Akathist and prayer to the icon of the Mother of God “It is worthy to eat” (“Merciful”). Akathist to the Most Holy Theotokos in Honor of Her Icon Worthy to Eat Akathist to the Most Holy Theotokos Worthy to Eat


Troparion, tone 4

Father, faithful, with boldness to the merciful Queen Theotokos and touchingly appeal to Her: send Your rich mercy on us: save our Church, keep people in prosperity, deliver our land from all circumstances, grant peace and salvation to our souls.

Kontakion, tone 8

The Archangelic voice crying out to You, the All-Quarress: it is worthy, as truly, to bless You, the Mother of God, the Blessed and Immaculate and Mother of our God.

Kondak 1

Chosen by God from the human race, serve the embodiment of the Eternal Word, Blessed Virgin Mother of God, worthy of being sung from the Angels in heaven, we, sinners, dare to bring laudatory singing on earth, if you have graciously received from us, all-merciful Queen Theotokos, save us from all troubles and eternal torment free, let's call you:

Ikos 1

The Archangel Gabriel was sent from heaven from You, Mother of God, to the humble novice of Mount Athos, who in the desert cell sang Ty songs of praise before Your holy icon, may he teach him to sing a heavenly song, which the Angels glorify Thee in Zion on high. The same and we, dolnia, remembering such Your good providence for people, with thanksgiving we cry out to Thysitsa:

Rejoice, worthy praise from the Archangel and Angel.

Rejoice, blessed from all Heavenly Powers.

Rejoice, Blessed and Immaculate.

Rejoice, Mother of our God.

Rejoice, most honest Cherubim.

Rejoice, most glorious Seraphim without comparison.

Rejoice, without the destruction of God the Word gave birth.

Rejoice, truly present Mother of God.

Rejoice, magnified in heaven and on earth.

Rejoice, hymn of heaven and earth.

Rejoice, one blessed among women.

Rejoice, having grown the Fruit of the Belly for us.

Rejoice, Christian Helper and merciful Intercessor for sinners.

Kondak 2

Seeing the novice of the desert, the wondrous stranger, who came to his cell and sang a most sweet song to You, the Lady, who sang, do not understand the Angel of being in him, but greatly delight in his heavenly singing and ask him to write the words of the sung song to him; When you see, as if under his finger, the stone table softened and the words written on it deepened, as if on a polar fox, recognizing in this a wonderful action and cry out to God the Word born from You: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

With God-illumined mind, opening a new song, the Archangel spoke to the novice, as if they sang to Thee, the Mother of God, Angels' faces in the abodes of heaven, and commanded him to proclaim the words of the song of heaven by man and teach them to sing to You like an angel:

Rejoice, Blessed Mary.

Rejoice, for the Lord is with you.

Rejoice, blessed in women.

Rejoice, Unsophisticated Parent of God the Word.

Rejoice, immaculate village of the Holy Spirit.

Rejoice, thou who didst show ineffable conception.

Rejoice, thou who didst show the imperishable Christmas.

Rejoice, thou who didst remain Matter and Virgo.

Rejoice, keeping undefiled and sacred to yourself in both.

Rejoice, Thou who hast exalted the Angels by Thy purity.

Rejoice, never-ceasing wonder of the minds of Heaven.

Rejoice, human exaltation.

Rejoice, Christian Helper and merciful Intercessor for sinners.

Kondak 3

By the power of God, Gabriel the Archangel turn a hard stone into soft wax and on it with his finger write the words of a song of praise to You, the Mother of God, so that everyone will know the great miracle and unquestioningly believe, as they truly sing to Thee on the mountain of the Power of Heaven, imitating them, and we sing Your greatness, Virgin, and in spiritual joy we cry out to God who glorified Thee: Alleluia.

Ikos 3

Having simplicity of soul and an immaculate heart, a humble novice, vouchsafed angelic conversations and the sight of the clerk of the High Forces, but we, darkened by cunning and malice, with trembling looking at Your holy icon, Lady, we pray to You diligently: turn from our malices and teach us to humility and meekness of spirit say to you:

Rejoice, having sanctified Mount Athos with Your grace-filled presence.

Rejoice, thou who filled her hills and wilds with the glory of Thy miracles.

Rejoice, thou who vouchsafed the desert dwelling of Athos to the angelic apparition.

Rejoice, having multiplied the monastic cloisters in it for the salvation of human souls.

Rejoice, and to all who are in fasting and prayer, you have promised Your intercession.

Rejoice, saving the penitent from the turmoil of the sea of ​​life.

Rejoice, grace of Thy Son and God bringing down to the places consecrated to Thee.

Rejoice, mental paradise showing the temples of God.

Rejoice, untroubled haven that dwells in those who seek salvation.

Rejoice, providing us with everything necessary for piety.

Rejoice, those who live pleasing to God, Giver of temporal and eternal blessings.

Rejoice, Intercessor to us of the Kingdom of Heaven.

Rejoice, Christian Helper and merciful Intercessor for sinners.

Kondak 4

A storm of bewilderment, confuse the old monk, when I hear a new and wonderful song from the lips of my disciple and see the stone, like wax, I will accept the mark; when you take away the visit of the wondrous visitor, named Gabriel, understand, as it is, even of old the good news to you, Virgo, the seedless conception of God the Word. The same, magnifying Your greatness, the Queen of the mountains and the valleys, joyfully singing Angels and people to the Creator: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

Hearing about the visit of the Archangel, the monks of Mount Athos flock to see the table, on which the former writing of the song of heaven is prenaturally inscribed, and I sing Thee reverently before Thy holy icon, Lady, before the south, sing Thee the Archangel. Accept, therefore, our prayers, which are brought to you, with singing like this:

Rejoice, for the Angelic Cathedral rejoices in You.

Rejoice, for the human race triumphs in You.

Rejoice, thou who didst bear all things on thy hand.

Rejoice, thou who didst contain in Thy womb the Uncontainable One with the whole world.

Rejoice, thou who gavest flesh to Thy Creator.

Rejoice, having given birth to the most beautiful of all the sons of men.

Rejoice, thou who nourished all who nourishes with milk.

Rejoice, having taken care of Your Son, the existing Provider of all creation.

Rejoice, praise of virginity.

Rejoice, glory to mothers.

Rejoice, having preserved your virginity at Christmas.

Rejoice, you who combined Christmas with virginity.

Rejoice, Christian Helper and merciful Intercessor for sinners.

Kondak 5

The God-seer Moses sometimes on stone tablets the Law of God, inscribed with the finger of God, receive, but the monks of the Mount Athos, the heavenly song to the glory of the Mother of God, inscribed on a stone board, from the Archangel pryash and, by this teaching, bring angelic praise to You, chanting tacos to God who favors them: Alleluia .

Ikos 5

Seeing the head of Mount Athos, a great miracle in the appearance of the Archangel and the newest song, forwarding the letter with the letters inscribed from the Angel to the king and patriarch of Tsaregrad, as an assurance of the truth of this most glorious miracle; but I joyfully accept it, as a pledge of God's good pleasure, in the whole Orthodox Church you have legislated to sing an angelic song in praise of Thee, Mother of God, and cry out to Thee in tenderness:

Rejoice, adorned with the beauty of all virtues, Virgo.

Rejoice, Unbrided Bride.

Rejoice, thou who didst raise the Fadeless Color - Christ.

Rejoice, verbal paradise, Vegetated tree of life for us.

Rejoice, heavenly hay, preserving us from the heat of passions.

Rejoice, cover of the world, broader than the clouds.

Rejoice, blessed-leaved tree, giving saving coolness to the faithful.

Rejoice, source of living water, who does not die from any drink.

Rejoice, Judge of the righteous supplication.

Rejoice, forgiveness of our sins.

Rejoice, dwelling in the glory of heaven at the right hand of God.

Rejoice, thou who does not leave the earthly by Thy mercy.

Rejoice, Christian Helper and merciful Intercessor for sinners.

Kondak 6

The Holy Church preaches the greatness of Thy miracles, Mary the Mother of God, and brightly flaunts, singing the angelic song, brought from heaven to earth by the clerk of the High Forces Gabriel, pray with him, the Most Pure Lady, to Thy Son and God, may she keep Her Church unshakable in piety and all the heretical and schismatic uprisings will put to shame, but we, her children, will be worthy to sing to Him without condemnation: Alleluia.

Ikos 6

Thou hast shone with many rays of miracles, O Merciful Mother of God, through Thy holy icon, the Lady, and with these not only Mount Athos, but also the most places lit up Thou, let us learn to call Thee:

Rejoice, our joy, delighting sorrowful hearts, open to Thee.

Rejoice, Good Intercessor, accelerating us to help.

Rejoice, giving us a saving pledge in Your icon.

Rejoice, Mount Athos and many countries glorifying it.

Rejoice, our known hope.

Rejoice, our shameless hope.

Rejoice, sorrow for our resolution.

Rejoice, satisfaction of our sorrows.

Rejoice, affirmation of the Orthodox faith.

Rejoice, shame of unbelief and evil faith.

Rejoice, divine manifestation of love.

Rejoice, accomplishment of glorious miracles.

Rejoice, Christian Helper and merciful Intercessor for sinners.

Kondak 7

To those who want to reap salvation, the merciful Patron and Helper appear, Mother of God, and intercede for them forever to Your Son and God, even if someone falls into some kind of sin, is overlaid with the weakness of the flesh, both of You receive the uprising for salvation, as if you want everyone to be saved and in the mind truth come to those who sing to Christ God: Alleluia.

Ikos 7

A new heaven and a new earth have been prepared from Your Son and God for those who love Him, O All-good Lady, to them with the banner of Thee, the Guide is pretty good. The same we pray to Thee: do not let us perish in the wilds of sin, but lead us along the right path to the land of light and eternal joy, let us cry out to You in praise:

Rejoice, Zion on high is the first adornment.

Rejoice, ever-ready intercession of the cloisters of the valleys.

Rejoice, good earth, who has raised the saving class of the world.

Rejoice, unwounded field, fertilized by the Holy Spirit.

Rejoice, thou who didst receive the fire of the Divine into Thy womb.

Rejoice, thou who quenched the smoothness of fallen mankind with the bread of life.

Rejoice, throne of the King of Glory.

Rejoice, adorned chamber of the Almighty.

Rejoice, temple of the animated God of the Trinity.

Rejoice, door of the Lord, through which the Son of God come to us.

Rejoice, Christian Helper and merciful Intercessor for sinners.

Kondak 8

The strange appearance of the Archangel, sometimes on Mount Athosstei, was a Divine look, by whom Your all-singing name, Mary the Mother of God, was glorified, and all the faithful learned to sing angelically to Thee, the most honest Cherubim and the most glorious Seraphim Mother of our God, every creature rejoices in Neizha and the human race gratefully cries out to the Lord: Alleluia.

Ikos 8

We place all our hope in Thee, Mother of God, and in our sorrows we diligently flow to Thy holy icon, hoping to receive grace-filled consolation from her. Help us, O Lady, to endure all sorrows with patience and thanksgiving, and instead of the murmuring of the cowardly, sympathetically cry out to Thee:

Rejoice, Joy to all who mourn.

Rejoice, consolation of all the sad.

Rejoice, to those who labor and are burdened with sweet peace.

Rejoice, life-giving joy for the sick and distressed.

Rejoice, in the hour of mournful bewilderment, you put a good thought in your heart.

Rejoice, inspiring in the days of despondency with the hope of eternal blessings.

Rejoice, stretching out a helping hand to the tempted.

Rejoice, thou who takes away the wrath of God from our heads.

Rejoice, thou who bestows a peaceful dispensation overwhelmed by misfortunes.

Rejoice, thou who wonderfully fulfills our good desires.

Rejoice, crowning the patient sufferers with gifts of grace.

Rejoice, thou who vouchsafed the bliss of paradise to all those who are well-behaved.

Rejoice, Christian Helper and merciful Intercessor for sinners.

Kondak 9

All the Angels of heaven appease Thee with incessant praises, the Queen and Mistress of all creation, but we, the earth and the rings, what worthy praise shall we bring to Thee, All-petal? Both hoping for Your incalculable mercy, we compel with love for You, we sing Your miracles, we preach Your good deeds, we glorify Your name and, diligently falling to Your holy icon, we slavishly cry out to the God-child Christ depicted on it together with You: Alleluia.

Ikos 9

Vitiy's rhetorical verbs are not satisfied with the singing of Your miracles, Mother of God, both, Good Being, our faith, instead of a rhetorical blessing, graciously accept, weigh more and our love, even our hearts are filled with You. At the same time, kindly hear our simple songs;

Rejoice, thou who didst contain the Word of the throne of the Father in Thy ladle.

Rejoice, you who gave birth to the unstoppable Light.

Rejoice, thou who bestowed eternal life upon the world through thy birth.

Rejoice, O Pre-Eternal, like a Child, who carried in Your hand.

Rejoice, animated city of the All-Tsar.

Rejoice, tabernacle consecrated of the Living God.

Rejoice, lower one who combined with the higher ones.

Rejoice, Peacemaker, full of Divine peace.

Rejoice, good guilty one.

Rejoice, evil change.

Rejoice, strong weapon against enemies.

Rejoice, indestructible shield of the faithful.

Rejoice, Christian Helper and merciful Intercessor for sinners.

Kondak 10

Your earthly lot, truly holy Mount Athos, Virgin Mother of God, marked by many of Your miracles, has appeared as a saving refuge from the vanities of the beautiful world. But in every place, with love, hear and intercede for those who call on You, but do not cease to beg Your Son, O All-good One, that His grace does not depart from the places, where in the assembly of the faithful a laudatory song is sung to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

Thou art the wall of a virgin, Blessed Virgin, and the pillar is strong from the face of the enemy by all the ascetic of piety: For you have been given the great power of the dark infernal forces to conquer and deliver from the temptations of their soul-destroying people, especially those who are chaste and holy on earth. For the sake of virginity and chastity, zealots, according to You, call:

Rejoice, shining with purity more than the sun.

Rejoice, beginning of virginity and sanctification.

Rejoice, krine, fragrant fallen mankind.

Rejoice, in Your humility overshadowed by the grace of the Most High.

Rejoice, faithful Servant of the Lord.

Rejoice, for thee are blessed by all birth.

Rejoice, for thou hast done greatness, Mighty One.

Rejoice, for you co-reign with your Son in eternal glory.

Rejoice, Intercessor of God to people of good will.

Rejoice, boldness inspiring sinners to God.

Rejoice, inexhaustible source of mercy and bounty.

Rejoice, filled with compassion for those who suffer.

Rejoice, Christian Helper and merciful Intercessor for sinners.

Kondak 11

Our singing, even if it were numerous, would not have been sufficient for the worthy glorification of Thy mercies, Blessed Mother of God, which you unceasingly pour out to our kind; both let us not be ungrateful, we will appear before You, according to our laudable strength, we will describe You with faith and love, and, remembering Your innumerable miracles, we cry out to the Supreme Creator of miracles God: Alleluia.

Ikos 11

With light-giving rays of miracles, Your icon, O All-Merciful Lady, on the Holy Mount Athos and everywhere shines unfailingly and enlightens the whole Orthodox world with grace. For this sake, from the ancient years, Orthodox cathedrals come to her to worship, tenderly singing praises of Ty such as this before her:

Rejoice, having revealed the King Christ to the world.

Rejoice, depicted on Your icon together with Him.

Rejoice, mysterious tick, foreseen by Isaiah.

Rejoice, unburned bush, foreseen by the God-seer Moses.

Rejoice, fleece irrigated by Gideon.

Rejoice, more often in autumn, sung by Habakkuk.

Rejoice, closed door, shown to Ezekiel.

Rejoice, you who were not insects, appeared to Daniel.

Rejoice, foretold by the prophet in many ways.

Rejoice, thou who didst bring forth prophetic utterances.

Rejoice, Christian Helper and merciful Intercessor for sinners.

Kondak 12

Grace, partaking of Your icon, Virgin Mother of God, like a precious treasure, the Church of Christ from You gave up, in it you promised to be with us until the end of the age, speaking about Your original icon: “My grace and strength are with her!” We believe, Omnipotent, as if this word of Yours does not fail, and as if in the icon of Your saints in every place and here you are with us, where the song of praise is truly sung to Your Son and God: Alleluia.

Ikos 12

Singing Thy miracles, Mother of God, we zealously bow down to Thy holy icon, kiss it with heartfelt love and, as if it is with us, we pray to Thee: look at us with Thy mercy, Mother of God, and as we now see You on the icon depicted, so vouchsafe see us at the terrible hour of death, from the hand of the devil, ripping us off and leading us into the Kingdom of Christ by Your sovereign right hand, let us thankfully cry out to You:

Rejoice, according to Bose our first refuge and cover.

Rejoice, Thy motherly love embraces the whole Christian world.

Rejoice, affirming the faithful in a holy life.

Rejoice, giving them a good Christian death.

Rejoice, redeemer from the power of the fierce world-keeper who trusts in You.

Rejoice, thou who stands up for those who glorify Thee in the ordeals of the air.

Rejoice, opening the gates of paradise to us.

Rejoice, Kingdom of Heaven to those who love You, who intercede.

Rejoice, in the glory of heaven sitting down to Your Son and God.

Rejoice, bringing into the fellowship of His glory and honoring Thee.

Rejoice, health of our bodies.

Rejoice, salvation of our souls.

Rejoice, Christian Helper and merciful Intercessor for sinners.

Kondak 13

O All-Singing Mother, who gave birth to all the saints the most holy Word, from Angels sung in heaven and from man glorified on earth! Graciously accept this small prayer of ours and grant spiritual salvation and bodily health to all who faithfully honor Thee and sing to God: Alleluia.

(This kontakion is read three times, then ikos 1 and kontakion 1)


O Most Holy and Merciful Lady Theotokos! Falling down to Your holy icon, we humbly pray to You: listen to the voice of our prayer, see our sorrows, see our troubles and, like a loving Mother, rush to help us helpless, implore Your Son and our God, that He will not destroy us for our iniquity, but will reveal us philanthropicly His mercy. Ask us, Mistress, from His goodness bodily health and spiritual salvation, and peaceful life, fruitfulness of the earth, good air, and blessing from above on all our good deeds and undertakings, our Orthodox army on all enemies victory and overcoming. And as of old, thou hast graciously looked at the humble doxology of the novice of Athos, who hymned Thee before Thy most pure icon, and sent an angel to him to teach him to sing a heavenly song, with which the Angels glorify Thee, so now accept our fervent prayers brought to Thee. Oh, the All-Perfect Queen! Stretch out your God-bearing hand to the Lord, you wore the image of the God-child Jesus Christ, and beg Him to deliver us from all evil. Show, Mistress, Your mercy to us: heal the sick, comfort the grieving, help the needy and make us pious to complete this earthly life, receive a Christian shameless death and inherit the Kingdom of Heaven with Your motherly intercession to Christ our God who was born from You, Him and His Beginningless Father and by the Holy Spirit all glory, honor and worship is due, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Icon of the Mother of God "It is worthy to eat"

The history of the icon is connected with the appearance of the hymn of the Orthodox Church “It is worthy to eat”. A legend preserved on Mount Athos tells that in the 10th century, not far from Karyes, an old man with a novice labored in a cell. One day, towards Sunday, the elder went to the monastery for an all-night vigil, while the novice stayed at home. Late at night an unknown monk knocked on the door of the cell; the novice let him in, and together they began to perform psalmody and prayers. While singing the words “Most Honorable Cherub”, the guest noticed that they sing this song in a different way: they add the words before “The Most Honorable...”: ". When the monk began to sing this hymn, the icon of the Mother of God "Merciful", which was in the cell, suddenly shone with an unusual light, and the novice felt some special joy in his soul and wept with emotion. He asked the guest to write down such a wonderful song, and he inscribed the words of this song with his finger on a stone slab, which under his hand became soft as wax. The Stranger, calling himself Gabriel, immediately became invisible, and the icon radiated a wonderful light for some time. She was transferred to the cathedral temple of Karea and is now there in an altar on a high place.

Images of the “It is worthy to eat” icon are also found on special vessels - panagiars, for the prayer “It is worthy to eat” is an integral element of the Panagia rite. This rite is still preserved in monasteries. Its essence lies in the fact that bread in honor of the Mother of God is solemnly transferred to the monastery meal, in a special vessel - panagiare, from the church where the Liturgy was celebrated, which, at the end of the meal, is crushed and distributed to the brethren. The meaning of this rite is that it glorifies the Most Holy Theotokos, our Intercessor before God, Who gave birth to Heavenly Bread - Christ, the Bread of Life that nourishes our souls.

In the 16th-17th centuries, it was customary to eat the Mother of God bread even when the Liturgy was not celebrated.

Particles of the Mother of God bread were carried in special folds, which were worn on the chest. These folds with the image of the Mother of God were also called "panagia", and subsequently panagia - breast images of the Mother of God - began to be worn by bishops.

By blessing

Metropolitan John of Kherson and Taurida

The prayer of the Mother of God “It is worthy to eat” is highly revered in the traditions of the Orthodox world. People humbly and sincerely ask the Most Pure Virgin for deliverance from spiritual passions and physical ailments. She is able to help in any beneficent plan.

The miraculous shrine is located in the capital of Athos (Holy Mountain), a peninsula on the territory of Greek Macedonia. For parishioners, this shrine, located on the mountain altar of the temple, is the greatest gift of the Almighty.

What is the power of the prayers of the Mother of God

A person seeking spiritual enlightenment can always count on the help of those beings who have the qualities of divine purity. Next to Christians, guardian angels, invisible to the eye, as well as God's Son and Lord, arrive. Asking for help is most often carried out in front of a holy image.

The miraculous prayers of the Mother of God before the face of “It is worthy to eat” give a person a lot:

  • Successfully complete any charitable cause.
  • With the help of a prayer service to the Mother of God, lost health is restored.
  • A person who sincerely prays to the Most Pure Virgin returns peaceful relations in the family.
  • Through prayers before the image, a person can reveal a deep repentant feeling in himself.

The Mother of God is infinitely merciful and loves everyone. She has a power that can stop a person in his sinful deeds. Before starting the petition, it is necessary to clear thoughts of negative emotions and tune in to a spiritual mood. Only a sincere prayer service will bring spiritual benefit to a person.

About other prayers to the Most Holy Theotokos:

  • The petition indicates her mercy and ability to resolve the most difficult situations. Prayer comes from a pure heart, it directs the thought to the salvation of the soul, a serene and righteous life. At the end there is thanksgiving and praise to Mary, Christ and the Lord.
  • Prayer, denounced as a hymn of praise, is called He is performed in a variety of divine services, gaining harmony and supreme bliss. Akathist "It is worthy to eat" is filled with praise, gratitude and humility. It consists of 25 parts (kontakia and ikos).
On a note! “It is worthy to eat” is an Orthodox prayer song that has found wide application in the spiritual practice of many churches. The authorship of this text is attributed to a Christian poet named Kosma Mayumsky. With this miraculous prayer, they always read the refrain "The most honest cherub."

Worthy is the (Merciful) Icon of the Mother of God

The meaning and significance of the sacred face

The glory of the Most Holy Theotokos is so great that it surpasses the glory of all heavenly powers. She is worshiped because She gave birth to the Sons of God without violating her own purity. Prayer words help believers receive a blessing from the Mother of God herself.

  • The original icon is a typical half-length image.
  • The Christ Child, clinging to the Mother, is located on the right hand.
  • After some time, the iconography “It is worthy to eat” began to be added with the figures of angels, located at the level of the heads of the main characters. Celestials solemnly raise their hands to the glory of holiness.
  • The “merciful” icon itself contains a heavenly prayer called to save the earth from sinfulness.
  • On the heads of the Mother of God and Jesus the Child are crowns, symbolizing church authority. Their gazes are humbly directed to the sacred scroll, which is in the right hand of Christ. The text speaks of the long-awaited coming of the Messiah.

About other miraculous icons of the Mother of God:

Important! The icon of the Most Holy Theotokos "Merciful" is very popular in the Orthodox world. Akathists and prayers before her are able to heal from serious illnesses, build relationships and lead a person to a sinless path.

The text of the akathist "It is worthy to eat"

Kondak 1

Chosen by God from the human race, serve as the embodiment of the eternal Word, most blessed Virgin Mary, worthy of praise from Angels in Heaven, we sinners on earth dare to bring laudatory singing; Hedgehog graciously receive from us, all-merciful Queen Theotokos, save us from all troubles and freedom from eternal torment, let us call Ty:

Ikos 1

The Archangel Gabriel was sent from heaven from You, Mother of God, to the humble novice of Mount Athos, who in the desert cell sang Ty songs of praise in front of Your holy icon, may he teach him to sing a heavenly song, with which the Angels glorify Thee in Zion on high. The same and we dole, remembering such Your good intentions for the people, with thanksgiving we cry out to Thysitsa:

Rejoice, worthy praise from the Archangel and Angel; Rejoice, blessed from all heavenly powers.

Rejoice, Blessed and Immaculate; Rejoice, Mother of our God.

Rejoice, most honest Cherubim; Rejoice, most glorious Seraphim without comparison.

Rejoice, without the destruction of God the Word gave birth; Rejoice, truly present Mother of God.

Rejoice, magnified in heaven and on earth; Rejoice, hymn of heaven and earth.

Rejoice, one blessed among women; Rejoice, having grown for us the fruit of the belly.

Rejoice, Christian Helper and merciful Intercessor for sinners.

Kondak 2

Seeing the novice of the desert, the wondrous stranger, who came to his cell and sang a most sweet song to You, the Lady, who sang, do not understand the Angel of being in him, but greatly delight in his heavenly singing and ask him to write the words of the sung song to him; When you see, as if under his finger, the stone table softened, and the words written on it deepened, as if on a fox, recognizing in this a wonderful action and cry out to God the Word born from You: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

With God-illumined mind, opening a new song, the Archangel spoke to the novice, as if they sang to Thee, the Mother of God, Angels' faces in the abodes of heaven, and commanded him to proclaim the words of the song of heaven by man and teach them to sing to You like an angel:

Rejoice, blessed Mary; rejoice, for the Lord is with you.

Rejoice, blessed in women; Rejoice, unsophisticated parent of God the Word.

Rejoice, immaculate village of the Holy Spirit; Rejoice, you who showed indescribable conception.

Rejoice, you who showed incorruptible Christmas; Rejoice, Mother and Virgin abiding.

Rejoice, keeping undefiled and sacred to yourself in both; Rejoice, thou who hast exalted the angels by Thy purity.

Rejoice, never-ceasing wonder of heavenly minds; rejoice, exaltation of the human race.

Rejoice, Christian Helper and merciful Intercessor for sinners.

Kondak 3

By the power of God, Gabriel the Archangel turn a hard stone into soft wax and on it with his finger write the words of a song of praise to You, Mother of God, so that everyone will know the great miracle and undoubtedly believe, as they truly sing to Thee, the heavenly powers, imitating them, and we sing Your greatness, Virgin, and in spiritual joy we cry out to God who glorified Thee: Alleluia.

Ikos 3

Having simplicity of soul and an immaculate heart, a humble novice, vouchsafed angelic conversation and contemplation of the chief of the mountain forces, but we, darkened by cunning and malice, with trembling looking at Your holy icon, Lady, we pray to You diligently, turn from our malices and teach us in humility and meekness of spirit say to you:

Rejoice, having sanctified Mount Athos with Your grace-filled presence; Rejoice, thou who filled her hills and wilds with the glory of Thy miracles.

Rejoice, thou who vouchsafed the desert dwelling of Athos to the angelic apparition; Rejoice, having multiplied the monastic cloisters in him for the salvation of human souls.

Rejoice, and to all who stay in fasting and prayer, who promised Your intercession; Rejoice, saving the penitent from the turmoil of the sea of ​​life.

Rejoice, grace of Thy Son and God bringing down to the places consecrated to Thee; Rejoice, mental paradise showing the temples of God.

Rejoice, untroubled haven that dwells in those who seek salvation; Rejoice, providing us with everything necessary for piety.

Rejoice, those who live pleasing to God, Giver of temporal and eternal blessings; Rejoice, Intercessor to us of the Kingdom of Heaven.

Rejoice, Christian Helper and merciful Intercessor for sinners.

Kondak 4

A storm of bewilderment, confuse the old monk, when I hear a new and wonderful song from the lips of my disciple and see the stone, like wax, I will accept the mark; Whenever you know about the visit of the wondrous visitor, who was named Gabriel, understand that it is, even of old, the good news to You, Virgin, the seedless conception of God the Word. The same, magnifying Your greatness, the Queen of the mountains and the valleys, joyfully singing Angels and people to the Creator: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

Hearing about the visit of the monks of Mount Athos by the Archangel, I flock to see the table, on which the former writing of the song of heaven is prenaturally inscribed, and I reverently sing Thee before Thy holy icon, the Lady, before the south, sing Thee the Archangel. Accept, therefore, our prayers, which are brought to you, with singing like this:

Rejoice, for the angelic cathedral rejoices in You; Rejoice, for the human race triumphs in You.

Rejoice, thou who didst bear all things on thy hand; Rejoice, having accommodated in Your womb the Uncontainable One with the whole world.

Rejoice, thou who gavest flesh to Thy Creator; Rejoice, having given birth to the most beautiful of all the sons of men.

Rejoice, thou who nourished every nourisher with milk; Rejoice, having taken care of Your Son, the Existing Provider of all creation.

Rejoice, praise of virginity; rejoice, glory to mothers.

Rejoice, preserving virginity at Christmas; Rejoice, you who combined Christmas with virginity.

Rejoice, Christian Helper and merciful Intercessor for sinners.

Kondak 5

God-seer Moses sometimes on the stone tablets the law of God, inscribed with the finger of God, receive, the monks of the mountains of Athos, the heavenly song to the glory of the Mother of God, inscribed on a stone board, from the Archangel, and, by this teaching, bring angelic praise to You, chanting tacos to God who favors them: Alleluia .

Ikos 5

Seeing the head of Mount Athos, a great miracle in the appearance of the Archangel and a new song, a board with letters inscribed from the Angel was forwarded to the king and patriarch of Tsaregrad, as an assurance of the truth of this most glorious miracle; but I joyfully accept it, as a pledge of God's good pleasure, in the whole Orthodox Church you have legislated to sing an angelic song in praise of Thee, Mother of God, and cry out to Thee in tenderness:

Rejoice, adorned with the beauty of all virtues, Virgin; Rejoice, unbridened bride.

Rejoice, having grown the unfading flower of Christ; Rejoice, verbal paradise, Vegetated tree of life for us.

Rejoice, heavenly hay, preserving us from the heat of passions; Rejoice, cover of the world, widest clouds.

Rejoice, blessed-leaved tree, giving saving coolness to the faithful; Rejoice, source of living water, who does not die from something that does not drink.

Rejoice, Judge of the righteous supplication; Rejoice, forgiveness of our sins.

Rejoice, in the glory of heaven at the right hand of God; Rejoice, thou who does not forsake the earthly by Thy mercy.

Rejoice, Christian Helper and merciful Intercessor for sinners.

Kondak 6

The Holy Church preaches the greatness of Your miracles, Mary the Mother of God, and brightly flaunts, singing the angelic song of You, brought from heaven to earth by the clerk of the heavenly forces Gabriel; Pray with him, the Most Pure Lady, to Your Son and God, that Her Church will be unshakable in piety and put to shame by all heretical and schismatic uprisings, but we, Her children, will be worthy to sing to Him without condemnation: Alleluia.

Ikos 6

Thou hast shone with many rays of miracles, O merciful Mother of God, through Thy holy icon, the Lady, and with these, not only Mount Athos, but also the most places lit up Thou, let us learn to call Thee:

Rejoice, our joy, delighting sorrowful hearts, open to Thee; Rejoice, good Intercessor, accelerating us to help.

Rejoice, giving us a saving pledge in Your icon; Rejoice, Mount Athos and many countries glorifying it.

Rejoice, our famous Hope; Rejoice, our shameless hope.

Rejoice, sorrow for our resolution; Rejoice, quenching our sorrows.

Rejoice, affirmation of the Orthodox faith; Rejoice, shame of unbelief and evil faith.

Rejoice, divine manifestation of love; Rejoice, accomplishment of glorious miracles.

Rejoice, Christian Helper and merciful Intercessor for sinners.

Kondak 7

To those who want to reap salvation, the merciful Patron and Helper appear, Mother of God, and intercede for them forever to Your Son and God, if anyone falls into some kind of sin, is overlaid with the weakness of the flesh, both of You receive resurrection for salvation, as if you want everyone to be saved and in the mind truth come to those who sing to Christ God: Alleluia.

Ikos 7

A new heaven and a new earth have been prepared from Your Son and God for those who love Him, O All-good Lady, to them with the banner of Thee, the Guide is pretty good. The same we pray to Thee, do not let us perish in the wilds of sin, but lead us along the right path to the land of light and eternal joy, let us cry out to You in praise:

Rejoice, the first decoration of Zion on high; Rejoice, eternal intercession of the cloisters of the valleys.

Rejoice, good earth, who raised the world's saving class; Rejoice, unwounded field, fertilized by the Holy Spirit.

Rejoice, thou who didst receive the Fire of the Divine into Thy womb; Rejoice, thou who quenched the smoothness of fallen mankind with the bread of life.

Rejoice, Throne of the King of Glory; Rejoice, adorned chamber of the Almighty.

Rejoice, temple of the animated Trinitarian God; Rejoice, door of the Lord, through which the Son of God come to us.

Rejoice, Christian Helper and merciful Intercessor for sinners.

Kondak 8

The strange appearance of the Archangel, sometimes on Mount Athosstei, the look was Divine, by which Thy all-singing name, Mary the Mother of God, was glorified, and all the faithful learned to sing angelically to Thee, the most honest Cherubim and the most glorious Seraphim Mother of our God, every creature rejoices in Neizha and the human race gratefully cries out to the Lord: Alleluia.

Ikos 8

We place all our hope in Thee, Mother of God, and in our sorrows we diligently flow to Thy holy icon, hoping to receive grace-filled consolation from her. Help us, O Lady, to endure all sorrows with patience and thanksgiving, and instead of the murmuring of the cowardly, sympathetically cry out to Thee:

Rejoice, Joy to all who mourn; Rejoice, consolation of all the sad.

Rejoice, to those who labor and are burdened with sweet peace; Rejoice, life-giving joy for the sick and distressed.

Rejoice, in the hour of mournful bewilderment, you put a good thought in your heart;

Rejoice, inspiring in the days of despondency with the hope of eternal blessings.

Rejoice, stretching out a helping hand to the tempted; Rejoice, the wrath of God from our heads diverts.

Rejoice, peaceful arrangement overwhelmed by misfortunes; Rejoice, in our good desires wonderfully fulfilling.

Rejoice, crowning the patient sufferers with gifts of grace; Rejoice, thou who vouchsafes the bliss of paradise to all who are well-behaved.

Rejoice, Christian Helper and merciful Intercessor for sinners.

Kondak 9

All the Angels of heaven appease Thee with incessant praises, the Queen and Mistress of all creation, but we, earthly and ringed, what worthy praise will we bring to Thee, All-petal? Both, hoping for Your innumerable mercy, compelling love for You, we sing Your miracles, we preach Your good deeds, we glorify Your name and, diligently falling to Your holy icon, slavishly crying out to the God-child Christ depicted on it together with You: Alleluia.

Ikos 9

Vityus of rhetoric, the verbs are not satisfied with the singing of Your miracles, Mother of God, both a good being, graciously accept our faith instead of a rhetorical blessing, weigh more and our love, with which our hearts are filled with You. At the same time, kindly hear our simple songs;

Rejoice, thou who didst contain the Word of the throne of the Father in Thy cribs; Rejoice, you who gave birth to the unstoppable Light.

Rejoice, thou who bestowed eternal life upon the world by thy birth; Rejoice, O Pre-Eternal, like a Child, in Your hand you carried.

Rejoice, animated city of the All-Tsar; Rejoice, sanctified tabernacle of the living God.

Rejoice, you who combined the lower with the higher; Rejoice, peacemaker, full of the Divine world.

Rejoice, guilty of the good; rejoice, change of evil.

Rejoice, all-strong weapon against enemies; Rejoice, indestructible shield of the faithful.

Rejoice, Christian Helper and merciful Intercessor for sinners.

Kondak 10

Your earthly lot, truly holy Mount Athos, Virgin Mother of God, marked by many of Your miracles, has appeared as a saving refuge from the vanities of the beautiful world. But in every place, with love, hear and intercede for those who call on You, but do not cease to beg Your Son, O All-good One, that His grace does not depart from the places, where in the assembly of the faithful a laudatory song is sung to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

Thou art the wall of a virgin, Blessed Virgin, and the pillar is strong from the face of the enemy by all the ascetic of piety: For you have been given the great power of the dark infernal forces to conquer and deliver from the temptations of their soul-destroying people, especially those who are chaste and holy on earth. For the sake of virginity and chastity, zealots, according to You, call:

Rejoice, shining with purity more than the sun; Rejoice, beginning of virginity and sanctification.

Rejoice, krine, fragrant fallen mankind; Rejoice, in Your humility overshadowed by the grace of the Most High.

Rejoice, faithful servant of the Lord; Rejoice, for all the birth of Thee is blessed.

Rejoice, for thou hast done greatness, Strong One; rejoice, for you co-reign with your Son in eternal glory.

Rejoice, intercessor of God to people of good will; Rejoice, boldness inspiring sinners to God.

Rejoice, inexhaustible source of mercy and bounty; Rejoice, filled with compassion for the suffering.

Rejoice, Christian Helper and merciful Intercessor for sinners.

Kondak 11

Our singing, even if it were dark in number, would not amount to a worthy glorification of Thy mercies, Blessed Mother of God, which you unceasingly pour out to our kind; both let us not be ungrateful, we will appear before You, according to our laudable strength, we will describe Thee with faith and love, and, remembering Your innumerable miracles, we cry out to the Supreme Creator of miracles God: Alleluia.

Ikos 11

With light-giving rays of miracles, Your icon, O All-Merciful Lady, on the Holy Mount Athos and everywhere shines unfailingly and enlightens the whole Orthodox world with grace. For this sake, from the ancient years, Orthodox cathedrals come to her to worship, tenderly singing praises of Ty such as this before her:

Rejoice, having revealed the King Christ to the world; Rejoice, depicted on Your icon together with Him.

Rejoice, mysterious tick, foreseen by Isaiah; Rejoice, unburned bush, foreseen by the God-seer Moses.

Rejoice, fleece irrigated by Gideon; Rejoice, more often in autumn, glorified by Habakkuk.

Rejoice, closed door, shown to Ezekiel; Rejoice, goreless insect, revealed to Daniel.

Rejoice, foretold in many ways by the prophets; Rejoice, thou who didst bring forth prophetic sayings.

Rejoice, Christian Helper and merciful Intercessor for sinners.

Kondak 12

Grace, partaking of Your icon, Virgin Mother of God, like a precious treasure, the Church of Christ from You gave up, in it you promised to be with us until the end of the age, speaking about Your original icon: “My grace and strength are with her!” We believe, O All-Permanent One, that this word of Thy will not be impoverished, and as if in the icon of Thy saints in every place and here you are with us, where the song of praise is faithfully sung to Your Son and God: Alleluia.

Ikos 12

Singing Thy miracles, Mother of God, we zealously bow down to Thy holy icon, kiss it with heartfelt love and, as if it is with us, we pray to Thee: look at us with Thy mercy, Mother of God, and, as we now see You on the icon depicted, so vouchsafe see us at the terrible hour of death, from the hand of the devil, ripping us off and leading us into the Kingdom of Christ by Your sovereign right hand, let us thankfully cry out to You:

Rejoice, according to Bose our first refuge and cover; Rejoice, Thy Mother's love embraces the whole Christian world.

Rejoice, affirming the faithful in a holy life; Rejoice, giving them a good Christian death.

Rejoice, delivering from the power of the fierce world-keeper who trusts in You; Rejoice, at the ordeals of the air you protect those who glorify Thee.

Rejoice, opening the gates of paradise to us; Rejoice, Kingdom of Heaven to those who love You interceding.

Rejoice, in the glory of heaven sitting down to Your Son and God; Rejoice, bringing into the fellowship of His Glory and honoring Thee.

Rejoice, health of our bodies; Rejoice, salvation of our souls.

Rejoice, Christian Helper and merciful Intercessor for sinners.

Kondak 13

O all-singing Mother, who gave birth to the saints, the Most Holy Word, sung from Angels in Heaven and glorified from man on earth! Graciously accept this small prayer of ours and grant spiritual salvation and bodily health to all who faithfully honor Thee and sing to God: Alleluia.

This kontakion is read three times, then the ikos 1st “Archangel Gabriel…” and the kontakion 1st “Chosen by God…”.

O most holy and merciful Lady Theotokos! Falling down to Your holy icon, we humbly pray to You: listen to the voice of our prayer, see our sorrows, see our troubles and, like a loving Mother, rush to help us helpless, implore Your Son and our God, that He will not destroy us for our iniquity, but will reveal us philanthropicly His mercy. Ask us, Mistress, from His goodness bodily health and spiritual salvation, and peaceful life, fruitfulness of the earth, good air, and blessing from above on all our good deeds and undertakings, our Orthodox army on all enemies victory and overcoming. And as of old, thou didst graciously look at the humble doxology of the novice of Athos, who sang to Thee before Thy most pure icon, and sent an angel to him to teach him to sing a song from heaven, with which the Angels glorify Thee, so now accept our zealous prayer, brought to Thee. O all-singing Queen! Stretch out your God-bearing hands to the Lord, you wore the image of the God-child Jesus Christ, and beg Him to deliver us from all evil. Reveal, Mistress, Your mercy to us: heal the sick, comfort the grieving, help the needy and make us pious to complete this earthly life, receive the Christian shameless death and inherit the Kingdom of Heaven by Your Motherly intercession to Christ our God who was born from You, Him and His Beginningless Father and by the Holy Spirit all glory, honor and worship is due, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Watch the video about the icon *It is worthy to eat*

Akathist to the Most Holy Theotokos before Her icon,
called "It is worthy to eat"

Kondak 1
Chosen by God from the human race, serve as the embodiment of the eternal Word, most blessed Virgin Mary, worthy of praise from Angels in Heaven, we sinners on earth dare to bring laudatory singing; if you graciously receive from us, all-merciful Queen Theotokos, save us from all troubles and free us from eternal torment, let us call Thee: Rejoice, Christian Helper and merciful representative of sinners.

Ikos 1
The Archangel Gabriel was sent from heaven from You, Mother of God, to the humble novice of Mount Athos, who in the desert cell sang Ty songs of praise in front of Your holy icon, may he teach him to sing a heavenly song, with which the Angels glorify Thee in Zion on high. Meanwhile, we also do, remembering such Your good intentions for the people, with thanksgiving we cry out to Tisitsa: Rejoice, worthy of praise from the Archangel and Angel; Rejoice, delighted from all heavenly powers. Rejoice, Blessed and Immaculate; Rejoice, Mother of our God. Rejoice, Most Honorable Cherub; Rejoice, most glorious Seraphim without comparison. Rejoice, without the destruction of God the Word gave birth; Rejoice, truly present Mother of God. Rejoice, magnified in Heaven and on earth; Rejoice, hymn of heaven and earth. Rejoice, one blessed among women; Rejoice, having grown for us the fruit of the belly. Rejoice, Christian Helper and merciful Intercessor for sinners.

Kondak 2
Seeing the desert novice of the day stranger, who came to his cell and the most sweet song to You, the Lady, who sang, do not understand the Angel of being in him, but greatly delight in his heavenly singing and ask him to write to him the words of the sung song: when you see, as if under his finger the stone board softened, and the words written on it deepened like on a fox, recognizing in this a wonderful action and cry out to the Word born from You God: Alleluia.

Ikos 2
Opening a new song with a God-illumined mind, the Archangel and the disobedient speak, as if they sing to Thee, the Mother of God, Angels' faces in the abodes of heaven, and commanded him to proclaim the words of the song of heaven by man and teach them to sing to you like an angel: Rejoice, blessed Mary; Rejoice, for the Lord is with you. Rejoice, blessed in women; Rejoice, unsophisticated Parent of God the Word. Rejoice, immaculate village of the Holy Spirit; Rejoice, thou who didst show ineffable conception. Rejoice, you who showed incorruptible Christmas; Rejoice, mother and virgin. Rejoice, keeping undefiled and sacred to yourself in both; Rejoice, Thou who hast exalted the Angels by Thy purity. Rejoice, minds not above; melting surprise; Rejoice, human exaltation. Rejoice, Christian Helper and merciful Intercessor for sinners.

Kondak 3
By the power of God, Gabriel the Archangel turn a hard stone into soft wax and on it with his finger write the words of a song of praise to You, the Mother of God, so that everyone will know the great miracle and undoubtedly believe, as the heavenly powers truly sing to You, imitating them, and we sing Your greatness, Virgin, and in spiritual joy we cry out to God who glorified Thee: Alleluia.

Ikos 3
Having a simplicity of soul and an immaculate heart, a humble novice is worthy of angelic conversations and contemplation of the chinon; the head of the mountain forces, we, with cunning and malice of darkening, with trembling looking at Your holy icon, Lady, we pray to You diligently, turn from our malices and teach us in humility and meekness of spirit to say to You: Rejoice, Mount Athos, who sanctified Your blessed presence; Rejoice, thou who filled her hills and wilds with the glory of Thy miracles. Rejoice, thou who vouchsafed the desert dwelling of Athos to the angelic apparition; Rejoice, having multiplied the monastic cloisters in it for the salvation of human souls. Rejoice, you who promised Your intercession to all who are in fasting and prayer; Rejoice, saving the penitent from the turmoil of the sea of ​​life. Rejoice, grace of Thy Son and God bringing down to the places consecrated to Thee; Rejoice, mental paradise showing the Temples of God. Rejoice, untroubled haven that dwells in those who seek salvation; Rejoice, providing us with everything necessary for piety. Rejoice, those who live pleasing to God, Giver of temporal and eternal blessings; Rejoice, Intercessor to us of the Kingdom of Heaven. Rejoice, Christian Helper and merciful Intercessor for sinners.

Kondak 4
A storm of bewilderment confuse the old monk, when I hear a new and wonderful song from the lips of my disciple and see a stone board, like wax, I will accept the mark: when I tell you about visiting the marvelous; the visitor, called Gabriel, understand that this one is, even of old the good news to you, Virgin, the seedless conception of God the Word. The same, magnifying Your greatness, the Queen of the mountains and the valleys, joyfully singing Angels and people to the Creator: Alleluia.

Ikos 4
Hearing about the visit of the monks of Mount Athos by the Archangel, I flock to see the board, on which the former writing of the song of heaven is preternaturally inscribed, and I sing reverently before Your holy icon, Lady, before her, praise Thee Archangel. Ubo accept also our prayers brought to Thee with such singing: Rejoice, for the angelic cathedral rejoices in Thee; Rejoice, for the human race triumphs in You. Rejoice, thou who didst bear all things on thy hand; Rejoice, thou who didst contain in thy womb the uncontainable by the whole world. Rejoice, thou who gavest flesh to Thy Creator; Rejoice, having given birth to the most beautiful of all the sons of men. Rejoice, thou who nourished every nourisher with milk; Rejoice, having taken care of Your Son, the Existing Provider of all creation. Rejoice, praise of virginity; rejoice, glory to mothers. Rejoice, preserving virginity at Christmas; Rejoice, you who combined Christmas with virginity. Rejoice, Christian Helper and merciful Intercessor for sinners.

Kondak 5
The God-seer Moses sometimes on the stone tablets the Law of God, inscribed with the finger of God, receive, the monks of the mountains of Athos, the heavenly song to the glory of the Mother of God, inscribed on a stone board, from the Archangel piyasha and, with this teaching, bring angelic praise to You, chanting tacos to God who favors them: Alleluia .

Ikos 5
Seeing the head of Mount Athos, a great miracle in the appearance of the Archangel and the songs of the new, a board with letters inscribed from the Angel was forwarded to the king and patriarch of Constantinople, in the sky; the revelation of the truth of this most glorious miracle; but I joyfully accept it, as a guarantee of God's good pleasure in the entire Orthodox Church, legitimizing the singing of an angelic song in praise of You, Bogoro; ditse, and I cry out to You in tenderness: Rejoice, adorned with the beauty of all the virtues of the Virgin; Rejoice, unmarried bride. Rejoice, having grown the unfading flower of Christ; Rejoice, verbal paradise, vegetative tree of life for us. Rejoice, heavenly hay, preserving us from the heat of passions; Rejoice, cover of the world, broader than the clouds. Rejoice, blessed-leaved tree, giving saving coolness to the faithful; Rejoice, source of living water, who does not die from any drink. Rejoice, Judge of the righteous prayer; Rejoice, forgiveness of our sins. Rejoice, in the glory of heaven at the right hand of God; Rejoice, dear earthlings; not leaving your anger. Rejoice, Christian Helper and merciful Intercessor for sinners.

Kondak 6
The Holy Church preaches the greatness of Your miracles, Mary Bo; city, and lightly flaunts, singing the song of an angel, from heaven to earth brought by the clerk of the mountain forces Gabriel; Pray with him, the Most Pure Lady, to Your Son and God, that His Church will be unshakable in piety and put to shame by all heretical and schismatic uprisings, but we, children of Thee, will be worthy to sing to Him without condemnation: Alleluia.

Ikos 6
Thou hast shone with many rays of miracles, O merciful Mother of God, through Thy holy icon, the Lady, and with these not only Mount Athos, but also the greatest places have lit up thou, let us learn to call Thee: Rejoice, our joy, delighting sorrowful hearts, open to Thee; Rejoice, good Intercessor, accelerating us to help. Rejoice, giving us a saving pledge in Your icon; Rejoice, Mount Athos and many countries glorifying it. Rejoice, our famous Hope; Rejoice, our shameless hope. Rejoice, sorrow for our resolution; Rejoice, satisfaction of our sorrows. Rejoice, affirmation of the Orthodox faith; Rejoice, shame of unbelief and evil faith. Rejoice, divine manifestation of love; Rejoice, glorious miracles with; accomplishment; Rejoice, Christian Helper and merciful Intercessor for sinners.

Kondak 7
To those who want to reap salvation, the merciful Patron and Helper appear, Mother of God, and intercede for them forever to Your Son and God, if anyone falls into some kind of sin, is overlaid with the weakness of the flesh, both of You receive resurrection for salvation, as if you want everyone to be saved and in the mind truth come to those who sing to Christ God: Alleluia.

Ikos 7
A new heaven and a new earth are prepared from Thy Son and God for those who love Him, O All-good Lady, to them by the Thy Way; quite a driver. The same we pray to Thee, do not let us perish in the wilds of sin, but lead us along the right path to the land of light and eternal joy, let us cry out to You in praise: Rejoice, the first decoration of Zion on high; Rejoice, ever-ready intercession of the cloisters of the valleys. Rejoice, good earth, who has raised the saving class of the world; Rejoice, unwounded field, fertilized by the Holy Spirit. Rejoice, thou who didst receive the fire of the Divine into thy womb; Rejoice, thou who quenched the smoothness of fallen mankind with the bread of life. Rejoice, Throne of the King of Glory; Rejoice, adorned chamber of the Almighty. Rejoice, temple of the animated Trinitarian God; Rejoice, door of the Lord, through which the Son of God come to us. Rejoice, Christian Helper and merciful Intercessor for sinners.

Kondak 8
The strange appearance of the Archangel, sometimes on Mount Athos, was a divine sight, by which Thy all-singing name, Mary the Mother of God, was glorified, and all the faithful learned to sing angelically to Thee, the Most Honorable Cherubim and the Most Glorious Seraphim Mother of our God, every creature rejoices in Neizha, and the human race is grateful calls to the Lord: Alleluia.

Ikos 8
We place all our hope in Thee, Mother of God, and in our sorrows we diligently flow to Thy holy icon, hoping to receive grace-filled consolation from her. Help us, O Lady, to endure all sorrows with patience and gratitude, and instead of the murmuring of the cowardly, sympathetically cry out to Thee: Rejoice, Joy to all who grieve; Rejoice, Consolation of all the sad. Rejoice, to those who labor and are burdened with sweet Peace; Rejoice, life-giving Joy to the sick and distressed. Rejoice, in the hour of mournful bewilderment, you put a good thought in your heart; Rejoice, inspiring in the days of despondency with the hope of eternal blessings. Rejoice, stretching out a helping hand to the tempted; Rejoice, thou who takes away the wrath of God from our heads. Rejoice, peaceful arrangement overwhelmed by misfortunes; Rejoice, thou who wonderfully fulfills our good desires. Rejoice, crowning the patient sufferers with gifts of grace; Rejoice, thou who vouchsafed the bliss of paradise to all those who are well-behaved. Rejoice, Christian Helper and merciful Intercessor for sinners.

Kondak 9
All the Angels of heaven appease Thee with incessant praises, the Queen and Lady of all creation, but we, earthly and ringed, will bring worthy praise to Thee, All Petaya; both hoping for Your innumerable mercy, we compel with love for You, we sing Your miracles, we preach Your good deeds, we glorify Your name and, diligently falling to Your holy icon, we slavishly cry out to the God-child Christ depicted on it together with You: Alleluia.

Ikos 9
Vitiy's rhetorical verbs are dissatisfied with the singing of Your miracles, Mother of God, both a good being, graciously accept our faith instead of a rhetorical blessing, weigh more and our love, with which our hearts are filled with You. The same heartily hear our unsophisticated songs, and we dare to praise Thee with the image: Rejoice, thou who didst contain the Word of the Father's throne in Thy couch; Rejoice, growing unstoppable Light. Rejoice, thou who bestowed eternal life upon the world by thy birth; Rejoice, the Eternal, like Mla; day, on your hand was worn. Rejoice, animated city of the All-Tsar; Rejoice, sanctified tabernacle of the living God. Rejoice, you who combined the lower with the higher; Rejoice, Peacemaker, full of Divine peace. Rejoice, guilty of the good; rejoice, change of evil. Rejoice, all-strong weapon against enemies; Rejoice, indestructible shield of the faithful. Rejoice, Christian Helper and merciful Intercessor for sinners.

Kondak 10
Your earthly lot, truly holy Mount Athos, Virgin Mother of God, marked by many of Your miracles, has appeared as a saving refuge from the vanities of the charming world. But in every place, with love, hear and intercede for those who call on Thee. But do not cease to beseech Your Son, O All-good One, that His grace does not depart from the places, where in the assembly of the faithful a laudatory song is sung to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 10
Thou art the wall of a virgin, Blessed Virgin, and the pillar is strong from the face of the enemy by all the ascetic of piety: For you have been given the great power of the dark infernal forces to conquer and deliver from the temptations of their soul-destroying people, especially those who are chaste and holy on earth. For the sake of virginity and chastity, zealots, according to You, call: Rejoice, shining with purity more than the sun; Rejoice, beginning of virginity and sanctification. Rejoice, krine, fragrant fallen mankind; Rejoice, in Your humility overshadowed by the grace of the Most High. Rejoice, faithful servant of the Lord; Rejoice, for thee are blessed by all birth. Rejoice, for thou hast done greatness strong; Rejoice, for you co-reign with your Son in eternal glory. Rejoice, Intercessor of God to people of good will; Rejoice, boldness inspiring sinners to God. Rejoice, inexhaustible source of mercy and bounty; Rejoice, filled with compassion for those who suffer. Rejoice, Christian Helper and merciful Intercessor for sinners.

Kondak 11
Our singing, even if it were dark in number, would not amount to a worthy glorification of Thy mercies, Blessed Mother of God, which you unceasingly pour out to our kind; both let us not be ungrateful, we will appear before You, according to our laudable strength, we will describe Thee with faith and love, and, remembering Your innumerable miracles, we cry out to the Supreme Creator of miracles God: Alleluia.

Ikos 11
With light-giving rays of miracles, Your icon, O All-Merciful Lady, on the holy Mount Athos and everywhere shines unfailingly and enlightens the whole Orthodox world with grace. For this sake, from the ancient years, Orthodox cathedrals come to her to worship, tenderly singing praises before her. The following is: Rejoice, Tsar Christ revealed to the world; Rejoice, depicted on Your icon together with Him. Rejoice, mysterious tick, foreseen by Isaiah; Rejoice, unburned bush, foreseen by the God-seer Moses. Rejoice, fleece irrigated by Gideon; Rejoice, more often in autumn, sung by Habakkuk. Rejoice, closed door, shown to Ezekiel; Rejoice, you who were not insects, appeared to Daniel. Rejoice, foreshadowed by the prophet in many ways; Rejoice, thou who didst bring forth prophetic utterances. Rejoice, Christian Helper and merciful Intercessor for sinners.

Kondak 12
Grace partaking of Your icon, Virgin Mother of God, like a precious treasure, the Church of Christ from You gave up, in it you promised to be with us until the end of the age, telling about Your original icon: My grace and strength are with her. We believe, O All-Permanent One, that this word of Thy will not be impoverished, and as if in the icon of Thy saints in every place and here you are with us, where the song of praise is faithfully sung to Your Son and God: Alleluia.

Ikos 12
Singing Thy miracles, Mother of God, we zealously bow down to Thy holy icon, kiss it with heartfelt love, and as if it is with us forever, we pray to Thee: look at us with Thy mercy, Mother of God, and as we now see You on the icon depicted, so vouchsafe see us at the terrible hour of death, stealing us from the hand of the devil and bringing us into the Kingdom of Christ by Your sovereign right hand, let us cry out to You with gratitude: Rejoice, according to God, our first refuge and protection; Rejoice, Thy motherly love embraces the whole Christian world. Rejoice, affirming the faithful in a holy life; Rejoice, giving them a good Christian death. Rejoice, delivering from the power of the fierce world-keeper who trusts in You; Rejoice, thou who stands up for those who glorify Thee in the ordeals of the air. Rejoice, opening the gates of paradise to us; Rejoice, Kingdom of Heaven to those who love You, who intercede. Rejoice, in the glory of heaven sitting down to Your Son and God; Rejoice, bringing into the fellowship of His Glory and honoring Thee. Rejoice, health of our bodies; Rejoice, salvation of our souls. Rejoice, Christian Helper and merciful Intercessor for sinners.

Kondak 13
O All-singing Mother, who gave birth to the saints, the Most Holy Word, from Angels sung in Heaven and from people glorified on earth! Graciously accept this small prayer of ours and grant spiritual salvation and bodily health to all who faithfully honor Thee and sing to God: Alleluia.

(This kontakion is read three times, then ikos 1 and kontakion 1)

"It is worthy to eat" ("Merciful") icon of the Mother of God. Gallery of icons.

Kondak 1

Chosen by God from the human race, serve as the embodiment of the eternal Word, most blessed Virgin Mary, worthy of praise from angels in heaven, we sinners on earth dare to bring laudatory singing; Hedgehog graciously receive from us, all-merciful Queen Theotokos, save us from all troubles and freedom from eternal torment, let us call Ty:

Ikos 1

The Archangel Gabriel was sent from heaven from You, Mother of God, to the humble novice of Mount Athos, who in the desert cell sang Ty songs of praise before Your holy icon, may he teach him to sing a song from heaven, with which the angels praise Thee in Zion on high. The same and we dole, remembering such Your good intentions for the people, with thanksgiving we cry out to Thysitsa:

Rejoice, worthy praise from the Archangel and Angel; Rejoice, blessed from all heavenly powers. Rejoice, blessed and most immaculate; Rejoice, Mother of our God. Rejoice, most honest Cherubim; Rejoice, most glorious Seraphim without comparison. Rejoice, without the destruction of God the Word gave birth; Rejoice, truly present Mother of God. Rejoice, magnified in heaven and on earth; Rejoice, hymn of heaven and earth. Rejoice, one blessed among women; Rejoice, having grown for us the fruit of the belly.

Rejoice, Christian helper and merciful intercessor for sinful ones.

Kondak 2

Seeing the novice of the desert, the wondrous stranger, who came to his cell and the most sweet song to You, the Lady, who sang, do not understand in him an angel to be, but greatly delight in his heavenly singing and ask him to write to him the words of the singing of the song: when you see, as if under his finger the stone table softened, and the words written on it deepened like on a polar fox, recognizing in this a wonderful action and cry out to God the Word born from You: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

Opening a new song with a God-illumined mind, the Archangel spoke to the novice, as if they sang to Thee, the Mother of God, the angelic faces in the abode of heaven, and commanded him to proclaim the words of the song of heaven by man and teach them to sing to You like an angel:

Rejoice, blessed Mary; rejoice, for the Lord is with you. Rejoice, blessed in women; Rejoice, unsophisticated Parent of God the Word. Rejoice, immaculate village of the Holy Spirit; Rejoice, you who showed indescribable conception. Rejoice, you who showed incorruptible Christmas; Rejoice, Mother and Virgin abiding. Rejoice, keeping undefiled and sacred to yourself in both; Rejoice, thou who hast exalted the angels by Thy purity. Rejoice, unceasing astonishment of heavenly minds; rejoice, exaltation of the human race.

Rejoice, Christian helper and merciful intercessor for sinful ones.

Kondak 3

By the power of God, Gabriel the Archangel turn a hard stone into soft wax and on it with his finger write the words of a song of praise to You, the Mother of God, so that everyone will know the great miracle and unquestioningly believe that the heavenly powers truly sing praises to Thee, imitating them, and we sing Your greatness, Virgin, and in spiritual joy we cry out to God who glorified Thee: Alleluia.

Ikos 3

Having simplicity of soul and an immaculate heart, a humble novice, vouchsafed angelic conversation and contemplation of the chief of the mountain forces, but we, darkened by cunning and malice, with trembling looking at Your holy icon, Lady, we pray to You diligently, turn from our malices and teach us in humility and meekness of spirit say to you:

Rejoice, having sanctified Mount Athos with Your grace-filled presence; Rejoice, thou who filled her hills and wilds with the glory of Thy miracles. Rejoice, thou who vouchsafed the desert dwelling of Athos to the angelic apparition; Rejoice, having multiplied the monastic cloisters in him for the salvation of human souls. Rejoice, you who promised Your intercession to all who are in fasting and prayer; Rejoice, saving the penitent from the turmoil of the sea of ​​life. Rejoice, grace of Thy Son and God bringing down to the places consecrated to Thee; Rejoice, mental paradise showing the temples of God. Rejoice, untroubled haven that dwells in those who seek salvation; Rejoice, providing us with everything necessary for piety. Rejoice, giver of temporal and eternal blessings to those who live pleasingly; Rejoice, intercessor for us of the Kingdom of Heaven.

Rejoice, Christian helper and merciful intercessor for sinful ones.

Kondak 4

A storm of bewilderment, confuse the old monk, when I hear a new and wonderful song from the lips of my disciple and see a stone stone, like wax, I will receive the mark: when I take away the visit of the wondrous visitor, who was called Gabriel, understand that this one is, even of old the good news to You, Virgin, seedless conception of God the Word. The same, magnifying Your greatness, Queen of the mountains and the valleys, joyfully singing angels and people to the Creator: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

Hearing about the visit of the Archangel monk of Mount Athos, I flock to see the table, on which the former writing of the song of heaven is prenaturally inscribed, and I sing Thee reverently before Your holy icon, the Lady, before the south, sing Thee the Archangel. Accept, therefore, our prayers, which are brought to you, with singing like this:

Rejoice, for the angelic cathedral rejoices in You; Rejoice, for the human race triumphs in You. Rejoice, thou who didst bear all things on thy hand; Rejoice, having accommodated in Your womb the Uncontainable One with the whole world. Rejoice, thou who gavest flesh to Thy Creator; Rejoice, having given birth to the most beautiful of all the sons of men. Rejoice, thou who nourished every nourisher with milk; Rejoice, having taken care of Your Son, the existing Provider of all creation. Rejoice, praise of virginity; rejoice, glory to mothers. Rejoice, preserving virginity at Christmas; Rejoice, you who combined Christmas with virginity.

Rejoice, Christian helper and merciful intercessor for sinful ones.

Kondak 5

The God-seer Moses sometimes on the stone tablets the Law of God, inscribed with the finger of God, receive, but the monks of the Mount Athos, the heavenly song to the glory of the Mother of God, inscribed on the stone board, from the Archangel, and, by this teaching, bring angelic praise to You, chanting tacos to God who favors them: Alleluia .

Ikos 5

Seeing the head of Mount Athos, a great miracle in the appearance of the Archangel and the newest song, forwarding the letter with the letters inscribed from the Angel to the king and patriarch of Tsaregrad, as an assurance of the truth of this most glorious miracle; but I joyfully accept it, as a guarantee of God's good pleasure in the entire Orthodox Church, legitimizing the singing of an angelic song in praise of Thee, Mother of God, and crying out to Thee in tenderness:

Rejoice, Devo, embellished with the beauty of all the virtues; Rejoice, unbridened bride. Rejoice, having grown the unfading flower of Christ; Rejoice, verbal paradise, Vegetated tree of life for us. Rejoice, heavenly hay, preserving us from the heat of passions; Rejoice, cover of the world, widest clouds. Rejoice, blessed-leaved tree, giving saving coolness to the faithful; Rejoice, source of living water, who does not die from something that does not drink. Rejoice, Judge of the righteous supplication; Rejoice, forgiveness of our sins. Rejoice, in the glory of heaven at the right hand of God; Rejoice, thou who does not forsake the earthly by Thy mercy.

Rejoice, Christian helper and merciful intercessor for sinful ones.

Kondak 6

The Holy Church preaches the greatness of Your miracles, Mary the Mother of God, and flaunts brightly, singing the angelic song of You, brought from heaven to earth by the clerk of the mountain forces Gabriel; Pray with him, the Most Pure Lady, to Your Son and God, so that Her Church will be unshakable in piety and put to shame by all heretical and schismatic uprisings, but we, her children, will be worthy to sing to Him without condemnation: Alleluia.

Ikos 6

Thou hast shone with many rays of miracles, O merciful Mother of God, through Thy holy icon, the Lady, and with these, not only Mount Athos, but also the most places lit up Thou, let us learn to call Thee:

Rejoice, our joy, delighting sorrowful hearts, open to Thee; Rejoice, good intercessor, accelerating us to help. Rejoice, giving us a saving pledge in Your icon; Rejoice, Mount Athos and many countries glorifying it. Rejoice, our known hope; Rejoice, our shameless hope. Rejoice, sorrow for our resolution; Rejoice, quenching our sorrows. Rejoice, affirmation of the Orthodox faith; Rejoice, shame of unbelief and evil faith. Rejoice, divine manifestation of love; Rejoice, accomplishment of glorious miracles;

Rejoice, Christian helper and merciful intercessor for sinful ones.

Kondak 7

To those who want to reap salvation, the merciful patroness and helper is, Mother of God, and you intercede for them to Your Son and God, even if someone falls into some kind of sin, is overlaid with the weakness of the flesh, both of You receive resurrection for salvation, as if you want everyone to be saved and in the mind truth come to those who sing to Christ God: Alleluia.

Ikos 7

A new heaven and a new earth have been prepared from Your Son and God for those who love Him, O all-merciful Lady, with Thee a fair guide to them. The same we pray to Thee, do not let us perish in the wilds of sin, but lead us along the right path to the land of light and eternal joy, let us cry out to You in praise:

Rejoice, the first decoration of Zion on high; Rejoice, eternal intercession of the cloisters of the valleys. Rejoice, good earth, who has raised the saving class of the world; Rejoice, unwounded field, fertilized by the Holy Spirit. Rejoice, thou who didst receive the fire of the Divine into thy womb; Rejoice, thou who quenched the smoothness of fallen mankind with the bread of life. Rejoice, throne of the King of glory; Rejoice, adorned chamber of the Almighty. Rejoice, temple of the animated Trinitarian God; Rejoice, door of the Lord, through which the Son of God come to us.

Rejoice, Christian helper and merciful intercessor for sinful ones.

Kondak 8

The strange appearance of the Archangel, sometimes on Mount Athos, was a divine sight, by which Thy all-singing name, Mary the Mother of God, was glorified, and all the faithful learned to sing angelically to Thee, the most honest Cherubim and the most glorious Seraphim Mother of our God, every creature rejoices in Neizh, and the human race is grateful calls to the Lord: Alleluia.

Ikos 8

We place all our hope in Thee, Mother of God, and in our sorrows we diligently flow to Thy holy icon, hoping to receive grace-filled consolation from her. Help us, O Lady, to endure all sorrows with patience and thanksgiving, and instead of the murmuring of the cowardly, sympathetically cry out to Thee:

Rejoice, joy of all who mourn; Rejoice, consolation of all the sad. Rejoice, to those who labor and are burdened with sweet peace; Rejoice, life-giving joy for the sick and distressed. Rejoice, in the hour of mournful bewilderment, you put a good thought in your heart; Rejoice, inspiring in the days of despondency with the hope of eternal blessings. Rejoice, stretching out a helping hand to the tempted; Rejoice, the wrath of God from our heads diverts. Rejoice, peaceful arrangement overwhelmed by misfortunes; Rejoice, in our good desires wonderfully fulfilling. Rejoice, crowning the patient sufferers with gifts of grace; Rejoice, thou who vouchsafes the bliss of paradise to all who are well-behaved.

Rejoice, Christian helper and merciful intercessor for sinful ones.

Kondak 9

All the Angels of heaven appease Thee with incessant praises, the Queen and Mistress of all creation, but we, earthly and ringed, which worthy praise we will bring to Thee, All-petal; both hoping for Your innumerable mercy, we compel with love for You, we sing Your miracles, we preach Your good deeds, we glorify Your name and, diligently falling to Your holy icon, we slavishly cry out to the Divine Infant Christ depicted on it together with You: Hallelujah.

Ikos 9

Vityus of rhetoric, the verbs are not satisfied with the singing of Your miracles, Mother of God, both a good being, our faith, instead of a rhetorical blessing, graciously accept, weigh more and our love, with which our hearts are filled with You. At the same time, kindly hear our simple songs;

Rejoice, thou who didst contain the Word of the throne of the Father in Thy cribs; Rejoice, you who gave birth to the unstoppable Light. Rejoice, thou who bestowed eternal life upon the world by thy birth; Rejoice, the Most Eternal, like a baby, in Your hand you carried. Rejoice, animated city of the All-Tsar; Rejoice, sanctified tabernacle of the living God. Rejoice, you who combined the lower with the higher; Rejoice, peacemaker, full of the Divine world. Rejoice, guilty of the good; rejoice, change of evil. Rejoice, all-strong weapon against enemies; Rejoice, indestructible shield of the faithful.

Rejoice, Christian helper and merciful intercessor for sinful ones.

Kondak 10

Your earthly lot, truly holy Mount Athos, Virgin Mother of God, marked by many of Your miracles, has appeared as a saving refuge from the vanities of the beautiful world. But in every place, with love, hear and intercede for those who call on Thee. But do not cease to beseech Your Son, O All-good One, that His grace does not depart from the places where in the assembly of the faithful a laudatory song is sung to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

Thou art the wall of a virgin, blessed Virgin, and the pillar is strong from the face of the enemy by all the ascetic of piety: For you have been given the great power of the dark hellish forces to conquer and deliver from the temptations of their soul-destroying people, especially those who are chaste and holy on earth. For the sake of virginity and chastity, zealots, according to You, call:

Rejoice, shining with purity more than the sun; Rejoice, beginning of virginity and sanctification. Rejoice, krine, fragrant fallen mankind; Rejoice, in Your humility overshadowed by the grace of the Most High. Rejoice, faithful servant of the Lord; Rejoice, for all the birth of Thee is blessed. Rejoice, for thou hast done greatness strong; rejoice, for you co-reign with your Son in eternal glory. Rejoice, intercessor of God to people of good will; Rejoice, boldness inspiring sinners to God. Rejoice, inexhaustible source of mercy and bounty; Rejoice, filled with compassion for the suffering.

Rejoice, Christian helper and merciful intercessor for sinful ones.

Kondak 11

Our singing, even if it were dark in number, would not amount to a worthy glorification of Thy mercies, blessed Mother of God, which you unceasingly pour out to our kind; both let us not be ungrateful, we will appear before You, according to our laudable strength, we will describe You with faith and love, and, remembering Your innumerable miracles, we cry out to the Supreme Creator of miracles God: Alleluia.

Ikos 11

With light-giving rays of miracles, Your icon, O all-merciful Lady, on the holy Mount Athos and everywhere shines unfailingly and enlightens the whole Orthodox world with grace. For this sake, from the ancient years, Orthodox cathedrals come to her to worship, tenderly singing praises of Ty such as this before her:

Rejoice, having revealed the King Christ to the world; Rejoice, depicted on Your icon together with Him. Rejoice, mysterious tick, foreseen by Isaiah; Rejoice, unburned bush, foreseen by the God-seer Moses. Rejoice, fleece irrigated by Gideon; Rejoice, more often in autumn, glorified by Habakkuk. Rejoice, closed door, shown to Ezekiel; Rejoice, goreless insect, revealed to Daniel. Rejoice, foreshadowed by the prophet in many ways; Rejoice, thou who didst bring forth prophetic sayings.

Rejoice, Christian helper and merciful intercessor for sinful ones.

Kondak 12

Grace, partaking of Your icon, Virgin Mother of God, like a precious treasure, the Church of Christ from You gave up, in it you promised to be with us until the end of the age, speaking about Your original icon: “My grace and strength are with her!” We believe, Omnipotent, that this word of Thy will not be impoverished, and as if in the icon of Thy saints in every place and here you are with us, where the song of praise is faithfully sung to Your Son and God: Alleluia.

Ikos 12

Singing Thy miracles, Mother of God, we zealously bow down to Thy holy icon, kiss it with heartfelt love, and as if it is with us forever, we pray to Thee: look at us with Thy mercy, Mother of God, and as we now see You on the icon depicted, so vouchsafe see us at the terrible hour of death, from the hand of the devil, ripping us off and leading us into the Kingdom of Christ by Your sovereign right hand, let us thankfully cry out to You:

Rejoice, according to Bose our first refuge and cover; Rejoice, Thy motherly love embraces the whole Christian world. Rejoice, affirming the faithful in a holy life; Rejoice, giving them a good Christian death. Rejoice, delivering from the power of the fierce world-keeper who trusts in You; Rejoice, at the ordeals of the air you protect those who glorify Thee. Rejoice, opening the gates of paradise to us; Rejoice, Kingdom of Heaven to those who love You interceding. Rejoice, in the glory of heaven sitting down to Your Son and God; Rejoice, bringing into the fellowship of His glory and honoring Thee. Rejoice, health of our bodies; Rejoice, salvation of our souls.

Rejoice, Christian helper and merciful intercessor for sinful ones.

Kondak 13

O All-Singing Mother, who gave birth to the saints, the most holy Word, from Angels sung in Heaven and from people glorified on earth! Graciously accept this small prayer of ours and grant spiritual salvation and bodily health to all who faithfully honor Thee and sing to God: Alleluia.

(This kontakion is read three times, then ikos 1 and kontakion 1)


O most holy and merciful Lady Theotokos! Falling down to Your holy icon, we humbly pray to You: listen to the voice of our prayer, see our sorrows, see our troubles and, like a loving Mother, rush to help us helpless, implore Your Son and our God, that He will not destroy us for our iniquity, but will reveal us philanthropicly His mercy. Ask us, Mistress, from His goodness bodily health and spiritual salvation, and peaceful life, fruitfulness of the earth, good air, and blessing from above on all our good deeds and undertakings, our Orthodox army on all enemies victory and overcoming. And as if of old, thou didst graciously look at the humble doxology of the novice of Athos, who sang thee before thy most pure icon, and sent an angel to him to teach him to sing a heavenly song, with which the angels glorify Thee; so now accept our fervent prayer, which is offered to you. O all-singing Queen! Stretch out Your God-bearing hand to the Lord, in the image of the God-child Jesus Christ you wore, and beg Him to deliver us from all evil. Reveal, Mistress, Your mercy to us: heal the sick, comfort the grieving, help the needy and make us pious to complete this earthly life, receive the Christian shameless death and inherit the Kingdom of Heaven by Your Motherly intercession to Christ our God who was born from You, Him and His Beginningless Father and by the Holy Spirit all glory, honor and worship is due, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Akathist to the Most Holy Theotokos before Her icon "It is worthy to eat" ("Merciful")

Akathist. The history of the emergence and veneration of the icon of the Virgin. Ancient and miraculous icons and modern icons...

Commemoration of the Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos "It is Worthy to Eat": June 11/24

Icon of the Mother of God "It is worthy to eat" ("Merciful"). Historical reference

The icon of the Mother of God "It is worthy to eat" is located on the high place of the altar of the cathedral church of the Karey monastery on Athos. The time of its appearance is determined by the year 980, glorification - by 1864.

One Sunday, an old man who lived not far from Karei went to the monastery for an all-night vigil. A novice remained in the cell. At nightfall, an unknown monk knocked on his door. During the all-night service, when it was necessary to sing "The Most Honest Cherub ...", both stood before the icon of the Mother of God, called "Merciful", and the guest noticed that they first sang "It is worthy to eat, as truly, bless Thee Mother of God, Blessed and Immaculate and Mother of our God... During the singing of this hitherto unheard song, the icon of the Mother of God shone with heavenly light, and the novice wept with emotion. At his request, this marvelous song, for lack of paper, was written on a stone, softened like wax under the hand of a wonderful singer. Calling himself Gabriel, the wanderer became invisible. The icon of the Mother of God, before which the song “It is worthy to eat” was first sung, was transferred to the cathedral church of the Assumption of the Most Holy Theotokos of Karei (the administrative center of Athos). The plate with the song inscribed on it by the Archangel Gabriel was transferred to Constantinople during the patriarchate of St. Nicholas Chrysoverg (+ 995, Comm. 16 December). Numerous lists from the icon "It is worthy to eat" ("Merciful") are sacredly revered in Russian churches. In the Galernaya harbor of St. Petersburg, in honor of the Merciful Mother of God, a five-domed church was erected, in which they placed the blessed icon "Merciful" sent from Athos.

Orthodox church calendar

Akathist to the Most Holy Theotokos before Her icon "It is worthy to eat" ("Merciful")

Kondak 1

Chosen by God from the human race, serve as the embodiment of the eternal Word, most blessed Virgin Mary, worthy of praise from Angels in Heaven, we sinners on earth dare to bring laudatory singing; Hedgehog graciously receive from us, all-merciful Queen Theotokos, save us from all troubles and freedom from eternal torment, let us call Ty:

Ikos 1

The Archangel Gabriel was sent from heaven from You, Mother of God, to the humble novice of Mount Athos, who in the desert cell sang Ty songs of praise in front of Your holy icon, may he teach him to sing a heavenly song, with which the Angels glorify Thee in Zion on high. The same and we dole, remembering such Your good intentions for the people, with thanksgiving we cry out to Thysitsa:

Rejoice, worthy praise from the Archangel and Angel.

Rejoice, delighted from all heavenly powers.

Rejoice, Blessed and Immaculate.

Rejoice, Mother of our God.

Rejoice, most honest Cherubim.

Rejoice, most glorious Seraphim without comparison.

Rejoice, without the destruction of God the Word gave birth.

Rejoice, truly present Mother of God.

Rejoice, magnified in heaven and on earth.

Rejoice, hymn of heaven and earth.

Rejoice, one blessed among women.

Rejoice, having grown for us the fruit of the belly.

Rejoice, Christian Helper and merciful Intercessor for sinners.

Kondak 2

Seeing the novice of the desert, the wondrous stranger, who came to his cell and sang a most sweet song to You, the Lady, who sang, do not understand the Angel of being in him, but greatly delight in his heavenly singing and ask him to write the words of the sung song to him; When you see, as if under his finger, the stone table softened, and the words written on it deepened, as if on a fox, recognizing in this a wonderful action and cry out to God the Word born from You: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

Opening a new song with a God-illumined mind, the Archangel spoke to a novice, as if they sang to Thee, the Mother of God, Angels' faces in the abodes of heaven, and commanded him to proclaim the words of the song of heaven by man and teach them to sing to you like an angel:

Rejoice, blessed Mary.

Rejoice, for the Lord is with you.

Rejoice, blessed in women.

Rejoice, unsophisticated parent of God the Word.

Rejoice, immaculate village of the Holy Spirit.

Rejoice, thou who didst show ineffable conception.

Rejoice, you who showed incorruptible Christmas;

Rejoice, mother and virgin.

Rejoice, keeping undefiled and sacred to yourself in both.

Rejoice, Thou who hast exalted the Angels by Thy purity.

Rejoice, never-ceasing wonder of heavenly minds;

Rejoice, human exaltation.

Rejoice, Christian Helper and merciful Intercessor for sinners.

Kondak 3

By the power of God, Gabriel the Archangel turn a hard stone into soft wax and on it with his finger write the words of a song of praise to You, Mother of God, so that everyone will know the great miracle and undoubtedly believe, as they truly sing to Thee, the heavenly powers, imitating them, and we sing Your greatness, Virgin, and in spiritual joy we cry out to God who glorified Thee: Alleluia.

Ikos 3

Having simplicity of soul and an immaculate heart, a humble novice, vouchsafed angelic conversation and contemplation of the chief of the mountain forces, but we, darkened by cunning and malice, with trembling looking at Your holy icon, Lady, we pray to You diligently, turn from our malices and teach us in humility and meekness of spirit say to you:

Rejoice, having sanctified Mount Athos with Your grace-filled presence.

Rejoice, thou who filled her hills and wilds with the glory of Thy miracles.

Rejoice, thou who vouchsafed the desert dwelling of Athos to the angelic apparition.

Rejoice, having multiplied the monastic cloisters in it for the salvation of human souls.

Rejoice, and to all who remain in fasting and prayer, who promised Your intercession.

Rejoice, saving the penitent from the turmoil of the sea of ​​life.

Rejoice, grace of Thy Son and God bringing down to the places consecrated to Thee.

Rejoice, mental paradise showing the temples of God.

Rejoice, untroubled haven that dwells in those who seek salvation.

Rejoice, providing us with everything necessary for piety.

Rejoice, those who live pleasing to God, Giver of temporal and eternal blessings.

Rejoice, Intercessor to us of the Kingdom of Heaven.

Rejoice, Christian Helper and merciful Intercessor for sinners.

Kondak 4

A storm of bewilderment confuse the old monk, when I hear a new and wonderful song from the lips of my disciple and see the stone, like wax, I will accept the mark; Whenever you know about the visit of the wondrous visitor, who was named Gabriel, understand that it is, even of old, the good news to You, Virgin, the seedless conception of God the Word. The same, magnifying Your greatness, the Queen of the mountains and the valleys, joyfully singing Angels and people to the Creator: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

Hearing about the visit of the monks of Mount Athos by the Archangel, I flock to see the table, on which the former writing of the song of heaven is prenaturally inscribed, and I reverently sing Thee before Thy holy icon, the Lady, before the south, sing Thee the Archangel. Accept, therefore, our prayers, which are brought to you, with singing like this:

Rejoice, for the angelic cathedral rejoices in You.

Rejoice, for the human race triumphs in You.

Rejoice, thou who didst bear all things on thy hand.

Rejoice, thou who didst contain in Thy womb the Uncontainable One with the whole world.

Rejoice, thou who gavest flesh to Thy Creator.

Rejoice, having given birth to the most beautiful of all the sons of men.

Rejoice, thou who nourished all who nourishes with milk.

Rejoice, having taken care of Your Son, the Existing Provider of all creation.

Rejoice, praise of virginity.

Rejoice, glory to mothers.

Rejoice, having preserved your virginity at Christmas.

Rejoice, you who combined Christmas with virginity.

Rejoice, Christian Helper and merciful Intercessor for sinners.

Kondak 5

God-seer Moses sometimes on the stone tablets the law of God, inscribed with the finger of God, receive, the monks of the mountains of Athos, the heavenly song to the glory of the Mother of God, inscribed on a stone board, from the Archangel, and, by this teaching, bring angelic praise to You, chanting tacos to God who favors them: Alleluia .

Ikos 5

Seeing the head of Mount Athos, a great miracle in the appearance of the Archangel and a new song, a board with letters inscribed from the Angel was forwarded to the king and patriarch of Tsaregrad, as an assurance of the truth of this most glorious miracle; I joyfully accept thee, as a guarantee of God's good pleasure, in the entire Orthodox Church I have legislated to sing an angelic song in praise of Thee, Mother of God, and cry out to Thee in tenderness:

Rejoice, adorned with the beauty of all virtues, Virgo.

Rejoice, unmarried bride.

Rejoice, thou who didst increase the unfading flower of Christ.

Rejoice, verbal paradise, Vegetated tree of life for us.

Rejoice, heavenly hay, preserving us from the heat of passions.

Rejoice, cover of the world, broader than the clouds.

Rejoice, blessed-leaved tree, giving saving coolness to the faithful.

Rejoice, Source of Living Water, who does not die from any drink.

Rejoice, Judge of the righteous supplication; Rejoice, forgiveness of our sins.

Rejoice, dwelling in the glory of heaven at the right hand of God.

Rejoice, thou who does not leave the earthly by Thy mercy.

Rejoice, Christian Helper and merciful Intercessor for sinners.

Kondak 6

The Holy Church preaches the greatness of Your miracles, Mary the Mother of God, and brightly flaunts, singing the angelic song of You, brought from heaven to earth by the clerk of the heavenly forces Gabriel; Pray with him, the Most Pure Lady, to Your Son and God, that Her Church will be unshakable in piety and put to shame by all heretical and schismatic uprisings, but we, Her children, will be worthy to sing to Him without condemnation: Alleluia.

Ikos 6

Thou hast shone with many rays of miracles, O merciful Mother of God, through Thy holy icon, the Lady, and with these, not only Mount Athos, but also the most places lit up Thou, let us learn to call Thee:

Rejoice, our joy, delighting sorrowful hearts, open to Thee.

Rejoice, good Intercessor, accelerating us to help.

Rejoice, giving us a saving pledge in Your icon.

Rejoice, Mount Athos and many countries glorifying it.

Rejoice, our famous Hope.

Rejoice, our shameless hope.

Rejoice, sorrow for our resolution.

Rejoice, satisfaction of our sorrows.

Rejoice, affirmation of the Orthodox faith.

Rejoice, shame of unbelief and evil faith.

Rejoice, divine manifestation of love.

Rejoice, accomplishment of glorious miracles.

Rejoice, Christian Helper and merciful Intercessor for sinners.

Kondak 7

To those who want to reap salvation, the merciful Patron and Helper appear, Mother of God, and intercede for them forever to Your Son and God, if anyone falls into some kind of sin, is overlaid with the weakness of the flesh, both of You receive resurrection for salvation, as if you want everyone to be saved and in the mind truth come to those who sing to Christ God: Alleluia.

Ikos 7

A new heaven and a new earth have been prepared from Your Son and God for those who love Him, O All-good Lady, to them with the banner of Thee, the Guide is pretty good. The same we pray to Thee, do not let us perish in the wilds of sin, but lead us along the right path to the land of light and eternal joy, let us cry out to You in praise:

Rejoice, Zion on high is the first adornment.

Rejoice, ever-ready intercession of the cloisters of the valleys.

Rejoice, good earth, Who has raised the saving class of the world.

Rejoice, unwounded field, fertilized by the Holy Spirit.

Rejoice, thou who didst receive the Fire of the Divine into Thy womb.

Rejoice, thou who quenched the smoothness of fallen mankind with the bread of life.

Rejoice, Throne of the King of Glory.

Rejoice, adorned chamber of the Almighty.

Rejoice, temple of the animated God of the Trinity.

Rejoice, door of the Lord, through which the Son of God come to us.

Rejoice, Christian Helper and merciful Intercessor for sinners.

Kondak 8

The strange appearance of the Archangel, sometimes on Mount Athosstei, the look was Divine, by which Thy all-singing name, Mary the Mother of God, was glorified, and all the faithful learned to sing angelically to Thee, the most honest Cherubim and the most glorious Seraphim Mother of our God, every creature rejoices in Neizha and the human race gratefully cries out to the Lord: Alleluia.

Ikos 8

We place all our hope in Thee, Mother of God, and in our sorrows we diligently flow to Thy holy icon, hoping to receive grace-filled consolation from her. Help us, O Lady, to endure all sorrows with patience and thanksgiving, and instead of the murmuring of the faint-hearted, sympathetically cry out to Thee:

Rejoice, Joy to all who mourn.

Rejoice, Consolation of all the sad.

Rejoice, to those who labor and are burdened with sweet peace.

Rejoice, life-giving joy for the sick and distressed.

Rejoice, in the hour of mournful bewilderment, you put a good thought in your heart.

Rejoice, inspiring in the days of despondency with the hope of eternal blessings.

Rejoice, stretching out a helping hand to the tempted.

Rejoice, thou who takes away the wrath of God from our heads.

Rejoice, thou who bestows a peaceful dispensation overwhelmed by misfortunes.

Rejoice, thou who wonderfully fulfills our good desires.

Rejoice, crowning the patient sufferers with gifts of grace.

Rejoice, thou who vouchsafed the bliss of paradise to all those who are well-behaved.

Rejoice, Christian Helper and merciful Intercessor for sinners.

Kondak 9

All the Angels of heaven appease Thee with incessant praises, the Queen and Mistress of all creation, but we, earthly and ringed, what worthy praise will we bring to Thee, All-petal? Both, hoping for Your innumerable mercy, compelling love for You, we sing Your miracles, we preach Your good deeds, we glorify Your name and, diligently falling to Your holy icon, slavishly crying out to the God-child Christ depicted on it together with You: Alleluia.

Ikos 9

Vityus of rhetoric, the verbs are not satisfied with the singing of Your miracles, Mother of God, both a good being, graciously accept our faith instead of a rhetorical blessing, weigh more and our love, with which our hearts are filled with You. At the same time, kindly hear our simple songs;

Rejoice, thou who didst contain the Word of the throne of the Father in Thy ladle.

Rejoice, you who gave birth to the unstoppable Light.

Rejoice, thou who bestowed eternal life upon the world through thy birth.

Rejoice, O Pre-Eternal, like a Child, who carried in Your hand.

Rejoice, animated city of the All-Tsar.

Rejoice, sanctified tabernacle of the living God.

Rejoice, lower one who combined with the higher ones.

Rejoice, peacemaker, filled with the Divine world.

Rejoice, good guilty one.

Rejoice, evil change.

Rejoice, strong weapon against enemies.

Rejoice, indestructible shield of the faithful.

Rejoice, Christian Helper and merciful Intercessor for sinners.

Kondak 10

Your earthly lot, truly holy Mount Athos, Virgin Mother of God, marked by many of Your miracles, has appeared as a saving refuge from the vanities of the beautiful world. But in every place, with love, hear and intercede for those who call on You, but do not cease to beg Your Son, O All-good One, that His grace does not depart from the places, where in the assembly of the faithful a laudatory song is sung to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

Thou art the wall of a virgin, Blessed Virgin, and the pillar is strong from the face of the enemy by all the ascetic of piety: For you have been given the great power of the dark infernal forces to conquer and deliver from the temptations of their soul-destroying people, especially those who are chaste and holy on earth. For the sake of virginity and chastity, zealots, according to You, call:

Rejoice, shining with purity more than the sun.

Rejoice, beginning of virginity and sanctification.

Rejoice, krine, fragrant fallen mankind.

Rejoice, in Your humility overshadowed by the grace of the Most High.

Rejoice, faithful servant of the Lord.

Rejoice, for thee are blessed by all birth.

Rejoice, for thou hast done greatness, Mighty One.

Rejoice, for you co-reign with your Son in eternal glory.

Rejoice, intercessor of God to people of good will.

Rejoice, boldness inspiring sinners to God.

Rejoice, inexhaustible source of mercy and bounty.

Rejoice, filled with compassion for those who suffer.

Rejoice, Christian Helper and merciful Intercessor for sinners.

Kondak 11

Our singing, even if it were dark in number, would not amount to a worthy glorification of Thy mercies, Blessed Mother of God, which you unceasingly pour out to our kind; both let us not be ungrateful, we will appear before You, according to our laudable strength, we will describe Thee with faith and love, and, remembering Your innumerable miracles, we cry out to the Supreme Creator of miracles God: Alleluia.

Ikos 11

With light-giving rays of miracles, Your icon, O All-Merciful Lady, on the Holy Mount Athos and everywhere shines unfailingly and enlightens the whole Orthodox world with grace. For this sake, from the ancient years, Orthodox cathedrals come to her to worship, tenderly singing praises of Ty such as this before her:

Rejoice, having revealed the King Christ to the world.

Rejoice, depicted on Your icon together with Him.

Rejoice, mysterious tick, foreseen by Isaiah.

Rejoice, unburned bush, foreseen by the God-seer Moses.

Rejoice, fleece irrigated by Gideon.

Rejoice, more often in autumn, sung by Habakkuk.

Rejoice, closed door, shown to Ezekiel.

Rejoice, you who were not insects, appeared to Daniel.

Rejoice, foretold in many ways by the prophets.

Rejoice, thou who didst bring forth prophetic utterances.

Rejoice, Christian Helper and merciful Intercessor for sinners.

Kondak 12

Grace, partaking of Your icon, Virgin Mother of God, like a precious treasure, the Church of Christ from You gave up, in it you promised to be with us until the end of the age, speaking about Your original icon: "My grace and strength are with her!" We believe, O All-Permanent One, that this word of Thy will not be impoverished, and as if in the icon of Thy saints in every place and here you are with us, where the song of praise is faithfully sung to Your Son and God: Alleluia.

Ikos 12

Singing Thy miracles, Mother of God, we zealously bow down to Thy holy icon, kiss it with heartfelt love and, as if it is with us, we pray to Thee: look at us with Thy mercy, Mother of God, and, as we now see Thee on the icon depicted, taco see us at the terrible hour of death, from the hand of the devil, ripping us off and leading us into the Kingdom of Christ by Your sovereign right hand, let us thankfully cry out to You:

Rejoice, according to Bose our first refuge and cover.

Rejoice, Thy Mother's love embraces the whole Christian world.

Rejoice, affirming the faithful in a holy life.

Rejoice, giving them a good Christian death.

Rejoice, redeemer from the power of the fierce world-keeper who trusts in You.

Rejoice, thou who stands up for those who glorify Thee in the ordeals of the air.

Rejoice, opening the gates of paradise to us.

Rejoice, Kingdom of Heaven to those who love You, who intercede.

Rejoice, in the glory of heaven sitting down to Your Son and God.

Rejoice, bringing into the fellowship of His Glory and honoring Thee.

Rejoice, health of our bodies; Rejoice, salvation of our souls.

Rejoice, Christian Helper and merciful Intercessor for sinners.

Kondak 13

O all-singing Mother, who gave birth to the saints, the Most Holy Word, sung from Angels in Heaven and glorified from man on earth! Graciously accept this small prayer of ours and grant spiritual salvation and bodily health to all who faithfully honor Thee and sing to God: Alleluia.

This kontakion is read three times, then the ikos 1st "Archangel Gabriel..." and the kontakion 1st "Chosen by God...".

Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos before Her icon "It is worthy to eat" ("Merciful")

O most holy and merciful Lady Theotokos! Falling down to Your holy icon, we humbly pray to You: listen to the voice of our prayer, see our sorrows, see our troubles and, like a loving Mother, rush to help us helpless, implore Your Son and our God, that He will not destroy us for our iniquities, but will reveal us philanthropicly His mercy. Ask us, Mistress, from His goodness bodily health and spiritual salvation, and peaceful life, fruitfulness of the earth, good air, and blessing from above on all our good deeds and undertakings, our Orthodox army on all enemies victory and overcoming. And as of old, thou didst graciously look at the humble doxology of the novice of Athos, who sang to Thee before Thy most pure icon, and sent an angel to him to teach him to sing a song from heaven, with which the Angels glorify Thee, so now accept our zealous prayer, brought to Thee. O all-singing Queen! Stretch out your God-bearing hands to the Lord, you wore the image of the God-child Jesus Christ, and beg Him to deliver us from all evil. Reveal, Mistress, Your mercy to us: heal the sick, comfort the grieving, help the needy and make us pious to complete this earthly life, receive the Christian shameless death and inherit the Kingdom of Heaven by Your Motherly intercession to Christ our God who was born from You, Him and His Beginningless Father and by the Holy Spirit all glory, honor and worship is due, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Troparion to the Most Holy Theotokos in front of Her icon "It is worthy to eat" ("Merciful"), tone 4

All Athos fathers, gather together, faithfully celebrating, today rejoicing and brightly exclaiming all in joy, God's Mother Mother is now gloriously sung from the Angel. Temzhe, like the Mother of God, we glorify this everlasting.

John troparion to the Most Holy Theotokos before Her icon "It is worthy to eat", ("Merciful") the voice of the same

Father, faithful, with boldness to the merciful Queen Theotokos and touchingly appeal to Her: send Your rich mercy on us: save our Church, keep people in prosperity, deliver our land from all circumstances, grant peace to the world and salvation to our souls.

Kontakion of the Mother of God before Her icon "It is worthy to eat" ("Merciful"), tone 4

All Athos is celebrating today, as if the song was received from the Angel miraculously to You, the Pure Mother of God, All creation honors, glorifies.

In kontakion of the Mother of God before Her icon "It is worthy to eat" ("Merciful"), tone 8

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