I blush a lot when I'm excited. How not to blush when talking: ways to deal with embarrassment

How to stop blushing and shy? These questions are asked by many people: boys and girls, men and women. It is difficult to find a person who will be comfortable in any situation.

If a person begins to blush when talking, this is how the natural reaction of the body manifests itself. As a rule, a similar reaction is observed in young girls and boys. They have redder forehead, cheeks and other areas. This phenomenon is due to nervous regulation and changes in the capillaries. At the moment of the onset of excitement, the blood lumen increases, and blood begins to rush to the face.

How to stop being shy and blushing? What can be advised? What is the nature of this phenomenon? Answers to these and more questions can be found below.

One person begins to blush for any reason, while the other in the same situation shows complete composure. One's cheeks turn red, and the other's eyes, neck, forehead, nose, etc. In some cases, redness begins to cover the skin unevenly, appearing as bright purple spots.

As soon as a young man or a girl begins to be embarrassed, the skin of the palms becomes covered with perspiration, a tremor appears.

The nervous system thus does not try to tell about some kind of disease. In this case, a visit to the doctor is definitely not required. This problem can be corrected by a psychologist. Many recognized experts argue that before blushing during a conversation, a person must fully assess the current situation.

As a rule, skin redness indicates social phobia and fear of entering into new social contacts.

Often, redness is not the result of a psychological, but a physiological problem. As you get older, this problem is much less common. The point is not that a person has become fearless in dealing with new people, but that the vascular reaction has become less intense.

If there is a problem, it must be corrected. The sooner attention is paid to it, the more likely it is to be eliminated. In the case of an accidental glance, the person's face may turn red and the palms may sweat. In any case, the person is in an uncomfortable environment for himself. In this case, you will need qualified help from a neurologist, most likely, it will be difficult to solve this problem on your own.

An experienced specialist will be able to establish the true cause if the problem is related to the nervous system.

If the suspicions are confirmed, the patient will be prescribed appropriate treatment. In any case, the doctor will tell you how to stop blushing.

As a rule, psychologists note problems in their field. Redness indicates low self-esteem and complexes that must be fought. You can do it yourself, but the efficiency will be much lower.

What do we have to do?

In most cases, a person wants to hide his embarrassment and embarrassment by becoming silent, turning away, and sometimes leaving the place of fun. Such attempts immediately become visible and cause nothing but pity.

The best option is not to focus the attention of others on your redness. Everyone can feel that after a few minutes their cheeks turn red.

By observing yourself in front of a mirror, you can learn to predict such a state.

To prevent such a problem, you must first start your conversation. The main requirement is not to be silent.

Speech should not be too loud, but at the same time intelligible. Following simple recommendations, you can prevent abundant blood flow to the face.

If you start a conversation yourself, you can establish contact and, in case of contact, explain the reason for your condition.

The second method is relevant for those who are afraid public speaking. According to medical research, it has been found that some people blush before going on stage in front of an audience. Before the start of the speech, one must imagine that the speaker is alone in this hall.

It is necessary to focus your attention on the subject that will be discussed, regardless of the audience sitting in the hall. You can imagine that the hall is empty and another rehearsal is underway. Some people pay attention to some part of the room or interior.

It is better to practice so that such a performance looks organic and lively. With constant practice, you can achieve high professionalism.

Having understood how to stop being shy, you can finally relax and enjoy communication.

All people react to emotional disturbances in different ways - they turn pale, sweat, someone's hands tremble. But nothing causes such annoyance as paint thrown into the face, because you can’t hide your face. Moreover, people prone to this blush at the very moment when they become objects of general attention.

Why do people blush

Redness is an absolutely natural reaction of the body to external stimuli, there is no pathology in this. This may not depend either on pressure or on the special excitability of the nervous system. This may not even be a sign that a person is notorious, too bashful and modest.

Moreover, some become notorious, knowing about such an individual feature of their body - for some reason, a person blushed, feeling this, he was even more embarrassed, annoyed, his face flared up brighter and ... there is nothing left but to turn away or even leave. And if this happens all the time, and even becomes the subject of ridicule, then it is not surprising that a person becomes somewhat withdrawn.

How to deal with this problem

The simplest advice in such cases is not to pay attention, not to attach importance. And this advice would be wonderful if not for others. They see, they give meaning, and not everyone is sensitive enough not to emphasize it. And in some cases, they can draw the wrong conclusion based on the fact that the interlocutor blushed. “He blushed, which means he’s lying, which means he’s guilty of something,” and so on.

It is impossible to control the sudden reddening of the face, everyone who has encountered this problem knows this. This happens involuntarily, therefore, it is impossible to unlearn to blush, as well as to cause a blush at will. You can "play" on it, and here's how.

Knowing that a stressful situation awaits you, which will make you blush again, tell yourself in advance: “Now I will speak and flare up,” or even order your face to blush. For the first time, most likely, you will flare up, but in the future this “order” will stop working.

Is it possible to "mask" sudden redness

Powder won't help here. Hiding the fact that you blushed during a conversation or an argument will also fail. In this case, you need not hide, but rather, pay everyone's attention to it, without waiting for someone else to do it. Stock up on phrases that will help explain your condition to others.

These can be quite serious statements: "I'm just burning with indignation!", "Look, you drove me into the red." Or maybe joking: “I read your thoughts, and they confused me,” etc., depending on the situation. You should not be ashamed of the fact that you blushed, there is nothing wrong with that. Moreover, with age, this disappears if a person finds opportunities to cope with his peculiarity, learn to control himself.

The main thing is not to start avoiding people. It is communication that can cure a sudden excessive blush, give freedom of behavior and self-confidence.

How often have you met people who, at the slightest provocation, begin to blush? One has only to take a step towards them, talk to them or just look at how they immediately fill with crimson paint and begin to be shy, hiding their eyes in excitement. And if you yourself belong to such people, then what do you experience at such moments? Embarrassment, shame, embarrassment? How to avoid this unpleasant problem, what to do, how not to blush when talking to people?

Redness of the skin - a problem or fiction?

Back in the 19th century, such a problem did not exist - scarlet cheeks were considered the standard of beauty. The girls deliberately used a lot of blush in order to at least get a little closer to the ideal and blush spectacularly. Remember at least the famous film-tale "Frost". The evil stepmother rubbed her daughter's cheeks with beets and said: “No, not a princess .... Queen!" It is not without reason that the expression "beautiful maiden" means the beauty and attractiveness of females.

Thinking about it, many will smile and consider the problem of sudden reddening of the face far-fetched. But only not those who themselves instantly begin to be shy and become covered with a thick treacherous blush for any reason. Indeed, often these people turn red not only on their cheeks, but also on their forehead, nose, chest, shoulders and even eyes. And they are unable to control this process. Imagine that you are walking towards a handsome guy, and as soon as you meet his gaze, you turn red like a cancer. The boy shrugged his shoulders and moved on. And then he will let go a couple of jokes about this. Or a situation where someone’s wallet was stolen at work, and when you ask “who did this?”, you immediately blush, although you are not to blame for anything. What will be the reaction of others? And what do you do, how to work after that?

Sudden reddening of the face deprives many people of self-confidence, lowers self-esteem. They are forced to refuse promotions, because burning cheeks and ears make it difficult to work with clients. How will colleagues react to a lawyer who, with every question, will be shy and blush? And what about a manager who blushes when signing a contract?

Causes of sudden reddening of the face

The fact that people blush is a feature of their nervous system. Someone is constantly turning pale, someone is sweating, and you are blushing. There is no pathology in this. Did you know that the ability to blush was greatly appreciated by Gaius Julius Caesar? When the founder of the Roman Empire chose future warriors, he suddenly threw an iron stick behind their backs. Those who blushed were fit for his army, and those who turned pale were driven away. After all, it was the warriors who could blush that were considered the most desperate, the most selfless fighters. Our ancestors were sure that courage, quick reactions and a subtle mind are inherent in such people. Because of which ancient wisdom“A coward turns pale, a brave man turns red” has come down to our days.

Unfortunately, many ladies with crimson cheeks, forced to be embarrassed by their thick blush, are not at all reassured by this fact. They are ashamed of themselves and try to find a solution to the problem, dreaming about how to stop blushing once and for all. Alas, no foundation will help hide such a bright blush. In order to understand the causes of redness, let's look at why a person literally blushes when there is no apparent reason for this.

First of all, we note that reddening of the skin is an absolutely natural physiological reaction. And why a person blushes when no one expects such a reaction from him, the question is not too complicated. Here, embarrassment and shame that people who are unsure of themselves play a big role. The fear of being misunderstood, offended, or simply a laughingstock in the eyes of others makes them not only shy, but live in tension and constantly expect trouble from society.

Did you know that a person blushes only in the presence of other people? Try blushing alone when there is no one in the room and no one is looking at you, and you will realize that nothing worked. One of the options for dealing with treacherous face paint is to imagine that the room or street is completely empty and you have no one to blush in front of. This method is good for public speaking and monologues. If contact with the interlocutor is necessary, you will fail.

And therefore, The best way avoid unwanted facial redness - increased self-esteem. As soon as you begin to believe in yourself and your own strength, your embarrassment and fear of society will disappear. Believe me, your acquaintances are living people with their own shortcomings, and often very serious ones. Perhaps, compared to their problems, your reason for embarrassment is a mere trifle. Learn to love yourself and appreciate what nature has given you. Even the fact that you blush makes you different from others.

Exaggerating the problem of sudden redness

Usually, a person prone to sudden redness has two problems. The first is that at the slightest provocation, he blushes, regardless of the circumstances. The second is his reaction to how he looks and to the opinion of others about him. Moreover, it is the second problem that is much more dangerous than the first. People are burdened by the fact that from any look or word their face becomes covered with a scarlet color. They avoid communication with friends and colleagues, literally begin to hide from them. And this will certainly give a response: who wants to communicate with those who are constantly embarrassed and run away. As a result, a person develops social phobia - the fear of communication.

Oddly enough, but social phobia is more likely to affect those who are most eager to communicate with other people. It is public people who are often concerned about the question: how to stop blushing in front of the public, in front of important clients, or just when communicating with acquaintances? And if you consider yourself to be in this category, then be objective before the facts. No matter how ashamed you are of your reaction to the actions of others, you cannot be sure that someone is judging you for red cheeks. It is quite possible that this problem is generally far-fetched and few people around notice that you are blushing again.

Try to conduct a "sociological survey" among your acquaintances: how often they see redness on your face and how they feel about it. If you are expecting the answer that they dislike and will mock your shortcoming, the answers of your friends will surprise you. Often, rosy cheeks on a girl's face are considered a cute and touching addition to her appearance. What if the rest don't care about your redness, and you suffer and do not know what to do, tormented by non-existent problems? Some girls only think that they blushed, and excitement and bashfulness already make them hide their eyes and be very embarrassed. Carry a small mirror with you to make sure that you are really blushing, and not “burning” only inside?

The way to deal with the problem of redness of the skin

Of course, you can put up with the fact that you are constantly blushing. Just accept this feature of yours as an unchanging fact. Some people are small, others are overweight or, on the contrary, thin. Well, you just blush for any reason. If you learn to live with it, then such a problem will not cause too much inconvenience. In the end, you can laugh off the comments of others and laugh at yourself. And if you do it first, then others will lose all desire to let go of barbs at you. But there are people who strive for perfection. For them, the thought that eternally scarlet cheeks will interfere with their studies, careers, and personal lives is unacceptable.

Unwanted redness of the face can be predicted. Of course, this is very difficult and requires practice, but if successful, the result will be noticeable to you and others. Before you blush, you feel a build-up of embarrassment and heat inside. As soon as you realize that you are blushing, you feel awkward and glow even more. Vicious circle? No, this chain can be broken.

And here's what you need to do to stop the redness of the skin: the best way is not to be silent at the first sign of its appearance. Speak out loud, address your interlocutor. Whatever you say, your brain will be distracted from the increased blood flow to your face. Having said a couple of phrases, you can not only stop the redness of the skin, but also prevent the interlocutor from misunderstanding you. Come up with a couple of jokes in advance that will relieve your tension and negate the impression of crimson cheeks. For example, you can act like this:

  • Oh, I blushed! I won't quit at all.
  • No you!
  • Indeed? And inside I'm on fire!

Such a cute dialogue will help the interlocutor not pay attention to your redness, even if it appears. And if there is no negative reaction, then there will be less cause for concern. Maybe next time you will be less nervous and not blush.

If your imagination is not good enough, then you can offer a few common phrases that can save the day. The main thing is to break the vicious circle in your own words: redness, embarrassment, even more blush. And it’s better to do it in a playful way to defuse the situation.

  • I blushed for not being perfect;
  • Yes, cheeks are flushed. Just wanted to get your attention;
  • Well, I blush all the time when I want to appear innocent;
  • God, I read your thoughts and could not resist, even my cheeks burned;
  • I always get excited and blush when I think of you;
  • The blush on my face is a reaction to the stupidity you said;
  • I blushed because I am always embarrassed when I am praised;
  • Oh, this syndrome of an excellent student - I constantly blush when I'm worried.

As you can see, there are many ways to “talk” your embarrassment and you won’t have to blush forever. Strain your imagination and come up with your own excuses that are close to your situation.

If no methods help you cope with embarrassment and redness of the skin, then there is only one thing left: to love yourself for who you are. After all, your scarlet cheeks speak of sincerity and gentle character. And such qualities are highly valued by the opposite sex. Ask loved one what he thought about your complexion when you first met. Tell me how much this problem worries you, that you will do everything to find a way to learn how not to blush.

It is quite possible that you will be surprised to know that it was your red cheeks that attracted his attention and made him different from other girls. After all, you are a woman, and unlike men, it is much easier for you to cover your feelings with sweet embarrassment and a glowing face. So feel free to raise your head and blush for health, because this is a feature that makes you unique!

Hello dear readers! It is impossible to remain calm always, one way or another, there are situations that make you really nervous. How to stop blushing for any reason and learn to keep your emotions under control? Let's understand the issues of physiology and psychology, what is the reason and how this disease can be dealt with.


There is such a thing as rosacea. This is a vascular pathology of the skin. This happens due to poor circulation. In addition, poor tone of small vessels leads to rosacea. Here we are talking about rapid and spontaneous redness, not only when talking from excitement, but also from frost, hot weather, and so on. Sometimes even just like that, for no reason.

One of my acquaintances blushed terribly during her university years. She turned purple in front of people when she gave a report, on the street from the wind, just if she thought about something. It was a real punishment for the girl. And the redness spread not only to the face.

Couperose is not as dangerous as possible consequences. If no measures are taken, then spider veins may appear on the face, which are red dots (burst blood vessels). There is practically no way to disguise them, even with the help of cosmetics it is quite problematic to do this.

There are other physiological problems, but they need to be dealt with by a therapist or neurologist, who can make a more accurate diagnosis and certainly determine the physiology of your redness.


In any case, even if we are talking about the psychological background of redness, this is the body's reaction to stress. When a girl is shy in front of men and red spots appear on her face, the guy starts to stutter, an awkward situation, a feeling of discomfort, and so on.

Agree, there is nothing wrong when a girl blushes a little when she hears a compliment from a nice guy. But blushing constantly in any case, greatly hinders. But it also happens that redness increases if others pay attention to this feature.

Self-doubt, isolation, excessive modesty and embarrassment - all this is the cause of blushing at the time of stress. Any uncomfortable and awkward situation unbalances.

When a person doubts the correctness of his actions, is not sure of his choice, expects support from others and is afraid to seem ridiculous or stupid. All this can cause severe redness.

The body always finds a way out for negative emotions. AT this case- these are red spots on the face, a trembling voice and shaking hands.

Learning to keep your emotions under control is quite real. The task is difficult, but with the right approach and strong desire- everything is possible. I suggest you start with the article - "".


If we are talking about the physiological background, then the first thing you need to do is go to the doctor and beautician. It is they who will give the necessary and correct advice on skin care, changing nutrition and restoring vascular tone. And so any girl should start going to a beautician, starting at the age of twenty-five.

In addition to going to a specialist, you can start monitoring your diet. No wonder they say that everything we eat is reflected in our face. All age spots, acne, redness, blackheads are the result of poor nutrition. In addition, it is necessary to carefully treat the use of alcohol, and it is better to exclude it from your diet altogether. Quit smoking if you have such a bad habit.

If we are talking more about psychological problems, then we should start with self-esteem and awareness of which situations cause you more stress.

  • When do you start to get embarrassed and blush?
  • Next to a handsome man or just an older man?
  • When talking to superiors or strangers?
  • When you are unsure of your decision and so on.

Once you understand what causes you to react like this, it will become much easier to deal with it.

You should start by reading the article "". Of course, life is not written according to a clear scenario and sometimes completely unexpected situations occur, but you can prepare for this.

In fact, there is nothing shameful in blushing, and if someone is trying to offend and embarrass you by pointing it out loud, it’s enough to confidently say that this situation (due to which you blushed) is just not indifferent to you and that an attempt to confuse you has failed.

After all, the main problem is not that you blushed, but that others notice it, and even worse if they poke a finger and voice it in a public place. Think about it, if such smart people didn’t appear nearby, we wouldn’t worry about this and blush to our heart’s content.))

If your embarrassment and embarrassment is based on communicating with people, then I have an excellent article that will help you find a common language with almost everyone - "".

Are you afraid you can't do it on your own? Do not worry. You can always come to me. Write what your problem is, in what situations you experience the most stress and how you try to deal with it. We will definitely find a way out and solve your problem!

Self-improvement is never simple and easy, but it is always worth the effort you put in. Don't give up, don't feel bad about yourself, and don't be afraid to move forward.

Wish you all the best!

As old as the world, the involuntary ability of many people to suddenly blush when talking. When you want to seem calm and cold-blooded, everything is spoiled by a treacherous wave of emotions that paints the cheeks, and sometimes the whole face. Is it possible to get rid of the ability to be embarrassed and blush?

Many people on Earth experience instant emotions, blushing at the slightest excitement, but not everyone is worried. If a person is afraid to blush and is embarrassed by such an ability, he is ruled by a fear called erythrophobia: literally this concept means “fear of blushing”. The power of self-hypnosis is very great, therefore, with a sudden fear “if only not to blush”, an incident happens at the same moment.

Why do people blush? What are the reasons?

It is believed that the ability to blush is inherited. To be more precise, it is rather the superficially located capillaries and the peculiarity of the autonomic nervous system that are transmitted too sharply and quickly to the slightest emotional outburst. By the way, the method of interrogating suspects using a lie detector does not work with such unique people. because of strong commotion even an innocent person would not pass such a test, but no errors were ever taken into account. At the same time, a self-controlled liar may well pass the test. This fact should be remembered and kept in mind by those who want to get rid of the ability to blush when talking and learn to cope with emotions.

Most often, people who are sensitive, emotional, and have a fine mental organization are filled with paint. As a rule, these are creatively directed romantics, rather than calm and specific pragmatists. Erythrophobia in all its glory manifests itself after someone accidentally remarks or even accusations that a person blushes. It is easy to offend a suspicious nature with the phrase “you are covered with spots”, “just a little, you immediately blush”, or, even more so, with unfounded accusations. After all, some believe that only the guilty blush, in fact, this is far from the case.

The blushing of the face causes ordinary excitement, if only for the reason that no one likes to be a suspect, while possessing an impeccable conscience.

How to deal with this problem?

There are still ways to save:

  • success cannot be expected for those people whose face turns red unevenly, with spots (as a rule, without affecting the nasolabial triangle and the forehead area); the method in this case does not work, or it works for a small percentage of those operated on.
  • Often, the operated patients experience a breakdown, which is associated with a decrease in blood pressure and an increase in pulse rate. Constant depression, weakness and apathy sometimes force a person to back down - ask the surgeon to remove the ill-fated staples.
  • the so-called compensatory sweating develops: the face and hands stop sweating after the operation, but the torso or legs suffer, which is also very unpleasant.

Often, people who blush when talking and experience discomfort from this are not taken seriously by anyone. In the meantime, this problem does not cease to bother many, preventing them from living a full life, preventing them from building a career and relationships with people. To save a person from depression and growing complexes, those who are close to him should show attention, patience and participation. The support of others is very, very important. But, as mentioned above, the attitude of the sufferer himself is important: a firm determination to overcome his fear and make every effort to do so.

Psychology of self-development