Spirovsky district, the village of Ramenye. Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

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Village Ramenier was in the 16th century. in the palace office. In the Time of Troubles, it was ruined, because in the cadastral books of 1634 it is mentioned: “The wasteland, which was the village of Ramenye, and in it there are three church places, 17 courtyard cell places ...”.

In 1637, the wasteland was bought "from the palace" by the steward Vasily Andreevich Kolychev. He settled peasants here and then rebuilt a wooden church in honor of the Nativity of John the Baptist.

Then the princes Lobanov-Rostovsky owned the village. In 1715, the wooden Forerunner Church was still listed in the village of Ramenye, and already according to the documents of 1735, the church “Renewal of the Holy Church of the Resurrection of Christ, and the limit of John the Baptist, and another limit of Flora and Laurus” was indicated; at that church there is a wooden bell tower. In 1795 a new wooden church was built to replace the dilapidated one.

In 1871-1895. on the site of a dismantled dilapidated wooden one, a stone church was erected in the Empire style with the same thrones.

In the middle of the XIX century. the village of Ramenye belonged to N.P. Glebova-Streshneva (Brevern). In 1875, a zemstvo hospital was opened here, in 1883 - a zemstvo school. By 1912, an agricultural plot and a higher primary school appeared in the village.

In 1937, the Church of the Nativity of John the Baptist (Resurrection of the Speaking) was closed and adapted for a tractor station, then for workshops and a boiler room, which was taken out of the building only in 2002.

In 1991, the temple was handed over to believers. Gradually, it takes on a handsome appearance. Divine services are held only in the summer.


The village of Ramenye, Shakhovsky District, has a common name in the Moscow region: from the Slavic word "oramaya" - arable land.

For the first time the village is mentioned in the spiritual testament of Prince Fyodor Borisovich of Volotsk, compiled around 1506 on the eve of the campaign against Kazan. According to the Kholmogorovs, this palace village was devastated during the Lithuanian invasion at the beginning of the 17th century and became a wasteland.

Prior to this, there were 3 places of church, 17 places of yard cells, 49 places of yard peasant tax and 17 places of bobyl quitrents. Ruined by the Polish-Lithuanian troops, Ramenye was acquired in the palace department in 1629 by the steward Vasily Andreevich Kolychev.

He settled the wasteland with peasants, and also revived the Church of John the Baptist. In the middle of the 17th century, the village passed into the possession of Prince Ivan Ivanovich Lobanovo-Rostovsky and belonged to his heirs for more than a hundred years. After the death of Prince I. I. Lobanovo-Rostovsky in 1664, the widow of Prince Fetinya Ivanovna, his second wife and son Yakov, owned the village.

The heirs of Prince Yakov Ivanovich Lobanovo-Rostovsky, who died in 1732, were his widow Princess Natalya Grigoryevna with two unmarried daughters Agrafena and Fetinya, as well as a daughter, Princess Dolgorukova Alexandra Yakovlevna, a son, Prince Ivan Yakovlevich Lobanovo-Rostovsky, a daughter-in-law, widow Nastasya Mikhailovna Lobanovo-Rostovskaya, a grandson - Fedor Mikhailovich Lobanovo-Rostovsky.

All of them were allocated parts of the former princely estate. In 1743, the wife of Fedor's deceased grandson, Princess Anna Ivanovna, sold her part of the inherited estate in the village of Ramenye to her brother Nikita Ivanovich Kozhin, which I. I. Lobanovo-Rostovsky bought 14 years later.

By inheritance, he also received part of the estate that belonged to Princess A. Ya. Dolgorukova. His aunt, Fetinya Yakovlevna Sheremeteva, sold her part of the village in 1775 to I. N. Streshnev.

It is known that several churches replaced each other in Ramenya. In 1635, the Church of St. John the Baptist, which existed here before the Polish-Lithuanian invasion, was revived. The next one was built in 1795 - a two-set wooden church in the name of the renewal of the Church of the Resurrection of Christ with the chapels of John the Baptist, Florus and Laurus, in the parish of which there were 432 courtyards, including 2080 men and 2288 women. In 1871-1895. a stone church was built, which has survived to this day in a hipped style, rare for the 19th century.

According to the handwritten General Map of the Volokolamsk district early XIX century, compiled by the district surveyor Tronov, the village of Ramenye in the 19th century was located on the Zubtsovsky tract.

Studies of our neighbors - local historians of the Zubtsovsky district of the Tver region indicate that A.S. Pushkin passed only along the Zubtsovsky tract, which means through the village. Ramenier, several times: in 1828, 1829, 1833 and last time on October 10, 1834.

It was the most economical road, since here in the winter there was the cheapest food. In the middle of the 19th century, the village of Ramenye belonged to Natalya Petrovna Glebova-Streshneva and F. L. Brevern and consisted of 38 households.

In view of the favorable location on the Zubtsovsky tract, bazaars gathered here on Tuesdays. The son of a well-known friend of the Decembrists, Valentin Mikhailovich Shakhovsky, Mikhail, having married in 1862 Evgenia Fedorovna Brevern, the daughter of Fyodor Logginovich Brevern and Natalia Petrovna Glebova Streshneva, becomes the owner of not only his wife’s huge fortune, including the village of Ramenye, but also receives the surname and coat of arms of the Glebov-Streshnev family.

It is interesting that the Shakhovskaya station is named after E.F. Shakhovskaya-Glebova-Streshneva, who had a manor in Ramenye at the end of the last century. On the eve of the abolition of serfdom in the possessions of the Brevern family, unrest of peasants against drinking farms was noted: the fact of the destruction of a damask shop in the village is known. Ramenier due to the poor quality of the wine and the expensive price in June 1859. In 1875, a Zemstvo hospital with 10 beds was opened here, in 1883, a Zemstvo school.

In 1912, there were 58 households in the village of Ramenye, Kulpinsky volost, Volokolamsk district. By that time, an agricultural plot, a higher primary school, appeared here, for which a separate stone building was built in 1913, which has survived to this day. During these times, a credit partnership, a consumer society, and a savings bank also operated in Ramenya, and one of the best veterinary clinics in the Moscow province was built.

The construction of the Shakhovskaya-Ramenye highway, 8.5 versts long, has begun. In November 1916, the Ramensky section of out-of-school education was created (headed by Bugaeva O.P.), a library, evening courses for adults, a drama club, and the People's House were opened.

The Soviet period in the history of the village was marked by the creation in 1920 of one of the first Komsomol cells in the district. In 1924, Ramenye became the center of the parish. According to the 1926 census, 501 people lived in the village. In the same year, a dairy cooperative was organized in the village, and in 1928, 6 peasant households united into a partnership for joint cultivation of the land (TOZ).

The agronomists of the Volokolamsk county agricultural department K. I. Serebryannikov and P. A. Chentsov helped in the creation of the partnership. The Komsomol cell, headed by M.A. Pavlov and I.I. Tikhomirov, was also active in agitating the peasants. The partnership included 15 poor and middle peasant households.

The local peasant M. G. Nikonov was elected chairman of the TOZ. Since 1927, with the approval of the Charter of the agricultural artel named after the cruiser "Aurora", more than sixty-five years of history of the famous collective farm began, one of the first chairmen of which was Vasily Ivanovich Terekhin.

During the Nazi occupation, the village was almost completely burned down, the school, the machine and tractor station were destroyed. The construction teams of the Ramensky district of the Moscow region helped to restore the village.

Thanks to the tireless work of the chairman of the collective farm, A.I. Kondratyev, from a small area (755.53 hectares) the collective farm turned into a large-scale agricultural production with a strong material and technical base by the 70s.

On the central estate of the collective farm named after the cruiser "Aurora" in 1966, the first large-format cinema in the region was opened. In 1983, the Avrorovets Komsomol youth detachment began to operate on the Frolovskaya farm of the collective farm, which for several years was the winner of the socialist competition in the region.

At the expense of the collective farm under A.I. Kondratiev in the village of Ramenye, a microdistrict was built from multi-storey buildings, a secondary school, a house of life, kindergarten… Today the village of Ramenye is the center of the administrative rural district. difficult period outlives JSC "Ramenye", established in 1992.

And yet the ancient village of Ramenye is developing: quite recently natural gas has been installed. The church is reborn.


  • Coat of arms of the rural settlement of Ramenskoye (Shakhovsky municipal district) of the Moscow region

Ramenye village.

From the protocol of the interrogation of the Hieromartyr Alexy of Siberia:

Tell me, accused Sibirsky, how long have you known Narcissov?

I met priest Narcissov in June 1936, when he came to me in Kozlovo as a dean in search of a priest's position. I recommended Narcissov to go to the village of Ramenye Spirovskiy district, where there was a free place of the priest. In the village of Ramenye, Narcissov was not registered, so he left and did not visit me again ...

I first came to the village of Ramenye with Mikhail Ivanovich Proshkin, having heard about him from the story of my father, who at that time was serving the sun. Kozlovo and knew its surroundings well. He told me about the arch of the church gates, which are visible on the edge of the cemetery birch grove from the bus window.

Mikhail Ivanovich and I found this arch, and besides it, we found the foundations of the wooden St. Nicholas Church, which until recently stood on this churchyard, the foundations of the fence, hitching posts and several ancient burials.

My second trip to Ramenya took place in the spring of 2011 together with Alexei Kryuchkov. This time the purpose of the expedition was to photograph everything that was preserved from the Ramenskoye churchyard. By this time, I could already tell my companions about the history of this small settlement.

The village of Ramenye was first mentioned in the scribe book of Bezhetskaya Pyatina for 1545 as part of the Spassky churchyard on Klints: The village of Ramenye: the yard is large, and in it is Shishka himself, and his people: the yard of Okish, the yard of Ivashko and Ovdokimko, the yard of his clerk Stanko, arable land in the field 15 boxes, and in two of them, 30 kopecks of hay, and 15 kopecks of hay on the river Medvedets, obezh. Then the usual village of Ramenye did not have its own temple - it appeared later.

It will be mentioned for the first time in 1583 and will be dedicated to Nicholas the Wonderworker. A document was kept in the archive of the parish - an extract from the same scribe book, from which it followed that the lands were listed at that time "for Princess Romonida and her children Michael, Maria and Anisya." The yard of the princess with her son also stood in the village, and the land behind it was 304 acres 1200 fathoms.

The earliest case concerning the Ramensky parish dates back to 1770 and tells of a wooden church burned down in February. The temple was built again in 1774. In 1800, a new antimension was sent to the temple to replace the old one. Two years later, the temple was robbed, church money was stolen.

In 1805 the temple was sheathed with a new board, and in 1827 the board on the roof of the church was replaced. 1835 - the first steps are taken to build a new church, the first money is donated. 1837 - one more thousand rubles is added to the amount accumulated at the church. In the same year, the clergy, apparently deciding to start building the temple, asked the consistory to allow them to build a small chapel, where services would be held while it was being built. new church. But fate decreed otherwise - on June 16, 1837, the church burned down. In the same 1837, the construction of a new one began. According to the testimony of the priest Ramenya Alexei Zavyalov, the church was consecrated on March 12, 1839. But even after that, a combined book was issued twice in 1838 and 1840. In 1843 the throne was consecrated again. A cruciform wooden church with an octagonal hipped dome, the church would adorn the village of Ramenye until the 1980s.

Twice during the first post-construction years, the clergy asked to renew the church iconostasis. This happened in 1843 and 1846. Apparently the iconostasis was removed from old church. Although the priesthood of the temple in the inventory of ancient things of the St. Nicholas Church made a record that the temple burned twice and therefore nothing ancient was preserved in it. Mentioned only from ancient things "The image of the Saint and the Wonderworker Nicholas, length and width of 8 inches in a silver riza with the same crown of 84 tests, weighing 1 and 63 pounds in it." The icon was painted in 1720 and on it was the inscription “Lavrenty Trifonov painted this image.”

1848 - The clergy asks for permission to rebuild a detached bell tower. Literally a year later, a petition for permission to pour the bell follows. 1852 A new antimension is issued to the St. Nicholas Church.

1853 - The clergy decide to build a warm chapel in the church in the name of St. Alexander Nevsky. For these purposes, a collection book is issued. In 1856 the chapel was ready for consecration and the consecration was carried out.

1863 - the question of the restoration of the iconostasis again arises. Apparently its dilapidation did not give rest to the clergy. A year later, the headman Ivan Savin was dismissed from his post, a year later a combined book was issued, but it is difficult to say for what needs - the case has not been preserved.

In 1883, 25 rubles were donated for the needs of the church, and a year later the bell was poured. In 1893, the second church chapel was re-consecrated. The peasants decided to dedicate the chapel to the right-believing Prince Alexander Nevsky, the patron of Emperor Alexander 3. The reason for this was the salvation of the emperor and his family during a train crash. The decision of the parishioners to rename the chapel was reported to the Holy Synod and the Emperor. The case was entitled "On bringing to the attention of the Sovereign Emperor about loyal feelings."

In the same year, 1893, a parish chapel was built. In total, there were two chapels in the Ramensky parish. One of them was in the village of Gorma, dedicated to St. Nicholas. The second - in Krutov was in honor of the martyrs Florus and Laurus. Both were wooden.

1895 - a library was established at the parish. All this was done in the presence of the elderly priest of the church, who at the same time was also the confessor of the surrounding parishes. Under Batiushka, a lot has changed in the parish. So in 1897 the wooden St. Nicholas Church was completely painted. The village itself and its priest left such impressions with the Bishop of Tver Dmitry in 1899. “The church is wooden, built on an elevated stone and visible from afar; outside it is all painted in dark blue. There are two aisles in it: the main one is dedicated to St. Nicholas, and the aisle in the refectory is in the name of the holy noble prince Alexander Nevsky. The priest, a venerable elder, confessor of the district clergy, laid out all the documents for previous years, so that it was difficult to sort them out; along with the documents he put several books from the church library, mostly manuals for preachers. The church inside is poor in decorations, not rich in utensils. Around the church there is a parish cemetery, the contents are not in proper order, some of the graves have very good monuments.”

The Bishop also left impressions of the local school: “Vs. Ramenier is a literacy school, and teaching in it is unsatisfactory. A special building was built for the school - a wooden one, on which a large sign flaunts with a beautiful inscription in Slavic letters "Church-parochial school", which does not correspond either to the course taken in it or to the answers of the children asked according to the Law of God. In front of the school building there was a table covered with a white tablecloth, and bread and salt was placed on it - schoolchildren were placed on both sides, headed by a teacher, the daughter of a local priest. Children don't sing in church."

In 1897, the clergy filed a complaint against the headman of the chapel in the village of Krutovo, the peasant Alexei Kodratov, who did not hand over the income collected in this chapel to the parish cashier. In 1900, 33 rubles were stolen from the church. The impoverished parish was forced to take extreme measures - he asked permission to sell part of the forest at auction, which in 1857 the clergy bought for their needs. In 1902, in addition to everything, a plot of land belonging to the clergy was sold. With this money in 1903 the parishioners were able to pour the broken bell.

In 1901 priest Alexy Savelyevich (?) Zavyalov, aged 59, graduated from the theological seminary, served in the ministry since 1868, priest since 1870. OAlexy was a teacher of the Law of God in the parish school, a deputy and confessor of the surrounding clergy, in 1898 he was awarded a kamilavka. The psalmist Nikita Ivanovich Arkhangelsky, aged 42, served with him, graduated from a religious school, and has been in office since 1881.

The parish of the village of Ramenye included the villages of Baranovo, Crosses, where, according to the legend, the monastery treasures were buried, Krutovo, Tsivilevo, Kamenka, Berezayka, Kurgany, Gorma. There were 167 parish households in total, 483 men and 482 women.

In 1915, the parish had a new rector, Priest Theodore of Kazan, aged 39, graduated from the Seminary, and had been in the ministry for 9 years. The psalmist was also new - Nikolai Bogoslovsky, 26 years old, from a religious school, in the service for 6 years. 59 students studied at the parochial school, the fee for teaching the law was 30 rubles. The number of parishioners has increased - 545 men, 525 women.

In the 1930s the parish lost its priest. Local Dean Fr. Alexey Sibirsky sent priest Narcissov here, as follows from the materials of the criminal case, but he did not go. In the same 1930s. the church was closed.

They dismantled the Ramenskaya church from dilapidation, and during disassembly they found a fallen forged cross from the temple. Now it is placed on the site of the altar of the church. We discovered this cross during our last visit to Ramenya in 2011. We also found several tombstones without inscriptions. The arch of the gates - everything that reminded of the temple collapsed. So the memory of the history that once boiled in these places perishes.

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November 21 Museum of the rural parish with. Matveevo was visited by the Head of the Spirovskiy District Dmitry Mikhailov and the Dean of the Churches of the Spirovskiy District, Archpriest Sergiy Sopizhuk. The head of the museum and its creator, Denis Ivlev, gave a tour for the guests, spoke about the history of the parish and peasant life. Of particular interest was the old gramophone. The guests listened to musical compositions on old records. In conclusion, everyone took a group photo and agreed to meet again at the museum.

On November 21, the Orthodox Church celebrates the memory of the Cathedral of the Archangel Michael and other Incorporeal Forces. Archangel Michael is the leader of the Heavenly Host, one of the seven Archangels. He opposed Dennitsa - Satan, when he decided to imagine himself equal to God, and I will cast him and his minions into the depths of Hell. Every year this day is special for our parish. On November 21, our rector Archpriest Mikhail Ivlev celebrates the birthday and the day of the Angel, who has been serving in the parish of St. Matveevo. This year our father turned 50 years old.
Batyushka was born in Vyshny Volochek in the family of a veteran of the Great Patriotic War, a blockade fighter, Sergey Dmitrievich Ivlev. After serving in the army, he was ordained a priest. Served in Epiphany Cathedral Vyshny Volochok, in temples with. Spasskoye, Zubtsovsky district, Maksatikha settlement, s. Alekseykovo Forest District.
Father Mikhail took over the parish in 2000. especially many economic problems accumulated by this time in temples with a roof, heating, legal registration. During this time, Father Mikhail was not only able to solve them, but also to build new temple St. Alexander Nevsky in the village Biryuchevo, as well as to begin the revival of churches in the village. Georgievsky (Novgorodka) and a chapel in the village of Trubino. During this time, the Museum of the Rural Parish was created in Matveevo, the holy well in the Black Ruchey estate was revived, worship crosses were installed in the Black Ruche, Matveevo and Chudiny. The icon returned to the parish in 2008 Reverend Nile with a particle of his relics (list). Special celebrations were held in 2005 - the 460th anniversary of the parish and the village of Matveevo, in 2008 the 100th anniversary of the appearance of the Monk Nile to the landowner V.I. Bazhanov and in 2012 the celebrations on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the Patriotic War of 1812. The village of Matveevo itself was also transformed. Classes are held with children, excursions, pilgrims from different parts of Russia are accepted.
Residents of the surrounding villages and friends of the priest gathered for the divine service in Matveyevo, despite the weekday, who warmly congratulated the rector at the end of Divine Liturgy. Congratulations were read by the oldest parishioner and former teacher elementary school With. Matveevo Maria Vasilievna Trofimova and the altar server of the temple Viktor Vasilyevich Pavlov. Congratulate about. Michael, the dean of the Spirov deanery, Fr. Sergiy Sopizhuk and the Head of the Spirovsky district Dmitry Mikhailov, representatives of the Krasnoznamensky administration rural settlement and schools. Photos of worship and congratulations in our group: https://vk.com/album-148734314_256996147?act=edit.

Moscow region, Shakhovskoy district. The administrative center of the village. settlement Ramenskoe.
889 inhabitants in 2004, 877 in 2010 (census data).
The village of Ramenye, Shakhovsky District, has a common name in the Moscow region: from the Slavic word "oramaya" - arable land.

For the first time the village is mentioned in the spiritual testament of Prince Fyodor Borisovich of Volotsk, compiled around 1506 on the eve of the campaign against Kazan. According to the Kholmogorovs, this palace village was devastated during the Lithuanian invasion at the beginning of the 17th century and became a wasteland.

Prior to this, there were 3 places of church, 17 places of yard cells, 49 places of yard peasant tax and 17 places of bobyl quitrents. Ruined by the Polish-Lithuanian troops, Ramenye was acquired in the palace department in 1629 by the steward Vasily Andreevich Kolychev.

He settled the wasteland with peasants, and also revived the Church of John the Baptist. In the middle of the 17th century, the village passed into the possession of Prince Ivan Ivanovich Lobanovo-Rostovsky and belonged to his heirs for more than a hundred years. After the death of Prince I.I. Lobanovo-Rostovsky in 1664, the widow of Prince Fetinya Ivanovna, his second wife and son Yakov, owned the village.

The heirs of Prince Yakov Ivanovich Lobanovo-Rostovsky, who died in 1732, were his widow Princess Natalya Grigoryevna with two unmarried daughters Agrafena and Fetinya, as well as a daughter, Princess Dolgorukova Alexandra Yakovlevna, a son, Prince Ivan Yakovlevich Lobanovo-Rostovsky, a daughter-in-law, widow Nastasya Mikhailovna Lobanovo-Rostovskaya, a grandson - Fedor Mikhailovich Lobanovo-Rostovsky.

All of them were allocated parts of the former princely estate. In 1743, the wife of Fedor's deceased grandson, Princess Anna Ivanovna, sold her part of the inherited estate in the village of Ramenye to her brother Nikita Ivanovich Kozhin, which I.I. bought 14 years later. Lobanovo-Rostovsky.

By inheritance, he also received part of the estate that belonged to Princess A.Ya. Dolgorukova. His aunt, Fetinya Yakovlevna Sheremeteva, sold her part of the village in 1775 to I.N. Streshnev.

It is known that several churches replaced each other in Ramenya. In 1635, the Church of St. John the Baptist, which existed here before the Polish-Lithuanian invasion, was revived. The next one was built in 1795 - a two-component wooden church in the name of the renovation of the Church of the Resurrection of Christ with side chapels of John the Baptist, Florus and Laurus, in the parish of which there were 432 courtyards, including 2080 men and 2288 women. In 1871-1895. a stone church was built, which has survived to this day in a hipped style, rare for the 19th century.

According to the handwritten General Map of the Volokolamsk district of the beginning of the 19th century, compiled by the county surveyor Tronov, the village of Ramenye in the 19th century was located on the Zubtsovsky tract.

Studies of our neighbors - local historians of the Zubtsovsky district of the Tver region indicate that A.S. Pushkin passed only along the Zubtsovsky tract, which means through the village. Ramenier, several times: in 1828, 1829, 1833 and last time on October 10, 1834.

It was the most economical road, since here in the winter there was the cheapest food. In the middle of the 19th century, the village of Ramenye belonged to Natalya Petrovna Glebova-Streshneva and F.L. Brevern and consisted of 38 yards.

In view of the favorable location on the Zubtsovsky tract, bazaars gathered here on Tuesdays. The son of a well-known friend of the Decembrists, Valentin Mikhailovich Shakhovsky, Mikhail, having married in 1862 Evgenia Fedorovna Brevern, the daughter of Fyodor Logginovich Brevern and Natalia Petrovna Glebova Streshneva, becomes the owner of not only his wife’s huge fortune, including the village of Ramenye, but also receives the surname and coat of arms of the Glebov-Streshnev family.

It is interesting that the Shakhovskaya station is named after E.F. Shakhovskaya-Glebova-Streshneva, who had a manor in Ramenye at the end of the last century. On the eve of the abolition of serfdom in the possessions of the Brevern family, unrest of peasants against drinking farms was noted: the fact of the destruction of a damask shop in the village is known. Ramenier due to the poor quality of the wine and the expensive price in June 1859. In 1875, a Zemstvo hospital with 10 beds was opened here, in 1883, a Zemstvo school.

In 1912, there were 58 households in the village of Ramenye, Kulpinsky volost, Volokolamsk district. By that time, an agricultural plot, a higher primary school, appeared here, for which a separate stone building was built in 1913, which has survived to this day. During these times, a credit partnership, a consumer society, and a savings bank also operated in Ramenya, and one of the best veterinary clinics in the Moscow province was built.

The construction of the Shakhovskaya-Ramenye highway, 8.5 versts long, has begun. In November 1916, the Ramensky section of out-of-school education was created (headed by Bugaeva O.P.), a library, evening courses for adults, a drama club, and the People's House were opened.

The Soviet period in the history of the village was marked by the creation in 1920 of one of the first Komsomol cells in the district. In 1924, Ramenye became the center of the parish. According to the 1926 census, 501 people lived in the village. In the same year, a dairy cooperative was organized in the village, and in 1928, 6 peasant households united into a partnership for joint cultivation of the land (TOZ).

The agronomists of the Volokolamsk county agricultural department K.I. helped in the creation of the partnership. Serebryannikov and P.A. Chentsov. The Komsomol cell headed by M.A. was also active in agitating the peasants. Pavlov and I.I. Tikhomirov. The partnership included 15 poor and middle peasant households.

The local peasant M.G. was elected chairman of the TOZ. Nikonov. Since 1927, with the approval of the Charter of the agricultural artel named after the cruiser "Aurora", more than sixty-five years of history of the famous collective farm, one of the first chairmen of which was Vasily Ivanovich Terekhin, began.

During the Nazi occupation, the village was almost completely burned down, the school, the machine and tractor station were destroyed. The construction teams of the Ramensky district of the Moscow region helped to restore the village.

Thanks to the tireless work of the collective farm chairman A.I. Kondratiev, from a small area (755.53 ha) farm, the collective farm turned into a large-scale agricultural production with a strong material and technical base by the 70s.

On the central estate of the collective farm named after the cruiser "Aurora" in 1966, the first large-format cinema in the region was opened. In 1983, the Avrorovets Komsomol youth detachment began to operate on the Frolovskaya farm of the collective farm, which for several years was the winner of the socialist competition in the region.

At the expense of the collective farm under A.I. Kondratiev in the village of Ramenye, a microdistrict was built of multi-storey buildings, a secondary school, a household, a kindergarten ... Today, the village of Ramenye is the center of a rural settlement. JSC "Ramenye", founded in 1992, is going through a difficult period.

And yet the ancient village of Ramenye is developing: quite recently natural gas has been installed. The church is reborn.

Ramenye village.

In the XVI century. in the palace Ramenye already had a wooden temple (the palace villages belonged to the king and were administered by the Order of the Grand Palace, the peasants of the palace villages provided food for the royal palace).

During the Time of Troubles, the village and the temple were destroyed.

In 1626, "the wasteland that was the village of Ramenye, and in it there are 3 places of church, 17 places of yard cells, 49 places of yard peasants taxable and 17 places of bobyl quitrents."

In 1629, the wasteland was bought by the steward Vasily Andreevich Kolychev. He built a wooden church of the Nativity of John the Baptist and settled the peasants.

In 1646, his widow Anna and granddaughter Mavra Vasilievna Kolycheva owned the village.

In 1653 the church stands empty. Ramenye in the possession of Prince Ivan Ivanovich Lobanov-Rostovsky (d. 1664). Ivan Ivanovich was the governor of the Arzamas notch in 1635, in Krapivna (1644), Velikiye Luki (1646), roundabout (1649), ambassador to Persia (1653), regimental governor in Smolensk.

In 1659, he took the city of Bykhov by storm and was granted a boyar, in 1661 he defeated the troops of the Crimean Khan near Putivl, in 1662-1663. - Judge of the Judgment Order. After his death, the village passed to his widow Fetinya Ivanovna with her son Prince Yakov (1660-1732). Prince Yakov Ivanovich Lobanov - Rostovsky was the room steward of the kings Theodore, John and Peter.

In 1676 -1682. accompanied them on their journeys.

In 1685, on the Trinity Road, he took possession of the royal treasury, killing two people carrying it. For this he was beaten with a whip and deprived of 400 peasant yards. Member of the Azov campaigns of 1695-1696. He was a major of the Life Guards Semenovsky Regiment. He had 28 children from two marriages. Of the 14 sons, 10, and of the 14 daughters, 8 died in infancy.

In 1732, the widow of Prince Natalya Grigorievna Lobanova-Rostovskaya wrote in a petition: “In the current year of May 23, 1732, on May 23, my husband Prince Yakov Ivanovich Lobanov-Rostovsky died by the will of God, and after his death I was left with two daughters, the maidens Agrafena and Fetinya, and from the 1st wife of my husband, my son, and my stepson, Prince Ivan (Prince Ivan Yakovlevich (1687-1740) - captain of the fleet), and from the 1st wife of my big son’s husband, a son, my husband’s grandson, Prince Fedor, and after the death of my husband, I and my daughters of this part were not committed.

In 1735, Natalya Grigoryevna owned the village with her daughters and stepsons.

In 1743, after the death of her husband, Prince Fyodor Mikhailovich Lobanov-Rostovsky (1718-1740), his widow Anna Ivanovna sold her share in the village. Ramenier brother Nikita Ivanovich Kozhin, and in 1757 this part was bought from him by Prince Ivan Ivanovich Lobanov-Rostovsky (1731-1791). The prince served in the Horse Guards and soon retired with the rank of lieutenant. He was married to Princess Ekaterina Alexandrovna Kurakina (1735-1802), they had 5 sons and 2 daughters.

In 1775, Fetinya Yakovlevna Sheremeteva, born Princess Lobanova-Rostovskaya, sold her part of the village to Colonel Ivan Nikolaevich Streshnev.

With the death in 1802 of Ivan Nikolaevich, the Streshnev family came to an end, the village passed to his cousin, daughter of his uncle, General-in-Chief Peter Ivanovich Streshnev (1711-1771), Elizaveta Petrovna (1750-1837). She was the ninth child, before her birth in the family of P.I. Streshnev, in infancy, 8 children had already died. After the death of her father, Elizaveta Petrovna herself chose her husband, a widower, the most good-natured Lieutenant General Fyodor Ivanovich Glebov (1734-1799). For a long time he was the governor of Kyiv, was in the army of Prince Potemkin. The Glebovs were very rich, in different provinces they had 18,000 souls of serfs. With outsiders and subordinates of her husband, Elizaveta Petrovna was kind and courteous, it was not at all the same at home.

Elizaveta Petrovna did not sell serfs, she paid for their treatment in Moscow hospitals. At the coronation of Emperor Nicholas I, Elizaveta Petrovna was granted the title of lady of state. The Glebovs had four sons who survived: Peter (1773-1807) and Dmitry (1782-1816, died without issue) Fedorovichi.

After the death in 1837 of Elizaveta Petrovna, the village passed to the daughter of Pyotr Fedorovich, Natalya Petrovna, who married (in 1839) Major General Fyodor Loginovich von Brevern (1799-after 1863). He began his service in 1818 as a cornet of the Life Guards Cavalry Regiment, in 1820 at the headquarters - captain, adjutant of the commander-in-chief of the 1st Army, Count Saken.

In 1826 he was brought to the investigation in the case of the Decembrists.

In 1828 he was a captain, in 1831 supervision was removed, in 1833 he was a colonel in the Yamburgsky, then in the Vladimirsky lancers regiments in 1834, the commander of the Borisoglebsky lancers regiment, upon his retirement in 1840 he received the rank of major general.

From 1853 to 1856 he was the Kolomna district marshal of the nobility, in 1863 he was elected to the Duma commission.

In the middle of the XIX century. Ramen was owned by General Natalya Petrovna von Brevern (née Glebova-Streshneva). Her daughter, Evgenia Fedorovna (born 1846), was married in 1862 to Prince Mikhail Valentinovich Shakhovskoy (1836-1892, lieutenant general from 1881), to whom the ownership of the estate passed. Fedor Petrovich Glebov-Streshnev had no children.

When his niece Evgenia Fedorovna Brevern married, he asked for the right of her husband to be called Prince Shakhovsky - Glebov - Streshnev, which was followed in 1866 by the Highest permission. Mikhail Valentinovich Shakhovskoy graduated from the school of guard ensigns (1855) and in 1859 from the Academy of the General Staff.

In 1869, with the rank of colonel, he was appointed chief of staff of the Riga military district, in 1870 - governor of Estonia.

In 1875 he was appointed governor of Tambov, in 1879 - an honorary guardian and remained in this position until his death.

In 1890, the Ramenye estate was owned by Prince Mikhail Valentinovich Shakhovskoy-Streshnev (1836-1892).

In 1911, the estate of Ramenye was owned by the widow of Prince Mikhail Valentinovich Glebov-Streshneva, Evgenia Fedorovna Shakhovskaya-Glebova-Streshneva (b. 1846).

A park has been preserved in Ramenya.

In with. Ramenye in 1795, a wooden church of the Renewal of the Church of the Resurrection of Christ was built with a chapel of the Nativity of John the Baptist. After the construction of a stone temple in Ramenye, wooden, in 1898-1899. was moved to the village of Ignatkovo, Volokolamsk district to form a new parish.

In 1881 in with. Ramenye in the family of the priest Fr. Pavel Sokolov's son Alexander (1881-1938), the future holy martyr, was born.

In 1892 he graduated from a rural school, in 1898 - the Volokolamsk Theological School, in 1904 - the Bethany Theological Seminary and began working as a teacher.

In 1905 Alexander Pavlovich was ordained a deacon, in 1907 a priest. He served in various churches in Moscow and the Moscow region.

In 1934, Archpriest Alexander Sokolov was appointed rector of the church with. Paveltsevo (now in the Mytishchi region).

On the charge that he went around the village with prayers, distracting the collective farmers from harvesting, Fr. Pavel was arrested on January 26, 1938 and imprisoned in the Taganka Prison in Moscow. One of the perjurers testified during interrogation that the priest organized walks with prayer services in the village of Paveltsovo and other villages, which distracted the collective farmers from harvesting.

During interrogations, Fr. Alexander pleaded not guilty.

On February 11, 1938, the "troika" of the NKVD sentenced him to death. Archpriest Alexander Sokolov was shot on February 17, 1938 at the Butovo training ground near Moscow.

On April 5, 1890, in the family of a church psalmist, s. Ramenye Vladimir Smirnov, a son, Fedor, was born, in the future - a holy martyr. He graduated from the Volokolamsk Theological School.

In 1913 he graduated from the 3rd year of the Bethany Seminary, married the daughter of the priest Vasily Ivanovich Orlov - Anna.

In 1913, Fedor was appointed deacon to the church with. Ramenier. He was a teacher of the law in the Mikhalevskaya and Voskresenskaya zemstvo schools.

In November 1917, Fr. Theodore was transferred to Moscow, where he served in the Church of the Holy Spirit at the Lazarevsky Cemetery, and after its closure, in the Church of the Icon of the Mother of God "Unexpected Joy" in Maryina Roshcha, where he served until his arrest. Despite the fact that the introduction of children to church life was at that time dangerous even for the clergy, Father Theodore at the age of seven led his son to the altar, where he served even when his father was arrested. He recalled that, thanks to his father, he carried through his entire hard life under Soviet rule the joy of knowing God's truth and the grace that purifies the soul.

Father Theodore was arrested on December 10, 1937 and imprisoned in the Taganskaya prison. The rector of the temple was called as a witness Unexpected Joy”priest Arkady Yankovsky, who supplemented the investigative material with his testimony.

On December 20, 1937, the NKVD troika sentenced Deacon Theodore to ten years in a forced labor camp, and he was sent to the city of Lesozavodsk, Primorsky Krai, to the 19th department of Bamlag, where he experienced hunger, overwhelming hard labor and inhuman conditions of detention.

In February 1938, a new case was launched against the clergy and believers gathered in column 145. Deacon Theodore managed to send only one letter from the camp to his relatives in Moscow and received one parcel from them when all communication between them was interrupted.

On March 31, 1938, the "troika" of the NKVD sentenced thirty-one defendants to death, among them Deacon Feodor Smirnov. After the verdict, he was still sent to general work. Deacon Feodor Smirnov was shot on July 5, 1938

The currently existing stone church of the Renewal of the Church of the Resurrection of Christ with side chapels of the Nativity of John the Baptist and the Martyrs Frol and Laurus in the village. Ramenier was completed in 1895.

In the family of a church priest, St. Ramenye Mikhail Smirensky in 1893, the son Alexander was born.

In 1908 he graduated from the Volokolamsk Theological School, and in 1914 from the Bethany Seminary. In the parish of the church in the village of Ramenye, the village of Novo-Mikhailovskaya, in 1897, the priest Fr. Mikhail Smirensky opened a parochial school.

Since 1904, the school has been located in its own building, built on peasant land at the expense of the Cyril and Methodius Brotherhood. Since 1897, the school was headed by a priest with. Ramenier Mikhail Smirensky, the trustee was Prince Lev Mikhailovich Golitsyn.

From 1934 to 1938 in the church with. Hieromartyr Zosima (Trubachev) served as Ramenier. Hieromartyr Zosima was born on December 24, 1893 in the village. Puchug of the Solvychegodsky district of the Vologda province in the family of deacon Vasily Trubachev and his wife Vera Petrovna. Zosima received his early education in religious school in Nikolsk, then entered the Vologda Theological Seminary, and in 1914 - the Moscow Theological Academy, from which he graduated in 1918.

The spiritual qualities of Zosima Vasilyevich, love for the temple and worship predetermined his priestly path. Endowed with an ideal ear and singing abilities, he learned the art of singing while still in the seminary and successfully replaced the regent. In his student years, Zosima Vasilyevich directed the second academic choir and the choir at the house church in the name of Equal-to-the-Apostles Mary Magdalene in the Sergiev Posad shelter of the sisters of mercy of the Red Cross. Years of study at the academy instilled loyalty and devotion in him. Orthodox Church. He often visited the elders of the Zosima Hermitage, receiving from them answers to pressing questions of spiritual life. A year before graduating from the academy, he married Claudia Sankova, whose father, Georgy Prokhorovich, a railway foreman by profession, was a great admirer of the Monk Barnabas of Gethsemane, to whom he often turned for advice.

In March 1918, Zosima Vasilyevich was ordained a deacon, and on April 25 of the same year His Holiness Patriarch Tikhon ordained him to the priesthood at the Trinity Cathedral of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. The first place of his ministry was the Church of the Nativity of the Mother of God in the village. Podosinovets in the Vologda diocese.

A few months before coming here, Fr. Zosima, the rector of the temple, Archpriest Nikolai Podyakov, suffered a martyr's death at the hands of the atheists.

Father Zosima began to serve in the church in the village of Podosinovets at the end of 1918.

In 1922, the priest was arrested for the first time during a campaign to confiscate church valuables, and he was imprisoned in Veliky Ustyug. Soon, however, he was released and returned to serve in Podosinovets.

In 1924, Father Zosima moved to serve in the Ivanovo diocese, which was headed at that time by Bishop Augustin (Belyaev). For some time, Zosima served in the church in the village. Kokhma near Ivanov.

In 1928, in Ivanovo, lists of “disenfranchised” people, people deprived of civil rights - manufacturers, merchants, military men and clergymen, were pasted around the city. The mockery of the atheists continued church holidays, anti-religious carnival processions were organized.

In 1926 the authorities arrested Bishop Augustine and deported him to Central Asia. His daughters remained in Ivanovo, who lost their mother in infancy. Archpriest Zosima turned to the parishioners of the Vvedensky Church with a request to help the orphans. As soon as this became known to the authorities, they arrested the priest. On September 7, 1928, the Special Meeting of the Collegium of the OGPU sentenced Archpriest Zosima to three years of exile in the city of Velsk, Vologda Oblast, with a ban on serving.

In 1929, the punishment was toughened, and he was imprisoned in a forced labor camp and sent to logging operations near the Nyandoma station in the Arkhangelsk region, where the construction of a new railway was then beginning.

In 1932, Fr. Zosima was allowed to move to Yuryev-Polskaya.

He got a job as an accountant, and on his free days led the choir in the only church in the city in the name of the holy unmercenaries and miracle workers Cosmas and Damian.

Upon his return to Moscow in August 1934, Fr. Zosima was sent to serve in the temple in the village. Ramenye, Shakhovsky district, Moscow region.

In 1934, Bishop Augustine returned to Moscow from prison, and the Deputy Locum Tenens, Metropolitan Sergius, sent him to the Kaluga cathedra. Archpriest Zosima met with the bishop, who invited him to serve in the Kaluga diocese. Knowing Vladyka Augustine well and for a long time, Fr. Zosima gladly agreed and was appointed rector of the Kazan Church in the city of Maloyaroslavets and dean of the parishes in the Maloyaroslavets region.

On January 26, 1938, the authorities arrested Archpriest Zosima, and he was imprisoned in the Taganka prison in Moscow.

On February 19, the Troika of the NKVD sentenced him to death. Archpriest Zosima Trubachev was shot on February 26, 1938 at the Butovo training ground near Moscow.

In 1937 the church was closed and destroyed.

The temple was adapted for the MTS, then for the workshops of the collective farm.

In 1991, the devastated temple was returned to believers and is being restored.

Psychology of love and love