As if someone jinxed it. How to get rid of self-evil? Physical signs of damage to loneliness

What are the main signs of damage in humans? Types of damage and their manifestations. What is the evil eye and how does it differ from damage?

Corruption is the magical effect of black magic on a person, the main task of which is to harm him. Such a phenomenon cannot be treated with disdain, as it can bring a lot of misfortune and illness to its victim. Therefore, it is very important to know how spoilage manifests itself, and what types of it exist in nature.

What is damage, and how does it manifest itself?

In the process of applying damage, a magician or sorcerer sends a stream of negative energy onto a person. Such energy is able to extinguish the vitality of the target of corruption, doom it to suffering and even bring it to the grave. The main signs of a person having damage can be called the following conditions:

  • Weakness.
  • Impotence.
  • Frequent unreasonable headaches.
  • Lack of appetite.
  • Sleep disturbance (superficial sleep, insomnia, constant nightmares, haunting recurring dreams).
  • An inexplicable change in attitude towards a person on the part of one or more of his relatives.
  • Diseases that are not amenable to research and treatment.
  • Constant anxiety, anxiety and a sense of an inevitable terrible outcome.
  • Unusual behavior of animals (beloved pets may at first seek affection from their “spoiled” owner, and then shun him or even show aggression in the form of hissing, growling, whining).
  • Failure in all endeavors.
  • Problems at work and in the financial sphere.
  • The unexpected appearance in life of new acquaintances or strangers who can negatively influence or even harm.
  • Pain in the shoulders and back - it seems that there is always some kind of burden on the shoulders.
  • Coldness in the abdomen and heaviness in the heart.
  • Frequent accidental loss of the pectoral cross or the desire to get rid of it once and for all.
  • Unpleasant sensations and burning on contact with consecrated things (water, cross, crucifix, icon).
  • Deceptions of smell - a feeling of the presence of extraneous unusual and unpleasant odors, which a priori cannot be.
  • Apathy and despondency.
  • Depression and thoughts of suicide.
  • The presence in the house or in the space adjacent to it of unusual objects, the presence of which has no explanation (earth in a bag, needles or pins under the threshold, in doors, hair, knots on rags or on ropes).
  • The appearance of numerous phobias.
  • Hallucinations and extraneous voices in the head.
  • The emergence of new addictions (bad habits, dangerous relationships) or a return to long-forgotten ones.
  • Inexplicable sudden yawning at the sound of a prayer or reading it independently.
  • Exacerbation of old and the emergence of new phobias.
  • Spontaneous occurrence of pigmentation of various shapes and sizes on the face.
  • Entry into the house of insects.
  • Sudden, uncharacteristic susceptibility to human words, resentment.
  • Discomfort while in church.
  • Aversion to the smell of incense.

What is the difference between the evil eye and damage?

  • It is rather difficult to separate these two concepts and distinguish them from each other, because their signs are very similar to each other.
  • Corruption is a special ritual, for which certain measures are taken, certain rituals are performed.
  • In order to impose an evil eye on a person, it is enough just to look at him with an unkind eye and consciously or unconsciously wish him bad. This is the danger of the evil eye - a person, not controlling his emotions, can harm another person without even knowing it.
  • Corruption is a very powerful stream of energy that can significantly harm a person.
  • The evil eye is also a strong bioenergetic message, moreover, often uncontrollable.
  • In order to bring damage to a person, it is necessary to have certain psychic or magical abilities, as well as to possess special skills and practices.
  • An ordinary person with a "dashing eye" is also capable of inducing the evil eye.
  • You can remove the damage with the help of an experienced bioenergetic, psychic or magician.
  • Since the evil eye is one of the varieties of damage, you can also get rid of it with the help of the mentioned specialists.

How does damage affect a person?

  • Corruption is a stream of negative energy aimed at weakening, exhausting, undermining and destroying a certain person.
  • Naturally, the consequences of such a negative impact are numerous troubles, illnesses, difficulties in the social, personal and financial sphere.
  • A “spoiled” person often encounters misunderstandings in society, close circle, circle of friends. It becomes increasingly difficult for him to communicate with people. At the same time, completely new, unfavorable persons may appear next to him, constantly drawing him into trouble and setting him up in every possible way.
  • Relatives, friends and loved ones may begin to turn away from the victim of corruption - quarrels and outright hostility appear in their relationship.
  • Spoilage has a very negative effect on health - it can provoke the appearance of new or long-healed ailments. Often, medicine is powerless with this kind of disease - it does not even manage to diagnose them, let alone treat them.
  • At work, a person with damage also expects trouble - constant failures, stupid misconduct, perhaps even dismissal.
  • The psychological and intellectual state of a person suffers greatly during damage. A hitherto sensible and prudent intellectual can instantly turn into a close-minded, narrow-minded, rude boor.
  • Victims of corruption should also be careful with bad habits and delusions - for many they are just beginning to appear, while for others they are already aggravated.
  • Another person is haunted by constant experiences, fears and phobias. They do not allow to sleep and lead a normal life.
  • The result of all this can be complete loneliness, isolation from society, thoughts or actions of a suicidal nature, a serious illness, and in the most advanced cases, death.

Corruption - consequences

  • The consequences of damage will directly depend on what type of damage was involved.
  • If damage was done to loneliness, then at the end of the path the bewitched person will be left alone - not only those around him, but also the closest, loving people will turn away from him.
  • Damage to relationships leads to devastation in communication with a specific person or with all people.
  • Damage to appearance can lead to gradual or abrupt fading, as well as a distortion of the natural beauty of the face, body or specific part of a person.
  • It is also worth noting that damage has consequences not only for the one on whom it was done, but also for the one who brought it on. The customer is guaranteed to receive a gap in his energy aura and a mark on his karma. Such a karmic debt can be paid even by the children and grandchildren of the customer. Therefore, before thinking about such a terrible act, you need to think a thousand times whether it is worth it.

Types of damage to a person

There are many different types of damage. Such diversity is easily explained by the presence of a large number of areas of life and activity, which are specifically intended to be affected by damage. The most popular of them are:

  1. Damage to death
  2. Damage to health
  3. Damage to misfortune
  4. Evil eye
  5. love spell

Damage to death: signs, signs, symptoms

Damage to death is the most serious, dangerous and terrible type of damage. A similar ritual is most often performed in a church or in a cemetery. The main features of this impact are:

  • impotence
  • apathy
  • fast and frequent fatigue
  • impotence of traditional medicine in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases
  • harmful effects of bad habits
  • denial by the patient and non-perception of the complexity of his situation

Damage to infertility: signs, signs, symptoms

Bringing damage to infertility is a terrible sin, since the childbearing function is the main physical and spiritual destiny of a woman in this world. Depriving the unfortunate of such a gift, the customer deliberately dooms her to an unhappy life, psychological, and often physical torment. It is possible to assume the presence of damage to infertility by the following symptoms:

  • diseases of the genital female genital organs (most often the uterus, ovaries)
  • sleep disturbance, insomnia, superficial sleep
  • the appearance of unreasonable fears, phobias
  • constant feeling of loneliness
  • disgust and rejection of a partner, loved one
  • headaches, migraines
  • sharp jumps in weight, both up and down
  • the constant presence of extraneous incomprehensible odors that are not heard by others
  • ailments and poor health within the walls of the church
  • the appearance in the house of foreign creatures (insects, rodents, creeping reptiles)
  • strange reaction of domestic and street animals to a woman

Having discovered a number of such signs in herself, a woman also needs to figure out whether she was personally damaged, or whether she is dealing with a birth curse. If in previous generations there were also women suffering from infertility, then, most likely, we are talking about damage to the whole family. If the case is a single one, then only the victim of corruption needs to be healed.

Damage to a pregnant woman, to a miscarriage

  • Offended, deceived or simply evil people can even commit such a terrible sin as spoiling a pregnant woman. This kind of spoilage can mean a difficult pregnancy, a difficult birth, the birth of a sick child, or a premature termination of pregnancy (miscarriage).
  • Even an inexperienced person with a “bad eye” can impose damage or an evil eye on a pregnant woman. A professional sorcerer, when conducting such a ritual, will have to suffer significantly, since a woman and her unborn child are protected by two protectors - a guardian angel and a family chain. By the way, very few esotericists, bioenergetics and psychics take such a serious step as spoiling a pregnant woman, since retribution for what they have done will be very difficult.
  • In the presence of spoilage, a pregnant woman may experience health problems, both physical and psychological, a difficult pregnancy, family discord, misunderstanding and condemnation from loved ones.
  • In order to protect yourself from an accidental evil eye, it is advisable for a future mother to hide her “interesting position” as long as possible, to be less visible in public places, to avoid envious people, hypocrites and boors, and also to provide herself with protection in the form of an amulet or amulet.

Damage to loneliness is often the work of a woman in relation to another woman, more beautiful, successful and smart. Among the people, such damage is still customarily called the “crown of celibacy” or “widow's shroud”. Signs of damage to loneliness are obvious:

  • constant fiasco on the personal front
  • the desire to have a family and the ongoing obstacles along the way
  • feeling of loneliness
  • feeling of fear in one's own house
  • nightmares
  • sensation of the presence of someone else nearby

It often happens that family failures are inherited - mom, grandmother, sister did not get along family life. This situation is a generic corruption or curse. Especially often there are cases when, from generation to generation, women are left alone with babies in their arms or in a state of pregnancy.
Help in such situations can be provided by experienced magicians and white witches - such damage can be shifted to any object or simply prayed.

Damage to relationships means undermining relationships not only between loving people, but also between friends, relatives, and loved ones. Main symptoms:

  • loss of interest in a person
  • change of love to irritation, sometimes even hatred
  • persistent rejection, anger, disgust from a hitherto loved one
  • change of mind, tastes
  • activation or emergence of bad habits
  • nightmares, insomnia
  • craving for unpleasant, dirty places (garbage dumps, cemetery)

Damage to beauty, hair

This type of damage is also more common in women. From time immemorial, unearthly beauty has caused delight and envy at the same time, but such feelings do not always go unnoticed - very often they result in conspiracies and evil eye. To understand that a woman was spoiled for beauty, just a few signs are enough:

  • fading beauty
  • rapid, unjustified aging
  • hair loss, brittleness, dryness, dandruff
  • eyelash loss
  • the appearance of brittleness and weakness of the nails
  • the appearance on the face or body of age spots, warts, acne, papillomas
  • sudden changes in weight (obesity or, on the contrary, wasting)

In parallel, other symptoms of spoilage may appear: sleep problems, unjustified fears, rejection of oneself and other people, weakness, apathy, loss of strength.

Children, especially infants, are the most vulnerable part of the population. Often, all the curses that they have to take on themselves, they receive for their parents. Sometimes even the most powerful mages fail to break through a woman's strong defenses. The only way to harm her is to spoil her child.
Signs of fresh spoilage on a child are:

  • a cold with fever and fever
  • frequent, prolonged crying and tantrums
  • the appearance of phobias and fears regarding various objects, people
  • weakness, fatigue
  • indifference to everything that used to interest and please the baby
  • rejection of hitherto favorite things (toys)
  • restless sleep
  • previously uncharacteristic mood swings

  • Damage to trade is one of the varieties of damage to business.
  • Its main signs can be called banal failures in financial affairs, lack of buyers, refusal of partners to cooperate, minor and major domestic troubles that entail waste of money.
  • Today, damage to trade is almost the most popular and sought-after service among sorcerers, since business and money for people have become even more important than relationships.

Damage to the head, insanity

This type of damage is one of the most effective and safest ways to eliminate a competitor in any field. Bringing a person to madness, you can get rid of a serious contender for the heart of a beloved man, from a hindrance in business, from a hated person. Signs of damage to madness are:

  • strange thoughts in a person’s head that have never occurred before
  • the appearance of hallucinations (auditory, olfactory and visual)
  • memory losses
  • spontaneous tantrums and seizures
  • frequent fainting

Often a person suffering from damage to insanity is not aware of his condition - it seems to him that everyone around him has gone crazy, but everything is in order with him.
Damage to madness, as a rule, is done on a fish head in a cemetery.

Damage to love, relationships

  • Damage to love manifests itself in the same way as damage to relationships - disagreements appear between loving people, they begin to annoy and hate each other.
  • Most often, everything ends with adultery and a break in relations.
  • Moreover, each of them subsequently does not even remember each other, and if he does, it is with a feeling of bitterness and disgust.

Damage to divorce, separation

  • Most often, this type of witchcraft is carried out against happy families, couples in love - envy and a sense of their own inferiority push envious people to such an act.
  • Increased quarrels, misunderstandings, disagreements and even fights become manifestations of spoilage for divorce. Without outside interference, such a conspiracy always leads to separation.
  • But spoilage for divorce also has a positive side - some couples simply need such an intervention. We are talking about those families in which, even without charms, misunderstanding and dislike reign. In such situations, damage is a real salvation - it allows partners to separate their paths once and for all and find their happiness with other people.

Drunkenness, alcoholism

Damage to drunkenness is also one of the rather sophisticated ways to get rid of a competitor. Having sent an insatiable craving for alcohol to a person, you can simply fold your hands and watch how a person destroys himself. Such witchcraft eliminated a large number of beloved women, ex-husbands, unreliable partners and traitors.
Symptoms of drunken spoilage are:

  • irresistible, insatiable thirst for drink
  • indifference to everything
  • aggression
  • irascibility

In addition to emotional shifts, a person can also notice external changes - a gray, puffy face, as well as a hoarse, drunken voice. Often such manifestations are characteristic of inveterate drunkards. In the case of spoilage, such symptoms can appear immediately, even in a hitherto non-drinking person.

Damage to an accident

Damage to an accident can be directed to any type of transport and to any outcome. Sometimes a conspiracy is done simply to the detriment of movable vehicles, and sometimes the goal of the ritual is one or more human lives. There are a number of signs that will indicate that damage has been brought to the transport:

  • inside the car, a person will feel uncomfortable
  • a car or other transport lives its own life - it does not obey the owner, it starts up by itself, it turns itself off
  • The car is constantly having trouble.
  • transport already has several, albeit insignificant, accidents on its account

Many experts believe that the way out of this situation is to sell vehicles or seek help from higher powers.

Signs of such witchcraft can be banal sprees, promiscuous intimate relationships with various partners, indifference to who you go to bed with. The consequences of such behavior, as a rule, are manifested in the decomposition of a person’s personality, the appearance of addictions and diseases of the genital tract. Hitherto normal people begin to turn into preoccupied maniacs or maniacs, whose only goal is only love joys.

Damage to a rival, husband's mistress

The concept of "damage to a rival" is a rather general concept, since it can include one or more types of damage - a conspiracy to beauty, loneliness, separation, illness, death, etc. Therefore, the symptoms will be different - the manifestations will directly depend on the exact purpose of the spell.

Damage to health, illness: how to determine

Damage can be directed at a person not only with the aim of conjuring him for physical illness, but also for mental illness. Signs of damage to health are:

  • sudden, rapidly developing disease
  • the impotence of modern medicine in relation to the disease
  • indifference to everything
  • constant fatigue
  • the appearance of various kinds of spots, formations on the face and neck
  • darting, divergent pupils

As a rule, this kind of conspiracy brings a person to complete exhaustion, and ultimately to death.

Damage to failure is a strong spell that deprives a person of luck and gives him eternal trouble. Troubles can manifest themselves in everything - in discord in the family, in health problems, at work, in gaps in the financial situation. Therefore, the signs of such damage will be diverse, relating to all other types of damage.

Damage to the eyes: how to determine?

Damage to the eyes is aimed at harming a person and depriving him of his sight. With this type of damage, the victim begins to have eye problems - vision deteriorates rapidly, and doctors are powerless. No medicines, injections and operations will help in this case - you just need to remove the damage. Signs of damage to the eyes are:

  • different pupils
  • running pupils
  • apathy of a sick person
  • unwillingness of a person to treat their eyes

Damage to lack of money, poverty, poverty

  • Damage to poverty, as a rule, is induced by envious people or people who want to take revenge. Most often, people who are tied to business are drawn into such a dirty business.
  • You can talk about damage to lack of money when a person has a previous good source of income, but for some reason the money began to flow through his fingers - they seem to be as they are, but then they are gone.
  • It happens that a person throughout his life is haunted by need and lack of finances - this can be a family curse.
  • People with damage to poverty can do nothing and live in poverty, or they can go out of their way, but still not have a decent income.
  • Along with financial problems, they are most often haunted by other troubles, such as illnesses, which, by the way, also require large material costs.

Damage to prison among professionals is called damage to "Settled Mansur". This type of spell can lead a person to a conclusion. Often, such a ritual is performed only on people who are actually guilty of something and have not been punished for it.

  • Damage to the "bitch's udder" is manifested by the appearance of a purulent, inflamed formation (furuncle) on the skin of a person.
  • Most often, such bumps occur on the neck, under the breasts, in the armpits. In medicine, there is a scientific term for this phenomenon - hydradenitis.
  • This type of damage owes its name to the place of the ritual - the spell must be pronounced near the nursing bitch.

Damage to fullness or obesity is most often induced by women seeking revenge or repulse a man. The victim of a conspiracy should think about its presence in the following situations:

  • if there are no obese people in the lady’s family
  • if a woman used to be slim, and then at one moment got better for no reason
  • if a woman does not feel comfortable in a new, swollen body
  • meals are often not even associated with hunger - as if something makes the victim eat
  • a woman can't sleep on an empty stomach
  • there are night trips to the refrigerator to calm the soul

  • the victim of the conspiracy works long and tediously at a job that he does not like
  • a man is pursued by a series of layoffs
  • enterprises where the victim of damage comes to work are soon closed
  • when passing an interview on a competitive basis, preference is always given to another applicant
  • in a team a person is not respected - his life becomes a living hell
  • the victim of the conspiracy fails to get the desired bonus, additional payment or reward

The most basic point in these situations is that a person does not sit still, but goes out of his way to change something, but everything remains in vain - as if there is an impenetrable wall in front of him.

Damage to the house is the type of damage that is able to haunt all his household members at the same time. There can be a lot of manifestations of this type of damage:

  • It is difficult for the residents of the house to be in it - they constantly have the feeling of the presence of someone or something in it.
  • Residents and guests of housing do not want to return home - they are afraid and disgusted even by the thought of him.
  • The house is constantly a mess, despite the efforts of its inhabitants to restore order.
  • All utensils and furniture in the dwelling breaks, breaks or becomes unusable very soon.
  • The inhabitants of an apartment or house constantly fall out of their hands.
  • Quarrels and squabbles regularly arise in the house.
  • The owners find strange objects in the house - needles, pins, threads, earth, knots, etc.
  • Various reptiles are brought into the dwelling - cockroaches, worms, ants, rats.

Dear readers, you must understand that damage is not fiction or a joke. It is imperative to fight such witchcraft, since the outcome can be the most disappointing.

Signs of spoilage: Video

Types of spoilage: Video

Incredible Facts

What is the evil eye, and how to deal with it? Many of us are afraid of being jinxed.

Someone believes in the evil eye, and tries to rid himself and his loved ones of it.

Well, someone laughs at this, considering the evil eye to be ordinary stupidity and a sign of ignorance.

In order to fight it, you need to understand what it is.

What is the evil eye

Evil is perceived differently in different cultures and is thought to have different consequences. One of the identified negative energies is the evil eye.

So, the evil eye or the evil eye is a look with intent, which is considered to cause bad luck or present physical danger.

As a rule, the evil eye arises from envy or hostility.

What are the signs of the evil eye, and how to deal with it?

The following 10 symptoms will clearly indicate that you have been jinxed:

Signs of the evil eye

1. Chronic illnesses of people close to you

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If you were jinxed by a neighbor or acquaintance, this can cause a chronic illness in one of the family members.

An unexpected or regular illness of relatives should be a signal to beware.

Perhaps someone has jinxed you.

How to determine the evil eye

2. Pet sickness and lack of appetite

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The evil eye can cause livestock and pets to be constantly sick and suffer from loss of appetite.

If you notice characteristic symptoms in your animals, it may be the evil eye.

Turmeric will be effective. Mix turmeric powder with water, then bathe the animal in this water.

Turmeric helps to wash away the effects of the evil eye.

Evil eye of business

3. Decline in business and trade

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The unkind eye of competitors can cause a decline in business, so things can start to go badly.

To get rid of the evil eye in business and career, it is recommended to place a lemon in a glass of clear water.

The glass should be in plain sight at your workplace so that people entering the room can see it.

The water should be changed every day, and the lemon should be changed every Saturday until things start to get better.

Signs of the evil eye

4. Material losses in the house

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The evil eye of envious people can lead to the loss or breakage of expensive items in your home or apartment.

You can fight this scourge by placing bright colorful beads or stones in a white bowl.

Strong evil eye, damage

5. Sudden illness of a newborn

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This is a common and common occurrence when someone comes to a child.

A simple but effective remedy is table salt.

Take a pinch of salt in your palm and squeeze it. The fist should then be moved three times clockwise and three times counterclockwise over the child's head. Then place the salt in a jar of water.

From the evil eye of envy

6. Children suffering from stomach pains

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If you notice that a child is suffering from sudden stomach pains, of course, this is an occasion to quickly consult a doctor.

However, it may turn out that there are no reasons for malaise. This may be a signal that someone jinxed the baby.

You can deal with this in the following way: bring a handful of sand from the street and mix it with mustard seeds.

This mixture should be applied to the child's abdomen, and then removed and burned. This way you also burn the evil eye effect.

Evil eye for work

7. Failure in business and unemployment


If you suddenly stopped being lucky in your work, and things in business declined sharply so that you even lost your job, it is likely that you have been jinxed.

An ordinary aquarium with fish will become an effective and very pleasant remedy against such an evil eye.

Place it on the south side of the hall and it will negate the effect of the evil eye.

How to get rid of the evil eye

8. The evil eye of a pregnant woman

© Konstantin Aksenov

The following remedy will help from this kind of evil eye:

A pregnant woman should take 2-3 neem leaves before leaving the house and burn them upon returning.

Thus, not only leaves, but also the evil eye turn into ashes.

Curses and evil eye

9. Problems with the throat, speech at public events

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If you suddenly began to experience trouble with your throat, in particular, problems arose with speech at public events, most likely you have become a victim of the evil eye.

To negate the effect of the evil eye in public speaking, hang a fig tree sprig in front of the house, divide the second into parts and keep in your pocket.

This method will help prevent the consequences of the evil eye, the twig is also a very good prophylactic.

10. Problems in relationships and children in school

© Elnur

If suddenly a series of problems hit your relationship, or if the children have problems in school, this can also be a symptom that someone has jinxed your family.

Roasted alum, chili pepper, lemon, or a large sea shell will help to eliminate the effects of the evil eye.

Some cultures also highlight a number of other symptoms that clearly indicate the evil eye:

- Constant yawning

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You constantly yawn for no apparent reason, and this happens when, for example, you are going to church or to prayer.

Or sometimes you're just talking to someone, all of a sudden you start yawning again and again, you can't control your yawning, even though you had a great night's sleep.


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You are itching for no reason. It can look really strange: in front of everyone, you suddenly start to itch, as you experience severe itching.

Moreover, the itching is so strong that you can scratch yourself until you bleed.



Belching for no apparent reason can also be a sign of the evil eye. If this happens to you suddenly and for no apparent medical reason, this is a reason to sound the alarm.

- Flushes of cold and heat

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Of course, hot flashes in certain periods in women are a very common phenomenon. However, if you are thrown into the cold, then into the heat for no apparent reason, perhaps this is the result of the evil eye.

- Constant sneezing

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If you are not sick and do not suffer from allergies, then sneezing for no reason looks at least strange. Perhaps this is a symptom of the evil eye.

- The appearance of spots or abscesses on the body

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Again, if spots or even abscesses suddenly begin to appear on the body, and the doctor cannot explain the reason, it is likely that someone has jinxed you.

-Bruises on the body

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Another sign of the evil eye is bruising on the body for no reason.

If you didn’t fall, didn’t hit, and didn’t experience any physical impact, and you suddenly have real bruises, this is a clear sign that you have been jinxed.

-Black circles under the eyes

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If it's not a disease or lifestyle, then black circles and pallor of the face can also indicate the evil eye of ill-wishers.

- Despair and fear

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People suffering from the evil eye often complain that they feel despair, fear or horror for no apparent reason.

Very often they are subject to real panic attacks, which should serve as a signal that something is wrong.

- Constriction and spasms in the chest

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Some complain of pain, tightness, or spasms in the chest area for no apparent reason. It can also indicate the evil eye.

- Headache

If doctors can't explain your persistent headaches, you may be experiencing the effects of the evil eye.

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All of the above symptoms, of course, can be signs of the evil eye or inducing damage only if you believe in it.

You can try to apply one of the methods to improve the current situation.

However, science calls for the fact that in case of any health problems, you still need to consult a doctor on time.

No magic or magic can replace a trip to a specialist.

How to protect yourself from the evil eye
Everyone knows what the “evil eye” is and what it means to “jinx it”. In the atheistic Soviet era, the evil eye, however, was considered a superstition of grandmothers, but already during the years of Perestroika, this phenomenon received a completely scientific explanation and interpretation.

So, evil eye. Modern therapists and other physicians who study this phenomenon confirm that a person's gaze has an effect similar to a laser beam or radiation from a TV screen (computer monitor). Probably, each of us felt staring eyes on ourselves, and jinxing means doing some harm by looking at a person for a long time, wishing him harm.

Popular rumor is not mistaken, believing that babies are most susceptible to the evil eye - children under 7 years old. It is at this age, experts say, that the child's protective biofield is still very weak. However, contrary to popular belief, it is possible to jinx it quite by accident, without malicious intent. Even a mother, looking in tenderness for a long time at her child sleeping peacefully in a crib, can unwittingly jinx him, “breaking through” his fragile protection.

An adult is harder to jinx. You have noticed how some people sit with their arms crossed over their chest during a conversation, and sometimes their legs under the table. Psychologists say in such cases that a person’s conversation is somewhat annoying, he is nervous, or he thinks about something of his own, or the interlocutor is unpleasant to him, or the topic of conversation seems complicated or serious. Consequently, a person assumes a pose with crossing arms and legs absolutely intuitively, thereby locking himself in, fencing himself off from the interlocutor.

Parapsychologists call this position "closing the contours of the biofield." This is the easiest way to protect yourself from the evil eye. Similarly, you can close the contours of the biofield by closing the thumbs and forefingers of both hands. Many also do this position of the fingers quite automatically, sitting on the bus or talking with an interlocutor. The role of the “lock” of your biofield can also be played by a safety pin fastened on your chest.

And here it becomes clear what the round clasps of our ancestors meant - the Slavs, Balts and Normans, who fastened the cloak on the chest with a large round brooch. Knowledgeable people say that if the evil eye was strong, the pin turns black right before your eyes.

Also, from the evil eye, you can carry a small round mirror in your pocket near the heart, with the mirror surface outward. The mirror reflects negative rays. Just remember to wipe it down weekly.

Clothing, as it turns out, also plays the role of a shield from the evil eye. When people in ancient times hung coins, bronze and silver plates, gold jewelry and wore bright red or blue clothes - all this was intended not only for the sake of beauty. Bright clothing - especially red - is also a good protection against the evil eye. That is why gypsies wear red shirts, and their women prefer bright colorful clothes and gold jewelry.

What to do if you were jinxed?
If you still feel the consequences of the evil eye, you begin to be haunted by fatigue, headache and everything falls out of your hands, you can use one of the recipes of our grandmothers.

For example, our ancestors removed the evil eye with melted wax. Modern researchers of this phenomenon say that wax is an excellent transmitter of information, and its use is really effective. The person who was jinxed was planted in the jamb of the door, facing the exit, a basin was held over his head, where melted wax was poured. Wax in water cools quickly, and the disease lingers in it. Later, this wax was destroyed in a special way, but it was done by a knowledgeable person so that negative information did not have time to get out of the wax and spread to the person who was doing it. It should be recalled here that modern candles are not made from wax (wax candles are already rare), so make no mistake.

Another way in which a person does not need outside help is to sit for 10-15 minutes in front of a lit candle and read the Our Father prayer, looking at the fire. You need to do this three times a day for three days. If at the same time tears will flow from your eyes, yawning will attack, a sneeze or cough will begin, then this is good. The disease comes out.

If a child has been jinxed, then he can be healed by washing with holy water, running his moistened palm from the child’s chin to his head. You need to do this three times, reading "Our Father". If you feel that you have been jinxed, then experts advise wiping the entire body and face with water slightly diluted with vinegar, and then taking a contrast shower.

Like our ancestors, modern doctors and experts who study the evil eye are also advised to resort to the help of the church: to pray, to defend the service. And if you know the person who has jinxed you, light a candle for his health, and in no case wish him anything bad. It should not be forgotten that the evil eye can be inflicted completely thoughtlessly, by accident.

Method 1
In the morning, on an empty stomach, we put on a skirt or dress, cover our heads with a scarf or a scarf. We don’t put on makeup. We go to a temple or a church.
We buy 6 candles in the church.
1. We put at the crucifixion for the repose of deceased relatives and friends.
2. We put to the icon "All Saints" for our
3. We put to the same icon for the health ... of our enemy.
4. To the icon of the Mother of God.
5. To the icon of St. Nicholas.
We don't ask for anything, we just say "Thank you".
6. To the icon of any saint.
We also don’t ask for anything, we say “Thank you” and leave. On the street you can give to the beggars, but not in your hands and not look them in the eyes.

If there was an evil eye, then within 2 weeks you may have some kind of unpleasant dream in which something nasty will come out of your body. I dreamed that I pulled a fly out of my hand.

One grandmother taught me this. I don’t know if it will help you or not, but it won’t make it worse.

>Second method
Wash with holy water, read our father, sprinkle with holy water all corners of the apartment from the door in a clockwise direction, baptize them

Method three
We take a glass of water, dilute a teaspoon of salt in it and baptize each corner from the front door clockwise, return to the front door, baptize it in the same way and pour the remaining water onto the stairs or into the toilet during the action, we dip ourselves with a wet hand.

Conspiracies from the evil eye and damage with salt
The evil eye and spoilage are very similar to each other in terms of the results of their impact on a person, but their mechanism of this impact is different. The evil eye is an action at the informational level, the task of a negative program, which, in case of an unsuccessful set of circumstances, begins to be realized in a person.

For example, you have been jinxed, but for some time you do not feel this, because you are in excellent vitality and, due to your own internal energy, resist this external force. But here you have a trouble or you caught a cold. The mood fell, and the physical strength weakened, so a gap was discovered in the energy protection, into which the energy of the evil eye immediately penetrated. From that moment on, it begins to act and destroy your energy even more.

Damage is induced quite differently. A powerful stream of negative energy is forcibly launched into a person, and it can be very difficult to resist. Only those who are well trained against corruption or who know how to put up protective shields when they sense danger are capable of this. But in order to feel it, you must also have a powerful intuition.

However, it does not really matter to you what kind of energy impact you have undergone, the main thing is to start the “treatment” in time. Now only heaped salt will help you. But it is imperative to find out that you have been jinxed or damaged, otherwise the slandered salt will not be able to realize its energy. She will wait for an opportunity to discharge herself on someone else, for example, on a friend who has come to visit. And in no case should this be allowed, because the negative energy, from which the girlfriend will be freed, will pass to you. Therefore, study the symptoms and do not miss the damage and the evil eye, and in case of danger, act.

The main signs of the evil eye and damage
If you have been damaged, you can determine this by the following signs.

1. The most important sign of the impact of negative energy is a deterioration in well-being for no apparent reason - weakness, dizziness, general malaise, apathy.

2. The second important and indicative symptom is nightmares and bad dreams, when a person wakes up in a cold sweat, unable to distinguish dream from reality.

3. Damage can manifest itself in conflict at work, difficulties in establishing contacts, misunderstanding of others and yourself.

4. At one “beautiful” moment, all your plans collapse, although nothing foreshadowed this.

5. You are gnawed by the inability to find a place for yourself, an inexplicable feeling of guilt.

If you find at least one of these signs in yourself, immediately proceed to the ritual of removing damage, otherwise your condition may develop into a physical or mental illness.

Cleansing a person with water and salt
This ritual is best done on Thursday, but can be done on any other day. It helps to get rid of any negative energy impact. You can cleanse with the whole family, but for each person you need to take 250 grams of salt.
Put a cup of salt next to the bath, turn on the water. While the bath is filling with water, read the slander:

“This is Monday, this is Tuesday, this is Wednesday, and this is clean water. You wash the roots and straighteners, wash me (name), a servant of God, a newborn, praying, baptized, communed. Vodichka-vodichka, wash away the damage from me and from my face - male, female, childish, senile, enviable, loose, take away the lightness, give lightness. Amen. Amen. Amen".

After that, take a cup of salt in your hands and, looking at the salt, read:

“God, our Savior, who appeared through the prophet Elisha in Jericho and thus through salt made harmful water healthy! You yourself bless this salt and make it an offering of joy. For you are our God and to you we send glory, to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen. Amen. Amen".

After that, slowly pour the salt into the water and immediately take a bath.

Energy cleansing ritual
If you are constantly being spoiled and you cannot get rid of the negative impact of secret ill-wishers, the salt cleansing ritual will help you.

Pour salt into glassware. Light a candle and, moving clockwise around the bowl of salt, say the spoken words 12 times:

“Unclean spirits, unclean power! Move away from (name)! Do not torture him, do not torture him either in the morning, not in broad daylight, or on a dark night. They came from the forest - go to the forest, from the water - to the water, from a white-haired girl, from a long-haired wife, from a peasant, from a riverman, from an envious, from a child. Pickle the salt there! Get it all there! Go where the winds do not wither, where people do not look under the stump, under the deck, into quicksand swamps, into sedentary swamps, where horses are not ridden, pedestrians do not walk, near rough streams, fast rivers, dark forests. Everyone go there! Do not break bones (name), do not pull veins (name). Ugh!"

Then throw the slander out the window and immediately close it.

Protection with salt pentagrams
Take a handful of salt and place an imaginary circle around you on the floor or rug. Stand in this circle for several minutes with your eyes closed, reading a prayer to Nicholas the Pleasant or Our Father.

An easy way to remove the evil eye
There is a quick way to remove damage or the evil eye if you do not know or do not remember a single slander, and you do not have this book at hand. Take a pound of salt, pour it into a bath of warm water, lie down in the water and relax. Salt will draw out of you all the negative energy accumulated during the day. With the deeper layers of energy, you need to work with the help of slander. Soak in the water for about 15 minutes, then thoroughly wash off the remaining salt from the body under the shower. Your positive energy will quickly recover. Even better helps from the negative impact of someone else's energy bath, cut down from birch or at least upholstered with birch boards. Birch broom perfectly removes energy information dirt.

Emergency protection from the evil eye without slander
To always be able to protect yourself from the evil eye, carry a pinch of salt in a handkerchief. As soon as you feel discomfort and anxiety in the presence of another person, then this person is an energy vampire and sucks energy out of you. Another important sign that a vampire is around is the frequent yawning that suddenly comes over you. In this case, quickly remove the salt from the handkerchief and hold it in your right hand, and place your left hand on the solar plexus. At the same time, mentally say: “I won’t give it.”

Conspiracy against the evil eye of oneself
The self-evil eye is a too quick and harsh reaction to some pleasant event in your life, which is expressed in stormy joy and verbosity about this. Many have probably noticed that it is worth praising a person for any act, as the very next day he will “surprise” you with not very pleasant things. Or if you brag to your girlfriend about a well-bought dress, it will turn out to be out of time or a marriage will be found on it. But you can also get rid of the self-evil eye with the help of hexed salt. To do this, stand in front of a mirror and, holding a pinch of salt in your hand, say, looking at your image, 3 times:

“The world is a mirror, take away the cursed evil eye, plant it with you, hold it tight, don’t let go anywhere, don’t return back.”

In this article:

Surrounded by every person there are ill-wishers and envious people, but, as a rule, such people do not give themselves away. However, it also happens that malice is transformed into certain actions - and then the evil eye or damage can be imposed on the object of envy or hatred.

The evil eye is mostly imposed unintentionally - just a strong negative energy penetrates the victim's biofield and has a destructive effect on it. In order to get rid of such negativity in time, you need to know what are the signs of the evil eye.

It often happens that an impressionable and superstitious person, faced with serious illnesses, problems in his personal life, at work and other difficulties, tends to think that he was jinxed and asks the question: “How do you know if you have an evil eye?”.

You can preliminarily determine the evil eye by characteristic signs, as well as by performing special rituals that allow you to accurately verify the presence or absence of a negative impact.

Manifestations of negative influence

How does the evil eye manifest itself? If a person has been subjected to the evil eye, then the signs can be very different. First of all, violations of his emotional state appear, tearfulness, irritability, dissatisfaction with life, inexplicable anger appear.

Health disorders appear in the case of a strong energy impact. The most common symptoms of energy problems are fever, severe headache, and gastrointestinal upset. Elderly people often experience pain in the heart, a sudden decrease or increase in blood pressure.

The characteristic signs of the evil eye also include - loss of interest in life and lack of desire to strive for previously planned and new goals, a burning sensation or heaviness in the solar plexus, heavy sighs that break out by themselves.

There is also hostility towards everyone around, the desire to communicate with anyone, even with the closest people, disappears. Because of all the problems that have appeared, the victim of the evil eye may begin to abuse alcohol, smoking, or other bad habits.

Most of all, people who are often in plain sight are subject to the evil eye, for example, teachers, artists, sellers. Also at risk are successful, beautiful, young and healthy people. Basically, the symptoms of negative influence can be accurately identified: a black streak begins in the life of the victim - continuous failures, injuries, illnesses, etc. There is a sharp set or loss of body weight, problems in the family, internal anxiety.

The evil eye must be removed, preventing the negative from firmly gaining a foothold in your field.

How to recognize the victim of the evil eye

It happens that a “corrupted” person himself does not realize or does not understand that he has been subjected to the evil eye. In this case, he needs help. However, how to understand that a loved one has undergone a negative energy impact? After all, a change in behavior can have other explanations, for example, overwork, unpleasant changes in personal life, etc. It is necessary to carefully monitor your relative or close friend so as not to miss the symptoms of the evil eye:

  • During the conversation, the victim of the evil eye avoids looking directly into the eyes of his interlocutor.
  • A person loses his appetite, or vice versa - he constantly feels a feeling of hunger and cannot satisfy it with anything.
  • While reading the prayer, the victim of the energy impact begins to yawn, while feeling depressed and lethargic.
  • A person’s hair suddenly begins to fall out, in some cases the opposite is true - the victim’s body is rapidly covered with thick hair.
  • He develops pride, morbid ambition, he becomes very susceptible to criticism.
  • The victim of the evil eye has sharp and unreasonable outbursts of aggression, it becomes difficult for him to focus on anything.
  • Sudden mood swings, apathy and fatigue prevent him from living, he may feel useless and lonely. He cannot look in the mirror; he does not like the reflection and is annoying.
  • With a strong negative impact, a person often has darkening in the eyes and dizziness.

A person who has been jinxed, as a whole, becomes different, his position in life, habits, views, tastes and addictions change. If the listed signs of the evil eye were noticed behind a friend or relative, then it is likely that he was subjected to negative energy influence and he needs to be helped as soon as possible.

Washing babies from the evil eye is a common procedure

How to determine the evil eye in a child

Small children are practically defenseless against negative influences, especially if the baby is still breastfeeding. From the age of 6-7, they only begin to form their individual energy protection, and before this age they are very vulnerable, and therefore, like no one else, they are subject to such an unpleasant phenomenon as the evil eye.

Any member of the family and immediate environment can have an evil eye, for example, a father, grandfather, grandmother, uncle, aunt, friends, priest, older brother or sister, etc. But there are times when a mother has such a strong energy that she is able to hide her child from any negative influences.

At the same time, the mother herself can unintentionally jinx the child when she looks at him sleeping and admires him.

Strong emotions of the mother, even if they are positive, are able to break through the biofield of the child, and as a result, the baby receives the evil eye.

To eliminate the negative from your own baby, you must first determine the signs of the evil eye in a child. These include:

  • An unreasonable and asymptomatic increase in body temperature, which returns to normal after a couple of days.
  • Lack of appetite, the baby refuses to eat favorite foods.
  • A calm and quiet child suddenly becomes whiny and capricious, ceases to obey his parents, constantly hysteria.
  • The child suddenly became very shy, afraid to be alone in the room, asks to leave the light on at night.
  • The kid began to flatly refuse what he liked to do before, or does not want to go where he liked to play or walk.
  • The always mobile kid refuses to go for a walk, jump, jump for no reason, but instead lies on the couch all day long, does not talk to anyone, tries to retire. Or vice versa, a quiet child becomes very active - runs, jumps. At the usual time when he should go to bed, he refuses to do so, and his hyperactivity is often combined with crying and tantrums.

Parents need to understand that hyperactivity is considered a sign of negative energy impact only if this has not been observed in the child's behavior before.

If the baby is hyperactive from birth, then this indicates his natural temperament, and not the evil eye.

To protect your baby from the evil eye, parents need to worry about a talisman for him in advance - it can be a cross with which the child was baptized in the church, specially charmed objects (you can speak them yourself or turn to an experienced magician), protective threads or other talismans. You can also protect the child with a simple pin, it must be pinned to the baby’s clothes from the wrong side.

Damage and the evil eye are a negative energy impact on a person, as a result of which health problems and other unreasonable adverse events appear in his life. And then one has to watch how a person who is strong morally and physically is not able to help himself: marital relations are broken before our eyes, dismissal from work happens, a sudden illness overtakes and, it would seem, an unreasonable death. In order to timely detect a negative impact, you should know what its signs are.

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    • Damage and evil eye

      Corruption is a conscious action directed at a specific person, the purpose of which is to cause harm, in contrast to the evil eye, which occurs due to envy, an emotional outburst of ill-wishers.

        These two phenomena coincide in that their essence is a destructive effect under the influence of negative emotions.

        No one is immune from illness, it does not depend on age, gender, religion. If a person is worried about depression and weakness, it is worth finding out if it is the cause of damage or the evil eye.

        Signs of the evil eye

        If the following symptoms are observed, the presence of the evil eye can be assumed:

        • weakness, headache, fever, the person feels unwell;
        • repetitive injuries of the spine, limbs;
        • the skin becomes dull, loses its attractiveness;
        • depression and fatigue;
        • a state of apathy regarding career, personal life;
        • attraction to alcohol;
        • whims, irritability, nervousness.

        External signs:

        • systematic troubles, daily incidents;
        • illness and in addition to feeling unwell, there is a diagnosis of a real disease;
        • a mental disorder that looks like paranoia, hallucinations, fears;
        • all activities suffer, which also applies to other family members;
        • fear of the rays of the sun, mirror reflection;
        • panic at the sight of ritual objects for service in the temple;
        • aggression towards people;
        • feeling of loss of the meaning of life, alcoholism, propensity to gamble.

        Diagnosis of egg spoilage - rules for conducting and decoding

        Degrees of spoilage

        Relatively mild damage occurs immediately, the symptoms may disappear after a while, but the effects last for a long time. Affectable Corruption: A moderate rite can be processed energetically with the help of a conspiracy. Incurable corruption: a type of negative impact that ordinary people cannot cope with. The condition improves after serious magical intervention by a specialist.

        In different religions and peoples, the attitude towards damage is different: in Christianity, Islam, it is believed that any curse, energy impact will be valid if it is deserved and predetermined from above.

        The longer the damage lasts, the more difficult it becomes to get rid of it, so it makes sense to seek professional help. Ordinary observation will help to identify signs of negative impact, and then take steps to release.

        How to determine the presence of damage?

        A spoiled person looks lethargic and depressed, constantly looks away during a conversation, is overly excitable, reacts sharply to criticism, his food habits change, his appetite decreases or becomes immoderate.

        Damage detection methods:

        • Church candles. Three burning candles are placed on the table and prayers are read. If in the presence of a person the flame of candles sparkles, smokes, then this is a manifestation of a negative impact.
        • Egg. An egg is broken into a glass of cold water, trying not to touch the yolk, the glass is crossed and a prayer is read. If the water does not turn cloudy, then there is no magical effect. Otherwise, black magic was used.
        • Wax . Melted wax is poured into a bowl of water, and then the formed figure is examined. If its surface turned out to be smooth, there was no magical effect on the person. If it is bumpy or resembles a silhouette, this is a sign of damage.

        Guidance methods

        The negative impact is carried out with the help of earth, needles, feathers and other objects. If such things were found during the inspection of the dwelling, they must not be touched with bare hands. Such an object must be taken outside the house and burned or buried. A flaming face will betray an ill-wisher upon meeting.

        Negativity can be absorbed deeply, so delay in helping the victim is fatal. Evil does not go away on its own, a conscious approach is needed, while the psyche of a person experiencing the impact of negativity is weakened.


        The energy field of a woman is more susceptible to influence and the evil eye, compared to the male, especially once a month, which is associated with hormonal causes and increased vulnerability during this period.

        Changes in complexion can be considered signs of the evil eye: the skin acquires an earthy hue, age spots appear on it, although this property has not been observed before, body weight increases or sharply decreases. Nightmares and uncharacteristic lethargy, health problems, tearing, insomnia, bad habits are possible. The woman does not want to look at herself in the mirror, often sighs, as it is difficult for her to breathe, hears random rustles and voices in the room.

        The signs of damage are more pronounced: even a bright beauty loses her attractiveness and charisma, loses a lot of weight, she develops a difficult-to-diagnose disease, close people leave her, major troubles appear at work and with money. At the very beginning of the effect of damage, appetite disappears, and then deterioration in health makes itself felt. Damage done to loneliness prevents getting married, although a girl can have a lot of admirers, and if this happens, her husband dies or other major troubles happen in the family.


        In men, the imposition of damage is manifested by a loss of joy in life, apathy, failures, problems in the service and in personal relationships, impotence, suicidal thoughts. Such a man develops a victim complex in himself, it is difficult for him to listen to people and interact with them.

        In addition to weakness, fatigue, the development of diseases in a man, symptoms such as nightmares, cold and wet skin of the palms, malfunctions of the heart, and pressure surges are possible. If damage is done to death, although this is a rare occurrence, a person dies within a year, and the first signs of damage appear starting from four months.


        If the negative was imposed on the child, this manifests itself in an unreasonable rise in temperature, his irritability, whims, refusal to communicate with loved ones, fear of being alone in a room, indifference to food.

        Signs of the evil eye in a newborn child are expressed as follows:

        • hysterical crying;
        • lack of appetite;
        • rejection of the mother;
        • persistent high temperature;
        • anxiety and shyness.

        If the evil eye is confirmed and there is no priest or other specialist nearby who could help, the mother is advised to soak a cloth in holy water and wipe the child with it while reciting a prayer.

        Signs of release

        The period of liberation from negativity is not easy: relationships deteriorate in the family, health suffers - a large supply of energy is required to confront negativity. After the ritual of liberation is completed, a person needs proper sleep and rest. Changes in the human biofield are accompanied by certain symptoms.

        Bodily symptoms when removing spoilage:

        • frequent yawning signals the body's attempts to cleanse itself, which is especially manifested in the church or during the removal of the effects of black magic;
        • tears, runny nose - symptoms that contribute to the release of negative energy, after which the state of health improves;
        • severe chills: the negative manifests itself as cold;
        • weakening of the body, exacerbation of chronic ailments, fever, indigestion;
        • mental instability, nightmares.

        Damage in the family: how to remove?

        Before performing the ritual of removing corruption, one should forgive everyone who is suspected or could cause harm, realizing that only the spiritual imperfection and misfortune of people could induce them to do so.

        To save the family from scandals, frequent quarrels that arise from scratch, you need to do a general cleaning on Friday on the waning moon. But first you need to stock up on a branch from different trees that will characterize an individual family member. Tie these branches with a common use towel or a wedding towel, if this has been preserved, and after cleaning go around the room with a bouquet in a clockwise direction.

        During the round, you should pronounce the words of the conspiracy, the options for which you can choose at your discretion. Their meaning is that former quarrels find their original home (in the underworld), and the dwelling becomes clean and free from all evil. The broom made of rods in the assembled state should be stored until dry, while it collects negative from family members, and then burned.

        You can perform other rituals to remove damage from the family on your own. To do this, they put an open pack of salt under the table on Monday, saying the words: “The salt is clean, sparkling, you are strong with whiteness, take all the witchcraft to the bottom,” and on Friday the salt is taken out and poured under the fence of the cemetery, accompanied by the words: “The pure salt collected everything , souls of light, take it, return it to the sorcerers ”and they return without turning around.

Psychology of communication