Crowley tarot meaning. Tarot Thoth: the meaning of the cards and the features of divination on them

The system of predictions on a deck of cards called Tarot has been known, by the standards of history, not so long ago - since the end of the 14th century. Where they came from, who invented them and brought them to European lands - nothing is known for certain. Among Tarot lovers there are several versions of their origin. One of them connects the deck with Egypt, seeing in it the encrypted symbols of sacred knowledge that the priests of Thoth wanted to preserve and pass on to their descendants. Proponents of this hypothesis are attempting to decipher the original, original Tarot symbols, although they acknowledge that the authentic form of these drawings has been lost. One of these enthusiasts - Aleister Crowley, the brightest figure in the esoteric world of the 20th century - made a similar attempt to resurrect the secret wisdom of the Egyptian mysteries, lost in the mists of time. The result of his work was the famous and quite popular Tarot Thoth deck in tarot circles.

History of the Crowley Deck

The prerequisite for creating a new deck was Crowley's conviction that at the beginning of the 20th century, namely in 1904, the era of the god Osiris ended and the era of the god Horus began. The change of cycles also affected the spiritual, magical sphere of life, thus requiring adjustments to the symbolic system of Tarot cards. Initially, however, Crowley had no intention of creating a new deck. His plans were only to correct the most suitable option from all existing ones. But his assistant, artist Frieda Harris, insisted on a complete overhaul of the visuals and semantic coherence of the new set of cards. Work on them began in 1938 and lasted five years (instead of the originally planned three months). Thus was born the deck known today as Aleister Crowley's Thoth Tarot cards.

Features of the Crowley deck

In his views, Aleister Crowley was a terrible syncretist. He passionately searched for arcane knowledge wherever he could get. Traveling around the world, Crowley studied the magical, occult and mystical traditions of a wide variety of societies - from traditional religious communities to secret initiatory brotherhoods. The most contradictory thoughts, ideas and doctrines coexisted in his head, which he synthesized into a complex eclectic doctrine, which he called thelema. All this heterogeneous mixture was also reflected in the Tarot of Thoth, in a sense, drawing a line under all his work: three years after the completion of work on the deck, Crowley died.
The first feature of his maps concerned the decoration. For Tarot, this was a completely new style, never before used. Crowley owes this to his partner, who was an experienced artist who perfectly felt the very essence.

Another interesting and most important distinguishing feature of Crowley's Thoth Tarot is that the interpretation of its symbols differs significantly from the interpretation of other, more traditional versions of the cards. Crowley combined in his work the symbolism of many cultures and occult schools, put his worldview into the pictures and introduced a lot of additional images. Moreover, Crowley changed some of the cards, while others were removed altogether, replacing them with analogues of his own composition. All this put Aleister Crowley's Tarot Thoth in a very special position, turning divination into a special, independent system of predictions.

He left us the exegetical key to his deck in his fundamental book on Tarot, which is called The Book of Thoth. In terms of its content, this is the richest reference book of divination cards. However, there is also some reticence there, so that modern tarotists who use the Tarot of Thoth in their practice sometimes have to calculate the meaning of a particular symbol, relying on their own experience, insight and intuition.

Major Arcana in Crowley's deck

The main graphic, and most importantly - semantic, changes affected the cards of the major arcana. Therefore, it is worth dwelling on them in a little more detail.

Tarot Thoth: the meaning of the cards and the symbolism of images

To use the Crowley deck productively, you need to learn the symbolism inherent in it. If in other collections a certain amount of liberties in interpretation is allowed, due to a subjective set of associations with a standard archetype, then in Crowley all cards are rigidly tied to their meaning.

It should be noted right away that, unlike other decks, all Tarot Thoth cards are interpreted only in the upright position. In the system he developed, there is no special meaning for inverted cards - this is true for both the major and minor arcana.

Aleister Crowley excluded from the traditional row the twentieth lasso "The Last Judgment", replacing it with his own composition called "Aeon". In addition, in accordance with some French versions of the deck, he swapped the “Strength” and “Justice” cards, plus, as already noted, he “corrected” the generally accepted meaning of the pictures quite significantly, to the extent that he changed the name of some of them. For example, the same "Strength" and "Moderation" were named "Lust" and "Regulation" respectively.

0. Fool

Traditionally, the Fool card with a numerical value of zero is placed between the twentieth and twenty-first arcana. However, Crowley returned it to the beginning of the general series, proposing to start the semantic sequence precisely from scratch.

Fool (Jester, Fool, Madman) correlates with the planet Uranus and the element of air. Means novelty, idea, border between old and new forms, spirituality.

1. Mage

The magician in the Tarot of Thoth is associated with Mercury. It means wisdom, strength, spiritual potential, opportunities, skills, abilities, creativity, energy, thought and intellectual processes, communication.

2. High Priestess

Associated with the moon. Symbolizes introversion, inner concentration, feelings, instincts, intuition.

3. Empress

This figure is associated with Venus, and she is in charge of all the traditional Venusian aspects of life - love, relationships, sex, fertility, beauty and pleasure.

4. Emperor

His figure is associated with the sign of Aries. Therefore, he embodies such qualities as leadership, dominance, idealism and devotion. The emperor symbolizes struggle, ambition, power, exaltation, anger, stubbornness, fanaticism, energetic actions.

5. Hierophant

The hierophant (sign - Taurus), that is, the initiate, carries the idea of ​​the material embodiment of spiritual principles. Therefore, it is explained as work, diligence, willpower, organization, structure, patronage of higher powers.

6. Lovers, also called Brothers

This is one of the most difficult cards in the Thoth Tarot. Interpretation at the surface level is determined by the sign of Gemini and the idea of ​​communication - communication, interaction, inconsistency, choice.

7. Chariot

The chariot is ruled by Cancer. Her associations include the concepts of strength, victory, inner search, introspection, and overcoming obstacles.

8. Regulation

This arcana is ruled by the sign of Libra. Accordingly, it is interpreted as balance, justice, harmony and balance.

9. Hermit

The hermit is associated with the sign of Virgo. Its meanings: the search for knowledge, wisdom, depth, departure from everyday life, meaningfulness and systematization, self-sufficiency.

10. Wheel of fate

It is ruled by Jupiter. It reflects global twists of fate and generally significant phenomena - politics, religion, ideology. It can be interpreted as happiness, luck, and figuratively as a fair wind.

11. Lust

This card is under the authority of the Leo sign. Associated with ardor, conviction, all-absorption, creative energy, burning with something - an idea, desire, etc.

12. Hanged Man

Ruled by Neptune and associated with the element of water. The semantics of the arcana is sacrifice, loss, suffering, punishment.

13. Death

The sign is Scorpio. Most often it means change, transformation, change. Perhaps a crisis, destruction, collapse of an idea, business or stage of something. Very rarely - physical death.

14. Art

Art is another difficult lasso in the Tarot of Thoth. The interpretation of the cards usually has no connection with this aspect of life at the level of a particular archetype. Crowley brings it in, subordinating the sign of Sagittarius. The semantic series of this arcana is consistent actions, a symbiosis of different forces, interaction.

15. Devil

The figure of the devil, associated in the Tarot of Thoth with the sign of Capricorn, reveals the concepts of subordination. Along with this, she speaks of bondage, obstruction, possession, bondage and material absorption.

16. Tower

The image of a tower or fortress under the auspices of Mars means danger. In addition, these are sudden changes, sudden blows of fate, turning points and moments.

17. Star

The star is ruled by Aquarius. This card symbolizes hope, opportunity, inspiration, unexpected help, faith.

18. Moon

The Moon card is associated with the Pisces sign. This lasso speaks of mistakes, confusion, deceit, delusion. Can mean witchcraft and the beginning of change.

19. Sun

The sun is associated, of course, with the sun. The meaning of this card is victory, triumph, glory, power, fulfillment, satisfaction, truth, and selfishness.

20. Eon

The innovative card "Aeon" connects Crowley with Pluto and the element of fire. He is charged with the beginning of a new business, the results of the past, the opening paths of the future, a transitional stage, a threshold.

21. Universe

This card is ruled by Saturn. It is interpreted as the final synthesis, the result, the universe, perfection, completeness, integrity.

Minor Arcana

Tarot Thoth attaches special importance to the major arcana. The cards of the minor arcana in Crowley's edition as a whole have not undergone significant changes. The only thing that distinguishes them is a peculiar design, devoid of a storyline, but giving imagery to the symbols of suits themselves.

The most that Crowley contributed to the minor arcana was to change the suit of pentacles to discs. At the same time, the former semantic core of the suit itself remained the same.

In conclusion, it should be said that for Tarot Thoth, the layouts used when working with ordinary decks are also quite acceptable and do not require specific additions. The correction is made only for the interpretation of the images themselves.

Online divination by Tarot Thoth (Aleister Crowley)

The famous Tarot deck, created by the occultist, kabbalist and tarologist - Aleister Crowley. This unique deck is loaded with encrypted symbols from Egyptian and Celtic mythology. Each of the arcana of the Tarot Thoth is made in a certain color scheme, which also matters in interpretation. Aleister Crowley's Thoth Tarot is an effective magical tool that can be used not only to predict the future and get answers to questions, but also for spiritual practices and meditations.

Fortune telling on the Tarot of Thoth - Thought, word, deed. This simple fortune-telling, consisting of three cards, will help you understand the situation in the relationship when you and your partner misunderstood each other. This alignment is suitable for fortune-telling for personal relationships, as well as for friendships, business or relatives.

Divination by Tarot Thoth - Sale. This layout is used in a situation where you want to sell something. With the help of this fortune-telling, you will find out whether this transaction should be carried out, whether what you are selling will fall into good hands, whether the moment is right for selling, whether the offered price is worth the value of what you are selling, and also - the result, how the transaction will end.

Divination by Tarot Thoth - Why did this happen? With the help of this fortune-telling, you will find out how the situation really looks and how you see it, what are the pros and cons of the current situation, why it all happened and what it will lead to

Fortune telling on the Tarot cards of Thoth - Financial forecast for the month. This alignment will show what your financial situation looks like at the moment, how events will develop further, what will hinder and what will contribute in financial matters, and what the outcome of the month will be for you.

Divination by Tarot Thoth - Gift. This alignment will show what you have been given since birth, what skills and abilities you have acquired, what you should develop in yourself, what helps you develop yourself, in what area you can apply your talents and what the result will be for you.

Divination by Tarot Thoth - Past, present, future. This simple spread can be applied to get answers to questions about a lifetime, as well as to any exciting situation. This layout consists of only three cards - past, present and future.

Divination by Tarot Thoth - Scarab. This alignment can be applied in a situation where a specific goal is set; you will learn what your goal is, what you really need, what information you need, what works against you, what helps you move towards the goal, what you should give up, what to learn, what will happen if you take the initiative in your own hands , and also - what will happen if you go with the flow

Divination by Tarot Thoth - Contract. With the help of this fortune-telling, you will find out which factors are favorable for the conclusion of the contract, which are not favorable, what moment to choose for the conclusion of the contract, how the process itself will go, and also what the results will be.

Fortune telling on the Tarot cards of Thoth - Analysis of relationships. This fortune-telling will show the current situation between people, the essence of problems in relationships, the path to follow in order to achieve harmony, the influence of external and internal factors, as well as the prospect of developing relations in the future.

Fortune telling on the Tarot of Thoth - The path of the esoteric. This fortune-telling will be interesting for those who connect their path with the study of esotericism, esoteric practices. With the help of this fortune-telling, you can find out what are your makings of esoteric development on the maternal and paternal lines, your experience in the past, the situation at the moment, your goals, what you can achieve yourself and whether it is worth seeking the help of the Teacher

Fortune telling on Tarot cards of Thoth - Freud and Spirit. This divination is intended for a deep analysis of a person's behavior and reaction to various events and circumstances. This alignment is based on Freud's theory of the layers of the subconscious. Well suited for analyzing an existing problem, a difficult situation when a person is trying to find the cause of external problems within himself.

Fortune telling on the Tarot of Thoth - True face. This fortune-telling shows the main features of your personality - how others see you, how you perceive yourself, what are your ambitions, and also the true face that you hide from others

Fortune telling on the Tarot cards of Thoth - Vicious circle. This divination will show your personality, your thoughts at the moment, the events that will happen to you soon, the situation you are in now, the recent past, your actions in the present, abilities and skills, as well as goals, ideas and aspirations. This fortune-telling can be used both for yourself and for any person of interest.

Fortune telling on Tarot cards of Thoth - The law of attraction. This simple three-card spread can be used for divination for every day. With the help of this divination, you will find out what energies you are attracting at the moment, what you need to do to raise your vibrations to a new level, and also what you will attract if you raise your vibrations to a new level.

Divination by Tarot Thoth - New lover. This fortune-telling will help you find out if you will have a loved one in the near future, who he will be according to the sign of the Zodiac, how compatible you will be, whether your relationship will be long-term, and also what these relationships will lead to in the future

Fortune telling on Tarot cards of Thoth - What is preparing the New Year? This fortune-telling will help you find out how you can better act in the New Year in order to achieve success and prosperity, how love and relationships will develop, what awaits in the material sphere, in career, health, what surprises can happen in the new year

Fortune telling on the Tarot cards of Thoth - Shadows. This interesting divination can be used for self-knowledge; here you will get answers to various questions about yourself - what is the source of positive energy for you, how do others treat you, what negative emotions do you experience, what awaits you, what will support you, what motivates your actions and underlies the events taking place what you may encounter on the path to happiness

Fortune telling on Tarot cards of Thoth - Venture. This fortune-telling can be applied in a situation where you are thinking of starting a new business, perhaps you have some idea that you want to implement. With the help of this fortune-telling, you will find out what influenced your decision in the past, how things are in the present, what is the purpose of your venture, true motivation, what awaits you in the near future, whether you will be able to translate your idea or project into reality

Fortune telling on Tarot cards of Thoth - Celtic cross. This alignment is used to consider an exciting situation; you can find out what the situation looks like at the moment, what forces are acting on it, what is your true attitude to what is happening, your hopes and fears, and also - the result of what all this will lead to

Fortune telling on the Tarot cards of Thoth - Prism of Love. This interesting alignment is designed to get answers to the most exciting questions about love, relationships, and the future with a certain person. This alignment will show what is happening between you at the moment, what your loved one wants from you, what he is afraid of in a relationship with you, what he feels, what actions he is ready to take. With the help of this fortune-telling, you will also find out what awaits your relationship in six months, a year, and what is destined for you in general.

The Thoth Tarot deck is one of the varieties of Tarot, invented in the 19th century by the combined efforts of the great people Aleister Crowley and the artist Frieda Harris.

Aleister Crowley is a unique person endowed with a special gift, a magician, a Satanist. The cards from this deck look quite decent and you can endlessly admire the artistic images. A deck of Thoth cards is a whole magical, magical Universe. It closely intertwines such sciences as astrology, Jewish Kabbalah, numerology, etc.

People learned to predict fate using the cards of Thoth relatively recently - from about the end of the 14th century.

Interpretation of Tarot cards of Thoth

Tarot cards of Thoth are multifaceted and ambiguous in interpretation and reading. The full interpretation of the cards can only be found in the Book of Thoth. So, let's try to decipher the meaning of each card.

This traditional map is numbered zero. The fool card is equated with the elements of air and the planet Uranus. It commemorates ideas, a new format of life, spirituality;

This card in interpretation corresponds to the planet Mercury. The manifestation of wisdom, excellent creative success, thoughts, skills, achievements;

The symbol is the moon. Such features as reflections, concentration, developed intuition are inherent;

This figure has a connection with Venus, therefore it is called a symbol of sex, love, fertility and pleasure;

The Emperor is associated with Aries. The embodiment of such qualities as leadership, power, as well as stubbornness, strict adherence to the task;

It carries the idea of ​​the real embodiment of our thoughts and spiritual foundations. The card stands for diligence, dedication, responsibility, punctuality, striving for the highest;

This is one of the most difficult Tarot cards, Gemini is tied to it. Interpretation speaks of choice, relationships, inconsistency in decision-making;

The patron of this card is Cancer. In the arsenal of associations, one can safely include victory, the search for oneself, constant self-improvement, overcoming difficulties;

The card is under the leadership of the sign of Libra, therefore, the main properties are balance, complete harmony, peace;

The arcana is correlated with the sign of Virgo. It is interpreted as a search for depth, meaningfulness, a departure from everyday affairs;

wheel of fate
The map is ruled by Jupiter and reflects the most important phenomena: religion, political processes;





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The system of predictions on a deck of cards, called Tarot, is known, by the standards of history, not so long ago - from the end of the 14th century. Where they came from, who invented them and brought them to European lands - nothing is known for certain. Among Tarot lovers there are several versions of their origin. One of them connects the deck with Egypt, seeing in it the encrypted symbols of sacred knowledge that the priests of Thoth wanted to preserve and pass on to their descendants. Proponents of this hypothesis are attempting to decipher the original, original Tarot symbols, although they acknowledge that the authentic form of these drawings has been lost. One of these enthusiasts - Aleister Crowley, the brightest figure in the esoteric world of the 20th century - made a similar attempt to resurrect the secret wisdom of the Egyptian mysteries, lost in the mists of time. The result of his work was the famous and quite popular Tarot Thoth deck in tarot circles.

The prerequisite for creating a new deck was Crowley's conviction that at the beginning of the 20th century, namely in 1904, the era of the god Osiris ended and the era of the god Horus began. The change of cycles also affected the spiritual, magical sphere of life, thus requiring adjustments to the symbolic system of Tarot cards. Initially, however, Crowley had no intention of creating a new deck. His plans were only to correct the most suitable option from all existing ones. But his assistant, artist Frieda Harris, insisted on a complete overhaul of the visuals and semantic coherence of the new set of cards. Work on them began in 1938 and lasted five years (instead of the originally planned three months). Thus was born the deck known today as Aleister Crowley's Thoth Tarot cards.

In his views, Aleister Crowley was a terrible syncretist. He passionately searched for arcane knowledge wherever he could get. Traveling the world, Crowley studied the magical, occult and mystical traditions of a wide variety of societies - from traditional religious communities to secret initiatory brotherhoods. The most contradictory thoughts, ideas and doctrines coexisted in his head, which he synthesized into a complex eclectic doctrine, which he called thelema. All this heterogeneous mixture was also reflected in the Tarot of Thoth, in a sense, drawing a line under all his work: three years after the completion of work on the deck, Crowley died.
The first feature of his maps concerned the decoration. For Tarot, this was a completely new style, never before used. Crowley owes this to his partner, who was an experienced artist who perfectly felt the very essence.

Another interesting and most important distinguishing feature of Crowley's Thoth Tarot is that the interpretation of its symbols differs significantly from the interpretation of other, more traditional versions of the cards. Crowley combined in his work the symbolism of many cultures and occult schools, put his worldview into the pictures and introduced a lot of additional images. Moreover, Crowley changed some of the cards, while others were removed altogether, replacing them with analogues of his own composition. All this put Aleister Crowley's Tarot Thoth in a very special position, turning divination into a special, independent system of predictions.

He left us the exegetical key to his deck in his fundamental book on Tarot, which is called The Book of Thoth. In terms of its content, this is the richest reference book of divination cards. However, there is also some reticence there, so that modern tarotists who use the Tarot of Thoth in their practice sometimes have to calculate the meaning of a particular symbol, relying on their own experience, insight and intuition.

The main graphic, and most importantly - semantic, changes affected the cards of the major arcana. Therefore, it is worth dwelling on them in a little more detail.

To use the Crowley deck productively, you need to learn the symbolism inherent in it. If in other collections a certain amount of liberties in interpretation is allowed, due to a subjective set of associations with a standard archetype, then in Crowley all cards are rigidly tied to their meaning.

It should be noted right away that, unlike other decks, all Tarot Thoth cards are interpreted only in the upright position. In the system he developed, there is no special meaning for inverted cards - this is true for both the major and minor arcana.

Aleister Crowley excluded from the traditional row the twentieth lasso "The Last Judgment", replacing it with his own composition called "Aeon". In addition, in accordance with some French versions of the deck, he swapped the “Strength” and “Justice” cards, plus, as already noted, he “corrected” the generally accepted meaning of the pictures quite significantly, to the extent that he changed the name of some of them. For example, the same "Strength" and "Moderation" were named "Lust" and "Regulation" respectively.

Traditionally, the Fool card with a numerical value of zero is placed between the twentieth and twenty-first arcana. However, Crowley returned it to the beginning of the general series, proposing to start the semantic sequence precisely from scratch.

Fool (Jester, Fool, Madman) correlates with the planet Uranus and the element of air. Means novelty, idea, border between old and new forms, spirituality.

The magician in the Tarot of Thoth is associated with Mercury. It means wisdom, strength, spiritual potential, opportunities, skills, abilities, creativity, energy, thought and intellectual processes, communication.

Associated with the moon. Symbolizes introversion, inner concentration, feelings, instincts, intuition.

This figure is associated with Venus, and she is in charge of all the traditional Venusian aspects of life - love, relationships, sex, fertility, beauty and pleasure.

His figure is associated with the sign of Aries. Therefore, he embodies such qualities as leadership, dominance, idealism and devotion. The emperor symbolizes struggle, ambition, power, exaltation, anger, stubbornness, fanaticism, energetic actions.

The hierophant (sign - Taurus), that is, the initiate, carries the idea of ​​the material embodiment of spiritual principles. Therefore, it is explained as work, diligence, willpower, organization, structure, patronage of higher powers.

This is one of the most difficult cards in the Thoth Tarot. Interpretation at the surface level is determined by the sign of Gemini and the idea of ​​communication - communication, interaction, inconsistency, choice.

The chariot is ruled by Cancer. Her associations include the concepts of strength, victory, inner search, introspection, and overcoming obstacles.

This arcana is ruled by the sign of Libra. Accordingly, it is interpreted as balance, justice, harmony and balance.

The hermit is associated with the sign of Virgo. Its meanings: the search for knowledge, wisdom, depth, departure from everyday life, meaningfulness and systematization, self-sufficiency.

It is ruled by Jupiter. It reflects global twists of fate and generally significant phenomena - politics, religion, ideology. It can be interpreted as happiness, luck, and figuratively as a fair wind.

This card is under the authority of the Leo sign. Associated with ardor, conviction, all-absorption, creative energy, burning with something - an idea, desire, etc.

Ruled by Neptune and associated with the element of water. The semantics of the arcana is sacrifice, loss, suffering, punishment.

The sign is Scorpio. Most often it means change, transformation, change. Perhaps a crisis, destruction, collapse of an idea, business or stage of something. Rarely, physical death.

Art is another difficult lasso in the Tarot of Thoth. The interpretation of the cards usually has no connection with this aspect of life at the level of a particular archetype. Crowley brings it in, subordinating the sign of Sagittarius. The semantic series of this arcana is consistent actions, a symbiosis of different forces, interaction.

The figure of the devil, associated in the Tarot of Thoth with the sign of Capricorn, reveals the concepts of subordination. Along with this, she speaks of bondage, obstruction, possession, bondage and material absorption.

The image of a tower or fortress under the auspices of Mars means danger. In addition, these are sudden changes, sudden blows of fate, turning points and moments.

The star is ruled by Aquarius. This card symbolizes hope, opportunity, inspiration, unexpected help, faith.

The Moon card is associated with the Pisces sign. This lasso speaks of mistakes, confusion, deceit, delusion. Can mean witchcraft and the beginning of change.

The sun is associated, of course, with the sun. The meaning of this card is victory, triumph, glory, power, fulfillment, satisfaction, truth, and selfishness.

The innovative card "Aeon" connects Crowley with Pluto and the element of fire. He is charged with the beginning of a new business, the results of the past, the opening paths of the future, a transitional stage, a threshold.

This card is ruled by Saturn. It is interpreted as the final synthesis, the result, the universe, perfection, completeness, integrity.

Tarot Thoth attaches special importance to the major arcana. The cards of the minor arcana in Crowley's edition as a whole have not undergone significant changes. The only thing that distinguishes them is a peculiar design, devoid of a storyline, but giving imagery to the symbols of suits themselves.

The most that Crowley contributed to the minor arcana was to change the suit of pentacles to disks. At the same time, the former semantic core of the suit itself remained the same.

In conclusion, it should be said that for Tarot Thoth, the layouts used when working with ordinary decks are also quite acceptable and do not require specific additions. The correction is made only for the interpretation of the images themselves.

Aleister Crowley is the most famous cabalist, occultist and tarot reader in England. Strictly speaking, Crowley himself is not the creator of the Thoth Tarot deck, he only resurrected the lost wisdom. There are many different versions of the origin of this deck. The most popular is connected with Ancient Egypt. According to her, in the "Tarot of Thoth" symbols are encrypted, which contain the sacred knowledge of the priests of the god Thoth. Crowley was also a supporter of this theory. He was engaged in deciphering and restoring ancient images, which were eventually described in the book "Tarot of Thoth".

He had his own reasons for doing Crowley's mystical research. Tarot, in the understanding of the mystic, was the bearer of sacred knowledge. Therefore, when Crowley became convinced that at the beginning of the 20th century the time of the god Osiris would end and the era of the god Horus would begin, he realized that the change of cycles would affect the magical and spiritual spheres of human life. And such changes will lead to the need to make corrections and changes in the system of Tarot cards, symbolically reflecting all areas of the surrounding reality.

Initially, the occultist did not want to change the entire deck. He was only going to fix the most significant values. However, Frieda Harris, his assistant and artist, insisted that the deck be completely redesigned. As a result, the changes affected both the visual range and the semantic sequence.

Work on the new deck began in 1938 and lasted 5 long years, although Crowley originally intended to make all the necessary changes in 3 months.

The Book of Thoth is Crowley's most famous work, in which the occultist provided a complete description and interpretation of the Thoth deck. This book can be considered both as a textbook on Tarot cards in general, and as a guide to the worldview of its author and occult philosophy.

The Kabbalistic interpretation of the Tarot deck, various divination systems, quotations from the Book of the Law and many other occult texts were included in Crowley's work. Tarot is in the "Book of Thoth" a way of understanding the world and comprehending ancient wisdom.

By nature, he was Crowley's passionate syncretist. Tarot became a reflection of his search. The occultist traveled the world in search of secret knowledge, studied the mystical, occult and magical traditions of various nations and societies, including traditional religious communities and secret brotherhoods, where only initiates were allowed. The result of this was the synthesis of everything known into a complex teaching, which was called "thelema".

This mixture of religions and magical mysteries was reflected in his Tarot deck, which was the result of the research of the entire life of the occultist - after finishing work on the cards, he lived only 3 years. Therefore, the correct interpretation of Crowley's Tarot is very difficult without studying the philosophical views of the mystic.

Among the first distinguishing features of the Thoth deck is the design - no one has used this style for the design of the Tarot before. For this we can thank the artist-Egyptologist F. Harris.

The next difference is more significant and is related to the conceptual side. The fact is that the interpretation of the symbols of Tarot Thoth is very different from the interpretation of traditional decks. This is due to the fact that Crowley connected the symbols of many occult schools and cultures, and also supplemented the pictures with his own worldview.

To effectively use the Crowley Tarot deck for divination, you need to master its symbolism. If free and associative interpretations are allowed in traditional cards, then in the case of the Tarot of Thoth, it is necessary to clearly follow the semantic definition given by Crowley himself. Another noteworthy point is that all cards from the Thoth deck are interpreted exclusively in the upright position. Crowley's system simply does not have separate meanings for interpreting reversed cards.

In addition, the mystic refused to use the Last Judgment Arcana in his Tarot, which was replaced by the Aeon, invented by the author. Changed Crowley and some names. So, the arcana "Moderation" and "Strength" turned into "Regulation" and "Lust".

Thus, Crowley created his own divination system, the key to which is in the Book of Thoth.

The cards of "Tarot Thoth" by Aleister Crowley, like traditional ones, are divided into two arcana - senior and junior. The older ones include 22 cards that are meaningful, unlike the younger ones. These are the ones that have been affected the most. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to consider and describe them in detail.

Zero card, or "Fool" (Fool, Madman, Jester). Traditionally, the card is placed between the 20th and 21st arcana, but Crowley placed it at the beginning of the row, suggesting that the major arcana be started from scratch. "Fool" refers to the air element, Uranus acts as a patron planet. Means ideas, novelty, spirituality, the border between old and new.

"Magician", 1 lasso - refers to Mercury. Denotes strength, wisdom, skills and abilities, opportunities, spiritual potential, vigor, creativity, sociability, thought processes.

"High Priestess", 2 lasso - associated with the Moon. Denotes feelings, intuition, instincts, inner concentration, introversion.

"Empress", 3 lasso - correlates with Venus. Responsible for sex, love, beauty, pleasure and fertility.

"Emperor", 4 lasso - associated with the zodiac sign Aries. Symbolizes dominance, leadership, devotion and idealism; struggle, dominance, ambition, anger, exaltation, fanaticism, stubbornness.

"Hierophant", 5 lasso - correlates with the sign of Taurus. It is the material embodiment of spiritual principles. It symbolizes perseverance, work, willpower, structuredness, organization.

We continue to describe the Crowley Tarot cards.

"Lovers", 6 lasso - associated with the sign of Gemini. This card is one of the most difficult to interpret in the Thoth Tarot. Nevertheless, its general meanings are as follows: interaction, communication, choice, inconsistency.

"Chariot", 7 lasso - is under the influence of Cancer. It symbolizes strength, inner search, victory, overcoming obstacles, introspection.

"Regulation", 8 lasso - he is patronized by the constellation Libra. Denotes justice, balance, balance and harmony.

"The Hermit", 9 lasso - associated with the Virgin. It symbolizes wisdom, the search for knowledge, meaningfulness, depth of knowledge, self-sufficiency, systematization.

"Wheel of fate", 10 lasso - patronizes Jupiter. It embodies the fateful turns in life and socially significant phenomena: religion, politics, ideology. Interpreted as luck and happiness.

Aleister Crowley gave great importance to the patron planet or zodiac sign associated with the lasso. In their relationship lies a deep meaning and a key to understanding the symbolism of the card.

"Lust", 11 lasso - patronizes Leo. It symbolizes conviction, ardor, creative energy, strong, almost fanatical passion for something.

"The Hanged Man", 12 lasso - correlates with Neptune and is under the auspices of the water element. Denotes loss, sacrifice, punishment, suffering.

"Death", 13 lasso - patronizes Scorpio. It symbolizes transformation, change, significant rethinking, destruction, crisis, collapse of ideas or business. In extremely rare cases, it can mean physical death.

"Art", 14 lasso - associated with the constellation Sagittarius. Another card that is difficult to interpret, as it is not directly related to art as an aspect of life. The map means, rather, a symbiosis of various forces, their interaction, a sequence of actions.

"Devil", 15 lasso - patronizes Capricorn. Directly related to the concept of subordination. In addition, it denotes obstacles, constraint, slavery, obsession, preoccupation with the material side of life.

The description of the major arcana proposed by Crowley (Tarot) is coming to an end.

"Tower", 16 lasso - correlates with Mars. Symbolizes danger, blow of fate, change.

"Star", 17 lasso - is under the auspices of Aquarius. Denotes opportunity, hope, faith, unexpected help.

"Moon", 18 lasso - the zodiac sign of Pisces. Denotes confusion, deceit, mistakes, witchcraft, the beginning of change.

"Sun", 19 lasso - patronizes the Sun. It symbolizes triumph, victory, power, glory, satisfaction, realization of the plan, truth, selfishness.

"Aeon", 20 lasso - associated with Pluto and the fire element. The map was created by Crowley. Denotes the transition, undertaking, summing up, the threshold between the old and the new.

"Universe", 21 lasso - patronizes Saturn. It is interpreted as tog, synthesis, integrity, completeness, perfection.

The Minor Arcana of the Crowley Tarot consists of 56 cards. They have hardly been changed. The only thing that distinguishes them from a traditional deck is the design, which, although devoid of a plot, gives the symbols more imagery. The main change of Crowley is the change of the suit of pentacles to the suit of disks. At the same time, the symbolic meaning of the cards has not changed.

The Tarot of Thoth was created by Aleister Crowley in collaboration with a talented artist named Frieda Harris. Currently, this deck is one of the most popular, second only to the classic Rider-Waite Tarot. In the book "Tarot of Thoth" Crowley writes that in many ways his cards are connected with the Kabbalistic teachings, as well as the concept of the Tree of Life - Sephiroth. The images of the Arcana in this deck, in comparison with others, are saturated with various symbolism.

1 Tarot Thoth Features

Tarot Thoth has 2 main subgroups - Major and Minor Arcana. Seniors are 22 main cards; junior - 56 cards of 4 suits. Each of the suits traditionally begins with Ace, followed by two, three and then up to ten. After that, curly designations begin - Prince, Princess, Queen and Knight. Crowley made some changes to his deck:

  • Crowley called the Coins common to other decks Discs.
  • The Arcana Wheel of Fortune is simply called "Fortune".
  • The fourth Arcana received a double name - "Lovers" / "Brothers".
  • The lasso "Temperance" is called "Art".
  • "Judgment" is replaced by "Aeon".
  • "World" - to the "Universe".
  • Crowley replaced "Strength" with "Lust".
  • "Fairness" - to "Regulation".

Working with this deck requires a high skill of a fortuneteller. Among professional tarologists, there is an opinion that the Tarot of Thoth is the most energy-intensive.

Senior Arcana Tarot: deciphering the meanings

2 0. Fool

The jester's patron is the god Dionysus. The magician Papus wrote: the image of a fool is associated with a neophyte who, due to a blindfold, is not able to foresee the complexity of his journey. In the Thoth Tarot, Crowley pays the most attention to this Arcana.

The card depicts a man with horns on his head. It is located in the center of an oval-shaped egg. The long umbilical cord symbolizes unity with the universe. In the Tarot of Thoth, this card speaks of the desire for development. A fool is a jester who is ready to go through other Arcana.

The symbols on the Arcana reveal the meaning of the card:

  • A spiral in the form of a heart means openness, emotional rebirth.
  • The butterfly testifies to the willingness of the questioner to change, his desire for self-development.
  • The two children embracing in the picture speak of the importance of paying attention to valuable relationships.
  • The crocodile and the tiger biting the jester are evidence of liberation from fear.
  • The horns on the head mean the ability to realize reality, to see the causal relationships between events.
  • The sun symbolizes the rebirth of sexual energy.

Predictions using the Rider-Waite Tarot: features and decoding

3 I. Magician

In other decks, this card is usually called "Mage". Crowley considers the god Mercury to be the patron of the Magician. On the map, he is shown balancing on a thin board. He manages to skillfully juggle various objects - a whistle, coins, fire, a rod, a winged egg, a sword. God moves between light and darkness, good and evil, white and black magic. At the head of the Magician, you can see two snakes, symbolizing healing.

Interpretation of the Arcana:

  • Clarity and precision of mind. The questioner has enough intelligence to distinguish good from bad.
  • In personal relationships, the card speaks of increased love, mutual magnetism.
  • Disclosure of all physical and spiritual abilities.
  • Initiative and willingness to get started.

Tarot cards: types of decks, meaning and interpretation of predictions

4 II. high priestess

The image of the High Priestess is patronized by the moon goddess Isis. Crowley called the Priestess the highest female image in the entire deck. On the map, she is surrounded by a weightless network of moon rays, which indicates her subtle spiritual nature. Below you can see the fruit, indicating the wealth of the inner world.

Card Meaning:

  • The questioner gained access to his inner spiritual reserves. You should actively engage in self-development.
  • Disclosure of unusual abilities - clairvoyance, healing.
  • The occupation of the questioner refers to esotericism.
  • In a relationship with a significant person, there is a deep intimacy and mutual understanding.

5 III. empress

Her patrons are the Greek goddesses Artemis and Hekate. The Empress is a mother and a beloved woman at the same time. The card depicts a symbol of unconditional acceptance and love - a pelican feeding its chicks with its own blood. On the shield of the Empress is a double-headed eagle, symbolizing personal transformations, transformation at a deep level. The left hand of the Empress is open, and in her right hand she holds a lotus stem, which is a phallic symbol.

The meanings of the Arcana Empress:

  • Full disclosure of femininity, the realization of feminine qualities.
  • In the future, it is possible to work out unresolved conflicts with the mother.
  • Next to the questioner is a beautiful and strong woman who wants to imitate.
  • Profit in business or a good bonus at work.
  • Wise solution to the current difficult situation.

6 IV. Emperor

The patron of this Arcana is the Greek goddess Athena and the Roman Mars. If merging can be called a symbol of the Empress, then division is the strategy of the Emperor. His image symbolizes the father, senator, ruler. The emperor is the embodiment of the power of the patriarchy.

His throne is distinguished by bright shades of red - the color of the war god Mars. Double-headed eagles, as in the Arcana Empress, testify to internal changes driven by the powerful energy of the Sun. To the right and left of the Emperor, you can see rams, symbolizing perseverance and power. In this aspect, the Arcanum can be compared with the astrological sign of Aries. Crowley pointed out that the obedient, meek lamb depicted on the card was the other side of the raging ram, which was the symbol of the Emperor himself.

Map in layout:

  • The manifestation of rigidity, leadership qualities. The questioner should be more flexible.
  • In relationships, Arkan says that the questioner seeks dominance.
  • In combination with the Knight of Wands card, the Emperor may indicate the infidelity of a permanent partner.
  • Often, Arkan means a specific person who influences the situation - a high-ranking official, law enforcement officer, etc.

7 V. Hierophant

The patroness of the Arcana is the goddess Hera. The Hierophant sits on the Bull, as if on a throne. On the sides of it are 4 cherubs. This is a bull, an eagle, a lion and a man. They symbolize different aspects of life. Bull - earth (material), Leo - fire, dynamics. Man is Air (mentality). The eagle is a symbol of transformation, indicating a connection with the world of feelings and emotions.

The Hierophant is a true spiritual master, the last step in the possible development of a person. Before him stands a woman - the goddess Hera. In her hands she holds objects symbolizing wisdom and emotions. With the Hierophant, they are in harmony and balance.

The meaning of the Arcana in the Tarot of Thoth:

  • Meeting with an enlightened person, spiritual Teacher.
  • The questioner seeks the truth, has an understanding of the meaning of the events happening to him.
  • The questioner will have to teach someone or get an education himself.
  • Deep trust prevails in relationships with people.

8 vi. Lovers (or Brothers)

The patron of the Arcana Lovers are the Greek gods Castor and Pollux. The card depicts the wedding of the Emperor and Empress. The marriage ceremony is performed by the Hermit, whose appearance is completely hidden by robes. This secrecy symbolizes that the origin of all objects and phenomena is hidden from perception and intellect. On the map, all symbols are shown in pairs. This suggests that the transformation of personality occurs in the marriage union. The depicted children hold in their hands objects of those spheres that will be subject to changes. This is a bowl (a sign of emotions), a spear (thought processes, intelligence), flowers (a symbol of the spirit), a stick (flesh).

Arcana may refer to:

  • Love relationships that will transform a person.
  • New ways of personal growth.
  • Marriage.
  • The questioner, following the call of the heart, will be able to make an unambiguous decision.
  • It is recommended to join forces with the efforts of other team members.

9 VII. Chariot

The patron of this Arcana is the Greek god Apollo the Charioteer (Mercury in the Roman tradition). The card depicts a charioteer seated in a meditation posture. The Holy Grail can be seen in his hands; before moving forward, he calculates all the possible consequences. In the Tarot of Thoth, this card shows a team; it contains four sphinxes, symbolizing the forces that set the chariot in motion. As soon as the right direction is chosen, it will move forward.

Possible meanings of the Arcana Chariot in the layout:

  • Courage, a deep understanding of their goals.
  • Desire to leave home.
  • Career growth, significant advancement.
  • The questioner will be able to solve the most serious problems, overcoming the contradiction between the mind and the soul.
  • The beginning of a new relationship, accompanied by a breakthrough from the "fetters" of the old connection.

10 VIII. Regulation

The card depicts a young woman with scales. In her hands is a magic sword, she herself balances on her toes. Only absolute calm allows her to keep her balance. In the old deck, this card was called Justice. In front of the throne is a female figure. The throne is made up of 4 balls and pyramids. They, like their mistress, symbolize impartial impartiality.

What does the Regulation card mean in the layout:

  • Face the consequences of your actions.
  • The need to carefully weigh words and actions, avoiding extremes.
  • The questioner needs to find the conditions in which he will feel harmony.
  • Summing up the balance, the need to submit financial statements.
  • Balanced life.
  • Excessive caution of the questioner breeds inaction.
  • Close attention should be paid to those people or phenomena that can piss off the questioner.
  • It is useful to do meditation, to restore the balance of the mind.

11IX. Hermit

The patrons of this Arcana are the Greek god Atis; Roman gods Ceres and Adonis. The card depicts an old man, whose appearance is hidden from prying eyes. In his hand is a bright lamp, a symbol of inner energy and awareness. The hermit bravely embarks on a quest for inner truth. But on this path, dangers await him in the form of his own Shadow - it is symbolized by a poisonous snake and the three-headed dog Cerberus. The hermit is the symbol of the sage. He plunged the light of knowledge so deeply into the inner waters of the unconscious that he was able to illuminate this darkness.

Map may refer to:

  • Knowledge and understanding of oneself, honesty towards oneself.
  • Temporary solitude is needed to sort out oneself.
  • Possible bitterness on others, forced isolation from society.
  • The need to accept your loneliness.
  • The questioner should not worry about people who do not understand him. Most likely, they will just make him part of the "herd".
  • If an opportunity arises to meet a spiritual master or mentor, one should take advantage of this chance.

12 X. Fortune

The patron of Fortune is the god Jupiter. The card depicts the Wheel of Fortune with ten spokes, which rotates among lightning and thunder. The wheel symbolizes integrity, which is in constant motion. Sphinx, crocodile and monkey are the symbols of the ancient Egyptian gods. The properties of the sphinx are the 4 virtues of the magician: knowledge, willpower, courage, silence. The monkey is a sign of flexibility, the ability to adapt to new circumstances. The crocodile is the god of creativity.

Arcana Fortune in the layout can mean:

  • Situations in which the questioner needs to learn an important life lesson.
  • The need to find out the root cause of the current state of affairs.
  • Routine at work.
  • Serious changes.
  • Maintaining the status quo in love.

13XI. Lust

The patroness of the card is the goddess Demeter. The Arcana depicts the figure of a woman who is intoxicated with passion. The seven-headed lion also appears excited. The woman turns her head towards the urn with fire, she is completely embraced by the energy of creativity, change. In her hands is the Holy Grail, surrounded by tongues of fire.

Arcana Meanings:

  • The one who wishes is full of energy and thirst to work.
  • High creative upsurge, desire to create.
  • Meeting with the emotions raging inside. Their appeasement.
  • Strong relationships full of passion.
  • The questioner should not hide secret desires under the guise of propriety.
  • The need to accept yourself.

14XII. Hanged

The patron god of this Arcana is Poseidon. In almost all decks, the meaning of this card is the same - a young man is depicted hanging upside down. Aleister Crowley's deck was no exception. But in his deck, the Hanged Man hangs not on a tree or a gallows, but on the ancient Egyptian hieroglyph Ankh, which is a symbol of life and related in its meaning to the Arcana of the Empress. The body of the hanged man is devoid of sexual characteristics. The face is also poorly drawn.

The symbols of this Arcana are read without difficulty. The facelessness of the Hanged Man indicates that he is completely lacking in personality. The uncertainty of gender directly indicates the absence of sexuality.

Meanings of the Hanged Man Arcana:

  • A state of depression, deep self-doubt.
  • Pessimism. In the future, the questioner sees no light.
  • Established habits and a rigid view of reality do not allow us to see things as they are.
  • Lack of faith in yourself, your intuition.
  • In work or business, things are not going well; delays, bureaucracy.
  • By accepting the situation as it is at the current moment, you can make a significant leap forward.

15XIII. Death

The patrons of this Arcana are the gods Thanatos, Hades. Usually this Arcana does not mean real, physical death - it indicates radical changes, transformation of circumstances, personality. The map shows a skeleton with a scythe. It is in extreme tension, like a compressed spring. On his head he wears a traditional Egyptian veil, which was used in ancient times during funeral rituals. Nearby is a scorpion ready to sting at any moment. Water lilies and lilies that once bloomed are now covered in mud.

Arcana Death means:

  • The end of the current situation and the beginning of a new one.
  • The end of the current stage does not always bring sadness, because it is always followed by something new. Change can be compared to graduating from high school and entering a university.
  • The questioner's readiness for change.
  • Completion of the next stage of personal growth.
  • In relationships, the card in most cases portends parting.

16 XIV. Art

Arcana means the union of opposite meanings. The card depicts the marriage of the imperial couple. The dark-skinned Emperor now has a light face, the light-skinned Empress has a dark one. They are dressed in green attire, which symbolizes the creative process. Water pours into the urn; steam rises from it - a symbol of a new state.

Card Art in a layout may mean:

  • Removal of contradictions, effective interaction with others.
  • The questioner underestimates the difficulties that await him in the work on the implementation of the project.
  • It is necessary to develop a calm and purposeful approach to work.
  • The questioner needs to find peace with himself; forget about careerism and competition, love yourself for who you are.
  • In personal relationships - a period of understanding, trust, cooperation.

17XV. Devil

The patrons of this Arcana are Pan and Hermes. In the Thoth Tarot, the Devil is represented as a white goat with large spiral horns. On the forehead of the goat is an open third eye, symbolizing heightened perception. Behind you can see a phallic symbol - a column. The two balls at the bottom of the Arcana symbolize eggs. In them, like the cells of the male seed, there are male and female figures - four of each sex. This card symbolizes creative power in its material, masculine manifestation.

This Arcana is often misunderstood by novice tarologists. In order to correctly interpret the Devil card, it is recommended to abstract from the prevailing stereotypes surrounding this symbol.

Arcana in the layout can mean the following:

  • In the environment of the questioner there is a person who practically "demonizes" him. This character should be treated with humor and lightness.
  • A person got acquainted with the shadow side of his own personality, found the strength to resist addictions.
  • In a relationship, it symbolizes flirting, sensuality, passion.
  • The questioner can be possessed by instincts of destructive power.

18 XVI. Tower (or War)

The patrons of the Tower Arcana are the gods Ares and Mars. The map shows a crumbling building. Lightning, fire and various weapons of war completely destroy the building. At the top of the Arcana is the eye of Horus, a symbol of pure awareness, the ability to see things as they are. The dove signifies compassion, which arises from the ability to know oneself.

Arcane Tower may refer to:

  • An unexpected end to a relationship that poisoned the life of the questioner.
  • Explosion of emotions and passions.
  • The walls behind which the questioner has so far tried to hide are crumbling.
  • Rapid changes that destroy the usual picture of the world to the ground. Man is at the epicenter of transformation.
  • The collapse of the value system.
  • The need to let go of the old, to rush towards the new.

19 XVII. Star

The goddess Juno patronizes the Star. On the card in the Tarot of Thoth, a girl (Star) is depicted, in whose hands are two bowls. This is Nuit, goddess of the stars. She lifted the golden bowl high and pours starry milk from it. On the left is the seven-pointed star Babalon, which rotates the energy flows of the Universe. The star is a very auspicious card.

Arcane means:

  • New, promising relationships.
  • The questioner is on the threshold of a new stage in his career.
  • Encounters that seem random actually have value and impact.
  • Negotiations and alliances will bring good luck.
  • Projects in any field expect a favorable conclusion.

20 XVIII. Moon

This Arcana, like the Hanged Man card, is patronized by the god Poseidon. The waning moon symbolizes immersion in the dark worlds of the unconscious. This card speaks of the final and most difficult test. At the top is a narrow passage guarded by stern and sinister sentries with wolf heads. Behind them are dark towers, which are the symbols of these sentries. Roaming jackals are depicted at the feet of the guards. This Arcana in the Tarot of Thoth can mean severity, non-acceptance of outside interference. The guards do not allow those who come here out of idle curiosity or without self-confidence to pass through. At the bottom is a scarab, the sacred Egyptian beetle, symbolizing the light of consciousness. The darkness of illusion dissipates when awareness arises.

Arcana Moon in the layout means:

  • Lack of awareness. Existence approaches the animal.
  • Uncertain environment. Uncertain life circumstances.
  • The questioner is tormented by fears, nightmares.
  • Feelings of insecurity, self-doubt.
  • Destructive jealousy in relationships.
  • Fear of decisive action, exam.

21 XIX. Sun

The gods Helios and Apollo patronize the Sun. In terms of its motives, this Arcana is similar to the Fool card. But the Sun is not subject to evil forces. The card shows two children with butterfly wings on their backs. They symbolize the interaction of a man and a woman, free from prejudice. The obstacles are behind, and now all the energy is available for creativity. The top of the mountain is surrounded by a high wall. This means that for the time being the highest level of spiritual knowledge remains closed to the dancers.

The Sun Arcana also represents a danger - perhaps even more than in the Fool Arcana. A person, having found a source of light in himself, succumbs to the temptation to freeze in narcissism, which is confirmed by the fate of Icarus or Narcissus. Having found the inner energy in oneself, it must be shared with the world.

Arcana Sun is:

  • Bright streak in life.
  • The work is done with joy and enthusiasm.
  • Good relationship with management and colleagues.
  • In relationships - no problems, a cloudless period, complete mutual understanding.
  • The search for oneself is completed, the questioner is in harmony with his desires; he has reached the highest level of self-acceptance.

22 XX. Aeon

Aeon is patronized by the Greek god Hades and the Roman Vulcan. Since this Arcana testifies to spiritual growth, the image of a luminous child is brought to the fore. Around the top of the card is the body of Nut, the goddess of the night. It symbolizes unlimited possibilities. Nut's husband, Hadit, is depicted at the bottom of the card in the form of a fireball. From their interaction, a child is born. It symbolizes a miracle. Having managed to overcome the last trials, they find their happiness.

Aeon card meanings:

  • Great joy and delight on the path to self-knowledge.
  • The liberation of the survivor.
  • Serious changes - perhaps a new job.
  • Opening a powerful source of creative self-realization.
  • The questioner will soon find the true "treasure" in the current relationship. If he is alone, he will soon find him in alliance with a new partner.

23 XXI. Universe

The ruler of the universe is Saturn. This is the final card of the deck. The universe closes the cycle that was started with the Arcana Fool. The card depicts a naked woman dancing a light dance of liberation. The sickle in her right hand allows her to successfully cut through any temptations and seductions.

Arcana Universe in the layout means:

  • Finding a true calling.
  • Achievement of the long-awaited goal.
  • Happiness from the brilliant performance of the task.
  • A strong love union - under this Arcana there will never be a “resort romance”.

Tarot Thoth is often called "all-encompassing" - after all, in its creation, Crowley relied on the symbolism and teachings of various civilizations. The alignment made on this deck allows you to get an answer in the most extraordinary life situation. Sometimes it may take several days to interpret fortune-telling.

And some secrets...

The story of one of our readers Irina Volodina:

I was especially depressed by the eyes, surrounded by large wrinkles, plus dark circles and swelling. How to remove wrinkles and bags under the eyes completely? How to deal with swelling and redness? But nothing ages or rejuvenates a person like his eyes.

But how do you rejuvenate them? Plastic surgery? I learned - not less than 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - photorejuvenation, gas-liquid peeling, radiolifting, laser facelift? A little more affordable - the course costs 1.5-2 thousand dollars. And when to find the time for all this? Yes, it's still expensive. Especially now. So for myself I chose a different way ...

Aleister Crowley's Thoth Tarot cards are named after the mythological character - the Egyptian wise god Thoth. They differ from the general tradition. Some, even very experienced tarologists, are afraid to use the Thoth deck in their rituals. Others use only these Tarots, and would never change them for any other.

Tarot Thoth - a deck that has received great recognition

The creator of the Tarot Thoth, the most mysterious dark magician of his time, Aleister Crowley, gained a terrible reputation and was known to everyone as a very cruel person. Despite this fact, his Tarot has become very popular. They carry a rich symbolism that draws on the ancient mythology of many cultures.

The Thoth cards in Tarot, along with The Book of Thoth, were developed in the early 20th century by the English mystic, occultist and tarot reader Edward Alexander Crowley, better known as Aleister Crowley. Maps were created in collaboration with artist Frida Harris, who was also passionate about mysticism.

Aleister Crowley was a dark magician and Satanist, one of the most famous ideologues of the occult of his time. He created his own teaching of Thelema, was a member of the Order of the Silver Star. Due to his views and immoral behavior in public, Aleister Crowley's relationship with society did not work out, many were afraid of him.

Crowley studied the already known Tarot decks for a long time. He was not satisfied that the interpretations of the cards are obscure and the meaning is revealed only to the elect. He decided to create such a deck of Tarot cards so that everyone who decided to study magic would be able to discover their symbolism.

Superstitious artists were unwilling to collaborate with Crowley, all but Frieda Harris. She was an Egyptologist, interested in mythology and mysticism. Alistair explained to her the meaning of each Arcana and each individual card. Work on the deck lasted a long time, and they were printed only after the death of the creators. The Second World War prevented the publication of the creation on time.

The drawings turned out to be very complex, abstract, they differed from the traditions. The reverse side of the cards depicted the Rose and the Cross of the Golden Dawn.

Aleister Crowley's deck, according to the Tarot tradition, is divided into Arcana - Senior and Junior.

Tarot Thoth - a deck that is traditionally divided into Major and Minor Arcana

The Major Arcana received the name Tarot Trumps, their number is 22.

Crowley changed the names and meanings of some trump cards from the traditional Tarot, rearranged some to other positions.

The Major Arcana Gallery includes cards.

  • Fool or Jester. Opens a deck.
  • High Priestess.
  • Empress.
  • Emperor.
  • Hierophant or high priest.
  • Lovers/Brothers. Crowley gave the map a double name.
  • Chariot.
  • Regulation. The original name is Justice, and the position is XI.
  • Hermit.
  • Fortune. The original name of the Wheel of Fortune.
  • Lust. The original name is Strength, and the position is VIII.
  • The Hanged Man or the Hanged Man.
  • Death.
  • Art (Alchemy). Original name Moderation.
  • Devil.
  • Tower.
  • Star.
  • Sun.
  • Aeon. Original name Court.
  • Universe. Original name Mir.

In the Tarot of Thoth, according to tradition, there are four suits of the Minor Arcana, 14 cards each.

  • Wands.
  • Swords.
  • Cups.
  • Disks. Traditionally, this suit is called Coins (Dinars, Pentacles). Crowley changed the title. The disk symbolizes the Earth. In the Middle Ages, it was represented as a flat disk.

On the images of the first ten cards of the suit there is no plot that is suitable for interpretation. Each card has its own content and symbolism. The next four arcana have changed names, compared to the canonical ancient Tarot. Card Page, received a new name Princess and a new meaning. The Knight became a Prince, the King became a Knight, and only the Queen remained the Queen.

Each Tarot card of Aleister Crowley Tarot Thoth has a correspondence in astrology.

The signs imprinted on the Tarot cards of Thoth belong to the mythology of different peoples and different spiritual practices. Thoth cards contain mystical symbols:

The interpretation of the meaning of each lasso is ambiguous, it is multifaceted. Aleister Crowley gave his cards a detailed interpretation from his personal, very specific, point of view on magic and astrology. The symbolism of many cards coincides with the traditions of the Tarot, but the meaning of some cards has changed or received additional meaning.

This refers to the arcana, which Crowley renamed. The magician believed that at the beginning of the 20th century the old era ended - the Aeon of Osiris, and the countdown of a new milestone - the Aeon of Horus, which will last for the next two millennia, began. Based on this belief, he did not give his cards an unambiguous classical interpretation. The change of the era changes the astrological framework, and consequently the meanings of the Tarot arcana.

The meaning of the Tarot cards of Thoth are described in detail in the "Book of Thoth"

An exhaustive description, symbolism and meaning of the Tarot cards of Thoth are described in the Book of Thoth. This is a valuable work in which mystical secrets are revealed. Those who want to not just tell fortunes, but seriously study Tarot magic, should definitely read the book.

Practicing sorcerers who use the Tarot, based on their personal experience, give a simplified interpretation of the cards. Sometimes their interpretations are different from the canonical ones that the creator laid down. Especially the renamed cards - Aeon, Art (Alchemy) and Lovers.

The Major Arcana of the Tarot Thoth are the most important in the Tarot deck. They are most saturated with symbols and reflect all aspects of human life and its events. Each card received an interpretation in the Book of Thoth. But practicing magicians often disagree with existing interpretations. To some cards, they assign, if not a new value, then additional properties.

The first card in the Thoth Tarot deck. Symbolizes the beginning, new potential, abundance of ways of self-realization, creative disorder, recklessness of youth, naivety, irresponsibility. Irresponsibility is the negative meaning of the Jester. The layouts for the future development of the business, if the Jester falls in them along with a negative card, will signal that you need to take things more seriously, gain new experience.

It means willpower, striving for life, determination, skill and experience, cunning and sharpness of mind. If a Magician is given in the layout, this may mean that a person has a magical gift. This card always carries a positive message.

It symbolizes the feminine, and everything connected with it - wisdom, intuition, the ability to wait, creativity.

It also carries female power, symbolizes cyclicality. It means the birth of a new life, renewal, thirst for life, sensuality, trusting relationships in the family.

Strong power card. It symbolizes a sense of reality, a willingness to take responsibility for oneself and others, leadership qualities, pragmatism, fortitude, uncompromisingness.

Symbolizes understanding, indicates an intelligent person. If the alignment gave the Hierophant card, this may indicate that soon a person will understand himself, learn the truth, find harmony between the soul and body, or learn about an important event.

A card of love, friendship and trusting human relationships. In the layouts for the future, it can directly indicate an imminent marriage.

It symbolizes the path - the path of life, the path to success in business, the path of knowing or comprehending the truth.

Regulation - a card symbolizing the restoration of justice

It is a symbol of balance and harmony. In divination for the future, the card means that things and relationships with people will return to normal, justice will be achieved.

A very ambiguous card. Its positive side is solitude, self-knowledge. Negative values ​​- isolation, selfish actions, depression.

A positive luck card, especially in financial matters. And also symbolizes the beginning of something new, major changes in life.

The interpretation of it in the books of Aleister Crowley differs from the modern one. Practitioners define Lust as a powerful energy card. It means fearlessness, love of life, passion, willingness to take risks.

The card is considered negative. It means impotence, difficult life circumstances, doubts, the need for sacrifice, the lack of an alternative.

A negative card symbolizing death and destruction. It can warn of the imminent death of a person, a pet, the destruction of a business, loss of a job, divorce.

The card always has a positive message. It means achieving harmony in business and relationships, overcoming difficulties and conflicts, curing the disease.

It symbolizes the worst manifestations of a person - envy, greed, deceit, selfishness, lust. The Devil, who fell out in the layout, says that you need to beware of the manifestation of these qualities in someone or in yourself.

Symbolizes the appearance of the new in place of the destroyed old. Change can be both positive and negative. Positive - the purification of thoughts, the realization of something new, the rupture of unnecessary relationships. Negative - bankruptcy, divorce, separation from loved ones.

A strong positive card of new hope. Means happiness, harmony, the emergence of new previously unavailable prospects, new relationships.

Negative map. Symbolizes difficulties, obsession with fears, depression, bad forebodings.

The interpretation of this card is diametrically opposed for different practicing magicians. Some consider it extremely positive, symbolizing happiness, the birth of a new one, the development of oneself and one's creative abilities. Others call it negative. They say that the Sun that fell in the alignment means that failures, quarrels, and nervous breakdowns lie in wait in the future.

Aeon card - the beginning of something new (for example, a work project)

The map was created by Crowley as a symbol of the beginning of a new era - the Aeon of Horus. And the same meaning was invested in it - the beginning of something new, a change for the better.

It is a symbol of successful completion, achievement of heights, assertion in one's knowledge, recovery.

The main semantic load in the layouts of the Tarot is carried by the major arcana, the rest of the cards complement the overall picture with new symbols and meanings. Each suit of the minor arcana symbolizes one of the four elements.

The interpreter gives the cards from the ace to the ten of all the minor arcana classical meanings, only the meanings of the last four cards, which Crowley changed the name, differ.

Wands are a fiery suit, they are responsible for the emotional aspect of life. The main meanings of the arcana.

  • Ace - creative energy, logic, a new beginning.
  • Two - possession, dominance.
  • Three is virtue.
  • Four - completion (usually good).
  • Five - struggle.
  • Six - victory.
  • Seven - valor, active actions.
  • Eight - speed, dynamic development.
  • Nine is strength.
  • Ten - suppression, obstacles, problems with the law.
  • Prince - active development, the path to achieving the goal, vigor.
  • Princess - overcoming fears.
  • Queen - activity, thirst for development, passion.
  • Knight - unbalanced excessive energy, cruelty, aggression.

The suit of Cups is water, they are responsible for feelings and everything connected with them. The simplest and most popular interpretations of the cards of the suit of the Tarot Cups of Thoth.

  • Ace - love and kindness, a basic set of human feelings.
  • Two is love.
  • Three - an abundance of feelings, the fruitfulness of work.
  • Four - luxury, a sense of fullness.
  • Five is disappointment.
  • Six is ​​fun.
  • Seven - imposed stereotypes, self-doubt, alcoholism.
  • Eight - lethargy, laziness, depression.
  • Nine is happiness.
  • Ten - satiety.
  • Prince - pessimism, negative attitude to life, depression.
  • Princess - lightness, optimism, inspiration, hope for the best.
  • The queen is an ambiguity, an incomprehensible situation.
  • Knight - leadership qualities, awareness of strength, movement towards the goal.

The air suit of Swords is responsible for the intellectual sphere, questions of understanding and awareness of events, ideas, one's role in the world, etc. The main meanings of the cards.

  • Ace - understanding, clarification.
  • Two - peace, tranquility, unambiguous clear thoughts.
  • Three - grief, anger, jealousy.
  • Four - a truce in a complex conflict.
  • Five - defeat, fear of defeat.
  • Six - science, pure mind without emotions, high order.
  • Seven - futility, pessimism, awareness of one's uselessness.
  • Eight - active intervention, which will lead to negative consequences.
  • Nine - cruelty, self-blame.
  • Ten - collapse, emotional imbalance.
  • Prince - indecision, lack of understanding of the situation.
  • Princess - conflict, scandal.
  • Queen - a radical change of views, a change of opinion.
  • Knight - understanding of the task, self-confidence.

Knight of Swords - self-confidence

The earth, which is represented by disks, always symbolizes everything material, tangible. These are finances, real estate, the fruits of labor and all those emotions that the possession of material values ​​causes. Basic interpretation of cards by suit.

  • Ace - a small capital, profit from work on the ground.
  • Two - changes, positive or neutral.
  • Three is work. The map indicates only the activity, not its result.
  • Four - strength, power.
  • Five - anxiety, complication of the situation.
  • Six - success.
  • Seven - defeat.
  • Eight - prudence, stability.
  • Nine - acquisition, it can be material or energetic (finding a friend, stable relationships, etc.).
  • Ten - well-being, in monetary matters or in matters of human relations.
  • Prince - advancement towards a material goal, receiving the fruits of one's labor.
  • Princess - high material potential. In the scenario, it may indicate pregnancy.
  • Queen - growth, the emergence of vitality, finding a cause for the soul, which will bear fruit.
  • Knight - indicates that the time has come to collect the fruits of their activities, to enjoy the process. Strong material card.

Fortune telling on the Tarot cards of Thoth will reveal life aspects, events and emotions in all their diversity. This amazing and unique deck is not inferior to the ancient Tarot cards, and in some ways even surpasses them. It was developed by its creator, taking into account the variability and cyclical nature of life. Crowley believed that magicians should reveal secrets, and not create them, fooling everyone. He managed to fully embody the idea in his Tarot of Thoth.

The Thoth Tarot deck was created by the famous British esotericist Aleister Crowley and artist Frieda Harris. Frida very much wanted to create something new and unusual in the field of Tarot. To this end, she specially enrolled as a student of Crowley and paid him a salary for teaching magic. By the time of "Tarot Thoth" was created for 5 years. In this article, we will consider the meaning of Thoth Tarot cards and the features of this deck.

Distinctive features of Thoth Tarot cards

"Tarot of Thoth" is of great importance for tarologists, it has become one of the most commonly used Tarot, it is in 2nd place, giving way to the 1st classic version of the Rider White deck.

The creator of the deck, Aleister Crowley, spoke of his brainchild that it was an “occult encyclopedia” that had knowledge that would be enough for humanity for the next two thousand years.

The detailed meaning of this deck is revealed in The Book of Thoth, Crowley's latest creation, which combines all the knowledge gained by the esotericist in the course of his esoteric activity.

When working with the "Tarot of Thoth", it is necessary to take into account the fact that the position of the cards, their mutual combination, interpretation and symbolism are closely intertwined with the ancient teachings of Kabbalah and the concept of the Tree of Life. Therefore, when performing the alignment on these cards, they take into account not only standard indicators, but also correlate the symbolism of the arcana with the Sephiroth, signs of the Hebrew alphabet.

In the Tarot of Thoth, as well as in the traditional deck, there is a division into arcana:

Atu - are, the group is represented by 22 cards.

The names and position of the arcana are very similar to the classic version of the deck, but there were some author's changes.

  • For example, the deck begins with the zero lasso "Fool" (in the traditional deck it is in last place in the series of Senior cards).
  • The fourth Atu has the double title of Lovers or Brothers.
  • Arcana "Justice" (called "Regulation") and "Strength" were swapped.
  • The 10th lasso is no longer called "Wheel of Fortune", but simply "Fortune".
  • The 14th lasso is found under the name "Arts", and not "Temperance.
  • And the 21st lasso of the Elder group is called the “Universe”.

As for the Minor Arcana, in the "Tarot of Thoth", they, by analogy with other decks, are divided into 4 suits and are represented by 56 cards. But there are also changes here:

  • the suit of Coins (Pentacles) became the suit of the Disks, it correlates with the earth element;
  • the changes also affected figure cards, here appeared "Queen" and "Knight", as well as "Princess" and "Prince".

Please note that "Thoth Tarot" is a very deep and difficult to understand work, which can only be used by tarot readers with very extensive experience. This option is not suitable for beginners in the field of divination.

Tarot Thoth Meaning of the Major Arcana

. Indicates the presence of initial potential, also tells about creative chaos, carelessness. Starting from scratch, time for creative rest, a huge number of ideas. In his personal life, he speaks of the flowering of feelings, flirting.

. It will tell about activity, some push, cunning and determination, successful passing of exams. It speaks of attraction and charm between partners, as well as awareness of one's integrity.

. The manifestation of the Higher Self, a symbol of wisdom, female intuition. The card will tell about the psychological activity, the talent of the artist. Partners are strongly attached to each other.

. Talks about growth, creative activity. Old relationships come alive, it's time for sensuality.

. Will tell about pragmatism, stability, perfectionism. In love, a relationship that has stood the test of time.

. The questioner seeks the truth, has great life experience. Harmonious love relationships.

. They talk about union, love, sincerity. The man loves his job. Predicts marriage, peace.

. The fortuneteller wants to leave, he is looking for adventure. Talk about working for yourself, starting a new relationship.

. Tells about clarity, objectivity, consequences, a balanced life. The relationship between partners is more business than love.

. A period of solitude, thoughts about the eternity of being. The emergence of mature ideas. Relationships are serious and mature.

. It's time for changes, shifts from the dead point. Man finds his recognition. Relationships can be either happy or karmic, fatal.

. The name speaks for itself. Tells about love for life, strength, passion, desire to work, commitment. Indicates a strong union, sexual incontinence.

. The questioner does not know which of the two options to choose. He has to work hard, there is no success. In love: a time of crisis, partners go in a vicious circle.

. He talks about parting, the natural completion of something, the fear of life, the rejection of something (it can be relationships, professional activities, and so on). Death of feelings.

. An indicator of the balance of forces, harmony, relaxation, getting rid of pathologies. Various conflicts at work are resolved, a person harmoniously combines work with leisure. Relationships are harmonious, equal, based on deep connection.

. Tells about the nature of instincts, intemperance, greed, the desire to rule, various temptations. Describes a person associated with corruption, forbidden activities. In love: passionate relationships, the presence of love contracts. Relationships can be karmic.

. A person suddenly realizes something. He speaks of a breakthrough, an uprising, blows of fate. Promises loss of work and money. Old beliefs are destroyed. In love: the need for separation, getting rid of relationships that are no longer needed.

. The card is an indicator of good prospects, hope, faith in improvement, harmony. He will tell about promising projects, a brilliant career. A person understands the universal laws well and observes them. In love: a promising relationship, plans for the future.

. Fear of taking an important step. A person feels defenseless, suffers from nightmares, memories of the past, is afraid of speaking. Arkan speaks of instability in work, as well as dangerous love affairs.

. It portends a happy period of life, a person enjoys its benefits, is in a good mood, self-develops. In a career: difficulties are overcome, creative work. In love: joyful moments, time for new beginnings, reconciliation.

. Something begins now, a person opens himself, improves spiritually, moves in the right direction. Time of inspiration, old relationships move to a new level, Eon heralds the birth of children.

. Completion of something, the questioner will be at the right time in the right place, he is satisfied with life. Work that gives pleasure, goals are achieved. In love: lovers reconcile, sex plays a big role in their relationship. Meeting a congenial person, his "soul mate".

This was a description of only the Elder Atu from the Tarot of Thoth deck. And with the meaning of the Minor Arcana you can find in the following video material

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