How to tell a guy about a pregnancy that no one was expecting? How to tell a man that I'm pregnant from him? Male reaction to a woman's pregnancy

How to tell your boyfriend you're pregnant? Having learned the news that will change your figure for the next nine months, and life forever, your hand involuntarily reaches for the phone to make Him happy as soon as possible ... However, informing a guy about pregnancy by phone is the most banal way. Perhaps this event will never happen again, so make a little effort and think about how to tell the guy that you are pregnant in a bright and original way.

Here are some fun ideas to help you make your dad-to-be happy in a different way.

1. Send him a sound message

Record your confession on an answering machine or any digital medium and have him listen to it. When writing a message, come up with beautiful intriguing phrases. For example: “Darling, soon our life will change dramatically. At first I will recover a little, I will feel worse, I will be nervous and too vulnerable. But this will not happen because I no longer love you, but because in about nine months you will become a dad!”

2. Give him a talking cup

Serve the father of your unborn child a romantic breakfast in bed. Prepare his favorite dish, decorate it beautifully, and pour coffee into a cup with a suggestive inscription: “To the best dad in the world!” A man will be pleased to receive such recognition.

3. Give him a quest

All men love games and puzzles. While waiting for a man from work, prepare a small quest for him. For example, hang balloons around the apartment, inside of which notes with tasks will be hidden. From the tasks, come up with something romantic and uncomplicated. For example: “Name the cafe where we had our first date”, “Tell me five compliments”, “Make mint tea for me”, etc. When a man fulfills all the conditions and reaches the last ball, instead of a note with tasks, he will have a pregnancy test or a certificate from a doctor.

4. Take him to the movies

Wait for an opportunity and invite a man to the cinema. Just choose the appropriate movie: “Knocked Up”, “9 Months”, “Love Actually”, etc. If while watching a man does not guess about your hint, invite him to a cozy cafe that same evening. If you want to continue the atmosphere of romance and intrigue, instead of a standard conversation, send him an SMS message from an unknown number with the words: “I'll be back in 9 months. Wait for me, your future baby."

5. Give him an ultrasound

If you have the courage to keep a secret until the first ultrasound, you can announce your pregnancy with a picture of the unborn child. Put the photo in a beautiful envelope and leave it on the man's pillow. In addition, write a small message to the new father on behalf of the child.

If you choose this option, try not to tell anyone about your pregnancy before going to the ultrasound. Or at least share only with those people who will not, under any circumstances, give away your secret. A man should learn about his future paternity from you, and not from your girlfriend, sister, or even his parents.

6. Give him a custom gift

If you become pregnant on the eve of any holiday, give the future father something from children's things or accessories. Pack diapers, a pacifier, booties or sliders beautifully and add a note with the phrase: “We will need all this soon!”

7. Meet him in an original T-shirt

When meeting a guy from work, put on a T-shirt that says "I'm pregnant." Or give him a t-shirt that says "Future Dad." You can buy such a thing in stores with original gifts. In addition, the necessary inscription can be applied to a regular plain T-shirt by ordering such a service from a specialized company.

8. Order a Family Cake

Order a cake with photo printing with your general photo, as well as a picture of a small child. A man will perfectly understand your hint and, moreover, a delicious dessert will decorate your romantic evening.

9. Let the first child talk about it

If this is not the first time you have experienced the joy of motherhood, ask your older child to announce to dad that he will soon have a brother or sister. If the older child is still very small, embroider the inscription on his clothes: “I am waiting for a brother or sister.”

10. Send him a letter

Buy a beautiful postcard and send it by mail or just put it in the mailbox. On the card, write congratulations on behalf of the unborn child. For example: “Congratulations, dad! I'll be there soon!" By the time a man reaches the threshold of your house, he will have time to comprehend this news. And at home you will be waiting for him, always with a romantic dinner and a good mood.

Whatever method of presenting such happy news you choose, telling a guy about pregnancy is much easier if both of you have been dreaming of a baby for a long time. If the pregnancy is unplanned and up to this point you have not seriously discussed the issue of a child with a man, try to prepare him a little. Start a conversation from afar: say that you have a delay, you don’t feel well and, for some reason, you constantly want to sleep. Hearing your complaints, the man will sooner or later offer you to take a pregnancy test. Next - act according to the circumstances. But do not be discouraged if the reaction of the man is not as violent as you expected. In a stressful situation, men often "withdraw into themselves", they just need time to think about this news. As soon as the first emotions subside, you will see joy in his eyes.

You meet, you meet... And after some time, you realize or find out that you are pregnant. It's great if you find out about it at different times. Without fear! But without excitement, this will not work out, so you prepare for them in advance.

We suggest:

  1. Option for the brave. State the position by looking directly into his eyes. Speak and don't look away for a second. Speak in such words that will first “look” into your head and will directly ask you to tell everything.
  2. Option for the shy. Get in front of him. Lower your head. Tell the guy there's something to know now. Limit yourself to a few words: "you know, I'm pregnant." You can shorten the phrase to two words.
  3. Option for the romantic. Invite him to a small cafe or to your home. Prepare (pre) a beautiful and tasty dinner. Here at dinner and tell the boy about what happened.
  4. Option for the most daring. You take a taxi, go to his house, go up to the floor, ring the doorbell. He doesn’t invite you to come in - say through the threshold (forget about all sorts of signs, since it’s not the time to think about them!).
  5. Option for the insecure. Call and say that you are expecting a child from him. Repeat this if you hear complete silence in response after the first "try" to convey the necessary information to daddy.
  6. Option for the impatient. Write a simple, simple, short message. You can write a long one, if you are in the mood and literacy and talent allow. Good way if nothing else is found!
  7. Delicious option. Bake a big cake. Put a big note in it, in which you write everything as it is. Try to make the cake even better. The taste of your creation will play a huge role in his reaction!
  8. Extreme option. Invite a man either to the amusement park or to skydive. Make both proposals if the gestational age is not very long. The problem will be in the “persuasion” of the man to go either there or there. Not everyone is as fearless as they seem.
  9. Sexy option. Buy a charming peignoir, make yourself a catchy and expressive make-up, spend a chic and unforgettable night with him. And in the morning, say something that "hurt."
  10. "Careful" option. Choose the right moment, the right mood. Then confess your position. Previously (at any other time) this would not have been worth doing.
  11. The standard option is banal. He comes home from work, you meet him, you hang yourself around your neck and say that he will soon become a daddy. Say it with a smile and with great (undisguised) joy.

Methods do not fit - do not say at all that you are pregnant. He himself will see everything when it will be impossible to hide the pregnancy.

If a man finds out about the pregnancy ....

The reaction of a man to a woman's pregnancy will be as follows:

  1. He will leave, silently, without any words at all. Then he will return. Exactly when, only he knows. He will need time to come to his senses somehow. A man can say whatever he wants when he comes back. You need to be prepared for any conversation.
  2. He will ask (require) to do tests that can prove his paternity. Will be ready to lay out any amount of money for this.
  3. The man will be happy. He will run for champagne and a chocolate bar to properly celebrate this wonderful news.
  4. First, the future dad will freeze in place. Then in a smile "blur". Then he will ask you to repeat again what you said a few seconds ago.
  5. He will give you money for an abortion. He will put them in your pocket or bag even if you roar in front of him.
  6. A man marries you (if you are not already married). Then you will prepare for an excellent, for the best celebration in your life!
  7. Will run to smoke or go to the nearest shop for alcohol. To calm the nerves properly.
  8. The man will say that you should have been more careful. What regrets about your connections with him, relationships.
  9. This person will simply arrange a grandiose scandal with insults. In general, he will do everything to make you leave on your own.
  10. He will take you to the best gynecologist in town. Then he will find a great doctor who will manage your entire pregnancy.

Do not be offended by the reaction of your loved one. This news is shocking in any case. By the way, one story is told on the forums .... Don't worry, it's full of positivity. Turn on all your imagination so that the perception of history is not "fake".

Life story

Tamarka is waiting for her beloved. While waiting, she felt unwell and ran to the bathroom. Then she decided to do the test, which lay on her shelf “just in case”. The test showed "one hundred percent" positive results. Toma was delighted, smiling at her reflection in the mirror. I turned on my favorite music and started dancing. She constantly glanced at her watch so as not to miss the doorbell. And time dragged on and on... Tamara was rehearsing an "inner" speech to tell her boyfriend about her pregnancy.

The guy Vasilek came on time (with a chocolate bar and a huge bouquet of pink roses). Tom planned to say everything at once, when her beloved was still on the threshold of the apartment or in the corridor. But he didn't let her speak, covering his mouth with a kiss. When the kiss was pleasantly "ended" - the excited lover said everything - everything. Not quite according to the planned scenario, but…. Said! This was the most important thing. He whispered, “how could you….” and ran away without closing the front door behind him. Toma burst into tears, began to tear up the photos and hate the whole world. She did not want to live, but she remembered the child that was to be born. The kid stopped her, kept her in this world! Half an hour later the doorbell rang. The woman opened the door. The future dad flew into the apartment and shouted, with a smile and with joy: “how could you hide such super cool news from me ?!”. He lifted her in his arms and circled, circled, circled ....

Not all men refuse children! Not all men "shun" heirs or heirs! One must always hope for the best so that life is better than it is now.

You've been suspecting what's going on for days now. I plucked up the courage to do a test and found two red stripes. For some, they are the most beautiful and cherished in the world, but for some, they are fright and fear, which can not be overcome immediately. What to do? Where to run?

It doesn't take too long before you realize that it's not just you who should know this news. How to tell a boyfriend and parents about pregnancy, especially knowing in advance that this child is far from being the most desired and expected?

Yes, unfortunately, most often it happens that the onset of pregnancy is a completely unplanned phenomenon, which introduces more into a state of shock than joy. I really want to believe that everything is different with you, and your two stripes turned out to be quite joyful harbingers of a new life.

But even if the child was desired, it is still necessary to find the right moment and the right words to notify the future dad, and even better, find a creative way of notification so that this moment is remembered for a long time.

So, in order. First of all, you must understand your thoughts and desires. If this is your first pregnancy, then you are most likely very worried, there are a thousand questions in your head, and there are so few answers.

And this is logical, because there was no preparation for it, as happens in planned cases. It is necessary to calm down, weigh all the pros and cons, and make the most important decision for yourself - will the child stay, no matter what?

Or are you still considering the option of an abortion? Remember that, unfortunately, not every woman is given the happiness of motherhood, so think a million times before you decide to take such a step.

Building a ladder

The first step has been taken, you realized that the baby will stay under any conditions, no matter what the parents and the guy say. It is important. You must understand that now you are responsible for this heart that is beating inside you. Fine.

The next step is to figure out how to tell a man about pregnancy? Yes, yes, to a man, because you are now future parents, which means that they are completely adult people who now have their own responsibility.

So, men can have a completely different reaction. Often the reaction, of course, depends on age. More mature men who have already got on their feet, have housing, will take this news easier, the fear will be minimal.

Although, of course, if your relationship was random, the reaction may be unpredictable. The younger the guy, the more violent and sharp turns the reaction can take.

After all, all responsibility for you and your future baby immediately falls on him. Some grab their girlfriend in their arms and spin around with her with happiness, the second close themselves in a dark room and smoke nervously, and still others can even throw a scandal screaming that he does not need this child.

So, step three. You must be ready for anything. Be as nervous as possible, because now you are not alone, there are two of you, and the baby is doubly nervous for his mother. Be prepared for the fact that he will need time to realize everything, and also set yourself up that you will not start insulting and humiliating yourself in front of the guy, be higher. But still, let's hope that everything will be fine and the young man will do the right thing and like a man.

Step four. Think about the best way to talk about pregnancy, especially if you are not sure of a positive reaction from your boyfriend. You need a suitable environment, you must be sure only the two of you, there should not be a hurry.

Try to communicate this news gently, do not use various slang, something like "honey, I flew." Well, what is a normal reaction? Think over the correctness of the words, prepare the test used.

You can try to prepare the guy in advance, first inform him about the delay and what you are going through, and after a few days announce that your worries were justified. Thus, he will have time to mentally prepare.

Step five. In fact, this is one of the key rules, so take it seriously. Your pregnancy is yours (your and your young man) personal and deeply intimate news, which primarily concerns only you.

Therefore, it is correct when a girl first of all informs her man about her pregnancy, and then to her mother and friends. And it’s absolutely terrible when a girl tells such news to her mother, and then they talk together about this man, putting some pressure on him.

By the way, do not forget that such news cannot be reported on the Internet or by letter, except for emergency. You can talk in advance with your loved one about children, about his attitude towards them, but it’s better to observe how he treats his little relatives, of course, if he has little nieces or brothers and sisters. Maybe he loves children very much, and your news will be the most important gift of fate for him.

Creative Options

But, whatever one may say, there are quite a lot of couples who are happy when “their” pregnancy is discovered, in such cases there is no need for any tricks, as well as unnecessary worries about the reaction of their young man.

But don’t you want this moment to be really remembered, and when you look at your adult children, you will still remember your first “two stripes” with a smile.

Of course, here, like nowhere else, your imagination is very needed, as well as good knowledge about each other. Because people are different, and the same moment for different people will look very different. So, what is the best way to tell your beloved guy about pregnancy, so much so that with humor and fantasy?

One way is to order a custom-made t-shirt or sweater that is printed or embroidered with something like "I'll be a dad!" or “We are pregnant!”, add emoticons and a picture that can show the fastest sperm with a cheerful grin, or a nipple, crying baby or a photo from your ultrasound. Usually such a T-shirt is handed over to the family at a fun feast, or maybe it will suit you better. romantic evening for two.

You can send a telegram to your boyfriend. Preferably if you already live together. Just imagine the picture, the postman comes, your guy opens the door and receives a telegram. He has already managed to forget what it is, and having read the text with interest, he will be completely stunned. It is advisable that you stand nearby at this moment and pretend that you are not at all aware of what is happening.

The most "loud-speaking" notification is a message written in paint under the windows - "Petya, I'm pregnant!".

But it’s better to remember that all neighbors and relatives will instantly find out about this, and also such an alert can “hang” under your eyes for many years to come, so it’s better to think before you decide on such a desperate, but fun step.

Never forget that children are a great happiness. It is possible to survive parting with a loved one, but never with a child!

I'm afraid I'm pregnant. Beloved, dear, dear, I am pregnant. Psychology of a pregnant woman.

Today you don't think about how you want to buy yourself a beautiful skirt and tank top. Today your thoughts repeat: “I am pregnant…. How can I tell him about this? Perhaps this problem is much more complicated and serious than choosing or buying clothes, or something else. You fight with your thoughts and with yourself, in the hope that you will be able to win.

You're afraid to break the news to him. Surely, for the reason that I have not yet told anyone about this: I have not had to. Everything happens for the first time. And pregnancy - including. And yourself, are you happy with such an “innovation in life”? I think very much. If not…. Your feelings about all this, let's discuss later. Now, tell him everything.

Don't set yourself up for everything negative. It is impossible to predict or predict anything with 100% certainty. He will even say things you never expected to hear. And especially from him. But you want to hear the truth, not sweet lies.

I'm afraid I'm pregnant, how to tell him about it? Start by finding out if he wants children (would like to). You can ask directly. You can hint. You will have to tell the truth one way or another, regardless of what he answers. You can't be silent about this. And not just because it's a sin. In general, everything-everything secret becomes clear once. It's better to tell everything you than anyone else. Someone can add a lot of extra, weave from themselves. And in this there is little pleasant, if any, in this whole situation.

Beloved, dear, dear, I am pregnant.-Hug him and tell him that he will soon become a daddy. Try to do (say) it with feeling, and not in a trembling voice. You don't need to worry. But it won't work. This moment is really, really exciting. And no matter how hard you try to fight your excitement, it will defeat you. And any other girl would win.

I am pregnant How else can you tell him? -You can write about pregnancy if you don't have the courage to say so. Write to him, in a note, and give it back. Let him read it in a calm environment. And he will experience a considerable dose of excitement. It's good for a man. Sometimes. He is less likely to give vent to feelings than we women.

Be prepared for absolutely any of his reactions to the information you have given him. Your man can leave, and stay, and cry with joy, and ask you to have an abortion, and say that you don’t need more children.

Psychology of a pregnant unmarried woman.

I'm pregnant, what should I do next? - Abortion?! Do not do that! If your man pushes you to take such a step, he is not worthy of you. Are you really capable of killing your own child for the sake of a person who is capable of such callous reasoning?! There is nothing more beautiful than motherhood. Do you want to lose the man you love? This one is not worth your love. Of course it's up to you.

If he says that children are not needed, it’s not for him to give birth. If you don't want kids, don't. Give birth to a baby, and raise him yourself. Many have suffered such a fate. It will be difficult, but friends and family will help. And don't be ashamed that you're a single mom. You are not the only one. Of course, this does not make it easier for you, but still.

Don't get upset if you hear something bad. You need to protect the baby (or baby) so that the birth goes well, without complications, so that the baby is born healthy. The kid is more important than the man. Especially the one who refuses his own blood.

You will have a wonderful child. You will be happy. And because he was born, and because you did not allow him "not to be born." He will be as cute, pretty and handsome as you are. And you, in every smile of a child, will catch particles of happiness, making one big maternal happiness out of these particles.

He will send you as soon as he knows you are in a position…. This is an assumption. Forgive me for being so negative in the article, but in life this happens. He may just run away, afraid that you will tie him to you as a child. Let him run away: there is no point in keeping him. You can never hold a man with something against his own will.

He will come running back - do not let him into your heart. He will beg for forgiveness, make excuses, give you gifts. Do you want to forgive such a person? Such a desire remained with your feelings, which do not subside no matter what. Don't give in to love. Listen to your mind so you don't make any mistakes. Any of them are irrelevant now.

Do you understand now what love is capable of? And she understands all her abilities. And he tries to use them, in full. And you follow her example - the example of your own love.

If he comes up with an excuse, such as that the child is not from him, or other nonsense. Let him do tests to make sure otherwise. True, do not rule out the fact that he will regret the "financial investment" in what he considers worthless. Or, for sure, he is afraid to find out that this child is his. Alimony will have to be paid. Well, in the event that you want to receive them from him. Do you need anything from the person who took advantage of you? Think for yourself, decide for yourself.

Let him go. Let him go to the one who only needs his money and entertainment with him. If he says that he needs you, but without a child, I will be very, very sorry for you. Be above all his prejudices! He does not need your child - you do not need a man (if you can call him that word) like him.

I am pregnant. Yes, many people dream about it! And you didn’t even have to dream for a long time: the dream itself felt that you want its fulfillment, and it came true. Appreciate it! And don't give it to anyone, for anyone. Men, in fact, are strangers. And the child you carry under your heart is the dearest of all now.

Eat. Don't cry, don't get upset. Leave tears, frustration and hunger for later, “for the postpartum” period. Let the baby stay, calmly, inside you. Don't bother him with your problems. Do you know how he feels? You, the child, have a close relationship, connected by a thread of foreboding. If you get nervous, you will break this thread. You need each other. The rest is not so important. The whole world would understand you and would agree with this statement.

You won't be alone. You will surely meet good man who will love your baby as much as he loves you. He will take care of him as best he can and never hurt him.

P continuation follows:

I'm pregnant, what should I do? -

Pregnancy... For many women, this word just tastes sweet!

Remember that in this order - first the husband, then the parents. Even if you already have the opportunity to tell the news to your mother, and your husband will return from work only in the evening, wait for him and tell him first of all!

For a man, there is nothing worse than learning about his wife's pregnancy from his mother-in-law or other relatives.

When will we shock?

The earlier the better! If it seems to you that others do not notice your position, you are mistaken. Some shifts in behavior are certainly observed. It’s better that you yourself tell about the pregnancy than you will arouse suspicions among your relatives, or else they will think that you are sick with something.

. Please husband

Resolved - first of all we inform the husband. In the age of modern technology, when the message that a person ate for dinner appears in the public domain two minutes after the meal itself, the question of how long you need to wait before telling your lover about pregnancy seems ridiculous. But the phone and even more so social network are far from being the best helpers in communicating this joyful news.

Many women, upon learning about pregnancy, immediately run to the store for scented candles for a romantic atmosphere in the evening. In their imagination, the picture looks something like this: a tired and exhausted husband comes home, and then a delicious dinner awaits him, a smiling wife, pleasant music. And in all this idyll, you say in a soft voice: "Honey, we will have a baby." The husband immediately begins to shine with a mischievous smile, picks you up in his arms and circles, circles, circles ... And now we are shooting pink glasses and put them in the farthest drawer of the table. As statistics show, in 99 percent of cases the reaction is just the opposite. The man falls into a stupor. Phrases like “Are you sure?”, “Child?”, “Are you serious?” are quite natural from him, and these words sound without any rudeness, and in stupid bewilderment “I will become a dad, stunned!”

Of course, for a woman to watch this picture is not the most pleasant feeling in life, but you just need to come to terms with it. Even if the pregnancy was long-awaited and later the man will really hold you tightly in joyful arms, then for the first couple of minutes he seems to be obliged to lower his head, realizing what happened at all.

. Notifying our parents

With parents, the situation is slightly different. If you have an observant mother, then there is a possibility that she has been guessing about your interesting position for a long time. If the parents are happy with the son-in-law, then they will be very happy about the pregnancy. Previous troubles in relations with your mother, if any, will suddenly leave you, because now you seem to be on a par with her. You will soon understand the meaning of your mother's "terrible" actions when she did not allow you to go out late or forced you to study well.

In the case of parents, it is also important not to hesitate. They should learn the news from your face or from both of you and your husband, but not from your son-in-law, otherwise they may be offended.

. Making Husband's Parents Happy

Breaking the news of your pregnancy to your spouse's parents can be tricky. If you are not on the warmest terms with them, entrust this important mission to your lover, he must have an approach to them. Great if you go to report the good news together.

If you notice that your mother-in-law is already starting to direct you on the “true path”, try to approach her advice with maximum attention and disposition, without showing your displeasure, by the way, many of them may turn out to be really worthwhile.

How to announce a long-awaited pregnancy

If you and your husband have been dreaming of a child for a long time, it will be easy and pleasant to say that you are pregnant, because in this case you know for sure that your spouse will be happy.

. Show test

Sometimes women begin to announce pregnancy, picking up somewhat veiled phrases like "Beloved, our family will soon become larger" or "We will have someone soon." Now these words seem simple and understandable to you, but being unprepared for such news, the husband can answer with a question like “What, mother-in-law is coming, right?” The easiest option is to show two stripes on the test. If you want to make it more interesting, put the test on the table, and then ask your husband to come over to see what is there.

. sms

No, we do not suggest sending a text message to your husband at work. But a very original option in the evening, after going to bed, send an SMS to your lover "I'm pregnant!" In this case, the most difficult thing is not to see the reaction of the husband, and not at all because of the fear of being rejected, but out of interest - well, what kind of expression does he have now ?! If you are ready to endure in such a situation until your loved one begins to show signs of life, act!

. romantic dinner nobody canceled!

Originality doesn't have to overshadow the romance of the moment. If your husband is a romantic, then that very dinner and delicious-smelling candles are the very thing.

And for unusualness, you can report your delicate situation with the following phrases:

1. Sunny, do we have an extra couple of thousand for courses for future dads and moms?

2. Beloved, soon you will have to work for three.

3. Look, this is the first photo of our baby (show the ultrasound picture).

Before saying these phrases, think about whether the husband will react normally to this way of reporting the news? If he has a good sense of humor, then you can try, but believe me, the standard “Honey, we will have a baby soon” will also produce a stunning reaction.

How to tell about pregnancy if it is unexpected

The first and most important thing to remember is that an unexpected pregnancy does not mean unwanted. Even in such a situation, the husband may be delighted with the news. If you had the opportunity to observe how a man treats small children, then it is easier for you to talk about how he will react to the news of pregnancy. In this situation, it should be remembered that any creative is superfluous. Do you want to surprise? Surprise later, surprise with ultrasound images framed on the table, surprise with behavior (although this does not really depend on you), surprise with anticipation of the upcoming event. In the meantime, you need to report the news as calmly and pleasantly as possible.

. Pick a moment

It is necessary to report the news that a new life is being born in you when the husband is in a good mood. If he is dead tired after work or has some serious problem, wait a little with the good news.

. Use pleasant words for your spouse

Immediately say that he will become a wonderful father, that you have always dreamed about it. But it is better to miss the moment that your life will change soon, he already understood this. The fact is that some men are a little selfish (the rest are completely selfish) and the first thing they think about is that now your family needs more finances, the established rhythm of life has come to an end, every Saturday trips to bowling with friends are canceled and everything like that . Hug your husband, give him confidence in the future.

. Don't be afraid of the reaction

It is always difficult to announce a long-awaited pregnancy, let alone when this news is unexpected and already potentially negative. If a man is silent for a while, do not be afraid, do not start talking about the fact that you are not going to lose a child, he may not have this in his thoughts! After some time, a meaningful speech will still visit your spouse, then you will analyze the reaction.

Parents, both in the case of a long-awaited and unexpected pregnancy, need to report the news joyfully. If you are sure that they will take this news with a smile, you can talk with emotion about the appearance of a tiny creature in your tummy. If you have some doubts about their reaction, it is better to say everything as calmly as possible, and then navigate according to the situation.

Surprise: how to say about pregnancy in an original way

Using some original method to communicate is a great option for you. Because when you try to squeeze the phrase “Dora, I’m pregnant” out of you, the words treacherously do not appear, but say a phrase like “Darling, soon you won’t need to carry me in your arms, but you can roll me like a bun” or organize some surprise - much easier! So you yourself will be interested in doing all this.

. Christmas present

Pack a New Year's gift for your husband, and put a card on top that says "I'm pregnant." Believe me, it will not come to a gift. The same way can be done on his birthday or any other holiday.

There is also an option to wrap the text as a gift. You will need many boxes of different sizes. Lay them one inside the other, and put the text and booties in the smallest box.

. T-shirt with creative writing

Order a T-shirt for your husband from a company that puts inscriptions on clothes, with the words "I will soon become a dad!" and give it to your loved one. If you are not afraid of your husband's reaction and are sure that his happiness will have no limits, you can give him such a present at some holiday, when there are a lot of friends and relatives around.

. A message from a stork

At night, quietly rename your number on your husband's phone to the Aist contact. And in the morning, quietly send him an SMS with the text “Already flying out. I will be in 9 months. Wait!

. Let's take a run

Return home when the husband is there, and at the doorstep "I want cherries, currants, sauerkraut and cake." He: "Sfigali?" Well, how will it go.

. Mind-blowing photo

Gather all the relatives for a group photo. Act as a photographer yourself. And when it's time to click on the camera button instead of "Smile" say "I'm pregnant." Do not forget to press the treasured button to capture the faces of relatives after such words. Surely you want to have a photo that you can then look at with a smile. By the way, and the child can be shown.

. Entertaining game

On the service, you can make a game, at the end of which the picture you need will appear on the screen. So, as this picture, there may be the inscription “Soon you will become a dad” and take a picture of a certificate from the doctor. Give your husband, let him play.

. Unforgettable congratulations

Great if your spouse has a birthday soon. This method is very extravagant. In the morning, while your husband is still in bed, sit on top of him and expose your stomach, on which the inscription "Dad, happy birthday!" You can't think of a better gift.

. magic egg

If you found out about pregnancy on the eve of Easter, you can give your loved one an egg, inside of which there is a test with two strips. Making such an egg is very simple. On both sides of an ordinary raw egg, we make small holes through which you need to blow out the yolk and protein, and gently push the dough inside. Husband definitely doesn't expect such a surprise!

. book with a surprise

Buy your husband the book "For the Future Dad" or "How to Swaddle a Baby", and put the test as a bookmark. Give such a gift to your husband and wait for a reaction.

When informing parents about pregnancy, it is better to leave the creative for later. Original methods can only be used when the parents are humorous and will definitely appreciate the joke. Otherwise, you will cause bewilderment, which will lead your parents to a dead end, and you yourself will find yourself in an awkward position.

There is an opinion that there is no need to report pregnancy in an original way, because the news itself is stunning. But if you know for sure that your husband will be happy about this, why not be original?

Then together you will happily remember your surprise, but with a baby in your arms.

This moment should be remembered, and how will it be remembered if you report pregnancy with words “I went to the hairdresser today. By the way, the prices have gone up. I am pregnant. Don't forget to buy potatoes."

An interesting story about the creativity of a novice mother can be told to a child in the future.

The psychology of marriage