How to behave with a husband: advice from experienced wives. Don't try to please everyone - it's impossible. Be a loving and understanding wife

Do you want to be one of those happy, popular people that everyone seems to love? Now you can do it!

In fact, making or worse "making" people love themselves is the wrong way to go. Because you yourself will not like it if someone decides to fall in love with you without your consent.

The surer way here is not to drag someone by the ears under the cupid's arrows, but it is better to behave in such a way that others themselves follow you.

Below you will get the basic steps that will help you create an atmosphere of love and friendliness with others like you.

12 simple steps to be loved and respected even more.

1 First, love yourself.

How can you expect love from someone if you don't love yourself. Many people have a problem with this. But in fact, everything is much simpler. You just need to accept and love yourself for who you are.

2 Stop waiting for love from outside - give love yourself.

Radiate love from your heart. To do this, open the heart chakra. People will feel it and will be drawn to you like sunflowers to the sun. The key to your success is the right state, the state of love, harmony and friendliness.

Remember about balance - you get as much as you give time and energy to other people.

3 Become self-sufficient and slightly inaccessible.

Anyone who is in dire need of social interaction and encouragement gets bored very quickly. On the other hand, those who are self-sufficient and do not fawn over others, remaining moderately inaccessible, are more popular. Get rid of the importunity, otherwise people will brush you off like mosquitoes.

Judge for yourself - we quickly get bored with what is a lot and what is cheap. Be like a good vintage wine - there is not much of it, but it is real and strong, and most importantly, it is expensive.

4 Behave naturally.

Would you sympathize, sincerely and closely communicate with a person who pretends to be God's dandelion or a Zhigan "macho", in a word, who he is not. All so cute, fluffy, but in fact smooth, cold and covered with scales? In a word, a werewolf in garlands.

If everything is in order with your head, then most likely it is unlikely.
So stop pretending. Be yourself. With all its advantages and disadvantages, this is normal and everyone has them. The main thing is to use your strengths, and develop weaknesses. Remember that all great people became great because they worked hard at it.

5 Be confident in yourself, develop personal strength.

When others feel low self-esteem in a person, they usually try to find a company with more self-confidence. If people understand that you are self-confident and radiate personal strength, and at the same time are ready to support and help them, they will want to be around you. How to develop personal strength you can find on our website.

6 Be consistent and holistic.

Live by your own rules and ideals. In the meantime, do what you say. Your words must match your behavior and actions. Be sincere, express your opinion openly and diplomatically. These people are respected and listened to.

7 Get more charismatic!

To be charismatic means to realize and use one's own uniqueness, to share one's gifts and talents with others. Develop and apply personal strength and leadership. For this, there are special exercises and practices.

8 Be more positive, open and friendly.

If you want to be loved, love others yourself. Be polite, tactful and friendly to everyone. Develop interpersonal skills. Give more positivity. Be respectful and respectful to everyone around you, and even to your smaller brothers.

9 Watch your appearance.

Take care of your personal hygiene and the cleanliness of your clothes. Dress appropriately for the situation or occasion. Find your own style in clothes and appearance. If you respect yourself, care for yourself, and look after yourself, people will notice.

10 Surround yourself with what makes you happy.

Imagine that your body is like a sponge that absorbs everything around you. You can first fill yourself with happiness before you start giving it to others. Therefore, do and surround yourself with what you really like and bring joy and pleasure.

11 Have fun and relax.

When you are in the company of people, be calm and confident. Let others around you see that you are relaxed and happy, and not stressed and upset.
If people assume that you are moderately carefree and do not worry about trifles, they will want to be around you more than if they see that you are nervous at the slightest provocation.

12 Doso that your interlocutors feel comfortable with you.

Of course, it all depends on what is comfort for your interlocutor, and there are many nuances. Put in the extra effort to make the other person feel special with you. Everyone wants to feel special when they are around others, so keep that in mind.

  • Don't judge others for their mistakes and you will be less judged.

  • Change yourself to see these changes in your environment and throughout the world.
    (One person can influence thousands of others with his transformation.)

  • Be happy and make others happy so that life is beautiful for those around you too.

  • Try to be funny and humorous. People love someone who can make them laugh heartily. However, be appropriate to the situation, sometimes you can do without humor, for example, when a person needs comfort.

  • If someone is crying, find out the reason for it, find out what happened, and how you could help him improve the situation.

  • Don't suck up to people if they give you hints to stay away from them. There are many other people who will gladly appreciate your jokes.

  • Don't yell at people, and stop telling them they're stupid and humiliating them if they don't understand something right away. Be patient with everyone.

  • Don't put yourself first all the time. Think of others, see how you can be helpful in their situations.

  • Treat others the way you want them to treat you.

  • Please be honest. Try to stop using lies in your communication with others.

  • Keep your inner calm at all times, trying to avoid provocation and defuse conflicts without bringing everything to a fight.
    It directly depends on your internal state.

Relations between a man and a woman are always very complex and contradictory. And, no matter how difficult and hard it is for a woman, she must maintain these relationships, because the comfort and well-being of the family is on our fragile female shoulders.

From the very beginning of society, men were polygamous. And no matter how sad it may sound - it is inherent in nature. Of course, in modern society, the presence of several women in one man is not welcome, but this rarely stops our strong half of humanity.

But a woman is able to keep any, even the most windy man. To do this, you need to know only a few rules and, following them, behave with a man in such a way that he is afraid of losing you.

The dependence of a man on a woman is the main weapon

Any relationship is built on interdependence. You depend on his money and position, and he depends on your food and the comfort that you create in the house. Or he depends on your money and connections, and you cannot do without his strong shoulder and support. Find what he likes most about you and without which it is difficult for him to imagine his life, and focus on these things.

Does he want to sleep long weekends? Let him do it. No need to wake him up early in the morning and say that you have a lot to do. Better quietly get up and cook him breakfast, he will appreciate it. If he likes junk food, then sometimes he needs to be spoiled with fried chicken legs with potatoes or buy a huge bag of food from McDonald's. No need to be a bore and offer him a plate of boiled vegetables.

But do not forget that in order for a man to be afraid of losing you, you cannot indulge all his whims. Otherwise, he will simply get used to it and stop perceiving you as a source of blessings.

Men love to be the best!

Men are amazing creatures. From time immemorial they competed with each other for food, shelter, best woman. And only the best got everything they wanted.

By the way, every man still instinctively wants to fight and win. This is what you can play! It is not very difficult to behave with a man so that he is afraid of losing you - just give him the opportunity to fight and win! Try to always be a goal for a man, sincerely rejoice at all his victories in work, do not notice his defeats. A man must be sure that he is the best for you!

The independence of a woman attracts the attention of a man!

Another tip on how to behave with a man so that he is afraid of losing you - always be at a distance from him. Know how to provide for yourself, do not be jealous of him, do not look for the numbers of women in his phone and do not read SMS messages. If he wants to cheat on you, he will do it, and you will never know about it.

Do not run after a man, so he will stop appreciating you. Find your favorite hobby, develop. A man will always be with the woman he is interested in. If you are passionate only about him, then he will have nothing more to get from you.

Work, a fitness club, meeting with friends, interesting books and films, pets - there are so many interesting things that you can do with yourself. Most importantly, with all these activities, do not forget your man, love and respect him.

Be a man's friend

Not only women like to complain to each other about work, relationships and other problems. Men also need to be heard, understood and supported. So be your man's friend.

Ask him about work, friends, successes and plans. If he doesn't want to talk, don't push. In any situation, support him, if he is wrong, calmly explain the reason. Also calmly resolve all conflicts. Then the man will understand that next to him is a worthy woman. Of course, some people love it when the plates break, and the screams and arguments are heard throughout the house. But if you want a serious relationship, you need to build it not on emotions, but on common sense.

The lion's share of quarrels in married couples arises due to excessive control from one partner and insufficient attention from the other. As a rule, a man suffers from excessive guardianship of his beloved, and a woman is offended when she does not receive every minute participation from her half. Girls feel the lack of attention as a lack of love.

He and she perceive differently family relationships. Regardless of the strength of feelings for you, a man will never want to give up gatherings with friends and going to football. Women, on the contrary, tend to rush into relationships with their heads, forget about friends and entertainment, where a loved one does not participate. This creates a painful dissonance.

The first golden rule: to avoid problems - slow down with guardianship. Don't focus on your man 24 hours a day, better find yourself two or three hobbies that will take free time. While your husband is sitting in a bar with friends, you go to sports, to a beauty salon, meet girlfriends, sign up for advanced training courses, trainings ... So you will not only leave a man a few hours a day of free time without your calls and SMS, but you will improve yourself externally and internally. Believe me, a man will never want to lose a beautiful self-sufficient woman.

Support him

Relationships need balance and harmony, so do not rush to extremes. Have we convinced you not to overprotect your man? Great, but do not forget to call (not often, once a day is enough!) and ask how he is doing and if he wants to keep you company, for example, in the gym? Now you are equal partners, halves of one whole. Ask about his victories and failures and, if necessary, provide support. Men will never share their failures with friends, which is why sometimes they need the help of their beloved so much.

The second golden rule: be there for your loved one in moments of victory and defeat. Men never want to lose a girl who understands and accepts them the way they are.

Stay attractive

Many women stop caring for themselves after marriage. Think back to a time when you wanted to get the attention of your partner. How many new dresses and blouses have appeared in your wardrobe? Surely, almost every day you did your hair at the hairdresser, put on heels, sacrificing convenience for the sake of beauty? If you still stand in front of the mirror for an hour every day, you should not worry, but if the time that you used to take care of yourself is spent on washing, ironing and “rum women” - slow down. Rethink your daily routine. A man, of course, will appreciate the care, but, first of all, he wants to see you as beautiful as before.

The third golden rule: Be always with stylish make-up and flawless manicure. A man is afraid to lose a beautiful woman.

Don't be jealous!

Women sometimes over-romanticize self-directed jealousy as evidence of love. At the same time, they can terrorize a man for a long time and stubbornly if they have to experience jealousy. Neither one nor the other helps to build a relationship. Having decided to provoke a guy to jealousy, be prepared for the most unexpected consequences. Some men may get really angry, others will consider you frivolous, and still others will consider jealousy as evidence of neglect. It's better not to joke with jealousy.

Unlike women, without exception, all men despise such a manifestation of love and are irritated if the woman they love turns out to be jealous.

Psychologists say that most often the cause of jealousy is self-doubt. That is why it seems to a woman that her man is about to find someone better and starts playing detective.

The fourth golden rule: focus on yourself, visit as many beauty treatments as you need in order to feel the most beautiful. And jealousy will go away.

Let him feel needed

Every man strives to show his soulmate how necessary and good he is. You can play along a little with his noble aspirations and from time to time ask for small, and not very, services. If a man is well versed in technology, call him to repair the toaster. If you call a master at home, then your young man may perceive this as an insult to dignity. Therefore, before doing anything, tell him about the problem, let the beloved decide for himself whether he can handle it on his own or need help.

If your soulmate doesn't have the skills to solve a problem, don't tell him: "You're a man..." Your young man may be a professional in one area, but not understand another. And that's okay, because we're all human. Remember, this type of reproach makes a man feel weak. In response, you can get an even more painful attack, because you will hurt his male ego.

The fifth golden rule: be smart and use the strengths of your loved one, tactfully silent about the weaknesses! Compromise relationships are usually the most persistent and durable. Men are afraid of losing a woman with whom they feel strong and courageous.

Be financially understanding

Another sore spot many men - financial well-being. Criticism of his work, salary, reproaches regarding the cost of gifts and the like often lead to a complete collapse of the relationship.

The sixth golden rule: refrain from criticizing the financial situation of your chosen one. If you are not satisfied with his income, then discuss at the family council how you can improve your well-being. A man will never want to lose a woman who knows that money is much cheaper than love.

Do not spray on resentment and anger

It can be difficult to restore the former warmth in communication even after several days of mutual insults, not to mention longer quarrels. Equal relationships are the key to success and harmony.

The seventh golden rule: if you love your chosen one, then learn to accept it, and not the idealized image that you drew in your head during the months when he courted you. A man will appreciate it and be afraid to lose you.

Do you have a man, husband, lover, whom you are afraid of losing? How to keep an adored object near you? You won't say to his face: "I'm afraid to lose you"! This is not worth doing.

Do not show weakness and lack of will in the matter of relationships and attachments, otherwise it will only get worse.

Below are approximate options for tying a man to invisible ropes to yourself, but remember: the actions you take after reading the advice remain, because not all of them are honest.

“Like cheese in butter…”

“I’m afraid of losing my husband,” is that phrase stuck in your head? Probably because of the fear of losing the love of your betrothed, you want to turn everything upside down. Do you want him to be afraid of losing you, and not you? Then this completely honest and easily doable way for a loving wife will suit you. This method is called “like cheese in butter”.

The bottom line: if you create the most satisfying living conditions for your husband, he will not exchange you for any other super-beauty and super-hostess. Everything is easy to implement here, the main thing is that the desire to “bind” him be stronger than everyday prejudices. If he likes to eat sandwiches at the computer, do not impose the rules of etiquette on him and do not force him to memorize the rules of behavior at the table, do not yell at him after every crumb that falls from the sandwich. Estimate: what is better, once again to wave a rag or sit then at the broken trough and cry? Remember this question and every time a similar situation occurs, ask it mentally to yourself.

If he likes to drink a bottle of beer in front of the TV, then give him this long-awaited holiday, and invite your friends too. Yes, such a treasure, such an understanding wife, everyone will be afraid to lose! Analyze when a man's mood deteriorates, then you will understand what little things he lacks for comfort.

Assessed merits

This method is suitable for fresh relationships, when a girl wakes up and goes to bed with only one thought: “How afraid I am of losing a guy!”

If you are afraid of losing him, then he has many virtues, so tell him about it.

It is advisable, when listing all the “pluses”, not to lie, but to praise for real superiority, then they will be afraid of losing you, not you. How else does the faithful know how you are thrilled at the sight of his biceps or adore his sharp funny jokes? If he does not find out about this from you, then he will go to the place where he will be told about this three times every day, that is, to another girl.

If he lacks intelligence and biceps, find something special in his character, appearance, behavior. Does your loved one need support and has more troubles and problems than you? So come up with a phrase like: “You have such stamina!”, “You look so majestic in that coat!”, “Your friends were delighted with you when you beat them”, “I feel safe with you”, “ You have exceptional taste, unlike most men.”

Behavior change

“How to make them afraid of losing,” the girl thinks, although she fulfills the man’s whims, but he is still not always satisfied, “sat on his neck, and also hung his legs.” In this case, the previous strategies will only exacerbate the situation. Here you need to irrevocably change your behavior. A feigned indifference, an attitude towards an ungrateful man, like a child who does not understand, will help. Stop doing everything he says. When the conversation is about work, events for the day, prices, weather - communicate, take a keen interest in everything. And if orders, reproaches and conversations in a humiliating mentoring tone begin, do not react at all or show indignation at such behavior in a different way: go to another room, slamming the door lightly, do not cook dinner for him, show offense.

This is where the opposite strategy comes into play. With a change in behavior, and a sharp one, your man will at least be surprised and pay attention to you differently, and not just as attendants. In addition, his level of comfort will decrease: there will be nothing to eat, things will remain dirty, there is no one to yell at, no one to humiliate, in general, the pattern will break. A man will definitely notice a change in behavior.

friend and psychologist

Become for a man not just a wife, lover or cohabitant, but an irreplaceable person, girlfriend and personal psychologist. Surely, he suffers from misunderstandings, and wives often do not fulfill the role of both wife and girlfriend of a man, so do it! Let him tell you how to involve him in a conversation, what are the unresolved issues, the problems of a loved one.

Let him know that you appreciate him more than before. Do not laugh at his seemingly trifling problems, do not perceive them as the babbling of an unintelligent child. Be imbued with those questions that do not allow him to live in peace, be happy or look to the side in search of pity and understanding. If you're guilty, don't start an “old record” like “I won't apologize to this ungrateful fool”, especially if you do it regularly.

In the event of a change in figure (for example, you gained weight after childbirth and, or because of breastfeeding, the latter took on a different shape), think about an attractive appearance fix the situation? Sweat for glory, try for mutual future happiness, he will appreciate your efforts. And if he asks what's the matter, why such zeal appeared, then say so, I want you to like me. He will be proud of you and himself.


One of the answers to the question “how to behave so that a man is afraid of losing” sounds like this: become unsurpassed in bed. This is an important factor that plays a very important role for men. Especially for long-term relationships, in which everything quickly gets boring. Do what he asked for a long time, but you did not. Learn the class method. This will give him great pleasure, especially after a hard day at work.

General rules

So below are general rules, which will be useful to any girl, woman who wondered “how to behave so that a man is afraid to lose”:

  • Do not impose your opinion if he strongly disagrees with it.
  • Don't do anything that annoys him.
  • Do not wear ugly clothes with stains or holes at home (this does not apply to fashionable ripped jeans).
  • Maintain a balance between caresses and proud coldness.
  • Do not cry, especially if the man is clearly annoyed.
  • , do not program in the mind unpleasant, undesirable situations.
  • Admire the virtues, but ignore the flaws.
  • Don't make decisions for him.
  • him (to understand the meaning of what was said).
  • Do not upload your problems.
  • Be restrained.
  • Be cheerful.
  • Be beautiful, slim, interesting.
  • Don't treat him like a child.
  • Don't let your relationship drift.
  • Don't call him every half an hour.
  • Total control is excluded.
  • Come up with a hobby to your liking, not only wash the dishes for him!
  • To be a bit of an unsolved mystery always.
  • Remember: a man is the same person as you with slight anatomical and social differences, support him in everything.
  • To love a man.

Only you yourself will give exact answers to the question asked, because every relationship is unique.

Who, if not you, knows for what qualities you are loved, what does a man like in you? What in his eyes distinguishes you from other women? After some thought, you will understand what these super-qualities or character traits are, because of which he chose you. They need to be insisted on, and they need to be developed.

Let him understand that while living or communicating with you, he is free to do whatever he sees fit, free, that he is not in the golden cage of your control, but has entered into an alliance (even if verbal) on free grounds. Let a man know that there are no responsibilities, you just love each other and therefore have the same rights and freedom to express yourself in life as you see fit.

If you want to bind your beloved one and only man to yourself, let him go.

If you are beautiful, smart, self-sufficient, interesting, addicted, ready for change, loving, attentive, caring - great! And also kind, smiling, joyful and happy, then any man will be afraid to lose such a treasure.

Each representative of the beautiful half of humanity is interested in learning how to behave with a man so that he is afraid of losing you. The following article describes in detail how to behave so that a man is afraid of losing you.

Many women do not know how to behave properly with a man, and very often it is the representatives of the strong half of humanity who put themselves in a relationship in such a way that women are afraid to lose them.

It will be useful for every woman and girl to learn how to behave with a man so that he is afraid of losing you. After all, it is enough to use just a few female tricks and it will be possible to conquer almost any man, the main thing is not to give up your positions.

Relations between a woman and a man are always quite complicated and have a lot of contradictions. No matter how difficult it will be for a woman, it is she who will have to constantly maintain these relationships, otherwise everything will simply fall apart and there will be no more families. Therefore, many women are trying to find the answer to such a difficult question: “How to behave so that a man is afraid of losing you? »

It was so laid down by nature that men are polygamous, and even that modern society this is not very welcome, this fact does not stop many representatives of the strong half of humanity. Therefore, women should know a few tricks with which they can keep a man near them, and he will never want to look at another girl. But one must be prepared for the fact that this is not as easy as it might seem, since one must act very subtly so that the man does not suspect that they are trying to manipulate him.

A woman is able to keep almost any man next to her, even one who is used to changing his chosen ones every week. It is enough to follow a few very simple and easy rules, weight with a man in such a way that he is really afraid of losing his beloved.

First of all, it is worth remembering that the most important female weapon in this difficult battle is that a man depends on her, no matter how much he would like to deny this well-known fact.

In any relationship there is a certain interdependence. For example, a woman may depend on the position and money of her man, and he, in turn, on the comfort and delicious dishes that her beloved can provide. But there are also situations when a man depends on a woman’s connections and money, and she simply cannot do without male support and a strong shoulder. That is why a girl should try to find what he appreciates in her the most and without which he simply cannot imagine his life, and then it is worth focusing on this.

If a man likes to sleep longer on weekends, then he should be given such an opportunity. You should not wake him up as early as possible on Sunday and tell him that today he has a lot of things to do. Such relationships will not last very long, and soon such a couple may be destroyed. It would be best if the girl herself gets up a little earlier on the weekend and cooks a delicious breakfast for her beloved. You can be one hundred percent sure that he will definitely appreciate such an act and will be pleasantly surprised. If a man likes to eat junk food, then you can occasionally pamper him with delicious dishes. You should not become a real bore, and constantly talk about the dangers of such food, since he will perceive such speeches negatively, which as a result can lead to serious conflicts and frequent quarrels in a couple.

However, it is worth remembering one simple rule - in order for a man to be really afraid of losing his girlfriend, in no case will it be possible to constantly indulge his whims. Otherwise, he will very quickly get used to the fact that all his wishes are instantly fulfilled, as a result of which he will no longer perceive a woman as a source of benefits. Consequently, he will begin to constantly demand this or that, and if he stops receiving it, he will simply leave the chosen one and go in search of a new lover.

Men really are unique creatures, because for many centuries they constantly competed with each other not only for beautiful women but also the house, food. And only a few of the best representatives could achieve everything they wanted. And today, men have not lost their innate instinct to fight, compete and desire to become the best in everything. And this is in the hands of women, since they can use this little male weakness to their own disadvantage.

It is very easy to behave with a man in such a way that he is afraid of losing his beloved. To do this, it will be enough just to give him the opportunity not only to fight, but also to always emerge victorious from the battle. We must try to become a desirable goal for a man, always encourage and sincerely rejoice at all his achievements in life, while not showing that any defeats were noticed. A man must understand that for his woman he has become the best.

Almost all men are attracted to independent women. You need to learn how to fully provide for yourself, try not to be jealous of your chosen one, in no case should you check his phone in search of compromising SMS messages. After all, if he sets himself the goal of having a mistress, then he will do it in such a way that his girlfriend or wife will never know about it or simply go to another.

You should not constantly run after a man and show that he is the only meaning in life, because in this case he has a very fast lose interest, and he will go in search of more valuable prey. If a man realizes that he was able to conquer a woman, and she sees only him, he will become bored, because he can’t get anything else here. We must try to show him that there is little interest, but it will not be so easy to win the girl he likes - men love difficult tasks and are ready to spend a lot of time and effort to achieve what they want.

You should not get hung up on your man, because there are so many interesting things in life - work, communication with friends, fitness clubs, shopping. The main thing is not to forget about your beloved man, but not to become dependent on him.

Dating Psychology