Greeting cards for the day of the geologist. Cool congratulations on the day of the geologist

April 2 is considered a professional holiday for geologists in Russia and some CIS countries. The holiday was established on March 31, 1966 by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, in connection with the creation of the country's mineral resource base.

The beginning of April was chosen because this is the time of the year when the winter is really retreating, the heat comes and you can start preparing for the summer field work and expeditions.

Geology comes from the Greek words Geo and Logos (Earth and doctrine). This is a synthesis of the sciences about the structure of our planet, about how it originated, how it developed. All data and facts are based on the study of geological processes, material composition, and the structure of the earth's crust.

During such studies, geologists use all possible methods and tools. They involve other sciences and disciplines in these processes in the form of knowledge or scientific staff and experts who are involved in their geological research and business trips.

In other words, geology is the science of the composition, structure, and patterns of development of the Earth. In the process, the study of the Earth itself and its surface is also taking place.

This holiday is usually celebrated by employees of various geological and mining companies in countries of almost the entire former Soviet Union. Thanks to the work of geologists, the needs of society in various fossil minerals are constantly covered. It is curious that on the day of geologists it is also customary to congratulate geophysicists, mine surveyors, mine sinkers and everyone involved in the development of minerals.

Congratulations on Geologist's Day! May the Earth always give you only joy and happiness. We wish you a lot of excitement, interest in your profession. So that you always find the most useful minerals, which can take months and even years to find! We wish your family health and prosperity. Good luck to you and success in any endeavors!

Every geologist knows where to find gold, silver, diamonds, rubies, he can even get pearls from the depths of the ocean! And some successfully cope with the search for rare deposits of oil, coal and gas. And most importantly, they know how to dig it all up and raise it. Today, on the day of the geologist, may happiness smile at you, even more luck. Be healthy, rich and young in both soul and body to make even more discoveries.

The holiday of a geologist is a great occasion to admire yourself and your good colleagues. Prosper day by day, live richly and happily. Be always on top, even if you often have to descend into various hollows and deep unexplored caves. Find a real treasure for yourself and may you, as a representative of this excellent profession, always be lucky.

We wish every geologist on April 2 the joy of new important discoveries. We sincerely wish you more inspiration, brilliant achievements and a dizzying career. More exciting adventures so that work does not seem like a chore and, most importantly, reliable and confident support from partners and colleagues. Let the unknown carry the hidden potential of great joyful achievements and benefits for society. Be healthy and may well-being not leave your home!

We are in a hurry to celebrate the Day of the Geologist today and want to congratulate all the geologists of our vast country on this bright, albeit at first glance, inconspicuous holiday. How many more exciting and rare discoveries do you have to make, because our country is so huge, there are so many unknown places that are waiting for you. May your road always be easy, may the fields, mountains, rivers delight you with their majestic views. We wish the Earth to give you its gift in the form of brilliant discoveries!

Spring has come, and Geologist's Day has crept up to us unnoticed. If you constantly dig in the ground and regularly find minerals, then you can safely be called a remote and professional master of your craft. Even if there are those among you who have chosen their path of excavation, this does not mean that they will have to dig knee-deep in mud all their lives, because you only benefit from this, because the tasks here are more difficult, which means that the reward awaits at the end more weighty. We wish you constant luck and good luck so that you find such a deposit that would not dry out for even 150 years! Enough for you, children and even grandchildren!

Friends, we congratulate you on the Day of Geologist! We hasten to congratulate you, young geologist, on this wonderful holiday. Perhaps you have never worked in the field, but are just studying now at the desks of a school or university, but know that you have chosen an excellent specialty, thanks to which our country has been and will always be the richest! Good luck, joy, health, fun and useful time at school, good grades and excellent knowledge!

Happy Geologist's Day, colleagues! We wish you well-being, so that there is no need for anything. So that your head hurts not about where to get money, but about how to find rare minerals and in large quantities. So that your work is interesting and brings you a lot of joy and positive, and that it never, ever bores you!

Hello to each and every geologist! We want you to live 100 years, and if possible, all one hundred and twenty, in order to dig up and dig up as many sources of energy, happiness and wealth as possible. So that you find everything that the Earth has hidden from people. But even more we wish you health and love.

Be always on the crest of a wave of diamonds and gems! Never hang your nose, do not give in to despondency and look at your new day with optimism. May all troubles and misfortunes bypass you and remain in the mines and excavations abandoned by you.

I wish this congratulation to bring you good luck, a sea of ​​positive, happiness and smiles. I would like to believe that this will be the case. Once again, we congratulate you on the professional holiday of a geologist!

Our mother earth is very rich, but she has one drawback - she does not want to give it all away just like that! Either she squeezed, or from old age she forgot about tons of silver, gold and goodness. Who, if not you, had the honor to raise oil, coal, titanium, uranium, gas and other minerals from the bottom of the earth, on which the strength of our country rests. Glory to our geologists for their work!

Not everything is so simple in the professional life of a geologist. He has to constantly put up with a difficult and unsettled life for most of his working career. This is truly hard work. The legs are constantly aching and want to rest. But for some reason, these same legs are constantly pulling and dragging into the distance in order to make the discovery of a new deposit. May God bless you and good luck to you in this hard work.

May every geologist have not only bright tantalum and nickel in his life, but also many days, because good mood— the key to success and outstanding achievements. It will help you not to lose heart when it seems that everything is meaningless. Therefore, I would like to wish you more excellent mood, humorous colleagues who will support you with a good joke and, of course, many gifts from fate.

I know that at dawn you will see beautiful mountains, in the depths of which seas of oil, seams of coal, and many gold veins await you. Gems will call you, shimmering in different shades. Most importantly, be persistent in your search - do not quit what you started. I want you to discover many unknown deposits, to the envy of competitors. I wish you happiness and love to dig and dig more!

The geologist does not walk on ordinary roads. You rarely see them on the trails. They prefer to make their way in places where you rarely see a goblin. The geologist lives a few hundred kilometers from civilized places, deprived of various amenities. Geologists make fires and sing songs near it, tell stories, go to bed in sleeping bags, so that tomorrow they will again follow the dream and the shadow. Happy Geologist's Day, friends!

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When is Geologist Day in 2017

April 2 - Geologist's Day 2017

Geologist's Day celebrated annually on the first Sunday in April.

Wishes for Geologist's Day

For copper and coal, oil and gas,
For gold and diamonds even,
Geologist, the whole country more than once
You will also be thanked!

And I want to find
You meet love and happiness,
And I won't stop repeating
You are the most best friend in the world!

Happy Geologist's Day!

Congratulations on Geologist's Day postcards

SMS congratulations on Geologist's Day

The birds sing for you
On Geologist's Day beautiful!
Let in heaven and in the soul
It will only be clear!

Happy Geologist's Day!

Congratulations on Geologist's Day in SMS

Let it be easy for you
Let everything be!
Happy Geologist's Day Now
SMS flies for you!

Congratulations on Geologist's Day are cool

Happy geologist's day you!
Let the bowels of the earth
Open up, love
Like pantries!

Let new mines
You will find a lot
My geologist, don't be bored
This is just the beginning!

Postcards with Geologist's Day are cool

Congratulations on Geologist's Day in verse

Geologist Profession
For true romantics
After all, everything that is dear to the heart -
Not for the vile candy wrappers -

you sincerely
And there is fanaticism.
May happiness be true
Love always accompanies!

Happy Geologist's Day!

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On the day of the geologist I wish
Lots of oil I find
I will guess gems
you on life path!

In a hole in the ground, grubby,
The geologist celebrated a holiday.
Sand cracks in my head
That's what the cognac said.

"Where am I, who am I, I don't remember" -
The geologist babbled with grief.
A box with roach, two colleagues -
Whatever a person wants.

Therefore, a modest geologist,
Congratulations verbally!
Call me tomorrow
I'll pull it out of the ground.

Today, all geologists of the country -
Trying to celebrate this holiday.
They are always visible on the street:
The big beard is teasing.

Of course, sometimes they have to
Do not bathe at all for several weeks.
And everyone is almost a hero to me,
The work is difficult - it is important not to be lazy.

Coming to rest
Impossible to sleep
The geologist has worries -
Country affairs are a lot.
And digging the garden
Whatever comes to mind...
"I wonder how old
What time trace
We left this soil
And what is his sheet pile? .. "
Call you friends -
Thinking together is more fun.
You will be offered: "Neolithic?"
"Too Much Trilobite*
by sedimentary rocks
Yes, in the country gardens ... "
“Look at the terrace!..
These are orthoceras*!”
“Ordovician limestone*.
And do not hide the century from us!
And rejoicing like children
You will go to set the net -
After all, the riddle was solved
Found the correct age.
Your work is not easy
After all, the whole concern is about the earth:
Learn all about antiquity
Look for fossils.
So search, discover
Remember the danger
And don't forget us
And congratulate us too.

(*Trilobites are ancient armored animals.)
(*Orthoceras are ancient crustaceans.)
(*The Ordovician period is the period of the Paleozoic era.)

Geologist, damp tent,
"Swamps" dry again,
You found yourself on an expedition
Otherwise, you couldn't!

Not a few finds happen
And each is a personal success!
Geologists don't need paradise
They are the best on earth!

Have a great expedition
And the joy of new victories!
For this we send according to tradition -
Greetings geologists!

You are a geologist from head to toe -
The image is terrible, something is always looking for a look,
You don't want to get off the ground
And embraced by the strongest love for her!

But today we don't care about oil.
Your holiday has already arrived. Hello to him!
Rest and fly away from attention
And live happily for many, many years!

Romantic geologist and search engine,
I got used to the terrible conditions for life.
You don't need much to be happy
And valuable to you: expeditions, friendship.

Findings bring great joy!
Scientific discoveries - heavenly sweetness!
Far from your native days you spend a lot,
But you don't live your time in vain!

We wish you great, pleasant emotions!
Communication with relatives of excellent portions!
May there be harmony in your heart
And science will never forget your contribution!

Birds only sing for you
On this beautiful day
Let in heaven and in the soul
It will only be clear!

May love and happiness be with you
They always help
And luck and fortune
You are accompanied!

To be at home waiting for you
And loved very much
Our congratulations and flowers
On this day of yours!

Difficult paths pass the earth,
Are you looking for oil, and ore, and diamond,
And it depends on your findings,
Our geologist friend, a lot sometimes!

And we send you congratulations
And we wish you: without difficulty,
Everything to find what the soul desires,
And always return with success!

Great treasure hunters!
And the treasure in our time is oil and gas.
Today is your significant day
We want to congratulate you!

Good luck accompanied
We want to go searching.
rich deposits
You managed to find it again!

And let the result of effort
Yours will be made of gold sand.
Won't be the ultimate dream
Natural diamond as congratulations!

Geologist's Day, established on March 31, 1966 by decree of the Presidium of the USSR Armed Forces, is a professional holiday for geologists and is celebrated on the first Sunday of April. This day was not chosen by chance, opening up the beginning of expeditions and summer field work. Historically, it is marked by the merits of Soviet geologists in the creation of the mineral resource base of the state and the discovery of new mining regions in Western Siberia.

Traditionally, the holiday is celebrated by employees of all mining and geological organizations of the countries of the former Soviet Union. The tireless work of the employees of these organizations makes it possible to fully cover the rapidly growing needs of society, both in fossil minerals and in fuel and energy resources. In addition, the day of the geologist is also considered a professional holiday for geophysicists, explosives, mine surveyors, mine sinkers and all those who, one way or another, are engaged in the search and development of minerals.

Gold, ore, diamonds -
Everything you can find.
Even oil and even gases
Do you know where to dig.

You are a geologist - it means
Your bright day today.
May happiness and luck
They smile at you.

Be healthy, rich and young
Forever in heart and soul.
This holiday is a wonderful occasion
We admire you.

Prosper, live richly
Be always on top.
Find gold for yourself
May you be lucky everywhere.

Happy Geologist's Day! Hurry up to celebrate!
I want to find a priceless treasure.
Let it not be gold, silver,
And health, laughter, luck and kindness.

May April give warmth and sunshine
Will reward you with a good mood,
So that all cherished dreams come true
To make sure you smile!

I congratulate you on the Day of the Geologist and sincerely wish you unique finds and great discoveries, unquenchable interest in your work and great benefits from your work. May life give great opportunities for the implementation of everything planned, may you always get what others fail to do.

The roads are rarely
They go to places like this
Here the goblin will not roam,
Yes, housing is a hundred kilometers ...
For new deposits
And also for the fire and the song...
Again they follow the dream, the shadow.
They go from comfort, even crack!
The stones will tell them their secrets.
... and there is such a word.
We rarely see each other, maybe even ...
The geologist has a holiday again!

Is exploration of subsoil an easy task?
Here is a gas well, and here is an oil well,
Here gold can be found -
Fossils cannot all escape from us.

But only amateurs argue like that.
Geologists have many talents:
Physics, chemistry, often, drawing
In my youth, oh, they were tormented ...

Just a passer-by can not live like this -
The motherwort will stifle at night.
Let's congratulate them on the holiday with respect
For the necessary, important deposits:

New discoveries worthy of the country,
The wells are rich in great depth.

Happy Geologist's Day, friends!
I hasten to congratulate you today,
And congratulations from me -
Good luck, joy, health.

Welfare and strength
In your interesting work,
To bring joy
And it has never been fresh.

The bowels of the land generals,
Bases of raw materials,
engineering vassals,
Remote fellows.

On the day of the geologist, let it be generous
The earth will give you all
Illuminate with a ray of hope
Gives power, fire.

Don't run out of stock
Nature for people
Not affected by cataclysms
To complete ideas.

On Geologist's Day, I want to wish
So that the Earth is full of fossils!
I want to find more deposits,
May success accompany you!

Strives up let your career
I want to wish patience and strength,
So that in the right place you are always the first,
And from work I just caught a buzz!

Congratulations today
All geologists of the country,
There is no better profession
Geologists are important to us!

Who else is in the bowels of the earth
Can we find natural gas?
Who will show where they are buried,
Coal, gold, topaz?

You don't rage today
Soil samples do not need to be taken,
You gather today
To take a walk together!

Well, tomorrow again in the ground,
Go deeper by five thousand,
In my ear, in secret,
Tell me where to look for oil!

Geologists are eternal wanderers,
You are not afraid of cold and heat,
Go different ways
And a full backpack.

Today I am your Geologist's Day
I want to wish you good luck
So that new deposits
It's easy for you to find.

Let it not blow through the tent
And the sleeping bag will warm you
And to return soon
From expeditions to your home.

Let your path run through the years.
About her, the most even, always dreamed of.
Buried in the depths of our earth,
The gift is waiting for you to find it.
Uncover countless treasures cache.
Or maybe you will penetrate into an ancient glacier?
In the endless snows or in the depths of the taiga -
You are unlikely to give up searching.
Find the treasure of the earth faster!
Dig it live!
Successful and happy days!

Congratulations: 93 in verse, 14 in prose.

Happy geologist's day picture

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