Becoming cleaning the money channel and filling it. How to clear the money channel with runes? If this sounds like your situation, learn how to clear the money channel


Do you want to increase your monthly income? Or maybe you want to win the lottery? Then in this article you will learn about what constitutes cleaning the money channel with runes and you will be able to apply the knowledge gained in practice. Enjoy reading!

Why do we need to clean the money channel with runes

In order to always have money in your wallet, you should take care of the correct condition of your own energy field, or rather, the performance of all its channels responsible for health, success in the financial sector, personal relationships with people around.

Note! Setting up a money channel is a very specific thing. When working, one should take into account karmic connections, a person’s temperament, his attitude to the situation and many other important factors.

The formula for cleaning the money channel directly depends on the cleaning of blocks, the presence / absence of energy stagnation in the financial sector. In the presence of generic problems (kind karma), a whole series of rituals should be carried out aimed at certain ancestors, for example, cleaning the person who is turning with the help of prayers at the altar, etc.

Cleaning the money channel with runes is a proven way to increase cash flow. To do this, you need to visualize the end result - this will help to charge you with the necessary energy.

Note. Any visualization is a "video" of the desired outcome of events, set at the mental level. Your intention serves as a vector (impulse) for the necessary action - the clarity of the message plays a fundamental role in launching the desired program.

As an example, you can imagine an image of a wallet full of large denomination bills. To get a positive result, visualize the feeling of counting money, shifting it from one compartment of the purse to another. You can say to yourself words that enhance the effect of the conspiracy, which ones - your intuition will tell you. This approach will help increase the importance of your thoughts, intentions in the process of the ceremony.

Strength will help to activate the cleaning of the money channel with runes Scandinavian symbols with positive energy associated with the material world. Most often, Soulu, Fehu, Turisaz, Hagalaz, Algiz, Vunyo, Odal, Eyvaz or Perth are used in such staves. Below we will consider a more detailed interpretation of each of them.

  • Eyvaz, Soulu, Fehu is the personification of the money channel at the energy level.
  • The task of the Hagalaz rune is the destruction of energy stagnation, blocks, damage in the financial sector. The power of this symbol is used to make successful trade deals.
  • Odal will help you get out of ancestral hemostasis in the financial sector. You will begin cardinal changes, a way out of the financial crisis, success, prosperity, a breakthrough to new opportunities.
  • Turisaz - support in getting out of a difficult financial situation.
  • The combination of Perth and Fehu - cleaning, activation of the money channel.
  • Algiz, Fehu symbolize joy, protection, a feeling of happiness from receiving finance.

Important point! When working with runes, unpleasant (sometimes painful) sensations may occur - this is due to the presence of negativity, the closing of the money channel. Before trying out some kind of money betting, consider this moment by preparing for it in advance.

Runic formulas for cleaning the money channel

Below are the most common examples of bets on financial well-being, opening a money channel.

Runic becoming "Swan"

Aimed at opening a channel of finance. See the drawing and detailed interpretation of the symbols below.

  • Eyvaz: Symbolizes the money channel. To open it, one should agree with the fate of the fortuneteller, anticipate / prevent ambiguous everyday situations
  • Fehu: Financial earnings in the future
  • Perth: Helps to discover hidden opportunities necessary to attract material resources, cuts the stereotypical ring, providing additional finance to the money channel
  • Raido: Opens up opportunities, points the way to how to get additional profit
  • Kenaz: Allows you to create protection for existing capital. Promotes the free movement of financial flows into your money channel
  • Dagaz: The most important thing is a purposeful desire leading to positive changes in the financial sector
  • Jera: Acts as a magnet around the money channel, personifies the results of the work done. It will increase the work of the stav, bring the necessary share of luck to the person, providing him with a productive result

Important! To achieve the best effect, you should sprinkle the drawing with your own blood. It can be applied both on body parts and on a regular white sheet. Carry with you, away from prying eyes.

Becoming for clearing the money channel

The main function is to restore the correct energy exchange. A diagram with a detailed interpretation is given below.

The basis of the indicated stav is two runes. Responsible for air element, correct energy exchange with space. The first symbol is what is laid down from birth, the second is the operating time over the years.

The second branch is, Teyvaz. Protection of the channel from extraneous influences.

Raido. Movement, maintaining the balance of power.

Two Dagaz. Clutch, cleaning between two Gebo. The main function is speed (the period of time depends on the individual).

Note! Becoming used for short-term use, clears everything unnecessary that interferes with the flow of money. Can be applied to yourself or a photo. Wear from 3-5 days.

In the stipulation of cleaning the money channel with runes, with increased sensitivity, Algiz (healing action) should be drawn on the hands.

Cleaning the money channel with runes on a candle using the Krad rune

Carve several Krad runes in a spiral shape on a large wax candle. You can make it by any means at hand, but a needle or a ritual knife is welcome. Put a candle in a candlestick on your own photo, light it. During the ritual, imagine that everything that was planned has already been fulfilled, say the phrase “So be it!” out loud, and then put out the candle.

Attention! The ceremony must be performed for seven days. Its duration is one and a half hours.

When is the best time to clean the money channel

Opening, cleaning, protection after cleaning with runes should be carried out during the waning moon. Filling, activation of the money channel - only on a growing one.

Basic conditions for the ceremony

To open cash flow, several key factors should be taken into account.

  • The time of the ritual is sunrise and sunset. The growing phase of the moon, the “hungry stomach” are prerequisites.
  • Be sure to wash, comb. If you are a woman, you must cover your head with a white scarf.
  • Turn your face to the east. Concentrate on getting what you want, cross yourself during the ceremony.
  • Strictly adhere to the basic rules of the ritual, otherwise you will not achieve the desired result.

List of auspicious months

It is best to carry out the above ceremony in November, October and May. Not recommended in April, March, July, June, December, August. The remaining months are neutral. Choose the days in accordance with the above recommendations - best of all 5, 7, 6, 2, 13, 10 full moon days.

Let this information help increase the flow of money to your family, but for now, stay tuned to the site. All the best!

To clear the way for financial success, it is worth trying to apply the runes of cleaning the money channel.

If financial well-being bypasses you, there is a high probability that the path along which money comes to you is blocked by dark energies.

Will runes help everyone?
It is believed that each culture and religion has its own own ways work with subtle energies. Muslim cannot read Orthodox prayers just as a Christian does not have the right to use Muslim conspiracies. This is the wrong approach. The truth is the same for all. Genuine knowledge has no cultural or religious boundaries.

To use the runes, it is not necessary to adhere to the Old Norse beliefs, to worship Odin and other pagan gods.

Do not consider contacting magic symbols as a betrayal of one's faith. Thousands of people around the world use ancient knowledge, while remaining Catholics, Orthodox, Jews or Muslims.

Road to abundance!
A person living on modest means often wonders why he is so poor. His neighbor, who devotes the same amount of time or even less time to work, can afford whatever he wants.

The fact is that in the first case, the channel for the receipt of funds is significantly damaged. The reasons for which he received damage may be different. Extraneous interference (damage, evil eye, etc.) is not excluded. The runes of cleaning the money channel will help eliminate the negative.

There are a huge number of rates designed to normalize the channel of material well-being. The authorship of one of these formulas belongs to Constance Sagata. This becoming is like a snowflake, each branch of which consists of a certain combination of runes:

At the heart of the whole combination are 2 signs called Gebo. They symbolize what was given to a person at birth, and what he created during his life.

The first branch is a combination of the runes Laguz, Anzus, Eyvaz, Kveort, which will help to destroy obstacles to financial well-being.

The second branch consists of the runes Raido, Fehu, Algiz, Teyvaz and the mirror Turisaz. The combination opens up new possibilities and protects the channel from damage, evil eye and other unwanted influences.

In the center of the stav are 2 Dagaz. Their purpose is to speed up the clearing.

Becoming you need to put on your photo or on the body. It is used for three to five days. Then becoming necessary to remove, otherwise it will begin to have the opposite effect. For runes, you should come up with a clause that would indicate the purpose of the combination. In the reservation, you need to mention the safety of the formula for yourself and others.

Runes for cleaning the money channel open the way for the flow of abundance into your life. However, we should not forget that wealth and prosperity will not appear on their own. Do not rely on ancient knowledge alone. New earning opportunities will open up for you. Hurry up to use them.

Working runes:
Eyvaz is the channel itself, a powerful impetus to action;
Eyvaz + Fehu - exactly a financial, money channel
Nautiz - a forced action, by all means;
Turisaz - we break through, clean and at the same time protect from active attacks from the outside;
Algiz - under the protection and supervision of the higher;
Mannaz - the object / operator itself, from whom we clean.

Apply to yourself or on a photo. Duration - according to diagnostics, depending on the state of the "blockage" of the channel.
Activation: if on yourself - by breathing; if in the photo - who is used to it, but not by burning.
If we call on the Highest - Freyr and Njord or Thor. Appropriate gifts.
Deactivation from yourself - erase / wash off with words of gratitude. Photo - we burn, the ashes in the trash or in the sewer.
If, according to the diagnosis, it is required to keep standing for a long time, then we renew it on ourselves as needed and in the center of Mannaz “encourage” with a finger with our saliva.
Rune diagnostics showed that becoming powerfully and clearly breaks through clogged channels, opens up new ways and opportunities for getting a well-deserved profit. Perhaps he will identify and cut off someone who interferes, but in return he will point to a new patron or right person. BUT! Freebies will not give, do not flatter yourself! You need to have at least one regular source of income. Becoming will help expand the paths, and / or find a new / additional source, but for this you need to make certain efforts, show maximum concentration and not be afraid of obstacles.

Teacher comment:

vandis wrote:

Kysia did an excellent job Classical, harmonious structure, all the runes were chosen correctly, the description was drawn up correctly, it turned out very well, it can be used as a working formula, applied, stipulated, left for a while, but if the situation is difficult and the channel is clogged, let’s say so thoroughly, then you can use knitted long life, very well done

BUT! Freebies will not give, do not flatter yourself!

Everyone said correctly, becoming will not give freebies, it is not at all intended to give money directly, they will not fall from the sky, becoming clear the channel and as a result, new opportunities will open up for a person to receive money, you can also talk about returning, for example, old debts , and that a person will be able to return, for example, an old job, but becoming gives opportunities, ways, and not finances directly

The test passed with a bang! Both in terms of diagnostics and in fact, the channel has broken through and how!

After this stava, the stav from SW was immediately applied. Bagirki "Vannadis" - a fairly large amount of money just suddenly fell on his head, plus a new source of income appeared.

One point: in the reservation, we must necessarily stipulate protection against closing or clogging of the channel. And then in the first test only cleaning of the channel was stipulated and it was quickly cleared, and then quickly closed again.

Shoe off negative energy- this is a ritual that affects the human energy system, which removes all unnecessary from it. Runes are deservedly considered the best tool for this business. Cleaning with runes can be both quick, superficial, and deep, thorough. Runic ritual cleansing works quickly and effectively, suitable for solving any problems, both domestic and magical. They are suitable for both practitioners and ordinary people. There are simple ones that are done independently, and complex ones, for execution it is better to turn to practices.

You can clean any objects and areas of life:

  • self, health and energy;
  • good luck and money channel;
  • loved ones;
  • pets;
  • house, apartment;
  • specific items;
  • race, fate.

Which runes to use

Shoe off energy negativity represents its destruction: it can be “washed off” from a person, burned out, and sometimes frozen. For this, individual runes or runic becoming are suitable. Runes of the Elder Futhark and others can be used. In cleaning staves, the runes Kenaz are often used, Soulu - to burn out the negative, Laguz - cleansing, Hagalaz - retaliatory strike, Algiz - protection against the return of damage, the evil eye.

Cleansing from spoilage and evil eye

You can determine that you have damage or the evil eye with the help of diagnostics. Indirectly, this is indicated by the following signs:

  • failures in all spheres of life, breakup of relationships;
  • depression, low mood background;
  • constantly pursuing symptoms of diseases, while doctors do not find anything;
  • strange dreams;
  • causeless fears, anxiety and anxiety;
  • feeling of "dirt" around you.

To get rid of damage and the evil eye, cleaning with runes from negativity with a suitable clause is suitable. A slander is an enumeration of what we want to get rid of. Suitable for such a purpose, for example, becoming the "Fire Snake" (by Runava).

Cleaning with a snake is considered very harsh, but effective. Its idea is taken from the author's favorite fairy tales and is tied to folklore.

The composition includes the following runes:

  • 2 Nautiz - what you need to get rid of;
  • Kveort is a Northumbrian rune, its meaning is destructive force fire;
  • 2 Soul and 2 Salt of the Younger Futhark - burn out "energy bundles" - bindings and someone else's black magic work;
  • 2 Turisaz - clear the way;
  • Hyera is an engine that helps to achieve a positive result.

The action of the stav is described as follows: a snake released to freedom wraps around and burns the bundles of someone else's hostile magic, and then returns to a calm state.

Entity purge

Beings, penetrating into the human energy system, consume its resources and gradually deplete it, leading to diseases, so they need to be disposed of in a timely manner. Works well becoming "Fire Whip" from Tony Montana.

Working runes: Turisaz, Teyvaz, covert, Kano.

Stav acts like a whip: it expels entities, putting them to flight, and if they do not want to leave, then destroys them. Also eliminates the consequences of the life of entities and bindings.

Room cleaning

The room must be cleaned regularly, as the negative tends to accumulate. A global cleaning is needed if the room is new and it had a different owner before, or bad activity was noticed there: a poltergeist, linings found.

Simple Fire Cleansing with Proserpina Lining Detection: Simple Fire Cleansing with Proserpine Lining Detection: Apply the formula to a candle, which is then lit indoors. If there are pads, they will be detected.

Universal formulas

There are universal cleanings for all occasions, from any negativity. Like, for example, becoming a "lily of the valley" from Sam. This complex formula consists of several sets of knitted runes. In the middle is a ligature of 3 Hagalaz, surrounded by 4 Kveort runes. Triple Hagall sets a powerful impulse for the destruction of alien inclusions. Cleansing with the Kveort rune is considered one of the most powerful, it burns out the negative with its fiery energy. In this stave, it is repeated as many as 4 times. Further, in the formula, 4 Teyvaz + Turisaz ties are arranged in a circle, this combination sends the negative back if it was induced. On the sides there are 4 bundles of Laguz + Nautiz, apparently they are driving force stav and maintain continuity of action, as well as destroy energy formations that are difficult to influence. Stav acts quickly, the time of its application is no more than 2 hours, from prolonged exposure there may be side effects, for example, in the form of a headache.

After cleaning, a person feels relieved and slightly tired, yawns and feels drowsy, even involuntarily fall asleep. Dreams after cleaning, if successful, light, bright. If an induced negative was filmed, you can see the one who directed it.

Sometimes, if the work was too strong, side effects are observed in the form of pain in various places and severe fatigue, as if all strength had gone. In this case, it is necessary to use runes and staves that aim after cleaning. It is necessary to update the defenses, as they can be demolished, like other magical works: hassles, harmonizations, chances and attractiveness. If a negative was cleansed with a return, for some time, from two weeks to a month, information may come about how the impact returned and what happened to that person.

Step by step cleaning instructions for beginners

Cleaning is done in the same way as any other runic work, unless special conditions are stipulated (usually by the author of the work).

  1. The purpose of the ritual is considered.
  2. First, the house, the environment are cleaned, then you can already take care of your own energy and health.
  3. Becoming a cleaner is applied to a wooden or paper carrier, on a photo of an object or on a body.
  4. A reservation is pronounced - the purpose of applying the stave, it can be ordinary or in poetic form, if desired. They list everything that needs to be cleansed of: damage, evil eye, negativity, induced effects, cleaning the house, etc.
  5. Runes are activated in any convenient way, unless it is indicated how to do it.

If there are additional conditions, then they are also fulfilled: put on a candle and go around the apartment with a candle, put the carrier with runes under the pillow at night, etc.

Sometimes it happens that a person works a lot, but the money does not come, things move slowly. In such cases, it is recommended to clean the runes of the money channel.

Runic formulas

There are many formulas for cleaning the money channel. A good formula for clearing and activating the money channel from Berserker. This becoming desirable to do on the growing moon, it is applied to itself or to a carrier made of wood or paper.

At the heart of the stave are 2 runes Sol, Eyvaz and Fehu - an energy channel for the receipt of money. Additional runes: Hagall - the destruction of blocks and obstacles on the way, Turisaz - the resolution of a difficult financial situation. Perth and Fehu - the opening and strengthening of the money channel, Algiz, Fehu and Vunyo - the protection of finances and the joy of receiving a sufficient amount of money.

Cleaning on a candle with the help of the Krada rune

Another way to clear and open your own money channel is a candle burning ritual using the Krad rune. For the ritual, you will need your own photo and a yellow or gold candle, 4 or 8 Krad runes are cut on it, in a spiral from top to bottom. Financial failures and troubles that need to be got rid of are discussed, you can announce an adequate desired amount of money per month. After reading the slander, the candle placed in the candlestick is put on the photograph and left until it is completely burned. If the ritual is performed for the first time, it is advisable to repeat it daily for a week. For prevention, it is repeated monthly.

Conditions for the ceremony

Rites of cleansing cash flow are held on the growing moon, preferably in its first quarter, and unwind during lunar month. Best months for money rituals- October, November and May. Suitable days when it is better to clean the money channel are Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday. They should be performed at sunset or dawn, before eating, with a clear mind and a calm heart. You need to wash, take a shower, comb your hair. The ritual is performed facing east.

After cleaning, any runic protection is placed so that the negative does not return.

Runic becoming Opening a wealth channel The formula has been tested. It works gently, after about a week the first results appear after applying the formula. Apply to yourself. It works softly and imperceptibly, everything happens as if by itself without any rudeness and roughness. Raido is the opening of roads of prosperity and it’s not necessary that it can be money, everyone has their own concept of prosperity - a hidden rune, it keeps under control the entire process of the formula from various encroachments from those who do not deserve this benefit. You can also insert Yera into the formula and then the work of the formula can be programmed for a long time, because Yera is cyclical and annual cycle
Series of messages " ":
I will remove any negative (evil eye, damage, love spell, lapel, curse)
I make talismans, amulets, amulets from 250 rubles (without activation)
My store
I'm at the Masters Fair
Part 1 -
Part 2 -
Part 11 -
Part 12 -
Part 13 - Runic becoming Opening the channel of prosperity
Part 14 -
Part 15 -
Part 16 -

You can also insert Yera into the formula and then the work of the formula can be programmed for a long time, because Yera is a cyclical and annual cycle.

Yera should be like Proserpina likes to draw, a rhombus on a stick). Enter it at the top, add two dashes, one on the left to Feu, the other to Raido. As always, first on yourself then on the media or photo.

Opening a money channel from Montana and espe

Written by T. Montana and espe
First column (closed):
lane Lagus - closed channel,
Turisaz and Hagalaz - the destruction of everything that blocks and closes the channel
Second column (clean channel): Lagus, Fehu, Vunyo.
The mechanism is simple: becoming destroys everything that blocks, closes and does not allow the money channel to fully work.
This formula destroys and destroys obstacles, congestion, barriers, programs and subprograms, as well as magical and other processes and influences, as well as situations and opportunities that interfere with monetary and material enrichment and well-being of the object.
This formula opens up free and unhindered access to information and opportunities for the channel of monetary and material enrichment and well-being, and also allows you to freely and freely receive the requested monetary and material benefits, and this brings (full name) pleasure and satisfaction. to carry out work without harm to his health, his family, his fate, his relatives, without affecting the structure of positive changes, without affecting the established protections
This RF begins its action from the moment of application and stops working after 3 days

Psychology of self-development