31 what year of the animal. twelve animals of the year

Chinese astrology predates Western astrology and differs from it in many ways. Western astrology, analyzing, is limited only by the character of a person, and does not predict his fate.

On the other hand, a significant part of Chinese astrology focuses on predicting a person's life path, to the point where it can predict the happy and tragic events that can happen in a person's life.

It is interesting to note that Chinese astrology and feng shui are closely intertwined - astrological characteristics person are used in many feng shui schools to determine the optimal placement of home furniture and accessories that are specially designed for that person.

There are 12 zodiac signs in the Eastern calendar, similar to the 12 zodiac signs in Western astrology. Graphically, this is a pie chart with 12 sections, each section with an image (picture) of an animal representing one sign of the zodiac.

The 12 signs of the zodiac symbolize the 12 animals in the eastern calendar: rat, bull, tiger, rabbit, snake, sheep (goat), monkey, rooster, and pig (boar). Just as in the West, a person's character traits depend on his zodiac sign, in Eastern astrology, in the same way, a person's character depends on the year and under what sign he was born. The difference is that Western astrology is based on the annual solar cycles of the 12 zodiac signs. In the Chinese calendar, although the periods last a full cycle, starting with a new one and ending with a complete one, one animal is a symbol for the whole year. Thus, the full cycle takes 12 years. For example, if you were born in the year of the goat (sheep), your sign will be this animal, and you can celebrate your birthday every 12 years.

12 zodiac signs by year in order

Characteristics of 12 animals, signs of the zodiac of the eastern calendar

We bring to your attention brief description 12 animals, signs of the zodiac of the eastern calendar, many of these characteristics correspond to the character of people born under the sign of this or that animal according to the eastern calendar.

Rat: charming, aggressive, secretive, sharp and witty, stubborn, a good politician and businessman, one might say, a perfectionist

Bull: good memory, hardworking, loyal to the family, talented, responsible, self-confident, impulsive, creative person.

Tiger: leader, courageous, strong, possessive, predatory, generous and selfish, passionate, likes to work alone, dynamic.

Rabbit: good-natured, conservative, artistic taste, sentimental, emotional, monogamous, romantic, peaceful, shy, gentle.

The Dragon: tyrant, regal, lucky, leader, in the spotlight, powerful, aggressive, dynamic, selfish, snob.

Snake: charming, popular, possessive, self-centered, intelligent, well-mannered, lazy, romantic, not reliable.

Horse: Loving, rebellious, energetic, selfish, possessive, cunning, with low self-esteem.

Sheep (goat): creative, lazy, disorganized, charming, well-mannered, dreamy, pessimistic, artistic, romantic, restless.

A monkey: charming, witty, intelligent, emotional, cunning, gourmet, humorous, lucky.

Rooster: honest, loyal, dreamer, likes to bargain, observant.

Dog: loyal, conservative, sincere, intelligent, subjective, serious, nervous, loves loneliness.

Pig or boar: caring, knight, sincere, honest, trusting, believes in goodness, loves food, romantic, jealous.

It is interesting to note that the real Chinese astrology differs significantly from its popular versions, which are concentrated on the sign of the zodiac. It is not limited only to their characteristics.

Table distribution of animals by years for a quick search:

Refers to the Chinese millennium calendar and Feng Shui directions of the compass school. It is known that each year, month and main direction in the Lo Pan compass corresponds to some kind of animal. In any compass of Lo Pan, the most important ring is the “24 mountains” ring, which consists of the hieroglyphs of 12 animals, four trigrams and 8 celestial stems. Twelve animals are associated with the elements and seasons of the year. For example, the year Chinese calendar begins February 3-4 with the month of the tiger, the first month of spring. And the tiger symbolizes the yang tree, since in spring the most powerful element is the tree. There is a peculiar relationship between animals, some are friends and love each other, others attack or clash.
Here are the main descriptions of 12 animals, as well as the dates of the years they belong to.

RAT(creativity). Yang water, winter, December. Born under the sign of charm and aggressiveness. At first glance, it seems calm, balanced and cheerful. But this apparent appearance hides constant excitement. It is enough to talk with her longer to discover her nervousness, anxiety and choleric temperament. Any rat prefers to live by cunning, rather than work, and often achieves a lot in life at the expense of others working for her by the sweat of her brow. Years: 1900/12/24/36/48/60/72/84/96.

BULL,(performance, diligence). Yin land, end of winter, January. Patient and silent, restrained and slow, inconspicuous and balanced, precise and methodical, the Ox hides an original mind under a somewhat rustic appearance. He has a gift to call for frankness, this is one of the trump cards of his success. He is a contemplative. Maybe that's why he loves being alone. He is a true hard worker who brings prosperity to his family. Years: 1901/13/25/37/49/61/73/85/97.

TIGER(master of the situation, aggressive invader of the territory). Yang tree, beginning of spring, February. Tiger - Fronder. Undisciplined, he has a short temper. It's hard to resist its magnetism. Always goes forward, despises established authority, hierarchy and conservative minds. Likes all kinds of activities in which there is a risk. This is a warrior, sensitive, emotional and capable of deep reflection, strong love. Years: 1902/14/26/38/50/62/74/86/98.

RABBIT(calm, charming person). Yin tree, spring, March. The cat always falls on its paws. This is the lucky one. Gifted, ambitious, pleasant companion, modest, reserved, refined, virtuous. He speaks well and knows how to evaluate himself, but he is superficial and his best qualities are superficial. This is a secular person, likes to receive guests. Usually not out of balance, calm and unruffled. Conservative, committed to comfort and safety. Years: 1903/15/27/39/51/63/75/87/99.

THE DRAGON(Showman, bright personality). Yang land, end of spring, April. The Dragon has an excess of health, life force, activity. Open and pure, he is incapable of pettiness, hypocrisy or slander. Scrupulous, demands a lot, but brings much more. Proud, capable, strong-willed, hardy and generous. He is powerful and does not need anything all his life. He is a winner! Years: 1904/16/28/40/52/64/76/88/2000.

SNAKE(wisdom, spirituality). Yin fire, the beginning of summer, May. Intellectual and philosopher, not talkative and deep in thought. He dresses elegantly and pretentiously. Strongly developed intuition, which trusts more than facts. Calm by nature, she makes decisions quickly and always decisively brings her work to the end. But be vigilant, think before turning to the Snake for help: it tries to wrap itself around the debtor and strangle it. Just. Because of the tendency to exaggerate. Years: 1905/17/29/41/53/65/77/89/2001.

HORSE(honesty, activity). Yang fire, summer, June. Representative, she has a good stature, knows how to dress. He loves spectacles, theater, concerts, everything connected with the crowd. Knows how to make a compliment, cheerful, talkative, pretty and popular. Can succeed in politics, brilliant, loves and knows how to manage people. The mind grasps people's thoughts before they are spoken. A hard worker, dexterous in handling money, a good financier. Years: 1906/18/30/42/54/66/78/90/2002.

GOAT(home). Yin land, end of summer, July. Elegant, artistic, in love with nature. Brings despair to those around him with his whims. Timid and feminine, likes to complain. She likes to be talked about, guided and advised. Not knowing which direction to choose, always relies on others. She has good taste and talent, but she is not able to lead, as she was created for obedience. Smart. Of the year: 1907/19/31/43/55/67/79/91/2003.

A MONKEY(ability to use technology). Yang metal, early autumn, August. The most eccentric character of all signs. The soul of society, but crafty and cunning. Very selfish. Playful, amiable, even obliging, she masks her miserable opinion of others with her ostentatious courtesy and affability. Monkey is an intellectual. She read everything, knows a lot of things, is aware of everything that happens in the world. Well educated and has an excellent memory. Inventive and capable of solving the most difficult problems with surprising speed. Years: 1908/20/32/44/56/68/80/92/2004.

ROOSTER (original ideas, fashion). Yin metal, autumn, September. He is not shy in expressions and sometimes manifests himself sharply aggressively. He really says what he thinks. But this is a tendency towards selfishness: he is indifferent to the vulnerability of others and believes that there is no reason to spare them. Likes to be noticed and dresses accordingly. At the same time, he is deeply and completely conservative, thinks that he is completely right and knows what he is doing. Does not trust anyone, relying only on himself. Courageous and brave. Years: 1909/21/33/45/57/69/81/93/2005.

DOG(loyalty, protection of the home). Yang land, late autumn, October. Always restless, as if on guard, never resting. Closed, rarely shows his feelings. She is stubborn and often a cynic: she is feared for her harsh and unpleasant remarks. Always boldly acts against injustice. A skeptic, but her critical mind, sense of humor and greatness of spirit save her from pettiness. Dislikes gatherings, crowds. But at the same time she is loyal, faithful, honest and has a sense of duty. You can rely on her: she will not betray. Years: 1910/22/34/46/58/70/82/94/2006.

PIG(kind, loving comfort). Yin water, beginning of winter, November. Knight character. Gallant, helpful, scrupulous to the extreme. Naive, trusting, defenseless. Will never sell. She has few friends, but those few she keeps all her life and for them she is capable of great sacrifices. Attentive. Will never argue or object to you if he loves you. Due to his sensitivity, he can succeed in art. Clever, but ingenuous. Helpless against hypocrisy and entangled in attempts to justify herself. Years: 1911/23/35/47/59/71/83/95/2007.

You can be skeptical about horoscopes and not believe in astrology, but in any case, it is interesting to know which animal will be dedicated to 2018. Millions of people around the world study predictions with bated breath, trying to predict what awaits them in the near future. Psychologists assure that it is necessary to believe only in the good, then the invented scenario will become a reality. Therefore, it is worth finding out what animal 2018 will be dedicated to in order to read the eastern horoscope and choose the best from it!

The eastern horoscope includes 12 animals, each of which patronizes certain years. Each animal is assigned a certain element. It can be metal, water, earth, air or flame. Therefore, as a result, a circle of 60 animals is obtained, the characteristics of each of which depend on which element they belong to. For example, air "gives" an animal frivolity, earth - thoroughness, flame - hot temper.

After 2017, the year of the Rooster will enter into force in 2018, which will be held under the auspices of Yellow Earth Dog. What is the nature of this animal, and what will 2018 bring to humanity? You will learn about this from this article.

Yellow Earth Dog: general characteristics

The Yellow Earth Dog is a peaceful animal that hates conflict. Therefore, astrologers claim that in 2018 peace and tranquility will finally reign. It is possible that even people who were previously considered irreconcilable enemies will be able to come to a compromise.

Yellow color symbolizes not only the Earth, but also sunlight. This means that in the new year there will be more optimism and joy. I would like to believe that astrologers do not lie about which animal according to the horoscope 2018 will be dedicated to, and the Yellow Dog will really bring people a lot of happiness.

It is important to note that the Dog in Eastern astrology is considered a female sign. Therefore, in 2018, people who have gentleness, intuition and sincerity will achieve particular success. True, at the same time people can expect quite noticeable emotional swings.

The dog appreciates the house and family. Therefore, lucky faithful people for whom the family comes first. It will be difficult for those who are used to loneliness. Although it is possible that they will reconsider their views and decide that it is time to start a new life.

The nature of people who were born in the year of the Dog

Who will give the world 2018? The dog is an honest, infinitely devoted and faithful animal. She gives these features to people born in the year of the Yellow Dog. Such people become great friends who are ready to help at any moment. Favorites of the Yellow Dog are not able to tolerate injustice: they always take the side of the weak and seek to restore the truth, even if they themselves risk it.

In addition, people who appeared in the New Year 2018, the symbol of which will be the Yellow Dog, can be trusted with any secret and be sure that they will not give out other people's secrets under any circumstances.

The element of the Earth will give everyone who is born in 2018 the ability to soberly assess the situation and stand firmly on their feet. This applies to financial well-being: such people will always find a way to earn money and will never be broke. In addition, they will appreciate coziness and comfort.

The Yellow Dog is firm in its decisions: it is impossible to convince or confuse it. People belonging to this sign are very child-loving, always come to the aid of others and are prone to "rescue". However, you should be careful: sometimes, helping others, you can turn into an arrogant person who is proud of his actions and in every way boasts of them to people. The Yellow Earth Dog should treat himself with humor and sensibly assess his importance to others.

The dog can be very cynical and sharp-tongued. She speaks the truth to her face, hiding nothing and not hiding anything. Because of this, quite serious troubles can arise: not everyone is ready to forgive such straightforwardness. Therefore, all those who were born under the sign of the Dog should learn to keep their mouths shut and realize that telling the truth in person is not always worth it.

In a team, the Yellow Dog can criticize others in every possible way. It even sometimes seems to colleagues that such people are specifically looking for a reason for conflict. However, this is not so: for the Yellow Dog, such behavior is a way to spur people to new achievements.

Sometimes Yellow Earth Dogs are overly pessimistic. They tend to fall into depression, for a long time they experience troubles and defeats. It is worth learning to look at life easier: failures happen to everyone, but this is not a reason to think that life is bad.

Yellow Earth Dogs get overly anxious financial well-being. They can become greedy and mercantile, strive for hoarding, forgetting that money is not earned in order to be kept under lock and key. We must not forget that there are also intangible values.

Family and love

Despite external sociability, the Yellow Earth Dog is not inclined to let others get too close to him. Only trusted people become her friends, with whom you can safely “go on reconnaissance”. People who are born this year will choose a spouse for a long time. However, the marriage will be very strong, and it is unlikely that the one who is patronized by the Yellow Dog will initiate its collapse.

The dog is distinguished by fidelity and devotion. Therefore, luck awaits those who value their family and are not inclined to "look to the left." This distinguishes 2018 from 2017, which, as you know, will be patronized by the impulsive, emotional and loving Fire Rooster.

By the way, astrologers believe that marriages that will be concluded in 2018, which takes place under the auspices of the Yellow Earth Dog animal, will become especially strong, so if you are planning a wedding, you should think about whether to play it in 2018. If you remember that 2019 will be the year of the Pig, which does not favor lovers seeking to register a relationship, it becomes obvious that 2018 is the perfect year for a strong, long marriage.

The Yellow Dog will give the opportunity to meet their other half to all single people who do not dare to build relationships because of shyness or shyness. The main thing is not to miss your chance.

Who will be the most successful? Everything is very simple: the Dog is stubborn and active, so it will give its favor to people who are not stopped by obstacles that arise on the way. If you make every effort in 2018 and do not give up on your plans, you will be able to realize many of your plans. Active, active people who boldly take the initiative into their own hands will be able to get a raise or achieve an increase in their own income.

The Yellow Earth Dog does not like those who devote a huge amount of time to dreams and fantasies, refusing to do anything. And the hostess of the year will gladly give everyone else the opportunity to realize themselves and achieve their goals.

The Yellow Dog will make people more loyal, calm and tolerant of the shortcomings of others. This is worth taking advantage of: in 2018, it will be easier to achieve sympathy from both colleagues and the most strict bosses. Therefore, all people who are not afraid to be active should not worry: the new year, which will be the year of the animal element of the Earth, will be very successful.

Political situation

The Yellow Earth Dog is supposed to bring peace and tranquility to people. After all, this animal does not like conflicts, which means it will teach you to resolve issues peacefully. There is hope that rivals will become partners and enemies will sign non-aggression pacts. Great success will be achieved by states that seek to resolve issues through diplomacy, and not by arms.

The Yellow Earth Dog never leaves those in need without help. Therefore, it is likely that developed countries will provide all kinds of assistance and support to poor states.

Now you know which animal 2018 will be dedicated to. May this knowledge bring you good luck and prosperity! By the way, to appease the Earth Dog, meet New Year in outfits yellow color and decorate the interior with yellow accessories.

When does the year begin according to the eastern calendar, this question arose for me because I was born in January. And you probably know that our modern calendar and the New Year does not coincide with eastern horoscope (calendar), also called Chinese horoscope(calendar). At the same time, those who are born at the beginning of the year according to the modern calendar may have eastern horoscope(to the calendar) a completely different year...

According to the eastern horoscope (calendar) There are 12 animals representing the year. They follow in strict sequence one after another. And they represent the constellations under the sign of which a person is born. Let's figure it out what does the eastern horoscope (calendar) consist of.

Years according to the eastern horoscope (calendar)

  1. year Rats
  2. year Bull
  3. year tiger
  4. year A rabbit
  5. year dragon
  6. year snakes
  7. year Horses
  8. year Sheep
  9. year Monkey
  10. year Rooster
  11. year Dogs
  12. year Pigs (Boar)

Also in the eastern horoscope (calendar) five main elements are used

  • Earth
  • Wood
  • Fire
  • Metal
  • Water

Another important characteristic of each year according to the eastern horoscope (calendar) is the color

  • white
  • the black
  • blue
  • red
  • yellow

Now let's see why all this is needed. Year according to the eastern horoscope (calendar) starts differently. The interval is stretched from mid-January to mid-February in modern time. For those who were born during this period of time, it may be especially interesting to know which year according to the eastern horoscope (calendar) he was born.

Why did I bring up this topic? Yes, I myself was born at the very end of January, and for a long time I was tormented by the question of whether I really belong to the year of the eastern horoscope (calendar) that my parents told me about. Or maybe I have something completely different patron animal according to the eastern horoscope (calendar). I have processed quite a lot of sources in order to collect truthful and accurate information and post it here in a convenient format, I hope it will be useful to someone else besides me.

Next I bring table of years according to the eastern horoscope (calendar). First comes the year, in parentheses is the date of its beginning according to the eastern horoscope (calendar). The following are animal-symbol according to the eastern horoscope (calendar), element and color of the given year. For example, if you see the following phrase: "2012 (January 23) - animal: Dragon, element: Water, black", then this means that the upcoming New Year 2012 according to the eastern horoscope (calendar) begins on January 23, 2012 (modern time calculus) , the symbol of this year according to the eastern horoscope (calendar) will be the Black Water Dragon.

start date, symbol animal, element and color.

1900 (January 31) - animal: Rat, element: Metal, color: white
1901 (February 19) - animal: Bull, element: Metal, color: white
1902 (February 8) - animal: Tiger, element: Water, color: black
1903 (January 29) - animal: Rabbit, element: Water, color: black
1904 (February 16) - animal: Dragon, element: Wood, color: blue
1905 (February 4) - animal: Snake, element: Wood, color: blue
1906 (January 25) - animal: Horse, element: Fire, color: red
1907 (February 13) - animal: Goat (Sheep), element: Wood, color: red
1908 (February 2) - animal: Monkey, element: Earth, color: yellow
1909 (January 22) - animal: Rooster, element: Earth, color: yellow
1910 (February 10) - animal: Dog, element: Metal, color: white
1911 (January 30) - animal: Pig (Boar), element: Metal, color: white
1912 (February 18) - animal: Rat, element: Water, color: black
1913 (February 6) - animal: Bull, element: Water, color: black
1914 (January 26) - animal: Tiger, element: Wood, color: blue
1915 (February 14) - animal: Rabbit, element: Wood, color: blue
1916 (February 3) - animal: Dragon, element: Fire, color: red
1917 (January 23) - animal: Snake, element: Fire, color: red
1918 (February 11) - animal: Horse, element: Earth, color: yellow
1919 (February 1) - animal: Goat (Sheep), element: Fire, color: yellow
1920 (February 20) - animal: Monkey, element: Metal, color: white
1921 (February 8) - animal: Rooster, element: Metal, color: white
1922 (January 28) - animal: Dog, element: Water, color: black
1923 (February 16) - animal: Pig (Boar), element: Water, color: black
1924 (February 5) - animal: Rat, element: Wood, color: blue
1925 (January 25) - animal: Bull, element: Wood, color: blue
1926 (February 13) - animal: Tiger, element: Fire, color: red
1927 (February 2) - animal: Rabbit, element: Fire, color: red
1928 (January 23) - animal: Dragon, element: Earth, color: yellow
1929 (February 10) - animal: Snake, element: Earth, color: yellow
1930 (January 30) - animal: Horse, element: Metal, color: white
1931 (February 17) - animal: Goat (Sheep), element: Metal, color: white
1932 (February 6) - animal: Monkey, element: Water, color: black
1933 (January 26) - animal: Rooster, element: Water, color: black
1934 (February 14) - animal: Dog, element: Wood, color: blue
1935 (February 4) - animal: Pig (Boar), element: Wood, color: blue
1936 (January 24) - animal: Rat, element: Fire, color: color: red
1937 (February 11) - animal: Bull, element: Fire, color: red
1938 (January 31) - animal: Tiger, element: Earth, color: yellow
1939 (February 19) - animal: Rabbit, element: Earth, color: yellow
1940 (February 8) - animal: Dragon, element: Metal, color: white
1941 (January 27) - animal: Snake, element: Metal, color: white
1942 (February 15) - animal: Horse, element: Water, color: black
1943 (February 5) - animal: Goat (Sheep), element: Water, color: black
1944 (January 25) - animal: Monkey, element: Wood, color: blue
1945 (February 13) - animal: Rooster, element: Wood, color: blue
1946 (February 2) - animal: Dog, element: Fire, color: red
1947 (January 22) - animal: Pig (Boar), element: Fire, color: red
1948 (February 10) - animal: Rat, element: Earth, color: yellow
1949 (January 29) - animal: Bull, element: Earth, color: yellow
1950 (February 17) - animal: Tiger, element: Metal, color: white
1951 (February 6) - animal: Rabbit, element: Metal, color: white
1952 (January 27) - animal: Dragon, element: Water, color: black
1953 (February 14) - animal: Snake, element: Water, color: black
1954 (February 3) - animal: Horse, element: Wood, color: blue
1955 (January 24) - animal: Goat (Sheep), element: Wood, color: blue
1956 (February 12) - animal: Monkey, element: Fire, color: red
1957 (January 31) - animal: Rooster, element: Fire, color: red
1958 (February 18) - animal: Dog, element: Earth, color: yellow
1959 (February 8) - animal: Pig (Boar), element: Earth, color: yellow
1960 (January 28) - animal: Rat, element: Metal, color white
1961 (February 15) - animal: Bull, element: Metal, white
1962 (February 5) - animal: Tiger, element: Water, color: black
1963 (January 25) - animal: Rabbit, element: Water, color: black
1964 (February 13) - animal: Dragon, element: Wood, color: blue
1965 (February 2) - animal: Snake, element: Wood, color: blue
1966 (January 21) - animal: Horse, element: Fire, color: red
1967 (February 9) - animal: Goat (Sheep), element: Fire, color: red
1968 (January 30) - animal: Monkey, element: Earth, color: yellow
1969 (February 17) - animal: Rooster, element: Earth, color: yellow
1970 (February 6) - animal: Dog, element: Metal, color: white
1971 (January 27) - animal: Pig (Boar), element: Metal, color: white
1972 (February 15) - animal: Rat, element: Water, color: black
1973 (February 3) - animal: Bull, element: Water, color: black
1974 (January 23) - animal: Tiger, element: Wood, color: blue
1975 (February 11) - animal: Rabbit, element: Wood, color: blue
1976 (January 31) - animal: Dragon, element: Fire, color: red
1977 (February 18) - animal: Snake, element: Fire, color: red
1978 (February 7) - animal: Horse, element: Earth, color: yellow
1979 (January 28) - animal: Goat (Sheep), element: Earth, color: yellow
1980 (February 16) - animal: Monkey, element: Metal, color: white
1981 (February 5) - animal: Rooster, element: Metal, color: white
1982 (January 25) - animal: Dog, element: Water, color: black
1983 (February 13) - animal: Pig (Boar), element: Water, color: black
1984 (February 2) - animal: Rat, element: Wood, color: blue
1985 (February 20) - animal: Bull, element: Wood, color: blue
1986 (February 9) - animal: Tiger, element: Fire, color: red
1987 (January 29) - animal: Rabbit, element: Fire, color: red
1988 (February 17) - animal: Dragon, element: Earth, color: yellow
1989 (February 6) - animal: Snake, element: Earth, color: yellow
1990 (January 27) - animal: Horse, element: Metal, color: white
1991 (February 15) - animal: Goat (Sheep), element: Metal, color: white
1992 (February 4) - animal: Monkey, element: Water, color: black
1993 (January 23) - animal: Rooster, element: Water, color: black
1994 (February 10) - animal: Dog, element: Wood, color: blue
1995 (January 31) - animal: Pig (Boar), element: Wood, color: blue
1996 (February 19) - animal: Rat, element: Fire, color: red
1997 (February 7) - animal: Bull, element: Fire, color: red
1998 (January 28) - animal: Tiger, element: Earth, color: yellow
1999 (February 16) - animal: Rabbit, element: Earth, color: yellow
2000 (February 5) - animal: Dragon, element: Metal, color: white
2001 (January 24) - animal: Snake, element: Metal, color: white
2002 (February 12) - animal: Horse, element: Water, color: black
2003 (February 1) - animal: Goat (Sheep), element: Water, color: black
2004 (January 22) - animal: Monkey, element: Wood, blue
2005 (February 9) - animal: Rooster, element: Wood, blue
2006 (January 29) - animal: Dog, element: Fire, red
2007 (February 18) - animal: Pig (Boar), element: Fire, red
2008 (February 7) - animal: Rat, element: Earth, color: yellow
2009 (January 26) - animal: Bull, element: Earth, yellow
2010 (February 14) - animal: Tiger, element: Metal, white
2011 (February 3) - animal: Rabbit, element: Metal, white
2012 (January 23) - animal: Dragon, element: Water, black
2013 (February 10) - animal: Snake, element: Water, black
2014 (January 31) - animal: Horse, element: Wood, blue
2015 (February 19) - animal: Goat (Sheep), element: Wood, blue
2016 (February 8) - animal: Monkey, element: Fire, red
2017 (January 28) - animal: Rooster, element: Fire, red
2018 (February 16) - animal: Dog, element: Earth, yellow
2019 (February 5) - animal: Pig (Boar), element: Earth, yellow

Many people give great importance various kinds of esoteric and magical practices.

A person dreams of getting rid of personal worries associated with certain traits of his character.

He looks into the next day, trying to determine exactly what will happen next.

The table of the eastern calendar of animals by years can help with this.

Theories on the origin of the calendar

First of all, we should consider what is the annual animal calendar of the Far East. Its origin explains a huge variety of legends, scientific theories, myths and ancient legends. Two of them stand out among the others by the greatest prevalence.

Divine Exodus

One fine day, the great God invited all the creatures that roamed the earth to his abode. The same twelve creatures that appeared before him received an unexpected wonderful reward. The animals got the opportunity to hold power over the fate of all states and nationalities until their twelve years expire. Thus, the annual calendar was born, in which for each twelve months its dominant animal is determined for this period.

Astronomical variations

Now it is very difficult to determine how it all happened in reality. It is reliably known that the basis of such a calendar was the cycles of astronomical time from the two main cosmic bodies for the planet Earth. These are the lunar and solar circulation cycles. In addition to these two giants, astronomical data regarding the planets Jupiter and Saturn are taken into account.

The frequency of the animal calendar is divided into 12 full years. After this period, the cycle begins to repeat from the very beginning. It was decided to take this period of time as a basis, because such a period is used by the planet Jupiter in order to completely produce one of its own revolutions around the Sun. You can determine what year it is now according to the Chinese calendar, if you check with knowledgeable people about the sign of the previous year. They all follow the same sequence for centuries.

Main aspects of the issue

In ancient times, the nomads who inhabited the territory of the eastern regions and provinces of Asia Minor considered Jupiter their patron and real patron. The planet was endowed with mystical and metaphysical properties. This is also where the rationale for such a division of the time interval takes its roots.

The origin of the animal calendar came from the Chinese.. This event took place approximately V millennia ago.

Currently, the animal horoscope is considered one of the main and most revered not only in China, but also in many other countries.

So, in South and North Korea, Mongolia and Thailand, this ancient, wise tradition of beliefs is unusually revered.

An interesting fact is that the actual use of the signs of the Zodiac, according to the Eastern type of calendar, as symbols of a particular year, is recognized without any pretensions both among the beliefs of the Old and New Worlds. A similar idea also extends to the countries of Slavic origin.

star menagerie

So, it is worthwhile to immediately outline the circle of those animals that the great Buddha honored to be marked by God's disposition. Their alternate change is due to the fact that each animal arrived at the threshold of the deity's abode in a certain order. The New Year starts from the time when the second full moon passes, coming after the winter one. The Russian people call such an event the solstice.

So, the list of twelve sacred animals:

All these real and mythological creatures were not chosen by the ancient sages by chance.

Corresponding to the information of one of the ancient legends, the presented animals are not only a manifestation of divine grace, but also are the face of various natural elements.

Elements and signs of the zodiac

Many astrologers often mention that all the symbols of the Eastern calendar are not limited to animals alone. Their circle also includes many elements of a natural character and biological manifestations of the elements.

Their main list is quite small:

  1. Forces of fire.
  2. Water.
  3. tree.
  4. Earth.
  5. Metal.

Behind each of them has long been entrenched characteristic of him magical meaning symbol.

Wood and Fire are characteristic symbols of the entire East. It is also worth mentioning that the Chinese consider the dragon to be the main symbol of good luck. His figurines are usually depicted from the east side temple complex or at home.

A tree is a place where the morning originates from - the sun rises there. A symbolic combination - thoughts about spring, youth, flowering of young plants, the emergence of all life processes.

The symbol of fire is combined with south side Sveta.

Many sages associate this element with the date of the summer solstice.

In a metaphorical sense, the power of fire is often equivalent to such a process as progress, prosperity in business, the disclosure of the potential languishing inside, an increase in well-being, abundance. Some attribute glory to the elements, the possibility of self-realization.

That is why Fire personifies the culmination of any process, the boiling point, the moment of the highest flowering.

It also occupies a very important place in the hierarchy of the forces of nature for the eastern population.

The cosmic body, which is brought into line with the Earth, is considered to be the North Star. It has long been considered an exact prototype of the power of the emperor on Earth.

From this it can be concluded that salient features, which personifies the elements of the Earth: this is bringing everything to one order, managing complex life situations worthy of resistance to antagonistic forces. Philosophers of ancient Kiya associated the symbolism of the Tree with the arrival of spring. Earth is the hottest time of summer, its middle. This is the time when most fruits and vegetables ripen. In projection on the human life path the earth will belong to a more mature, wiser period.

Then comes the Metal element.. He personifies all manifestations of reliability, strength of character and spirit, justice, firmness and invincibility. The associative parallel here is drawn with the sunset. In general, it is this element that is more firmly than all the others intertwined with its symbolism with this celestial body. In a metaphorical sense, metal means the sunset time of a person's life, contemplation overflowing with the wisdom of past years. This is the time set for the harvest, the hour to reap the fruits of your labour.

Water. Fluid, highly variable substance. It is considered one of the most incomprehensible and very mysterious manifestations of the elements. Eastern sages treat water with reverence and fear, and many honors are given to it. The element is closely connected with the northern direction, time winter solstice. In the history of man, water is old age, wisdom, the rejection of false ideas about life and deceptive illusions. Paradoxically, water is very often taken as a symbol of inner peace.

Couples in love rarely use the calculation of the year according to the Eastern calendar. The compatibility table is taken based on the signs of the zodiac to which your chosen one belongs. But it is worth paying attention to the characteristics of the element in which the loved one was born. They will tell you if you are compatible with him or not.

Animal calendar in years

The Chinese calendar is a lunar time system that is based on isoteric characteristics various representatives animal world. Each New Year in it corresponds to a certain animal. It is also one of the twelve symbols of the Chinese zodiac signs. Lined up according to their order table of the eastern calendar of animals by year.

It is necessary to carefully and respectfully treat the old traditions.

Honor them and not go against the world's astrological principles. This behavior, combined with hard work, will ensure you secure prosperity and longevity through all the years.

R - to dream