Boris is a church name. Boris' birthday, congratulations to Boris

As soon as the matter approaches the name day, I immediately want to know the history of the patron saint, whose name we received at baptism. Otherwise, the whole meaning of the name day is lost. After all, on this day you need to try to come to the temple, pray before the Lord and your saints in order to continue to receive help and protection from enemies and worldly hardships, and when the last hour of the earth comes, to receive a repentant and shameless death. And now let's take an interest, when is Boris' name day? But, before answering this question, let us turn to the history of ancient Rus', because the most famous saint with this name is the Russian prince Boris, who is commemorated in conjunction with the holy prince Gleb. However, there were many other, already modern, locally venerated saints Boris.


Before proceeding to consider the question of when Boris' name day is, let's look far into history to find out what our saint became famous for. Boris and Gleb are two pious brothers, Russian princes who were martyred in 1015. These were the sons of the Kyiv prince Vladimir Svyatoslavovich, born to the Byzantine princess Anna. After the death of his father in the internecine war for the throne, which began in 1015, the elder brother Svyatopolk the Accursed killed the brothers Boris and Gleb.

These were the first who were canonized as Now Russian Orthodox Church reveres them as intercessors of the Russian land, heavenly helpers and patrons of Russian princes. Boris' name day takes place twice a year, but more on that later.

The history of the life of Saints Boris and Gleb is recorded in ancient literary works, in the "Tale" by Jacob Chernorizets and in the "Reading" by Nestor the Chronicler. A huge number of churches and monasteries have been built in honor of these saints.


Boris and Gleb received the names Roman and David at baptism. Although by that time the name Boris had ceased to be pagan, and it could be used in baptismal naming. For example, already in the X century, the canonization of Prince Boris, who baptized Bulgaria, took place.

He was born shortly before the Baptism of Rus' by his father Vladimir and was raised in the Christian faith. He received an excellent education, read the Bible, the Tradition of the Holy Fathers and the Lives of the Saints. His brother Gleb was close to his brother from childhood, and therefore both grew up kind-hearted and merciful.

Around 987-989 from his father, Boris received the right to reign in Rostov, and Gleb - in Murom. When Prince Vladimir fell ill, Boris was called to the capital city of Kyiv. But then his father sent him with a retinue to repel the raids of the Pechenegs. But he did not meet the Pechenegs anywhere, and on the way back he stopped on the Alta River, where he soon learned of the death of his father and that Svyatopolk had taken his throne. The squad wanted to go to war against him, but Boris did not want to arrange fraternal bloodshed. Then the father's army left the pious prince, and he was left alone with his youths.

Fight for the throne

Svyatopolk arrogantly established himself in Kyiv. He could not resist and decided to send the boyars, led by Putsha, to Boris, since the latter was very fond of the people, and this made him a dangerous rival. The soldiers crept up to the tent of Boris on the night of July 24 (30) and heard the singing of psalms from there. They decided to wait until Boris fell asleep. As soon as Boris finished the prayer, saddened by the death of his father and, knowing the villainous intention of his brother, went to bed. The assassins suddenly burst into the tent and pierced the body of Boris and his servant George, who wanted to protect his master, with spears.

Mortally wounded, but still alive, they wrapped Boris in the canvas of the tent and took him away. Svyatopolk, worried about such a thing, sent the Varangians to finish off Boris. And so it was done - he was killed with a sword in the heart.

The body of the prince was secretly taken to Vyshgorod, and there he was buried near the church of St. Basil. Saint Prince Boris was then 25 years old.

To the theme of "Boris' Name Day" it must be added that then, just as cruelly and barbarously, almost a month later, Svyatopolk dealt with Gleb, who forbade his serving youths to use weapons to protect him. After some time, Gleb's body was also transported to Vyshgorod and buried next to the tomb of his brother Boris.

Name day of Boris according to the church calendar

Thus, the holy passion-bearer Boris received a martyr's crown from the Lord, was numbered with the righteous, and settled with the apostles, and the prophets, and with the faces of other martyrs, rejoicing in the faces of the saints and singing with the angels.

The day of the angel Boris is celebrated twice a year on 2 (May 15) and July 24 (August 6) - the day of the murder of the prince. Separately, the day of the murder of Prince Gleb on September 5 (18) is honored.

Many mistakenly think that the day of veneration of St. Boris is June 20th. The date seems to be close to the name day, but still incorrect. The entire Orthodox Church on June 20 celebrates the Day of the Holy Spirit.

The life of these two holy martyrs was sacrificed to love - the main Christian good deed. “Whoever says, “I love God,” but hates his brother, is a liar” (Gospel of John, chapter 4, verse 20).

  • February 7 and 17
  • May 15
  • 5, 13, 20 June
  • August 6
  • October 1 and 15
  • November 23 and 25
  • December 5, 6, 10 and 15

The meaning and characteristics of the name Boris

Translated from the Old Slavonic language, the name Boris means "glorious in the fight." It is believed that it is one of the forms of the Bulgarian name Borislav, which has literal translation"fight for fame."

Boy Borya has a strong and strong character. Even being in childhood, he shows real masculine qualities - courage, courage, self-confidence.

However, close friends and relatives are well aware that a kind, sympathetic and gentle soul is hidden behind a heroic appearance and sometimes tough behavior.

A distinctive feature of the owner of this name is accuracy. In his room there is always an exemplary order, all things lie in specially designated places for them. Boris is a very stubborn person, and therefore, as a rule, he succeeds in his chosen professional field.

The owner of the name in question will keep the relationship with the girl a secret from everyone, even the closest people, until the wedding, as he does not like it when someone invades his personal life.

Boris believes that a man should fully provide for his family, therefore he will do everything to ensure that his wife and children do not need anything.

Congratulations for Boris on his name day in verse

You always arrange an unexpected surprise for your friends,
We love you very much, we respect you, our friend Boris!
Accept congratulations today from your loved ones,
Be cheerful, interesting, never lose heart!

Boris is talented and strong, a great family man!
His career is going up, he is a good husband and son!
We wish him to be himself, and not to lose happiness,
Follow the beaten path, continue your success!

SMS congratulations to Boris on his name day

Happy birthday, Boris! I wish you,
So that your every whim, and any dream
They were executed right on time, and doubly, in addition!
So that every breeze brings good luck!

Dear Boris! You have always been and remain a fighter for your own happiness! Next to you, everyone will feel protected! Always stay as you are, and may every day of your life be filled with joy and love!

The name Boris always symbolizes strength and a huge charge of energy. Even some cruelty is present in the character of the owners of this name. Boris always stands firmly on his feet and achieves what he wants. It is about the owners of this name that we can say that they are real men. Unfortunately, in life he always has many difficulties and obstacles. But he easily overcomes them. Despite external cruelty, he is a very kind and sympathetic person. He will gladly help in any matter. It's useless to argue with him. He is very stubborn and will prove his point to anyone.

Boris has been a very neat and well-mannered boy since childhood. He takes care of things. He always has all the books on the shelf stacked corner to corner. The same neat Boris is in relations with the female sex. He does not like to dedicate others to his personal life, he does not even trust his parents with secrets and secrets. In his career he always achieves great success, thanks to his perseverance. He provides for the whole family, his wife and children never need anything.

Fate: His energy and willpower require something interesting. Whatever his interest, all his efforts and plans will inevitably be directed to the search for good luck, luck, happiness.

Angel Boris Day

The origin of the name is Slavic (Bulgarian) - an abbreviated form of the name Borislav (fight for glory). Frank, good. Can flare up, but is quick-tempered. She can scream, but immediately hug, kiss. The nervous system is broken, suffer from dermatitis on the nerves. Compliant in the family, cooks deliciously. Children are born heterosexual. Boris is cheerful, inquisitive, extremely receptive to sensual sensations, rarely aggressive.

He loves aesthetics in everything, especially in women, he loves them. Often falls in love and often diverges. Therefore, he marries not once and not for life, “until death separates”, but two or three times or more. And all because Boris is fanatically devoted to work, which negatively affects his health, as he relieves his nervous stress with the help of strong drinks.

At first, he takes his “medicine” in small doses. Then gradually, quite imperceptibly to himself, Boris brings his doses of alcohol to such proportions that he soon becomes a complete alcoholic. Don't be scared! Not all Boriss are drunkards. It's just that some of them have a predisposition to it. And his family members should always remember this.

Boris Name days according to the Church Calendar

  • February 7 - Boris (Zavarin), martyr. /novomuch./
  • February 17 - Boris (Nazarov), schmch., Prot. /novomuch./
  • May 15 - Boris (baptized Michael) Bulgarian, equal to the apostles, king. [baptizer of Bulgaria]; Boris (baptized Roman), passion-bearer, prince
  • June 13 - Boris (Ornatsky), martyr. /novomuch./
  • August 6 - Boris (baptized Roman), passion-bearer, prince
  • October 1 - Boris (Bogolepov), schmch., Priest / novomuch. /
  • October 15 - Boris Kazansky, martyr.
  • November 23 - Boris (Semenov), confessor, deacon / novomuch. /
  • November 25 - Boris (Uspensky), martyr. /novomuch./
  • December 5 - Boris (Kozlov), martyr. /novomuch./
  • December 6 - Boris (Voskoboynikov), schmch., Bishop, Ivanovsky / Novomuch. /
  • December 10 - Boris (Ivanovsky), schmch., Prot. /novomuch./
  • December 15 - Boris, martyr. /novomuch./

Boris is not such a common name, but it has some magic. Usually people named by this name are strong in spirit, they endure all difficulties very easily. But the sign of the zodiac also plays a special role.

The exact origin of the name Boris is unknown. According to myths, the name comes from the Old Slavonic Borislav. According to another story, the name has Mongolian roots, as it appeared from the Turkic word "profit".

In the Old Persian language there is the name Bariz, which means "heir". Many historians are also inclined to believe that the name arose thanks to the Bulgarian king Bogoris, who brought Christianity.


Almost all philologists broadcast the name Boris in the same way - "a fighter for glory." A man called by this name will be a little conceited. The constant hunt for fame and notoriety pays off. Boris needs recognition from the outside and he will achieve this by any means.

Translated from Turkic, it means "gift". There are also meanings "strong", "upland".


From the very act, the Boriss are strong in spirit, they try to overcome all difficulties and obstacles, by all means. The boy tries to please his parents, to meet their desires, imitates superheroes. But even from childhood, it is necessary to teach Borya that from each defeat one should derive benefit and positive experience. Otherwise, in the future, the child will be afraid to make a mistake again.

Bori can not accept the weaknesses of the other guys. They want to observe only persistent personalities around them. But, on the other hand, it is difficult for him to make friends with the same strong people.

As a profession, Boriss often choose:

  • mountaineering;
  • politics;
  • extreme sports;
  • warfare.

Being a friend of Boris is extremely difficult: stubbornness and stubbornness are not always beneficial and can play a cruel joke. But in the family, a man becomes completely different. He is a caring father loving husband, but still prefers leadership. He does not like it when his relations are controlled by relatives, they guide him on the right path.

Since childhood, the Boriss have been fond of playing football and other ball games. But he is also attracted to quiet activities - crossword puzzles chess. At an older age, there is often an interest in design.


As a child, the Boriss are obedient, despite the fact that they are stubborn. The boy is not influenced by friends, but he understands that others are important, this is his support. In childhood, Borya is hardworking and does not spend a single minute idle.

Boriss dream of being leaders, managing something, they aspire to be directors. For Bor, the final result is important, he will not find fault with trifles. Such men make very good bosses.

Boris is able to achieve incredible success in his chosen field of activity. He does not need help and independently achieves his goals. The main thing for him is to be able to realize himself, but sometimes drinking interferes with this. Bori can not always refuse their friends a feast.

Boriss have good feeling humor and absolutely not greedy. In their younger years, they prefer love adventures and shy away from commitments. But over time, the family becomes everything. Boris is a good owner, who does everything in the house himself, does repairs, helps his beloved, brings up children.

If you characterize the name according to the signs of the zodiac, then Boris has the following features:

  • Aries. A very emotional and passionate man, always ready for competition. Boris Aries are optimistic and try to find pluses in everything negative.
  • Taurus. Quite rude and inconsistent. Such people do not like to change their habits. Often become builders or rescuers.
  • Twins. Impressive, friendly and open to any communication. Always ready to help a loved one.
  • Crayfish. Quite aggressive and irritable, very emotional young people. In communication, you must be careful not to hurt them or injure them.
  • A lion. A noble, open and sociable man. Such Boriss love to command and manage. Family relationships with such a person will be complex and confusing.
  • Virgo. They are very prudent and prudent, proud and take everything literally. For this reason, phobias develop.
  • Scales. Dual natures. Insecure and nervous in any conflict. They are not in a hurry to start a family and usually choose a suitable companion for a long time.
  • Scorpion. A very confident person. Such Boriss are not afraid of difficulties, they solve all problems quickly.
  • Sagittarius. A straightforward person, sincere and decent. Such people can be called real optimists. Born under the sign of Taurus, Boris loves his family and respects his wife.
  • Capricorn. A patient and kind man. Borya is not afraid of any work, he grabs any offer. He reaches heights only thanks to his own work.
  • Aquarius. A little naive, but honest man. He sees only positive aspects in people. He does not know how to be offended by relatives and friends for a long time, you can always rely on such a person.
  • Fish. A very touchy man, whose forgiveness is difficult to obtain. Boriss, born under the sign of Pisces, are quite slow, but sensitive.

name day

In Orthodoxy, Boris celebrates his birthday on such days:

  • 7 and 17 February.
  • May 15.
  • June 13th.
  • August 6th
  • 1 and 15 October.
  • 23 and 25 November.
  • December 5th, 6th, 10th and 15th.

Name color

Boris is blessed with colors such as dark brown, purple and dark steel.

name flower

The flower named after Boris is considered iris. It has a dark color that characterizes strength and stubbornness.

Church name, saints

Blessed Prince Boris is the first Russian saint. church name does not change. He and his brother were the sons of Prince Vladimir. They differed in trepidation for each other, spread the faith of Christ in Rus'.

Name translation, in different languages

Translation of the name into different languages has a similar sound:

  • in English: Boris;
  • in Belarusian: Barys;
  • Bulgarian: Boris;
  • Polish: Borys;
  • Ukrainian: Boris.

Full name, abbreviated and affectionate

Full name is Boris. Briefly, you can call it like this: Borya, Bob, Boryakha, Bobka. caressing forms named - Borenka, Boryunya, Boryusya, Boryunchik, Boryusha, Boryushka, Boryulya.

What names are patronymics suitable for?

If the man's name is Boris, then the girl will receive the middle name Borisovna, and the guys - Borisovich. This middle name is combined with many beautiful names.

The names of the guys to the patronymic Borisovich:

  • Fedor.
  • Daniel.
  • Yaroslav.
  • Leonid.
  • Anton.
  • Dobrynya.
  • Kirill.
  • Timur.
  • Novel.
  • Nikita.
  • Egor.
  • Vladislav.
  • Dmitry.
  • Andrew.
  • Nikolay.
  • Timothy.
  • Semyon.
  • Denis.
  • Maksim.
  • Victor.
  • Bogdan.
  • Konstantin.
  • Alexander.
  • Michael.
  • Stepan.
  • Alexei.
  • Paul.
  • George.
  • Matthew.
  • Gleb.
  • Vladimir.
  • Ilya.
  • Mark.

Names of girls to the patronymic Borisovna:

  • Sofia.
  • Elizabeth.
  • Barbara.
  • Pauline.
  • Kseniya.
  • Catherine.
  • Alexandra.
  • Veronica.
  • Anastasia.
  • Anna.
  • Daria.
  • Kristina.
  • Alyona.
  • Faith.
  • Taisiya.
  • Alina.
  • Kira.
  • Diana.
  • Victoria.
  • Arina.
  • Vasilisa.
  • Valeria.
  • Milan.
  • Ulyana.
  • Margarita.
  • Julia.
  • Olga.

Name Compatibility

Ideal relationships for men named Boris will be with girls named Natalya, Anna, Larisa, Tamara, Zoya, Inna, Olga, Valeria, Varvara.

But with girls named Julia, Marina, Lyubov, Tatyana, Nina and Nadezhda, Boris should not get married. If you try to create a family, then it will most likely be unhappy.

How to decline

Declension of the name by cases:

  • and. p. - Boris;
  • R. n. - Boris;
  • d.p. - Boris;
  • in. n. - Boris;
  • etc. - Boris;
  • p.p. - Boris.

Notable people with this name

it interesting name many famous people had. The most popular of them:

  • Boris Pasternak - is a Nobel Prize winner. This is a unique Russian writer and poet.
  • Boris Vallejo - a talented artist with Peruvian roots.
  • Boris Yeltsin

    Transfer of the Holy relics of the brothers, noble princes, Boris and Gleb

    On May 15, Christians remember the transfer Holy relics of the Great Martyr Brothers, Blessed Princes Boris and Gleb.

    On this day, in 1115, the solemn transfer of the relics of Saints Boris and Gleb to the new church-tomb built by Prince Izyaslav Yaroslavich in Vyshgorod took place.

    Boris and Gleb are brothers. They are the sons of the Kyiv prince Vladimir Svyatoslavovich.

    After baptism, they were given the names respectively Roman and David. The brothers are among the first canonized Saints in Rus'.

    In 1015, princes Boris and Gleb were brutally murdered by their elder brother Svyatopolk the Accursed. He considered them his rivals. Thus, Svyatopolk committed the terrible sin of fratricide, like the biblical Cain, who killed his brother Abel.

    Brothers-princes Boris and Gleb showed a feat Christian humility, as they preferred to die than raise a hand against their brother Svyatopolk. Therefore, they are also called the Holy Passion-Bearing Brothers.


    Boris is a Slavic name, it is an abbreviated form of the name Borislav, that is, "a fighter for glory." Another variant of the meaning of the name Boris is “a fighter for profit”.

    A man named Boris is a cheerful, cheerful person with a wonderful sense of humor. Boris is the soul of the company. At the same time, he is hardworking, persistent, likes to make decisions on his own and take responsibility for the result. This is a self-sufficient person who believes in his success and victory.


    According to one version, the name Gleb has Scandinavian roots and means "heir", "heir of God." In ancient Rus', princes were often called this name. There is another version - perhaps the name comes from the Slavic word "lump" or "globa" - a pole.

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