How not to be boring in communication. How not to be a boring person

How not to be boring for a man?

Yes, it is very unpleasant to realize that you are not interesting to the man you love. Especially if he says it openly and starts avoiding communication with you. If this alarm bell rang, it's time for you to change something in your life.

We change for ourselves

First, you can not change for "someone" and adapt to "someone's" requests. We ask ourselves the question “how not to be boring for a man?”, But in fact, the question should be put like this: “how to become interesting to yourself?” relationship with men and family life- it's just a nice and useful addition to your personality. No wonder they say: we change ourselves, which means we change the world around us.

Secondly, a man does not like when they run after him, does not tolerate when they cling to him, when they control him. He wants to hunt for a woman himself, to conquer her, to delight. A woman should be a mystery, should be elusive and desirable. This known fact, but how to achieve this? How to become interesting for yourself and your man?

To begin with, change your mind, habits, goals and logic. You need to stop being a slave, and become a self-sufficient person. To stay on track, stick to our Theory of Three Levels of Communication.

The theory of three levels of communication

Level 1. You yourself

On the first level you are yourself. This is your personal inner world, in which health, beauty, spiritual harmony, positive emotions and self-development should reign. If a person does not have this level developed, then it is difficult to call him a personality. It is this level that should be the strongest, from which we draw our inner strength. At this level reign:

  • Love and respect for yourself
  • The desire to make yourself better, more beautiful, smarter, stronger in spirit
  • Morality and value system
  • Life strategy and goals

Life here never stops, even in the most difficult times, because this is your core, what fills your life, every everyday little thing.

In other words, your world is made up of a mosaic of events, feelings, actions and desires. One should never forget about oneself, and one should never launch negativity and outsiders to this level. Your first level is what makes you a unique, interesting person.

And, of course, love and respect yourself, because love for yourself and people should be like a full glass of water: what is inside and full - keep for yourself, what overflows - give to others.

Level 2. Your home and your loved ones

At this level, there are close people who accept you for who you are, who have never betrayed you. Those in whom you are 100% sure, who have proven their love for years. First of all, these are parents and close friends.

When you feel that you need communication, a useful experience, or you want to do something pleasant, turn to your loved ones. Because they really appreciate it. And good will not go into the void.

That's who you can talk to on any topic, get help if you can't cope on your own, with whom you can spend time, get positive emotions. This is the level where they not only take, but also give, and this is very important. These people will not let you feel lonely, because loneliness gives rise to dependence on communication, and this is not always good for relationships with men.

You ask, why is there no husband on this list? After all, he is also native and close person. Yes! This is true. But a man must be on the third level.

Level 3. Your man

One of my friends always remembers the old proverb: "Husband-dog do not show the whole thigh" A woman should be a mystery to a man!

And why? Because a man is only on the third level. It should never be on the first level. The maximum that he can count on is the second, where the family is. But this is the most ideal option, based on colossal trust and love, when the relationship has been tested for years.

Do you know what men like in women? When they have developed 1 and 2 levels of communication. Such women are self-sufficient. They are never alone, they develop their inner potential, harmony, maintain a constant interest in themselves.

In these two levels, they improve, gain experience, learn Interesting Facts, come up with new dishes, make new hairstyles, choose new behaviors, work on themselves. You need to constantly fill in the gaps in your mental and spiritual development is an endless process! But since a man is on the third level, he does not know where all this splendor comes from, and therefore you are for him ... a secret behind seven locks!

Now, so be it, back to the man! How not to be boring specifically for him? A few simple tips from the women's site

Change your appearance and change your behavior

Yes, men love variety! It is a fact! Don't be afraid to experiment: change your hair color, change your style of dress, change your hobbies and even change your blowjob technique! Turn from a passionate lover into a cozy hostess with fragrant pies in the kitchen. From a cold impregnable queen to a little admiring girl. Main:

1) Do not change too quickly so that the man has time to figure out what's what!
2) Do not step over your desires in pursuit of the result, otherwise your changes will be feigned and unnatural.

Be erudite, constantly develop

If you have a higher education - you, of course, well done. But life doesn't end there! No constant flow useful information the brain will relax. Try to learn something new and interesting all the time. How?

1) Read good old books.
2) Track the latest news in the country and the world.
3) Learn foreign languages.
4) Connect yourself to satellite TV: scientific and educational channels Discovery, Discovery World and Discovery Science. They will help you learn all the secrets of the origin of our universe without interrupting the cooking of dinner!

Take an interest in the affairs of a man

If you understand at least a little bit the technical and organizational details of the work that your man tells you about, he respects you!

It is very important for a man to tell you about his achievements, about the people he works with, about his projects. And you should not only agree, but also understand what it is about. Even if your man collects a hadron collider at work, figure out what it is at your leisure. Ask him questions, be interested in his successes, and then you will be able to maintain a conversation with him at the proper level. Men appreciate it.

Be creative in sex

No sex anywhere! Even if you flashed your knowledge about the second echelon of stocks at breakfast, asked about his affairs at dinner, but you lie like a log in bed and snore - your man will get tired of you pretty quickly! Sex is a very big part of life for a man, and it is important for him that you show interest in her. Come up with something new, do not be shy about your body, constantly surprise your partner. Then he will strive not only for an interesting interlocutor, but also for a desired mistress.

Stay fit and sporty

Men like beautiful women. It is important for them to appear in a society of their own kind, leading beautiful woman under the arm. Our beauty tends to fade over time, so you need to constantly keep yourself in shape. Watch your appearance, your weight, your manners and conversation.

Have a common circle of friends and interests

You don't have to be completely absorbed by a man, but falling in love with a couple of his hobbies and hanging out with a few of his friends is a must. You must have some kind of common leisure, otherwise there will be few points of intersection, and everyone will live their own lives. You don't have to hang out with people you don't like, and you don't have to torture yourself by getting up at 4 in the morning to go fishing. But if there are friends with whom you are also interested, initiate communication with them. Your man will be pleased!

But the main thing - do not lock yourself in your partner, do not dissolve in him without a trace. So you lose yourself and become faceless and uninteresting. Better be an elusive, passionate, very busy and very attractive woman! And then you will not think how not to be boring for a man, but he will think how to keep you next to him! Be happy!


Don't be afraid to be boring. If you are not sure that you can interest a person in your person, you will have much less chances to do this. The freer you feel during communication, the more pleasant young man will spend time with you.

Don't answer standard questions with standard answers. It is this tone that makes the conversation boring and uninteresting. Of course, a lot here depends on your interlocutor. If he asks you about family, education and hobbies, do not rush to list all your personal data. Move away from the accepted framework, try to make your answer interesting. Instead of listing your hobbies, tell a funny story that happened while doing what you loved. So you will simultaneously answer the question and definitely will not seem boring to your friend.

Joke and laugh more. A smile creates a relaxed and easy atmosphere in which it will be much easier for you to relax and show your best side. If there is a pause in your conversation and you don't know what to say, just make a joke. This will defuse the situation, and you can continue a pleasant conversation.

Play with the young man. If you are afraid to say an extra word, the guy may find you overly shy, but if you let him know several times that you care about him, then he will definitely not be able to call you boring. However, do not be too zealous, otherwise your interlocutor may think that you are too persistent, which he may also not like.

Be yourself. No need to step over yourself and try to seem fun and interesting. If it's not you, then what is the use of all these masks for? The person who really wants to be with you will never find you boring or uninteresting.


  • got bored with the guy
  • How not to become boring for a man

The ability to communicate easily and naturally, to be an interesting interlocutor can greatly help in life. A charming cheerful person makes you want to meet him again and start a more serious relationship.

You will need

  • - collections of jokes and funny stories;
  • - good literature.


People around are drawn to cheerful optimists who can always support with a joke and a life-affirming story. Therefore, so that your interlocutors do not get bored while talking with you, charge people positive emotions, they are much nicer than the negative ones.

To communicate naturally and easily, you need to enrich your vocabulary. For this, read more good books recognized classics and contemporary authors. Pay special attention to small works, because it is the art of storytelling that will help you interest your interlocutors.

Forget about your complexes and fear of communication. Most often, a person greatly exaggerates the existing (or mythical) shortcomings. Say to yourself: “I am a strong interesting personality, a trendsetter and the soul of society!”. If you believe it, you can convince others of it too.

Take a closer look at yourself, highlight all your most attractive features. Experiment with fashionable clothes and find your own individual style, because dullness is boring and uninteresting. Smile and laugh more often good mood contagious to others and will make you feel good.

Be kinder to the people around you, listen carefully to their stories to help with advice and participation. A person who not only speaks, but also listens to the interlocutor, will never seem boring and tedious.

Remember what topics are of interest to this or that person, next time be sure to resume the conversation by studying this issue.

Humor will help you out in any situation and help you quickly find a common language with a new interlocutor. Read collections of anecdotes and funny stories from life. Memorize the stories you like, fill them with awkward pauses in the conversation.


  • How to become cheerful and not boring
  • how to stop being boring

Life is an interesting thing. Older girls tend to look younger and often "play" little girls. And young ladies have another problem - how not to seem small, coming on a date to a young man they like, and impressing him with an experienced temptress.


Both of these behaviors are incorrect. After all, the young man who invited you on a date has already seen you or knows you from a photograph. This means that he liked it just like that - direct, young, childishly careless. These are wonderful and attractive qualities, which, unfortunately, many girls try to hide, artificially turning themselves into "adult" women. And everything artificial becomes noticeable and bewildering.

Do not radically change your image before a date. Do you think that tons of cosmetics can hide your young age and turn you into a vamp? This is not so - excessive cosmetics can turn into a vulgar person, especially since now the fashion trend is naturalness and naturalness. The same can be attributed to clothing - an evening dress suitable for an adult lady going to a club party will look ridiculous on you.

Dress in a way that is comfortable and comfortable, so that you feel natural in your usual clothes and shoes. This, of course, will affect your behavior, your inner mood - you will feel more confident and free. As for cosmetics, it will be enough to powder the face, slightly line the eyes and cover the lips with a natural shade of gloss. Your main decoration is youth.

In order not to seem small, use not the external paraphernalia of adulthood - cosmetics and clothes, but your inner worldview. Adulthood just consists in a serious attitude to the world around us, in its perception. You will not be treated like an unreasonable stupid girl if you are a person who understands and feels your responsibility, even if you are only responsible for yourself for now.

You will never seem small and stupid if you have something to talk about, something to share. Develop, learn the world, read a lot, be interested in all aspects of life in order to become an interesting conversationalist. The more interesting and versatile person you are, the more interesting and versatile the people around you will be.

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Useful activities

As a relief from boredom, take care of your development. There are many options for this:

  1. Start learning a foreign language. This will help to have fun and increase your “value” in the labor market. Learning languages ​​will help in tourist trips.

  2. Needlework is a great pastime. Challenge yourself in weaving baubles, knitting, making or restoring furniture. Such classes will not let you get bored, and crafts can be traded.

  3. Watch educational films and programs. Don't know what to do if you're bored at the computer? Find documentaries on an interesting topic. This will not only entertain, but also expand your knowledge.

  4. Reading is good for enlightenment. On the Internet you can find almost any work. The main thing is to choose a genre to taste.

Double benefit

Another option to deal with boredom is work. A computer can be used not only for entertainment and education, but also for generating income. Go freelancing. At the same time, you can be a journalist, IT specialist, translator, etc. Choose the direction in which you are strong. Work and customers are found on specialized sites. If you do not have the necessary knowledge, start with training. Again, the internet can help.

Become a blogger

There are two options for this. The first is to create an account on a specialized service such as livejournal or LiveInternet. The second is to create your own website. For this, there are already free designers. With their help, anyone with a user level can create their own web resource.

In order not to be bored, use Internet resources to the fullest. Want to communicate? Social media and dating sites to help you. Music lovers will find media files and videos of popular bands on the web. You can use the selections in YouTub for the genres of interest.

Cinephiles can easily find their favorite films or recent releases from the film industry on the Internet. If you think carefully, then any user will find something to their liking. Therefore, the question "what to do if you are bored at the computer" should no longer arise.


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/ How to stop being boring?

Not so rare in modern world I have to meet people who are looking for some kind of logic, a reasonable explanation in everything and do not know how to fantasize, dream, just live. Such people will never tell a joke and will not even play along with someone else's joke.
“How boring with him!”, “She is a real bore!” - we exclaim to ourselves, secretly afraid of situations and circumstances in which we ourselves will look uninteresting and insipid in the eyes of others. "How not to be boring" is the main topic of today's conversation.

Of course, everyone is a bore in one way or another. Sometimes =)
Alas, no one is perfect and anyone has moments when you “mumble” for no apparent reason, acting on the nerves of others, when the mood leaves much to be desired and all you want is to monotonously procrastinate on the same topic, chewing to the nuances, like a primary school teacher in front of unintelligent kids.
At such moments, you are not worried about the feelings of the interlocutor at all, you simply do not notice that the interlocutor does not find a place for himself from the conversation and is trying to “change the record”. At best, after a while, analyzing the experience, we hardly understand what it might seem: eternally grumbling, gloomy and dissatisfied with even an insignificant trifle.
It is much easier to easily converge with people, to communicate lively and naturally, isn't it? But how to stop bullying if charisma is not given by nature, and in your soul you are a typical pragmatist who is used to living by the arguments of reason?


  • Smile. Remember the raccoon from childhood, who always claimed that "both an elephant and even a small snail ..." This cute baby, although fictional character, but he certainly knew how to stop sulking. Remember that your smile is a guarantee of someone else's sympathy, a step towards optimism and a vibe of the desire to make friends with people.
  • Share your opinion. Here I already want to recall the words of a modern song: “Do not be shy!”. Just say what you think, while respecting the point of view of others, even if it is different from yours. In a delicate situation, you need to answer something like: “I respect your position, but I myself look at this situation as follows” ...
  • Meet and chat: make and expand acquaintances, communicate with people of different views and interests, with personalities from whom you can learn something positive. You can also try to smooth out other people's awkwardness - so you can look at yourself from the outside and analyze your own behavior.
  • be natural. Drop unnecessary masks generated by stupid stereotypes and fashionable "squeaks". There is no need to hide your true “I” from people behind the shadow of indifferent tediousness, being afraid to seem like a “black sheep”. Sometimes, after all, you really want to “do” something out of the ordinary, which, in principle, is not typical for you, because, you see, you have been an “adult uncle” for a long time.
    One life, do it, feel it from the heart! Want to sing your favorite song? Sing. Show the world your real self, not being afraid of fingers at the temple and comments: what a weirdo! Do not be afraid to look ridiculous and careless and enjoy the little things.
  • improve abilities, creative skills, increase your own knowledge base. A person who reads interesting books is never boring.
  • Don't focus on one area. Even if you are delighted with your work and therefore ready, as in the poem: “I will come here on Saturday and even on my birthday,” do not forget that a person’s life is not limited to professional work, even if it is beloved. Go in for sports, travel, develop in other directions, broaden your horizons. Human life contains many interesting stories that are already waiting for you to share them with others.
  • be an optimist. Stop complaining about life. Even if it seems to you that there is no breakthrough in the near future, because "everything is bad", find something good, even if it's a small thing. Not enough money for a new car? Do not look for a reason to cry about this to your friends, but say: “But I have a chic renovation in my apartment, and a new car will wait for now.”
  • Develop a sense of humor. A person who knows how to joke is, in principle, alien to the concept of "boredom". Soak up other people's jokes, read jokes more often, pay attention to life-affirming stories on the Internet - all this will not only help bring positive into the life of someone who is nearby, but also become more pleasant to yourself.

Helpful Hints:

 1. Try not to bring everyone into your problems. Of course, a person is a social being, it is important and necessary for him to speak out in difficult situations. But only if the aspect is really significant.
And not such a plan, for example: “My missus again didn’t buy me a dress” or “My son again didn’t make his bed.” Your co-workers don't like to hear about the habits of your family members day in and day out.

2. Do not rush to constantly correct other people's mistakes, even if you are "the smartest." Find that line "between" when it is really important to point out someone else's mistake, and when you want to do it just to "rise", i.e. console your own vanity.
Isn't it true that a person who loudly and publicly corrects the reservations of people, even strangers, looks like a real bore? No need to teach the lives of others and constantly climb with your advice. Sometimes it's better to remain silent.

3. Do not impose on those who are with you in different worlds. If you can see with the naked eye that the interlocutor is not in the mood to discuss something, it is better to postpone the conversation so as not to annoy the person even more.

Summing up, it should be recalled about meticulousness. Even if the smallest details of something seem “well, oh-oh-very interesting” to you, it’s not a fact that others think the same way.

Not being boring means sometimes forgetting about selfishness and taking into account the opinions of others.

Good luck to you, my friends! :)

The ability to communicate easily and naturally, to be an interesting interlocutor can greatly help in life. A charming cheerful person makes you want to meet him again and start a more serious relationship.

You will need

Collections of anecdotes and funny stories;
- good literature.

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People around are drawn to cheerful optimists who can always support with a joke and a life-affirming story. Therefore, so that your interlocutors do not get bored while talking with you, charge people with positive emotions, they are much more pleasant than negative ones. To communicate naturally and easily, you need to enrich your vocabulary. To do this, read more good books by recognized classics and modern authors. Pay special attention to small works, because it is the art of storytelling that will help you interest your interlocutors. Forget about your complexes and fear of communication. Most often, a person greatly exaggerates the existing (or mythical) shortcomings. Say to yourself: “I am a strong interesting personality, a trendsetter and the soul of society!”. If you believe it, you can convince others of it too. Take a closer look at yourself, highlight all your most attractive features. Experiment with fashionable clothes and find your own individual style, because dullness is boring and uninteresting. Smile and laugh more often, a good mood is contagious for others and will make you feel good. Develop your horizons, be interested in new topics for yourself, keep abreast of cultural and political events. To keep up the conversation, you must be able to easily navigate the modern world. Be kinder to the people around you, listen carefully to their stories to help with advice and participation. A person who not only speaks, but also listens to the interlocutor, will never seem boring and tedious. Remember what topics are of interest to this or that person, next time be sure to resume the conversation by studying this issue. Humor will help you out in any situation and help you quickly find a common language with a new interlocutor. Read collections of anecdotes and funny stories from life. Memorize the stories you like, fill them with awkward pauses in the conversation. How simple

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In order not to be boring, you should understand what attracts people and what repels. It is worth analyzing what positive qualities are most valued in human society.

Humor. When you have a sense of humor, you know how to be ironic, it's easy not to be boring. If you have the ability to support and cheer when your heart is hard, then people will compete for attention.

If you are always friendly, do not walk with a sour face, we can assume that the task of not being boring is solved. Is it possible to call a “beech” someone who at the right time knows how to provide moral support, smile and wink?

No need to think about your complexes. Others may be interested if you do not try to hide your own eccentricity - they may even try to imitate. Not being boring is not avoiding communication and making contact, even if at first you don’t know how to behave.

With a person who can always advise something useful or tell something interesting, you always want to talk. Those who constantly expand their horizons, read books, and are interested in novelties in art and painting manage not to be bored.

Just do not get carried away and demand from people that they agree and obey in everything. It's impossible not to be boring when you're boring.

Ask for advice - do your best to help. No - you observe from the sidelines and come to the rescue only if circumstances require it.

Not being boring means not pushing people away with your words and actions. So, you have to learn not to dwell on your own problems or interests.

Sometimes a professional person he has a lot to learn, but is alone. He does not know how to switch, all the time he speaks only on one topic, and communication with him quickly gets boring.

It's easy not to be boring if you're passionate or a workaholic; when you manage to find people who have common interests, and not try to open your eyes to this area to everyone in a row, you will not be left without communication.

Often you envy people who are constantly on the move, surrounded by interesting interlocutors. Not being boring is much harder for yourself than for everyone else.

Don't be afraid to experiment and try something new. Didn't fit, didn't like it or seemed dangerous? So, you need to do something else. Not to be boring is to be always on the move, try to be surrounded interesting people, move, always be aware of literary and musical news, be able to keep up conversations on any topic.

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