Courses. "Weaving course: from beginner to pro" (Learn on looms with Ashford reed)

Hand weaving on the loom.

Loom weaving

Master classes "Hand weaving on the loom"

Hand weaving on the loom.

Loom weaving- This is an old type of traditional women's craft. Previously, this craft was vital in peasant life, and almost every woman owned it. IN modern world there is no such need, but this craft attracts the attention of an increasing number of people. The ability to weave on the loom allows you to make unique products. Traditionally, these are all kinds of floor mats, napkins, towels, curtains, tablecloths, sashes. Using these products in different purposes, you can give the modern interior an unusual look, a warm and cozy atmosphere. In addition, all these products are environmentally friendly.
The great advantage of weaving is the ability to use almost any material. It can be either old (used) fabric or new, any thread. IN Lately mats made from various herbs and plants are very popular.

1. Basic course.
Fundamentals of weaving. Calculation of warp and weft threads. Warping of the warp, threading the loom. Several types of patterned weaving with a focus on rugs. Warp - cotton threads, wefts from threads (cotton, wool, acrylic) or strips of fabric of a certain width.

2. Master class "Weaving rugs in the technique" Gingerbread "".
Calculation of warp and weft threads. Features of the warping of the warp and filling the machine.
Creation of geometric shapes in woven fabric.
Warp - cotton threads, wefts from threads (cotton, wool, acrylic) or strips of fabric of a certain width.

3. Master class "Weaving in the technique of "Kiseya" ("twisted kisei", "twisted kisei)".
Features of refueling machine. Manual transfer. The use of an additional pick-up board in the work.
Weft and warp - cotton threads, linen, wool, acrylic.

4. Master class “Weaving in the technique of “Swearing”, “Branina””.
Calculation of warp and weft threads. Features of the warping of the warp and filling the machine. Drawing calculation. Application in the work of a pick-up needle, an additional pick-up board.
Weft and warp - cotton threads, linen, floss, wool, acrylic.

5. Master class "Patterned (multi-shaft) weaving on 4 threads".
Calculation of warp and weft threads according to the figure. Features of the warping of the warp and filling the machine. Technological methods "Ryadno", "Herringbone".
At the end of each master class, the student receives a certificate. All required materials are provided during the class.

Dear friends and future colleagues!

We invite you to weaving courses on a loom with a reed "Weaving on weaving Ashford machines: From Novice to Pro.

First of all, you will learn:

  • masterfully own a loom with a reed!
  • master different ways refueling the machine - including "quick tricks" and a lot of chips!
  • in practice, you will work out the basics of weaving a balance sheet, the formation of a smooth edge, the change of weft thread;
  • hone the technology of creating a simple canvas, openwork, geometric ornaments, learn how to play with a textured canvas;
  • learn classic Russian weaving techniques and popular European techniques;
  • get acquainted with the most "working" basic techniques of hand weaving, so that you can experiment with them like a real textile designer.
  • try in practice to create the most fashionable patterns that are still used in Chanel fabrics and outfits - houndstooth and curl;
  • work out the imitation of multi-shaft weaving;
  • understand the principle of creating unique author's fabrics;
  • plunge into the big topic "Colour science in classical weaving";
  • learn how to create color accents in a woven fabric;
  • learn the principles of creating stylish and textured fabrics and feel like a textile designer;
  • touch such interesting techniques as weaving, carpet weaving, tapestry weaving...

As you can see, the program is very extensive and in each course we focus on the interests of students. Therefore, we can spontaneously add some topic to the course if it is interesting to most students and work it out in detail. It all depends on you - on your desire to work and curiosity. We are open to any creative development of events)))))

We will study on compact desktop looms with a reed from the Ashford factory: classic looms with a reed and on folding looms. These machines are very easy to use and allow you to quickly create woven items for the home, clothes, gifts for loved ones.

Classes are taking place in small groups, each participant will have their own personal machine and the necessary set of tools and consumables.

Important! Each student will be provided with an individual machine, a full set of consumables and necessary tools for the duration of the training.

  1. Register for the course and make an advance payment (see below). Remember: the prepayment is refundable only in case of cancellation / rescheduling of the event at the initiative of the organizer.
  2. The day before the start of the course, check the e-mail that you indicated during registration - there you will find a "reminder letter" with the address and detailed directions.
  3. On the day the course starts, come at the appointed hour and enjoy creativity in the company of like-minded people! Important: do not forget your passport (we have access control).


Director of GBOU SPO

Pedagogical College №16

Department of Education of the city of Moscow

S.A. Zavalskaya

"_____" __________ 20 ___


"Hand weaving"

Well: "Smooth weaving"

(72 hours)

Moscow 2013

Discussed and approved

at the meeting

methodological council


Protocol No. __________

from "_____" ___________ 20___

Kalugina Yulia Nikolaevna


Teacher of professional disciplines, specialty 050139 - Fine arts and drawing


Full Name,

academic degree, academic title,

position held

Note: professional retraining courses (over 500 hours) require internal and external review

"Smooth weaving".

Organizational and methodological section

Relevance of the topic

hand weavingancient way processing of fibrous materials and one of the most interesting types of arts and crafts, which inspires not only skilled craftsmen, professional artists and designers to create unique works of art, but does not leave ordinary viewers indifferent. Products made using the technique of hand weaving are beautiful, original, in demand both as objects of contemporary art, souvenirs, and as utilitarian products: household items, clothing or interior design details. Hand weaving technologies are available for mastering; they allow making unique woven fabrics even for people who do not have special artistic training. Having mastered the necessary techniques, even a child will be able to perform simple, but original decorative work in various hand weaving techniques. Weaving classes allow you to master the basics of artistic craft, acquire new technical skills, cultivate perseverance and accuracy, develop aesthetic taste, allow you to express yourself in the material and work according to the model, instill interest in artistic creativity, form fine skills.

The course: "Smooth weaving" involves the study of the basics of decorative design of woven products and the technology of hand weaving, allows you to master the techniques necessary for independent creativity and sufficient for teaching children the artistic processing of materials as part of additional education.

Category of course participants: "Smooth weaving" - educatorspreschool educational institutions, teachers general education schools, teachers of additional education, the teaching staff of educational institutions of secondary vocational education, masters of industrial training and the adult population.

Purpose of the course

Acquisition of additional theoretical knowledge in the field of artistic design of woven products and practical skills aimed at mastering the technologies of hand weaving, for the implementation of pedagogical activities in the framework of additional art education for children and for independent creativity in the field of arts and crafts.

Learning objectives of the course:

  • to study the specifics of decoration, ornamentation, design and color combinations in decorative products typical for smooth weaving;
  • to acquaint with the artistic features and creative possibilities of smooth weaving technology;
  • to form a system of practical skills and abilities necessary to perform work in the technique of hand weaving;
  • teach how to apply the acquired knowledge to creative work with a specific material, observing the requirements of technology;
  • to acquaint with the methodology of teaching children hand weaving as part of additional art education.

Placement of the course in a specific licensed additional professional educational program

This course is integral part additional training in the field of fine arts and methods of teaching it, together with courses on the technology of hand-painted fabric, is included in the section of artistic processing of textile materials. The study of hand weaving does not require prior mastering of other modules, sections, disciplines of the main licensed additional professional educational program.

Course Teaching Methods

In the process of teaching this course, explanatory and illustrative methods can be used to present material on the basics of the theory of decorative design of woven products and the technology for performing artistic and creative work. At the same time, the explanation must be accompanied by a mandatory display of decorative items, tools, equipment, reproductions, methodological posters, and sketches. If necessary, video films and computer presentations can also be used as visual materials.

On initial stage to master the practical skills and abilities of weaving, it is necessary to apply reproductive methods associated with direct repetition of the teacher's actions and copying samples. It is also possible to conduct master classes. As you master the skill, you can provide more independence to the students by offering to master the techniques with the help of technological maps and diagrams.

In the process of performing creative tasks, problematic and partially search methods can be used related to the search for meaningful, visual material related to the work on the design of decorative products.

Heuristic and research methods can be used when performing tasks on the method of additional education of children and in preparation for the final certification.

Training sessions on hand weaving include the development of theoretical materials and the implementation of practical tasks. In addition, it is planned to perform some tasks in the process independent work. Control over the development of the program is carried out by checking the results of the implementation of practical tasks in the classroom and independent work.

The implementation of the program of these courses assumes the presence of a workshop for the artistic processing of materials.

Workshop equipment: desks, chairs, cabinets for storing teaching materials, tools and equipment.

Technical teaching aids: television and video equipment, computer.

Equipment and technological equipment of workplaces: shaft frames: 40:60, 50:70, etc., weaving frames with reed (20:40, 30:60, 50:90), shuttles, warp (linen, cotton), yarn, wooden combs, scissors..

Requirements for the level of mastering the course

As a result of studying the course, students should be able to:

perform various types of decorative work: ornaments, decorative compositions, decorative products using hand weaving techniques;

perform the main technological operations for the artistic processing of materials;

embody the creative idea in the material, taking into account its decorative properties;

apply the basic technologies of hand weaving;

determine the goals, objectives, content, methods and means of teaching children hand weaving within the framework of additional art education;

plan hand weaving classes;


techniques and technological methods for performing works of arts and crafts in various technologies and materials of hand weaving;

the specifics of artistic design of woven products;

equipment and technologies for artistic processing of materials;

methodology for teaching various technologies of hand weaving to children as part of additional art education.

In the process of mastering this course, the student acquires (develops) the following competencies:

1. PC 3.4. Perform works on arts and crafts, design art, design and folk crafts in various materials, artistic and creative compositions.

2. PC 4.1. Determine goals and objectives, plan extracurricular activities in the field of fine and decorative arts in a general education institution.

OK 2. Organize your own activities, choose standard methods for solving professional problems, evaluate their effectiveness and quality.

OK 3. Make decisions in standard and non-standard situations and be responsible for them.

OK 4. Search and use the information necessary for setting and solving professional problems, professional and personal development.

OK 8. Independently determine the tasks of professional and personal development, engage in self-education, consciously plan advanced training.

To consolidate the acquired knowledge, it is planned to conduct practical exercises, quizzes, testing, etc.

Section 1. Smooth weaving.

Topic 1.1. Diagnostics of the level of professional competencies of students on the topic: "Weaving".

Determination of the basic level of knowledge of the course participants on the topic: "Weaving" by testing.

(Test tasks for the initial and final diagnostics of the level of professional competencies of students in the appendix to the program.)

Topic 1.2. Introduction to the course under study: "Smooth weaving".

The purpose, objectives and content of the course being studied. Basic requirements for the implementation of educational tasks, practical classroom and independent work.

The emergence, development and current state of the technology of smooth weaving. Artistic and technical features of the technology of smooth weaving with one-color enumeration. An assortment of utilitarian products, souvenirs and decorative art works made using the technique of smooth weaving.

Opportunities for teaching children the technology of smooth weaving as part of additional art education.

Topic 1.3. Materials, equipment and tools for smooth weaving.

Artistic and technological characteristics of yarn of various composition and texture used in the technique of smooth weaving. Varieties of warp threads, their purpose, composition and technical characteristics. Tips for storing threads and yarn.

Types of weaving frames and looms, their purpose, characteristics in terms of home creativity and accessibility for teaching children. Tips for making a shaft frame.

Tools and devices for smooth weaving: shuttles, wooden combs, scissors, tapestry needles, etc., their description, methods of preparation for work, rules of use.

Safety instructions for performing practical work in the technique of smooth weaving in the workshop for artistic processing of materials.

Topic 1.4. Preparation for weaving

Classification of looms. Short story their development from hand weaving to mechanical. The device of a manual horizontal semi-mechanical machine. The mechanism and details associated with the start-up of the loom in work, carrying out the movement of the warp and the supply of the weft on the example of a peasant camp. The study of the names and the purpose of its main parts and mechanisms such as: svolok, prituzhalnik, nichenki, healds, reeds, stuffing, shuttle, steps, pedestals, etc.

The device of a weaving frame with a reed, the name and purpose of its parts. The sequence of preparing the frame for work. The device of weaving frames with shafts, their varieties. Various ways to prepare them for work.

Ways of stretching the base, their advantages and disadvantages for various types of decorative work.

Preparation for performing work in the technique of smooth weaving, organization of the workplace. The technology of preparing the heald frame for work: warping the warp, laying a strip of cardboard and a parting strip, tying the shafts, making an equalizing braid.

Topic 1.5. Smooth weaving technology.

The concept of the structure of a woven fabric. Interlacing of warp threads with weft threads in various weaving patterns. Types of weaves in plain weaving: linen, twill, satin, matting. Rep weave and its importance for smooth weaving.

The sequence of execution of technical operations for the manufacture of woven fabric with one-color enumeration. Winding the weft onto the shuttle, securing the end of the weft thread. Piercing of weft rows by picking up even or odd warp threads with a reed, shafts or parting stick. Rules for laying and nailing the weft thread. Techniques for the formation of side edges. Completion of work, removal of products from the machine, fixing the warp threads.

The defects of the woven fabric that occur during the weaving process, their types, characteristics and methods of elimination: tightening of the edges, skipping the warp, knots and loops on the fabric, loops and knots along the edges, warp threads are visible, a weak loose fabric, etc.

Technique for making colored stripes in smooth weaving with one-color enumeration.

Weaving techniques with two shuttles. The sequence of the pattern "columns" with the help of two shuttles on the weaving frame. Rules for alternating shuttles and interweaving colored threads to form the correct edge. Making patterns "snakes", "knots" with the help of textured-twisted thread.

Topic 1.6. Technique and methods of weaving twill fabric.

Features of twill weaving and its scope in plain weaving. Alternating warp threads with a twill parting.

Weaving techniques with two shuttles using twill weave. The sequence of the pattern "diagonal columns" with the help of two shuttles on the weaving frame. Rules for alternating shuttles and interweaving colored threads to form the correct edge.

Techniques for creating a relief surface of the canvas using random wide loops in twill weave.

Topic 1.7. Techniques and methods of swearing weaving.

The role and place of abusive weaving in Russian folk costume. Examples of ornaments of Russian scold weaving.

The use of technical drawings and ornamental schemes to perform practical work in the technique of warp weaving.

Techniques of weaving with two shuttles in war weaving. The sequence of making two-color patterns using two shuttles on a weaving frame. The alternation of warp threads with the help of a parting strip or a pick-up board in war weaving.

Topic 1.8. Fundamentals of designing art products in the technique of smooth weaving.

Examples of simple ornaments, including stripes, columns, cells, typical for hand-made smooth weaving with one-color brute different peoples. Rules for constructing a technical pattern for weaving on canvas, taking into account the density of the fabric.

Sketch and template requirements. Technology of weaving according to technical drawing, sketch, pattern.

An assortment of textile products that use woven fabrics made using the technique of smooth weaving. Features them appearance, colors and decorations.

The algorithm of work on creating a model of a textile product from sketches to a design project and the development of a technological map.

Topic 1.9. Techniques and techniques for the manufacture of finishing elements of woven products.

The role of overlays in the decorative finishing of woven fabrics made using the technique of smooth weaving with one-color brute.

A variety of finishing elements made of textile materials, including threads and yarn: tassels, pompoms, cords, chains. their artistic characteristics. Materials and tools for the manufacture of finishing elements. Technique and methods of their implementation.

Techniques for embroidering woven fabric with tapestry needles and yarn. Examples of applications for finishing woven fabric applique, sewing on beads and accessories in hand-woven products.

Topic 1.10. The technology of making a tapestry in the technique of smooth weaving with one-color enumeration.

Requirements for a tapestry sketch. Features of the theme of its image, color and texture solutions in the technique of smooth weaving with one-color enumeration using overhead finishing elements. The choice in the sketch of design options for tapestries: in a frame, on a pendant, with a fringe.

The role of the pattern in tapestry weaving. requirements for its manufacture. Calculation of the size of the template, the technology of its use in the weaving process.

Preparing the frame for work. Selection of yarn, preparation of shuttles. Attaching a template. Fabric weaving. Removing the canvas from the frame, tying the ends of the warp. Production of tapestry finishing elements and sewing them to the canvas according to the intended pattern.

Techniques for decorating tapestries.

Topic 1.11. Technique and methods of weaving on cardboard.

Examples of products: souvenirs, toys, napkins, items of clothing, vases, etc., which can be made by weaving on cardboard. Appearance features, finishes and technological maps for their manufacture.

Materials and tools for weaving on cardboard. The specifics of stretching the base on a rectangular, round and cylindrical shape.

Technology of weaving on a rectangular and cylindrical form. Beam weaving techniques.

Topic 1.12. Technology of weaving baubles.

Examples of weaving baubles, straps, cords, belts and various woven strips on various hand tools: reed, reed, etc. Tools and equipment for weaving such products.

Techniques and techniques of weaving and weaving in the manufacture of baubles in various ways: using shafts, weaving devices, or simply by hand sorting. Rules for the use of ornamental schemes and technical drawings for making drawings in the process of weaving baubles.

Topic 1.13. Methods of teaching the technique of smooth weaving in the system of additional education for children.

Planning lessons on mastering the technology of smooth weaving for children of different age groups. Recommendations on the choice of materials, tools and equipment for smooth weaving that meet safety regulations, relevant sanitary requirements and the age of children. Methods of organizing and conducting classes on the study of the technology of smooth weaving in different age groups of children: teaching methods and techniques, requirements for visual and methodological materials, examples of exercises and creative tasks. Forms of control over the level of mastering by children of the program of additional education

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