What religion suits you test. What kind of Christian are you by faith? The happiest time of the year

Check which denomination or jurisdiction you belong to

true orthodoxy

world orthodoxy



If you have religious questions, what will you do?

I will ask for advice from a priest or confessor, and if the question is serious, I will go to the elder.

The main thing is to help others, and all issues will be resolved over time.

It is necessary to check with church documents and decrees, there will be answers to all questions.

What are the brains for?

The most important thing in a clergyman is to…

was sincere, listened to your complaints and gave spiritual advice.

was intelligent, well-read, could converse with a wide variety of people from all walks of life

His way of life served as an example for parishioners.

regularly worked as an apparatus for performing liturgies.

Hell is

when you are not understood.

when there is no world peace

people who surround you, especially fellow believers.

when people don't help each other

The happiest time of the year


New Year

The worst thing for a Christian

if he forgot to do good deeds that day

when religious feelings are offended

if he sinned


Priests - what should they not be? Trouble if

he stinks

he excels in clothing, living beyond his means, fascinated by worldly things.

does not think about his status and walks like a rogue

Test to determine the structure of individual religiosity Yu.V. Shcherbatykh

Shcherbatykh Yu.V. 1995

1. Do you agree with the statement that religiosity is the original property of a person?

2. Do you admit the existence along with the real world of another world - special, unknown to us, which we cannot

feel directly?

3. Have you ever tried to seek support from higher powers with the help of prayers?

4. Do you wear a cross?

5. Do you think it is possible to overcome the discrepancy between science and religion?

6. Do you think that God is not omnipotent, since he cannot finally defeat the devil?

7. Do you feel an inner need to go to church?

8. Could you be guided in your life by the following lines from the Gospel: "Love your enemies, bless those who curse you, and pray for those who mistreat you"? (Mat. 5.44)

9. Do you agree with the opinion of atheists that ignorance supports faith in God, and knowledge destroys it?

10. Is it possible to bewitch a loved one with the help of magical techniques?

11. Do you think that religion is the best consolation for an ordinary person in his sorrows and troubles?

12. Do you have icons in your house?

13. Do you believe in telepathy - the transmission of thoughts at a distance from one person to another?

14. Do you hope for the highest justice, when good will be rewarded and evil punished?

15. Does faith give you an answer to the main questions that concern you?

16. Do you think that only teaching religion at school can instill morality and obedience in children?

17. Can it be argued that religion has brought more benefit to people than harm?

18. Do you allow the existence of sorcerers and witches - that is, people who know evil spirits?

19. Do you agree with the statement Christian religion that lies in suffering deep meaning for they teach man patience and

make him think about a more just life in another world?

20. Do you think it is desirable to baptize a child?

21. Do you agree with the statement that a person can draw strength and information from the Cosmos, being recharged by cosmic energy?

22. Is it true, in your opinion, such a statement: "The universe could not have appeared by itself, and it is likely that someone created it"?

23. Do you pray to God for help in important matters or in case of illness of loved ones?

24. Can an atheist and an atheist be a highly moral person?

25. Do you believe in existence immortal soul, which does not collapse after physical death human?

26. Do you believe in the possibility of "evil eye" and "damage"?

27. Do you object to the wording "God's servant" used by a priest at baptism, weddings, and communion?

28. Do you think that if you light a candle during prayer, it will have a better chance of being heard by God?

29. Do you listen to astrological forecasts?

30. Is it possible to say that the fate of a person is predetermined in heaven and he is not able to change it?

31. Do you consider yourself a sincere believer?

32. Do you think that it was the departure from religion in the Soviet era that led to the destruction of public morality?

33. Do scientists need to try to confirm or refute the fact of the existence of God?

34. Do you have an idea of ​​possible failure when a black cat crosses your path?

35. Are atheists right when they say that prayer addressed to God is connected with a person's disbelief in his own strength and therefore testifies to his weakness?

36. Do you know at least one prayer by heart?

37. Are there " energy vampires", possessing a strong negative biofield, capable of sucking out the energy of other people?

38. Observing the harmony and perfection of earthly nature, has it occurred to you that perhaps the creator is behind this perfection?

39. Do you think that fasting is something more than just a healthy diet?

The form for the test is a table of 5 rows x 8 columns.

In the cells, in addition to the question number, there are three letters D M N

Count key:

All questions ( except 5, 6, 9, 24, 27, 33 and 35)- the answer "Yes" - 2 points, the answer "Maybe" - 1 point, the answer "No" - 0 points. In the above questions, on the contrary, the answer "No" is estimated at 2 points, the answer "Yes" - 0.

The first scale (column) reflects the subject's attitude to religion as philosophical concept(epistemological roots of religiosity and a tendency to idealistic philosophy), the second determines the attitude of the subject to magic, the third determines a person’s tendency to seek support and consolation in religion, with the help of the fourth scale external signs religiosity, the fifth defines interest in the so-called "pseudoscience" - mysterious and mysterious phenomena, in the perception of which faith plays a much greater role than knowledge. The sixth scale determines the subject's tendency to believe in the creator and recognize the existence higher power, which created the world, the seventh finds out the presence of religious self-consciousness, i.e. internal need for religious belief, and with the help of the last scale, an attempt was made to find out the attitude of the subject to religion, as a model moral standards behavior.

When publishing studies using this test, a reference to the author - Yu.V. Shcherbatykh is required!

Test for morality and religiosity in English:

In Russia, there is an interesting law according to which the feelings of believers are protected. Formally it sounds like this: "commission of public actions expressing clear disrespect for society and committed in order to offend the religious feelings of believers"

However, is there a precise definition of who "believers" are? In reality, no. Anyone can call himself a believer and, on this basis, be “offended” by anything. At first they are offended by some dances, then performances, books, paintings.

But is it correct in general, and in particular within the framework of their religion? AT this case I would like to draw attention to the main aspect. Russia - secular state, and therefore no one is obliged to honor or observe the "sacredness" or "canons" of certain cults, so as not to offend their adherents. For many so-called. believers of a different faith or unbelief is an insult to their feelings.

Therefore, in order to accurately determine whether a person believes or not, it is necessary to turn to " holy book". In this case, we will talk about the Bible, since it is obvious that the law in Russia is mainly connected with Orthodoxy. So, according to the Bible, there are several elementary tests for the Orthodox, after passing which they can easily say: we are believers.

Evidence of belief in God can be obtained after passing only 5 tests.

Test #1

Any believer, according to the gospel, can move not only objects, but also mountains. And in the literal sense of the word.

"Truly I say to you, 'If you have faith the size of a mustard seed, and say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move. And nothing will be impossible for you." - (Matthew, 17:20)

It must be remembered that a mustard seed is, for primitive tribes, the smallest possible measure. That is, for a sincerely believing person it will not be difficult to move a mountain with the power of thought. Well, since there are not as many mountains as there are people who call themselves believers, you can ask them to move, for example, a bag of mustard seeds with the power of thought. This certainly will not be difficult for a passionately believing person, and will also prove to the whole world the greatness of his faith.

Test #2

A believer in God, as the same gospel says, can speak any language, since he spreads this word, including among unenlightened people.

"These signs will follow those who believe: in my name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues;" - Mark 16:16-17

So to prove faith, our believers must write at least a short sentence in some exotic language. For example, in Thai. After all, this, in theory, should not be difficult for him.

Test #3

It turns out that Christian believers, like fakirs, can control snakes

"they will pick up snakes" - Mark 16:18

And, oddly enough, this quote just has real attempts. For example, some Protestants (Pentecostals) in America practice similar acts. Pastor Walford did a similar trick last year. However, he was bitten by a rattlesnake and died in the hospital. Perhaps this happened insofar as he was not Orthodox faith? After all, everyone knows that only Orthodoxy is true doctrine Christ. After all, it is not just that officials from the ruling party protect believers from insults.

So feel free to try. This will not be difficult for any adherent of the true church. Moreover, again, Orthodoxy will confirm its dominance over other confessions.

Test #4

True believers cannot feel the effect of poison on themselves.

"And if they drink anything deadly, it will not harm them" - Mark 16:18

Here everything is checked elementary. The believer can choose to demonstrate the greatness of Christ to the people. Unfortunately, the Pentecostals have not reached that point yet.

Test #5

And finally, the last one. Believing Christians know how to heal the sick with a simple touch of the hand. Just like in the bible!

"They will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover" - Mark 16:18

Everything is simple, and most importantly safe. Just put your hand on the patient, and he immediately recovers. The spectacle is directly presented, how some frantic fanatic will cure, for example, cancer with one touch.

For sim you can finish. And remember that when you are told that faith does not need proof, you can always accuse such a person of blasphemy, since the “book of books” explicitly states that believers can prove their faith. Moreover, everyone can say “I am a believer”, including an unbeliever or “wrong believer”.

Therefore, if a person claims that he, as a believer, is offended by certain things, then ask him to prove that he really is a believer, and not a deceiver (any test will do). After all, the ground "I don't like" is not enough for a ban, and faith, according to the law, may be enough for such a ground.

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