of a person, the birthday number is important because, due to its specificity, it is often very noticeable in a person's character. Therefore, in popular books on numerology, this number is given special attention, for example, when calculating successful and unsuccessful days.

Entity Number Calculation

The person was born on July 23, 1967.

Let's call him Petrov Ivan Ivanovich. Now let's calculate the numerological components of his date of birth.

Birthday number: 2 + 3 = 5.

Date of birth month: 0 + 7 = 7.

Number of year of birth: 1 + 9 + 6 + 7 = 23 = 2 + 3 = 5.

Essence number: 5 + 7 + 5= 17 = 1 + 7 = 8.

But the number of the entity can be found in another way, summing up all the numbers included in the date of birth, for example: 07/23/1967 = 2 + 3 + 7 + 1+ 9 + 6 + 7 = 35 = 3 + 5 = 8.

This is done to find the master number.

Let's write all the numbers of the date of birth, as well as the vibrational numbers of the day, month, year and the number of the entity in a square. We get the following entity matrix:

The repetition of the same number in a row is the repetition of the same vibration, which indicates a large voltage of the number - its power of information radiation.

The number is a wave object. The number radiates.

Therefore, for a more visual representation of the mandala, we will, in contrast to the traditional spelling, inscribe all the numbers of the matrix in a circle, since the circle symbolizes the vibration of the number, its radiation. The number of circles around the number will correspond to the number of numbers in the cell, and most importantly, the circles give a more visual representation of the radiation power of the number than their line-by-line writing. With this approach, the previous entity matrix would look like this:

But this is not yet a mandala, but only a matrix. It will become a mandala when we somehow connect these numbers, getting a certain figure. But more on that later. Now we are still interested in what these numbers are. Therefore, we briefly present their numerological interpretations. Later we will give a detailed analysis of them.

During the reduction (folding) of the date of birth, pay attention to the numbers that may appear: 10, 11, 22, 33. These numbers are called master numbers. So, for the date 07/23/1956 we will have: 2+3+7+1++9+5+ + 6 = 33 - the master number. We further reduce 3 + 3 = 6 - we get the vibrational number of the essence. The result of the reduction should be written as follows: 33/6.

Number values

To make it easier to remember the numerical correspondences, use the images of the planets, or the images of your friends, or archetypes.
Astrological analogue

Strength, individuality, creativity, enterprise. People of this number are born leaders. They are active, aggressive and ambitious, always striving to take first place, can be completely ruthless, capable of sacrificing everything for a career, including relationships with others. This is the number of both winners and tyrants. They don't like criticism. Archetype - leader, warrior

Cooperation, tact. Number 2 people tend to be diplomatic, friendly, artistic and charming, easily

adapt to circumstances. Irreplaceable helpers. Often they are characterized by passivity and detachment. They are more inclined to think than to act. They are characterized by ingenuity and intuition, but they do not succeed very often in the implementation of their plans. These people are often prone to depression. Archetype - peacemaker

Interest in the sciences, especially the exact ones. Self-expression, inspiration - this is the essence of people of number 3. Intelligence and a penetrating mind. Number 3 people are energetic, talented, disciplined, which almost always allows them to achieve great success in their chosen areas of activity. As a rule, they are never satisfied with small things. They are used to having things work out the way they see fit. They are vain, proud and independent, they like to control the situation, command and order. The greatest happiness for them is to love and be loved. But the taste for sex can sometimes drown out the voice of reason. Archetype - the bearer of joy, the ringleader

A foundation is being erected - solid, logically verified, calculated for a long time. Methodicalness, logic, reliability - these are their tools. They look at things from their own special point of view, which allows them to find details hidden from the rest. At the same time, this often becomes the reason for their disagreement with the majority and clashes with others. They have a huge capacity for work, but they rarely strive for material success. When you need someone to lean on, it's better not to find anyone. Four is responsible for human health. Stubbornness, jealousy, envy and

causticity is also their feature. Archetype - creator, manager, worker

Logic, intuition. Five is the number of feelings. And people of this number are really extremely sensitive. By nature, they are very lively, impulsive, inventive, frivolous, prone to risk, very much appreciate pleasure. Freedom-loving, changeable, active. Curious, interested in everything. They love change, adventure, travel. born actors. As a rule, they are easily excitable and often subject to nervous disorders. In business, number 5 people tend to succeed and bounce back very quickly after setbacks. Bores. Archetype - rebel, adventurer, free spirit

The ability to adapt is the way of people of the number 6. They are harmonious and balanced, dispose to trust, although sometimes they are too stubborn. Great connoisseurs of beauty, devoted to art. Very romantic and amorous, their interests, as a rule, are focused on home and family. They have a good taste, they are very conducive to themselves, they easily converge with other people. Often they play the role of a peacemaker, because they have the gift of understanding and patience. But often they do not want to forgive people for their weaknesses. Archetype - advisor, teacher, guardian

Luck, luck. Deep thinkers, philosophers, mystics, introverts. As a rule, they are immersed in their own thoughts and therefore somewhat detached from others. Endowed with the gift of supersensory perception. The role of a philosopher, teacher and healer is intended. Rare connoisseurs of craftsmanship, great connoisseurs of art. They also tend to

love for all kinds of travel. The undertakings of these people usually end successfully. But their restraint turns for them into a reputation for impregnability. Life often disappoints them. Should avoid showing their superiority, so as not to make enemies. Archetype - explorer, spiritual seeker, scientist, magician

Call of Duty. Administrative skills and organizational skills. Entrepreneurship and finance are the lot of people of number 8. They are distinguished by great willpower and a pronounced individuality. In communication, external coldness and detachment are characteristic, although in fact they are capable of the hottest feelings. They are very perceptive and understand human nature, and therefore they sympathize with people who are less gifted and lucky. Fame, power and wealth are the three components of their success. Courage is one of the main virtues. But they are not imaginative. Archetype - master, leader, authority

The number 9 is responsible for the mind, memory. Impulse for creativity. Number 9 people are born fighters, active, courageous and purposeful, due to which, as a rule, they win. At the same time, they often find themselves in all sorts of unpleasant situations. May be the victim of a romantic connection. These people are capable of the most better feelings towards relatives. Amazing generosity. They always attract attention but for different reasons, and therefore life is full of events. Must refrain from lying. Archetype - healer, mystic, reformer, philanthropist

It is a synthesis of higher and lower. The ability to participate in the actions of the whole. Fight for an award.

Manages inspiration. A sense of alternative, the ability to get used to the image. This number is characterized by a paradoxical behavior, a sense of combination. Heightened intuition and the ability to find in oneself such hidden reserves that are incomprehensible and inaccessible to ordinary people.

Governs creation. Performs the functions of ingenuity. The ability to analyze, study things in depth, the ability to accumulate facts and translate them into a new deep form.

Teacher of teachers. Leaders, diplomats, spiritual educators, missionaries, masters of healing love.

The essence number shows what we are. Essence represents a harmonious combination of vibrations of our three bodies - physical (material), astral and mental (thoughts, mind), which have their own vibrations. People who have the same essence numbers may have different vibrations of individual parts of their bodies.

So, for Ivan Ivanovich Petrov (07/23/1967), the number of essence, according to our calculations, is 8 (Saturn). The number 8 gave Petrov Ivan Ivanovich a vibration of strength and a pronounced individuality, a mood for universal success. Note that the number 8 is made up of 17. This gives additional opportunities in the manifestation of strong and best sides. The number 8 can add up from 26, which will give completely different manifestations of the essence. Therefore, when analyzing, we must take into account not only the finite number of the entity, but also the numbers from which it is composed.

Attention! When calculating the number of an entity, it is very important to take into account the master number, which carries an additional characteristic.

For example, for the date of birth 02/21/1961 = 2 + 1 + 2 + + 1+ 9 + 6+1= 22 = 2 + 2 = 4.

Here 22 is the master - a number that adds subtle vibrations to the essence number.

Remember! If there is a zero in the date of birth, then it strengthens the number in front of it. For example, in the date of birth 10/22/1978, zero is after one, therefore, zero strengthens it, and therefore its enhanced interpretations must be applied to one. This is due to the fact that physically zero is a void, zero is a singularity. But in this emptiness everything is possible. Out of the void, space, the universe, we are born. Unfortunately, many books on numerology do not take into account the factor of zero, and therefore their interpretations are not complete.


In popular books on numerology, you will most often meet with the interpretation of the number of the day, but not the number of the essence. And since the number of the day says a lot about your character, that's why you fall into the psychological trap that the authors of such books rely on. And it seems to you how well it is written about you. But do not forget that there is a more important number - the number of essence, which gives the program to action, and the number of the day is just a key to this program.

Important rule! It is necessary to see which of the numbers of the day or essence is closer in describing the characteristics of a person, then the number will be the main one. Such people are called by number, for example: Twos, Fives, Sevens, etc.

If the number of the day is closer in character than the number of the essence, then such a person does not implement his birth program, but is always in search. It's the same as having one key but trying it on different locks.

If the number of essence comes closer to the individual, then such a person strives to realize his program and therefore more often achieves success in life, since he feels which way to go. Then the number of the day will show him the very direction of this path.

There are many methods by which you can find out your number and understand what exactly it means.
Today I can show one of them - the most popular so far. Perhaps not everything here corresponds to the truth, but a certain truth is still clearly present, so try to apply it to yourself. Happy discoveries.))

To get the number of the entity, you must add the numbers of the day, month and year of birth. After that, the amount received must be reduced to a single digit. For example, a person was born on February 3, 1982:
3 + 2 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 2 = 25; 2 + 5 = 7
The Essence Number in this case is 7. In the same way, you can calculate your own Essence Number.
Now more about the numbers, one of which is yours.))

Number 1
This number endows a person with such qualities as a thirst for action, activity, leadership and ambition. If the Essence Number is 1, a person, before doing something, must necessarily draw up a clear action plan, in accordance with which he will achieve his goal.
A person with such a Number will not be able to achieve everything at once, he needs to act gradually, step by step. He should definitely avoid any manifestation of self-interest and selfishness, as well as be wary of the people around him, avoid conflicts if possible.
If not taken seriously, such a person can very quickly lose his friends and make dangerous enemies. This is a pretty strong number. Having such a Number of Essence, a person manages his own life. As he makes his life, so it will be.

Number 2
The life of a person with this Essence Number is cyclical, all situations are constantly repeated at certain intervals.
A person with Essence number 2 is characterized by tact and gentleness. He manages to avoid the most pressing problems through various compromises. Such a person is very often at odds with himself. Usually he is overly reasonable, likes to constantly give advice to all the people around him, as a result of which he forgets about his own affairs.
A person with Essence Number 2 must accept life as it is, adapting to various circumstances. First of all, such a person must learn to take care of himself, and only then about all other people. This person is prone to team work, he works better together than alone.

Number 3
A person with Essence Number 3 will never miss his own, he knows how to enjoy all the blessings of life. He is able to reveal his abilities and talents faster than other people. He easily learns new knowledge, especially at an early age. Despite the fact that this person has quite a lot of various talents and abilities, he is unlikely to be able to do anything alone, only other people will help to realize his talent.
This person takes only those cases that promise immediate benefit. He lives for today, not thinking at all about the future, which worries him little. Such a person is rarely visited by self-doubt. Very competent at work.
Such a person should learn to be more patient and not strive for easy activities, as in the future this may prevent him from moving on to the path with the best opportunities.

Number 4
The main mission in the life of people with Essence Number 4 is to develop a sense of justice, stability and discipline.
This person is not devoid of abilities, he always has several interesting ideas or plans in reserve. He always strives to figure it out on his own, categorically does not accept outside help. These people avoid any undertaking involving even the slightest risk. They are very honest and reliable. If a person with such an Essence Number sets big goals for himself, he will certainly bring them to life. But if he underestimates his plans, he will achieve nothing but poverty.

Number 5
People with Essence Number 5 are great originals, striving for everything new and unusual. Distinctive features of such people are enthusiasm and mobility.
Most of all they love travel and various trips, they know how to adapt to any circumstances. Sometimes the actions of these people can be unexpected for others and often lead to unpredictable consequences. These are very strong personalities, able to overcome everything in their path, to cope with difficulties and obstacles. In any case, they show resourcefulness and cheerfulness. Such people strive for the future, which sometimes prevents them from appreciating the present and seeing what is nearby.

Number 6
The life of people with Essence Number 6 is quite fruitful, there are many changes in it, both good and not so good. Their success will be ensured by such character traits as purposefulness, firmness and stability. These people are quite ambitious, throughout their lives they do not leave hope of making a name for themselves. It is very important for such people to achieve the respect of others by endearing themselves to as many people as possible. They are full of optimism and very cheerful. Strive to reach the pinnacle of career and fame.

Number 7

People with Essence Number 7 strive for great things all their lives, for which they have enough vitality.
This Essence Number gives a person knowledge and life wisdom. It is very difficult to hide anything from such people. They are unlikely to take anyone's word for it, preferring to explore everything on their own.
Such people have great creative abilities, they have a vivid and lively imagination, they are endowed with exceptional intuition. Among the people born under this Essence Number there are a lot of creative people who need complete solitude for inspiration.
They are very understanding of other people. Among such people there are a lot of leaders and speakers who perfectly feel the slightest change in the mood of others. Only in one they show some weakness - in financial affairs or commerce, in which case they will need the help of other people. Such people need to avoid pessimism and despondency in every possible way.

Number 8
People with Essence Number 8 have an active, busy life, but often a little hectic. They have a certain ambition that constantly pushes them forward.
Thanks to their strong character and willpower, these people themselves realize their plans and intentions. In ordinary life, they rarely pity others, but never themselves. Their energy and efficiency only increase the various resistances and obstacles on his life path.
Such people are characterized by excellent administrative abilities, they are able to manage a large team and can carry others along with them. They need to be involved in politics and commerce, in these areas they can achieve good success. Such people should not be exchanged for small things. Their destiny is large-scale events.

Number 9

People born with Essence Number 9 have a well-developed intellect, they are capable of high spiritual perfection.
Such people need to engage in art, success awaits them in the theater and film careers. Rare and unusual professions are literally created for such people. But what is completely contraindicated for them is commerce.
The main life goal of people with Essence Number 9 is to protect humanity. Such people will always find the strength to continue the work, despite numerous failures. It is not easy for these people to find the right path in life, as well as to realize their abilities and capabilities. Their main enemies are uncertainty, slowness and intolerance.

My number is 6. Most of the description is true. I hope your descriptions match too.))

Career psychology