USE: fatigue, dullness and fear. So: if you don't know what to do, it's better to do nothing

Strange, age: 10/17/2011

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If you don't want to progress, don't progress! Nobody forces you to run on electives and study literacy. And you don't even have to go to college! I do not have a higher education, and I am not going to go to get it. I have my own interests in life. And you will.
I, too, lived all the time and thought, "Why does everyone have a dream, but I don't." Everyone is striving for something, wanting something.. What about me? And I didn't need anything.
And then suddenly the dream itself found me. She just showed up for me. There was a sense of life and a fierce desire to achieve what I wanted.
If you don't feel like doing anything right now, don't do it! No need to force yourself to break, to change. Just be yourself. So tell everyone, leave me alone - an omeba! No, not shit .. Why is this all of a sudden? You don't stink, so it's not shit! You're just an Omeba
And people like you are half the world. You can even create a group of omebs, you know how many will be typed !! You can draw yourself, some bright spotted. How do you imagine an omeba?
draw it scarier..
You worry that you are bad. But who are you bad for? For mom, it's crazy. I myself, as a mother, can say that no matter what the child is, he is still beloved and the best.
For classmates - yes, you send them to hell. You learn with them Last year and forget! For friends, acquaintances? - so it's time to change friends!
For yourself - and you wash yourself well and look at yourself in the mirror. And then make a list of your accomplishments! I lay for three hours and looked at the ceiling - a record! I cried for two days - a record !! I was able to drink three mugs of tea .. a record !!!
You understand - you yourself are already an amazing person, because out of a thousand spermatozoa you came to the finish line first! By the way, write it in achievements =)
You are who you are, with all your laziness and without .. what were you thinking up there. Your loved ones already love you like this! And even if you swear, it's just life, nerves, fatigue. But in fact, you are dear to each other. And there are still many people in the world who will need you someday.
Just live the way you want for now. going to school is also life, even if you don't try hard. And then you yourself will not notice how there is an activity for you to your liking!
By the way, if you don't know what to do after school, just ask. Anyone, on the Internet, with friends .. In the end, ask here. And maybe what they offer you, someday you still want to do it! Good luck on your beautiful life path!

Veruma, age: 22 / 06.10.2011

Hello my good! So where do these thoughts come from? At the age of 17, sitting on the “neck of your parents” is normal. The whole life is ahead and "you still have time to plow." Now the most important thing is education. This is the first.
About laziness. You know, I also barely studied at school, barely, and not in the strongest class. (I read the classics much later, but then I didn’t want to - it was just not interesting, and I wouldn’t have understood all the depth.) After the 9th I entered the lyceum (in the 10th they formed only 2 strong classes, and selected the strongest, and I didn’t pull.) I can say for sure that after school I came out with a firm awareness of my worthlessness, then it seemed to me “stupid”, stupid, I don’t understand anything, everything is complicated, worse, stupider than others and stuff like that. There was no desire to strive for anything. And there was no need to think about the higher. And you know, surprisingly for myself, everything began to work out for me, in the lyceum it was somehow easier. Another teaching staff, another atmosphere, other requirements. And after the lyceum, I realized that I could already aim at the institute, I entered extramural.(although there were also fears and doubts.) All this happened against the backdrop of a not very favorable environment at home, at the age of 19 she went to work.

It seems to me - you are driven by a certain uncertainty, fear, you are afraid of something, in advance - you give up. Maybe these are too high demands on oneself, disbelief in one's own strengths? It seems that you were persuaded for a long time and stubbornly, all this negativity was imposed on you. Tell? Maybe your mom is too demanding? A lot depends on your emotional connection, trust. I'm just guessing, and if I'm right, you know, of course, mom wishes you well, a better life, but subconsciously he is trying to embody his unrealized possibilities in you, and you are just different, you are a separate system, a whole world, and you just have your own path, your own potential. Who said that finding yourself, understanding who you are, who you want to become, is easy? It is difficult and for many it does not come immediately. It will come to you, but a little later and that's fine. Personally, I've only recently begun to come to this. And by the way, my former classmates, who then seemed to me more successful, purposeful, smart, going many, many steps somewhere far ahead of me, now there are no “not celestials”, now I don’t have the feeling “I am worse”. Life it leads to a common denominator.
But let's find a motive to move on. After all, you probably have a favorite pastime, maybe it’s walking somewhere in nature, maybe you love animals, you draw or dance well, embroider or knit, you probably good friend, you know how to listen, sympathize and much more .... After all, there is something that is not boring, something that you do with pleasure. Mentally praise yourself more often, celebrate your successes, and from failures, learn only lessons, everyone goes through them one way or another.

Irina, age: 33 / 06.10.2011

Hello dear!
If there is no desire to change anything, then pray to the Lord and He will give you such a desire, because the Bible says: ask and it will be given to you ... so you ask. You cannot be mediocrity, because God has invested so many gifts and talents in you, you just do not know yourself and have never thought about it. Ask the Lord and He will show you what He has put into you and give you the desire to realize yourself. Believe me, you can be happy, you just don't know how to do it.
May God bless you!

Aleana, age: 41 / 06.10.2011

Thank you very much for paying attention to my request. I am very grateful for every advice given to me, and from each I found something for myself.
Irina, perhaps you are right, my mother actually did not start her life from the best path in life. And maybe, with her behavior, she really tries to fence me off from the very failures that she herself experienced.
Anyway, thanks again for your help!

Strange, age: 10/17/2011

Just a story about me, I was sitting on the neck of my parents at 17 and at 25, I work periodically for years, at 17 I didn’t even think about work if someone told me at 17 - “go work” I would spit in his face, but everything can change, believe it’s too early to despair, and why, it’s not worth it to leave her mother, it will be hard for her even if she doesn’t show her appearance, and there’s no reason to experience insane remorse and scold yourself with your last words, you’re not a criminal, you don’t kill babies and don’t rob grannies in the doorways, poor study is not a reason put an end to everything. Everything will get better gradually by itself, believe in it, don't be afraid and don't judge yourself unnecessarily.

world, age: 25 / 06.10.2011

Wait, just wait, I have the same bullshit, used to drink with
12 years old, now I'm trying to quit, from terrible
thoughts run away to smoking, computer "yuter, or music
I cut in so as not to think about how bad I am.
But this is life I've seen death, cruelty and even
very often it's just hard to live in this bad
the world! I like loneliness or the company of a cat. And when
I don’t want to, I just sit and lie down.
Maybe when you meet your love it will be better.

lllrocklll , age: 05/17/2012

I had a similar experience, and I was an adult - over 20 years old. In college, it didn’t work out on a pair of rhythm and dance, and the tactless remarks of the teacher and some classmates just finished me off! For a long time there was no desire to learn to dance, and only after more than a year I signed up for dancing and I have no regrets. The teacher immediately said: "It's not the inability that is terrible, but the lack of desire and determination." So I'm dancing.
And at work, the situation is similar: I can’t really use a fax, I can only print and scan and copy. There are other gaps that I fill myself, through trial and error. And they called me mediocrity for one mistake! Imagine how hurt I felt, although I rarely ask someone's opinion about me! I didn’t want to learn anything, I even tried to quit and had the idea of ​​becoming a housewife or a kept woman. But something stopped me.
Don't despair, you'll be fine!

Marietta , age: 23/11.03.2014

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I am 28 years old and I am the mother of a disabled child. He has autism. Simple pleasures are beyond me. I have forgotten how to rejoice, because a heavy burden constantly lies on my soul.
I often quarreled with my mother. There are also conflicts with teachers. Since last year (maybe earlier) I have been thinking about suicide, suicide.
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98. Whoever is not happy with himself will not be happy with other people.

99. If you are not at the peak of happiness, then you will slide into a hole.

Therefore, do not stand on the slope: either climb up or go down (but better up).

100. Try physical exercises to prolong the childhood of your body, and study - the childhood of the soul.

101. Choose a job that suits your abilities.

Then it is easier for you to become yourself, develop your strength and be satisfied with your life.

Here is what A. Schopenhauer wrote about this: “Actually, there is no other pleasure than to use your own forces and feel them, and the greatest pain is the perception of a lack of strength where they are needed.

Therefore, let each one, for his own well-being, examine what powers he has and what powers he does not have: let him then develop his predominant powers to the highest degree and use them powerfully; let him follow the path where his powers are suitable, and let him avoid the path where powers are required, which he possesses in an insignificant degree.

So: choose a job that suits your abilities.

102. Remember that cheese, after you have had enough of it, has not lost its qualities, although you have lost interest in it at the moment.

For those who are dissatisfied with their loved ones, their existing position and property, and before breaking up with their wife, quitting their job, moving to another apartment or another city, I advise you to read this aphorism.

For prevention, I suggest starting the day with prayer, even if you do not believe in God. It is very short: “Oh my God! Thank you for allowing me to wake up alive and unharmed!” After that, take an inventory of your property and situation: they were not fired from work, the children are alive, there is an apartment, clothes, furniture, a summer house, a car, etc. And only after that move on to what is missing. It will turn out that, as Seneca said, “we have everything we need, we sweat from excess”, and indeed often not so much is missing - a little intelligence and common sense. But there's nothing you can do about it. The mind has this property - the more you have it, the more you miss it. But its acquisition does not require additional investments, except for your own desire.

If you start with what is missing, then you will become like an old woman with a broken trough, who remained dissatisfied even when she became queen.

So: remember that cheese, after you have had enough of it, has not lost its qualities, although you have lost interest in it at the moment.

103. Have a good opinion of yourself and rely only on yourself, then others will help you.

Schopenhauer attached particular importance to this:

“Your own value must be recognized in the depths of your soul if you want to remove the deceit of life. For the feeling of one's worthlessness is a deadly gorgon. This is not only the greatest, but also the only spiritual suffering; all other spiritual sufferings can be not only healed, but immediately and completely suppressed by a confident consciousness of one's own worth. Whoever is fully confident in it can calmly endure sufferings that otherwise would drive him to complete despair - he can rely on himself without joy and friends. And so powerful is that consolation which is born in us from a living conviction of our own worth, that it must be preferred to all the blessings of the world. On the contrary, in the consciousness of one's own insignificance, nothing in the world can console; it can only be masked by deceit and trickery, or drowned out by the hustle and bustle of life, but both will not last long.”

Reading these lines, I suddenly understood why men suffer so much from sexual failures and what kind of men they are. So, failed men suffer greatly from sexual failures, that is, those who, despite often visible successes, have not managed to develop their leading abilities, and their only pride, their only achievement was their suddenly gone sexual power.

I also have clinical evidence. Patients with impotence, I forced to develop their spiritual and physical abilities. If they succeeded, then their true, that is, unconscious, self-esteem increased, they were fond of an interesting business, and sexually became even more wealthy than before the breakdowns.

So: have a good opinion of yourself and rely only on yourself, then others will help you.

104. It is better to make a mistake by making your own decision than to succeed on someone else's advice.

A very important, from my point of view, rule that few people adhere to. Doing it leads to the fact that you take responsibility for yourself and eventually gain the necessary experience and gradually begin to make fewer and fewer mistakes. In addition, in case of success, you can rejoice that this success is completely yours. Failure to comply with this rule leads to the fact that in case of failure, you do not analyze the situation, but blame the adviser, and in case of success, you are obliged to someone.

So: it is better to make a mistake by making your own decision than to succeed on someone else's advice.

105. It is better to grow up than to rise on tiptoe.

When you grow tall, you will be left alone, but you will not squat, and you will not have to stand on tiptoe. Bad both squatting and tiptoeing.

So: than to rise on tiptoe, it is better to grow up.

106. Performing a selfless deed, say thank you to the one for whom you did it, for accepting it.

After all, if he had not accepted it, then you could never feel like a benefactor. And in general, feel indebted to him for the rest of your life. Maybe it will stop you from doing selfless things. After all, by committing a disinterested act, you voluntarily or involuntarily try to put the recipient in a position dependent on yourself.

So: doing a selfless act, say thank you to the one for whose sake you did, because he accepted it.

107. When accepting disinterested help, do not consider that you are dependent on the giver.

You, accepting disinterested help, made him a benefactor. You did more for him than he did for you. His help may disappear or be in vain or unnecessary, or even harm you, and the fact that he became a benefactor thanks to you is something eternal.

So: accepting disinterested help, do not consider that you are dependent on the giver.

108. Work either for free or for a large fee, but always at full strength.

This thought came to me after a conversation with one of my students. Here is what he told me:

“I noticed that I get more satisfaction from a free reception than for a small fee. Then I realized why this is happening. When I receive for free, I know how much I am giving to a person. After all, I appreciate my work very highly. When I receive a small reward, I feel disappointed: as if my work is worth so little.

And you should work at full strength so as not to get out of shape. I understood this after a conversation with one athlete. After he was expelled from the team, the next day I saw him train even more intensively. He explained to me: “But how! After all, if I stop training, I won’t be able to get anywhere, they won’t take me to any team. And when justice is restored, I won’t even be accepted into my team just because I lost my form. ”

So: work either for free or for a large fee, but always with full force.

109. The rule is that we are all exceptions.

After all, each of us is created in a single copy. And if you try to live according to generally accepted rules, then you destroy yourself. Try to live by the rules by which you were created by mother nature. These are the rules you need to understand, and we can help with this. If you start to live by this rule, you will stop imitating and equaling someone. You will have the opportunity to be yourself.

So: the rule is that we are all exceptions.

110. Do not associate with scoundrels and do not associate with those who associate with scoundrels.

I formulated this rule after the following incident, which happened to one of my wards.

“My student Z. did meanness to me, and more than once. It's his own fault, he broke the rule: "Tear after the first time." In the end, after the third villainy, I broke with him completely. One of my best and favorite students, Y., worked with him. I continued to communicate with Y., although I did not approve of his friendship and cooperation with this bastard and predicted that Z. would do him great meanness. A friend of mine once asked me for advice. His daughter began attending a group led by Z. and Y. A friend came to me to consult whether his daughter should continue classes, because he noticed in her undesirable, from his point of view, changes. I drew a picture and said that if she communicates with U, then this is not bad, if with Z., then she is in big trouble. As I found out a little later, by the time of the consultation, Y had already broken with Z. In general, I did not help my friend. When I found out what nasty things Z. did Y., I formulated this rule. Y. remarked to me: “If you had raised the question “either I or Z.”, then I would have broken with him. After all, he has already acted dishonestly with me more than once. ” And I was once again convinced that if you act in your own interests and according to your convictions, then you benefit not only yourself, but also others, and I developed a new rule.

So: do not associate with scoundrels and do not associate with those who associate with scoundrels.

111. Don't wait for your time to come to where you are. Your time has already come. Only it is in a different place. So go where your time is.

112. Do not become a part of the whole, do not want someone to become your part.

113. Are you dissatisfied with your job? Why don't you quit? The answer will be your program of your actions.

Particularly productive are answers that indicate your own shortcomings: “I can’t do anything else,” “I don’t have such high qualifications to be accepted to another institution,” “I can’t conduct business negotiations,” etc. Learn everything do it. Many who followed this advice noted that after they had worked all this out, they lost both the need and the desire to quit.

So: are you dissatisfied with your job? Why don't you quit? The answer will be your program of your actions.

114. If you don't want to get depressed, don't do anything to be loved. You can't even move a finger for this.

The reverse is also true: if you want to get depressed, try to be loved.

115. If you want to be free, do what needs to be done.

What needs to be done? What is natural. And what is natural? Those actions are natural, which correspond to the laws of nature and, therefore, contribute to your development.

So: if you want to be free, do what needs to be done.

116. When you have planned something, behave as if you have already achieved it, but be prepared for the fact that you will not achieve it.

Question to the psychologist:

Hello! I am worried about a problem related to my nervous system, my mental state. I am in the 11th grade, I will soon take the exam, but I don’t know what state I will live in, whether I can cope with my worries at the exam itself. I'll tell you everything from the beginning. And it all started after the delivery of gia. During the 9th grade, I didn’t really strain, I wrote all the trials normally, at the end of the year it was 4, I solved a lot of tests, studied, I got a good certificate, compared with previous years, when I studied very poorly. For a year and a half, starting from the middle of the 8th grade, I pulled up my authority. If before no one asked me anything, everyone is used to the fact that I don’t answer in class, that I’m, let’s say, stupid, but now everything has changed, they ask me how I did any task, can I show how did the same. I am already being treated more respectfully and this is very important to me. I wouldn’t say that it was so hard for me to study in grade 8.9, it’s just that then I had to do gia, which I did. I studied at school, at home.

First we took mathematics, then Russian, I don’t remember that I was very worried, I just thought that I was already taking the exam and it was very important to get good grades. First, they announced the results in mathematics, I was very upset, I got 3, I had very few points. It became a shame that I studied, solved trial tests well, but it didn’t work out very well. All hope was in Russian, but I was sure of it, I was sure that I would pass well. But, as it turned out later, I overestimated my strength. On the day when the results in Russian became known, my mother approached me, she was standing next to me, and I was sitting at the computer table, my mother decided to call the teacher in order to find out my results. I was all in attention, I was waiting for an answer. To be honest, it’s very unpleasant for me to remember this moment, because it was then that I felt how everything collapsed. In Russian, I also got 3. That is, I strove for good grades, to be a level higher than those people who did nothing, did not study, but it turned out that I was so dumb, and I remained so. It's just awful, embarrassing. My classmate, who chatted at all lessons, did not write essays and presentations, for the whole year she had very few of them, she was constantly scolded, but she did not care. As a result, she passed mathematics with 3 and was happy about it, but she passed Russian with 5. Without studying, doing nothing, she got 5. Now I don’t know how I just looked into her eyes when she boasted of her results. Well, the reason I didn't write well in Russian was because I couldn't cope with the composition that I wrote all the time throughout the 9th grade. I incorrectly stated the problem that was stated in the quote. And because of this, I lost a lot of points, I had a good test part, the presentation was also good, but the essay ruined everything for me.

After the announcement of all the results, I cried very often, I blamed myself, I scolded myself and so on.

In addition, my little brother was also born in 2013, my mother constantly asked for help, it was unusual for me that I owe my free time spend an hour sitting with him. I used to come home, and my concern was to rest, cook my own dinner, even clean up a little, because I was alone at home until five o’clock, I felt freedom, and then, when I was still in 8th grade, my mother went on maternity leave, then towards the end Mom gave birth in grade 8, and it was very hard. At night, my brother woke up, cried, I came up to shake him when she makes milk for him, sometimes I myself went and made this mixture. In the afternoon, when he was sleeping, it was impossible to go to the bathroom, because the water was noisy and my brother could wake up, listen to music and watch movies, I only wore headphones to go to the bathroom, I had to wait for him to get up. In the evening, too, you don’t really go down, he already went to bed at 9 o’clock, and then you can’t make noise again. I don’t really know how to communicate with children, and even more so with such small ones. When I finished the 9th grade and I was very upset by the results, I just stopped believing in myself, I was constantly on my nerves, I could cry at any moment. And then my mother still needed help with her brother, we even quarreled about this, I didn’t want to go into the hall and the kitchen, because she and her brother were constantly there, which is still happening. The only thing that has changed now is that you don’t have to sit with him like before. He can watch cartoons, play on his own, you just need to make sure that everything is in order with him. Yes, and there are no more quarrels about this, since he is already big, I can go to the bathroom, make a little noise, now he does not wake up from this. But the summer, after the 9th and before the 10th grade, was quite depressing for me, the constant feeling of anxiety bothered me. I was also worried that my metabolism slowed down, I began to gain weight, I had problems with the fact that menstruation lasted from 10-15 days, which was not the norm for me.

Now I have the exam on my nose, trial exams also go well, but only in Russian and social studies. When I decided completely on my own, I got about 60-70 points in both subjects, which is quite enough for me to enter the correspondence department. I only have problems with mathematics, so I can’t pass it at all, I’m very afraid that I won’t pass it, then I generally don’t know what I will do with myself and these thoughts scare me. Unlike the 9th grade and previous years, 10th and the beginning of 11th grade is a terrible horror in our school, it turns out that most of the students are exhausted, tired, a lot of stress, lack of sleep. We are given a lot of material. Our class is divided into socio-economic and physical-mathematical groups. I am in socio-economics and, unlike physics and mathematics, we have a lot of material, we have law, economics, social science, a very strict teacher in these subjects, she is very demanding, we have a lot of tests and there is simply no time to relax. Also, in Russian, they require reviews from us, the essays are large. There is also a lot of information on history, but I don’t pass history, although I still need to learn it so that there is an assessment in the certificate. And there is even more material in history. Talking to the teachers that we are all tired is useless, they give us even more. I finished the 10th grade armed with glycine and paracetamol. I fell asleep and woke up with notebooks, I'm serious, I taught in the evening and in the morning. During the day, I can’t study at all, the information just doesn’t fit into my head. I have never experienced such a load that we now have at 10 and 11, and then there are exams, I am terribly afraid of failing badly. Memory refuses to work, since the beginning of the year we already have tests on all topics, I repeat somehow, there is almost no time left for mathematics. Mathematics is a completely different story, our teacher believes that we should prepare ourselves, she will only guide us through the 11th grade course, which will include topics that are in the exam. I have constant stress, they demand from me good grades and knowledge, and I can't give them. I'm already starting to get nervous as soon as we talk about school in general somehow. I don't get enough sleep in the morning and can't fall asleep before 11 o'clock. I am constantly twitching, feeling anxious, crying. In May, when there was already a month left until the end of the 10th grade, I was sitting in a lesson and we were supposed to have a test in social studies, I just crumpled my pencil case, thought about exams, about my result, that again I need to talk a lot. I then let out a few tears, which, fortunately, no one noticed. Now I can’t remember anything, as soon as I sit down for lessons, I get nervous and tantrums begin. I have a health problem, about this I will go to the doctor soon. I had uterine pain and kidney problems.

My boyfriend and my friend support me, I have known each other for 5 years, he says that I will survive, that I will endure, that I must be patient and he believes in me. I just don't believe in myself. The guy also tries to support, says that he will be there and not much is left. But all this is not enough for me. I do not know how I need to rest so that my condition is more or less normal. Thoughts about suicide scare me the most, if they could have been before, then not seriously and very rarely. Now these thoughts frighten me very much, and they appear often and I am more serious.

Mom does not demand the impossible from me, dad doesn’t care, my grandmother wants me to finish well, get a good certificate and pass well. He says that I must try, that I must be patient, but I don’t know how I should try, I can’t do it anymore. I don't know what else I can say. I tried to distract myself throughout the summer, but it doesn’t work, anyway, thoughts twist me again and I break down, I think about it, I get nervous. The last thing I can say is that when I was in elementary school, my teacher yelled at me that I study at home more and do more tasks than necessary than she asked. After this incident, I stopped studying her for evil, I basically did not answer, I was very offended. Then I got into the 5th grade and I just didn’t care about studying. Help, please, what should I do?

The psychologist Praskanova Ekaterina Vadimovna answers the question.

Hello Christina!

I would like to start by saying that you are great! Truly well done! You take your studies seriously, prepare for exams on your own, prepare yourself for admission. All this business is accompanied by the appearance in the family of a little man, who, of course, requires attention. And, of course, his regime makes its own adjustments to the life of the whole family. But we must not forget that it is growing and, as you yourself noticed, this question disappears by itself on the sly.

This is the situation in many schools today. Children are not just taught some subjects, but are trained to pass the GIA and the Unified State Examination. Many end up in hospitals with one diagnosis or another (not necessarily nerves), because. psychosomatics works in such a way that everything that does not find a way out through emotions will find a way out through the body (for example, the kidneys can say that a person often strives for what he “needs” and not what he wants or likes). Of course, you need to go to the hospital and control all processes in the most careful way.

"Memory refuses to work" - do not worry, memory works for you. At the right time, she will give out everything you need (of course, everything that you have laid down)).

Your loved ones (boyfriend, friend, grandmother) are absolutely right. It remains a little and you need to be patient, to bring the matter to the end - to finish school and go to college, and then everything will spin, turn around and become easier. If you look at this whole situation through the prism of important and global problems, ask yourself - is it really that scary?? Everyone goes through this. I agree that horror is happening in schools now, but what can you do, a side effect of reforms, progress, etc.

At home, you are not forced to be an excellent student. At school too. So you are asking for this of yourself. For what? You will definitely have enough points for admission to the correspondence course. Is pushing yourself for the sake of excellent grades really important to you?

The primary school teacher probably wanted the best, but there was a misunderstanding and the position "... I stopped studying to spite her, I basically did not answer ..." from the opera "To spite the conductor I will go on foot."

Now to the main question: we have a goal - to finish school and go to college. We confidently go to her. We have enough strength. We act in the same way as before - we go to classes, do our homework, we take it seriously. BUT

We help our body achieve its goal. How?

We eat right, well, healthy (no fasting and strict diets);

we do small exercises during breaks;

we arrange meditations for ourselves (find a suitable audio recording);

we listen to relaxation music more often (it is possible even during the preparation of homework);

taking a bath, we add aroma oils/essential oils, which help to relax and raise energy and strength;

we also begin to love oranges (at least their aroma) - it cheers up;

before going to bed, we go out to get some air for an hour with a friend / boyfriend / grandmother and unload our heads;

we drink vitamins that increase immunity (we prescribe from a doctor);

we go to bed on time.

Nothing new and supernatural! These at first glance simple ways help your body survive stressful times and successfully cope with the task!

But if disturbing gloomy thoughts will not leave you or will intensify, then it makes sense to contact a psychologist for a face-to-face meeting (your school psychologist is perfect for this).

Good luck to you, Christina!

Sincerely, Ekaterina Praskanova.

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