Horoscope for today July 31 Scorpio. Business horoscope - Scorpio

Auspicious day. It may not bring immediate changes for the better, but it will allow you to determine your goals and plans for the future. It becomes clear what needs to be done in order to succeed in the near future, and friends are willing to help you with advice and deeds.
Many problems that have bothered you before will be quickly resolved thanks to the intervention of influential people or a lucky coincidence. Your new ideas quickly receive support, and even more than you might expect. As a result, everything conceived can be quickly realized.

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Love horoscope - Scorpio

Your relationship with your partner may deteriorate if you do not give them more time and personal attention.


Today, in no case will you be allowed to give free rein to your emotions in a relationship with a loved one. No matter how much you want to change the rules and frameworks that exist in your personal life, now you clearly should not succumb to this impulse. Keep harmony in communication with your partner and just patiently wait for a more suitable moment for this. If you make important and responsible decisions under the influence of fleeting impulses, then in the end you will inevitably make many very unfortunate mistakes.
Today, any social activity will develop very successfully and bring you joy. There will be a feeling of deep peace and self-confidence in your soul, and the charisma you radiate will have a magnetic effect on all other people.

You will have to join forces with your soulmate in order to achieve the prosperity of your couple together. Therefore, now it is very important to learn how to make joint decisions. You may have to step on the throat of your song in solving some issues, but the reward will be prosperity and a favorable atmosphere in your relationship with your loved one.


Family Horoscope - Scorpio

In relationships with loved ones, thanks to the support of the Moon, everything will be fine. You will feel needed and loved, your family will strive to please you in everything.

Business horoscope - Scorpio

Try tomorrow to eliminate the consequences of past business failures, then you can conclude profitable contracts in the future.


Your head will be filled with various working projects, many of which you will actively undertake to put into practice. And you will really succeed in many things!

Health Horoscope - Scorpio

Tomorrow you will feel quite healthy, and your mood is not the worst, so try not to spoil it for others. Go in for sports tomorrow, at least in the evening you are quite capable of allocating an hour or two for this. Scorpios need to be in good shape, so start taking the necessary measures for this.


The Sun will influence your health, and this influence will give you strength, both moral and physical. You will feel complete control over your destiny and your development as a person.

Mobile horoscope - Scorpio

You crave change. Old habits have outlived themselves and you are ready to take a break to rethink your lifestyle. You will need time to surround yourself with everything new, unique and unusual, but you are ready to wait. You will receive support not only from close people, but also from colleagues regarding the changes that you have decided to make or are just planning to make. Your peers will support you, but from the older generation you can expect dissatisfied looks and long lectures on this subject. But that won't stop you. Listen to their advice, but do everything as your heart tells you.

Beauty horoscope - Scorpio

During this period, so many different cases and troubles can fall upon you that you can be completely confused and exhausted. Make a list of the issues you need to deal with and start addressing them one by one. If some problems seem too large-scale and serious to you, then break them down into several smaller and more specific tasks.

Scorpios, stars predict a bunch of pleasant surprises - hurry up before other representatives of your sign come running. Today is the perfect day for outdoor activities - the tracksuit is just waiting for you to get it out of the closet. And leave time to communicate with the chosen one - the loved one has accumulated questions.

Scorpion. Weekly horoscope from 07/10/2019 to 14/10/2019

This week, a lot for Scorpios is related to family or relatives. It is there that you will prove yourself best, although the scale for you, of course, is not the same, but this is only at first glance. Firstly, in gratitude, relatives will bring you to useful people. And secondly, plunging into everyday routine, you can mentally “resolve” professional situations that you have not liked lately.

Scorpion. Financial horoscope for 07/10/2019 to 14/10/2019

Scorpios will show themselves perfectly in business with family and friends, however, they will take all the decisions on themselves, but they will act competently. This applies to some kind of common enterprise, and large family purchases. In addition, Scorpios can show themselves to be excellent intermediaries, which they do not often succeed due to their emotional nature.

Scorpion. Love horoscope from 07/10/2019 to 14/10/2019

“Where you studied, I taught” is about feelings and about Scorpions. Family representatives of the "dominant" sign will live this week with their "halves" quite harmoniously. And lonely Scorpios can give their new acquaintances unforgettable autumn evenings and even nights, but this is if they don’t have more important things to do.

Scorpion. Love Compatibility from 02/22/2016 to 02/28/2016

Scorpio, happiness awaits you with signs traditionally compatible with you - the elements of Earth and Water. What exactly will be the relationship and what are their main advantages, you have to guess for yourself. Each representative of these signs is unique, which does not make it possible to single out something common for all couples. There will be only one common feature - an ideal, harmonious relationship. But what advantages are inherent in your partner, you will figure it out yourself. After all, it is not for nothing that Scorpios have a reputation as subtle psychologists, insightful and gifted with extraordinary intuition.

: who will take care of relatives, and who will work for ten

Read the astrological forecast for Tuesday, July 31st. We will also tell you under which zodiac constellation those who celebrate their birthday today were born. July 31, 2018 is the 19th day of the lunar calendar. Full Moon, Moon in Pisces. A new lunar day will begin at 05:14 and end at 21:23.

Those who celebrate their birthday today, according to the horoscope Leo. These people are very active, they always strive to be at the center of public life. Often Leos feel the need to share their own strength with those who are weaker than them. Therefore, representatives of this zodiac sign are often involved in charity and patronage.

Today the stars have prepared a fateful meeting for you. A person will appear on your life path who will radically change your life. Be friendly and do not avoid new acquaintances.

This day is created for social activity and interaction with other people. Today, any communication will be successful and bring positive results.

Your luck is very close to you, so today you must demonstrate all your reaction speed in order to catch it. Communicate more and use every chance for success.

Today you will want to get out of your usual routine and change the usual course of things. You will not dare to make drastic changes, but allow yourself small weaknesses.

Today you will feel that you have a certain influence on others. It will bring you great pleasure. The feeling that you are the director of what is happening around you will greatly please you.

The stars today advise you to spend time with loved ones or relatives. Any communication with people you like will leave behind a powerful positive charge.

Significant profit awaits you today. You will be lucky in financial matters. You can easily increase your capital or make profitable investments for the future.

Someone in your family will urgently need your attention and support today. Be sensitive and turn your friendly shoulder in time.

Today, the stars advise you to rely solely on your own intuition. Your inner voice on this day will be able to lead you in the right direction.

Let minor chaos break into your measured life. This will allow you to take a fresh look at familiar things, and, possibly, change your attitude to a certain situation.

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Today is July 31 - the 212th day of the year (213th in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar. There are 153 days left until the end of the year.

The location of the planets in the first half of this day indicates a favorable period for any business that requires care, accuracy and consistency. If you show restraint and punctuality, you can raise your rating in the eyes of others. During this period, you will be able to see new perspectives. The second half of the day is perfect for communication, meeting with friends and any kind of collective activity. This period is favorable for intellectual work, writing letters. Short trips will be successful.

Horoscope for July 31, 2018 Aries

Daytime hours allow you not to rush anywhere. Many Aries are waiting for a temporary stagnation in business. Spend more time finishing old projects. Don't forget to eat well, but don't overeat either. At the end of the day, you may receive tempting but unverified information. It is possible that it will be dictated by your or someone else's overactive imagination. In the late hours, it is not recommended to go on the road, do calculations and other work that requires accuracy, as well as rush to develop new acquaintances.

For women and men born under the zodiac sign Aries. Good day for new beginnings. However, before taking on cases that seem promising and promising to you, it is worth consulting with experienced people, proven allies. Now you tend to overestimate your abilities and you can take on something that you cannot afford. Personal relationships develop harmoniously, you get along well with loved ones, find a way to support them and help if the need arises. It is worth being more careful with money, it is better to refrain from unplanned purchases and expenses.

Changes in the professional sphere, even not the most pleasant at first glance, will do you good. Today you can change your job to a higher paying one or successfully start your own business, make the first profitable deal. New connections are emerging. In addition, you easily refuse to communicate with people who in one way or another had a negative impact on you. You are quite sociable and easy to make contact, but you should keep in mind that this day is more suitable for starting friendships rather than romantic relationships. Close people may doubt some of your actions and decisions, but in a difficult situation they will certainly support you.

True horoscope for Aries

Today, Aries will simply gush with energy and fresh original ideas. Both are best directed in a rational direction, for example, to find an additional source of income or income. Today, a mobile and active lifestyle is welcomed, so the stars recommend that you get out in the evening for a walk or a run.

Dangerous, critical day. Fate is still testing your endurance and loyalty to life principles. It is possible that new business or risky ventures will lead to financial losses, and any commercial activity will bring losses. Do not get involved in empty disputes that will bring nothing but mutual irritation. In the afternoon, negative trends are on the decline, but everyday problems will take up all your time and entail additional costs.

Horoscope life zodiac sign Aries

In the morning, Aries will feel an unprecedented lightness, which will make you want to sing and dance. By the way, the more you move today, the faster and more interesting the day will fly by. You can relax in nature, swim, play volleyball and expose your satisfied physiognomy to the sun. The horoscope predicts Aries a good profit from a joint project with a friend and colleague all rolled into one.

This day will be difficult for Aries lovers. Their selfish beginning can manifest itself in the form of excessive demands, inaccessibility, lack of sympathy and tact towards others. In love, avoid exaggerated ardor and impatience. The treacherous Aries must finally make the final choice.

In the morning you will receive an interesting offer. But before you agree, carefully consider it. Some improvement is possible in the financial sector. But for the sake of profit, you have to work hard. Do not be lazy and remember that the end in your case always justifies the means.

Horoscope for July 31, 2018 Taurus

The actions of Taurus today are largely determined by intuition, as well as the current state of health and the environment. In a harmonious familiar atmosphere, you have a chance to achieve good results. In an unfavorable environment for yourself, you can often show unmotivated irritability and moodiness. In the evening, the stars advise you to exclude important purchases, responsible contacts and trips that are notoriously difficult from your to-do list. At this time, it is undesirable to blindly trust people, even friends.

Personal astrological forecast for July 31, 2018

For women and men born under the sign of the zodiac Taurus. Starting the day can be quite challenging, especially for those who are used to getting things done quickly. Now things are moving slower than you would like, and you need to be patient. Gradually, the influence of positive trends is gaining strength, and changes for the better at work and in business relations become possible. The second half of the day is a favorable time for activities that require imagination, ingenuity, and creativity. Sports and outdoor activities are beneficial: thanks to them, you will feel noticeably more cheerful.

Astrological forecast for today

From a professional point of view, this is a very difficult day: Taurus is at risk of losing a lot, and for this they will not have to make serious mistakes, simple inattention will be enough. But, if you react in time to what is happening around, you can increase income; however, it will be difficult to choose the right tactics on your own, it is better to listen to the advice of knowledgeable people. Costs should be reduced, as the financial picture does not look very favorable. But the emotional background is stable, so the day will be quite comfortable for communication. It is undesirable only to meet with people who once offended you: it will not be easy to cope with long-standing negative emotions.

True horoscope for Taurus

Taurus will be the center of attention of acquaintances and strangers who are interested in their work. You will be able to gain not only fame and honor, but also an additional source of income, and knowledgeable people will pass your phone to each other along the chain. Today you can make a lot of connections that are sure to be useful to you in the future.

Personal horoscope for July 31, 2018

You need to be careful and attentive when doing any business. The stars advise not to take active steps and not to engage in affairs that require scrupulousness and jewelry accuracy of execution. Possible household chores or malaise. The mental discomfort will last for a while.

Horoscope life zodiac sign Taurus

July 31 Taurus will want to do everything at once. This applies not only to work, but also to personal desires. Your relationship with your lover has long been in need of continuation. If you are ready for marriage, then boldly declare it - to yourself and the chosen one. It is better to exclude physical activity and work in the garden. Otherwise, Taurus will have to heal his back for a long time and restore undermined health.

House horoscope for today July 31, 2018

The last day of July will pass quietly, but it will be the calm before the storm. Probably, on the one hand, lies and slander will throw mud at any leader who has become objectionable; on the other hand, many will have a chance to regain their social position and thereby cause a huge trail of whispering, gossip and speculation. Resist the temptation to take out a loan or a loan during this period.

Fate horoscope for women and men

This is the day of lightning decisions. But they must be not only fast, but also correct. So don't delay. It is desirable to deal with the turnover in the coming days. The evening should be devoted to additional earnings. And listen to your intuition: the voice of your heart will not let you down today!

Horoscope for July 31, 2018 Gemini

For Gemini, the subtext of events is important today. Know how to see in what is happening not only the obvious, but also the hidden side. The first half of the day tends to quiet consistent activity or to stay in complete peace, relaxation, loneliness. At the end of the day, your attention will either wander or focus on false goals. Try not to fall into the traps set by enemies and adequately respond to harmless friendly pranks. Dream or listen to music before bed.

Personal astrological forecast for July 31, 2018

For women and men born under the sign of the zodiac Gemini. Lucky day. You will change a lot in your life for the better if you act decisively. There is a chance to climb the career ladder, as well as meet people whose support will soon prove to be very useful. You need to properly prioritize and pay maximum attention to what is really important to you. Significant changes in personal relationships are not ruled out. It will become clear which of your loved ones truly understands and supports you, who you can trust and who you should ask for advice.

Astrological forecast for today

Gemini is at risk of losing a lot; from the representatives of this sign, the day requires caution, patience and respect for others. Avoid risk yourself and try not to push people close to you to rash acts. It is better not to give advice to unfamiliar people, and in conversations with friends it is worth avoiding an instructive tone. It pays to cut costs. You can spend money on the needs of the family, but it is better to postpone the fulfillment of your own desires. There is a high probability of quarrels in married couples, but relationships with parents and children develop quite harmoniously.

True horoscope for Gemini

Gemini today will be just on top in any area of ​​life, be it sports, education or creativity. On this day, you don’t even have to prove anything - your superiority will be noticeable to absolutely everyone, including your most irreconcilable ill-wishers. Positive emotions today will bring you a game with children or pets, a walk in a quiet park.

Personal horoscope for July 31, 2018

Critical day. Stars are advised to be wary of new acquaintances. Commercial activities or risky financial transactions will bring losses. It is not recommended to be active in the professional field of activity. Possible household chores, problems with children or malaise.

Horoscope life zodiac sign Gemini

The horoscope advises Gemini not to get involved in a dispute between two elderly relatives. Even if you express your opinion, it will not solve or change anything. In your personal life, you need to take the initiative into your own hands, then the chosen one will consider you a confident and persistent person. Do not expect financial stability, but a friend will return a long-standing debt to the Gemini in the evening.

House horoscope for today July 31, 2018

A fairly harmonious day for Gemini, as representatives of this sign will be able to take a break from the impact of the harsh energies of the previous period. Today you are able to solve any problem and you can find a way out of the situation that everyone will be happy with. Due to previous worries and constant lack of time, you did not pay attention to yourself at all. If you do not urgently take care of your health, a crisis is likely in a month or two.

Fate horoscope for women and men

Calm, neutral day. No special difficulties are foreseen. Astrologers recommend spending money wisely and being careful when dealing with strangers. It is better not to make global decisions. Do not make plans for the distant future, it is better to take care of essential things. In the evening it is good to do sports.

Horoscope for July 31, 2018 Cancer

The pictures of the future that flash before the mind's eye of Cancers are close to the truth today. Do not be afraid to let your imagination run wild and come up with good prospects for yourself. On this day, it is desirable to reduce verbal communication, do not make new acquaintances and blurt out secrets. Resist the urge to deliver a fiery speech. If you have an urgent need to pour out your soul, entrust your thoughts to a diary or write a letter to a friend. Music can help relieve stress.

Personal astrological forecast for July 31, 2018

For women and men born under the zodiac sign Cancer. Favorable day for work. There will be an opportunity to strengthen their professional positions, to agree on cooperation with new partners. The most ambitious representatives of the sign will be able to take a higher position, but they will need a lot of time to figure out their new responsibilities. Possible cash receipts, profitable deals. It is not always easy to find a common language with loved ones, sometimes disputes arise over trifles. However, very little time passes, and it is possible to restore mutual understanding and reach a compromise. The day is suitable for travel, a change of scenery is beneficial.

Astrological forecast for today

Cancers can count on professional success. It is possible to receive tempting offers of cooperation, change of work to a better one. New interests, sources of inspiration appear in the business sphere, you work with genuine enthusiasm. Management will surely notice this, probably financial incentives. The main characteristic of personal relationships is stability. You can not be afraid of shocks and disappointments, enjoy communication with those who are dear to you. The moment has come to openly express one's opinion and discuss the accumulated problems.

True horoscope for Cancers

Cancers on July 31 will be able to take advantage of the favorable arrangement of the stars in order to improve relations with their spouses. Married couples who are passionate about one thing today are able not only to get even closer to each other, but also to become real like-minded, kindred spirit people.

Personal horoscope for July 31, 2018

On this day, the ideas that you have been thinking about for the last time can bring quick and powerful results. Your energy and spontaneity in actions can infect or surprise others. You will be able to change your social status for the better, solve work tasks, strengthen relationships with loved ones.

Horoscope life zodiac sign Cancer

The more positive and active Cancer will be on this day, the faster it will settle all the difficult issues in its life. You will be supported by a wealthy person and having weight in society. If on July 31 you decide to get a pet, then first consult with the household. In love, Cancer will be more lucky than in money. Perhaps an interesting acquaintance that will turn your life 180 degrees.

House horoscope for today July 31, 2018

Today will not do without global changes: relocations, job changes and even occupations are possible. Most likely in the near future you will be offered an interesting and profitable position. Be frugal, control your expenses so that you don't run aground at the most inopportune moment.

Fate horoscope for women and men

Don't trust your feelings, including your intuition. The working day promises to be hard and stressful. But don't let fatigue get the best of you, especially in the evening. A visit to friends or a country trip will help to resist apathy and boredom. In the evening you have to show off your sense of humor.

Horoscope for July 31, 2018 Leo

Until the evening, the Lions will be distinguished by practicality and determination. You should not waste these useful qualities on empty activities: for example, make wishes or plan future events in detail. Focus on your master plan and see it through to the end. At the end of the day, you will see that the future is still vague and it makes no sense to foresee it in detail. Old fears can stop you or take you on the wrong path. You may also be hindered by insecurity in like-minded people.

Personal astrological forecast for July 31, 2018

For women and men born under the sign of the zodiac Leo. A calm productive day. If you focus on your work, you can achieve great success in it. However, keep in mind that for this you need to pay attention to the little things and details, even the most insignificant ones. Current affairs may seem boring, but they need to be approached seriously and responsibly. There will be an opportunity to solve some family problems. You are ready to support your loved ones, they will be grateful for your help, understanding and participation. Romantic hobbies are not ruled out. Relationships that begin on this day will not develop too rapidly, but will bring a lot of joy.

Astrological forecast for today

It cannot be said that tempting professional prospects open up before the Lions. Representatives of this sign will have to work hard, but the results will be quite modest. Your main task is not to give up even an inch of your "land" to competitors and repel the attacks of ill-wishers. It's too early to attack. There is a chance to find people who will soon provide us with significant assistance. You can negotiate or discuss serious personal issues. But expenses, especially for personal needs, should be reduced.

True horoscope for Lviv

For Leo, today will be a rather problematic day - despite the fact that thanks to your efforts, everything is objectively fine with you, subjectively, some kind of indistinct anxiety will gnaw at you. However, closer to the late evening this feeling will pass, but spiritual harmony will not return.

Personal horoscope for July 31, 2018

The alignment of the stars is still unfavorable. Fate seems to test your loyalty to life principles and strength of character. It is possible that the manifestation of your best qualities - organizational skills, spiritual breadth, desire for patronage - will turn against you. In the field of professional activity, errors or comments from the management are possible, and any commercial activity will bring losses. Do not get involved in empty disputes that will bring nothing but mutual irritation.

Horoscope life zodiac sign Leo

Many events in public life today will radically change the fate of Leo. You have to urgently pack your bags and leave the city. Just do not be afraid of anything and do not get into an argument with law enforcement officers. The horoscope predicts an unexpected meeting with a former lover. In Leo, as in his youth, passionate feelings will flare up and hormones will play.

House horoscope for today July 31, 2018

The day symbolizes vanity, chaos. Friends and relatives may urge you to be more active in your professional activities. You are closer to a uniform progressive career advancement, without jerks, but also without annoying stops. Do as you please. But in any case, keep a sober mind.

Fate horoscope for women and men

Whatever the circumstances, do not contradict your moral principles. A good day for signing contracts. But carefully study all the points. The slightest mistake / inaccuracy threatens to turn into big trouble! In your personal life, you will have to resist temptations.

Horoscope for July 31, 2018 Virgo

The general development of events until the evening will remain satisfactory. Stick to your positions, don't change your beliefs, keep as broad a view of the situation as possible. This is a good time to strengthen contacts with residents of remote areas. At the end of the day, the situation will become less stable, which is most critical for the August Virgos. At this time, you should not blindly trust people, as well as make plans, make promises, make decisions, make choices.

Personal astrological forecast for July 31, 2018

For women and men born under the sign of the zodiac Virgo. You will have to solve other people's problems and take responsibility for others. Sometimes it is quite difficult and unpleasant, but you cope with the trials with dignity. There will be an opportunity to learn something new, broaden your horizons, communicate with people whose experience will be very useful to you. The day is suitable for acquaintances, business and personal meetings, communication with those who are of interest to you. It will not be difficult to make a good impression, to show oneself from the best side. Perhaps the beginning of a romantic relationship, which will soon become very important to you.

Astrological forecast for today

The day is pretty stressful, at least professionally. You can lose a lot, lose influence and authority. Goals and guidelines are changing, new partners are appearing, which is not so easy to meet. Be prepared to adjust your plans, abandon your usual methods of action. Virgos, usually prone to long reflections, are advised by the stars today to think less and talk more. The day has come when the truth can be born in a dispute, the main thing is to respond in time to its appearance.

True horoscope for Virgo

Virgos on this day amaze not only with their composure, but also with fearlessness - they do not care about any ill-wishers with whom Virgos will gladly enter into open confrontation. But they will not beat with a sword or a spear, but with a sharp tongue that stings more than a snake. Since today you have no equal in eloquence and causticity, all ill-wishers will quietly and peacefully get out of your way.

Personal horoscope for July 31, 2018

Critical day. New business or risky ventures will lead to financial ruin, commercial activities will bring losses. Personal life will require you to be careful and attentive today. Domestic problems will come to the fore and entail additional costs. Possible household chores, problems with children or malaise.

Horoscope life zodiac sign Virgo

On July 31, Virgo will have to carry out serious work on the bugs. Try to prioritize your life so as not to harm loved ones. Some of them are frankly offended by you and your constant employment with work. Virgo should not spend savings on small purchases. A small financial crisis is coming, which will not have the best effect on your family.

House horoscope for today July 31, 2018

The day symbolizes airiness, ease of communication, variability. The desire to leave "to nature", to the fresh air. Many Virgos will decide to change their occupation, place of residence, image and hair color. This period is favorable for change. Don't miss the time!

Fate horoscope for women and men

Success does not come to the lazy! To enjoy worthy results - make an effort. Especially since inspiration is already knocking at your door. In the evening, an outbreak of unmotivated aggression is possible, which, although not easy to fight, is necessary. Otherwise, a serious conflict with loved ones is possible.

Horoscope for July 31, 2018 Libra

There are no big changes to be expected today. Events develop gradually, which looks like stagnation. Engage in daily routine, focusing on its practical side (for example, financial). At the end of the day, your fantasy may suddenly wake up. It is possible that you will find yourself in the grip of memories or begin to dream of a long journey. The most suspicious Libra at this time is threatened by an attack of hypochondria. However, if you have a chronic illness, your concern may be justified.

Personal astrological forecast for July 31, 2018

For women and men born under the sign of the zodiac Libra. Decisiveness, perseverance and perseverance help to achieve your goals, even if the circumstances are not the most favorable. You find a way to overcome any obstacles, often getting support that you didn’t even count on. Chance meetings can get a romantic continuation, and relationships that were previously exclusively business can take on a romantic character. The day is well suited for solving financial issues: where money and property are concerned, you do not make mistakes. Relatives will gladly listen to your advice.

Astrological forecast for today

A day that begins rather ordinary, gradually turns into unexpected tones. For example, Libra, who did not even think about changing jobs, receives an offer that is impossible to refuse, and those who secretly lamented the lack of generosity of the management have a chance to achieve a salary increase. True, your reputation is at stake: ill-wishers will do everything possible to undermine your authority. Be carefull. A good day for creative work and unusual activities, you can discover unexpected abilities in yourself. You are great at resolving family conflicts and disagreements.

True horoscope for Libra

Libra has a very good period today for foreign trips and business trips, as well as for contacts with people from abroad. It is undesirable to go on a long journey in a private car, as there is a high probability of a tragedy.

Personal horoscope for July 31, 2018

Lucky day. Feel free to take on any business, because everywhere you can succeed. Life potential at a high level. People who are lonely or looking for adventure can attract the attention of the opposite sex, but the acquaintance will soon end in a quarrel or scandal.

Horoscope life zodiac sign Libra

The horoscope recommends Libra to solve all problems on their own. You should not devote your friends and, especially, relatives to them. Meetings, events and gala parties will be held in Safely. If you have to perform at one of them, then carefully prepare so as not to fall face down in the dirt. Creative Libra will receive a lucrative offer to participate in a major project.

House horoscope for today July 31, 2018

Planned trips and short trips will be successful. A good day for buying food for the future, buying small household items, household appliances, car repairs. Take special care when using electrical appliances and electronics.

Fate horoscope for women and men

The chance to change the situation for the better will be presented to you during the day. But it won't be easy to see it. Moreover, insight is not your strongest trait. Everyday affairs will argue with a bang. But with the arrangement of personal life for single people, it is better to wait until next week.

Horoscope for July 31, 2018 Scorpio

Until the evening comes, relations will develop according to a given scenario, and things will go on a knurled track. You can completely rely on like-minded people, trust the opinion and taste of a permanent partner. In the evening, on the contrary, there is a danger of succumbing to unfounded fantasies, becoming a victim of someone else's frivolity, ignorance, deceit. Scorpio love affairs at this time of day may be in jeopardy due to disappointment, rumors, betrayal. Do not rush to believe other people's words and the game of your own imagination.

Personal astrological forecast for July 31, 2018

For women and men born under the sign of the zodiac Scorpio. The day is controversial and ambiguous. It is necessary to part with illusions, to see the situation in a real light, but this is not always possible. Some representatives of the sign prefer to remain in error and ignorance, just to avoid disappointment. Later, alas, you still have to find out how things really are. It will not be easy for those who study. Information is hard to assimilate, much is forgotten or slips out of sight. On this day, you should not do work that requires accuracy, composure and attention to detail.

Astrological forecast for today

There is a chance for great success. You should rely on your own resourcefulness and ingenuity, the ability to quickly gain confidence in the right people and enlist their support. It is possible to achieve an increase in income, an increase in wages. Creativity is high, you quickly make non-standard decisions, and they turn out to be correct. A favorable day for communication and new acquaintances, however, the relationship that will be started today is unlikely to become serious. There is a chance to restore old connections, but you should think twice before meeting a person who once hurt you: old grievances are not forgotten, they will certainly leave an imprint on your communication.

True horoscope for Scorpio

July 31 Scorpios may say goodbye to the days when they won people over with just one appearance. Now you need more dexterity and courage, and charm and good looks are just a nice bonus. Your energy today will play a good service to you, and you will succeed in any business that you do not undertake.

Personal horoscope for July 31, 2018

Passive, hard day. It is possible that ordinary, routine work awaits you. Obstacles and aggression from ill-wishers are likely. Family relationships can also be problematic. Increased aggressiveness can make you want to be rude or offend someone living nearby. Try to refrain from doing this, you may offend innocent people.

Horoscope life zodiac sign Scorpio

On this day, Scorpio needs to be careful not to miss the chance and catch luck by the tail. A good time for examination of the body, as well as for the prevention of chronic diseases. On July 31, you will meet a charming person with whom you will start a family in the future. It’s not the best time for shopping and financial investments, so be as economical and practical as possible.

House horoscope for today July 31, 2018

Many Scorpios will have a chance to finally go to the sea, but losing vigilance along the way can cost them too much. If at this time you find yourself on a long journey, we advise you not to neglect safety equipment.

Fate horoscope for women and men

Any offer will be beneficial to you with care and foresight. But don't take on the hard work. In the evening, a quarrel with a loved one is possible. In case of any provocations on his part, do not fall for the conflict: try to remain calm, composure and self-confidence.

Horoscope for July 31, 2018 Sagittarius

The circumstances of these days are unlikely to be a source of inspiration for you. Another day of routine and submission to convention awaits you. Even if no one controls you, try not to relax ahead of time. Overcome boredom, laziness, fatigue and work a little more, then in the evening you will have a pleasant feeling until the end of your duty. At the end of the day, beware of making the same old mistake again. The danger of being in a false position or in the networks of illusions is especially great for the November Sagittarius.

Personal astrological forecast for July 31, 2018

For women and men born under the sign of the zodiac Sagittarius. Auspicious day for communication. You find a common language with those with whom you didn’t get along before, often understand those around you at a glance, guess about their true intentions and secret desires. No one can deceive you, circle around your finger. You are attentive and serious, so you do not make mistakes, make the right decisions. Business trips will be successful. They will allow you to conclude profitable deals or significantly strengthen relationships with partners. The evening promises pleasant acquaintances, meetings that will be remembered for a long time.

Astrological forecast for today

At work, something strange and incomprehensible is happening, events are not developing at all as we would like. Even if you feel that the chances of winning are slim, do not rush to run from the battlefield - there is a chance to minimize losses. Establishing business relationships becomes an extremely difficult task, but you should not lose hope: with patience and perseverance, you will still be able to find allies. Costs should be reduced, now is not the time to throw money away. Personal relationships are stable, you can not be afraid of shocks and disappointments. An argument with a loved one is possible, but you will be able to conduct a dialogue in a constructive way.

True horoscope for Sagittarius

Sagittarians today should not be lazy, but actively communicate, go to meetings of like-minded people and meet new people. New connections will always come in handy, especially since today is a very successful day for you in this regard - among the contacts you have acquired, you will definitely find a couple of influential people.

Personal horoscope for July 31, 2018

Horoscope life zodiac sign Sagittarius

Any creative ideas of Sagittarius will be successfully realized. If you do not be too presumptuous and persistent where it is not required. In the love sphere, bright changes for the better are expected. A lonely Sagittarius will be able to meet a person with whom he will go hand in hand through life. In the evening, the horoscope predicts news to Sagittarius regarding a new job. Don't make hasty decisions!

House horoscope for today July 31, 2018

This day symbolizes a sudden meeting, friendship, and possibly marriage with a person much older than you. Before agreeing to such an unequal marriage, think carefully about whether it will suit you.

Fate horoscope for women and men

Solitude, peace and quiet - plan A for this day. Works, worries and troubles will wait. We put aside everyday affairs, today is a small holiday of disobedience. It is allowed to be a little lazy, but it is better to plunge into an interesting book, learn a new skill, etc.

Horoscope for July 31, 2018 Capricorn

Eliminate the race for success, do not quarrel with anyone and do not compete. The atmosphere of this day will allow Capricorns to feel their own value, to enjoy the fully achieved level of comfort and tranquility. This is a great time for complete relaxation, not overshadowed by any negative experiences. Love yourself, be proud of your talents, cherish and cherish your body, delight your soul with pleasant impressions. Doubts, quite likely towards the end of the day, drive away, do not listen to gossip and rumors.

Personal astrological forecast for July 31, 2018

For women and men born under the sign of the zodiac Capricorn. A great day for those who study, take on new things, and solve complex problems. You are able to quickly achieve success, achieve long-term goals. You can make long-term plans: most likely, they will be realized. The stars promise you useful contacts and successful business meetings, fruitful negotiations. In the sphere of personal relations, the influence of positive trends also prevails. You do not just get along with those who are dear to you - you manage to achieve true intimacy, complete harmony. On this day, you can make important decisions regarding the future.

Astrological forecast for today

A difficult day that will become neutral if you choose the right tactics. First, decide what is most important to you and what you are willing to sacrifice. It will hardly be possible to survive the day without losses, and it is better to immediately focus on preserving the most valuable, and just close your eyes to minor defeats. Saving is worth the effort, nerves, and money. The less wasted work, worries and expenses, the better. Communicate only with those who are sympathetic to you and indulgent to your weaknesses; contacts with critics, skeptics and lovers of poisonous irony are contraindicated for you today.

True horoscope for Capricorns

Capricorns throughout the day will feel a surge of energy, however, where to apply it, they will not figure it out. Try to improve your home or yard, and also think about additional earning opportunities. You should not make new contacts today - there is a risk of running into a vile and two-faced person.

Personal horoscope for July 31, 2018

Critical day. Do not make any important decisions in commercial matters, as the influence of Mercury on your life will lead to financial ruin. There is the possibility of some movement down the corporate ladder. In the afternoon, trouble is likely due to gossip and slander of secret ill-wishers. Possible household chores, problems with children or malaise.

Horoscope life zodiac sign Capricorn

On July 31, Capricorn will not even have the strength to get out of bed, not to go to work. There was a party the day before, so the reasons for your “tiredness” are quite understandable. It is better for you to relax, do household chores and solve business issues through e-mail. After dinner, a call from a friend is possible, who will tell you the good news. Capricorn will soon become the godfather of the baby.

House horoscope for today July 31, 2018

Today, Capricorns will prove to be good consultants, valuable advisers, although they themselves will be reluctant to listen to advice. They will have a rational approach to work and leisure. Always act judiciously and do not change yourself.

Fate horoscope for women and men

Horoscope for July 31, 2018 Aquarius

Dedicate the daytime hours to measured activities or just stay in a calm, predictable environment. Give up new beginnings that require effort. Do not break the usual way of life, even if it does not suit you. The evening will bring a change in mood or situation, give you a long-awaited surge of inspiration. This period of the day is beneficial for Aquarius, who are on vacation or busy with creativity. Business people should not bet on luck, get involved in financial games and fraud.

Personal astrological forecast for July 31, 2018

For women and men born under the Aquarius zodiac sign. This auspicious day passes quite calmly. You can complete what was started before, put things in order, solve some financial issues that you have been racking your brains over recently. Changes are possible at work; at first they will puzzle you, then you will understand how to take advantage of what is happening. It is a pleasure to communicate with loved ones. This day is suitable for family events, home holidays, relaxation in the company of friends and relatives. Romantic dates will be pleasant, but hardly remembered for a long time.

Astrological forecast for today

A day of changes, and not the most pleasant changes - at least from a professional point of view. The risk of conflicts with the leadership, the loss of what was won with great difficulty, is very high. The financial situation is becoming more complicated, your income is decreasing. But you shouldn't despair. Analyze past mistakes, make plans for the future, but don't panic! Independence in everything is very important. The less other people influence you today, the better. Excessive gentleness, compliance, a penchant for peacemaking will make you a victim of manipulation, which will lead to serious problems.

True horoscope for Aquarius

No matter how tired Aquarius is at work today, when he comes home he will find that he still has plenty of energy to put the house in order. Your creative and original ideas that you will apply when decorating rooms will make a real exclusive out of an ordinary apartment.

Personal horoscope for July 31, 2018

Your life potential is still kept at a high level. Feel free to take on any business, because everywhere you can succeed. People who are single or adventurous can attract the attention of the opposite sex.

Horoscope life zodiac sign Aquarius

The horoscope promises Aquarius a wonderful day when many plans will be implemented without obstacles and delays. A long trip is possible, in which you will meet influential people. The authority of Aquarius in the eyes of colleagues will increase significantly when they see how much their employee does and knows. Shopping and buying things is better to postpone until better times.

House horoscope for today July 31, 2018

At the end of the month, a crisis is brewing in love relationships. A simple discussion is unlikely to solve the problem. Perhaps we should try to end the disagreement for a while. The help of older relatives or friends will do a good service. It is dangerous to live at the expense of others. You can not gossip and slander.

Fate horoscope for women and men

Not the most cloudless day. But saturated! As soon as you leave the house in the morning, annoying little things will start to piss you off. But you should not inflate an elephant out of them: everything is not so catastrophic. But your irritation can turn into a major scandal with the household. And this is much more serious! Bring on the emotions!

Horoscope for July 31, 2018 Pisces

Throughout the day you will be accompanied by drowsiness, laziness, daydreaming. Many Pisces will show total inertia and a complete lack of initiative until the evening. This is a great time to unwind or sleep. In the evening around you (or in your soul) the process of chaotic movement may begin, obsessive images or tempting ideas are not excluded. But making firm decisions will be difficult because of the general ambiguity, uncertainty, unreliability of circumstances.

Personal astrological forecast for July 31, 2018

For women and men born under the zodiac sign Pisces. Auspicious day, bright and rich, full of positive emotions. You are waiting for interesting meetings, unexpected acquaintances with people about whom you have heard a lot of good things before. Business negotiations are fruitful, important work issues can be discussed in an informal setting. The day is suitable for purchases and transactions, solving financial issues. When it comes to money and the opportunity to earn money, your intuition is not mistaken. Sometimes there are disagreements with loved ones, but it doesn’t come to conflicts, because you make concessions in time.

Astrological forecast for today

Difficult day. Pisces needs to act decisively and quickly, change plans with lightning speed, fight powerful ill-wishers. Want to avoid a fight? This is not so easy to do, and the losses in this case will be very serious. At the very least, protect what you really care about. Today you need to be strong and persistent, you should not count on unexpected help, a favorable combination of circumstances. You are under the close supervision of management, and your work may be checked. Criticism is unlikely, but there will still be a lot of unrest. High creative potential.

True horoscope for Pisces

Pisces on this day will be able to bring rather serious problems on their heads, which, by the way, they will adequately cope with. Today, your ill-wisher or competitor will be able to lure you into a trap, so be careful and look carefully under your feet. Beware of injury and mental strain.

Personal horoscope for July 31, 2018

This day may turn out to be contradictory and ambivalent. By focusing on yourself, you can overspend and engage in self-deception. Not everyone will be able to share your unjustified euphoria. In the afternoon, it can be replaced by a depressed state. You need to be alone in order to restore the lost balance. Losses, misunderstandings and accidents are likely. Motorists should be especially careful.

Horoscope life zodiac sign Pisces

Pisces will find it difficult to tune into a working rhythm. The head is full of ideas, but they are all related to vacation and with a loved one. If the work is not urgent, and everything is in order with the money, then do not fuss and transfer all plans to the next day. On July 31, Pisces will be invited to a restaurant by an old friend whom you have not met for a long time. Be careful when tasting original dishes, otherwise you will not avoid poisoning.

House horoscope for today July 31, 2018

Today at work there may be an emergency situation. Correctly distribute your forces and organize your working day. In love, you can be hasty and impatient. You live in the present and hope for immediate results. You need to change your plans and slow down the course of action, creating a foundation, some kind of launch pad for future big successes.

Fate horoscope for women and men

It is worth taking a closer look at the environment and family members: do they need your love and support right now? Even with good deeds, a kind word with a compliment will be in place. And even better - help relatives or your soulmate with the housework, take on their chores.

Psychology of communication