Tips. Tips What to do to a lion to lose weight

Lions their dreams lead to quite tangible creative achievements. So, for example, if the audience applauds them in their fantasies, then they do everything to be on the real stage. In addition, representatives of this sign sometimes literally survive due to their chimeras and illusions, inventing an alternative world for themselves, in which there is something that they are deprived of in reality. True, this sometimes turns out that reality loses all value for them, and those around them turn into something of little significance in their understanding.

Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

Virgos are quite down-to-earth comrades, and therefore they follow not a dream, but a bare calculation and adequately assess their capabilities. If they want something, they first consider whether it is worth striving for it, whether they will lose more than they gain, and only if they are confident in the profitability of what they have planned, they begin to move in the chosen direction. It happens, of course, that representatives of this sign dream about something and even fantasize, but all this becomes flesh only if the actions are win-win.

Libra (September 23 - October 22)

Libra, for the sake of fulfilling, at first glance, a fantastic, but quite realizable dream, can change externally and internally, they flatter others, make friends with enemies, take on something that they never subscribe to in the usual mode. But illusions are their scourge. Representatives of this sign often come up with something for themselves so that it would not be so painful and disgusting to live, in order to put up with some kind of situation, and this leads them into real psychedelic wilds, from which they are not able to get out on their own.

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

Scorpios can take their dreams anywhere. In order for their fantasies to become reality, they are ready for any act, even not quite (or not at all) legitimate. They are at full power include cunning, resourcefulness, the ability to manipulate, do not hesitate to lie and are not afraid to harm others. True, sometimes it is more pleasant for them to build insidious plans in their imagination than to carry them out, which in real life saves from many troubles, because even all the scorpion tricks do not always protect them from higher justice.

Astrology for girls Razumovskaya Ksenia

LEO (July 23 - August 23)

Motto: "I rule!"

5th zodiac sign

2nd fire sign

2nd permanent badge

The ruling planet is the Sun.

Astrological symbols - lion, swan.

Lucky numbers: 1, 2, 5, 9, 11.

Favorable day: Sunday.

Unfavorable day: Saturday.

Flowers: gladiolus, marigolds, peonies, chrysanthemums.

Typical Appearance: Tall, finely built, broad shoulders, ruddy complexion, gray bulging eyes, blond or reddish-brown, sparse hair.

The first decade (from July 23 to August 3) is under the influence of Saturn. Those born during this period are strong natures, not loving loneliness and coercion.

Important Years: 14, 19, 36, 57, 76.

The second decade (from 4 to 12 August) is under the influence of Jupiter. Those born during this period are reasonable, picky, scrupulous natures, loving holidays and celebrations.

Important years: 14, 19, 36, 57, 60.

The third decade (from August 13 to 23) is under the influence of Mars. Those born during this period are strong, powerful natures, respecting the authority of the authorities.

Important years: 15, 19, 30, 35, 57.

Leo is endowed with intelligence and charm. He is very proud and simply overwhelmed with self-esteem, loves to teach others. Leo is independent, determined and kind, but at the same time selfish and conceited. He combines organizational skills with extreme vulnerability.

Leo is not always constant in his affections, cannot stand loneliness. He likes to be in the center of attention, and he is not averse to "splurge" his friends and acquaintances. In general, his life is like a performance or a movie that is played out by Leo every day.

In the wardrobe of a girl born under the sign of Leo, you can find things related to both the classical style and the avant-garde. Her main desire is to attract attention, which encourages her to use bright colors in her clothes. Of course, there is nothing reprehensible in her desire to stand out from the crowd, but she needs to think carefully about the very method of attracting interest to her person. Sometimes her "effort" backfires - she looks a bit vulgar at best, downright ridiculous at worst.

He likes to go to dances, evenings and the theater. Having fun is the best vacation for Leo.


Leo - Aries

See the relationship between the signs: Aries - Leo.

Leo - Taurus

See the relationship between the signs: Taurus - Leo.

Leo - Gemini

See the relationship between the signs: Gemini - Leo.

Leo - Cancer

See the relationship between the signs: Cancer - Leo.

Leo - Leo

Friendly relations will always be accompanied by rivalry: in clothes, studies, etc. Business contacts are not only not productive, but also very tense.

Romantic relationships are doomed to a violent break. Even if neither of them can "bite the throat" of the other, they will forever remain enemies.

Leo - Virgo

Not the best combination. Both in business and in friendly contacts, they will have frequent disputes and disagreements on the basis of a different approach to life: a conservative and slow Virgo will always annoy the mobile dreamer Leo, and vice versa.

Love union is problematic. Virgo, who strives for stability and peace, will not be able to endure Leo's eccentric, "wild" antics for a long time.

Leo - Libra

One of the most successful combinations of signs. Both in friendly and business relationships, they "balance" each other.

The romantic relationship between them is strong, especially if Libra will undertake to sing the positive qualities of Leo, and Leo will decide all issues for Libra.

Leo - Scorpio

Difficult combination. At the first time of acquaintance, both can be satisfied with each other and even create a more or less friendly atmosphere of communication. Later, cooling is possible: Scorpio will be annoyed by Leo's inability to complete the matter, Leo - incredulity and suspicion of Scorpio.

Romantic relationships between these signs are doomed to fragility. Sooner or later, Leo and Scorpio will part, the reason for which will be the desire of each of them to "play the first violin part."

Leo - Sagittarius

Friendship and cooperation between these signs of the zodiac promises to be beneficial. Leo is especially pleased with such a relationship.

Love relationships will be strong, because Sagittarius will be able to give confidence to Leo, for which Leo will endow Sagittarius with tenderness.

Leo - Capricorn

If the first year of acquaintance does not end with a complete break in relations, then the friendship between them will be long and lasting. Business contacts are fruitful if both can suppress their ambitions.

Romantic relationships between them are extremely rare. Their characters are in many ways similar and at the same time different, their union will end in emptiness.

Leo - Aquarius

A very unfortunate combination. Having barely begun, friendship risks turning into an early merciless war. Business relationship between them are unproductive.

Strong reliable love is impossible. Leo and Aquarius are as different as salt and sugar, heaven and earth.

Leo - Pisces

Neutral union. Friendship will not give anything to either one or the other. The same applies to business cooperation.

Tender feelings will quickly end. In love, Pisces and Leo are incompatible.


1. Foresight

You are too susceptible to flattery. Often you prefer to take the side of an enemy who has flattered you than a friend who has expressed fair criticism of you. Believe me, in this way you rob only yourself.

2. Natural

Of course, you want to look your best in the eyes of others. But is it worth putting on a mask of virtue because of this, hiding your own face under it? Your true friends will love you just the way you are. And fake friends ... but do you need such?

3. The ability to suppress your selfishness and dominance

Well, of course, it is you who should occupy a leading position and be the center of the company! Have you ever wondered if your friends might have a different opinion on this matter?

From the book Astrology for Girls author Razumovskaya Xenia

LEO (July 23 - August 23) Motto: "I rule!" 5th sign of the zodiac 2nd fire sign 2nd permanent sign Ruling planet - Sun. Astrological symbols - lion, swan. Lucky numbers: 1, 2, 5, 9, 11. Auspicious day: Sunday. Unfavorable day: Saturday. Flowers: gladioli,

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a lion according to the horoscope (from the Latin Leo) - those who were born in the period from July 23 to August 23.

The lion is the king. And not just in the animal world. According to the horoscope, people born under the sign of Leo have leadership skills. They are leaders. it the sign of Fire, which is subordinate to the Sun. And the Sun is warmth and the center of attention. So Leo in life gives light and warmth, and is in the center of attention.

Main characteristics

Positive traits:

  • Purposeful, strong spiritually and physically.
  • Able to awaken in others their best qualities.
  • Hospitable.
  • Smart, knows how to use his power...

Negative qualities:

  • Leo is vain, proud, proud.
  • Intolerant of the shortcomings of others.
  • He loves showing off on his part.
  • It is difficult for Leos to learn humility and humility. However, if this succeeds, the life of Lviv changes dramatically. In this case, from the outside it may seem that they are the favorites of Fate.

The lion possesses huge force. It is not so much about external strength as internal. But meanwhile the lions distinguished by their generosity. They are always ready to help, although they themselves will only ask for something from others in extreme cases. Usually Leo himself finds ways to solve his difficult life tasks.

Beneath the apparent strength of the Lions, soft-heartedness and kindness are skillfully hidden. Those who manage to reveal these qualities are surprised, since Leo appears before them in a different light: it becomes supple, compliant, soft.

Lions have strong creativity. If they themselves do not ruin it in the bud, then giftedness will help them a lot in life. lions very purposeful, and, if they really think about something, they really want to, they will certainly bring what they started to its logical end. They know their own worth and self-esteem is developed very strongly.

Almost all Lions there is a thirst for leadership. This quality of their character is both a plus and a minus at the same time. Not everyone likes their commanding voice, especially if the position of the Lions is far from leading. In this regard, frequent conflicts are possible at work. Although, if Leo can take a leadership position, he will cope with his duties brilliantly.

Own high conceit Leo is difficult to hide. They do whatever they think is right, even if their opinion of rightness differs from that of others. But Leo very responsible. He can be entrusted with the most serious business, being sure that everything will be done at the highest level. The Lions take their duties very seriously and will do even the impossible to justify the trust.

Leos are very passionate. And this applies to both men and women. Love for them is a holiday. They need true love. If they feel a lie in a relationship, they part with people, not being afraid to doom themselves to loneliness. In the family, Leo can be the most accommodating, family man. True, this is only in that situation if he is satisfied with his career and the attitude towards him at work. Otherwise, considering themselves a loser, the Lions are able to “dump” all their anger on their native people, becoming a real tyrant.

The most dangerous trait in Leo's character is pride. She is able to destroy the strong side of the Lions. Regardless of anyone, the Lions achieve that everyone turns away from him. And in this case, what kind of "king" is he? If this happens, Leo can break down and withdraw into himself for a long time.

lions stubborn. Well, if they got something into their head, it is useless to call for reason. With their stubbornness, the Lions are able, as they say, to break firewood. And they will still convince others that they are right.

Although Leo is considered a king, sometimes he allows himself to be controlled. But he does this only if there is a benefit for himself.

Lions are very hospitable. They willingly invite you to visit, trying to feed at the highest level. At the same time, the money side is not a problem for Lviv. They will get money. If they do not earn, they will borrow or take a loan. Lions don't keep money. They can appear in large numbers and immediately settle in shops, boutiques, restaurants ... They are also happy to spend on gifts.

Influence: Sun.

Symbol: lion, swan.

Colors: purple, gold, orange, scarlet, black (white is unfortunate).

Stones: amber, chrysolite, topaz, ruby, diamond, esmerald.

Metal: gold.

Flowers: peonies, marigolds, gladioli, chrysanthemums.

Anatomical emphasis: heart, tissues, arteries, retina, bladder, rheumatism, psycho-impotence.

Mascot: ladybug, lion, eagle.

Happy day: Sunday.

Unlucky day: Saturday.

Favorable numbers: 1, 5, 9, 11.

Countries: France, Africa, Italy, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Sicily, continents: Arctic, Antarctica.

Born from July 23 to August 3 - under the influence of Saturn - natures are strong, mystical, ardent, not loving loneliness and coercion. Important years: 19, 39, 57, 76. Born from 4 to 12 August - under the influence of Jupiter - scrupulous and reasonable nature, picky, loving arithmetic and ceremony. Important years: 19, 36, 40, 57, 76.

Born from 13 to 23 August - under the influence of Mars - natures are strong, powerful, loving and worshiping authority and command. Intelligence is combined with strength. Thrive and succeed in the military. Important years: 15, 19, 30, 35, 36, 57, 60, 76.

The zodiac sign Leo is a sign of strength and power. The lion is the king of beasts, and the lion man reigns over all people and over you in particular (yes, yes, I know that this is not so, but for God's sake, don't tell him about it, it will break his selfish heart). It is better to please him and then he will meow, and not growl like a real lion. If you want to study this person, go to all the bright and chic houses of the city, there you will definitely meet the Lion, he does not like melancholy and darkness. Those born under the sign of Leo almost never blush with shyness or embarrassment.

They are full of desire to rule over family, friends, even those Lions who would like to hide this desire. You need to be a very courageous person to deal with him when he defends his rights, his dignity. Some Leos get softer with age, but they never lower their proud head, ever! Do not forget that Lions are always ready to jump when danger appears, especially for the Lioness, who usually has claws hidden.

The behavior of Lions is majestic, they have a guiding style in everything. They rarely talk or walk fast. In the company they always attract attention. They are either the center of attention, or they sit in a corner with a gloomy look until they attract the attention of everyone present. The lion makes a strange impression on people. When they talk to anyone, everyone stretches out in front of them. They talk, as a rule, in a condescending tone, they love to give advice, they love to explain to everyone how to live and how not to live.

They really understand a lot of things, which gives them the right to give advice. But the same cannot be said for their own life, they may not fix it with the same ease with which they give advice to others. But Leo has an honest love for superiority, they do not hide this desire, they have excellent abilities that are mixed with the amazing vulnerability of his EGO. This proud Leo is very vulnerable. They will be deeply hurt if you do not respect his masculinity and generosity. They need to be flattered, in 9 cases out of 10 you can turn him from a growling beast into a meowing kitten with ordinary flattery. His weakness or Achilles' heel is his vanity. Flattery acts like a balm on him, and a lack of respect makes him absolutely blind with anger.

Therefore, these 2 extremes make Leo incapable of making reasonable decisions. They simply cannot help but show constant superiority over others. Leos can be good organizers and leaders. They themselves generously distribute compliments that will impress you. They are good home owners. You will have the impression that you are in a royal castle.

There are almost no bachelors and old maids among the Lions, because. they are always in love. But they all often have unsuccessful marriages due to too much pride. A lion without a partner is a sad sight. Therefore, they always strive to find a suitable partner. The pride of Leo should not be hurt in any way, at such moments he becomes completely unbridled and as a result, the Lions are often abandoned by their chosen ones. Leos endure love failures with great dignity. But since the ability to forgive is part of his nature, returns to his former partner are possible in his love life. Life without love is nothing for Leo.

These men and women prefer to be relied upon, because they are very responsible for the weak and helpless, they love to help them. Leos like to complain that everything depends on them, that they are pulling a heavy load on themselves, but do not pay attention to this, they like this responsibility. Try to free them from this burden or offer them your help - they will refuse it. Especially they do not recognize financial assistance.

Leos are very careless with money. Typical Leos are gamblers. They love extravagance and luxury. They spend a lot of money on pleasure and entertainment. Lions lend money and even if they do not have the required amount, they will re-borrow and lend you - the king cannot be without money. Leo often has a high temperature, they are prone to unexpected severe illnesses and accidents, but practically do not get sick chronic diseases. These people are remarkably resilient, or complain that they won't live long (the latter is a typical reaction to a lack of praise). Leo can have diseases of the heart, back, legs, throat. But they all recover quickly. Their main danger is negligence in relation to their health, they may not be cured. This is a sign of extremes - they are either sloppy and careless, or surprisingly neat. All Leos love gossip. They need to know everything that is going on around them.

By nature, Lions are purposeful, it is difficult to turn them off the chosen path. They are very energetic but can be surprisingly lazy at times, like cats in the sun. If they work, then they work, if they rest, then to the fullest!

Their mission is to protect the defenseless. They are true friends, fair and strong enemies. These people are creative and original, strong and cheerful.

They dress quite brightly, suiting their bright personality. They have true dignity and the grace with which they can endure adversity. Their optimistic hopes are further enhanced by the sunlight, and thousands of stars support them at night.

Everyone has the right to decide for himself whether to believe or not to believe in astrological forecast, but the fact that astrology is a real science with its own research methods and indisputable results is beyond doubt. No astrological forecast claims to be taken as the only possible truth. Star predictions provide us with a thread, a topic for reflection and recommendations that can be carried out or not, depending on the personal wishes of the person. Everyone is free to build their destiny according to their own scenario, but the stars are able to help us avoid some mistakes, grab a happy chance in time and just make life a little easier and brighter.

Born from July 23 to August 3- under the influence of Saturn - Natura are strong, mystical, ardent lovers of loneliness and coercion.
Important years: 19, 39, 57, 76.
Born from 4 to 12 August - under the influence of Jupiter - scrupulous and reasonable nature, picky, loving arithmetic and ceremony.
Important years: 19, 36, 40, 57, 76.
Born from 13 to 23 August- under the influence of Mars - natures are strong, powerful, loving and worshiping authority and command. Intelligence is combined with strength. Thrive and succeed in the military.
Important years: 15, 19, 30, 35, 36, 57, 60, 76.


Good health, incredible vitality.
Lions are proud of this, as if it were their merit and personal dignity.
The resistance is phenomenal, but they overestimate their strength and risk giving themselves to everything and everyone, wearing down this resistance to disease.
The most vulnerable place is the heart. Emotional shocks and obstacles affect the heart physically, hence the vulnerability to blood circulation: anemia, leukemia, arthritis, gout, phlebitis, embolism, tonsillitis, nervous depression and breakdowns, hemorrhages, especially in the retina, spasms, gangrene of the lower extremities, freckles and sunburn.
Diseases are usually short-lived, but acute, with high fever.
They respond better to natural remedies, to everything that ripens under the sun - herbal tea, plum and garlic remedy, fruits, bread and potato diet, vitamins.
The main thing is the regulation of energy expenditure, the need to avoid excessive smoking and alcohol consumption.
The critical age is about fifty years.


The sun means life, heat, fire, flame, light, consciousness, idealism, discipline, radiant greatness.
Human consciousness as opposed to the "lunar" subconscious.
Inwardly, Leos are aware of their social role, which can make them status seekers. Unfortunately, not everyone has an outward resemblance to the king of beasts, but everyone has his ambition.
Leos are fieryly passionate, both men and women, refuse to play second fiddle, consider themselves the center of the universe, a reflection of their own imagination.
They want to lead, lead, inspire, give good luck, shower with gifts, protect, have fun.
They can be generous to the point of recklessness. They have no sense of danger.
Loyal, explicit, frank, they cannot live in moral denial, they need explanation and settlement at the first shadow of a doubt.
The secret of their strength is faith and truth.
They do not like darkness, they live in the neighborhood of fire, wars, cataclysms, which they themselves sometimes cause.
Their enemy is pride, especially if it is not justified. In these cases, mental inflation sets in: depression, quirks, abusive morbid humor. It turns out an arrogant, painful, pompous personality, punishing for his unfulfilled ambitions a tyrant who is a slave to his vices, a petty restless adventurer who considers only himself.
The Napoleonic complex can sometimes lead to a madhouse.
Leo women want to be noticed and take care to show themselves, preferring silks, ornaments, bright colors, harsh perfumes.
They do not follow fashion, they introduce it and copy the prominent ladies of society, if they can afford, they spend a lot on clothes, if not, they emphasize quantity at the expense of quality of clothes and use cheap furs, fake jewelry, vulgar perfumes.
Men spend a lot of time dressing, combing their hair. They look good in a tuxedo.
Leo has a passion for a fat pocket.


From the very beginning, they are aware of the importance of choosing a profession, society expects a significant contribution from them. Your entire career is at stake.
They do not want to go into small details, play a subordinate role, but strive for responsibility, they are tireless.
They don't like to sit and follow someone else's work, they want to be right in the grand scheme of things.
Even Taurus can surpass in work.
They hate to be interrupted, or badly assisted, or obstructed by arrogance.
It is best for them to work either independently, for themselves (art, intellectual work, entrepreneurship), or enter high administrative circles, climbing up the hierarchical ladder.
They are good in everything related to politics, culture, show business, as well as physical education. They make good jewelers, taxi drivers, diplomats, politicians, artists, gallery owners, theater directors, decorators, directors, athletes, directors, chairmen, presidents, administrators.
They like to earn big money and spend even more.
They borrow, give away, spend, often living beyond their means.
Leo has the highest success rate of all the zodiac signs, but also the worst failures.


Leo is a sign favorable for male honor, at least where a man is still allowed to create an empire, a dynasty.
For Leo women, it is often difficult to realize their romantic ambition: to find a man who will put her on a pedestal to which she is entitled.
They usually try to marry high-ranking people, refrain from marriage for a long time until they find the one they think they want: a well-educated man with money who will allow her to look good and rule the house.
They consider love to be a trump card in the game with life and hold back their sensual issues, which she does not have many, are often frigid.
Many Leo women think they are beautiful, and often they are. They are afraid to give themselves physically for fear of losing their beauty, many pay with a nervous breakdown by the age of 30 for marriage or marriage of convenience.
Men can be the most generous and generous lovers or admirers.
They are not very gentle, but very passionate.
They want to find a woman worthy of themselves and their great romantic destiny, for which, in their opinion, they are born.
They cannot imagine that any woman can reject them.
On the other hand, a good compliment to the Lion, throws him at your feet, there is something of a peacock in him.
If Leo is not loved, he cannot forgive himself for his choice - his anger is destructive. On the other hand, no woman can resist the path to a position in life and career. If she does this, then Leo gets rid of a humiliating desire for him, even if it threatens him with loneliness.
A prosperous Leo in society can allow himself to rule at home when no one sees it.
A loser can be the most terrible tyrant in personal relationships, skittish, pompous, insulting a woman, blaming her for all the failures of life.
Leo is happy with Sagittarius, Aries, Gemini, Libra.
In friendship and marriage, Scorpio and Taurus should be avoided.

Mental disorders