Karma hurts the left side of the body. Left side of the body. The movement of love energy is blocked by fear

I often come back to this information, so I decided to lay it out for you. A plan by which you can independently understand the cause-and-effect relationships.
The following is a full quote from Luule Viilma's book "Soul Light".

The concepts of right-left, front-back, top-bottom are very significant for understanding the ailments of the human body.

Buds, the deepest fears are served. It has to do with camaraderie, the theme of couple balance, a deep fear of being alone and not knowing what to do. Many secrets are kept here. And the power of self-pollination with their emotions that cannot be filtered.

Colon, here we find people who can't share, can't let go of the old, it's hard to get rid of things. Pancreas. Part of the digestive system and maintains the conflict between thinking and analyzing aggressively, between the principle of creator, holder and destroyer. Obsessively stop and stop control.

¤ On right. Right side body is the carrier of feminine energy. It is associated with motherhood and femininity. If you yourself are a woman, then everything good and bad for your mother intensifies and manifests itself on the right side of the body.

A strong right half means a strong maternal principle. Weak says that you have problems with your mother, or with your wife, or with the female sex in general (hereinafter referred to as the mother).

Look at yourself in the mirror: the right shoulder is lowered, there is a hillock or already a hump on the right shoulder blade. The upper part of the spine is the bearer of love feelings. You feel that your mother does not love you, or does not accept your love, or your feelings do not find an answer from your mother, etc., and this heaviness bends your right shoulder to the ground.

Who are you trying to control? Legs, advancement and firmness, not to move firmly in life. A prime example of this would be walking with married man, deceit, continuation in the same work, betraying your dreams. A moment to reflect, stop doing what is being done. How is your walk going? Are you moving towards what you want?

The knees are the support in your life, love, flexibility, as well as pride and ego. They are an extension of the heart, and when we receive strong blows, the first of them react, or they remain hard, or they knock us down. In conjuncts, beats and beats are preserved. When you feel a lot of weight, duties shake off your knees.

If hunched right part back, this means that you feel guilty towards your mother.

If the right side of the pelvis is lowered, this means that life's difficulties and insoluble material worries (monetary difficulties) experienced by your mother are a burden on your soul and are waiting for release.

Diseases of the organs of the right half of the body are given in the same table.

Feet and legs hold us and take us where we want, accidents, cuts, abrasions indicate that you need to see that part of your life, money, security, strength, courage and value to go ahead, material worries, losing the world for money. How important is money in your life, etc.

Weapons and their hands to feel the world and everything around us have ends for which we feel and touch, we reject and hug, we protect and hurt, take hands, feel, touch and know the difference in textures, balancing polarities one and the other receives. It is the first one who has contact with the outside world, who allows the approach and receives it. When there are slippery hands, the question is what falls? Whose object is this?

¤ Left. Left-hand side body carries masculine energy. It is associated with paternity and with the masculine principle. A strong left half of the body indicates a good relationship with the father.

The weak or diseased left side of the body is waiting for you to release the stresses associated with the father or with the man in the same way as the right side of the body was released.

Sciatica, lordosis - inflammation of the largest nerve in the body. Anger is the nerve annoyance of not being the right path in life, lack of financial support, not knowing how to move forward, feeling like you don't belong, lack of rootedness in your life.

The back part is yang energy, so it is active, strong. Back pain is very common in Hispanic communities to download everyone's problems and download them without letting them go. It is impossible to walk easily, so that the muscles tense and contract, which leads to contractures, chronic pain. It is also not supported by anyone and believes that you must walk alone in the world, creating a weak effect all over the spine. When one vertebra does not function, another vertebra takes over the work of another; creating wear and tear due to overwork.

To release stress with forgiveness, think carefully about your problems with your parents and, if you understand what it is, protect yourself from harm. There is no such person who would not have stress associated with his father or mother, and therefore, with men and women. Otherwise, you would no longer need to come to physical body, because by that time you would have already known all earthly wisdom.

It is also connected with the past, with what we do not see, betrayals, losses that we bear, not being able to let go. We have 6 contact zones with the world where we learn to gain love: head, 2 arms, 2 legs and genitals; It is necessary to discharge and recharge energy with the feet and genitals: go to the bathroom, have sex and exercise.

The human body wants to feel pleasure, and when it unloads, it feels pleasure. If crying is suppressed, if you want to have sex, and you avoid these suppressions and you need to activate more muscles to suppress emotions or act to generate tension, more bone energy is expended, creating a series of irritations that will surely not be aware of it.

The concept of stress is often vague. We will return to it again and again. Let's add that the feeling of shame, embarrassment, secrecy, discomfort, inability to find a way out, etc. are also stressful.

All opposites are one, including mother and father, right and left. Therefore, it is not always possible to establish the disease, since it can cover both parts of the body.

Muscular armor shows a person's greater or lesser ability to acquire pleasure. We need to learn to let go and expand, weapons can spread and embrace, through them we take on the world that surrounds us. Shoulders bowed or fall giving the appearance of sadness, not power with the weight of life, responsibility is the part that suffers more than the neck, shoulders back draw the chest, and also reflects rebelliousness to power, make yourself look bigger than you really are, and take advantage of the opportunity to intimidate.

The fat that accumulates also provides information that we want to hide or protect us, a bulky stomach limits the closeness of others, these are people who control too much. Hands are there in energy to receive; the lack of bragging underlines that her loving expression may be more of a mental than an emotional mom. The legs give the roots a stagnant energy in this place to give a feeling of being rooted and not moving too much, having limitations. Prominent buttocks tend to strengthen power and restore dominance, when there is a lack of self-esteem, this part tends to grow.

For example, the left shoulder and left hand hurt, numb and do not rise. Therefore, mother and father, influencing each other, have acquired similarity and equally affect both parts of your body. Again, this is their problem. You must not take it into yourself. Thus - forgive them for having such problems, forgive yourself for having accepted their problems and - ask forgiveness from your body for having done it badly. Objections are often heard: How can I be so heartless that I ignore my parents' feelings?"I repeat again and again: negativity must be perceived by the mind, then you can direct kindness to solve the problem or to support another person.

Correlate in which part you accumulate fat if you use it as a defense. Muscles play a very important role, they perform the function of protecting internal organs, ensuring body mobility, carrying, carrying. Muscle strength or weakness also gives you information, weak arms, weak legs, weak stomach, which gives you a link? Start using your findings, don't believe and follow all the writing that takes keywords and links your ailments and contractures.

The hump, for example, reflects guilt and is very common in the cervical. The right side of the body is male. Male qualities, yang, male figures in my life. The rational, the issuance of judgments, strength, courage, courage and, above all, action. Left side - feminine in me, feminine qualities, yin, feminine figures in my life; emotional and intuitive, reception and nutrition.

¤ Front. The front of the body is the expression of the energy of the senses. All ailments on the front of the body are associated with negative feelings that you have absorbed.

¤ Behind. The back of the body corresponds to the energy of the will. Everything that suppresses your will or destroys it, dominates it, poisons, destroys, humiliates, mocks - takes away your ability to satisfy your needs, achieve your goal. The destruction of will power is the destruction of life. The back of the body, or the back, or the spine means the principles of life, which gives meaning to life.

If we suppress the manifestation of these aspects or you feel in conflict with them, the problems will manifest on the corresponding side. The deeper the pain, the more important the pain for the person, that is, the problem is of paramount importance. In turn, the importance of location and centrality of pain.

For example, when you have to face a problem, the body starts the activity to hide the head underground instead of facing it. Feeling a whole range and list of discomforts, make sure it masks your pain, your illness. Select the disease or area of ​​pain or sprain that you have and ask yourself the following questions.

¤ Top. The upper part of the body means energy directed to the future. If a person is afraid of the future, then his upper body becomes ill.

¤ Bottom. The lower part of the body means energy directed into the past. If the past was harsh, then the lower part of the body becomes ill.

Think about it and you will find in your own body an amazing logic that will give the key to what to forgive and how to ask for forgiveness from whom.

What do I need to do to get the same benefit for free? On which side of the body is the pain or disease? Is the location of the central pain? or is it to the right or left of your body? Also check which actions are the ones to do, is there anything hidden?

The way the pain is associated can be like a knife, a dagger, ants, the time you were affected, you have a memory because you know about it. What is the situation associated with this disease? Describe everything perfectly, this is for you, not for me and for anyone else. Two people do not feel the same, for example, an illness or problem that you feel like numbness, pain, dizziness, irritation, fatigue, indigestion, loss of balance, lack of appetite, polarization, deconcentration, sweating, redness, coldness, heat, tension , tremor, etc.

Earthly man, however, takes every beginning in the past. The doctrine of forgiveness is based on clarifying the past for oneself and eliminating the root cause.

Since we are eternally connected to the mother by an invisible umbilical cord, the influence of the mother on the child is often so great that we become like our parents and begin to influence others in the same way. Therefore, if there is negativity in me that I influence my life partner, family, team, then I must ask them for forgiveness.

For example, you get tired when you see this problem. We feel the body according to how reality is perceived. Is it important to know or be aware when these sensations occur? Perhaps your pain is related to some activity that you do not like to do, such as ironing, cooking, cleaning. Maybe you are not annoyed by activity, but with the person you are engaged in, for example, your husband, partner, children, etc.

Maybe you feel something else is recording. Whatever you can communicate does not leave anything important on the outside, it is written and described so that you know what mask is behind each disease. Although it sounds strange to rest and sleep on the left side, it has many benefits. On its way, the lymph carries proteins, glucose metabolites, and waste products, which are cleared by nodules that must be drained from the left side. The initial symptoms of congestion occur on the left side of the body before moving to the right side, where its subsequent appearance.

Think! Search! Find! Goodbye! Get well soon!

So, we found out that each person is able, based on logic, to determine the stress that caused the disease, if he knows the distribution of energies in the body.

Separately, it is necessary to highlight the back of the body, or the back - willpower, strong-willed energy.

Dividing the back into sections

Lethargic after drinking? When the digestive system is stimulated in this way, your digestion is shorter and does not leave you lethargic for the rest of the day. Feel the energy and do not get tired after eating. Try to eat relaxed at noon and don't forget to rest on your left side and check that you will feel more energy and better digestion.

Amazing Health Benefits When You Sleep Every Night

When you lie on your left side, the return of fluid to the spleen is easier and occurs. After a long day at work, running, standing or sitting at a desk, nothing makes you happier than going home to find a comfortable bed. For many of us, our room is our sanctuary where we can completely relax and lower our guard. It is also the only place where we spend most of our lives without thinking about it. Indeed, a person sleeps an average of about eight hours a day. Over the course of a lifetime, this makes up about a third of our lives.


Typical stresses

From the crown of the head to the 3rd thoracic vertebrae + shoulder and upper arm + 1st-3rd fingers

Feeling of love

fear that they don't like me. Fear that they do not love my parents, family, children, life partner, etc.

4th and 5th thoracic vertebrae + lower hand + 4th-5th fingers + armpit

While it's common knowledge that a good night's rest is paramount to maintaining our health and well-being, both mentally and physically, it's less well known that position can also greatly impact your health. People sleep differently. The ones that seem to be the most common are the position on the left side or on the right side, on the back and in the fetal position. Every situation affects your health in a different way, it can be positive or negative.

In addition, sleeping on the right side can exacerbate digestive problems. These negative effects and these problems result not only in poor sleep quality, but also in less sleep. The left side is by far the best of all sleeping positions depending on the benefits it has on our body's health. Sleeping on this side can be helpful for many things, including helping us digest more easily and better. This improves the overall digestive system, allowing the body to extract nutrients and eliminate toxins faster and more efficiently.

Love-related Guilt and Blame

Fear of being blamed they don't like me. The accusations that they don't like me

6th-12th thoracic vertebrae

Feelings of guilt and blaming others

Fear of being blamed. Blaming others

1st-5th lumbar vertebrae

Feelings of guilt related to material problems and blaming others

Fear that I am accused of not being able to solve material problems. Fear of being accused of wasting money. Blaming another for all material matters

From the sacrum to the fingers

Economic problems

Fear of economic problems

Our body is a tool for perceiving the world in which we live. It directly reflects our beliefs and our thoughts. We ourselves create diseases. And diseases are signals that our body sends to us. We need to learn to listen and understand them.

Our body reacts to our every thought. Health and well-being - for good thoughts and manifestations of love and care for him. And pain and suffering - to destructive thoughts.

We choose our own body. Therefore, it is stupid and even dangerous to express dissatisfaction with your appearance. Our higher intelligence made a choice in favor of the body that we have now. And it is the most suitable tool for our life, for performing certain functions in this world.

Our body is a reflection of our thoughts. Therefore, if we want to change our body, for example, to make it more slender, beautiful, then it is necessary to change our thoughts in the subconscious program. It is very important to love and accept your body and your appearance as they are. And only then act.

Left side of the body

Symbolizes receptivity, absorption, feminine energy, woman, mother.

Right side of the body

Symbolizes male energy, man, father.

Do not forget that man is a whole being. It circulates both male and female energy. In Eastern philosophy, a lot of attention was paid to the correct circulation and harmony of the energies of the masculine principle - yang and the feminine principle - yin. The exchange of these two types of energies must be balanced. That is, there must be harmony between the masculine and the feminine.

How to know if there is a balance between male and female feminine energy in your body? This is very easy to do. Your relationships with women/men in life reflect the interplay of inner energies. Analyze your relationship with the opposite sex. Start with your parents. If you have even the slightest negative thoughts about your parents and the opposite sex, then this means that the balance is disturbed, and this, in turn, leads to all kinds of suffering: scoliosis, diseases of the genital area and others. Reconsider your attitude towards parents, since the father in the life of a child symbolizes the masculine principle of the Universe, and the mother symbolizes the feminine. Get rid of negative thoughts about yourself and the opposite sex. In this way, you will balance the masculine and feminine in your life, in your body, left and right.

Overweight, overweight, obesity

I already wrote above that the state of our body at a given moment in time is a reflection of our thoughts, feelings and emotions. if you have excess weight, then do not rush to look for a miraculous pill. Turn inside yourself - the reasons are there. No need to force yourself and your body. Exhaust him with hunger and various diets. Of course, in this way you can achieve a certain result for a while. But if you do not radically change your attitude towards yourself, then fullness will return again.

Here are some thoughts and feelings that fullness can reflect.

Fear and the need for protection. Often overweight people feel insecure. And fat performs a protective, buffering function.

I have found that obese people are very sensitive, but since they cannot cope with their feelings, fat symbolically helps them to dull unwanted emotions and experiences.

Fullness is one of the manifestations of discontent and self-hatred. You are so dissatisfied with yourself and criticize and scold yourself so often that your body is forced to defend itself.

A woman of incredible size came to a friend of mine at the hairdresser's. She hated and despised fat people.

“These ugly fat people, those awful fat folds, are disgusting to look at. Yes, I just hate them, - she said, as soon as she saw her own kind.

All overweight people have one quality in common - self-dislike.

When such patients come to me, I first teach them to love themselves, to accept their bodies.

Many women begin to gain weight after giving birth. They attribute this to hormonal changes in the body, and doctors say the same thing. But is this the reason? After all, there are women who give birth to two or three children, and even more, but at the same time remain slim. Of course, hormonal changes in the body of a woman giving birth occur: the calcium content in the bones changes, the pelvis expands, the nose lengthens by a fraction of a millimeter, the chin becomes a little heavier, etc. But this is not the reason for fullness. The reason is that with the birth of a child, a woman pays less attention to herself. All attention is on the child. And this is a gross mistake.

I believe that after the birth of a child, a woman should pay twice as much attention to herself than before his birth. She should start doing this already during pregnancy. Moreover, attention should be paid not so much to your appearance (although this is mandatory), but to your thoughts, feelings, and your behavior. After all, the health of the child depends entirely on the state of thoughts and emotions of his parents. Therefore, than more love and there will be peace in the mother, the healthier the child will be. This means fewer sleepless nights.

A woman came to see me who had given birth a few months ago. Immediately after giving birth, she began to recover. Turning to the subconscious, we found out that the reason for her fullness is in a negative attitude towards herself.

“Yes,” the woman agreed, “it is. I have always been dissatisfied with myself. Even before the birth of the child. Even before marriage. I was always looking for and finding some flaws in myself.

“I think,” I said, “fullness will make you treat your friend differently.

- You're right.

– Are there any other reasons for being overweight? I asked her to ask a question to the subconscious.

“Yes, doctor, there is,” the patient replied, coming out of her trance state. She wanted to say something, but tears began to flow from her eyes. After she calmed down, she continued: “After the birth of the child, our relationship with my husband changed,” she said, wiping her eyes with a handkerchief. “He has become different. There is no longer love and satisfaction in our relationship. Therefore, I try to get satisfaction at least from food.

“But you don’t love yourself, but you want your husband to love you.” Your husband only reflects your attitude towards yourself. Everything is very simple! Start loving yourself and you will see how your husband will change his attitude towards you.

A month later, a completely different woman came to see me: beautiful, slender, fit.

“Doctor, you know, I don’t recognize my husband. It feels like we're on our honeymoon. Tomorrow I will bring my friend to you. She also wants to lose weight.

Loving and accepting yourself is very important. If you are dissatisfied with yourself, then there must be an outward manifestation of this discontent. The outside reflects the inside. It has long been noticed that when a person loves himself, his body takes on an ideal weight and shape. Very often a person tries to replace the lack of love and satisfaction in life with food, since the soul does not tolerate emptiness.

One of my patients of impressive build tells me:

- Doctor, you know, as soon as I get carried away by any man, that is, when I have a love affair in my life, I immediately lose weight and find my ideal weight. But after the rupture of relations, I become fat again.

“I know of one such case,” I tell her. - One of my acquaintances, a very plump woman, while relaxing in Yalta in the summer, met one famous singer. I only spent one night with him.

But this had a very strong effect on her appearance.

Just one night! And she lost weight, returning home, twenty kilograms. Being still under the impression of this meeting, she took care of herself: she changed her hairstyle, began to monitor nutrition, began to go for shaping and massage.

“And I have the same story,” the patient confirmed. - Only the artists have not yet come across.

Why do you need my help in this case? I ask. - Meet a man and fall in love - and the problem is solved.

“Well, it’s hard, all at once,” she replies. “First you need to meet such a man.

“So I can hardly become the hero of your love story,” I tell her. - You, of course, an attractive woman, but I like another. A love affair has already begun in my life, and I am not going to interrupt it.

The woman laughs

“Doctor, you know what I mean.

- Certainly. We will choose another way. We will cause you a state of chronic love, and the extra pounds will disappear. You will always be slim and beautiful, regardless of whether you have a man or not.

Hidden anger and unwillingness to forgive can also be the cause of fullness. It is noticed that overweight people are very touchy. Resentment contributes to the accumulation of body fat. If you remember from the first book, resentment is the desire to change the attitude towards oneself, that is, the desire to love, respect and appreciate oneself. And again, it all comes down to love, to a change in attitude towards yourself.

One of my patients, a young girl, lost four kilograms after the first session, but then the process stopped. From communication with the subconscious, we found out that her grievances against her father and his new wife were preventing her from losing weight further. The fact is that when my patient was fourteen years old, her father divorced her mother and went to live with another woman. It was then that the girl began to recover.

Realizing the reasons and changing her attitude towards her father and his personal life, the girl was able to gain the ideal weight.

A mother's concern about her children's health can lead to obesity. This is because the concepts of health and good, plentiful nutrition are often associated.

I had one interesting case. A very overweight woman came to my appointment. She began to recover during pregnancy, and after giving birth she gained even more weight.

“Doctor,” she asked me, “save me from gluttony.” I already hate myself. I hide from my friends so as not to scare them with my appearance.

The patient proved to be an excellent hypnotic subject. From communication with the subconscious, we found out that the part of the subconscious that caused excessive appetite took care of the health of her son, who recently turned nine years old. It turns out that as soon as a woman became pregnant, her mother constantly inspired her: "If you want your child to be healthy, eat properly." All nine months of pregnancy she lived in her mother's house, and every day she made appropriate suggestions to her. By the way, the mother of this woman herself was very fat. What is interesting about this whole story is that the patient could actually boast of her son's health. But at what cost! Her subconscious simply did not know other ways of behavior to take care of the health of the child.

Very often gluttony is a neurotic way to carry out positive subconscious intentions. Gluttons endow food with some special properties, in addition to what is associated with the satisfaction of physiological hunger. For example, with the help of food, a person seeks to fill an emotional void. A connection is established in the subconscious: filling the stomach - filling the emotional emptiness, achieving the fullness of the emotional state. It can mean to be connected with people, to be loved and appreciated. The lack of love and satisfaction in life leads to the fact that a person uses food as a means of quick and momentary pleasure. But since this is self-deception, the body constantly requires new and new portions.

I would like to say one more thing. Rely only on your internal resources, and not on magical medicines. If you rely on the help of chemicals, then you deny your inner strength. The process of gaining the ideal weight is, first of all, work on yourself: internal and external. Internal is bringing your thoughts and intentions into a state of harmony and balance. External - this is the cleansing of the body from toxins, a change in metabolism, proper nutrition, regular physical activity to maintain muscle tone.

Psychosomatics (diseases from emotions)