Linda goodman zodiac signs or astrology with a smile. Zodiac signs or astrology with a smile Linda goodman solar signs read

Linda Goodman is a contemporary American astrologer and writer. A philosopher and psychologist by training. Real name Mary Alice Kemery, born in 1925 in Virginia in the United States.

She married writer William Herbert Snyder in 1949. After the divorce, she remarried - to disc jockey Sam O. Goodman. In 1955 they got married. One day, Sam bought home the popular book "The Coffe Table Book of Astrology", and Linda, after reading it, completely immersed herself in the study of astrology. According to her husband, during the year she devoted 20 hours a day to this. She began her astrological career on radio and TV astrology programs from Pittsburgh ("Letters from Linda", NBC).

Her very first book ("Solar Signs", 1968), which is a popular presentation of the characteristics of the zodiac signs, brought Linda worldwide fame. This book has gone through over 20 editions and has been translated into many languages, including Russian.

In addition to studying astrology, she formulated new religion"mannitou" (mannitou), based on the teachings of Francis of Assisi and on the beliefs of the American Indians. She gave about half of her income to the foundation of this religion.

Linda Goodman is the mother of seven children from two marriages.

Books (2)

Zodiac signs or astrology with a smile

You will understand why:

your Gemini child is so often naughty;

Cancer husband hates to part with old things;

Virgo colleague with such persistence puts things in order in the office;

Leo boss harasses long-suffering secretaries.

The famous astrologer Linda Goodman, with sparkling humor and subtle powers of observation, compiled psychological portraits of all the signs of the Zodiac.


Linda Goodman can rightly be called the most popular astrologer in Russia. Her books have been a hit with generations of readers. She is not just an astrologer, but also a talented writer, and her bright humorous talent and subtle poetry make the books doubly attractive.

Psychological accuracy in describing the "portraits" of the signs of the Zodiac will allow everyone to easily recognize themselves, literally with mirror accuracy, and even if necessary, you can "beautify" in front of this mirror, kindly placed by Linda Goodman.

Reader Comments

Nicholas/ 10/10/2017 it feels like the author is a twin, because the description has subtle features of coincidence with reality, sometimes even refined. But, as a true writer of the serious under the guise of the frivolous, she herself urges not to fall into dogma, but to perceive everything with humor, and here there are too many coincidences. I congratulate all those who read it on the (let me express my confidence in this) pleasure.

Rais/ 11/22/2016 I am Aries. When I was reading her book about myself, I thought, maybe she wrote about Aries from me?

Alina/ 1.03.2011 Very exact description signs and their features. Indeed, 80% matches. Thank you.

Marie/ 09/29/2010 I can’t find L. Goodman’s book “Name and Fate” anywhere (I think it was called that, and was in the same book with “astrology with a smile”) How great the characters and fates of names and patronymics are described there! I read it in my youth, I remember for the rest of my life. Now I’m looking for it and I can’t find it, but I really want to have such a book at my place. Please help!!!

Assel/ 05/22/2010 You are the best, most accurate, most poetic astrologer of all time!!! I only read your horoscopes and they never cease to amaze me with their subtlety and insight. I deeply respect you and am glad that the world has given us you! Without you, I I would not have learned a lot of amazing and informative things. Your Aquarius)))

Goodman Linda Zodiac signs or astrology with a smile
March 21 - April 20

"Regardless of gender, Aries immediately rushes into battle with injustice, often without thinking about the consequences
"But he still will not lose heart for a long time, but will gather his strength, shake himself up and rush towards new trials and adventures."
How to recognize an Aries
... They did not want to follow the simplest rules that their friends taught: if you hold a red-hot poker in your hands for too long, you will eventually burn yourself; if you slash your finger deeper with a knife, blood usually comes from the finger.

Have you ever dated an extremely affable, assertive person with a firm handshake and a permanent smile on his face? If yes, then most likely you are in the field of view of Aries. Your assumption will be even more just if he also takes the lead in the conversation, without giving you the opportunity to insert a word.
Does your new acquaintance fiercely fights for a just cause and passionately defends the offended? It's even more like him. Regardless of gender, Aries immediately rushes into battle with injustice, often without thinking about the consequences. He will try to sort things out with anyone who dares to interfere with him, be it a police officer or an armed bandit. Later, he may regret his vehemence, but in the heat of battle, this simply does not occur to him. People under the influence of Mars have a very decisive character and are not subject to doubt.
Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac; it symbolizes life. Aries (ram) thinks only of himself. He is a child and, like any child, is completely absorbed in his own Self and is occupied only with himself. His interests are above all. Like a baby, he is not interested in what others think and feel. The baby is wet or hungry, and he screams heart-rendingly, demanding what is due to him. So is Aries. If he needs anything, he will not hesitate to call you at 4 in the morning. Are you sleeping now? How can you sleep if he suffers from insomnia? No, please stand up and get what he needs. Like a true child. Aries contemplates the world as an application to itself. But after all, it would never occur to anyone to call a baby an egoist. The same can be said about Aries. He is so natural and sincere in all his manifestations that this somewhat brightens up his egoism and aggressiveness.
There is no trace of cunning in Aries, and so he will remain for life - gullible, mistaken and believing again. Any grievances received will be instantly forgotten, as soon as someone warms and caresses him.
Aries can build castles in the air, but not at all in order to deceive anyone. He firmly believes in everything. There is nothing hidden or complicated in the character of Aries: he is all in front of you; in full view. Aries is as vulnerable as a child, and almost as defenseless. When adults or stronger people try to take away a favorite toy from a child, he begins to protest so violently that everyone understands that it is better not to mess with him, and they give him what was taken away. Accordingly, Aries also acts: the determination to get his own always contributes to the fact that he achieves his goal.
There are several features by which you can almost always accurately recognize an Aries among others. Aries have rather sharp facial features and well-defined eyebrows, a narrow bridge of the nose often forms a sign of a ram () together with the eyebrows. (The sign, as it were, warns anyone who thinks that he can easily cope with Aries). The complexion is usually bright; the hair, especially in bright sunlight, is slightly reddish, and the face and head are often marked by a birthmark or scar. In their movements, they are so fast and agile that it seems that sparks fly from them in all directions. They think just as fast. The bone structure of Aries is thin and strong. People of both sexes usually have broad shoulders, and they walk, leaning slightly forward, as if flying (straight and figuratively). A ram cannot be called a graceful creature, although the dexterity with which he manages to get out of crisis situations very often puzzles those who underestimate him. All in all, appearance Aries speaks of his extreme self-confidence and egocentrism. If you meet an Aries with sadly slumped shoulders, it means that in childhood he was deeply and painfully wounded, so he will need time to recover, but he will rise, you can be sure. There is nothing in the world that could put Aries out of action for a long time and spoil his character; he is by no means a pessimist.
The one who is patronized by Mars always looks straight into your eyes with captivating honesty and touching gullibility. You are his best friend, Yes? And truly love him, don't you? Not? Tears are about to well up in his eyes, but he holds back. And if you still happen to see him crying, then know: you wounded him in the very heart. Aries would rather die than let others notice his weakness; sometimes he literally risks his life, just so that no one thinks that he is not courageous enough.
When talking with someone, Aries looks directly into the face of the interlocutor. If he looks away, it means that he is simply not interested in the conversation. At this point, something else caught his attention, and he doesn't try to hide it. Don't be offended. Remember the child who, having taken one toy, immediately grabs another.
Aries will by all means seek leadership in their chosen career. An Aries loser is easy to recognize by the displeased look with which he is forced to obey someone else. Aries the winner is liberal, unusually generous, but wants everyone around to loudly sing praises to him. But what you will never find in Aries, no matter how hard you try, is refinement, tact and modesty. When the Lord distributed these qualities, Aries was in a completely different place. Aries is quite impatient. If even a very pretty waitress serves him a stale sandwich in a cafe, he will not hesitate to tell her everything he thinks about this. But if he likes the service, he will leave a tip twice the amount appropriate for the occasion.
Aries is overly straightforward, to say the least. Deceit and evasiveness are completely uncharacteristic of people whose patron is Mars. Straightforwardness and exceptional honesty are the calling card of Aries, although these qualities are by no means always positive.
Aries are inherently irresponsible. Sometimes, in anticipation of something interesting that completely captured their attention, they can forget about their duty.
Although Aries belongs to the sign of Fire and has determination, enterprise and courage, there are things that he is afraid of. He won't flinch if he meets a giant Bigfoot or even Frankenstein, but he can't stand physical pain. He's by no means a coward, but he'll whimper
and complain at the slightest pain. And dentists are his sworn enemies.
Each Aries during his life, at least once, will get involved in some kind of adventure, the result of which will be a scar on his head or face. Aries burns and cuts are very frequent, he suffers from severe headaches and migraines, the cause of which is often kidney disease. The ram should improve his health, regularly see the dentist, check his eyesight, eat right, do not catch a cold of the head and, if possible, do not abuse alcohol (which is harmful not only to the kidneys, but is generally contraindicated for people under the auspices of Mars). Bone diseases, pain in the knee joints and indigestion are common in people born in the second half of March - the first half of April. In general, the body of Aries is strong and hardy, unless, of course, you get carried away with excesses, which, unfortunately. Aries often works out. If you see an Aries lying in bed, know that he is really sick. But even in this state, he has to be kept in bed by force so that he does not run away somewhere. Thanks to a strong body, Aries recovers in cases where everyone else would have died long ago. And the sheep's stubbornness and unwillingness to follow common sense bring him to serious diseases. Unfortunately, such an attitude to health is typical for Aries, and only with age, Aries, wise in life, sometimes reconsider their attitude to this important issue. Aries are almost not prone to drugs; they rarely resort to drugs, even such as headache pills or sleeping pills.
Thanks to the indestructible optimism of Aries (along with two other owners of the sign of Fire - Leo and
Sagittarius) rarely suffers chronic diseases which astrologers have long attributed (and only recently recognized by physicians) to melancholics and pessimists. Those born with the sign of Fire are more likely to suffer from severe colds, acute infectious and other diseases, and high blood pressure. You can talk a lot about the ardor of Aries, but he rarely gives in to despondency. Depression, even if there are enough reasons for it, passes quickly and without a trace in Aries. Passion for leadership and a deep conviction that no one can do anything better than him, sometimes greatly interfere with Aries and plunge him into the abyss of all sorts of troubles. Aries will aggressively conduct their business, check and double-check the performers, and as a result, they may develop an ulcer or a nervous breakdown. But what Aries cannot be blamed for is laziness.
Being unsophisticated by nature. Aries are completely incapable of diplomatic tricks and tricks. One day, an Aries I know, thanks to energy and enterprise, got a wonderful sponsor for the implementation of one of his original projects. Just before the signing of the contract, the sponsor, quite naturally, offered to conduct an examination in order to estimate the cost of the project. Aries, who sincerely believes that in business relationship all the rest in comparison with him are simply zeros, with the humility characteristic of Aries, he said: “And you don’t want anything else?” I think it is unnecessary to add that the sponsor immediately refused to support the project, and my friend's brilliant idea burst like a soap bubble, since with the sponsor's departure, other project participants mysteriously disappeared. So Aries personally killed his future child. If he were a little more cunning, things could have ended brilliantly, but usually Aries takes half a lifetime to learn elementary diplomacy. But if he comprehended this too, then his success, thanks to natural intuition and huge creative potential, is truly grandiose. Surprisingly. Aries often create wealth not for themselves, but for others. Most of them, not having their own corner all their lives, rent an apartment or a house. But, apparently, the pursuit of money is not the main goal of Aries.
Although Aries moves through life with confidence, caring little for the feelings of others, and his attitude to everything can be expressed by the short motto "first of all I ...", he is nevertheless one of the most generous and kind signs of the Zodiac. It has no cruelty. He sincerely believes that he can do any business better than others. If Aries has to choose between fame and fortune, he will, without hesitation, prefer the first. This does not mean that he despises money, not at all. Just fame and recognition is more expensive for him.
Aries is very quick-tempered, but outbursts of anger are usually lightning fast and in a minute Aries forgets the reason for anger and sincerely smiles at you. in the UN General Assembly Hall in New York.
People whose patron is Mars are often accused of an unbearable character. And this is partly true. But they are not vindictive, they do not know how to grieve for a long time and are always surprised at those who cannot forget about the offense for a long time. How, do you still remember what he said to you in a temper? But he didn’t think so at all, it just happened to escape. Aries is able to ask for forgiveness even from his sworn enemy. Sometimes, in order to fulfill a cherished dream, Aries can be cunning. But even innocent lies of Aries are resorted to very rarely, since their lies are always noticeable. Aries are not interested in gossip; they are too focused on themselves and their own affairs to indulge in reasoning about the actions and behavior of others. Aries divides all people into good and bad, in his palette there are only two colors - black and white, no halftones.
Only in the case of a particularly unfavorable position of the planets at the time of his birth, Aries can be cruel or unfair, but this happens quite rarely. A typical Aries, with the same simplicity and visible pleasure, eats both at the royal table and in the company of tramps. And all the rumors about his prejudices are based on only one thing: he divides all people into friends and enemies, and if you belong to the first, you must, like him, hate the second.
If we discard excessive, annoying directness, Aries can serve as a model of secular treatment. He is able to talk for hours in a fascinating way about subjects about which he has no idea. However, he will not dwell on the details. It's not his forte, let someone else do it. Aries will not take the trouble to compose a plausible story - what happened yesterday has already passed and is no longer of interest to him, and tomorrow is still far away.
In Aries, a realist and an idealist coexist in an amazing way. Few people can demonstrate such perseverance and fortitude, and at the same time, few people are so sentimental, poetic and so piously believe in miracles. People whose patron is Mars are completely unable to admit defeat, even when it is obvious. They believe in happy endings - whether in love or in a baseball game. Being very capable players, Aries in the game always rely only on themselves. They are not the type to wait until success hits them. They prefer to conquer it themselves. This is why you almost never see an Aries as a beggar or on a dole list. Many people do not like this overactive Aries. But Aries, if they want, can be different: calm, wise and serious. Unfortunately, they come to such behavior only in adulthood. Although Aries easily win the sympathy of people, which is undoubtedly important for a career in politics, they rarely make good politicians. A cautious politician will first listen to all opinions, weigh all the circumstances, and only then express his point of view. For the average Aries, the political arena is not the best place to apply forces. Firstly, because Aries is not strong in the economy, and, secondly, he is unrestrained in speech and hates any restrictions.
The true purpose of Aries is creative creativity. Without the originality, energy and willpower of Aries, many projects will not be fully realized or will take on a completely different, less interesting perspective.
It is very difficult to compete with Aries in the manifestation of individuality. Aries usually prefers to talk about themselves and their own affairs than about others. The exception is people whom he sincerely loves. If you managed to win the sympathy of Aries, he will be the most attentive listener, especially if it comes to something new and exciting for him. He will fully support your idea, generously offer you his time, help and funds. If you go to the hospital, he may not choose the time to visit you, but he will advise you on the best clinic, take you there himself and introduce you to his personal doctor (in comparison with whom Pasteur is just a novice intern!). Having once helped you in difficult situation, Aries, without hesitation, will do it again and again. But you, please, do not forget to express your warm gratitude to him for this. He will be, if not furious, then deeply offended if you ignore his troubles and cares about you (which, quite likely, you do not need at all). He loves to do favors, and the wider the gesture, the better he feels. And if the gratitude you show turns out to be adequate to the efforts expended on his part, you can be sure that he will be happy to help you in the future. His amazing self-confidence, combined with a naive faith in others, often leads to disappointment. But he still will not lose heart for a long time, but will gather his strength, shake himself up and rush towards new trials and adventures.
If Aries believes in something, then you can spend at least your whole life proving his delusion, but you will not achieve the desired effect. He, as it were, puts blinkers on his eyes and stuffs his ears with cotton, while in a matter of seconds he himself is able to change his mind or come to a completely different decision. Then try to prove to him that just now his opinion was just the opposite - he will not even remember about it. The ability of Aries to instantly discard the old and comprehend the new is truly fantastic (one of the main explanations why he adapts to new people and circumstances with such ease). Those who try to dissuade him from hasty conclusions, he perceives as an obstacle in his path and, without a twinge of conscience, discards everything that hinders his progress. Aries especially does not get along with conservative people who weigh every word and deed; most often it is they who become his worst enemies.
In Aries, the spirit of quixoticism is alive, he boldly rushes into battle with injustice. But as soon as the heat of the struggle fades away, he again becomes a sweet, smiling and affectionate creature. The metal of Aries is iron, which gives its sign inflexibility and a huge vitality ten times more than other people. The fire burning in his soul is like a beacon that illuminates the path in the darkness and gives hope to those who suffer.
Aries is a pioneer, leading people to a great goal. His faith is pure - without an admixture of hypocrisy and greed. Aries rarely becomes the owner of a large fortune, but if this happens, he never shakes over it. He will willingly share all his treasures with others, believing that everything spent will return to him a hundredfold. Making people happy is one of his main goals. He sincerely believes that life is full of miracles, and will gladly share them, if, of course, you yourself want it.
celebrities born
under the sign of Aries

Hans Christian Andersen
Johann Sebastian Bach
Marlon Brando
Vincent van Gogh
Franz Joseph Haydn
Harry Houdini
Konstantin Stanislavsky
Arturo Toscanini
Tennessee Williams
Henry James
Thomas Jefferson
Bette Davis
Joan Crawford
Sergei Prokofiev
Joseph Pulitzer
Simone Signoret
Peter Ustinov
Nikita Khrushchev
Charles Chaplin

Aries man
And this cute old man
He said with a smile to me:
I catch water on a hook
And burn it in the fire...
I just want to get into the garden
but how - anyway.

Something that looks like an explosion, a tornado, lightning and Superman combined has just swept past you. No, no, you are not mistaken. This is Aries. If you are the type of woman who needs a constant holiday with noise and fireworks in her life, hurry up: your ideal is in front of you. But if you are looking for reliability and peace of mind in marriage, then, alas, this is not the hero of your novel.
The Aries man abruptly changes from one state to another. Just now he was burning with passion, and in a moment an iceberg is in front of you. If you offend him or he simply loses interest in you (or maybe both at the same time), you will immediately feel a dramatic change in yourself. To get his attention again, you will have to start from scratch.
Aries are full of ideas and creative energy, so being with them constantly is sometimes tiring, but not boring at all. They are fast and swift, and if you are a snail by nature, it will be difficult for you to keep up with Aries; besides, he does not have the habit of looking back, and you can get lost along the way. Aries usually look younger than their years, maturity and maturity come to them. later than others, don't forget that. The Aries man is impatient, determined and self-confident; he strives to get ahead of everyone, sometimes even himself. Sometimes he is generosity itself, sharing with people everything he has, and at the same time he is intolerant, forgetful, unbearably demanding and selfish if his desires are not immediately fulfilled.
The Aries man's attitude towards love is amazing. He gives himself to his beloved with all ardor, sincerely not believing that this is the only love in the world (with the possible exception of Romeo and Juliet). When the romance suddenly collapses, Aries with the same passion rushes to glue the broken shards, and if he fails, with the same faith and no less passion, he starts an affair with the new Juliet, where everything is repeated from the beginning. Regardless of the serial number of the novel: whether it is the first or the hundred and first, Aries firmly believes that this one is true. In love Aries the purest water idealist and so sentimental that he will not miss a single sigh, glance or groan, enveloping your relationship in a haze of sublime poetry. He doesn’t do anything by half, therefore, love is given all, without a trace.
Sometimes among Aries there are those who seem at first glance more calm creatures. But don't be deceived. Aries is Aries, and any Aries is ruled by Mars. Is your Aries not very talkative? Is he calm and not bursting with energy? This is only an appearance. The brain of any Aries rotates at a speed of 200 revolutions per second. If you want to find out something about your atypical Aries, check him out at his previous job or ask his former lovers. In response to your questions, they will laugh:
modest? shy? You must have confused him with someone else. Only by talking more closely with Aries, you yourself will understand everything. This is just a mask behind which a passionate heart and a hot head are hidden.
None of the other signs of the Zodiac is as faithful in love as Aries (unless, of course, true love). Honest by nature, he will never cheat on you and, being an idealist, will not even think about it. Whatever they write about him in books, infidelity and even light flirting are unusual for Aries. And how is this possible - because he loves you to the point of insanity. Love in Aries is an ideal, sublime romance, suggesting love to the grave. As for all his other hobbies, they are B.D.T. (before you).
True, listening to the passionate babble of Aries, you should be aware that all his words refer only to this minute. Aries' desire for ideal love can result in the fact that if tomorrow you stop responding to the image of his ideal lover, it costs nothing for him to switch to another object. Therefore, being the beloved of Aries, do not show yourself to him with a thick old scarf that wrapped around your neck during a cold; do not force him to be present at your toilet, when you do a manicure, brush your teeth, dye your hair, stick eyelashes, put on a mask on your face;
do not subject him to torture to listen to your many hours of conversations with your mother and friends. All these actions are not included in his concept of an ideal beloved, fairy princess. Next to him, you should always look like you are preparing to go to a ball or wherever he wants to invite you. If you live with him alone and he, coming up to your bed in the morning, as if the Prince from "Sleeping Beauty" wakes you up with a kiss, do not meet him with a snore or an exclamation: "Why the hell are you waking me up?" You should play the role of Sleeping Beauty to the end, who, upon awakening, casts a languid, clouded dream on her lover and gently wraps her arms around his neck.
Aries, if his beloved is not romantic enough, is first upset, then angry, and finally sets off in search of a new, less mundane, beloved. And such an act cannot be called dishonest on his part. He didn't break his promises. It was you who deceived his expectations. You promised him to be a beautiful nightingale, but in reality you turned out to be an annoying jay. Your voice seemed to him the voice of an angel, and you scream at him so that his eardrums burst. And most importantly, why? He's only stayed up late with his friends two nights in a row, and you're throwing a tantrum like he's committed a crime. What do you allow yourself? Marriage in his concept is not a prison, and he is not a prisoner, you must learn this well.
If you nevertheless learn to look languidly at him and try not to lose your charm for him, he will gladly prefer you to all other women in the world, especially since Aries is very rarely attached to several women at the same time (unless, God forbid , he did not have any of the Gemini in his family or Venus did not have an unfortunate position at the hour of his birth). Several novels at once simply do not correspond to his idea of ​​\u200b\u200bone, inimitable love. He will never start a new romance without breaking with the old one. In any case, you will feel that things are going to break. Aries rarely pretend to be in love and do not strive for this. But now you know perfectly well what needs to be done in order to chain Aries to yourself for a long time. Don't be boring, monotonous, or overly modest. To keep Aries, you have to be Grace Kelly, Ursula Andrea, Marie Dressler, Marie Curie and Queen Victoria at the same time. Try to convince him that you are the one best woman in the world, and his faithfulness will be boundless. Being an idealist and an egoist at the same time, he will never admit that he was wrong, he will not believe that his love has died. He will try to revive her. And yet his patience is not unlimited, and a situation with which most men easily reconcile, he will consider unbearable for himself and will try to get rid of it. After the break, if you happen to catch him in the right mood, you can start an affair with him again, but on one condition: pretend that there was nothing between you before. To make it easier for you to forgive him for betrayal, remember that the reason for everything was, first of all, B! themselves. It was you who ceased to be the one he loved. Adultery is not characteristic of the nature of Aries, so the roots of his betrayals lie in your wrong behavior. Remember this. You hold the keys to your happiness in your hands - do not lose them.
If you think you can fix the relationship by making him jealous, put those thoughts out of your head once and for all. Your first betrayal will most likely be your last. Aries will not tolerate not only genuine betrayal, but even light flirting and flirting with another man. Aries loves to reign everywhere and in everything, including in your heart; he is a terrible owner and jealous. But, worse, he allows himself much of what is denied to you personally; at the same time, he requires you to have absolute faith in your infallibility. You must kill yourself on the nose that all his lively conversations with other women are nothing more than a tribute to social decorum. But your flirtatious conversation with another will be perceived as a personal insult. Aries will gladly lift you up on a pedestal and will pray to you, but God forbid you come down from there or at least pretend that you don’t like it there.
In social and social life, Aries is a born fighter and rebel. He will willingly challenge the higher ones, as he is confident in his superiority over them. Perhaps this is true, but who likes to be told about it? Due to the fact that Aries loves to demonstrate his superiority, he often gets hurt, especially in those cases when he demonstrates this quality in front of his superiors, who will not miss the opportunity to humiliate the proud. In such cases, Aries will certainly turn to you for consolation and support for his offended pride. Know that self-confidence and aggressiveness in the character of Aries often hides a well-disguised inferiority complex, in which the true Aries is not recognized even under pain of death. And if you manage to heal the moral injuries inflicted on him with tenderness and devotion, the heart of your Aries will belong undividedly to you. Never try to prove to Aries that he is wrong, even if you are sure of it. You must learn to see the world through its eyes: love what it loves and hate its enemies. This is his life principle, and if you cannot follow it, it is better to look for another man for yourself. The nature of Aries is alien to any pretense; you will immediately feel that he has cooled off towards you, by the alienated tone with which he will address you. At the same time, the violent outbursts of anger that he brings down on you subside rather quickly and most likely indicate only temporary discontent. That is why the coldness of Aries is much more terrible than his anger.
The game is not characteristic of the nature of Aries. He is always direct and truthful in all his manifestations - both in business and in love. Once he realizes that he loves, he will not waste a second, but let him play the leading part. Do not pursue him, do not bother with your calls and do not declare your love to him until you are sure that you are reciprocated. The best way lose Aries - take the initiative in your own hands. Aries must be a leader, otherwise his interest in you will disappear so quickly that you won’t even have time to blink an eye. But when he confesses his love to you, discard coldness and excessive modesty, otherwise he will look for warmth elsewhere. Love with an Aries man is like balancing on a tightrope, and you yourself are like a tightrope walker. You must keep him in constant tension, maintaining interest in yourself, but at the same time, he must be completely confident in you. As you can see, the game is not easy. But if you want to keep Aries, learn how to play it.
The positive side of the relationship with Aries can be considered the fact that after a quarrel, he is usually the first to ask for forgiveness and the first to come to your aid. If you are sick or in trouble. Aries will always be with you. He will generously spend money on you ”will not miss the opportunity to compliment you, will openly admire your appearance and talents. He is quick-tempered over trifles, but this state quickly passes. You can become the greatest value in his life, and he will certainly tell you about it, but at the same time he is pleased when you sincerely share his hobbies and listen to his opinion. Aries strives to be everything to you and at the same time, unlike other men, will gladly reveal himself to you. Aries wants his girlfriend to be femininity itself, and at the same time - her boyfriend; he loves independence in you, but still such that he remains the leader. He craves adoration and devotion on your part, but not slavishly, but with dignity. How, after all of the above, do you still want to stay with an Aries? Commendable. Then, under the curtain, a few more strokes of his character. He can break loose and say hurtful things (which, however, he doesn’t think about), but you must forgive and forget everything as quickly as he does. You should like all his friends, although he reserves the right to dislike yours. What do you want? You have chosen a real man, and in the face of your Aries you have him. And if you real woman, then your romance Romeo and Juliet (without a sad ending, of course) will be the envy of everyone around. If you become the wife of an Aries, he will be the head of the family. He will not tolerate any remarks from you, both in public and in private. Especially when it comes to money. After all, it's his money, he earned it. It cannot be said that at the same time he was a good financier, but do not try to interfere in his financial affairs. If he is a typical Aries, he will never spare money for you and will give you as much as you want. He will gladly buy you a snakeskin handbag, but only after he gets himself a crocodile case (if, of course, there is money left after buying it). He is, of course, selfish, but by no means stingy.
Although Aries may often change jobs until they start their own business, this will not affect your well-being in any way. He will find a way to earn good money, although they will sail away quickly. The best advice in this case is to manage the economy more economically and hand over the savings when he needs money most of all. Aries rarely save "in reserve", unless, of course, they had some stingy in their family, or if at the time of the birth of Aries the Moon was not shining (predisposing to savings) - the patroness of Capricorns and Cancers.
Aries is an attentive and proud father, who enthusiastically perceives the birth of a baby (whatever it turns out to be). Later, however, he will try to control the children and dictate their future careers. In this case, he should be reminded that children love independence no less than he does. Fatherhood is the role in which Aries feels great. He enjoys playing baseball and football with the kids, talks about birds and bugs, and when the child grows up, he will gladly invite him to a restaurant for a family dinner. All that is required of you is not to let him know that young Herman or Henrietta means more to you than he does, otherwise his love for children will noticeably decrease.
If you were successful at work before marriage, you can do it after marriage, but (especially if you work in one area) do not try to overshadow your husband with your industrial or creative success, he will not tolerate this. Aries is one of those husbands who would rather forgive you a hastily cooked dinner than the loss of your interest in him and his affairs.
Do not interfere with his independence, but tactfully try to restrain his impulsiveness. He must lead in life, otherwise it loses all meaning for him; do not suppress his energy and enthusiasm. As soon as he ceases to dominate at work or at home, his optimism will turn into dull discontent, and then into complete indifference. Remember that he is devoid of the ability to obey. Do not try to break his masculinity, but do not lose your own individuality either. Do not command him and do not let him command you. The Aries husband will not tolerate a wife who spends every evening chatting in the ladies' club. And at the same time, he will not like a whore wife who always sticks out at home, doing only household chores. Try to find the golden mean. And if you succeed, after many, many years, at your golden wedding, you will be the only gray-haired Juliet, and let the aged, but eternally loving Romeo be next to you. For the sake of such a wonderful prospect, especially if you are romantic by nature - and you cannot help but be if you have chosen Aries as your companion - it is worth living.
Aries woman
"Don't you hurry to help her?" Alice asked.
- Nothing! Not for anything! - said the king. - She is. running around so you can't catch up with her! It's like trying to catch Bandersnatch's mother.
So, your chosen one was born under the sign of Aries? I don't even know whether to congratulate or pity you.
When Byron wrote that love in a man's life is only a part of life, and everything in a woman's life, he undoubtedly forgot about the Aries woman. It only seems to her that love is everything for her, but in fact she is so keenly interested in the world around her, not to mention the passion for her own person, that love, as one of the manifestations of life, is not able to embrace her whole being. . In addition, unlike many other women, she can do just fine without a man.
True, life without a man does not mean life without love. She constantly needs someone she could dream about. At the same time, it is not so important whether he is next to her or somewhere far away: it is important that you can think about him to the sound of spring rain and winter nights, with flashes of lightning and to the sounds of your favorite melody. Even if this man is just a dream, and in real life he is not there, the Aries woman will not be very upset. In the end, everything that a man can do in life, she is able to do herself.
She opens the door herself and does not wait until she is gallantly offered a coat. She is able to move a chair for herself, call a taxi, fight for her existence and even light her cigarette. Moreover, she will do all this better and faster than a man. Needless to say, with this she deals an irreparable blow to male pride. The Aries woman loves to be a leader in everything, to keep the initiative in her hands. All this rightfully applies to her love interests. Most often, the Aries woman is the first to propose, especially if the man is indecisive and gathers his thoughts for a long time. When courting such a woman, before you decide to hug and kiss her, make sure that she likes you, otherwise she may throw you such an op-leukh from which you will not recover soon.
If you want to please her, do not pretend to be a slave in love or puppy delight - both will not be to her taste. Be independent, mysterious, then she herself will certainly begin to haunt you. A man who does not give in to charms awakens the imagination of an Aries woman, with his indifference, he, as it were, challenges her pride. And what Aries can not answer the call? She rushes into battle to prove that she is desirable, even when the object of her harassment is almost indifferent to her.
A vivid image of the Aries woman in literature is Scarlett 0 "Hara from the novel Gone with the Wind by Margaret Mitchell. Like Scarlett, the Aries woman will make all the men in the district sigh about her, while she herself will dream of someone who, for whatever reasons are absolutely unattainable for her. Like Scarlett, Aries, if necessary, without moaning and whimpering, will adapt to any life conditions. The character of the Aries woman is such that she is able, no matter what, to challenge public opinion, not be afraid of an entire enemy army and cold-bloodedly shoot anyone who dares to encroach on her lover.
Nothing so characterizes the nature of Aries as the behavior of Scarlett at the moment when she, alone, hungry, without friends, without hope of anyone's help, shook her fist at the sky and shouted: “But I will still survive and never again I won't starve. God is my witness, I would rather steal or kill, but I will not starve!” A few years later, having experienced a lot, losing her beloved daughter and the only man she loved in her life, Scarlett said to herself: “I think I will find a way to bring him back. There is no such person whom I could not conquer if I wanted to. Will tomorrow be another day?” Scarlett O "Xapa is the purest Aries woman, with her inherent strength and the ability to be reborn from the ashes, who can be irresistibly feminine with a languid look and refined manners, and at the same time unusually courageous, if circumstances so require. Detailed studying the character of Scarlett will give you a complete picture of the Aries woman.If you are brave enough and not afraid of her aggressiveness, she will reward you with inexhaustible optimism and unwavering faith in the future, which are so often lacking in our lives .

The Aries woman loves to be admired. True, raptures must be sincere and truthful; she does not like excessive flattery and ornate compliments. In love, she is incredibly generous, at least as long as the romantic spirit remains in your relationship - after all, Aries is unusually sentimental. Aries is a highly controversial sign: you should neither pursue it too much nor move too far away. The Aries woman does not like despotic men, but she will not tolerate drooling, clinging to her skirt. In her coexist the desire to subjugate her beloved and at the same time a truly feminine secret desire to obey herself. Being an idealist, she all the time unsuccessfully tries to find in a partner a noble knight who will conquer the world for her and, kneeling down, lay him down at her feet. And since such a knight exists only in fairy tales and in the legends of King Arthur, the Aries woman walks alone through life, never finding her ideal. And although her days are usually filled with bright and interesting events, at night she continues to dream of a knight. One unfulfilled dream is replaced by another, and everything starts all over again.
To love a man, an Aries woman must be proud of him. However, in response, he must appreciate her abilities and talents. She demands a lot from you, but she gives no less. The Aries woman generously shares everything she has: time, friendship, money and other material and spiritual values. She shows the only stinginess in relation to her beloved: he is her property. The Aries woman is unusually jealous. Do not try to admire your favorite actress in her presence or lavish compliments on her girlfriends; a secretary in your office is also preferable to a male. And if you offend her, you will soon notice a striking change in her behavior: from a hot and passionate woman, she will turn into an ice. The fire of Aries burns hot and short, ice never grows. Keep this in mind if you truly love her. If your affection is not too sincere, I doubt that you will remain together for long. Aries loves to play on equal terms.
She puts her lover on a pedestal, endowing him with all possible virtues, believing with all her heart in his perfection and not seeing flaws until they become so obvious that even she cannot fail to notice them. Never criticize an Aries woman's lover, husband, or children in her presence - it could cost you your life. If you try to interfere with her plans, she will turn into a poisonous, caustic and selfish creature and, on the contrary, if you go towards her, you will find a soft, devoted and friendly creature.
Since she prefers male society to female society and is admired by all males from 9 to 90 years old, you will have to experience sharp pricks of jealousy more than once. True, this is a completely useless activity. How strongly developed her sense of ownership in relation to you, so she herself will not tolerate any control over herself. The Aries woman needs complete freedom both before marriage and after it. You will have to trust her completely, wherever and with whomever she is, whatever she does, although you will be denied such trust. (The only exception may be when she learns to outwardly control her emotions, although a fire will rage in the depths of her soul.) This condition of your life together, which at first glance seems simply monstrous, is actually not so bad: a woman- Aries, if she loves you, will be devoted to you body and soul and will never change. Two novels at the same time for an honest, incapable of deception Aries is a completely unacceptable thing. Therefore, if she has sympathy for another man, she will say goodbye to you before she decides to cheat. In Aries women, passion and dreamy idealism are surprisingly combined. In her novels, each of which is real, for life, she is sincere and truthful, without tricks, coquetry, pretense and deceit.
Aries women are very efficient. They are good at roles that are usually dominated by men: from stockbrokers to estate managers. They can also succeed in a more feminine profession: fashion models, actresses, etc. It will probably be difficult for you to make her give up her professional career. She can leave her for a time when your romance is at its peak and a cozy nest on the seashore appears before her eyes (a typical picture that Aries paint for themselves, ignoring boring everyday life and wishing to see a holiday in everything). But as soon as this nest needs repair, and violent passions subside a little, she will again remember her work. Don't disturb her. She will be much happier and more tender if you allow her to occupy her free time with what interests her. Excessive unrealized emotionality can lead to dissatisfaction, and from it - to more serious troubles.
There is nothing in life that an Aries woman could not achieve. If she sets a goal for herself, then no matter how strange and irrational this goal may be, Aries will certainly achieve it. One of my acquaintances, Aries, for financial reasons, was forced to huddle for several years in two rooms with her husband, five tomboys and a dog. Even the mere thought of such a close cohabitation would be enough for any other woman to rebel. But my friend had her own thoughts on this matter. She coped well with all the inconveniences, and when the astrologer, having compiled her personal horoscope, informed her about a long unfavorable period of her life, she was sincerely surprised: “And when do you say it should begin?”
But the story doesn't end there. Once it seemed to her that her dog was bored, and she decided to get him a girlfriend. The children were delighted. The acquired bitch turned out to be poorly educated and preferred to do her business in a room on a carpet. This did not particularly confuse our lady. She immediately distributed the carpet cleaning duties among all family members. Convinced that the carpet was hopelessly damaged, what do you think she did? Kicked out the second dog? Nothing happened. She was waiting for the offspring and dreamed of a new carpet. And the most amazing thing is that the money for a new carpet was found. As for the puppies, by the time they were born, she hoped to move to a new apartment. You can think whatever you want, but that's how it happened. Miracles most often happen to those who truly believe in them. And Aries, of course, belong to such people.
Do not worry that Aries will lose his head because of some secular lion or a representative of the golden youth, they are not to her taste. On the other hand, one should be wary of the idealist, especially the unsuccessful idealist.
The Aries woman tends to give gifts, lend money, care for you when you are sick, and help you through hard times. She expects a response from you as well. When an Aries woman is unhappy, you should be unhappy; when she is happy, you should be just as happy. Love for her is a mutual possession: your razor and bank account, your friends and your dreams. In return, you can have everything that belongs to her. True, her razor can be broken, and her financial affairs are slightly upset, her friends are few, and her dreams are so high that they cannot be reached. But it does not matter. Try to keep something a secret from her and she will be furious like a wild cat. Never compromise her in society with your clothes, manners, speech. She will never compromise you - at least in this.
To prick her pride or extinguish a burst of enthusiasm is to kill her. People will be happy to do these things with her, because the world does not like women who prove that they are the best. Then she will come running to you all in tears, and you will understand how defenseless and vulnerable your beloved is, despite her self-confidence. She likes strength and independence, and she tries to imitate her ideals. Aries' faith in the best in human nature often breaks into life reality. Comfort her, be gentle with her at such a moment, and she will be yours for life. Protect her from enemies. She will not forgive you if you do not intercede for her or take her side in the dispute. (But be ready to make peace with her enemies as soon as she does. And it will happen very soon.) She will always rush to your defense. Already in something, but in devotion and fidelity to Aries you will not refuse.
As a wife, she can be a real punishment. Most likely, her interests will be concentrated outside the house, since the house is too small for her creative energy. Don't expect her to be an exemplary brood hen. Usually she cooks well, but does not like to do this, and her house shines, however, mostly only in prominent places. She will, of course, sew buttons for you and iron your shirts, but do not think that this gives her pleasure. Aries sparkles with the fire of precious stones, and does not warm with the warmth of the hearth. It excites more often than calms. Somewhere in the depths of her soul, tenderness is hidden in her, but she opens only to those who truly love her. Aries women seem much tougher than they really are. But don't even think about reading the newspaper while having breakfast with her. Otherwise, you will have to cook for yourself.
The Aries woman rarely complains of illness or fatigue. But when she is really sick, get ready to show maximum sympathy.
She is not one of those wives who can safely call and say that you stay late at work. Not because it is difficult for her to warm up dinner once again, but because she must know exactly who you are with, where and what you are doing. She will not hesitate to call and check your words. An Aries wife will make a good impression on your boss if she succeeds in suggesting that you should not advise him how to run a firm. She will not grumble at you if you are temporarily out of work, but she will not respect a husband who earns less than her. (Although, for this reason, she will never leave him.) One word of dissatisfaction with you about her appearance - and she will spend all day at the mirror or hairdresser to achieve your admiration. If you say that you like your secretary's new hairstyle, she will immediately do the same, but demand that the secretary be fired. Aries women have extremely heightened self-esteem: if you tell her that she looks tired, she will take it as a hint that you are tired of her.
If you want your Aries wife to be happy, try to keep the elements of romance in your marriage. If Aries feels unhappy, she, without hesitation, is able to leave you and even get a divorce. Don't trust her family budget, except for fun.
As a mother, she will always make sure that her child is washed, fed, happy and loved. She, perhaps, will not take him in her arms too often, lisp with him or patronize him beyond measure. But her children will always have their due share of warmth and affection. Mother Aries will teach her children to believe in gnomes and fairies. She will take them for walks in the forest and show them the sparkling necklaces forgotten by the fairies after the moonlight in the forest at night, while another mother will tell the children that there is dew on the grass. Mother Aries creates a magical fairy tale for her children, in which she lives with pleasure herself. She is strict with her children, and her happiness is if they can grow up to be independent. Three basic rules that she adheres to in education: a firm hand, bedtime stories and a kiss goodnight.
Aries are characterized by an unreasonable temper and a tendency to scandals. But the flash goes out as quickly as the spring snow melts under the rays of the sun. Aries will not hold a grudge against you and seek revenge. Thunderclouds will quickly dissipate, and the sky will be as cloudless as before the thunderstorm. It is believed that there is little femininity in an Aries woman. It is not true. Under a strong and self-confident appearance, a true woman is hidden, perhaps even more than is necessary for an ordinary man. But the knight of her dreams is by no means an ordinary man. Therefore, if there is such a knight among you, hurry up. The beautiful lady is waiting for you.
Remember that she is easily vulnerable, although she tries to hide her vulnerability behind a beaming smile - this is nothing more than a way of protection. If you have the desire and patience to turn Aries into a meek lamb, you will find an honest, faithful and loving wife perhaps too impulsive at times. But in life you can never have everything. An Aries wife will passionately believe in the fulfillment of your dreams. How do you not have it? So borrow at least one from her. Believe in her even half as much as she believes in you, and you will find happiness.
Aries child
I feel something hit me from below - and r-times into the sky, like a cracker!

Linda Goodman

Zodiac signs or astrology with a smile

The Twelve Houses of Linda Goodman

Anticipating the coming harsh criticism of the Publisher, Translator and Editor of the book, let us immediately surrender to the authorities and admit that we fully share the statement of the Great Soviet Encyclopedia that astrology is a “false doctrine”, which only due to a misunderstanding did not “fall into decline with the discoveries Copernicus" and, contrary to all logic, is still fooling the population, being "until now common in a number of capitalist countries." In our state, even before the advent of the era of glasnost, astrology bashfully managed to weave illegal nests in the most desperate newspapers and magazines, where it usually hid in the inconspicuous corners of the last page. And even today, many readers, marking the most unfavorable days of the month for themselves in some newspaper, are unlikely to suspect that they are “calculated” taking into account astrological data.

The forbidden fruit is sweet, there is no information about the fruit, and therefore our population begins to ascribe to astrology unprecedented qualities and non-existent possibilities. This book will allow the reader to learn first hand, and not only from encyclopedic assessments, what astrology is, and to understand why it is so "spread up to the present time in a number of capitalist countries", and not only in them. It will finally help to throw off the mystical veils from this mysterious phenomenon and see it for what it is, understand its strengths and weaknesses, and also find out what they read besides E. Hemingway and other classics in the "capitalist countries", what is the menu consumer of books. Perhaps, in the end, we will be able to better understand each other and appreciate each other's values, albeit sometimes not controversial.

Indeed, the scale of the spread of astrology in the world is amazing. According to reference books, hundreds of millions of people on our planet conform to astrological predictions when solving the most important life problems- without the advice of an astrologer, they will not choose a wife or husband for themselves, they will not change jobs or places of residence. Millions buy books on astrology, subscribe to astrological magazines, especially in the USA, France, Japan, India.

The phenomenon of astrology (of course, on a much smaller scale) repeats the phenomenon of faith, which also, it would seem, does not have clear rational grounds. The belief that the stars control human destiny is akin to the idea of ​​the divine predestination of existence. Belief in the power of the stars lies in an ancient, but also eternal, primordial feeling that arose at the dawn of mankind: a person peering into the abyss of the night sky full of sparkling constellations feels like an insignificant grain of sand, weak and defenseless before the frightening Eternity, before the grandeur and mystery of the Universe, no doubt living by its own law. This law determines the regularity of the change of seasons, day and night, tides and other natural phenomena, the connection of which with human life is undeniable - remember the lunar cycle of women, the solar rhythm of plants. The examples are countless. Strictly regular change their position in the sky constellations, or "houses". Thus was born faith in the laws of the stars.

Astrology arose, if not in the fabulous Atlantis, then, apparently, among the very real Sumerians, about five thousand years ago. The Egyptians learned about it from the Sumerians. Together with trade caravans, nomadic tribes and migrating peoples, it spread through the wild Asian steppes, the wooded Caucasian mountains, through the bare ridges of the Hindu Kush and the Pamirs, across the drowsy expanses of India, and the fertile Mediterranean shores.

Naturally, astrology changed both over time and depending on the culture of the peoples who adopted it, acquiring more and more new features, finding more and more parallels: twelve constellations, twelve months and twelve most important organs of the body; seven planets, seven parts of the world and seven colors of the rainbow; four elements and four seasons. Many parallels are, of course, illusory and accidental. But something by the memory and patience of innumerable generations turns out to be noticed quite accurately and witty.

Linda Goodman's book, which has gone through many editions in the United States and other countries, compares favorably with other astrological treatises. Paying tribute to the astrological pantheon indispensable for such publications - constellations, elements, elements, precious stones - Linda Goodman is by no means as serious about the subject of description as other authors, interspersing her reasoning with everyday examples, with excerpts from the books of Lewis Carroll.

You will read this book with undoubted pleasure and benefit. Speaking of benefits, I do not mean at all that all the advice in this book should be taken as recipes for all occasions. In my opinion, twelve constellations, twelve "houses" are inhabited by Linda Goodman, very interesting, psychologically very typical characters. Their features, subtly and accurately noted by the author, can serve as important guidelines in the world of complex human relationships. How to communicate with a husband or wife, with a child, with a boss and subordinates, with people of the most different characters? Linda Goodman gives a lot of life-saving advice, and in this respect her book is in some ways consonant with Dale Carnegie's famous book How to Win Friends and Influence People.

In presenting the book "Signs of the Zodiac or Astrology with a Smile" to Soviet readers, the Publisher hopes that it will help erase one more white spot from the vast map of popular foreign literature.


"Regardless of gender, Aries immediately rushes into battle with injustice, often without thinking about the consequences

"But he still will not lose heart for a long time, but will gather his strength, shake himself up and rush towards new trials and adventures."

How to recognize an Aries

... They did not want to follow the simplest rules that their friends taught: if you hold a red-hot poker in your hands for too long, you will eventually get burned; if you slash your finger deeper with a knife, blood usually comes from the finger.

Have you ever dated an extremely affable, assertive person with a firm handshake and a permanent smile on his face? If yes, then most likely you are in the field of view of Aries. Your assumption will be even more just if he also takes the lead in the conversation, without giving you the opportunity to insert a word.

Linda Goodman - Zodiac signs or astrology with a smile - read a book online for free

Linda Goodman
Zodiac signs or astrology with a smile

The Twelve Houses of Linda Goodman

Anticipating the coming harsh criticism of the Publisher, Translator and Editor of the book, let us immediately surrender to the authorities and admit that we fully share the statement of the Great Soviet Encyclopedia that astrology is a “false doctrine”, which only due to a misunderstanding did not “fall into decline with the discoveries Copernicus" and, contrary to all logic, is still fooling the population, being "until now common in a number of capitalist countries." In our state, even before the advent of the era of glasnost, astrology bashfully managed to weave illegal nests in the most desperate newspapers and magazines, where it usually hid in the inconspicuous corners of the last page. And even today, many readers, marking the most unfavorable days of the month for themselves in some newspaper, are unlikely to suspect that they are “calculated” taking into account astrological data.

The forbidden fruit is sweet, there is no information about the fruit, and therefore our population begins to ascribe to astrology unprecedented qualities and non-existent possibilities. This book will allow the reader to learn first hand, and not only from encyclopedic assessments, what astrology is, and to understand why it is so "spread up to the present time in a number of capitalist countries", and not only in them. It will finally help to throw off the mystical veils from this mysterious phenomenon and see it for what it is, understand its strengths and weaknesses, and also find out what they read besides E. Hemingway and other classics in the "capitalist countries", what is the menu consumer of books. Perhaps, in the end, we will be able to better understand each other and appreciate each other's values, albeit sometimes not controversial.

Indeed, the scale of the spread of astrology in the world is amazing. According to reference books, hundreds of millions of people on our planet are consistent with astrological predictions when solving the most important life problems - without the advice of an astrologer they will not choose a wife or husband, they will not change jobs or places of residence. Millions buy books on astrology, subscribe to astrological magazines, especially in the USA, France, Japan, India.

Current page: 1 (the book has 19 pages in total)

Linda Goodman
Zodiac signs or astrology with a smile

The Twelve Houses of Linda Goodman

Anticipating the coming harsh criticism of the Publisher, Translator and Editor of the book, we immediately surrender to the authorities and admit that we fully share the statement of the Great Soviet Encyclopedia that astrology is a “false doctrine”, which only due to a misunderstanding did not “fall into decline with the discoveries Copernicus" and, contrary to all logic, is still fooling the population, being "until now common in a number of capitalist countries." In our state, even before the advent of the era of glasnost, astrology bashfully managed to weave illegal nests in the most desperate newspapers and magazines, where it usually hid in the inconspicuous corners of the last page. And even today, many readers, marking the most unfavorable days of the month for themselves in some newspaper, are unlikely to suspect that they are “calculated” taking into account astrological data.

The forbidden fruit is sweet, there is no information about the fruit, and therefore our population begins to attribute to astrology unprecedented qualities and non-existent possibilities. This book will allow the reader to learn first hand, and not only from encyclopedic assessments, what astrology is, and to understand why it is so "spread up to the present time in a number of capitalist countries", and not only in them. It will finally help to throw off the mystical veils from this mysterious phenomenon and see it for what it is, understand its strengths and weaknesses, and also find out what they read besides E. Hemingway and other classics in the "capitalist countries", what is the menu consumer of books. Perhaps, in the end, we will be able to better understand each other and appreciate each other's values, albeit sometimes not controversial.

Indeed, the scale of the spread of astrology in the world is amazing. According to reference books, hundreds of millions of people on our planet are consistent with astrological predictions when solving the most important life problems - without the advice of an astrologer they will not choose a wife or husband, they will not change their job or place of residence. Millions buy books on astrology, subscribe to astrological magazines, especially in the USA, France, Japan, India.

The phenomenon of astrology (of course, on a much smaller scale) repeats the phenomenon of faith, which also, it would seem, does not have clear rational grounds. The belief that the stars control human destiny is akin to the idea of ​​the divine predestination of existence. Belief in the power of the stars lies in an ancient, but also eternal, primordial feeling that arose at the dawn of mankind: a person peering into the abyss of the night sky full of sparkling constellations feels like an insignificant grain of sand, weak and defenseless before the frightening Eternity, before the grandeur and mystery of the Universe, no doubt living by its own law. This law determines the regularity of the change of seasons, day and night, tides and other natural phenomena, the connection of which with human life is undeniable - remember the lunar cycle of women, the solar rhythm of plants. The examples are countless. Strictly regular change their position in the sky constellations, or "houses". Thus was born faith in the laws of the stars.

Astrology arose, if not in the fabulous Atlantis, then, apparently, among the very real Sumerians, about five thousand years ago. The Egyptians learned about it from the Sumerians. Together with trade caravans, nomadic tribes and migrating peoples, it spread through the wild Asian steppes, the wooded Caucasian mountains, through the bare ridges of the Hindu Kush and the Pamirs, across the drowsy expanses of India, and the fertile Mediterranean shores.

Naturally, astrology changed both over time and depending on the culture of the peoples who adopted it, acquiring more and more new features, finding more and more parallels: twelve constellations, twelve months and twelve most important organs of the body; seven planets, seven parts of the world and seven colors of the rainbow; four elements and four seasons. Many parallels are, of course, illusory and accidental. But something by the memory and patience of innumerable generations turns out to be noticed quite accurately and witty.

Linda Goodman's book, which has gone through many editions in the United States and other countries, compares favorably with other astrological treatises. Paying tribute to the indispensable astrological pantheon for such publications - constellations, elements, elements, precious stones - Linda Goodman is by no means as serious about the subject of description as other authors, interspersing her reasoning with everyday examples, with excerpts from the books of Lewis Carroll.

You will read this book with undoubted pleasure and benefit. Speaking of benefits, I do not mean at all that all the advice in this book should be taken as recipes for all occasions. In my opinion, twelve constellations, twelve "houses" are inhabited by Linda Goodman, very interesting, psychologically very typical characters. Their features, subtly and accurately noted by the author, can serve as important guidelines in the world of complex human relationships. How to communicate with a husband or wife, with a child, with a boss and a subordinate, with people of various characters? Linda Goodman gives a lot of life-saving advice, and in this respect her book is in some ways consonant with Dale Carnegie's famous book How to Win Friends and Influence People.

In presenting the book "Signs of the Zodiac or Astrology with a Smile" to Soviet readers, the Publisher hopes that it will help erase one more white spot from the vast map of popular foreign literature.

March 21 - April 20

"Regardless of gender, Aries immediately rushes into battle with injustice, often without thinking about the consequences

“But he still won’t lose heart for a long time, but will gather his strength, shake himself up and rush towards new trials and adventures.”

How to recognize an Aries

... They did not want to follow the simplest rules that their friends taught: if you hold a red-hot poker in your hands for too long, you will eventually get burned; if you slash your finger deeper with a knife, blood usually comes from the finger.

Have you ever dated an extremely affable, assertive person with a firm handshake and a permanent smile on his face? If yes, then most likely you are in the field of view of Aries. Your assumption will be even more just if he also takes the lead in the conversation, without giving you the opportunity to insert a word.

Does your new acquaintance fiercely fights for a just cause and passionately defends the offended? It's even more like him. Regardless of gender, Aries immediately rushes into battle with injustice, often without thinking about the consequences. He will try to sort things out with anyone who dares to interfere with him, be it a policeman or an armed bandit. Later, he may regret his vehemence, but in the heat of battle it simply does not occur to him. People under the influence of Mars have a very decisive character and are not subject to doubt.

Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac; it symbolizes life. Aries (ram) thinks only of himself. He is a child and, like any child, is completely absorbed in his own Self and is occupied only with himself. His interests are above all. Like a baby, he is not interested in what others think and feel. The baby is wet or hungry, and he screams heart-rendingly, demanding what is due to him. So is Aries. If he needs anything, he will not hesitate to call you at 4 in the morning. Are you sleeping now? How can you sleep if he suffers from insomnia? No, please stand up and get what he needs. Like a true child. Aries considers the world around him as an attachment to himself. But after all, it would never occur to anyone to call a baby an egoist. The same can be said about Aries. He is so natural and sincere in all his manifestations that this somewhat brightens up his egoism and aggressiveness.

There is no trace of cunning in Aries, and so he will remain for life - gullible, mistaken and believing again. Any grievances received will be instantly forgotten, as soon as someone warms and caresses him.

Aries can build castles in the air, but not at all in order to deceive anyone. He firmly believes in everything. There is nothing hidden or complicated in the character of Aries: he is all in front of you; in full view. Aries is as vulnerable as a child, and almost as defenseless. When adults or stronger people try to take away a favorite toy from a child, he begins to protest so violently that everyone understands that it is better not to mess with him, and they give him what was taken away. Accordingly, Aries also acts: the determination to get his own always contributes to the fact that he achieves his goal.

There are several features by which you can almost always accurately recognize an Aries among others. Aries have rather sharp facial features and well-defined eyebrows, a narrow bridge of the nose often forms a ram sign () together with the eyebrows. (The sign, as it were, warns anyone who thinks that they can easily cope with Aries). The complexion is usually bright; the hair, especially in bright sunlight, is slightly reddish, and the face and head are often marked by a birthmark or scar. In their movements, they are so fast and agile that it seems that sparks fly from them in all directions. They think just as fast. The bone structure of Aries is thin and strong. People of both sexes usually have broad shoulders, and they walk, leaning slightly forward, as if flying (literally and figuratively). The ram cannot be called a graceful creature, although the dexterity with which he manages to get out of crisis situations very often puzzles those who underestimate him. In general, the appearance of Aries speaks of his extreme self-confidence and egocentrism. If you meet an Aries with sadly slumped shoulders, it means that in childhood he was deeply and painfully wounded, so he will need time to recover, but he will rise, you can be sure. There is nothing in the world that could put Aries out of action for a long time and spoil his character; he is by no means a pessimist.

The one who is patronized by Mars always looks straight into your eyes with captivating honesty and touching gullibility. You are his best friend, right? And truly love him, don't you? Not? Tears are about to well up in his eyes, but he holds back. And if you still happen to see him crying, then know: you wounded him in the very heart. Aries would rather die than let others notice his weakness; sometimes he literally risks his life, just so that no one thinks that he is not courageous enough.

When talking with someone, Aries looks directly into the face of the interlocutor. If he looks away, it means that he is simply not interested in the conversation. At this point, something else caught his attention, and he doesn't try to hide it. Don't be offended. Remember the child who, having taken one toy, immediately grabs another.

Aries will do their best to achieve leadership in their chosen career. An Aries loser is easy to recognize by the displeased look with which he is forced to obey someone else. Aries the winner is liberal, unusually generous, but wants everyone around to loudly sing praises to him. But what you will never find in Aries, no matter how hard you try, is refinement, tact and modesty. When the Lord distributed these qualities, Aries was in a completely different place. Aries is quite impatient. If even a very pretty waitress serves him a stale sandwich in a cafe, he will not hesitate to tell her everything he thinks about this. But if he likes the service, he will leave a tip twice the amount appropriate for the occasion.

Aries is overly straightforward, to say the least. Deceit and evasiveness are completely uncharacteristic of people whose patron is Mars. Directness and exceptional honesty are the calling card of Aries, although these qualities are by no means always positive.

Aries are inherently irresponsible. Sometimes, in anticipation of something interesting that completely captured their attention, they can forget about their duty.

Although Aries belongs to the sign of Fire and has determination, enterprise and courage, there are things that he is afraid of. He won't flinch if he meets a giant Bigfoot or even Frankenstein, but he can't stand physical pain. He's by no means a coward, but he'll whimper

and complain at the slightest pain. And dentists are his sworn enemies.

Each Aries during his life, at least once, will get involved in some kind of adventure, the result of which will be a scar on his head or face. Aries burns and cuts are very frequent, he suffers from severe headaches and migraines, the cause of which is often kidney disease. The ram should improve his health, regularly see the dentist, check his eyesight, eat right, do not catch a cold of the head and, if possible, do not abuse alcohol (which is harmful not only to the kidneys, but is generally contraindicated for people under the auspices of Mars). Bone diseases, pain in the knee joints and indigestion are common in people born in the second half of March - the first half of April. In general, the body of Aries is strong and hardy, unless, of course, you get carried away with excesses, which, unfortunately. Aries often works out. If you see an Aries lying in bed, know that he is really sick. But even in this state, he has to be kept in bed by force so that he does not run away somewhere. Thanks to a strong body, Aries recovers in cases where everyone else would have died long ago. And the sheep's stubbornness and unwillingness to follow common sense bring him to serious diseases. Unfortunately, such an attitude to health is typical for Aries, and only with age, Aries, wise in life, sometimes reconsider their attitude to this important issue. Aries are almost not prone to drugs; they rarely resort to drugs, even such as headache pills or sleeping pills.

Thanks to the indestructible optimism of Aries (along with two other owners of the sign of Fire - Leo and

Sagittarius) rarely suffers from chronic diseases, which astrologers have long attributed (and physicians have only recently recognized) to melancholic and pessimistic. Those born with the sign of Fire are more likely to suffer from severe colds, acute infectious and other diseases, and high blood pressure. You can talk a lot about the ardor of Aries, but he rarely gives in to despondency. Depression, even if there are enough reasons for it, passes quickly and without a trace in Aries. Passion for leadership and a deep conviction that no one can do anything better than him, sometimes greatly interfere with Aries and plunge him into the abyss of all sorts of troubles. Aries will aggressively conduct their business, check and double-check the performers, and as a result, they may develop an ulcer or a nervous breakdown. But what Aries cannot be blamed for is laziness.

Being unsophisticated by nature. Aries are completely incapable of diplomatic tricks and tricks. One day, an Aries I know, thanks to energy and enterprise, got a wonderful sponsor for the implementation of one of his original projects. Just before the signing of the contract, the sponsor, quite naturally, offered to conduct an examination in order to estimate the cost of the project. Aries, who is sincerely convinced that in business terms everyone else is just zeros compared to him, with the humility characteristic of Aries, said: “Do you want anything else?” I think it is superfluous to add that the sponsor immediately refused to support the project, and my acquaintance's brilliant idea burst like a soap bubble, since with the sponsor's departure, other project participants mysteriously disappeared. So Aries personally killed his future child. If he were a little more cunning, things could have ended brilliantly, but usually Aries takes half a lifetime to learn elementary diplomacy. But if he comprehended this too, then his success, thanks to natural intuition and huge creative potential, is truly grandiose. Surprisingly. Aries often create wealth not for themselves, but for others. Most of them, not having their own corner all their lives, rent an apartment or a house. But, apparently, the pursuit of money is not the main goal of Aries.

Although Aries moves through life with confidence, caring little for the feelings of others, and his attitude to everything can be expressed by the short motto "first of all I ...", he is nevertheless one of the most generous and kind signs of the Zodiac. It has no cruelty. He sincerely believes that he can do any business better than others. If Aries has to choose between fame and fortune, he will, without hesitation, prefer the first. This does not mean that he despises money, not at all. Just fame and recognition is more expensive for him.

Aries is very quick-tempered, but outbursts of anger are usually lightning fast and in a minute Aries forgets the cause of anger and sincerely smiles at you. in the UN General Assembly Hall in New York.

People whose patron is Mars are often accused of an unbearable character. And this is partly true. But they are not vindictive, they do not know how to grieve for a long time and are always surprised at those who cannot forget about the offense for a long time. How, do you still remember what he said to you in a temper? But he didn’t think so at all, it just happened to escape. Aries is able to ask for forgiveness even from his sworn enemy. Sometimes, in order to fulfill a cherished dream, Aries can be cunning. But even innocent lies of Aries are resorted to very rarely, since their lies are always noticeable. Aries are not interested in gossip; they are too focused on themselves and their own affairs to indulge in reasoning about the actions and behavior of others. Aries divides all people into good and bad, in his palette there are only two colors - black and white, no halftones.

Only in the case of a particularly unfavorable position of the planets at the time of his birth, Aries can be cruel or unfair, but this happens quite rarely. A typical Aries, with the same simplicity and visible pleasure, eats both at the royal table and in the company of tramps. And all the rumors about his prejudices are based on only one thing: he divides all people into friends and enemies, and if you belong to the first, you must, like him, hate the second.

If we discard excessive, annoying directness, Aries can serve as a model of secular treatment. He is able to talk for hours in a fascinating way about subjects about which he has no idea. However, he will not dwell on the details. It's not his forte, let someone else do it. Aries will not take the trouble to compose a plausible story - what happened yesterday has already passed and is no longer of interest to him, and tomorrow is still far away.

In Aries, a realist and an idealist coexist in an amazing way. Few people can demonstrate such perseverance and fortitude, and at the same time, few people are so sentimental, poetic and so piously believe in miracles. People whose patron is Mars are completely unable to admit defeat, even when it is obvious. They believe in happy endings, whether in love or in a baseball game. Being very capable players, Aries in the game always rely only on themselves. They are not the type to wait until success hits them. They prefer to conquer it themselves. This is why you almost never see an Aries as a beggar or on a dole list. Many people do not like this overactive Aries. But Aries, if they want, can be different: calm, wise and serious. Unfortunately, they come to such behavior only in adulthood. Although Aries easily win the sympathy of people, which is undoubtedly important for a career in politics, they rarely make good politicians. A cautious politician will first listen to all opinions, weigh all the circumstances, and only then express his point of view. For the average Aries, the political arena is not the best place to apply forces. Firstly, because Aries is not strong in the economy, and, secondly, he is unrestrained in speech and hates any restrictions.

The true purpose of Aries is creative creativity. Without the originality, energy and willpower of Aries, many projects will not be fully realized or will take on a completely different, less interesting perspective.

It is very difficult to compete with Aries in the manifestation of individuality. Aries usually prefers to talk about themselves and their own affairs than about others. The exception is people whom he sincerely loves. If you managed to win the sympathy of Aries, he will be the most attentive listener, especially if it comes to something new and exciting for him. He will fully support your idea, generously offer you his time, help and funds. If you go to the hospital, he may not take the time to visit you, but he will advise you on the best clinic, take you there himself and introduce you to his personal doctor (in comparison with whom Pasteur is just a novice intern!). Having once helped you in a difficult situation, Aries, without hesitation, will do it again and again. But you, please, do not forget to express your warm gratitude to him for this. He will be, if not furious, then deeply offended if you ignore his troubles and cares about you (which, quite likely, you do not need at all). He loves to do favors, and the wider the gesture, the better he feels. And if the gratitude you show turns out to be adequate to the efforts expended on his part, you can be sure that he will be happy to help you in the future. His amazing self-confidence, combined with a naive faith in others, often leads to disappointment. But he still will not lose heart for a long time, but will gather his strength, shake himself up and rush towards new trials and adventures.

If Aries believes in something, then you can spend at least your whole life proving his delusion, but you will not achieve the desired effect. He, as it were, puts blinkers on his eyes and stuffs his ears with cotton, while in a matter of seconds he himself is able to change his mind or come to a completely different decision. Then try to prove to him that just now his opinion was exactly the opposite - he will not even remember about it. The ability of Aries to instantly discard the old and comprehend the new is truly fantastic (one of the main explanations why he adapts to new people and circumstances with such ease). He perceives those who try to dissuade him from hasty conclusions as an obstacle in his path and, without a twinge of conscience, discards from himself everything that hinders his progress. Aries especially does not get along with conservative people who weigh every word and deed; most often it is they who become his worst enemies.

In Aries, the spirit of quixoticism is alive, he boldly rushes into battle with injustice. But as soon as the heat of the struggle fades away, he again becomes a sweet, smiling and affectionate creature. The metal of Aries is iron, which gives its sign inflexibility and tremendous vitality, ten times more than that of other people. The fire burning in his soul is like a beacon that illuminates the path in the darkness and gives hope to those who suffer.

Aries is a pioneer, leading people to a great goal. His faith is pure - without an admixture of hypocrisy and greed. Aries rarely becomes the owner of a large fortune, but if this happens, he never shakes over it. He will willingly share all his treasures with others, believing that everything spent will return to him a hundredfold. Making people happy is one of his main goals. He sincerely believes that life is full of miracles, and will gladly share them, if, of course, you yourself want it.

Psychology of bed relations