Opening your heart, filling and surrounding yourself with love. Love Message Instructions (Klaus Joel) How to Win the Lottery by Klaus Joel


How to win the lottery? Klaus Joel's method

December 13, 2012

After a series of unsuccessful attempts, the thought often comes to mind? It's almost impossible to win the lottery. But people play the lottery! And they do not just play - almost every day it becomes known about some lucky person who managed to hit the coveted jackpot. Then the question arises of how to win the lottery. Is there a proven method to catch luck by the tail, or is it still a matter of chance? There is no unequivocal opinion on this question, since different players, with great and little experience, think differently. However, there are those who believe that they still managed to uncover the secret and develop an effective game strategy. One of these people is a certain Klaus Joel.

This experienced player has written a whole book about his technique, which is called "Messenger". After reading this book, almost every second person has a desire to try his luck and he says to himself: "I want to win the lottery." In this book, the author tells how to win the lottery using human thought and the power of imagination. Joel is confident that with their help you can achieve unprecedented success and realize your cherished desires. In order to prove the validity of his theory, he chose to play lotteries. The author of this technique, using his imagination, mentally "transferred" to the future, in it he learned the necessary information, thanks to which he received a lottery win.

Previously, Joel had to work quite hard on construction sites and the farm. He also did home renovations. But he was not going to spend his whole life like this and began to develop his own way of attracting good luck into his life. After the “foresight” and attracting luck technique was ready, Joel set a goal for himself to earn $ 3.6 million with it. Some of this money was supposed to come from playing the lottery. The result was simply stunning - in a few weeks he won over a hundred times!

Well, how? Are you ready to learn how to win the lottery? The method of winning that Joel invented is based on a special technique of guessing the winning number. To do this, in his book, the author recommends this method. First of all, you need to find a quiet place, retire and focus your attention on yourself, completely immersed in your feelings. For this purpose, you should choose the quietest room where any extraneous noise or someone from the household cannot interfere. Then - get comfortable on the couch or in an armchair and close your eyes. All this is necessary in order to be able to fully relax. Now imagine a moving train. It personifies your life, and the stations on its way are the events and days that happen in it. Calculate the number of days left until the lottery draw in which you want to receive a prize. Now the train starts to depart from the next station and you go on a journey!

Mentally drive your train exactly the same number of stations as there are days left before the expected event, and get off at the right one. For example, if the results of the lottery are known in five days, get off at the fifth station. After the train has stopped and you have got off, find the nearest newspaper seller, buy a publication with a table of the results of the lottery in which you decide to participate. Find the winning combination, memorize the numbers and start your way back home. After you arrive at the departure station, you can consider that the imaging procedure is completed. Now it remains to purchase, if you have not bought them before, lottery tickets, fill them in and wait until luck turns around and you hit the lottery, if not a jackpot, then a big win!

The described method at first glance seems too simple, however, in practice it turns out that this is not entirely true. Firstly, a person needs to have a good imagination, since it is not so easy to imagine all of the above in detail so as not to be distracted by extraneous thoughts and clearly keep the image in mind. Secondly, you need to have an excellent short-term memory so as not to lose or mix up a couple of numbers along the way. To someone, after one such trip, it will seem that Joel's method is ineffective and he will stop using it. The author himself claims that for a positive result, you need to train and the first attempt to win the draw may turn out to be a failure. But if the imagination is trained, and the exercise is repeated more often, then the subconscious mind begins to benefit a person, attracting wealth, success and desired results into his life.

Now you know at least one way to win the lottery. Whether it will suit you or not remains to be seen. But in any case, you should try to listen to your subconscious.



About the method of sending love from Klaus Joel's book "Messenger"

Klaus Joel does not belong to those authors who are professional psychologists with a rich practice or recognized spiritual teachers. He is one of those who can be called eternally seeking: after devoting many years of persistent search for what did not allow him to be happy (having read hundreds of books on meditation, taking various courses and psychological help groups, etc.), he eventually discovered for a mechanism that put everything in its place. Or, more precisely, the source of universal energy is Love.
The book "Messenger" is written in a light style - semi-artistic, semi-memoir - and in the first half the author tells the story of his long search, and the second is devoted to his method of sending Love.
Considering Love not as an emotion or feeling, but as a force capable of nourishing and purifying any event of the past or future, any person, object or place, Joel gives many examples from own life, showing how everything around has changed for the better after he began to work regularly with Love.

The technique of working with Love is extremely simple and understandable, and this is what is very good. It is based on visualization: you need to imagine how a stream of Love radiates from an open heart and fills everything that we want to harmonize: children, desirable (or, conversely, undesirable - depending on the purpose of the work) situations, food and clothing ... According to Joel, even time speeds up when he works with Love: it blurs obstacles and clears space, and as a result, he manages to do more in a week than he used to do in three. He sent Love to his friends - and they got out of an internal crisis, he sent Love to cooks in a restaurant - and his order was fulfilled faster than others ... And so on. The main thing is to work constantly, increasing and strengthening your flow of Love.
One of the exercises invented by Joel is as follows. Every morning he writes down his desires for the day - everything he wants to receive and experience during the day - and then “pumps” these lines with Love as much as possible. So that they are ready to explode. And the necessary events add up easily.
However, you should pay attention to the fact that at first negative consequences are possible - a splash of negative emotions. Irritation, anger, resentment, aggression... and all this against the backdrop of Love. This is the usual "cleansing" of consciousness, faced with an unusual state for itself, but you need to be ready for it. This will pass soon.
Joel in his technique proposes to use the radiation of the heart chakra, consciously intensifying it and directing it mentally to the visualized objects. Vividly and figuratively imagining what we want and directing the rays from anahata into this picture, we can, according to the author of the book, many times accelerate the materialization of the object of our dreams. In addition, this radiation can be directed, for example, to food, which will make it much tastier and healthier not only for us, but also for other people.
All this is quite possible, but what if the anahata is practically closed for most of us? Joel suggests focusing on the feeling of the fire in the center of the sternum, the physical feeling of the working chakra, the feeling of waves of warmth and love emanating from it.
Having tried this method, you can really feel not only the chakra itself, but also changes in your attitude. You will notice a change in your perception of the world around you. A joyful feeling of affection for people, calmness, goodwill unexpectedly replaces even the most gloomy irritability. Those. the heart center can indeed be "turned on" quite consciously and used for one's own purposes! It's great, but there is one big "but".
The energy system is called a system because it is one and inseparable. To artificially force one of its parts means to take away energy from other parts. Apart from the fact that energy in general is a delicate matter and does not like direct unreasonable interference. Kindling the "light" in a separate chakra, one way or another we are doing nothing more than forcing it, which is fraught with the most unpredictable consequences. Recall that anahata is responsible for certain organs physical body. This is especially true of the nearby heart.
So, judging by the reviews of readers of this book on the Internet, many who try this technique feel pain in the region of the heart. If you do not pay attention to these symptoms, the matter is aggravated. Personally, having been carried away for some time by pleasant experiences when the anahata was "turned on", I finally achieved a stable arrhythmia of the heart muscle. The slightest acceleration, even when walking, began to cause obvious interruptions in the rhythm, skipping heartbeats. With frequent activation of the anahata, the burning sensation in the sternum was rather painful.
As the qigong teacher explained, focusing on one energy center with a general underdevelopment of the entire structure, and especially the energy channels linking it together, is a completely unacceptable thing and can end fatally. The powerful consumption of energy that occurs during the operation of such a radiator as anahata leads to a de-energization of physical organs dependent on it and to exhaustion and a kind of "burnout" of the anahata itself. Which I felt enough to change my mind in time.
For that matter, the only energy center that can be developed and consciously used without danger to health is located in a person in the area just below the navel (two or three fingers thick) and is the energy reservoir of the whole body. With a sufficiently developed dan tian, you can use its energy for the purpose of "opening the heart", raising for some time the energy "ball" to the anahata region (the middle dan tian in terms of qigong) and making it pulsate (squeezing and increasing alternately), and then without fail returning the "ball" back to the lower dan tian. At least, such a practice exists in Zhong-Yuan Qigong and is quite conducive to "opening the heart."
It is interesting that Klaus Joel himself in his last books, namely in two volumes of the "Money is Love" series, only casually recalls the method of "sending love" as a way of fulfilling desires. The books, despite the title, are devoted to the methodology and practice of the Law of Attraction. And they are written, like "Messenger", beautifully. Those. the name of the law itself is not mentioned, but the author, of course, very talentedly talks about his experience with creative thinking. Nevertheless, I advise those who are interested to read The Messenger, as a book that is certainly kind and interesting, but I advise you to be very careful with experiments on your health. Maybe the method of "sending love" will turn out to be completely natural and safe for someone - this is quite possible, because, as I mentioned, there are people with an already "open heart", and for them, sending love will simply be a natural continuation of their life practice. .
Two thoughts are especially valuable in terms of the restructuring of consciousness - valuable regardless of the overall goal of meditation. First: you need to feel your connection with everything that exists in the Universe - with people with whom we met or will meet again, with animals and plants ... A person who feels these connections will never feel lonely. And the second - you need to be able to accept Love when it comes back. It is no secret that for many of us this is difficult, because deep down there is a conviction that giving is better and “more correct” than receiving, and in order to receive something, you must first earn it (and preferably with blood and sweat). J

And, of course, this meditation, among other things, soothes and sets in a peaceful way, so you can use it just as a pleasant sound background.

Klaus Joel. Meditation: Opening the flow of Love.

Klaus Joel. "Messenger". (audiobook)

There is probably no such person who has not at least once imagined himself as the lucky winner of a million dollar jackpot. But not everyone is in a hurry to the nearest kiosk to buy the coveted ticket. Many people think that the chance of winning the lottery is negligible, and there is no point in spending hard-earned money on this. If we turn to statistics, it really turns out that the probability of winning tends to zero. But people win! So, not all is lost.

So how do you win the lottery?

Let's look at the Three Ways.

1st Way to Win the Lottery: Using the Law of Attraction
This method does not imply a monetary gain, unless, of course, a tidy sum in the account or a thick wad of money under the pillow is not an end in itself for you. Very often we dream of something material and tangible, which will certainly make us happy, but requires a tidy sum, which we do not have. This is where the Law of Attraction comes in handy.

For example, you dream of an expensive necklace. All that is required of you is to find a suitable lottery. Some lotteries offer clothing prizes, and glossy magazines often hold contests with valuable prizes. Find such a competition and take part in it. And remember the main tenet of the Law of Attraction: what I think about is what I get! So start thinking that you already have this very necklace. You must move from being a dreamer to being an owner. If you can’t immediately get used to the role, help yourself: pronounce affirmations, make a collage on which the treasured necklace adorns your neck, stick leaves around the house with statements that you have already received what you dreamed of ...

What if there are no lotteries offering the prize you need?

Do not despair, proceed with the above steps anyway. The Universe knows exactly how to send the object of your dreams to you.
A few years ago, I dreamed of good skis, but at that time the amount needed to buy them was sky-high for me. But for some reason, I had confidence inside me that I would still get these skis by the winter season. I was not even particularly surprised when, while buying my favorite chocolate in the supermarket, I saw information that checks participate in a lottery, the main prize of which is a set of skis. More than once during the month I came to buy my favorite chocolate bar in the store, each time I carefully wrote down my address and phone number on reverse side check and threw it into a special box. And after a month and a half they called me and said that I can come to a sports store and choose what I like! So with my positive statements, the belief that everything will work out for me, I attracted both the lottery itself and the main prize.

2nd way how to win lottery money: numerological
It is believed that every person has lucky numbers, often numbers from the person's date of birth, as well as numbers corresponding to your initials.

For example, if you were born on May 16, 1979, then your lucky numbers could be 16.5 (fifth month), 26 (1+9+7+9).

The numbers corresponding to the letters can be found in the plate:

Maybe you just have a lucky number that brings you good luck? Try to use the lottery and it. How to use lucky numbers to win money in the lottery, I think, is clear. If, according to the lottery rules, you need to select several numbers, choose your lucky numbers.

3rd Way to Win the Lottery: The Klaus Joel Method
In his book The Messenger, Klaus J. Joel talks about his method of winning the lottery (more precisely, he used this method to bet on the outcome of sports games, but this does not change the essence). This method uses a visualization in which a journey into the future takes place.

Here is the method of Klaus Joel:

Retire, take a comfortable position in a chair or on a bed, close your eyes, relax as much as possible. Imagine that you are on a train. Each station you pass is one day. If the results of the drawing will be summed up in five days, then you need to go to the fifth station. So, you are sitting on a train, passing through station-days. Once you have reached your desired station, get off. Once at the station, find a newsstand there and buy a newspaper that publishes the results of the draw. Open it and try to clearly see the numbers. Or are your lottery results announced on television? Then find a waiting room at the station, which probably has a TV, and try to remember the numbers that will be announced there.

Get on the train and return home, thus completing the visualization.

After that, write down the numbers in a notebook. Not all the numbers received will be winning, try to listen to your subconscious and choose those to which the soul lies.

Of course, this method is for those who have good visualization experience or who have free time for practice. But the results may please you. If you want to learn more about this method, it is best to refer to the original source:

DOWNLOAD: Audiobook in video format

If you decide to try one of the methods above, or any other way to win the lottery, you must remember the following:

  • Never, under any circumstances, play for the last money.
  • Never try to win in the lottery the amount that is vital for you, for example, for an important operation.
  • You must de-emphasize, you must not depend on whether you win or lose.
  • Buy tickets only for the amount that you do not mind losing.
  • Everything should be easy, fun and joyful.

Let it be just a ritual - once a month buy yourself a do-it-all ticket, and sooner or later fate will smile at you!


The Lottery PROGRAM “LUCK JOURNAL” contains useful information,
which will help you win the lottery more often and get big cash prizes.

What awaits you inside the program:

  1. Access to all official WORLD LOTTERIES online.
  2. Access to all online RESULTS of the world's lotteries.
  3. BOOK Ken Silver "10 Secrets How to Win the Lottery".
  4. Online Random Number Generator.
  5. Video "The Secret Magic of Numbers" for your inspiration.
  6. Meditations by Klaus Joel “Opening the Stream of Love” to attract Desired Events into your life.
  7. Klaus Joel's meditation “MONEY is LOVE” to attract Money Energy to you.
  8. "My Secret Records" section to save your personal systems and strategies for winning the lottery.
  9. Access to YouTube Channel “Luck Magazine”

It is so easy to open your heart, fill and surround yourself with love that you probably think that it does not happen, but the fact remains that it works and it is very natural. Here's how I approach it: I imagine there is a valve near my heart in the center of my upper chest. When we fall in love with someone, this faucet opens, and let's just say that most of the love we feel comes from within ourselves. At this point, we also begin to glow with love and, as we connect more closely with the person we are in love with, we begin to receive and send love from him quite naturally. When we fall in love, that other person becomes the trigger that opens that valve and allows love to flow, but over time, what that person does or maybe says, what opens our heart, gradually stops working. That is why at times it seems that the love we felt at the beginning begins to fade away. As you can imagine, this will cause a lot of difficulties in romantic relationships, and in many cases lead to their end, after which our hearts will begin to close even more, and this is where most of the pain we feel comes from. As our hearts close, we get sicker and sicker. But we have the ability to open our hearts on our own, which means several things, one of which is that we don't have to feel the pain of closing our hearts. It also means that we can constantly open our hearts - more and more each day, and we can send this love to each other, and this will lead to the fact that as the days and years pass by, we will feel everything. more and more love. There is no limit to the amount of love we can feel, have and experience in our lives. Many have told me that a point is reached in the development of a romantic relationship where the relationship becomes comfortable and secure. And I agree with this statement. These partners achieve an acceptable amount of love - less than they experienced at some point in their relationship, but more than they had before. But why stop there, why not grow further in love and allow more love to manifest in the world? At one time or another, everyone dreams of experiencing more love, even if that person has been in a very good romantic relationship for a long time. It is very natural for us to want to grow and experience more love with each passing day and year. And what is really beautiful about our ability to open our heart is that we do not have to wait for a new crush in order to feel love and begin to glow with love. The only question is to decide what we really want, are we completely satisfied with the amount of love that we have or want more? And why not, here it is, inside of us and free. With an abundance of love, there can be no place for pain, longing, resentment, anger or hatred. None of the above survives in love. If you have problems with these things, it's just a matter of opening your heart and filling yourself with love - and then very soon they will all disappear.

The following instructions are very simple and it is not important for you to follow them 100 percent, what is important is that your mind be clear and focused on opening your heart. And so that your intention is present. As you begin to play with this heart-opening exercise, let it be replaced by whatever works for you that day. The purpose of this exercise is just to get you started, to let him grow and be himself. If you like, you can record the instructions on an audio tape, maybe with some music in the background, and then just lie on your back and follow your own instructions. By the way, this really works great.

So, just relax, have fun and hold your pants, because you have no idea what you are going to experience, it will be a wonderful journey.

Here's how I do it: first I lie down because I prefer it to sitting, but if I can't lie down, I'll do it sitting or even standing. I begin to relax my body by simply letting it go. Of course, I only do this if I am sitting or lying down. If I lie down, I just let my body go to sleep. So, as in "Instructions for relaxation and letting go."

With the next step, you need to let go of all the thoughts and worries you have about the things that need to be done today. Sometimes I pretend the world doesn't exist and I tell myself that I refuse to think about anything that is outside of my physical body.

Breathing is also important, and I prefer to breathe slowly but deeply—large slow inhales and exhales. It also seems to slow down extraneous thoughts and bring a calming effect to the whole body very quickly.

So, starting from here, I will give you instructions as if I were right next to you.

Continue to breathe slowly and deeply and bring the consciousness within you. Imagine that you are trying to listen to your inner self or Soul, whichever you prefer, listen with all your attention, focus on listening and hearing what your greater part may be saying to you. Listen to the calmness and peace that is within you. Keep doing this for as long as you like.

Now imagine that a very bright light source appeared in the center of your chest, maybe like a very large sparkling diamond, shining as brightly as the sun. Use your imagination at your own discretion and perceive this glow as love. You can see it, for example, with a sparkling golden light, anything, just be focused on the fact that this is love. Now allow this love that radiates from your heart center in the middle of your chest to become brighter and larger, use your inner sensations to increase its volume and spread it beyond the boundaries of your body, so that you become a small sun, shining with love and radiating love. Feel how you are filled with this love, at the same time radiating it more and more. Notice how your body, each of your cells absorb this love and begin to radiate it themselves. Feel this love, feel how it envelops you and radiates from your body, notice how your palms and feet radiate it, how you glow with love. You can even feel your lungs fill with love as you breathe in and more love begins to circulate through your body, continue to feel and experience this as much as you can in your mind and imagination. Notice how love radiates from you, and how everything you touch receives love from you, everyone who comes near you receives love radiating from you. Continue to see and feel that you are becoming even more radiant, constantly increasing love with each new breath. Feel the joy bubbling inside you, feel and feel how filled with love you are, feel how much you are loved. As you begin to radiate more and more love, you acquire the properties of a magnet and begin to attract events and things filled with goodness, joy and love. See in your mind how anyone who just comes close to you receives the love you radiate. You are so filled with love that you radiate it into the world. Continue to increase the feeling and feeling of love. You may notice warmth in your chest area, or maybe a feeling of pressure or a slight pain - this is normal, this is because your heart is opening. Continue to breathe slowly and deeply, opening your heart even more, radiating love even more, filling your whole body and mind with love. Notice how your thoughts are transformed, how you yourself become more loving and understanding, for you yourself become love.

Stay in this state for as long as you want and you can do it as many times a day as you like, the more you do it, the more you radiate love and the more you will attract things and events full of love, joy and goodness. People and animals will want to be close to you, give them this opportunity, because they are looking for love, and as you begin to radiate more and more love, they receive it from you, this is an indescribable gift.

Starting from here, you can send this love to other people or your children, or fill your home or place where you work with love. The list is endless, if you remember something, send love there, it's that simple. You have a bottomless supply of love and it will never run out.

Winning the lottery is real! This is proved almost daily by the lucky ones who manage to hit the coveted jackpot. But does winning depend only on luck, or are there sure ways to win the lottery? In this matter, the opinions of experienced players are divided. However, some of them still reveal their secrets of success and talk about effective game strategies. One of them is the Joule method.

This method is described in detail in The Messenger by Klaus Joel. The author talks about the power of imagination and human thought. With their help, according to Joel, one can reach unprecedented heights and fulfill the most cherished dreams. Lotteries were chosen to prove this theory. Joel, with the help of his imagination, mentally “penetrated” into the future, received the necessary information, thanks to which he won the lottery.

When the author started working on the book, he was not rich and earned quite hard work, in particular, he worked on a farm, at construction sites, and later made repairs in apartments. Having fully mastered his own method of attracting luck and "foresight", Joel set himself the goal of receiving $ 3.6 million. He decided to win part of this money in the lottery. In just the first couple of weeks, he managed to win over a hundred times!

The secret of Joel's success is his special technique of guessing the winning numbers. For this, the author recommends the following. First of all, you need to retire and concentrate, immerse yourself in yourself. To do this, it is better to stay in the quietest room, where neither household members nor extraneous sounds can interfere. Next - get comfortable in a chair or on a sofa, close your eyes and relax completely. Imagine that your life is a train, and the days and events that take place in it are stations along the train's route. Calculate how many days are left before the drawing of the draw in which you want to hit the jackpot. Now go travel! Drive in your imagination exactly as many stations as you counted days and get off at the right one. For example, if the lottery draw takes place in three days, then you need to get off at the third station. After getting off the train, look around, find a newsstand, buy a publication that publishes a table of the results of the lottery draws you need. When you see a winning combination, memorize it and go back. Only when you arrive at the departure station will the visualization procedure be completed. You can fill lottery tickets and wait for a big lottery win!

The technique may seem very simple, in fact it is not quite so. It is suitable for people with a good imagination, because not everyone can imagine all of the above in such a way as to see and remember the desired combination of numbers. Someone will not be able to make out small details, someone will “lose” one or two numbers, and someone, having tried to do such a trip once, will not believe in its effectiveness and stop using the Joule method. The author himself says that it may not be possible to win the lottery with the help of visualization the first time. It is necessary to train your imagination, repeat the practice as often as possible. Only in this case, the subconscious will begin to work for a person and help him win the lottery, bring success and wealth to life.

R - to dream