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Japanese chronology (Japanese 元号 gengoo or Japanese 年号 nengoo, translated means era, epoch) is the traditional calendar used in Japan.

Instead of counting years from the Nativity of Christ, as is customary in Christian countries, in Japan, years are calculated from the year the emperor's reign began. Each emperor, assuming the throne, approves the motto (nengo), under which his reign will pass. In ancient times, the emperor sometimes changed the motto if the beginning of his reign was unsuccessful, or if he wanted to commemorate some important event in his life. During the Meiji Restoration, changing the motto during the reign was prohibited.

The beginning of the motto of the board is considered the first year of the new historical period. All nengō are unique, so they can be used as a universal time scale.

The Heisei ("Peace and Tranquility") period, like the reign of Emperor Akihito, began in 1989. Accordingly, 2005 was Heisei 17 and 2006 was Heisei 18.

A similar method of reckoning came from China, but is still widely used in Japan. The indication of dates according to the Japanese calendar is required on financial, banking documents and official papers.

In China, a similar system has been used since 140 BC. e., in Japan this system has been used since 645 AD. e.

[edit] Table of Japanese eras
Year Era Reading Translation Emperor Beginning of reign Length of period
… … … … … … …
Edo period (1603-1867)
1615 元和 Genna Beginning of the 1611 Kotohito accord
1624 正保 Kan'ei Defense of Justice Okiko, Tsuguhito December 22, 1629, November 14, 1643
1644 万治 Shohō Tsuguhito's reign of 10,000 November 14, 1643
1648 慶安 Keian Tsuguhito Peaceful Joy November 14, 1643
1652 承応 Jō Receiving Nagahito's Answers January 5, 1655
1655 明暦 Meireki Light Calendar Nagahito January 5, 1655
1658 万治 Manji Ten thousandth reign of Nagahito January 5, 1655
1661 寛文 Kambun Generous Art of Satohito March 5, 1663
1673 延宝 Empo Satohito's lasting wealth March 5, 1663
1681 天和 Tenna Heavenly Imperial Peace of Satohito March 5, 1663
1684 貞享 Jokyō Asahito May 6, 1687
1688 元禄 Genroku Asahito's Initial Joy May 6, 1687
1704 宝永 Hoei Prosperous Eternity Yoshihito July 27, 1709
1704 正徳 Shotoku Righteous Dignity of Yoshihito July 27, 1709
1716 享保 Kyoho Obtaining, Possession (Holding) Teruhito April 13, 1735
1736 元文 Genbun Initial courtesy of Teruhito April 13, 1735
1741 寛保 Kampo Preservation of the indulgent and generous Teruhito April 13, 1735
1744 延享 Enkyo The formation of the duration of Tohito June 9, 1747
1748 寛延 Kang'en Prolongation of the softness of Tohito June 9, 1747
1751 宝暦 Horeki Valuable calendar (Valuable almanac) Toshiko
1764 明和 Meiwa Bright Harmony Hidehito May 23, 1771
1772 安永 An'ei Peaceful eternity Tomohito December 16, 1779
1781 天明 Tenmei Dawn of Tomohito December 16, 1779
1789 寛政 Kansei Tolerant (liberal) government of Tomohito December 16, 1779
1801 享和 Kyouwa Receive Tomohito Harmony December 16, 1779
1804 文化 Bunka Culture (Civilization) Ayahito October 31, 1817
1818 文政 Bunsei Art Board of Ayahito October 31, 1817
1830 天保 Tenpo Heavenly Imperial Protection of Ayahito October 31, 1817
1844 弘化 Koka Becoming broad (extensive) Osahito March 10, 1846
1848 嘉永 Kaei Osahito Eternity Celebration March 10, 1846
1854 安政 Ansei Quiet peaceful (calm) government of Osahito March 10, 1846
1860 万延 Man'en Lasting ten thousand Osahito March 10, 1846
1861 文久 Bunkyu A Literate History of Osahito March 10, 1846
1864 元治 Genji Initial reign of Osahito March 10, 1846
1865 慶応 Keio Joyful consent of Osahito March 10, 1846
Modern Japan
1868 明治 Meiji Enlightened Reign of Mutsuhito February 3, 1867 45
1912 大正 Taishō Great Justice Yoshihito July 30, 1912 15
1926 昭和 Showa Hirohito's Enlightened World December 25, 1926 64
1989 平成 Heisei Establishment of peace by Akihito January 7, 1989 Until now

[edit] From the founding of Japan
A very ancient calendar system, with a reference point of 660 BC. e., when, according to legend, the state of Japan was founded by Emperor Jimmu. It was supplanted by the count of years under the reigns of emperors. During the Meiji Restoration, the ancient count of years was restored, but it only lasted until the end of World War II.

It is noteworthy that this number of years was reflected in the marking of pre-war aviation equipment: the last two digits of the numerical designation of the aircraft corresponded to the last two digits of the date this modification was put into service. So, the legendary carrier-based fighter "Mitsubishi A6M Zero" ("Naval carrier-based fighter Type 00 Model 11" (Rei Shiki Kanjo Sentoki, Jap. 零式艦上戦闘機) was commissioned in 2600 from the founding of Japan, or, respectively, 1940.

[edit] See also