Christ is risen what. Christ is Risen - Truly Risen: Easter greetings are short and in pictures

Today, April 8, 2018, all Orthodox Christians celebrate Easter. After consecration, most of us take on each other, and not infrequently through SMS..

Christ is Risen - Truly Risen

This greeting is a custom that originated among Orthodox believers from apostolic times. In the church, "" is repeatedly repeated, to which one answer always follows - "Truly Risen." They kiss three times.

The Easter greeting symbolizes the joy of the apostles who learned about the resurrection of Jesus Christ. According to traditions and customs, usually the first part of the greeting at a meeting is said by the younger (in church hierarchy or by age), answers, respectively, the eldest.

For example, among church ministers, when a priest and a layman meet, “Christ is risen. Bless him, Father,” says the layman, and hears in response, “Truly Risen! God bless" from the priest.

Postcards "Christ is Risen"

It is no wonder that Orthodox Christians, for lack of the opportunity to meet in person with all their loved ones, relatives, friends, send each other SMS congratulations on Easter. In most cases, the sender uses the first greeting phrase, postcards from which the editors of JoInfoMedia bring to your attention.

Postcards "Truly Risen"

In response, as a rule, to the greeting first, it is sent either in text form or in the form of a “Truly Risen” postcard. We also offer the second part of the Paschal greeting, which, by the way, should last for another forty days, until the holiday is over.

SMS Easter - short

We have also prepared for you short SMS for congratulations on Easter.

Like Easter Like Easter
The eggs are all covered in paint.
The post is over, let's put on some weight.
Good afternoon! Christ is Risen!

I bake kulich, I invite guests,

I celebrate an old holiday

And on Easter day all friends

On the bright holiday of Sunday

I salute Christ is Risen,

Good and Joy and Blessing

Today is Easter! Congratulations

And I say "Christ is risen!"

May your life be happy

By the way, both options: "Christ is Risen - Truly Risen" and "Christ is Risen - Truly Risen" are correct.

We wish you and your home a bright holiday, and also remind you that today,. In particular, swear, do household chores, work.

Dear brothers and sisters in the Lord, dear friends, I am glad to greet you on the eve of the feast of Holy Pascha of Christ.

Much has already been said about the peculiarities of Easter this year. It surprisingly coincides with Cosmonautics Day on April 12, and therefore we recall that our people have always been led by some special mission in history, a special boldness that cannot but be correlated with the Orthodox worldview, with that aspiration to the spiritual sky, which made possible the greatest accomplishments in the exploration of the physical sky.

Easter this year is also the day of St. John of the Ladder, which just reminds us that ascent along the path of good deeds and the path of knowledge of God is the most important activity in a person’s life, an activity that seems to formally contradict the priorities of worldly aspirations, but miraculously inspires, enlivens and makes truly, truly successful any human labor, any arrangement of our daily affairs.

Much is being said today about the fact that this year the 70th anniversary of the Victory of our people in the Great Patriotic War is being celebrated, and we again recall how the strength and loftiness of the people's spirit, which is inextricably linked with the ideals of Holy Orthodoxy, helped to defeat the enemy, which was many times better organized, which did not endure the tragedies that our society endured in the 1920s and 1930s, which was outward signs much more powerful. But the spirit turned out to be stronger than human power, and it so happened that the people, who, despite all the domination of the then godless ideology, remained educated in Orthodox spirit, in the end proved to be stronger.

Much is being said and will be said these days that the Easter of Christ is the time when many human problems are resolved, when the differences between social groups, generations, and certain communities are erased, including hostile ones into which people divide themselves. At this time, we sing: “Let us embrace each other with joy, and forgive all those who hate us with the Resurrection.”

Easter is a time to make peace with those with whom you have been quarreling—perhaps for many years. Easter is a time for the rich to come into the home of the poor, to those who are homeless, deprived of food, and help divide the Christian brotherhood. Easter is a time for the poor not to be offended by the rich, but to pray for them and try to do something together with them to improve the life of the country and people.

During the days of Great Lent, many people turned to the Church with a request for support. These were the people who suffered when they once took out a mortgage in foreign currency, these were farmers who today feel very uncomfortable in the face of large agricultural enterprises and those rules and regulations that give unconditional preference to large agricultural producers. They are applying, as they have been for many years, people who are denied some basic benefits and even basic rights, because they do not have electronic documents. The Church is trying to intercede for all these people. Sometimes, when you come to some government offices, you first hear rejection, and remind you that Passion Week and Easter are coming soon, and everyone should meet in the church. And evil hearts are softened, and it turns out that problems that at first refused to be resolved, because they are considered far-fetched and stupid, not related to the real wishes and aspirations of people, are suddenly resolved, or at least serious efforts are made to resolve them. .

Many are reconciled by suffering and the Resurrection of Christ. Everyone should be reconciled by Holy Pascha - in our society, which is very divided, in which there is enmity, in which sometimes some speak of others as beings of a "different biological species" - and this is exactly what was said by one modern publicist and public figure - in a society in which there is so much contempt for some in relation to others, so much desire to almost destroy each other (remember those tragic events that are taking place in the south-east of Ukraine). It is in this society, so complex, so divided, so atomized, that the Easter message sounds again and again: “Christ is Risen—truly Risen,” and many seemingly insurmountable obstacles, and insults, and reasons for mutual swearing and embitterment—all of a sudden go somewhere very far away.

May God give us these special feelings that we experience at Easter to turn into our consistent, whole-life, constant mission of reconciliation, into the ability to cross any human boundaries in order to win each other for the kingdom of God, in order to overcome the strife of this world.

His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus' in his speech spoke about the importance of a feat, that is, the implementation of Christian values ​​​​and faith itself in a person’s life. And he said about how much this feat can change society today. Here is what His Holiness said: “Through a feat, invariably associated with inner effort and self-limitation, we have the opportunity to experience what true and perfect love is, for sacrifice, underlying any feat, is the highest manifestation of this feeling. The Lord has called us to the feat of active love, embodied in selfless service to our neighbors, and especially to those who especially need our support: the suffering, the sick, the lonely, the discouraged. If this law of life, which was so clearly presented and expressed in the earthly life of the Savior Himself, becomes the property of the majority, then people will be truly happy. Indeed, by serving others, a person gains incomparably more than he gives: the Lord Himself then enters into his heart, and through the communion of Divine grace, the whole human life. Just as there is no holiness without labor, just as there is no Resurrection without Golgotha, so without a feat, a true spiritual and moral transformation of a person is impossible.

A feat based on faith, a feat in which true faith cannot but pour out Orthodox person, is what both people and entire nations expect from the Church today. Sometimes they try to tell us again and again: “Your faith has nothing to do with what is happening in society, it speaks of something too general, too far from specific life situations. Stay there, in this area of ​​distant lofty and general words, do not rebuke our conscience, do not say anything in those cases when someone, especially one in authority, one in power, wants to sin without being disturbed. But the apostles acted differently, the Holy Church acted differently in all ages of history.

We know from Scripture and Tradition that many did not like the Word of God and the truth of God, and yet the Church never refused to proclaim them, so that Christ crucified, who is a stumbling block to others, but foolishness to others, so that the Risen Christ, Which for many is unattainable in a rational sense, but which changes a person’s life if you begin to communicate with Him, with the living God, was proclaimed at the time and at the wrong time. It is often said that faith cannot work miracles, and Christians cannot change the world that lives and even must live, as some believe, according to the laws of sin. But the logic of the death and Resurrection of the Lord Jesus, the logic of the highest feelings Holy Week and the greatest joy of Easter, is completely different.

Here is what the message of His Holiness the Patriarch says: “When a feat becomes the content of life not only for an individual, but for the whole people, when the hearts of millions of people who are ready to defend their Motherland, uphold high ideals and values ​​unite in the aspiration to the highest, then truly amazing things happen. wonderful and sometimes even inexplicable things from the point of view of formal logic. Such a people acquires tremendous spiritual strength, which no disasters and enemies are able to overcome.

May it be so with us, may we be a people who really strive to live and live according to the word of Christ, a people of Paschal joy, a people of constant remembrance of the suffering and death of the Savior, who redeemed us and made heaven open for us. Let us be the people of God, the people of Christ first of all, and then on Earth we will arrange our life with dignity—albeit not always richly and not always as conquerors, but just worthy—and the gates of the Kingdom of God will not be closed to us.

Happy Easter, dear brothers and sisters in the Lord. Christ is Risen! Indeed, Christ is Risen. Amen.

"Christ is Risen! Truly Risen!"

"Christ is Risen! Truly Risen!"

These are the words that sound very often this Sunday, because today is Easter, the most famous and bright Orthodox holiday.

On this day, Christ is risen! After all, this is the first real victory of life over death.

Christ is risen! Christ is risen!

May these joyful sounds

Like the singing of angels from heaven

They will dispel anger, sorrow, torment!

Join all brotherly hands

Let's hug everyone! Christ is risen!

What is "Easter"?

Christians understand the word "Easter""transition from death to life, from earth to heaven." For forty days, believers observe the strictest fast and celebrate Easter in honor of Jesus' victory over death. Jewish Passover is pronounced like "Passover"(Hebrew word) and means "passed by, passed by." The roots of this word go back to the history of the liberation of the Jewish people from Egyptian slavery.

The New Testament says that the destroyer will pass over those who accept Jesus. In some languages, the word is pronounced like this - "Pisha". This is an Aramaic name that has spread in some languages ​​​​of Europe and has survived to this day.

No matter how the word is pronounced, the essence of Easter does not change; for all believers, this is the most important celebration. A bright holiday that brings joy and hope to the hearts of believers all over the Earth.

"Christ on the Cross" by Francisco Zurbaran.

The history of the holiday before the birth of Christ, or Old Testament Easter

The holiday originated long before the birth of Christ, but the significance of the Easter holiday in those days was very great for the Jewish people. The story goes that the Jews were once held captive by the Egyptians. Slaves suffered from their masters a lot of bullying, troubles and oppression. But faith in God, hope for salvation and God's mercy always lived in their hearts.

"Lamentation of Christ". Sandro Botticelli.

On Easter day, joyfully playing,
The lark flew high
And in the blue sky, disappearing,
He sang the song of resurrection.

And that song was loudly repeated
And the steppe, and the hill, and the dark forest.
Wake up, earth, - they broadcast, -
Wake up: Your King, your God is Risen!

Wake up, mountains, valleys, rivers,
Praise the Lord from Heaven.
He conquered death forever -
Wake up and you, green forest.

Snowdrop, silver lily of the valley,
Violet - bloom again
And send up a fragrant hymn
To the one whose commandment is love.

Princess E. Gorchakova

Christ is risen. K.P. Bryullov. 1840s

Sketch for the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow. The intention was not carried out. State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg

One day a man named Moses came to them, who, with his brother, had been sent to their rescue. The Lord chose Moses to enlighten the Egyptian pharaoh and deliver the Jewish people from slavery. But no matter how hard Moses tried to convince Pharaoh to let the people go, freedom was not granted to them. The Egyptian pharaoh and his people did not believe in God, worshiping only their deities and relying on the help of sorcerers. To prove the existence and power of the Lord, nine terrible plagues were brought down on the Egyptian people.

Appearance of Christ to the disciples after the Resurrection. F. I. Ivanov. 1850

No bloody rivers, no toads, no midges, no flies, no darkness, no thunder - none of this could have happened if the ruler had let the people go with their cattle. The last, tenth plague, like the previous ones, punished the pharaoh and his people, but did not affect the Jews. Moses warned that every family should slaughter a one-year-old unblemished male lamb. To anoint the doors of their houses with the blood of an animal, bake a lamb and eat it with the whole family.

Christ among the disciples after the resurrection. I.E. Repin. 1886

At night, all the first-born males were killed in houses among people and animals. Only the houses of the Jews, where there was a bloody mark, were not affected by the trouble. Since then, "Easter" means - passed by, passed by. This execution greatly frightened the pharaoh, and he released the slaves with all their herds. The Jews went to the sea, where the water broke open, and they calmly set off along its bottom. Pharaoh wanted to break his promise again and rushed after them, but the water swallowed him up.

The Jews began to celebrate the liberation from slavery and the passing of executions by their families, calling the holiday Easter. The history and significance of the Passover holiday are captured in the Bible book "Exodus".

Appearance of Christ to Mary Magdalene. A. E Egorov. 1818

Easter according to the New Testament

Jesus Christ was born on Israeli soil to the virgin Mary, who was destined to save human souls from the bondage of hell. At the age of thirty, Jesus began to preach, telling people about the laws of God. But three years later he was crucified along with other unwanted authorities on the cross, which was installed on Mount Calvary. It happened after the Jewish Passover, on Friday, which was later dubbed Passion. This event complements the meaning of the Easter holiday with new meaning, traditions and attributes.

Vasily Igorevich Nesterenko. crucifixion. 1999.

Vasily Vasilievich Vereshchagin. Crucifixion on the cross by the Romans. 1887.

Christ, like a lamb, was slain, but his bones remained intact, and this became His sacrifice for the sins of all mankind.

Albrecht Altdorfer. crucifixion. Christ on the cross. Mary and John.

Vasily Igorevich Nesterenko. The Last Supper. Patriarchal refectory of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. 1997.

A little more history

On the eve of the crucifixion, on Thursday, took place Last Supper, where Jesus introduced the bread as his body and the wine as his blood. Since then, the meaning of the Easter holiday has not changed, but the Eucharist has become a new Easter meal. At first, the holiday was weekly. Friday was the day of mourning and the beginning of fasting, and Sunday was the day of joy.

Artist Pavel Popov. The Last Supper.

In 325, on the First Ecumenical Council was determined Easter is celebrated on the first Sunday after the spring full moon. Russian Orthodox Church uses Julian calendar. To calculate what day Easter falls in a certain year, you need to make a rather complicated calculation. But for ordinary laity, a calendar of dates for the holiday has been compiled for decades to come. For a long time of the existence of the holiday, it has acquired traditions, which are still adhered to in families, and signs.

Philippe de Champaigne. The Last Supper.

According to tradition, Jesus Christ, after the Resurrection, came to the apostles at the time when the apostles were having a meal. It happened in Pure Thursday. The middle place was not occupied, and in the middle of the table lay the bread intended for Him. Over time, a tradition appeared on the festive Sunday to leave bread in the temple. And left it on a special table. Just like the apostles did.

Juan de Juanes. The Last Supper.

The Last Supper. Repin

great post

Easter in Russia is one of the main holidays, even for those people who rarely go to church. Today, in the era of high technology and urbanization, among generations that prefer a computer to live communication, the church is slowly losing its power over the hearts and souls of people. But practically everyone, regardless of age and strength of faith, knows what Lent is. Traditions are passed on by older generations in families. It is rare that anyone decides to adhere to the entire post, most often only in the last week people somehow follow the rules. For 40 days, believers must eat without eating animal products (and on some days fasting is more strict), not drink alcohol, pray, confess, take communion, do good, not slander.

Lapshin Georgy Aleksandrovich (1885-1950) "Easter" 1920 (lived in Paris since 1924)

Smirnov Boris Vasilyevich (1881-1954) "Easter Celebration" 1918

Great Lent ends Holy Week. The service at Easter has a special meaning and scope. AT modern Russia through the central channels live services are being broadcast.

Yulia Kuzenkova. Easter

In every church, even in the smallest village, candles are lit all night and chants are sung. Millions of parishioners all over the country stay up all night, pray, attend services, light candles, bless food and water. And fasting ends on Sunday, after the completion of all church rites. Those who fast sit down at the table and celebrate Easter.

Bednoshey Daniil Panteleevich (1924-1989) "Easter still life" 1979

Easter greeting

From childhood, we teach children that when greeting a person on this holiday, you need to say: "Christ is Risen!" And respond to these words: "Truly Risen!"

Xenia Shafranovskaya. Easter

To learn more about what this is connected with, you need to turn to the Bible. The essence of Easter is the passage of Jesus to his Father. The story goes that Jesus was crucified on Friday (Good Friday). The body was taken down from the cross and buried. A coffin is a cave carved into the rock, closed by a huge stone. The bodies of the dead (there were still victims) were wrapped in fabrics and rubbed with incense. But they did not have time to perform the ceremony with the body of Jesus, since according to Jewish laws it is strictly forbidden to work on the Sabbath.

Sunday morning

Women - followers of Christ - on Sunday morning went to his tomb to perform the ceremony themselves. An angel came down to them and told them that Christ had risen. Easter from now on will be the third day - the day of the resurrection of Christ.

Entering the tomb, the women were convinced of the words of the angel and brought this message to the apostles. And they communicated this joyful news to everyone. All believers and non-believers should have known that the impossible had happened, that what Jesus said had happened - Christ had risen.

Everywhere joy and hugs:
"Brother, sister, Christ is risen!
Hell is destroyed, there is no curse:
He is truly risen!"

V. Kuzmenkov

Christ is risen!

Everywhere the blessing is buzzing
Of all the churches, the people bring down.
The dawn is already looking from heaven ...

The cover of snow has already been removed from the fields,
And the rivers are torn from the shackles,
And greener nearby forest...
Christ is risen! Christ is risen!
The earth is waking up
And the fields dress
Spring is coming full of wonders!
Christ is risen! Christ is risen!
(A. Maykov)

How bright the sun shines...

How the sun shines brightly
As the sky is deep bright,
How fun and loud
The bells are ringing.
Silently in God's temples
Sing "Christ is Risen!"
And the sounds of a wondrous song
They reach heaven.
(A. Pleshcheev)

Resurrection of Christ.

On Easter day, joyfully playing,
The lark flew high
And in the blue sky, disappearing,
He sang the song of resurrection.
And that song was loudly repeated
And the steppe, and the hill, and the dark forest.
"Wake up, earth," they said,
Wake up: Your King, your God is risen!
Wake up, mountains, valleys, rivers,
Praise the Lord from Heaven.
He conquered death forever -
Wake up and you, green forest.
Snowdrop, silver lily of the valley,
Violet - bloom again
And send up a fragrant hymn
To the one whose commandment is love."
(Princess E. Gorchakova)

Thank you, the Risen One!

Thank you, the Risen One!
The night has passed and a new dawn
Let the world be renewed
In the hearts of people love grief.
Praise the Lord from Heaven
And sing incessantly:
The world is filled with His miracles
And glory unspeakable.
Praise the Host of the Incorporeal Forces
And angelic faces:
From the darkness of mournful graves
The light shone great.
Praise the Lord from Heaven
Hills, cliffs, mountains!
Hosanna! The fear of death is gone
Our eyes light up.
Praise God, the sea is far
And the ocean is endless!
Let all sorrow be silenced
And hopeless murmur!
Praise the Lord from Heaven
And praise, people!
Risen Christ!
Christ is risen!
And trampled death forever!
(Grand Duke K.K. Romanov)

Christ is Risen.

Christ is Risen! Brother people!
each other in a warm embrace
Hurry up to accept!
Forget quarrels, insults,
Yes, bright holiday of Sunday
Nothing will darken.
Christ is Risen! Hell trembles
And the sun of eternal truth shines
Over the renewed earth:
And the whole universe is warm
A ray of divine light.
Tastes joy and peace.
Christ is Risen! Holy day!
Thunder in all ends of the universe
Praise be to the Creator!
Gone are the sorrows and sorrows,
The shackles of sin fell from them,
The soul recoiled from evil.
(V. Bazhanov)

Easter Annunciation.

Dozing bell
Woke up the fields
smiled at the sun
Sleepy land.
Blows rushed
To blue skies
loudly heard
Voice through the woods.
Hiding behind the river
pale moon,
ran loudly
Rough wave.
Silent Valley
Drives away sleep
Somewhere across the road
The call fades.
(S. Yesenin)


I waited for him with understandable impatience,
Keeping the holy delight in your soul,
And through the harmony of prayer singing
He shook me like thunder from the sky.
Since ancient times, the blessing over the Russian land
He spoke to us about heaven with the voice of a prophet;
So the sun is a ray of spring time
To the heyday of nature illuminated the path.
To you, O God, to your throne,
Where is the truth, the truth is brighter than our words,
I keep the path according to Your verb,
What I hear through the ringing of bells.
(K. Balmont)

Christ is risen! Again with the dawn ...

Christ is risen! Again with the dawn
The shadow of the long night thins,
Again lit up above the ground
For a new life, a new day.
Thickets of boron are still blackening;
Still in the shade of his damp,
Like mirrors, lakes stand
And breathe the freshness of the night;
Still in the blue valleys
Fogs are floating... But look:
Already burning on mountain ice floes
Rays of fiery dawn!
They are still shining in the sky.
Unattainable like a dream
Where the voices of the earth are silent
And immaculate beauty.
But, getting closer every hour
Because of the crimson peaks,
They will sparkle, flaring up,
And into the darkness of the forests, and into the depths of the valleys;
They will ascend in the beauty of the desired
And they will announce from the heights of heaven,
That the promised day has come
That God is truly risen!
(I. Bunin)

To the tune of Easter prayers...

To the tune of Easter prayers
And to the sound of bells
Spring is flying to us from far away,
From the midday regions.
In a green dress
Dark forests are fading
The sky shines like the sea
The sea is like heaven.
Pine trees in green velvet
And fragrant resin
Along scaly columns
Amber flowed.
And in our garden today
I noticed how secretly
christened lily of the valley
With a white-winged moth
Drops drip loudly
In front of our window.
The birds sang merrily.
Easter has come to visit us.
(K. Feofanov)

Christ is risen! Starlings sing...

Christ is risen! The starlings sing
And, waking up, the steppes rejoice.
In the snow, murmuring, streams run
And with a ringing laugh they quickly tear
Chains shackled in winter.
Still thoughtful dark forest,
Not believing the happiness of awakening.
Wake up! Sing the song of Sunday
Christ is risen!

Christ is risen! In the rays of love
Sorrow gloomy cold will disappear,
Let joy reign in the hearts
Both those who are old and those who are young!
Covenant of blessed Heaven
Sounds to us the song of Sunday,
Love, and happiness, and forgiveness -
Christ is risen!
(V. Ladyzhensky)

Christ is risen!

Christ is risen! He is the King of the worlds
Mighty kings Lord,
He is all humility, all love,
For a sinful world holy blood
Shed like a redeeming angel!
Christ is risen! He gave people
Testament of holy forgiveness,
He gave mercy to the fallen
And for holy convictions
He ordered to suffer as he himself suffered!
Christ is risen! He announced
That on earth all people are brothers,
He renewed the world with love,
He forgave his enemies on the cross,
And he opened his arms to us!
Christ is risen! Christ is risen!
May these joyful sounds
Like the singing of angels from heaven
They will dispel anger, sorrow, torment!
Join all brotherly hands
Let's hug everyone! Christ is risen!
(K. Rocher)

Christ is Risen!!! Life triumphs!

In the spring, when it's so blissful
nature awakening,
Heart flutters joyfully
Christ's Resurrection!

The whole world is filled with joy
Rejoicing with heaven:
Christ is risen! Hell is defeated!
Death has no power over us!

The sun is playing, the forest has come to life,
Bird trills rush up;
Spring is coming! Christ is risen!
And life triumphs!
(L. Gromova)

Holiday anticipation.

Not allowed to stay in bed
warm rays of the sun
And a wonderful sweet smell, -
Easter cakes smell like honey.

And without taking off my pajamas,
I ran to the kitchen.
Mom paints testicles there,
Looks tenderly at me

- Good morning, son,
How long have you been sleeping today?
Do you want a piece of cake?
You can, you're small.

I replied, "I wonder
What about my age?
I want to be with everyone
Break the fast with cake!

Mommy hugged me
- You're quite big!
So we are you, son,
At night we will take it with us to the temple.

Smiling sweet mother
I was beaming with happiness,
I will shout today in the temple
Louder than all: CHRIST IS RISEN!
(L. Gromova)

Christ is risen! - just two words...

Christ is risen! - just two words
But how much grace is in them!
We are unearthly bliss again
Illuminated in your hearts.
Sorrow and suffering are forgotten
Forgotten grief and need
Silent groans and murmurs,
Envy and enmity are gone...
(P. Potekhin)

All faces are radiant...

All faces shine with joy
Hearts free from passions...
So miraculous effect
Holy words on people!..
Christ is risen!..
Oh sacred moment!
O miracle, above all miracles,
What were in the universe! ..
Christ is risen!
Christ is risen!
(P. Potekhin)

Sing songs for Happy Easter!

Sing songs for Happy Easter!
This day is the best day of all!
You knock on my door.
Cakes are waiting for you.

I'm waiting for you on a spring day
On the day of Holy Sunday.
And remind the sky of the cross,
What is truly Risen!

I wish you inspiration
On the day of the Holy Ascension.
Glowing like heaven
Your blue eyes

Happiness is very simple.
You and me. There are stars above us.
We are on the same path
We return home.

And towards people, people
We are shouting: Resurrection! Oh miracle!
Easter cakes shine in the house,
Krashenki and three candles.

Holy holiday.

How easy is my soul!
The heart is full of tenderness!
All worries and doubts
Fly away!
The world fills my soul
Joy shines in the eyes
And as if in heaven
The sun is shining brighter...
People are brothers! Has come
Great day, day of salvation!
Bright holiday Sunday
God of truth, God of strength!...
Away from us enmity and malice!
Let's forget everything! We'll forgive everyone!
Let's honor reconciliation
Day of the Risen from the grave!
He did not rage, did not take revenge, -
But with fatherly love
By His all-honored blood
He washed the unworthy of us ...
He is risen! - the time will come
Sundays for us...
We don't know this time...
Why don't we throw off the burden of sins?
Why don't we think about
With what in the moment of rebirth
From nothingness and decay,
Will we stand before Christ?
He is risen! abode of paradise
Reopened to the public...
But there is one way to get there:
Life is sinless, holy!
(Protopresbyter V. Bazhanov)

open royal doors before us...

The royal doors are open before us,
Holy fire shines from a candle...
Around again placed in the temple
Colored eggs, Easter, Easter cakes,
It's still dark, but the sun is shining
Plays with all the colors of heaven.
And joyfully repeat to each other:
"Christ is risen!".
"Truly risen!"
(Priest V. Shamonin)


- Christ is risen! Truly risen!
Easter bells rise to heaven
And in our souls from early morning
The lamp of peace and goodness burns.

How I want to believe in this hour
That God has touched each of us.
And, throwing off the burden of nightmarish sins,
The mutilated Rus' has resurrected...
(D. Popov)


On Christ Sunday
All the people are having fun.
May the holiday be bright today
It will enter every house soon.
Everyone will say "Christ is Risen!"
Feel better at heart
Everyone will be happy on a holiday!
Glory to the sun and spring!

Holy Easter.

Night of the Holy Song
What a fragrant spring! -
Feast of Bright Sunday
Souls with peace overshadows.

What was foretold has come true!
And who did not believe - believed.
Oh, Divine mercy! -
The doors to Heaven are open.

The people gathered devoutly.
Happy faces everywhere.
Merry bell ringing
Above my native capital!
(G. Savelyeva)

Christ is risen!

Earth and sun
Fields and forest -
All praise God
Christ is risen!

In the smile of blue
living skies
All the same joy
Christ is risen!

The enmity is gone
And the fear is gone.
No more malice
Christ is risen!

How wonderful the sounds
holy words,
in which you hear:
Christ is risen!

Earth and sun
Fields and forest -
All praise God
Christ is risen!
(L. Charskaya)


The booming sounds of bells
Fly away into the sky
For meadows, for free steppes,
For the dense dark forest.
A billion joyful sounds
A melodious wave is pouring ...
All moments wondrous, sweet
Easter night is full
In them, in those sounds - a moment of forgiveness,
Evil vanity - the end.
Boundless humility
And the golden crown of love
They have endless prayers
Hymns wondrous words.
They have eternal sorrow and tears
Washed away by the blood of the Divine.
In them the earth delight mysterious
And the holy delight of heaven,
In them the Immortal and the Only
God is truly risen!
(L. Charskaya)

Moscow before Easter.

There are two weeks left until Easter;
Already the trees and bushes are green,
Domes of churches burn in the sun,
Moscow all glows from warm, clear days.

Green, gold, blue,
So ancient and yet young
Against the background of the blossoming leaves,
The domes of my Moscow shine.

They have seen and know so much
And proudly raise above the past
Your four, three and five heads
On the eve of holiday bells.

It will soon smell like Easter cake and Easter,
Spring will paint the city with new paint,
Moscow streets emphasizing the comfort,
Easter bells will ring.
(E. Olenina)

In anticipation Christ's Resurrection.

April. Good Friday. Moscow.
Everything calms down in anticipation of Easter.
The fragrant foliage got wet from the rains,
Spring evening muffles the colors.

Doubt, anxiety leaves the soul,
Repentance comes, revelation
And the most holy thing I ask of God,
On the eve of Christ's Resurrection.
(E. Olenina)


Prophecies! The prophecies have come true!
And people rejoice like children!
Christ is risen! So that everyone can be saved!
And so that love lives again in the world!
(L. Koroleva)


On April 15, 2012, on the day of the feast of the Holy Resurrection of Christ, His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus' addressed the audience with the First Hierarch's word in the Cathedral Church of Christ the Savior.

I heartily greet you all again and again with the Paschal words: Christ is Risen!

These words testify to our deep faith, that over the 2000 years that the Church has traveled along a thorny historical path, the most important thing has not been lost, which, perhaps, constitutes the core of the spiritual life of the human race, is the conviction that the Son God and the Son of Man, having come into this world, having suffered and died for us, was resurrected by the power of God and resurrected us with Himself.

Keeping this faith in itself is a miracle. It is well known what has happened over these 2000 years: how the world has changed beyond recognition in almost every new era; how one empire succeeded another; how one culture, destroying the previous one, came to replace it; how did they change philosophical views, beliefs, social preferences and ideals; how people fought, destroying each other and erasing from the face of the earth what was created by the labors of their predecessors. It can be said that practically nothing has survived from that era, except for individual monuments and tombs - everything is scattered by the ashes of the earth. But the belief that our Lord Jesus Christ resurrected on the third day after death could not be destroyed by any shocks, even such terrible and radical ones that changed the world beyond recognition.

And there is only one explanation for that. Faith is not fiction, it is not only an emotional feeling and not only a conviction. Faith is a living relationship between man and God. It is through faith that the Divine power touches a person, fertilizes his soul, strengthens his physical strength, gives him wisdom, courage to go on life path, preserving, among other things, what our Lord Jesus Christ taught the human race.

His life was marked by great sorrows and sufferings, and not only in the last week before the Resurrection. His whole life was full of labors and sorrows, because He saw how people neglected His word, which carried in itself a huge spiritual power capable of transforming the world. And this word was not assimilated by everyone, although it possessed Divine power. He saw doubting disciples who, having witnessed many of His miracles and His words, continued to be the same fishermen with their attachments, with their human ideas about life, including who can and should be the first, who is more important, who more significant. He saw how they lacked the faith to repeat the miracles He performed. Probably, His heart was filled with grief, seeing that His word and powerful action did not produce in people the change that they should have done. And finally, the nightmare of Holy Week - betrayal loved one, arrest, interrogations, bullying, torture and, finally, a shameful death on the cross ...

He Who brought to the world the great word of Divine wisdom, He Who reinforced this word with great miracles, was killed under the roar of the jubilant crowd that demanded His death. What can compare with this abyss of suffering accepted by the Savior? There is nothing in this world, there is nothing in people's lives that could be likened to the sufferings of the Savior.

People accept severe suffering, undergo bullying, and betrayal, and torture, and cruel death. But even the most fair man subjected to such suffering, in the depths of his soul understands that in his life he also committed evil and untruth - both with his thoughts, and words, and deeds. It may be sometimes difficult to relate the cross placed by God with one's own understanding of the wrong that a person has done. Nevertheless, the very fact of human sinfulness puts the suffering of people in a different order compared to what happened to the sinless Son of God and the Son of Man.

The Lord rises and by His Resurrection affirms the victory of both His words and His deeds. He sends apostles to serve, who, having received the gift of the Holy Spirit, cease to be mere fishermen and become inspired preachers and witnesses of the Resurrection. The Resurrection of Christ opens a new page in human history. And this is no longer history - this is a metahistory that has no end, which goes into eternity. And all of us who live after the Resurrection, through this event, become partakers of another being, and the door of eternal life opens before us.

That is why hearts are filled with joy. Maybe not everyone is thinking about what we are thinking about now. But in the heart of every person - both the sage and the simple - feels the joy of Easter night. And this Divine joy bestowed on us, sinful people, is also evidence of the saving power of the Resurrection.

Everything that happened to our Savior is both an example and a lesson for us. And when we go through sorrows and trials, we must remember that their worthy passage will certainly end in victory and resurrection.

In an amazing way, Easter passed this year. Never before in the entire post-revolutionary history have there been so many people in churches, especially in our Mother See city. Hundreds and hundreds of thousands of people - perhaps we will find out a more accurate figure - came on Saturday and Sunday to Easter services in our churches. Thousands of people went with their families, with children, to touch the shrine, to enter God's temple, testify their participation in the Easter celebration and their belonging to the Mother - the Russian Orthodox Church.

This is our resurrection. We believe that it changed many of us, armed with spiritual power, made it clear from personal experience what the Cross and Resurrection means. Thus the Lord leads us along the paths of life. Let us learn from this experience that the power of God is stronger than the power of the devil; that the power of God, preserving the miracle of faith despite all historical upheavals for 2000 years, will not leave us even in the current difficult conditions of life.

It is still unknown how what many now consider significant, important, will be perceived in the course of years by us, especially by future generations. But we know for sure that until the end of the age on the day of the Resurrection Christ people will turn to each other the Easter greeting "Christ is Risen!" - and answer as you answered me now, investing in this the strength of your faith, the strength of your hope and confidence in the final victory of God over all dark force, in the final and universal resurrection, which opens the doors of the Divine Kingdom.

Christ is Risen! Christ is Risen! Christ is Risen! Truly, Christ is Risen! Amen.

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