I want to help people with money. How to ask rich people for money. Reviews

We are often afraid to ask for a favor, we are embarrassed or we are afraid of being refused. These simple tips from philosopher Alice Boyce will make your life easier and make others happy to help you.

You can apply these tips with your family, at work, with friends, with strangers, or use these techniques in client-service situations. So what do you need to do to get help?

1. Show that you tried to help yourself, but failed.

People are more likely to come to the rescue of someone who tried to solve the problem on their own before asking for help. (“I tried to google...”, “I tried to restart my computer...”) Keep the request concise and concise. Imagine that you are writing a list. Be specific.

It is not very pleasant to give advice and see that a person ignores it and does everything in his own way. People want to help those they have confidence in. Why else would they waste their time and effort on you? So when you get help from someone you plan to contact more than once in the future, make sure that he knows that you acted on his previous advice and appreciated them.

3. Schedule your request

Here is a personal example: my family loves to ask me to help them. That's why I put in place this policy - I only help from 7 to 8 pm every day. This way my working day is not disturbed and it is not too late to go to bed. This system works great and is suitable for everyone. If you don't know when is the best time to seek someone's help, ask the people you're reaching out for a deadline. Instead of saying, “I would like to ask you for help,” ask, “What is the best time for you to talk to me about this?”

4. Use foot-in-the-door or door-to-face techniques

These tactics are considered manipulation and should be used with caution. The Foot in the Door Technique - You make a small request that you know you won't be denied, and then immediately ask for something more serious. The door-to-face technique works in reverse. When a big request is denied, you immediately ask for a smaller favor that seems more reasonable than the previous request. In addition, the person feels guilty and tries to help now in a small service.

Strangers are usually happy to lend a helping hand if asked.

For example, you ask a friend: “Could you give me a car ride to the center?” He says no. Then you continue: “And to the nearest subway?” This method is based on a socio-psychological phenomenon - people tend to make concessions and agree to an unattractive offer if it is made by them immediately after they refuse another, more burdensome request.

5. Don't let others guess if you need help

When making a request, make sure the person knows exactly what you want from them. For example, if you need your spouse to show you what to do, rather than just verbalize it, ask for that. There are times when you wish someone would spontaneously offer to help. For example, when you drag a heavy suitcase up the steps of the subway. But you can ask for help yourself. Don't be shy, the more often you practice this, the easier it will be to do it in the future.

I have a child and we often travel together. And I've found that strangers tend to be more than happy to lend a helping hand when asked. Sometimes strangers are too shy to offer help or are too busy thinking about what you need. You have noticed that when we provide a service or do something nice to strangers, it improves our mood. So by calling on someone for help, you are giving them the opportunity to become a little happier.

6. Use multiple channels

If you are calling a customer service company, you may need to try several options at once to get what you need. For example, use not only the phone, but also chat, messaging, face-to-face meeting and social networks, depending on the situation. If you are unable to get through immediately or get a comprehensive answer to your question, hang up and try talking to another representative or switching to a different customer service channel.

7. Help yourself

Are you the kind of person who offers or gives help to others more often than he asks for it himself? Then you are much more likely to get help. Spouses, for example, tend to overestimate their contribution to the relationship. And if you think you're helping your partner more than he is helping you, you're more likely to get help for him than you are to provide it yourself.

about the author

Alice Boyes philosopher, studies social psychology, explores the impact of clinical and positive psychology on relationships.

Asking rich people for money, and even irrevocably, is not easy, but possible. It depends on what you want to ask for: for expensive treatment, for opening your own business, for buying a home, or just for a new iPhone. You need to be inventive, tell your problem emotionally, in all details, colorfully, even try to put pressure on pity.
It is best to communicate with a millionaire personally, face to face, in a quiet environment. Having received the money, spend it on what was asked of the rich man and provide him with a report - all of a sudden he wants to help again in the future.

Ask for money through social networks

Eva: At the moment, asking for financial assistance from a millionaire is not so difficult. Many politicians or businessmen, or simply famous people have social media accounts. networks. Many businessmen and famous personalities have pages in in social networks, personally view the comments and even reply to them. It is necessary to write something personal that could hook you so that you would certainly want to help. I personally did a simple experiment. I chose an elite expensive car on the street, approached the owner of the car with her story. After listening to me, they really gave me 1000 rubles free of charge.

The rich don't like to help.

Rostislav: The rich just don't like to help. They definitely want something in return. We can talk about not only material goods, but also tax benefits. It can be honor and respect, in his environment or society as a whole. PR company through funds mass media. Reducing the tax base through charitable foundations, etc. Thus, in order to most likely receive money from the rich, you need to figure out what he will have from it.

Jalil: In a letter that you write to a rich person, there should not be sick children or parents. The best thing is to have a unique talent. You or your children. And asking for money in this case is better for education. But for this it is better to be prepared for the fact that it will be necessary at any time to provide evidence of this all. That your child knows several languages ​​or advanced mathematics.

How to get help from millionaires

Sergey: In my opinion, the question of turning to "rich Pinocchio" is so voluminous and there are so many options for seeking help that it is hardly possible to state it in one post. And is it necessary? There is no universal recipe. But you need to take into account that rich people are distrustful and stingy from the very beginning, without this they would not have become rich, respectively - it is important to break through this wall of distrust, and oh, how difficult it is!

Mere begging is doomed to fail. First you need to study the personality of the rich man, learn about his addictions, fears, aspirations, hopes and plans. Having at least some idea of ​​​​this, start thinking about entering the social circle, and then bring this comrade to your goal. Only this must be done subtly so that the object does not have the idea that it is being manipulated.

Vika: Let's start with the fact that it is necessary to interest a millionaire so that the business for which you are looking for money is important and does not represent a waste of money. In my opinion, it’s easier to make money yourself than to get some kind of help from a millionaire, because in our time they will not scatter wealth right and left, and asking them for help is, in my opinion, complete nonsense.

Post information on websites asking for help

Unusual ways to get money from rich people

Cristina: One of the ways is to fake an accident or subtly ask for help. Busy and rich people are always on the move, constantly in a hurry somewhere and do not pay attention to the people around. Enough to know: frequently visited places of a local rich person (no matter a woman or a man), an approximate schedule of the day. And then it is possible to play an accident or a car breakdown, due to which the passage to the place "X" for the millionaire will be closed.

Kirill: The simplest and effective method earn "on the street", known to me, is to ask. Yes, yes, just ask. Just walk around the city and ask people to bail you out with money. In fact, this is begging, it used to be punishable, now it is not! Making money is really not bad at all and the way is far from new. There are cases of how people earned money for trips, cars and houses in this way. My personal record is 3500 per day on the Arbat. But it all depends on you and your eloquence.


Hello ladies! As a journalist and blogger, I am constantly sent links and letters with the phrases “Urgent! Please repost! We must help! Publish immediately! etc. Of course, not only me - all of you also receive such letters from time to time. I don’t know how you react, but many simply send them on without even bothering to read to the end. I finish reading, trying to understand and make sure that this is really worth publishing. Unfortunately, in a huge number of cases, the information is not accurate, it is not enough, or it is generally outdated and help is no longer required. A recent example of correspondence with a friend:

Olga: “Igor, my friend Natasha had an accident in Tunisia. Her mother writes that after the accident, all her money, a plastic card and a passport were stolen from her. She is now in a coma in the hospital. I really need advice from an experienced Russian neurosurgeon. If there is an opportunity to somehow post this case so that people can help, that would be very good. If people have a desire to help financially, then there is a savings bank account.

Chersky: “We need someone who will write this in detail and with all the contacts - you or her mother. And who will answer all the questions. I can repost everywhere, but you have to communicate. And there should be some kind of confirmation, pictures or anything, so that people understand that this is not a scam, and they could better figure out than help.

Do you know what Olga finally answered?

“In general, Natasha’s relatives wrote to me that today they are waiting for a special flight to transport her to Moscow. We have already contacted the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the embassy, ​​we don’t really need help.”

Do you understand? Yes, the case is sad and would certainly have evoked a response from thousands of people. And they would all call the mother of the unfortunate girl. And she would have had to answer them in a sharp form. As you understand, this would have repulsed many for a long time desire to help someone. Therefore, if you want to place such an ad, follow simple but important rules:

1. The announcement should be very clear about who exactly and what kind of help is needed. Wrong option: “The sister of her husband’s employee urgently needs money for an operation. Phone such and such, account number such and such. We really need to raise 3 million rubles.” The correct option is “Ivanova Inna Ivanovna, such and such a year of birth, the diagnosis is such and such. An operation (consultation, other assistance) is urgently needed in connection with ........ (an accurate diagnosis confirmed by the attached scans of official medical documents). This must be accompanied by at least one photograph of the person who needs help. And the contact of a close relative who knows all the specifics and is ready to state it in detail to everyone who responds. Basically, the more details the better. It is especially important to explain why it is impossible to do without this help and why there are no other options. Unfortunately, scammers we have already set up a regular distribution of such “shouts” with all the specifics, so you will only start sending this to your friends who know both you and the person who needs help.

2. It is necessary to compose an ad in such a way that it does not raise any questions at all and any person understands who and what needs to be helped. Very often, advertisers feel that it is more important to notify millions of people as loudly and as quickly as possible that trouble has struck. And let those who wish to find out the details of this trouble themselves - is it they who want to help? Here, let them figure it out. The approach is fundamentally wrong. Especially if you want to put it in the media and send obscure information to journalists in the hope that they themselves will quickly dig everything out. Believe me: no one will even dig. Unless this is a dramatic story with a famous singer's panties found in the car of a famous businessman, this is where the yellow press will arrange the most detailed investigation. If you want a cry for help to get into the media, try to compose it in such a way that journalists have to do a minimum of work for publication. And so that even for them it becomes clear that this urgently needs to be published.

3. Before sending your ad to the network, send it to a couple of acquaintances - let them confirm that they understand everything and are ready to help. Then there is a chance that there will be no questions from other people either. But be prepared to answer any questions if you have any. It is your responsibility to know the exact situation in which you want to put others.

4. It may sound cruel, but only post ads about people you know personally. And about the situations in which you personally figured out, everyone understood and definitely decided that help was needed. And we made sure that the injured party is ready to accept this help and communicate with everyone who can provide it. For years, fakes have been circulating on the network asking to help the shelter or donate blood by calling such and such phones. At the same time, people will simply be charged a considerable amount for a call. But there are enthusiasts who have been resending these fraudulent ads for years, rewriting them for greater persuasiveness on their own behalf - well, so that all friends will certainly help. In order not to fall for this bait yourself, sometimes it is enough to drive a phone number into Google - and you will see thousands of messages that they are scammers.

5. Don't abuse these ads, even if you want to help everyone. If you post requests every day to adopt a hamster, meet your grandmother at the airport, collect felt-tip pens for the orphanage, and then donate blood for your friend who had an accident, then there will be fewer people willing to donate blood. A person gets used to everything and stops reacting, as in the famous parable about the boy and the wolves.

And a couple more links from the Give Life!
They have a section on their website for patients that lists the requirements for asking for help:
And a questionnaire for patients:
Thanks for reading.

When a person has a need for money, then, having set a specific goal to receive a certain amount, he can succeed. If some people decide to earn money legally, then for others, begging is one of the most profitable options for obtaining the necessary funds. If you think over the strategy of such work correctly, you can get a fairly good amount of money. There are already specially created sites on the network where you can place your profile, and perhaps someone who has come to such a resource can help.

It is possible that reading such an appeal, rich people will want to help you. On the other hand, there is no guarantee that you will be able to legalize everything, and as a result, you will not fall into the hands of law enforcement agencies.

People who have been engaged in this activity for far from the first day make up whole memos that must be followed for greater efficiency. No one says that begging on the Internet is the best way to earn money, but some see no other way out for themselves. So what do you need to remember?

  1. Be sure to think very carefully about the idea itself. No person who engages in this kind of activity should give himself away. Your story should not only look as realistic as possible, it should also be supported by certain facts that will not cast doubt on the veracity of words and requests. Completely different elements are used - documents, photographs, videos. In other words, everything that can justify your request for money.
  2. Try to process that idea or topic that was practically not used, maybe it was quite rare. This will increase the likelihood that your fundraising event will be profitable, and in the end you will receive the necessary amount of money.
  3. If you do not intend to create your own resource, use third-party places to place ads. Explore all the options and find the site where you go as best as possible more people. Remember that the more sites where you have placed an ad, the higher the probability of increasing the amount you want to receive.
  4. The goal should motivate the person to action. There are people who indicate that they do not have enough money to buy an apartment, a car, a telephone, and so on. It is unlikely that after studying such a request, a rich person has a desire to give you money. But many people will agree to help for treatment in a difficult situation.
  5. Consider where and how people can donate to you. It can be an electronic wallet, a bank card, a current account or another option. Make sure that this transfer method works, and there will be no problems with cashing out money.
  6. Take the time to implement your idea. If you posted information with your request on one site, do not expect that for several years it will be the main source of your income. You will have to spend a lot of time online in order to capture as large an audience as possible, find enough wealthy citizens, and ask them for help.

What are the main reasons for begging?

They are very diverse, and you can ask for funds not only on the Internet. It is worth remembering how many people meet daily near the underground passages and the subway. All of them are there for one purpose - to get a certain amount of money. But what drives them to do so?

  1. An emergency situation and the inability to do otherwise. There are people who urgently need money in a short time, but they cannot earn money. A bank can refuse a loan to a person, there is simply nothing to give on bail, you can’t go to a pawnshop. In this case, there is only one thing left - to ask for help. The same can apply to people posting requests for help online. If a person has a force majeure situation and there are no other options, then why not ask the rich for help. But first you need to stock up on evidence.
  2. The main and thoughtful way to earn money. Not all people who advertise with a request to transfer funds really need them. There is a certain category of citizens who have turned begging into a real business. For some, this is a stable income, while others make a living by constantly creating such sites and posting their requests here.
  3. One of the methods of passive income. It happens that this kind of assistance is an additional option for obtaining funds. Naturally, it is necessary to devote some time to such activities. On the other hand, it will be possible to receive money without wasting precious time on solving some problems or looking for a job.

There are many reasons why people turn to the rich for help. It will be quite difficult to consider each of them, and the main ones were listed above. Whether a particular request fits into one of the above categories needs to be judged on the basis of the individual's situation.

How is the story of a person asking for money worked out?

This is a separate important chapter that needs to be carefully considered and studied. The fact is that begging, like any other option for obtaining money, must be well and carefully considered. Be sure to make the most plausible story, if there is none. You will have to spend a lot of time and money on relevant documents, photographs, and videos. In other words, you need to create absolutely everything that can confirm the veracity of your story. Depending on where a person lives, how much he wants to receive, achieving the goal may be difficult or not very. On the other hand, having thought everything over in detail, you can get the necessary amount of money.

If you are creating your own website or working with foreign resources that offer this kind of ways to get money, you have to talk about such a thing as financial investment. Yes, you will have to make certain investments and take risks in order to get more significant amounts of money. Remember, your story is next to millions and billions of similar ones. In order for a person who has money to pay attention to her, it is necessary to be as convincing as possible and describe everything plausibly. In any other case, the receipt of money will be impossible. Do not forget that here you can play on such a feeling as empathy, tell that you once helped someone in the same way. It is possible that such a step will give a result, but everything will depend on the specific case.

In any case, no matter what story you create, consider absolutely all the elements that can complement it. This will significantly increase your chances of making a profit against the background of other people who sit "with outstretched hand" in the network.

Is the problem solved through the forum?

Of course it does! Moreover, if you use the forum correctly, you can get a lot of advantages while collecting money. The person will have the opportunity to communicate with you personally during the correspondence. If the rich man really has funds, and he is ready to give them to you, he needs to make sure that you - a real man who faced certain difficulties in life. Do not forget that a person can be quite well developed and savvy in those issues that you brought up for discussion in the forum, or on which you asked for advice. The best option is if you have time to study information about this person. Psychology is just the science that will help in this matter. Naturally, one can study the methods and levers of influence on people who are ready to help their neighbor.

It is possible that some chat visitors will try to slander and condemn you. This option should not be discounted, because choosing a not entirely honest option for earning money, there is a chance to hear not very flattering reviews about yourself. On the other hand, if you really need financial help, then there is nothing to be afraid of.

To inspire maximum trust, you need to register and stay on the forum for a long time, and not a one-day page. It is important that this topic or a topic similar to it be raised and discussed earlier. Then the person will have the opportunity to make sure that you are a really real person, you need some help. If you, having just appeared on the forum, immediately try to somehow lure money from its inhabitants, little will come of it.

Keep in mind that begging is not profitable investment for the rich, but an attempt to help a person who really needs money. Accordingly, there will be no return of these funds, and the “depositor” will not be able to receive interest. A person will part with his hard-earned money once and for all, and sometimes it is quite difficult to convince him to do this. Many mistakenly think that the rich part with considerable amounts of money without any problems, but just such people know how every ruble or every dollar is earned.

How to beg through the sites?

There are two main scenarios here:

  1. You create your own site, promote it, promote it online. Accordingly, you will have to incur considerable costs for the discovery of such a resource, its development, and promotion. On the one hand, you can pretend that someone close to you helped you, because it is simply unrealistic to create this kind of resource for a person who needs money on their own - it is expensive and very costly. On the other hand, there are people who will immediately understand that something is unclean here. The biggest disadvantage of this option is that you may be interested in law enforcement. They may require all documents confirming the condition of the person who is asking for money for treatment. If the facts are not confirmed, then such a beggar will face a criminal article.
  2. There is also the opportunity to place your ads on sites and forums on such topics in order to be read by as many people as possible. Typically, such resources are created on the basis of English-language sites, and many Russians often do not see them online. But wealthy foreigners can help, send you money. There are people who claim that this view is not only good financial assistance, but also a fairly good basic income.

What services exist for beggars?

Surprisingly, there are many of them, and there are both foreign sites and sites created in Russia. In any search engine you can find a lot of such options. However, we note that you will have to use not only resources and services where you want to ask for money. In parallel, use such services as WebMoney, QIWI, Yandex Money. You need to know absolutely all the sites that can guarantee the safe transfer and withdrawal of money, and are not tracked by law enforcement agencies that can punish a person asking for money. Some of the resources for beggars can also be groups on social networks where people ask not for money, but for some things. However, in this case it is clear that a person really needs this or that thing, detail, some kind of help. If we are talking about money, then there is a high probability that a person is professionally earning money for his living in this way. However, this should be considered in each individual case, and not generalized.

What is the result?

It is necessary to decide on your own whether to conduct this kind of activity or not, because for someone only this option of receiving money is acceptable, while others prefer to earn money only in an honest way, do not accept lies and deceit. Are people for or against this kind of earnings? This can be found on the forums. The law provides for a certain article for fraud, which can be passed by a person who lures money from others dishonestly. However, if a person really needs help, and money can save the life of him or his loved one, there are all the necessary documents confirming this, then no law enforcement agencies will be able to hold him accountable. And no one will refuse to help him.

Psychosomatics (diseases from emotions)