Andrey Segeda: Is the church note so simple and… incomprehensible? Katyn. Fake "Shelepin's note"

IN THE Scorched Steppe


The years of the Great Patriotic War go into the depths of time. We, its veterans, are also leaving. How we want, while we are still able to do this, to convey to our sons and grandchildren the living memory of her unforgettable days - let the young people better realize what happiness it is to live under a sky not clouded by the smoke of military fires.

Much has been written about the Patriotic War. Much more will be written. Every day it deserves to be captured - whether it is an inconspicuous day of front-line calm, filled with hard, endless military labor, or a day of great battle full of incredible tension, which will later go down in history.

About one of these battles, as a result of which in the steppes near Belgorod and Kursk the enemy’s hope of turning the course of the war in his favor was finally buried, I want to tell in these notes. Offering them to the attention of readers, I do not at all pretend to give a broad, all the more comprehensive picture of the Battle of Kursk, to reveal its entire course. Let such tasks be solved in the memoirs of generals, in the studies of historians.

My task is more modest. I am trying to tell only about what I myself saw as an ordinary participant in this battle, and what my fellow soldiers saw. And even though our viewing sector was not very large: it was limited only by the scale of our regiment, only by our personal vision. But on the other hand, we saw the war at the closest approach, it happened, just at arm's length - the distance separating us from the armed evil enemy.

Let the reader not be surprised that memories of the battles on the Kursk Bulge are preceded by, occupying quite a lot of space at the beginning of the book, episodes in which the author’s personal, albeit small, experience and his personal observations relating to an earlier time are displayed. These episodes allow, of course, not on a large scale, but in some specific, salient features to imagine the circumstances of life in our rear on the eve of the battle, to see on separate examples how preparations for it went after the victory at Stalingrad, the logical consequence of which was then the defeat of the Nazis on the Kursk salient. In the fate of every person, even the most inconspicuous, ordinary, the course of history and the fate of the people inevitably find their echo - that is why I find it possible to talk about my comrades-in-arms, about other participants in the events, and about myself. We were the most ordinary people, of which there were millions, people who did our duty as citizens and soldiers. And I want the reader to see the battle on the arc and what preceded it, with our eyes, to be imbued with our feelings and experiences and to understand us as fully as possible. For four decades we have been separated from those blazing days. But the haze of time is unable to close them. In our soldier's memory, they do not fade. And do we not have the right to see to it that this memory survives us?

The present, as we know, does not exist without the past. Remembering the experience, I want to see it through the prism of today, where the angle of refraction of time allows it.

I consider my modest task accomplished if the pages of my notes help the reader at least to some extent feel the scorching breath of military suffering on Kursk land in the summer of forty-three.

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A. Shelepin
The most important document allegedly confirming the fact of the execution by the NKVD of 21,857 Polish prisoners of war in the spring of 1940 is a note by the chairman of the KGB under the Council of Ministers of the USSR Alexander Shelepin N-632-sh dated March 3, 1959 to Nikita Khrushchev with a proposal to destroy the records of the executed Poles. It contains so many inaccuracies and errors that it can hardly be called a reliable historical document. Details about the mysterious circumstances of the preparation of the note can be found in the chapter"Shelepin as the" main "witness of the Katyn crime".
We will present scans of this note to illustrate the inconsistencies associated with this document - the material was provided by. amarok_man after our previous publication on the Katyn issue.

Fake "Note of Shelepin" in the Central Committee of the CPSU. To the case of "Katyn". Her analysis .

"Shelepin's" letter to Khrushchev and the draft resolution of the Presidium of the Central Committee were not executed on the appropriate forms, but handwritten on plain paper. But from the transcript of the session of the Constitutional Court, where this document was considered, it follows that the chairman of the Constitutional Court mentions the presence of a form from the 1930s

On the "letter of Shelepin", sent in 1959 (the date of the letter is March 3, 1959, see below), the clerk of the general department of the Central Committee stamped the incoming number in 1965. It follows from this that he did not pass on the top-secret letter to the General Secretary of the Central Committee for 6 years and 6 days.??

In accordance with the content, the document was supposed to have the highest secrecy stamp - "Special Folder", and not "Top Secret".

The calligraphic handwriting of the letter attracts attention, each letter is written separately. This handwriting did not belong to Shelepin himself. Did one of his assistants carefully draw out the letters under the dictation of the Chairman of the KGB of the USSR, but did not use a typewriter? This could not be explained by considerations of secrecy, because the document passed through regular mail and office, as evidenced by the stamps of clerks

The absence of a letterhead and a typewriter font during the production of this document can be explained by the fact that the forgers did not have access to typewriters and letterheads of the KGB of the USSR for the corresponding period of time.

On the "letter" there is not the slightest mark or order of any secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU - it turns out that no one has ever seen the letter of the Chairman of the KGB Shelepin from the secretaries of the Central Committee.

The well-known abbreviation KGB has been deciphered, but for some reason not the NKVD. Troikas of the NKVD of the USSR were liquidated by the Decree of November 17, 1938 of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR and the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks. It was prescribed: “Liquidate the judicial troikas created in accordance with special orders of the NKVD of the USSR, as well as the troikas at the regional, regional and republican departments of the RK police. From now on, all cases, in strict accordance with the current legislation on jurisdiction, should be submitted for consideration by the courts or the Special Meeting of the NKVD of the USSR "

In April-May 1940, the captured Poles were taken out of the Starobelsky and Ostashkovsky POW camps alive, which follows from several thousand archival documents.

In the “Shelepin’s letter” for 1959, the “registration files for prisoners of war” of the Starobelsky camp are indicated intact and stored in the archive, but these files were burned on October 25, 1940, about which Inspector Pismenny and State Security Sergeant Gaididey drew up an act on the same day, still kept in the archive.

The Starobelsk camp is located not "near Kharkov" - but in the Voroshilovgrad region - almost 250 km from Kharkov.??

The CPSU in 1940 was called the VKP(b).

A comma is missing after the word "deeds" (participle turnover).

The material is too bulky. In the third part, scans of documents will be given that expose the fake + documents of the commission of Viktor Ilyukhin, who worked with materials about the Katyn case.

Missing a comma after the word "issued". The word "no one" is written separately.

The words "For the Soviet authorities ... at the initiative of the Soviet authorities" betray a "Polish accent." Not only the chairman of the KGB, but also ordinary citizens distinguished between legislative power - the Soviets (Supreme Council, etc.), which, by the way, had nothing to do with the Katyn case, and party and state authorities.

The name of the commission omitted the word "circumstances", and the word "Commission" is written with a small letter.

"Material b investigations".

Soviet seal - according to the rules, it is written with a small letter.

"For the fulfillment of possible requests" - clearly a Polish accent.

The “Shelepin Letter” was sent to the Central Committee of the CPSU through the office of the KGB, since it has an outgoing number (N-632-sh) and a date of sending March 3, 1959, but it does not have an incoming registration in March 1959 in the Central Committee of the CPSU.

On the letter, in addition to the stamp of March 9, 1965, there is another stamp dated March 20, 1965. With an increase in contrast, the inscriptions "Central Committee of the CPSU" and "General Department" become visible there.

Describing the "decision of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks" dated March 5, 1940, the performer wrote "Central Committee of the CPSU." But the party was renamed from the CPSU (b) to the CPSU only in 1952.

All this betrays that this is a base fake, made very rudely. In the calculation that such a linden will do for the perestroika leaders,

The topic of Katyn fakes is very voluminous and it is very difficult to lay out all the material. At one time, the commission of the deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Viktor Ilyukhin worked on the "Katyn case". By the way, he died under very strange circumstances.

Here is the statement he made on the results of his work in this commission, shortly before his death:

"In the second half of May 2010, one of the main manufacturers of this fake addressed Viktor Ilyukhin, a deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, with a confidential oral statement about his personal participation in the fabrication of the forged "Letter to Beria No 794 / B". After conducting an appropriate verification of the information received, V. I. Ilyukhin sent two official letters to the head of the Communist Party faction in the State Duma, G. A. Zyuganov.

"comrade Zyuganov G.A.

I inform you, as the leader of the Communist Party and the Communist Party faction in the State Duma, that on May 25, 2010, an unknown man called me and asked to meet with me. At the same time, he said that he could provide information in connection with the investigation into the death of Polish officers in Katyn. This meeting took place on the same day.

An unknown person gave me his last name, for the sake of his safety I will not disclose it yet, and said that he was directly related to the production and forgery of archival documents, including the execution of captured Poles.

From his statements it follows that in the early 90s of the last century a group of high-ranking specialists was created to forge archival documents relating to important events Soviet period. This group worked in the structure of the security service of the Russian President B. Yeltsin. Geographically, it was located in the premises of the former dachas of workers of the Central Committee of the CPSU in the village. Upland. The work of the group members was well paid, they received food packages.

He, in particular, said that they had prepared a note by L. Beria to the Politburo of the CPSU (b) dated March 1940, in which it was proposed to shoot more than 20 thousand Polish prisoners of war. At the same time, he demonstrated the mechanism for forging the signatures of L. Beria, I. Stalin (copies of the sheets are attached). I do not rule out that the Polish government was also handed fake documents on the so-called. Katyn case.

He said that his group had made a fake note by Shelepin addressed to Khrushchev dated March 3, 1959. Colonel Klimov took direct part in writing the text.

According to him, the necessary order was delivered to Nagornoye, a text for a document that should have been prepared, or a text to be included in an existing archival document, to make a signature of one or another official under the text or on the text.

According to his information, a group of people worked on the semantic content of the draft texts, which allegedly included the former head of the Rosarkhiv Pikhoy, who was close to the first Russian president M. Poltoranin. The name of the first deputy head of the presidential security service, G. Rogozin, was also named.

The group worked in Nagornoye until 1996, and then was moved to locality District.

He knows that employees of the 6th Institute (Molchanov) of the General Staff of the RF Armed Forces worked with archival documents in the same vein.

He claims that hundreds of false historical documents were thrown into the Russian archives during this period and the same number were falsified by introducing distorted information into them, as well as by forging signatures. also forged imprints of stamps, signatures, etc. He promised to present Additional materials. At the same time, he stated that it often causes irony for the public to present certain archival documents as reliable, although the named group of people "had a hand" in their falsification.

Dear Gennady Andreevich, I believe that there is some truth in the story of the interlocutor. I will refer, for example, to the fact that Russian scientists, in particular, Dr. historical sciences M. Meltyukhov has already proved the falsification of the "Testament of V. I. Lenin", documents related to the abdication of the throne of Nicholas II, there are other similar facts.

The question is more than important. It is associated with the complete discrediting of the significance of the Russian archives, the documents stored in them, and most importantly, with the discrediting of our national history.

It is necessary to continue the work on the study of this problem, to involve our historians in it.

I consider it premature to raise the issue with the Russian government.

Reported at your discretion.


May 26, 2010

"comrade Zyuganov G.A.

Dear Gennady Andreevich!

In addition to my note dated May 26, 2010, I inform you that I have continued contacts with the person who declared his participation in the falsification of archival documents relating to the Soviet period.

He is presented, as he claims, the archival file of the Special Fund No. 29, volume 7 "Correspondence of the NKGB - NKVD with the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks in the period from 01/02/1041 to 05/05/1941 On the preparation of Germany for war against the USSR" (fund 9). File on 202 sheets, filed according to the inventory on August 30, 1944. On the cover of the case there are the following marks: "Keep forever. Not subject to declassification."

According to him, this archival file turned out to be in connection with his participation in the work of a group of specialists in the forgery of historical documents in the early 90s of the last century. They had free access to archival materials. Many documents were brought to the village. Nagornoye without any accounting and control over their movement. Their receipt was not fixed by any receipts and storage obligations.

In fact, 202 sheets of correspondence with Stalin, memoranda of the leaders of the NKVD, the NKGB of the USSR, Ukraine, border services, as well as some directive notes are filed in the file. This volume was removed from the archive, according to the source, with the sole purpose of including a memorandum prepared in the early 90s on behalf of the People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR, Marshal of the Soviet Union S. Timoshenko, Chief of the General Staff of the Red Army, General of the Army G. Zhukov . The executor of the note is Major General Vasilevsky.

The note is indeed located on the sheets of the case under the serial numbers 0072-0081 with the stamp "Special Importance", "Top Secret", dated March 11, 1941.

The note gives an assessment of the political situation in Europe with proposals to pay special attention to the defense of our western borders. It is noted that Finland, Romania, Hungary and other allies of Hitler may be involved in the war against the USSR on the side of Germany. The alignment of our military units in the West is given with proposals for their strengthening.

The source stated that in the same order, another memorandum addressed to Stalin, signed by the same previously named persons, dated April 4, 1941 (No 961), was placed in the case file under serial numbers 0109-0115.

The note gives a description of the strength of the German troops deployed near the borders of the USSR. The opinion was expressed that Hitler could start a war against the Soviet Union "in the near foreseeable future", the start of the war "from the next two months to a year." At the same time, measures were proposed to deploy Soviet troops and wage war on enemy territory.

The source explained that these two false documents (memos), as far as he knows, were prepared mainly by military specialists of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, most likely, as he understood, to raise the authority and significance of the General Staff of the Red Army.

I will express a different point of view.

In my opinion, the fakes were made with the aim of discrediting Stalin I.V. once again, and this was done in line with that frantic propaganda campaign of defaming the Soviet leadership, which was carried out especially cynically and frankly in the early 90s of the last century and subtly continues now. Forgers historical facts the content of the "reports" tried to inspire that Stalin I.V. the situation on the western borders of the USSR was reported about a really impending attack, but he simply ignored the opinion of the General Staff. Therefore, the Red Army and the country as a whole suffered such heavy losses in the first two years of the war.

In confirmation of my version of the possible legalization of a fake document, I inform you that a memorandum dated March 11, 1941 was published in the Collection of Documents "State Security Organs of the USSR in the Great Patriotic War", vol. 1, book two, pp. 49-54, ed. A / O "Books and Business", Moscow 1995, published by the Academy of the Federal Counterintelligence Service (now the FSB) of the Russian Federation.

Communication with the source increasingly strengthens my confidence in the veracity of many of his information about the falsification of documents on historical events of great importance, but I believe he did not report all the fakes.

I consider it appropriate now to start drafting an official statement of the Central Committee (Presidium) of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation on the falsification of archival historical documents.

IN AND. Ilyukhin

Here they are - ordinary church notes.

In the notes submitted for commemoration at the liturgy, they write the names of ONLY those who are baptized in the Orthodox Church!

Notes must be submitted before the start of the liturgy. It is best to submit memorial notes in the evening or early in the morning, before the start of the service.

Notes for prayers can be ordered before it starts, or in advance.

A memorial service can be ordered on the day of remembrance (without delay), or the night before.

Names should be written in the genitive case, that is, asking ourselves the question: pray for the health or repose of whom? Peter, Tamara, Lydia ... It is incorrect to write: Tamara, Elena.

Notes should be written legible handwriting, do not shrink the letters. When entering names, remember them from the bottom of your heart with a sincere desire for their good, trying to think about each of those whose names you enter.

Write names not in abbreviated form, but in full: not Katya, but Ekaterina, not Masha, but Maria, etc.

All names must be given in ecclesiastical spelling

It does not follow use affectionate substitutions for proper names: not Dunya, but Evdokia, not Lelya, but Elena, and so on, as well as common folk variants of Christian names, for example, Yegor instead of George, Stepan instead of Stefan, etc. No matter how much we love the baby, no matter how tender we feel for him, in the notes you need to write the full Christian name: Alexander.

Fenya- Dear ones, take the trouble to decipher the name of your grandmother-great-grandmother yourself. Whatever you call her - Dunya, or Dusya, or Lyolik - you need to write this name in full, correct form. Not Fenya, butFekla, and maybeAgraphenes. Ask relatives about your grandmother's real name.

Before entering non-traditional names relatives and friends, let's figure out what their Christian name is. So, often in the notes there are names Rustam, Ruslan. If this person is baptized, he was given a Christian name. Also, there are no such names in the calendar as Lenin, Oktyabrina, Kim, etc.

Ruslana- There is no such name in the calendar. Or maybe this person is not baptized at all? If a person does not orthodox name before asking him to pray for church prayer, you need to find out what name he has in baptism. As a last resort, if we do not know the Christian name of this person, we can write next to it, in brackets: (baptismal) This will show the priest that the person is an Orthodox Christian.

October- There is no such name in the calendar either, this is a Soviet name. It is necessary to indicate the Orthodox name of the person in the notes.

Remembering the priest, mWe never write in notes: Fr. Basil, oh Peter. Whatfather? Deacon? Priest? Archimandrite?.. We always write: deacon, hierodeacon, priest, archpriest, hieromonk, hegumen, archimandrite, monk (or monk).

The names of saints are often found in the notes. For those who don't know: we do not pray for the repose of people glorified as saints. It is they who, being at the Throne of God, are praying for us. Therefore, it is not worth writing in notes the name of Father John of Kronstadt, as is often done, or the name of St. Blessed Xenia of Petersburg.

Can't writeBliss. Mary- What a blessing. Maria? Wordblessed- this is the official title of a saint, glorified by the Church in the face of the blessed: Blessed Matrona, Blessed Xenia. If some old woman is called blessed by her admirers, this is only her pious name, but not the title adopted by the Church. That's why in notes, all gentle and respectful forms of address should not be written. Also don't writeOld Lady Love, Elder Nicholas. The latter is often written in notes, referring to the blessed memory of Archpriest Nikolai Guryanov from the island of Zalita, near Pskov. But in the notes you need to write: prot. Nikolai, not Elder Nikolai.

Dev. FaithWe don't have a title right now.Virgin , orVirgo that was in the Ancient Church. This was the name given to women who devoted their entire lives to serving God, without creating a family. This is an ancient prototype of monasticism. But today there is no such rank and church title. And if a woman simply did not manage to get married, then this is all the more reason to solemnly inform everyone about it.

Daniel, Rev. Petra - 1) There is no name Danila, there isDaniel. This is how it should be written in notes. 2) Write a priest. Peter, without specifying whether he is a priest or an archpriest, is not a gross mistake. The mistake is that after all the name of the priest is written before the names of the laity. Mixing everyone together: metropolitans, priests, laity is not worth it.

A child under seven is listed as an "infant"(for example, young John) and completely.

A child after 7 to 14 years is indicated in the note as a child(for boys) and maiden (for girls). For example, ref. Helena, ref. Demetrius.

You can not submit a note on the health of an unborn child. The unborn child has not yet received Holy Baptism, and only the names of baptized Orthodox Christians are written in the notes.

Also n it is not allowed to submit notes on the repose of the dead and unbaptized babies. It is only possible to commemorate with a candle and at home with a prayer for unbaptized babies.

The sequence of listing commemorated people in the note: - the names of the clergy are entered first, indicating their rank:
patriarch ...., metropolitan ...., archbishop ....,
bishop ...., protopresbyter ...., archimandrite ....,
archpriest - hegumen ...., hieromonk ...., priest ....,
archdeacon ...., protodeacon ...., hierodeacon ....,
deacon ...., subdeacon ...., monk (nun) ....,
novice (novice) ....; reader ....;
- followed by your name spiritual father- a priest who
instructs you, takes care of the salvation of your soul, prays to the Lord for you;
- then children's names are listed:
baby (infant) .... - is a child under 7 years old;
lad (maiden) .... is a child from 7 to 14 years old;
- now the names of all other adult lay people fit in:
first male names and then female:
your parents;
own name;
names of your family members, relatives and relatives;
the names of your benefactors;
if you have any, then write the names of your
ill-wishers, offenders, envious people and enemies;
- according to pious tradition, after the list of names, the phrase is usually entered
"All Orthodox Christians", which says what you desire
salvation to all without exception, Orthodox Christians, names
which you may have forgotten or not known.

As a complement to the name, you can write (in understandable abbreviation):
sick - (sick);
traveling - (traveler);
prisoner - (zakl.);
pregnant (non-idle) - (non-holiday).

Additional information that you canwrite in notes "About repose":
newly deceased - Deceased within 40 days after
death (usually abbreviated in notes as n / a);
ever-memorable (deceased, having a memorable date on this day)

usually denoted in notes in abbreviated form:
- day of death,
- name day
- and the birthday of the deceased;


All read notes are burned in a special place.

Sometimes, the most difficult and incomprehensible things in the church for us are the simplest things ... For example, church notes. For me, as for a person who has spent more than 11 years in the altar, the question is: “What is the difference between a prayer service and a magpie?” looked funny. Until I realized that my friends and acquaintances ask me too often.

Then I decided to conduct a small survey in order to understand what exactly in relation to church records was incomprehensible to my friends and colleagues, and it turned out that literally everything was incomprehensible to them!

Some were perplexed why notes were written, where they were then taken away, and what happened next with them and with those people for whom they were applied.

Others faced the problem of filling out a note: Is it possible to enter the names of all or only those who were baptized? What if you don't remember a person's baptismal name? How to correctly distribute those entered into categories: “pregnant”, “warrior”, “student”, “hieromonk”, and is it necessary?

Still others tried to understand what is the point of dividing notes into custom-made and simple ones, magpies, prayers and requiems?

Finally, the fourth worried money question. What happens if the note costs 10 rubles, and only 8 were found in the pocket? Refuse to receive and pray? Or why in one temple they take money for a note, and in another for each name? If I have many relatives, should I save on their commemoration and submit notes not for all? I'll try to tell you everything.

1. Why are notes written and what happens to them then?

The Savior Christ Himself said: “Truly, I also say to you that if two of you agree on earth to ask for any deed, then whatever they ask, it will be for them from My Father in Heaven, for where two or three are gathered in My name, there I am in their midst” (Matthew 18:19-20).

These words of the Lord indicate that although prayer at home is of great importance, but congregational prayer in the temple it is still more valuable and stronger, so it is very right to visit it yourself as often as possible and prayerfully commemorate your loved ones there.

When the notes are written and given to the church shop, they wait there for the arrival of the sexton, who will take them to the altar. There they, if they are so-called “simple notes”, will be commemorated twice.

First, the priest will prayerfully commemorate each of your loved ones during the proskomidia - a special sacred rite, when the prosphora and wine are prepared in a special way for the offering of the Bloodless Sacrifice for all believers, during which the Holy Spirit mysteriously transforms them into the Body and Blood of Christ.

At the proskomedia, the priest, with a special knife - a “copy”, will take out exactly as many particles from small prosphora as there are names contained in the notes collected for this liturgy, while praying for each of these people. In large cathedrals, there are a lot of notes, so the commemoration at the proskomedia can be performed by several priests at the same time - each with his own part of the notes.

The second time your loved ones will be remembered at the end of the Sacrament of Communion, when the priest brings the Holy Chalice to the altar. Then he will read the prayer: “Wash away, Lord, the sins of those who are remembered here, by Your Honorable Blood, by the prayers of the saints” and will pour into the Chalice all the particles taken out for the people who were commemorated that day. Through contact with the Body and Blood of Christ, all those who are commemorated will receive special divine help for their bodily and spiritual recovery and correction of life.

If the notes that you will submit are “custom-made”, then they will additionally pray for those who are commemorated by you three more times: the deacon will commemorate them while reading the special litany to them, then the priest will read the prayer before the throne, and then, depending on whether “about health” this note or “for repose”, it will be read again with a prayer, respectively, at a prayer service or at a memorial service.

2. Who can and who cannot be included in notes, when is it better to submit them and how to draw them up correctly?

It is best to submit notes at the evening service or at the very beginning of the liturgy, at least before reading the Gospel, since the priest must still have time to remember your loved ones, then prepare the Holy Gifts for transfer from the altar to the throne and move them there during the Great Entrance, after which the particles are no longer removed.

During the divine service, the Church commemorates all people in common prayers (“... For those who are floating, traveling, sick, suffering, captive, and let us pray to the Lord for their salvation ...”, etc.), but the commemoration by the priest in the altar is reserved for the faithful children of the Church - then there are baptized people. Also, if we talk about the deceased, people who deliberately took their own lives are not commemorated. The Church prays for everyone else.

It is recommended to write the names of the commemorated in the genitive case (about the health / repose of whom? - Nicholas, Elena, Paul, ..) and in full (Nicholas, not “Kolya”, Peter, not “Petya”). It is also worth trying to write the names adopted in church tradition(Elena, not Alena, Sergiy, not Sergey, Georgy, not Zhora, Gera, Yegor or Yuri). At the same time, the baptismal name of the person is indicated (Vladlen, Artur or Oktyabrina definitely have a middle name given at Baptism).

Now about titles. If we talk about the oldest tradition, then no titles, except for the holy dignity, were indicated in the notes. All the names were written one below the other, in a column, and only the clergy had some kind of prefix in front of the name: “Metr.” - Metropolitan, "Bp." - bishop, "priest." – hieromonk, “deac.” - deacon, "mon." - a monk.

Somewhat later, they began to add prefixes to the names of people who require a special prayer commemoration - “v.” before the name of a warrior due to the severity of his service, “ml.” - in front of the baby's name because of his tender age and "bol." - in front of the name of the sick person, because at the moment he is struggling with the disease.

Now, many believers are trying to somehow single out almost everyone, and the priest is forced to spend a lot of time analyzing various fantasies like “uch”, “fruit”, “ber”, “neg.” and others. This is not a particularly good tradition and it is not worth arranging notes in this way.

If you still don’t remember or don’t know the name of the person in baptism, but you know for sure that he was baptized, write as it is - the priest will remember him, and the Lord already knows exactly what name he was given. But try to find out church name close still try!

3. What is the meaning of separating notes and what types of notes are there?

Notes are primarily divided into two types - about the living and about the dead. They are divided into simple and custom-made because in churches, especially in large cathedrals, there can be very, very many notes, and it can take a very long time to commemorate all of them as custom-made, which delays the service and is physically difficult for believers praying in the temple, who spend the entire service carried out on their feet.

Commemorations are also divided into liturgical and non-liturgical, one-time and reusable.

At the divine service, only notes on health and repose (simple and custom-made) and temple memorials are read, where relatives of priests, clergymen, philanthropists, etc. are inscribed.

After the divine service, a moleben (with or without blessing of water, to the Lord, the Mother of God or a saint, for one or another need) or a memorial service can be served additionally. A prayer service is served for the living, a memorial service for the dead. At the prayer service, custom-made notes about health and notes for a prayer service (with the inscription “prayer service”) are read, at a memorial service - custom-made notes about the repose and notes for a memorial service (with the inscription “requiem”).

There are also multiple commemorations, the so-called “magpies”. They are also for the living or for the dead and are commemorated at the same moments of worship and extra-liturgical prayers as custom-made notes. Magpies differ only in the period of commemoration - they can be served for 40 days (hence the name “Sorokoust”), for six months or immediately for a year.

In some churches, and especially in monasteries, you can order an “eternal commemoration” or a reading of the “Indestructible Psalter”. For both the living and the dead. But since this is not found everywhere, we will not consider these commemorations.

4. Money issue

Like a candle, a note is a form of our sacrifice to God and our contribution to the maintenance of the temple. In ancient times, people brought with them everything they needed for worship - bread, incense, wax, oil, wine, they themselves built a church in their village and gave a tenth of their income for its maintenance.

It is rather difficult for the current manager to make wine, and for a factory worker to collect wax from beehives ... Therefore, we bring money to the temple and therefore in church shops there is such a, at first glance, Jesuit formulation as “recommended form of donation”.

If you don’t have enough money for baptism, or a note, everything is solved quite simply - you just need to go to the rector of the temple, explain the situation, and in the vast majority of cases, he will bless you to give as much as you can and prayerfully remember your relatives in the same way as relatives of any other person.

Finally, about notes and names. By this method, as a rule, they try to regulate the number of notes in churches where there are very few priests and a lot of parishioners. In temples where everything is balanced, the amount of donation is usually calculated by the number of notes. In the same places where the priest is overloaded, they set the norm in names. Then the person decides who is really important to him, and for whom he can pray at home, and the priest gets some relief when commemorating thousands and thousands of names. It’s good for us, believers, to take care of him too!


On this, the educational program dedicated to church notes is considered complete. If you think that any important issue has been overlooked and you would like to sort it out, please write in the comments. In this case, the article will be supplemented.

Dear brothers and sisters, I hope that with the answer to some of your questions, the temple has become a little clearer and friendlier for you! Come to the temple more often to pray to the Lord in the company of Orthodox Christians who are unanimous to you. Remember that not only you yourself need a dialogue with Christ, but your living and deceased loved ones are also waiting for your prayers.

Andrey Segeda

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Dear Tonechka!

I don't know, will you ever read these lines? But I know for certain that this is my last letter. Now there is a hot, deadly battle. Our tank is down. Fascists are all around us. All day we repel the attack. Ostrovsky Street is littered with corpses in green uniforms, they look like large immovable lizards.

Today is the sixth day of the war. We were left alone - Pavel Abramov and me. You know him, I wrote to you about him. We don't think about saving our lives. We are warriors and are not afraid to die for our Motherland. We think how much more the Germans would pay for us, for our lives ...

I am sitting in a riddled and mutilated tank. The heat is unbearable, I want to drink. There is not a drop of water. Your portrait lies in my lap. I look at him, at your blue eyes, and it becomes easier for me - you are with me. I want to talk to you, many, many, frankly, as before, there, in Ivanovo ...

On June 22, when war was declared, I thought about you, I thought, when will I return now, when will I see you and press your sweet head to my chest? Or maybe never. Because the war...

When our tank first met the enemy, I hit it with guns, mowed it down with machine-gun fire in order to more destroy the Nazis and bring the end of the war closer, in order to see you sooner, my dear. But my dreams didn't come true...

The tank shudders from enemy blows, but we are still alive. There are no shells, ammo is running out. Pavel hits the enemy with aimed fire, and I "rest", talking to you. I know this is the last time. And I want to talk for a long, long time, but no time. Do you remember how we said goodbye when you saw me off at the station? You then doubted my words that I would love you forever. She offered to sign so that I belonged to you alone all my life. I willingly complied with your request. On your passport, and on my receipt there is a stamp that we are husband and wife. This is good. It is good to die when you know that there, far away, there is a person close to you, he remembers me, thinks, loves. "It's good to be loved..."

Through the holes in the tank, I see the street, green trees, bright, bright flowers in the garden.

You, the survivors, after the war will have a life as bright, colorful as these flowers, and happy... It's not scary to die for it... Don't cry. You probably won’t come to my grave, and will it be a grave?

Pavel Abramov made the first record of the war in a tank unit where he served in the military. And vst - a quick march to the west, towards the treacherous enemy, to the aid of the border guard heroes.

The crew of tank No. 736 was ordered to follow in the direction of Rovno. The driver was Pavel Abramov. Alexander Golikov was nearby.

The first meeting with the Nazis took place on the third day. With a fight, the tank broke forward. A few more skirmishes along the way - and an armored car on the streets of Rivne.

The situation was heating up with each passing hour. On the morning of June 28, a fierce battle broke out at the crossing over the Ustye River. Drunken Nazis went on the attack at full height on the defenders of the crossing, regardless of the losses. Abramov's tank skillfully maneuvered, point-blank shooting at enemy infantry and enemy firing points.

Having met resistance, the fascist troops bypassed the crossing and broke into the city from the south and east.

Once surrounded, the tank rushed to the city center, to where the main masses of the enemy were. On the move, he crashed into the thick of the enemy column, crushing the fleeing foot soldiers with caterpillars. The runners were overtaken by well-aimed machine-gun bursts ...

All day long, a Soviet tank rushed around the city, causing panic in the Nazis. But at the end of Ostrovsky Street, one of the shells hit the caterpillar, and the car froze.

Delighted, the Nazis pulled cannons and heavy machine guns to the wrecked tank. Thus began an unequal duel, which was later made into legends...

Pavel Abramov was 26, and Alexander Golikov was 24. The first was born in the village of Davydkovo, Gorky region, the second - in a village near Leningrad. After school, Pavel came to Moscow, worked at the Borets plant, and after graduating from the road institute, in the 3rd bus fleet of the capital. Alexander graduated from a trade school in Leningrad and became a turner. Both were drafted into the Red Army in October 1940. There they met and became friends. But now, when explosions rumble around, we fraternized in battle and decided to shoot back to the last bullet.

Eyewitnesses who watched the fight later said:

Cannons and machine guns hit the tank from all sides. When one of the tankers died from an enemy bullet, the other continued an unequal battle. Shells and ammunition came out. The survivor set fire to the tank and also died.

They were buried by the locals.

Now there is an obelisk on the grave of the heroes. The names of the heroes are also indicated on it.

Pavel Abramov and Alexander Golikov were posthumously awarded the Order of the Patriotic War II degree.

One of the schools in the capital and a pioneer detachment were named after P. A. Abramov. The Komsomol brigade in the bus depot, where Pavel Abramov worked before the war, also bears his name.


Dear Naya! I rarely write to you. Not because I don't want to, but because I can't write often. You know my life is always in danger. I don't want to give you false hope. I always text you after a fight. But if you receive this letter, it means that I am gone, it means that I fell on the battlefield with the thought of you, my distant and close friend.

I took care to write this letter in advance so that you, alive, would know how much I loved you, how infinitely dear you were to me.

Only, dear, dear Naya, I am not writing this letter for you to be forever tormented by longing, sadness for me, so that you always go gloomy and gloomy. Not! That is why I am writing so that you know and remember until the end of your days about my love for you, about that inexpressible feeling that moved me, gave me strength in the struggle, made me fearless when it was scary.

And also so that you know that you, a good, sincere girl and your love are a reward and an oasis for a tired warrior.

Here is your photo in front of me. Your eyes are looking at me, as if alive. I see sadness in them. If you were filming with deliberately feigned sadness, then they would not have expressed it so much and completely. I know you're tired.

Your letters breathe with impatience, you ask to beat the Nazis better, more mercilessly, so that I will return to you sooner. Believe me - your order, your call - I will fulfill with honor. Like you, I live the dream to return to you, to meet you again. And I know the further west I go, the sooner we will meet. And for the sake of realizing this dream, I so greedily rush into battle, in the name of you I manage to do in battle what I would be surprised if I read in a newspaper.

I might be reproached if this letter were read, reproached for fighting for you. But I don’t know, I can’t distinguish where you end and the Motherland begins. She and you are one for me. And for me your eyes are the eyes of my Motherland. It seems to me that your eyes accompany me everywhere, that you - invisible to me - make an assessment of my every step.

Your eyes... When I looked into them, I experienced an inexplicable feeling of delight and some kind of quiet joy. I remember your glances, slanting, with a slight slyness. Only now I realized that in these moments, in these looks, your love was expressed best and most of all.

The future for me is you. But why am I talking about the future? After all, when you receive this letter, I will not be. I wouldn't want you to get it, and I won't even put the address on the envelope. But if, if you still get it - do not be offended. So it couldn't be otherwise.

Goodbye. Be happy without me. You will be able to find yourself a friend, and he will be no less happy with you than I am. Be cheerful. In the days of the glorious victories of our people, rejoice and triumph together with everyone. Only I want that on such days, on days of fun and happiness, hidden, tender sadness for me does not leave you, so that your eyes suddenly, for a minute, become the same as they are now looking at me from the portrait.

Sorry for this wish.

I hug you tightly and warmly.

With regards.

There was a fierce battle for the stronghold of the enemy. On the way of the fighters there was an enemy bunker, machine-gun fire from which did not allow them to raise their heads. Lieutenant Pyotr Glukhov, with a grenade in his hand, crawled to the embrasure of the bunker, at which time a bullet struck him. When the battle died down, friends with military honors buried a friend. In the personal belongings of the deceased, the comrades found an unsent letter to his beloved girl and her photo. On the back of the photo there was an inscription: “My glorious! You are far away, but you are always with me. I send this photo so that you remember me more often. Hello my dear. Your Naya. May 1943, mountains. Ufa.

A certified copy of the letter is stored in the Central Archive of the Central Committee of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League (letters to the editors of Komsomolskaya Pravda, 1943, No. 6543, fol. 3-6).


Hello my Varya!

No, we will not meet.

Yesterday at noon we smashed another Nazi column. The Nazi shell pierced the side armor and exploded inside. While I was driving the car into the forest, Vasily died. My wound is cruel.

I buried Vasily Orlov in a birch grove. It was light. Vasily died before he could say a single word to me, he did not convey anything to his beautiful Zoya and the white-haired Mashenka, who looked like a dandelion in fluff.

So, out of three tankers, only one was left.

In the confusion, I drove into the forest. The night passed in agony, much blood was lost. Now, for some reason, the pain that burns through the entire chest has subsided and the soul is quiet.

It's a shame we didn't do everything. But we did everything we could. Our comrades will chase the enemy, who should not walk through our fields and forests.

I would never have lived my life like this if it weren't for you, Varya. You have always helped me: at Khalkhin Gol and here. Probably, after all, whoever loves is kinder to people. Thank you dear! A person is aging, and the sky is forever young, like your eyes, into which you can only look and admire. They will never grow old, they will not fade.

Time will pass, people will heal their wounds, people will build new cities, grow new gardens. Another life will come, other songs will be sung. But never forget the song about us, about three tankmen.

You will have beautiful children, you will still love.

And I'm happy that I'm leaving you with great love to you.

Your Ivan Kolosov

In the Smolensk region, near one of the roads, a Soviet tank with tail number 12 rises on a pedestal. Junior Lieutenant Ivan Sidorovich Kolosov, a regular tanker, who began his military career from Khalkhin Gol, fought on this tank throughout the first months of the war.

The crew - commander Ivan Kolosov, mechanic Pavel Rudov and loader Vasily Orlov - perfectly resembled the characters of the popular pre-war song about three tankmen:

Three tankmen, three merry friends

The crew of the combat vehicle ...

The battles with the Nazis were fierce. The enemy paid for every kilometer of Soviet land with hundreds of corpses of his soldiers and officers, dozens of destroyed tanks, cannons, and machine guns. But the ranks of our fighters were also melting. In early October 1941, eight of our tanks froze at once on the outskirts of Vyazma. The tank of Ivan Kolosov was also damaged. Pavel Rudov died, Kolosov himself was shell-shocked. But the enemy was stopped.

With the onset of darkness, they managed to start the engine, and tank number 12 disappeared into the forest. We collected shells from wrecked tanks and prepared for a new battle. In the morning we learned that the Nazis, having rounded this sector of the front, nevertheless advanced to the east.

What to do? Fight alone? Or leave the wrecked car and make your way to your own? The commander consulted with the loader and decided to squeeze everything possible out of the tank and fight here, already in the rear, to the last shell, to the last drop of fuel.

On October 12, tank number 12 escaped from the ambush, unexpectedly, at full speed, ran into an enemy column and scattered it. On that day, about a hundred Nazis were destroyed.

Then they moved east with battles. On the way, the tankers attacked enemy columns and convoys more than once, and once crushed the Opel-Captain, in which some fascist authorities were traveling.

October 24 came - the day of the last battle. Ivan Kolosov told his fiancee about him. He had a habit of regularly writing letters to Varya Zhuravleva, who lived in the village of Ivanovka, not far from Smolensk. Lived before the war...

In a deaf and remote from the villages heath forest, one day they stumbled upon a rusted tank, covered with thick paws of spruce and half gone into the ground. Three dents on the frontal armor, a ragged hole on the side, a noticeable number 12. The hatch is tightly closed. When the tank was opened, they saw the remains of a man at the levers - this was Ivan Sidorovich Kolosov, with a revolver with one cartridge and a tablet containing a map, a photograph of his beloved and several letters to her ...


Dear Olga!

Today, exactly two years have passed since I have not received warm, sincere words from you that warm on cold autumn nights that caress the soul.

If you knew how much I miss you. If you knew how much I want to tell you...

I have learned a lot in these two years. The war hardened me. When I remember the past, it seems to me that I was a boy, and now I am an adult who has only one task - to take revenge on the Germans for all that they have done. To avenge the suffering of my old mother, who probably starved to death in German captivity.

Komsomol member Vasily Vasilyevich Ermeychuk wrote this letter in the newly liberated city of Nizhyn. But it was interrupted by the offensive signal.

Ermeychuk went ahead. As we approached the enemy trenches, the fire intensified. A fragment of an exploding mine wounded him. Another fell nearby, but at that moment he jumped into the trench and found himself right in front of the enemy. With a blow from the machine gun, the guardsman stunned the fascist, who was aiming at him with a pistol.

Several enemy soldiers attacked Yermeychuk. They pointed machine guns at him and shouted at him to surrender. Then the fighter grabbed the last grenade and threw it near him.

There was an explosion. The Red Army soldier fell. Around him, the Nazis fell dead.

The soldiers arrived in time to pursue the retreating Nazis. At this time, the orderlies picked up Vasily Ermeychuk. Eleven wounds were counted on his body. He was unconscious. He woke up for a moment, looked at his comrades and said quietly:

Take the letter to Olga in my pocket, add...

But he did not finish the sentence and died in the arms of his comrades.

Eight times that day, fighters clashed hand-to-hand with the enemy, avenging their fighting friend.


I die for my country. Consider me a communist. Tell Lena that I fulfilled my promise, and took her love with me

touching story Senior Lieutenant Vasily Alenin spoke about the heroic deeds of his front-line friend Tikhon Burlak in a letter from the army.

There were fierce battles. The Nazis clung to every line, but the Soviet soldiers stubbornly moved forward. During the liberation of the village of Medveditsa, Sergeant Burlak destroyed eight fascist soldiers in an unequal battle. Exhausted, wounded, bleeding, he picked up a machine gun, took grenades and went to where fellow soldiers were fighting the enemy.

After the battle, Tikhon Burlak ended up in the hospital, then again to the front, to his unit. He told new fighters and old friends about his beloved girl, that he was from Ukraine, from the city of Nikolaev, there were no relatives left alive. He often showed the shooters a carefully kept photograph of the bride.

And on one of the spring sunny days Sergeant Burlak, who was in the bunker, took an unequal battle with the enemy.

The Nazis during the day several times rushed to the attack, but the soldier took the trigger of the machine gun and each time stopped them. By nightfall the fighting had ceased. And the next day, in the morning, the Nazis resumed their attack. Deciding that a large group of Soviet machine gunners had settled in this bunker, the Nazis called in a bomber. The sergeant was already wounded in the arm and head, but continued to defend himself. He acted as long as there were cartridges. But after a three-day battle, only two grenades and a rocket launcher with one rocket remained. Tikhon fired a rocket and, in its light, threw one grenade into the thick of the enemy, the second blew himself up.

By dawn, the Nazis withdrew. There were 48 enemy corpses lying around the bunker.

The soldiers rushed into the ruins of the bunker. They saw their friend dead. Silently, with their heads bare, they looked for a long time at their comrade-in-arms, who had left them forever.

Near the broken machine gun lay a photo of Lena, well known to the shooters, covered with stains of fresh blood and pierced by a fragment of a grenade. On the ground - a suicide note written in large letters on a sheet of paper with the blood of a hero - Sergeant Tikhon Burlak. The note was published in the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper on June 1, 1943.

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