Communion of children. "Son of God, accept me as a communicant"

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Date: 10/15/2016 18:50:13

Julia, Volodarsk

My daughter ate candy after communion and vomited. it Bad sign?

Priest Yevgeny Stupitsky answers

My four-year-old daughter ate a piece of candy after communion (given in the church) and vomited. Batiushka raised such a scandal because of this, and we left without understanding what happened!? Is this a bad omen or what?

Hello Julia! With all due respect to you, we must state that you are far from Christianity. The Christian Church is the Most Pure Body and Blood of our God Jesus Christ! There is no higher and more terrible shrine in the whole universe than the Body and Blood of Christ! In order to partake of the Holy Mysteries of Christ, we Christians purify our body with many days of strict fasting, then purify our souls by repentance in the sacrament of confession, be sure to attend the evening service the day before, read special canons and akathists, and only then, having come on an empty stomach, do we take communion for Divine Liturgy! If we do not prepare so carefully, then unworthy communion will be our condemnation, some sickness, and some even death, according to the apostle Paul. You, out of ignorance, did not prepare so, and did not prepare your child, and thus exposed him to mortal danger, sending him to communion without reverence. Perhaps the child did not even know that he had to take in the Body and Blood of God Himself. Therefore, the Lord, in His mercy, corrected your oversight, and did not allow the child to partake of himself in condemnation, and the sacrament came out of him. The most terrible Shrine in the universe was defiled by vomiting along with food on the ground. There is no sin on the child. But you must urgently go to confession, and with tears ask God that you allowed such a blasphemously irresponsible attitude towards the Sacrament of the Eucharist. The sin of ejecting communion from a child also lies with the priest, from whose hands the child received communion. He may face a ban on further service. The place where the communion that has not had time to digest has fallen should be burned with coal, then thoroughly washed, and everything that has touched the sacrament is burned in a special church oven. Do you understand how serious blasphemy against the shrine happened? We hope that the question about the sign is a joke? The Orthodox have no signs. We believe in God and our King, the Savior Jesus Christ. We also wish you to realize that you cannot joke with God in this way, and with all responsibility prepare both the child and prepare yourself for communion. Save you Lord!

Baptism is only the first step on the Christian journey. The most important sacrament Orthodox Church is a sacrament. How to give communion to children, and especially babies? What are the rules and regulations for this? How not to overdo it when introducing the baby to the Church and its sacraments? Read about it in today's story of the mother of an already baptized child.

My husband and I are Orthodox parents, and therefore our decision to baptize the baby was mutual. He is responsible for the spiritual upbringing of the child. God-parents. We understood this, so we paid special attention to the choice of future godparents for our child. And now, our baby is an Orthodox Christian.

As it turned out, the most important part of the spiritual upbringing of a child is the sacrament. It is necessary not only for the child to be closer to God, but also for the Guardian Angel, in whose honor the baby was baptized, to protect and protect him from various troubles.

The priest told us that the first time we need to come to communion two weeks after the baptism of the child. And it is absolutely unimportant that we, parents, ourselves rarely receive communion or do not commune at all. After all, a baby soul can know much more than adults. Children up to seven years of age receive communion without confession, and after that, like adults: they must first confess, and only then go to communion.

Another important point is that communion usually takes place on an empty stomach. Of course, babies are allowed to have breakfast. Only feed the baby should be at least half an hour before communion, so that he does not burp. After three years, one should already try not to feed the child, but strict frameworks as such do not exist until seven years. Batiushka said that children from the age of three can easily endure without food since the evening. The main thing is to introduce it gradually and as a kind of sacrament - the sooner the child gets used to it, the easier it will be for him later. And a little later, you can teach children to fast, but not strictly. For example, give up games, cartoons, meat or something especially tasty.

To the question of how often a child should receive communion, everyone must answer for himself. Infants can be every day, older children - once a week. We try to give communion to the baby once every two weeks and on great holidays. Communion takes place at liturgies - it is better to find out in advance the time of the beginning and end of the service in the temple. First, children receive communion, then women and men.

With a baby, it is allowed to come directly to the sacrament. With older children, it is possible to arrive early, depending on how long the child is able to withstand. As a rule, children do not like being in church for a long time, I remember this from myself. It always seemed to me that it was very stuffy there, you had to stand still for a very long time. It should be understood that children have less patience, but on the contrary, more energy. Everything must be approached with understanding - if the baby cannot stand still for a long time, do not force him, instilling a dislike for this rite from childhood.

And now, the time has come for the sacrament of communion. The priest takes the Chalice out of the altar and reads a prayer, the words of which must be repeated and pray with all his heart for his child. Since we go to communion exclusively with the godfather or mother of the baby, at this time one of them is holding the baby. They don’t cross themselves in front of the Cup, older children fold their arms crosswise on their chests, and very small ones are held on their right hands. The father comes up to each child and says loudly: “The Servant of God takes communion…”, after which his name is called. Ours is still small, and therefore godparents call his name for him. When the child grows up, he will have to call himself by name. Then they give a little Cahors on a spoon, and small children - holy water. At the very end of the service, the baby is applied to the cross.

Questions to the priest Communion of the Infant

Communion of the Infant

Date: 22.09.2011 at 13:09

Good afternoon, father!
1) yesterday I communed my 1.5 month old daughter. The priest, who gave communion, said that there was no need to go to the drink. He is right?
2) I then walked with her for an hour and a half. Arriving home, gave from a spoon Epiphany water and then fed. Could this be done?
3) Another priest said that next time you can bring a spoon with you and give it to drink warmth in this way. He is right?
4) Is it necessary for babies to drink the sacrament in general?
5) My daughter has digestive problems and she always burps a lot. Yesterday she was spitting up profusely after every feeding. This is bad? Although she completely swallowed the Blood of Christ - I'm sure of that, yet I'm worried about these regurgitations. Comfort, father, if nothing terrible.
6) And in general, is it necessary to take communion often? if such problems? Can wait half a year while digestion is normalized? And I don't even feel like myself. Thank you, dear Father Andrey! God bless you and your loved ones!

1. Yes.
2. Yes.
3. And he's right. How convenient - so do it.
4. No, not necessarily.
5. It's okay.
6. It is necessary to take communion, but do not feed before communion, meaning immediately before communion, so as not to burp. Take a little walk, and then feed. And thank you, God bless you!

Vera, Moscow

What must be observed before and after the Communion of the Infant?

Good health! With the advent of the baby, several questions arose about what is needed before and after the Communion of the Infant. Until what age can you feed him before Communion, is it necessary to give Dora and warmth? Is it necessary to bow for him after eating Dora? Who better to lead to Communion, mother or godmother? If the baby burped after the Sacrament, what to do with the napkin? If burned, then where to scatter the ashes? How many days after the Sacrament should these prescriptions be observed? What to do with the pacifier and the nipple on the bottle on this day? Save Christ!

Good! About the age of feeding before Communion. I will probably upset you: although the terms are not limited by the rules, the meaning suggests that the sooner the better. It is necessary to be determined practically, perhaps, accustoming the child gradually.

There is a concept among the priests "to cover one's mouth", i.e. after Communion and consumption of the Holy Gifts remaining in the Chalice after the Liturgy, the priest with a prayer washes his mouth in a special place, so that a particle of Communion does not disappear, does not turn out to be neglected. So the laity, from the realization of the Greatness of the accomplished Mystery of Communion, both adults and small, accepting a particle of Antidore and warmth, close their mouths. If they eat during Communion, then the dishes (spoons, forks, cups and plates, nipples and bottles) that were used before the communicant sleeps are washed separately from other dishes and poured water into a place “unlikely”, where no people, neither cats and dogs run (i.e. "not trampled place" according to the rules).

Until the child is able to pray on his own, it is probably better to pray for the acceptance of the Shrine to an adult who brings the little Christian to Communion. The identity of the godparents, as leading to Communion, is most likely preferable, because. and in all prayers on the recipients lies the joyful duty of prayer for the godchildren.
If the baby burped after Communion (which almost never happens on an empty stomach), then, carefully collecting what came out, you can bring it to the temple. In every church there is a well where water is poured after the Sacrament of Baptism is performed - that's where it will go.

Priests, having communed, keep themselves until sleep. Waking up, they already eat freely. I think the same applies to the laity, although in some parishes communicants keep themselves for up to three days. I think that for a baby, the “priestly” rule for the preservation of the Shrine is enough. God bless you, grow big and Christian, with the whole family!

Girls, can anyone come in handy!!

I found a very useful article on the Internet)

Why do you take children to Communion?

The most important thing is the meeting of the child with God. In addition, the child gradually learns to go to the temple. Then you will never hear from a grown-up child: “My mother didn’t teach me to go to church…”

And one more thing ... Many times parents were convinced that after communion the child did not get sick, although according to tests or outward signs illness seemed inevitable. Children with neurology behave much more calmly, children with any health problems eat and sleep better ...

Faith is a powerful source of peace and confidence for a person. And during the Sign of the Cross, the rhythm of the heartbeat improves and breathing evens out.

Later, when the child begins to confess, communion and a conversation with the priest may save the grown-up child from the feeling of impunity and permissiveness, alas, characteristic of adolescence.

It is imperative to give communion to a child - this is important for his spiritual and spiritual development, health, in order to Heavenly Patron, in whose honor the child was baptized, was close to the child, guarded and protected him from all the troubles that lie in wait for the baby on his life path.

When to Communion a Child for the First Time

We allow children to receive communion from the moment of baptism, because in baptism they are, as it were, mysteriously immersed in Christ and begin to live His life. And our belonging to Christ does not depend on the amount of our knowledge. A child's soul can know more than his parents or adults. Therefore, the question is not that he does not know so much, does not understand, and therefore whether he can take communion ... His soul came to life by the grace of Christ, and he communicates with Him.

During the divine service, a Chalice is brought out, into which special consecrated bread cut into small pieces was previously placed and wine diluted with water was poured. Prayers are read over this bowl, which you will naturally hear, the holy spirit of Jesus Christ is called, and thus the holy spirit descends into this bowl and it is believed that the blood and flesh of Christ are invisible in it.

Let's calm everyone down. Not a single person got sick from it. None of the babies got worse. On the contrary, children should receive communion as often as possible.

Turn the first visit to the temple into a real holiday! If the child is older, he will like to put candles, choose a commemorative icon. You can give an interesting Orthodox book, cassette; after the church - somewhere to eat deliciously, and maybe take a walk in a cheerful company of kids, of which there are always a lot at the Temple.

How to explain the meaning of the Sacrament to a baby

It would be nice to explain the meaning of the Sacrament in a form accessible to every kid: explain to a two-year-old daughter or son that this is a meeting with God. Babies do not need to talk about the Body and Blood of the Savior - children are not ready for this realization due to their age and they will understand this over time, or you will be able to explain this to the child yourself in an accessible form over time. It can help here Sunday School for children or a good conversation with the Father, when the baby grows up a little and begins to understand more. But you should not tell your child about “delicious” when it comes to Communion. What to say? - It's Communion. So we say to our children: the sun, look, this is bread. This is porridge. This is sugar. Let's try. And the child assimilates the information received for the rest of his life.

Appearance, clothes of parents and children
For a mother, it is advisable to wear a long skirt, a scarf and a jacket with long sleeves to the temple (a three-quarter sleeve is also suitable in the heat). For the monastery, these conditions are strictly necessary. But clothes can be both beautiful and festive, according to the canons “in black” only widows go to the Temple of God.

For children - the girl should be in a hat or scarf, and the son - without a headdress. By the way, you should turn off the church cellular telephone. In winter, you need to take off your mittens in the temple. Outerwear can be removed or unbuttoned.

Is it possible to feed children before Communion

Up to 3 years of age there are no food restrictions. Babies can be safely fed, but preferably a little in advance (at least 30 minutes, although, if possible, it is better 1.5 hours before Communion), so that the baby does not burp after Communion.

After three years, children take communion on an empty stomach. You can’t even drink holy water (you can ask the Priest about taking medicine).

But after the Sacrament, you do not need to feed the children abundantly, especially if you get home by car.

When to come to Communion with children

It is best, of course, to know the schedule of services in advance. Most often, the liturgy (they take communion only at liturgies) begins on weekdays and on Saturdays at 8, and on Sundays and holidays at 7 and at 9 or 10 in the morning.

However, in some temples it may be a little different: at 7, 7.30 or 6.30 in the morning ...

When to bring children to Communion. Adults can look at the state of the child, if he behaves calmly, you can stand in the Service. Usually, small children are brought before Communion itself, which happens after the Our Father prayer, usually 50 minutes later, an hour after the start of the service, but you need to be prepared that the service will be longer. The schedule is always posted in advance. Children under 7 years old can attend the Service with adults or walk near the Temple.


Before going to the Chalice (to Communion), take the Blessing from the priest who confesses (no need to stand in line with children). If there is no priest, go to Communion and tell the Priest who Communion about it.

Communion is the greatest shrine, the Lord God Himself! By the way, that's why they don't cross themselves before the Chalice.

Older children fold their arms crosswise on their chests (the right one is on top of the left one). Adults put babies on their right (!) Hands, and put babies on right hand head. A pacifier is not given in front of the Chalice. This is done so that not a single drop of Communion is spilled on the clothes.

During communion, the altar servers hold a special red cloth - a board, and the baby's mouth will definitely get wet.

And be sure to explain to the baby that the Particle must be swallowed. Better yet, see for yourself, especially the first time.

If a drop of Communion gets on clothes or a child burps after Communion, go up to Father and tell about it.

First, the children are given communion. After the words of the priest: “The servant of God takes communion ...” - you need to clearly name church name child (the name with which the child was baptized). For babies, an adult calls the name, and older children call their names on their own.

After Communion, without talking yourself and not allowing the children to talk, lead them to a special table - drink the sacrament and take a piece of prosphora.

Then the baby can be attached to the Crucifixion, or you can wait until the end of the Service and kiss the Cross, which the priest will take out at the very end of the Service.

It is not necessary to wait for the end of the Service - look at the condition of the child.

Until the age of seven, children do not go to confession.

The article was prepared by the editors of the site "Children's"

C - to dream