When is Lyudmila's holiday. When is Lyudmila's name day according to the church calendar

Calendar, when, according to the church calendar, the name day of Lyudmila

Saints with the name Lyudmila are revered 2 times.

  • September 28 - Lyudmila Petrova, martyr;
  • September 29 - Ludmila Czech, martyr, princess.

Characteristics of the birthday girl Lyudmila:

From the Old Slavonic language - dear to people. Popular in Bulgaria male name- Lyudmil. Lyudmila's name day is in September.

Lyudmila fully justifies her name - she has been doing everything possible since childhood to do something pleasant for her loved ones. It seems that Lyudmila was born immediately as an adult. So, she almost does not cry when she is very small - her mother has little trouble with her. She is not naughty, eats everything that is given to her, cleans up the dishes, does not scatter toys. From the age of 7-8, she washes dishes after eating, washes her things, at 10-12 years old, Lyudmila is the hostess in the house: she cleans the apartment and cooks food.

She does not like to waste time, she is little interested in noisy children's games - she is better if she has one. free time, reads or will knit, sew, and the younger children in the family must be looked after. Lyudmila has a difficult relationship with them: she is somewhat strict with them, because she believes that first of all they should do their homework, put their room in order, and help her with cleaning. Younger children, of course, do not like it very much. However, when they grow up, a very warm relationship is established between Lyudmila, sister or brother. And when their parents die, they treat Lyudmila not as a sister, but as a mother.

As for work, Lyudmila is also doing well here. As a rule, she receives a higher education, is proactive, very punctual, conscientious, not conflict. And most importantly, she is very friendly, in the full sense of the word, people are drawn to her - to consult on official matters, pour out their souls on family problems, etc.

Lyudmila is a wonderful hostess, she will cook a delicious dinner “out of nothing”, the apartment is cozy and calm. Modest in spending. Divorce with Lyudmila is a very rare occurrence - what a sane man would leave such a wife. After all, she always patiently listens to him, takes care of him when he is sick, does not “read” moralizing if he does something wrong. Such tolerance of Lyudmila leads to the fact that by the age of 50 she already has a full bouquet of cardiovascular diseases. However, this is not the main problem that worries her.

She is worried about her children, mostly her daughter. The son, as a rule, grows up as a good, attentive, calm person, not in conflict. But she has really serious problems with her daughter. Lyudmila's excessive love for her, the desire to protect her from housework, to dress her beautifully, etc. lead to the fact that the daughter does not appreciate her mother for a penny and pushes her and her father around as she wants.

Often, in addition to her own children, Lyudmila also brings up nephews or her husband's children from her first marriage (if he is a widower). She is all right with them - they sincerely love her and appreciate her as their own mother, they help her.

Lyudmila's name day should be celebrated cheerfully, and it is imperative to congratulate the birthday girl.

Congratulations on the birthday of Lyudmila:

Do not forget to celebrate Lyudmila's name day and congratulate Lyudmila on the day of the angel.

The sun shines everywhere

Today is just for you.

Happy Angel Day to you, Luda,

Congratulations, my dear.

Let life turn into a dream

And happiness will enter every day.

Everything is very easy,

And joyfully the soul sings.

Lyudochka, Happy Angel Day to you!

Happy holiday today, congratulations

After all, you can’t forget about the name day,

I wish you from myself:

clear skies and sunny days,

Good and faithful girlfriends and friends,

In the house - prosperity, comfort always,

Don't let trouble knock on his door.

Health, success, smiles in the eyes,

Faith, hope, good luck in business,

In the family - understanding, warmth and love.

Let the flame of youth not go out in the blood!

Dear to people, and to us - beloved,

An angel of the name forever kept!

On your Christian name day

We wish you happiness.

You can be Sweet, or you can be Luda,

Duality is an ordinary miracle.

Do you feel hard, soft,

This is how you introduce yourself to people.

We love you both

Time with you does not go to waste:

Labor - so with the rise, leisure in fun,

Better than you, did not meet girlfriends!

Since childhood, Lyudmila has been trying to help everyone and protect them from misfortunes. If she has younger brothers or sisters, she takes custody of them. Always looks after them when needed. Lyudmila never shirks from business. She always knows what she needs. Responsible for both study and work. She can do even the most painstaking work.

Adult Lyudmila is trying to show herself, to be above the rest. It is better not to become her rival in anything. However, her character is kind, sympathetic and compliant. She knows how to forgive, even if the same person offended her several times. Shows concern for friends. He knows how to find an approach to absolutely any people. He connects his life with communication with people. Has the gift of persuasion. Luda's house is always clean and tidy. She is a good hostess, infinitely loving her children. Often, Lyudmila's husband does not appreciate her efforts, so her marriages fall apart as easily as houses of cards. Often decides to raise children on their own.

Fate: Lyudmila has a strong will, she is resolute and confident in herself and her abilities. She has a strong intuition, which helps her to foresee future events and correct them in the best direction. If she has something in mind, she purposefully goes to her goal.

Day of the Angel Ludmila

From the Old Slavonic language - dear to people. In Bulgaria, the male name is also popular - Lyudmil. Name day of Lyudmila in September. Lyudmila fully justifies her name - she has been doing everything possible since childhood to do something pleasant for her loved ones. It seems that Lyudmila was born immediately as an adult. So, she almost does not cry when she is very small - her mother has little trouble with her. She is not naughty, eats everything that is given to her, cleans up the dishes, does not scatter toys. From the age of 7-8, she washes dishes after eating, washes her things, at 10-12 years old, Lyudmila is the hostess in the house: she cleans the apartment and cooks food.

She does not like to waste time, she is little interested in noisy children's games - she is better if she has free time, reads or knits, sews, and she needs to look after the younger children in the family. Lyudmila has a difficult relationship with them: she is somewhat strict with them, because she believes that first of all they should do their homework, put their room in order, and help her with cleaning.

Younger children, of course, do not like it very much. However, when they grow up, a very warm relationship is established between Lyudmila, sister or brother. And when their parents die, they treat Lyudmila not as a sister, but as a mother. As for work, Lyudmila is also doing well here. As a rule, she receives a higher education, is proactive, very punctual, conscientious, not conflict. And most importantly, she is very friendly, in the full sense of the word, people are drawn to her - to consult on official matters, pour out their souls on family problems, etc.

Lyudmila is a wonderful hostess, she will cook a delicious dinner “out of nothing”, the apartment is cozy and calm. Modest in spending. Divorce with Lyudmila is a very rare occurrence - what a sane man would leave such a wife. After all, she always patiently listens to him, takes care of him when he is sick, does not “read” moralizing if he does something wrong.

Such tolerance of Lyudmila leads to the fact that by the age of 50 she already has a full bouquet of cardiovascular diseases. However, this is not the main problem that worries her. She is worried about her children, mostly her daughter. The son, as a rule, grows up as a good, attentive, calm person, not in conflict.

But she has really serious problems with her daughter. Lyudmila's excessive love for her, the desire to protect her from housework, to dress her beautifully, etc. lead to the fact that the daughter does not appreciate her mother for a penny and pushes her and her father around as she wants. Often, in addition to her own children, Lyudmila also brings up nephews or her husband's children from her first marriage (if he is a widower). She is all right with them - they sincerely love her and appreciate her as their own mother, they help her.

Lyudmila Name day according to the Church Calendar

  • September 28 - Lyudmila (Petrova), mts. /novomuch./
  • September 29 - Lyudmila Czech, mts., princess

The Holy Martyr Ludmila is considered the first patroness of the Czech Republic. She was ranked among the saints for her righteous life and martyrdom.

Life of Saint Ludmila

The daughter of a Serbian prince, born in 860, Ludmila received an excellent education, which was unusual for women of that time, she spoke several languages, including Greek and Latin. While still young, she married the Czech prince Borzhivoya and left for her new homeland - the Czech Republic. Thanks to this marriage, several tribes united on the territory of modern Czech Republic.

The spouses, like almost all the people, were pagans, but their acquaintance with Methodius, the great Slavic educator and creator of Slavic writing, prompted them to accept Christianity (in 882). They erected the first Christian church in the country, named after St. Clement; they contributed in every possible way to the spread of the true faith in their state.

Lyudmila was widowed early - she was only 29 years old when her husband died, leaving her with 6 children, four daughters and two sons, of whom the eldest also died quite early. The youngest son Bratislav began to rule the country, but in fact all the reins of government were in the hands of Lyudmila, and her reign was considered wise thanks to her Christian mercy, which was especially manifested in helping the needy, the destitute and the sick.

Prince Bratislav married Dragomir, an arrogant girl with exorbitant pride, but what is especially important - a pagan in her soul. They had two sons, completely similar friend on a friend. The eldest, Vyacheslav, looked like his Christian father, and the youngest looked like his wicked mother. Since the eldest son was the heir, the prince entrusted the upbringing of Vyacheslav to his righteous mother Lyudmila, and left the younger Dragomir.

In 921, Lyudmila's son, Prince Bratislav, died, and Vyacheslav ascended the throne, but since he was a minor, the Czech Sejm appointed Dragomir as regent under him. It was then that she showed her true face, trying to restore pagan orders in her land. Lyudmila unequivocally expressed her displeasure to her daughter-in-law, but since she had no power, she had to retire to Tetin, where she continued to do charity work and prayed a lot.

The murder of St. Lyudmila

At night, assassins broke into her chambers. Lyudmila understood everything and only asked to be killed with a sword, so that, like other martyrs, shed her blood for Christ. However, the killers knew that the shedding of blood meant the recognition of the murdered Christian martyr, and therefore they strangled Lyudmila, as it is supposed, with her own veil (veil), which became her invariable attribute and is depicted on every icon of St. Ludmila.

They buried her under the city wall of Tetin, not according to Christian customs, but the Lord marked this place - burning candles appeared over it every night and began to happen miraculous healings. When these news reached Vyacheslav, the grandson of Lyudmila, he transferred her ashes to the Basilica of St. Jiri in Prague, and then, after the construction of the church in honor of St. Vitta, to this temple.

Although the veneration of the martyr Lyudmila was constantly growing, it took the church more than a century and a half to canonize her. Then the day of her memory began to be celebrated as church holiday, and the icons "Martyr Lyudmila, Czech Princess" appeared. She is revered and Russian Orthodox Church: her name appears in the holy calendar, in many churches there is an icon of "Lyudmila Czech". On the icon, she is always depicted with her head covered with a pow (veil), with which, according to legend, she was strangled, and in a princely crown.

What do they pray to the icon of St. Ludmil and what does it protect from?

Every woman bearing this name must have an icon of a saint, because she will become her patroness. In general, St. Lyudmila, in addition to her homeland of the Czech Republic, patronizes grandmothers, mothers, teachers and educators, which is fully explained by her life. The best gift for a girl, a girl, a woman of this name is a nominal icon "Lyudmila".

They pray to the icon, the holy martyr, with a request to protect them from evil intentions and family discord, for the well-being and health of children and grandchildren, for overcoming everyday troubles and, of course, for strength in faith. Prayers that can be said in front of the icon "Lyudmila - the holy martyr" should come from a pure heart; You can also pray in your own words.

Prayer to the Holy Martyr Princess Lyudmila

Oh, Holy saint of Christ, the martyr Princess Lyudmilo, First-year-old of the Czech country and the capital city of Prague, an ornament warm for us before God before God, behold, we, many sinners, humbly falling down, we pray, do not let us perish in the mud of our sins, but lift up about us prayer.

Oh, Blessing mother Lyudmilo, do not forget to visit your children, even if you have passed away from us in heavenly abodes. Together with the Holy Martyr and your grandson Vyacheslav, when the lad Vyacheslav, his father, your son, grows up, according to the custom of that time, ask the Bishop and the priests with all the clergy to call upon him the blessing of God. Bishop, having served in the Church of the Most Holy Theotokos and place the lad on the steps of the temple, and bless him like this: “Lord God Jesus Christ, bless this lad, as thou hast blessed thy righteous ones, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and crown him, as thou hast crowned faithful kings, Equal-to-the-Apostles Constantine and Elena."

Likewise, you, his holy foremother, ask us, sinners, God's blessing on our children, and on all of us, and we are many sinners, we will thank the Lord for giving His grace. May we glorify with you the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit and your great intercession for us forever and ever. Amen.


The name day named after Lyudmila is celebrated on September 29 (16 - according to the strict style) and is associated with the name of the Czech princess-martyr Lyudmila. She was baptized into Orthodoxy by Saint Methodius, a Russian enlightener and one of the authors of the first Slavic alphabet.

Having accepted the teachings of Christ, Lyudmila began to spread Orthodox faith in the Czech Republic. She had a particularly great influence on the upbringing of her grandson Vyacheslav in the spiritual traditions of Orthodoxy. However, in 927 she was killed martyrdom his daughter-in-law, who was an ardent pagan. Since then, the day of the angel named after Lyudmila has been celebrated in the fall, on the day of the death of the Czech martyr.

Day of the angel Lyudmila church pictures, congratulations: watch the video

Day of the angel Lyudmila church pictures, congratulate: Characteristics of the birthday girl Lyudmila

From the Old Slavonic language - dear to people. In Bulgaria, the male name is also popular - Lyudmil. Lyudmila's name day is in September. Lyudmila fully justifies her name - she has been doing everything possible since childhood to do something pleasant for her loved ones. It seems that Lyudmila was born immediately as an adult. So, she almost does not cry when she is very small - her mother has little trouble with her. She is not naughty, eats everything that is given to her, cleans up the dishes, does not scatter toys. From the age of 7-8, she washes dishes after eating, washes her things, at 10-12 years old, Lyudmila is the hostess in the house: she cleans the apartment and cooks food.

The sun shines everywhere
Today is just for you.
Happy Angel Day to you, Luda,
Congratulations, my dear.
Let life turn into a dream
And happiness will enter every day.
Everything is very easy,
And joyfully the soul sings.
I heartily congratulate you on your day heavenly patron, happy birthday! I want to wish that your invisible protector protects you from various troubles and misfortunes, so that he guides you on the right path, does not let you be sad! And also, so that you smile more often, because when you smile, your patron saint glows with happiness and this light is reflected in your eyes. May he keep you all your life! Be happy!
Today is your angel day!
God bless you good health!
May only peace lurk in your hearth,
Warmed by happiness, joy, love!
Lyudochka, Happy Angel Day to you!
Happy holiday today, congratulations
After all, you can’t forget about the name day,
I wish you from myself:
Clear skies and sunny days
Good and faithful girlfriends and friends,
In the house - prosperity, comfort always,
Don't let trouble knock on his door.
Health, success, smiles in the eyes,
Faith, hope, good luck in business,
In the family - understanding, warmth and love.
Let the flame of youth not go out in the blood!

29.09.2019 2,900 Views

When is Lyudmila's name day in 2019 (Angel's Day) according to the church (Orthodox) calendar

Saints with the name Lyudmila in 2019 are revered 2 times. One of these dates is the Day of the Angel of a person named Lyudmila. Name Day (Name Day) - a date that falls on a person's birthday or the next closest after his DR.

September 28 - name day of Lyudmila- Lyudmila Petrova, martyr (new martyr, 2000)

September 29 - name day of Lyudmila- Lyudmila Czech, martyr, princess

Icon of St. Lyudmmila Czech

September 29 - Memorial Day of the Holy Martyr Ludmila, Princess of Czech, as well as Angel Day for everyone who was named this nice name(including Lyudmila's name day according to the Catholic calendar).

Lyudmila Czech: history

Great Martyr Saint Ludmila
The patron saint of women named Luda is the Holy Great Martyr Princess Ludmila of Czech. She is the first patroness of the Czech Republic. It is believed that in 921 she was strangled by her own relatives who preached a pagan religion. At this time she was 60 years old. The grandson of the Great Martyr Lyudmila later became the ruler of the state.

His grandmother raised him in the traditions of Christianity. The Holy Great Martyr Princess Ludmila of Czech was canonized in 1144, and now the day of the angel Ludmila is celebrated on the day of her memory. The remains of St. Ludmila are still kept in Prague, in the Cathedral of St. George the Victorious.

Lyudmila Czech: who patronizes

The Holy Great Martyr Princess Ludmila of Czech patronizes teachers, educators, grandmothers and mothers.

😇 GIFs Angel Day Lyudmila: name day and Angel Day in postcards

Lovely, tender congratulations on Lyudmila's name day in verse - Beautiful gif cards with the inscription: Congratulations on Angel Day, Lyudochka!

Congratulations on Ludmila's angel's day

Day of the angel Lyudmila in Ukraine, Russia, Belarus

Orthodox congratulations to Lyudmila in prose

Dear Lyuda, Lyudochka, Lyudmila, we greet everyone with a wonderful day - Lyudmila's holiday!
We wish you good health, true faith in your dreams and striving for great success!
Be always as beautiful, kind, pleasant, cheerful and magnificent!

September 28 and 29: name day and Angel Ludmila's Day 2019 - Congratulations St. Ludmila's Day September 29, 2019

Orthodox congratulations to Lyudmila in verse

Lyudmila means "people are sweet"
And you are really nice.
Like a tender angel, patient
Smiling and cheerful.

You are full of kindness
And give it to everyone around
You can forgive endlessly
And you are the most devoted friend.

Let the sky return a hundredfold
Your spiritual gifts
Let those around you
You are kind and kind.

May life be easy and bright,
I am like you in everything.
And whatever you wish
Comes true in your destiny!

😇 Lyudmila's name day - Congratulations in pictures on Lyudmila's name day

Congratulations St. Ludmila's Day September 29, 2019 - September 29, Lyudmila's name day cards are cool, funny, comic

Lyudmila's Day 2019 - Lyudmila's Name Day beautiful postcard: Congratulations on your Name Day, Lyudmila!

Name day at Lyudmila September 28 and 29 - Name day of Lyudmila congratulation cards: Happy name day, Lyudmila!

R - to dream