Romantic dates for two ideas. Don't lie! Ideas for original dates

There are quite difficult situations that need to be addressed based on the fact that your partner is a person. Not every person can step over his principles and choose the most acceptable step for himself and for his loved one. For example, when passion and romance disappear in a marriage, both spouses are to blame. You can not, for example, blame a man for not showing attention and completely bogged down in his hobbies.

Most likely, you have ceased to arouse his interest and do not support him in any endeavors. Romance can also disappear if you stop appreciating it. For example, a bouquet presented by a man, women eventually regard it as a matter of course, cease to be joyful and grateful. A man who made a gift from the heart and did not see joy and gratitude in the eyes of his beloved, next time simply does not want to make any surprises. That is why many women are forced to bring a touch of romance into their relationship on their own. Let's talk about how to surprise your man with a romantic date. Your attention is offered several options for romantic dates, your task is to choose what suits you.

1. Evening on the rooftop overlooking the city. Today there is an opportunity to get on the roofs, which offer a gorgeous view of the night city. Even if you do not live in a metropolis, you can always find a beautiful view of the night lights. Find out in advance from your friends how to get to the roof with the best view, take a blanket, glasses and wine with you. Spend the evening watching the moon and small moving car lights. Buy a delicious snack, dress comfortably and pay attention to your beloved husband. Sometimes it’s worth taking a break from the kids, because the relationship between the two of you plays a special role. Of course, it is better to plan a trip to the roof during the warm season so that you do not freeze after a few minutes of being there.

2. Romantic dinner. The most common and most effective way to please your loved one. No wonder, because everyone loves to eat deliciously and relax, watching the swaying candle flame. Plan the menu in advance: it should consist of the man's favorite dishes, which he rarely eats. Pay special attention to the fact that you must make this evening special, unique, so each dish should be infrequently consumed in your home. If your husband loves gastronomic experiments, then cook a couple of new dishes from the cuisine that he really likes. Make small portions so that only enough for dinner itself.

3. Trip to the lake. Almost all men, to one degree or another, love trips to nature. Of course, if you take fishing rods, inflate a boat and put on rubber boots, then it will be difficult to call it romance. To create the appropriate mood, take beautiful blankets, champagne, gas lamps in beautiful frames and enjoy conversations on abstract topics. Be sure to light a fire and cook vegetables and meat with the aroma of singed twigs. If you have a tent and a desire to stay overnight, then you can safely retire for new sexual sensations.

4. Going to the theater. To the theatre, not to the cinema. Modern people began to forget how beautiful this kind of creativity. Choose the most interesting play for your husband, as you think, and give him a ticket, emphasizing that you have a special evening today. Pick up an evening wardrobe, put yourself in order and tell your husband that his main task will be the perfect appearance. To make your date more romantic, choose a love-themed show. Sometimes men should at least occasionally feel that there are feelings that are so important to both of you. Daily life, work and children knock out of you the desire to think about love and dream, so at least sometimes show your man how much you love him and how much you value joint romantic moments.

5. Surprise him. Almost all men love spontaneity, so a pleasant surprise from his beloved wife will make him overestimate you. Leave a note on the table stating where it should be and by what time. Where to go - you decide. The best option would be a date in a place that he loves.

For example, a concert of his favorite band, favorite pub, which prepares excellent beer, a trip on quads or a couples sport that he loves since childhood, but does not have the opportunity to do it often. You must guess his desires as accurately as possible so that the surprise brings him a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bjoy. Such a date will bring you closer, you will be able to enjoy communication with each other and find, perhaps, new interesting types of joint hobbies. But remember, a surprise date is an event for two, otherwise it will already be a simple meeting with acquaintances or friends.

For your reference, we recommend the following thematic materials on our website:

Coming up with an idea for a second date can seem like a daunting task. You have already made a good impression, but now you have no idea where to take your “newly made couple”. Use the following trouble-free tips. Of course, you can repeat yourself and go to the same place a second time. But the best second date is movement. Shopping mall, rollerblading or picnic. In such places, you have the opportunity to move around, flirt more and get to know each other better.

Here are some second date ideas that will guarantee you a third date.

Shopping center

While shopping or just going shopping without the purpose of buying here and now, you have many topics for conversation, both important and comic. The shopping center allows you to see a person in a natural environment and a relaxed atmosphere. Shopping is a great way to learn about the real tastes and interests of the chosen one. Since both people are constantly on the move, this makes communication much more energetic and lively. The guy will immediately understand if the girl knows how to save money, and she, in turn, will see how generous her new young man is.

Swap meet

Walking around the flea market, you can find many wonderful things that you have never seen or have not seen for many years. This provides a virtually endless source of conversation. If your first date wasn't very dynamic, this is a great idea for a second date. Most often, these markets have live music and very unusual cafes with good food. Be sure to buy your girlfriend a small souvenir during a date.

Bowling/roller skating

Bowling is a great way to get active on a second date. For starters, the guy needs to make sure that the girl doesn't consider herself "too cool for activities like bowling or rollerblading." But if a girl immediately agrees, then she loves adventure, she is active and fun. The only rule is to spend time carefree and in no case be upset about a lost game.


The movie theater is a great place to ask a girl out on a date, but not on the first date, because it's hard to spend time with someone when you can't talk during the movie. It's best to go to the premiere. But if you want to be alone, choose a film that has been at the box office for a long time, then the hall will be guaranteed to be half empty. Always consider the girl's viewing interests and choose light films to watch: comedies or romantic dramas.

Live music

Live performances of musicians are always accompanied by an explosion of emotions, so a concert can be a great bonding experience.
For a second date, it is better to find a small concert - in a club, restaurant or on the street. You don't have to spend a lot of money on famous star tickets at this stage. Yes, and you will be able to communicate much more among a small handful of people than in a stadium among 15,000 people.

bike ride

We are not talking about tight suits, mountain slopes and speed bikes. Just invite the girl to a quiet bike ride around the area, whether it be a scenic view or an interesting city block. But don't tell the girl where you're going. Women love a little mystery and confidence that they can rely on a man. A date like this will help you determine if the girl is willing to step out of her comfort zone and try new things. One "but" - warn in advance that the girl comes in jeans or shorts.


A picnic is a classic and fail-safe option for a second date. Good way to diversify a trip to nature is to plan a picnic for the whole day. The park is the standard picnic spot, but you can go elsewhere: the beach or the lake.
The second date in nature is sure to be laid-back and easy, after the formal and tense first meeting.

Dinner at home / cooking together

Women adore men who can cook. Dishes don't have to be extravagant, as this date should primarily demonstrate simple cooking skills, not Jamie Oliver's high skill. Although if you are a chef at heart, you can impress a girl with your risotto or boeuf bourguignon. You should not experiment and it is better to cook dishes in which you are really good. It's best not to start before your girlfriend arrives, but make sure you have all the necessary ingredients. And don't forget the wine.


Wake up the child in you and your girlfriend. An amusement park will help to liberate you much better than all other places. Here you can fool around, flirt, overcome your fears together, eat cotton candy and scream from the heart on the roller coaster. Your second date will definitely become active and very emotional.

How to create sexual tension on a second date

The best way to create sexual tension is to bring it up in conversation. Let your girlfriend know that she leads you on too ambiguous thoughts when she is next to you at the cinema or wherever you are.

You can play a little and defiantly define an invisible wall between you to make it clear that you do not want to overstep the line. But no one forbids throwing glances or accidentally touching during a date. This technique shows that you are not a sexual maniac and are not trying to cause aggression from your girlfriend. It's fun, flirtatious and sure to please her, albeit subconsciously.


The most important component of a second date is a quiet or active activity. This will allow both of you to enjoy, be yourself and create a relaxed environment.

Use one of the ideas above, and you will definitely agree on a third date.

Spring is the time for love and romance. So, gentlemen, it's time to get out of the winter bliss and, with the arrival of warmth and bright spring sun, prepare for new pleasant and sweet emotions. Whether you're in love or still looking, you'll certainly want to stock up on useful ideas on how to spice up and brighten up your love life and surprise and delight your loved ones at the same time. And if there aren’t any yet, then contribute to their appearance.

March Date Ideas

March is a cool month, and sometimes snowy, walking is, of course, wonderful, but even in winter, in good weather, you probably managed to work up a lot. But that's what spring is for, to diversify your romantic habits.

For example, why not take...

dance lesson

Tango, rumba, jif, salsa, bolero - in general, any Latin dance from the classical ballroom program. And only they. No hip-hop, no boogie-woogie, let alone breakdance. After all, where else can you find so much passion, expression, sensuality and fiery emotions, if not in these colorful dances from the hot countries of Latin America? Fortunately, now in almost any city, even the smallest and most provincial, there will surely be clubs or dance schools where you and your soulmate will be happy to give a private lesson.

It is always interesting to see each other from a new side and allow yourself to express in dance what you cannot say in words. Believe me, you will be provided with a sea of ​​new and exciting emotions.

Tactile romance

Body art, massage, spa treatments - now it's not just fashionable and useful. Such events, especially in an intriguingly romantic setting, have a truly magic power able to establish invisible but strong threads between you and your partner. And for this it is not at all necessary to be an artist or a professional massage therapist. Your main goal is to create a unique atmosphere and show a little imagination, and everything else will be completed by pleasant aromas and the flickering of many candles, without which these procedures cannot do.

Music unites

Especially if it sounds live, and not from the speakers or to the soundtrack. Let it be a music festival or an evening of live music at a local club or restaurant. The main thing is atmosphere, unity, the ability to move away from everyday life and focus on your emotions, sharing them with your loved one. And the choice of place and surroundings already depends on individual tastes and preferences, it is important here that they match for both of you.

April date ideas

sports adventure

April is the golden mean of spring, when the sun's rays no longer just shine brighter, but also warm hotter, of course, unless you are a resident of the far north. That is why you can already afford more daring and active "forays" into the fresh air, and if you add a touch of adrenaline to them, you can get an unforgettable adventure-romantic date. If you are young, temperamental and crave new and exciting sensations, then why not organize exciting ATV races with your soulmate? And lovers of more aristocratic entertainment can learn how to shoot from a crossbow. Or you can go kayaking, which is not only pleasant and useful, but also allows you to learn how to cooperate, to do something together in a coordinated and synchronous manner.

date a la francaise

And if April turned out to be quite warm, then why not arrange a romantic date with French chic? You can go to the park, grabbing the main attributes of a picnic, and at the same time enjoy a game of petanque, which is becoming an increasingly popular casual sport. For girls, its big plus is that sweatpants can be easily replaced with an elegant vintage dress.

Private tour

Come up with a private tour for two in your own city. Surely you are so accustomed to the surrounding atmosphere and the city landscape that you have already stopped noticing its beauty and sights. Not to mention that there are guaranteed to be small cozy streets, parks or squares where you have never been before. And if you explore your city on roller skates or bicycles, then the tour will become much more fun, mobile and active.

Horse riding

As an alternative to roller skates and bicycles, you can arrange a trip to an equestrian club and take a leisurely ride on horseback through the picturesque countryside. What is called, and with benefit, and with plezirom. And if you add a small romantic photo session to this, then your date will also be immortalized in beautiful photographs.

Pair yoga

The combination of Thai massage and various exercises (asanas) in a “duet” with your lover (s) will not only benefit your health, but will also have a huge positive emotional and psychological effect. For anyone who thinks yoga is a boring activity that also requires unimaginable physical fitness, it's time to dispel this myth. is becoming more and more popular precisely because it unites, establishes spiritual and physical contact between partners, teaches you to trust each other, awakens sexual energy. Romantic and original at the same time.

May date ideas

The warmest and most blooming spring month opens up a lot of opportunities for pleasant and unusual date ideas.

Rooftop dining

Even breakfast, dinner, even lunch. Of course, it is much more romantic to meet the dawn or see off the sunset. But even under the warm daytime sunshine, basking on some cozy rooftop with a magnificent view of the city is no less pleasant, especially at a hearty meal, delicious dessert and in the arms of a loved one.

Back to the childhood

Sometimes you really want to feel like a child again, fool around and have fun from the heart, without fettering yourself with the conventions of an adult prudish life. Date your soulmate, for example, in an amusement park with all its paraphernalia: ice cream, cotton candy, balloons and, of course, with childish spontaneity. Or, even easier, go to the playground ... at night! Why not? Just don’t say that, passing by such places, you never wanted to climb labyrinths, tunnels, horizontal bars, or ride a swing. No, didn't you want to? Try it, impressions are guaranteed. The main thing is to do without hooliganism.

Tour to somewhere

It's just that spontaneously take and sit in the first intercity bus that comes across and go somewhere with your lover (oh). Walk around an unfamiliar city, explore its beauty and sights, then go to a cafe or restaurant together and enjoy dishes from the local cuisine. In the evening, go to a nightclub together or rent a hotel room for the night. There can be as many scenarios as you like, it all depends on your imagination and wishes.

Picnic at dawn

At least in the city park, at least not to stock up on a huge amount of provisions. After all, all the salt here lies in the indescribable atmosphere of an early spring morning, when the first birds begin to sing, and there is not a soul around, because the city is just awakening, and the sky ignites with a flame of a thousand predawn shades.

Night on the beach

The month of May, especially its second half, is already the opening time of the beach season.

For lovers, this is a way to get to know each other better and like a partner, for more mature couples - an opportunity to breathe newness into their relationships and feelings. In general, having a romantic date is useful and pleasant for everyone! Let's find out how best to do it.

The best places for a romantic date

For a romantic date, the place has a very great importance. This is not just a date, it should be romantic, and the place should support a sense of romance.

For a date, you can choose several places (points) that you will pass during the time you are together. It is possible to visit the place where you met, of course, if this place is beautiful enough and is of great importance to you (not public transport).

Summer date places

A park. Very beautiful and cute place. The park always smells of romance. Here you can eat cotton candy, ride a swing, talk about the soul. There are so many different people in the park that it is surprising. If there is a lake or a river in the park, you will not regret going to feed the ducks and swans. Pigeons, titmouse and sparrows will also be happy with your treats.

If you want to surprise your girlfriend, then you can arrange a boat trip along the river, or, for a girl with high demands, on a yacht. If you are two lovers of extreme sports, then you can arrange a trip with tourist equipment through the nearest forest with climbs. But do not forget to inform about your plans or at least warn about the form of clothing so that your girlfriend does not come in heels and in a dress to such a date. Also, if you decide to have such a romantic date, then it is you who should take care of warm clothes and a blanket, food and water.

You can arrange a bike ride if you know how to ride a bike. Take a ride around the city, you can arrange distillations. In order to spend an unforgettable romantic date, you can arrange a flight in a hot air balloon. Such a date, of course, is very costly in terms of money, but it will leave impressions for a lifetime. If you decide to arrange such a date, be prepared to comfort her. Also, if you do, then do everything beautifully. Set a date for a girl in heaven, a sense of intrigue will only warm up the sensations of the date itself.

Theatre. If your soul mate is friends with art, then she will definitely like the performance or opera that you choose. But you should also pay attention to the content of the presentation. You must stick to the theme of your date.

Places to spend a date in winter

Rink. If it’s winter outside, you shouldn’t think that you can’t have a romantic date in the cold. You can spend time on the skating rink, it is very romantic and the girls love it very much. The main thing is to find out if the girl knows how to skate.

Photoshoot. If you are not happy with the time spent in the cold, you can organize a photo session at home or in the studio. Arrange a photo shoot in the snow or in piles of leaves, it's insanely beautiful and girls love to be photographed very much.

Romantic dinner at your home. Arrange romantic evening by candlelight, women, girls are very fond of when a man cooks.

Outdoor games. Go to the laser club and shoot. For romantic young girls, it will be nice if a guy invites a girl to make a snowman out of snow in the yard. The time spent together brings lovers together and cannot but rejoice.

You can go sledding. For girls who love animals, you can arrange a charity trip with an animal shelter, where you can help equip the shelter or bring some medicine or food.

Fantasize about how to spend your romantic date and where it is best to arrange it. Ask the girl, as if with a hint, how she would like to spend the evening, and even then you will not lose.

What is important to consider for a romantic date

dinner. As expected, you will have dinner either in a cafe or a restaurant. If you perfectly know the tastes of your soul mate, preferences and desires, then you can reserve a good table in advance by asking him to arrange it accordingly.

flowers. On a romantic date, a man should definitely give flowers. After all, it's not just that. Flowers betray elegance and beauty to a woman. They act as a psychological component - a woman feels special, not deprived of attention and care.

decor. To have a romantic date, everything must be well planned and organized. So that the slightest mistake could not prevent you from feeling in a fairy tale.

¨ Prices. Calculate the amount of expenses so that you take a couple of hundred more "just in case", you never know what. Suddenly your girlfriend will make an unexpected order. And you shouldn't embarrass yourself by borrowing money from your girlfriend. But it happens that the girl does not mind sharing the amount of waste. You may or may not refuse her. If she offers, then she has at least part of the amount spent.

How to have a romantic Valentine's Day

Celebrating this day is certainly a very beautiful tradition, and this day is also a great chance to express your feelings, and many young people, and not only people, have high hopes for this day.

On this day, you can expect a declaration of love, and you yourself can confess. This holiday is not like everyone else, so I want to spend this special day as interesting as possible, so that I remember it for a long time.

Here are some tips on how to spend Valentine's Day romantically:

Morning holiday you can start by sending greeting card or "valentines" as we usually call it. But a valentine should preferably not be bought in a store, because you can make it yourself, there are a lot of tutorials on the Internet on how to make a beautiful valentine, spending very little time. And if your Valentine is handmade, then believe me, your partner will appreciate it very much, because he will have a unique gift that no one else has.

Of course, spend this day romantically in different ways, it will already depend on your interests and financial capabilities. It can be a trip somewhere in the mountains, skiing, and a night spent in a cozy hotel room. It can be a joint trip to the cinema, of course, on this day, tickets for “kissing places” will be extremely difficult to get. The most common and effective option, this is to go somewhere to have dinner together, it is advisable to choose some good expensive restaurant, after all, this day is only once a year and you can save money for such an event.

You can do something more original, for example, go to the theater, unfortunately in our time young people do not often visit this institution, but if you go there, then almost always everyone is satisfied.

If you like a cozy atmosphere, then organize romantic dinner right at home. This is very effective method have a romantic Valentine's Day. Candlelight dinner, prepare some original dish, surprise your loved one. Prepare properly, dress nicely, put on a mask of mystery, turn on romantic music. Believe me, such a dinner will be remembered for a long time, and both of you will be satisfied, and it also contributes to an unforgettable night.

There are many more ways to spend February 14 with your loved one, it all depends on your imagination and possibilities.

1. Go to a local gallery for an exhibition of paintings or photographs. All artists and photographers - even not the most famous ones - have a lot of meanings and ideas in their work that can inspire.

2. Attend a concert of amateur musicians. Of course, you should first find out what kind of group this is and whether it will spoil your evening with its promising creativity. But who knows, maybe you will see the future "Okean Elzy" or "VV" on the stage.

3. Have fun at an outdoor party.

4. Take a tour of the brewery. Or to any other "delicious" production that is in your city or nearby: a winery or a candy factory. A nice bonus: at the end of any tour there is always a tasting.

5. Have a board game night. Checkers, chess, backgammon and Monopoly are the best allies in home entertainment for two. For such a case, you can find children's games in the attic: hockey, football and sea battle.

6. Go on a date in the city lights. Read detailed instructions

7. Have a movie night. Instead of spending money on cinema tickets, look at the good old houses, and most importantly - dear to my heart movies. You will be surprised how much you can learn about a person from his favorite movie. Are you not movie buffs? Then you can watch interesting non-stop programs or episodes of the series that you missed.

8. Collect beautiful rocks on the beach. On the coast of the sea, river or lake, you can not only take a romantic walk at sunset, but also engage in joint creativity: collect stones and shells, lay patterns out of them, draw on the sand or throw pebbles into the water. In America, on the banks of reservoirs with large and flat stones, young people have an excellent exercise for endurance and concentration - to put one stone on the other edge. Try something similar if you find suitable materials near the water.

9. Ride bikes holding hands. Of course, carefully and accurately, and only on some sections of your route.

10. Go hiking.

11. Play frisbee.

12. Do charity work. There are many animal shelters out there that need help - take the two of them with food and find out how you can help them. Plus, you can always organize a collection of things for charity - first in your closet, then in his.

13. Organize a party at home. Just be sure to come up with a theme for fun - so that everyone picks up certain outfits, cosmetics and hairstyles. For example, an 80s disco, or "Welcome to Hawaii", or maybe a gangster paradise. There can be a lot of ideas - if your friends like it, you can choose a specific topic every week.

14. Play in the playground. Carousel swings, Swedish walls, "spiders" and slides - you undeservedly left them in your childhood. In fact, no matter what age you are, you can have just as much fun with them as you did at ten years old.

15. Visit a zoo or an aquarium. It is better to choose a day and time so as not to overlap with children's excursions - otherwise an original meeting can turn into a too noisy and noisy date.

16. Go to a farmer's fair. For example, choosing the ripest watermelon together is much more pleasant not in a supermarket where watermelons lie in a small grid, but in a market where there are a great many of them. It's always fun and delicious!

17. Sign up for a test drive of the car. Even if you don't plan on buying anything, a test drive at a nearby car dealership can be fun.

18. Arrange a photo shoot for two. A camera, harmoniously selected clothes, a sunny day and a wonderful mood - and a hundred pictures in which you really like yourself are guaranteed.

19. Arrange a quest for each other. If there is a park nearby, bury a "treasure" there, and draw a map on which these "treasures" can be obtained. You can also add intermediate caches to the quest, which can contain riddles, clues, and other intriguing things.

20. Launch fireworks. If you don't know how to celebrate your relationship anniversary, or any other holiday that only concerns the two of you, stock up on fireworks, sparklers, and other simple pyrotechnics. Bright lights are sure to cheer you up. Well, don't miss the big fireworks in your city.

Dating Psychology