Rules of behavior of a woman with a man. Become desired and loved: the rules of behavior for a woman

Communication with a girl: not everything is so simple!

Hello dear gentlemen!

As a representative of the weaker sex, I want to tell you about the rules of communication with a girl, about the rules of etiquette that you must (preferably) follow. You can list them ad infinitum, but I will mention only the most important and common of them.

Let's start from the very beginning. A man, boyfriend, boy, etc., meeting with a girl, should be the first to greet such a beautiful and delightful person as SHE. Yes, she is shy, yes she is waiting. Don't believe? Waiting, really. He looks into the eyes, attracts attention, and, for some persons, however, this becomes a principle, is silent ... Girls, as a rule, consider the representatives of the stronger sex to be brave, courageous, and they, yes, yes, should do everything first. Say hello, offer to go out for fun, call and even comment on photos in in social networks. Most guys think about it trivially: “Why am I right away ???”, but if you want to have a certain status in the eyes of a girl, be the first. So this is the first rule. If you are going on a date, you need to grab a bouquet of flowers or a small pleasant surprise for your charming lady, in the form of a souvenir, a toy, or, well, at least sweets. “Why?”, you ask... And then, comrades, that most girls, like all gentle subtle creatures, are waiting for romance and manifestations of care and feelings. Oh, how pleasant it is to think that a young man was thinking about you in advance, preparing for a meeting! Although it usually happens otherwise - the guy jumps out of bed, pulls on wrinkled trousers in a hurry and runs to the appointed place, headlong, and already half an hour late. Or he doesn’t come at all. Rule two - get ready for the meeting! You should not think that your beloved will deify you even in "training shoes". Consider the look! When going to a meeting, you need to wear clean, ironed clothes. Therefore, the third - follow appearance! If you invited a companion to a cafe or restaurant, it is important to invite her to choose a table first. It will be just gorgeous if you help the network girl by pushing the chair. Some girls who love independence and freedom pay their own bills and even feel insulted if a guy does it for her. But! According to the rules of etiquette, the companion must pay in full for all ordered dishes. As a result, the fourth - pay for the lady! If you are going to an official reception, the girl should go to your right. Why? All from history. Earlier, in the days of duels and knights, on the left, men carried weapons. So the girls got up right side from the cavalier. Now in everyday life this does not play any role, but in special cases it is better to adhere to this rule. It is considered rude to interrupt a girl when she is talking about something. True, there are some girls in relation to whom this rule cannot be applied. But let's not talk about them. We get the fifth - listen! Always let the girl go ahead and open doors for her. This is simply due to etiquette, and not in order to "see how she is from behind"! Here, finally, the sixth, generalizing and final - love and take care of the fair sex! And following these rules will help you win the heart of a girl.

Care and affection, while others, no matter how hard they try, remain alone. So what's the deal? The main reason for this situation is the behavior of the woman herself. To fall in love in yourself a man, you must fully comply with his ideal image, which he subconsciously created for himself. And each man has his own, and you cannot influence him in any way, but it is quite possible to change your behavior in such a way that a man gives you his heart for many years.

Well first rule, mind your own business

Do not forget about personal growth, about your hobbies and hobbies. Don't live your life for the comfort of your loved one. men love smart women who know how to appreciate and respect their own merits. A man needs an equal worthy partner in marriage. If you gave up weight for the sake of your man, then sooner or later he will stop respecting you, and then you will not be able to keep his love. Naturally, a man will try to interfere with you, because he wants you to be completely occupied with only him alone.

Therefore, defend your interests: do work, sports, hobbies. You should be unavailable to a man at any time when he wants it. If there is no special occupation, meet friends, shop, learn English, in a word, fill out your free time. Become an interesting conversationalist for your partner.

And, try not to get carried away only by a career, working 24 hours a day without days off and rest, canceling meetings with your loved one, because such an extreme also negatively affects relationships.

The second rule is don't spend too much time on a man's business.

A man will have to realize that in your life, yes, he Darling, but not the only one - in addition to it, you have many important things to do. This does not mean that you should not be interested in the life of your loved one at all, spend about 20 percent of your attention on a man. When a girl talks only about her soul mate, about his hobbies and work, writes reports to him, cooks food for him, does laundry, then she completely dissolves in a man. then he doesn’t even know what a woman loves, what she is fond of, what to strive for, whether she has her own little life. A woman takes care of a man like a big child, forgetting about you, and as a result, a man also begins to forget about such a woman and begins to look for another.

We are not pointing out to not pay due attention to a man, just try to find a middle ground in your relationship with a man without any extremes.

Third rule, value yourself

First of all, respect yourself, and then a man will respect you. Even when a man is in love, his love will not last long. And you need a man to be with you all your life. So change your attitude towards yourself and become self-confident.

Do not be intrusive and do not run after a man.

Even if you suddenly turned out to be wrong, do not run after a man and do not beg for forgiveness. A short message is enough. Better turn the situation so that the men run after you, and not you after him.

Don't bombard your man with love letters

Do not rush to write one confession after another to your beloved, you can scare a man away with your pressure of feelings. Let him make the first confession, and maybe you will reciprocate later.

Do not call your loved one too often

Immediately after meeting, try not to call at all, the man should be the first to take this step. Do not invent different excuses for yourself, do not justify a man, call him much less often than he calls you. And if a man stopped calling, then he does not respect you, therefore, this is not your man - let him go and forget.

Be feminine

IN modern world many women took on men's responsibilities and their behavior changed. And men have a subconscious level of what they need love a woman, and not "a man in a skirt." Therefore, do not forget that you are a woman, because it is so easy to conquer a strong man.

Don't sleep with a man on first dates

We draw your attention to moral standards but the fact that instinctively a woman needs time to evaluate her partner and trust him. Since sex provides more dangers for a woman than for her partner. Men also appreciate such women more often and want to continue to communicate with them in the future. Men are driven by instincts that tell them that this girl is for the family, so your goal is to learn how to properly use the subconscious of a man.

Be the weaker sex

Being the weaker sex does not mean agreeing with a man in everything. On the contrary, make the man think that he is stronger. That he made the decision on his own, when in fact, you pushed him to solve the problem. Learn to use the state of weakness: let a man carry heavy bags, be responsible for family budget solves global family problems. But for this you need to really learn to feel weak, and then the man will take on more responsibilities. Under the sensitive guidance of a woman, a man does everything she wants, and at the same time your Darling thinks he wanted it.

A man should always be well disposed towards a woman.

Do not go on a date with a man who is initially cocky to you. If he is only interested in personal interests, and he is not ready to give anything in return, then run away from him before it's too late. Because you won't get anything good. Or another option, do not let them be rude to you, use obscene language against you. Explain to the man that this is not pleasant for you, perhaps he can still be re-educated if you want to spend your time on this. And do not encourage a man to rude actions, everything can end badly.

A man should be monogamous

Talk to your partner about cheating. Let him know what is important to you monogamous relationship. And if a man violates them, it means that he is ready to lose you.

Do not lose those qualities for which a man fell in love with you

When people live together for a long time, they become different than when they first met. Character traits and behavior change. Remember yourself the way he loved you, return those qualities to yourself, and then the man will fall in love with you again. Since men rarely change tastes, he will love you for many years if you are the same for him as when you first met. And it's not about appearance, but about the manifestation of feelings.

Your actions should not be one-sided

In the relationship between a man and a woman, everything should be honest. Follow one rule: "You - to me, and I - to you." Because if you do everything for the good of a man (bring - give), then after a while you will turn your partner into a Star, and he will turn you into a servant. Demand similar actions from a man in return, then he will respect you and your needs.

Praise the man

You need to praise a man for certain actions, deeds, and not just like that. For example, "you fixed this problem very quickly", and not "you are so smart with me." Also remember that when you praise a man, never put yourself down. Do not underestimate your dignity in front of the dignity of your husband, otherwise he will really believe that he is smarter than you and will start looking for a worthy replacement. On the contrary, praise yourself as often as possible, then he will begin to praise you, because men are so gullible to your words.

So, to summarize, if you want to keep your man in love for many years, so that his eyes burn every time he sees you, then these rules will help you to be always desired and happy. The main thing, remember, be confident in yourself, and the man will be at your feet!

All inhabitants of our planet sooner or later will know the feeling of love. Relationships between a man and a woman are determined by courtship etiquette, which has evolved over the past few centuries. Many beautiful couples have collapsed or failed just because one of the two lovers did not know how to build love relationship and how to deal with this new situation.

A man should know that in the eyes of his beloved he should look like a gentleman, or comme il faut (French comme il faut - literal translation"as it is necessary", "the person that is necessary"). If he doubts that his act will be regarded as gentlemanly, or comme il faut, then it should not be done. There is no other code of conduct in the relationship between a man and a woman.

Here are some basic rules of behavior when communicating between a man and a woman:

  • On the street, a man, as a rule, walks to the left of the lady. On the right are only the military, who should be ready to salute.
  • The man accompanying the lady must not smoke. If both smoke, then it makes sense for them to stop.
  • Before entering the room, the man opens the door for the woman, and he enters after it.
  • If a man and a woman go somewhere by taxi, then the man, approaching the car, opens the right rear door. The woman sits first, the man sits next to her.
  • The man gets out of the car first and helps the woman out.
  • If a man drives the car himself, then at first he helps the woman sit in the front seat, and then he gets behind the wheel.
  • Going down the stairs, a man goes one or two steps ahead of the woman, and going up - a couple of steps behind, so that if the woman stumbles or slips, he has time to support her.
  • In the wardrobe, the man helps the woman to undress, and when he comes out, he gives her a coat.
  • A real gentleman always helps a lady of any age carry heavy things or give her a seat on public transport. But this rule does not apply to a fur cape or coat, except when the lady feels unwell.
  • A well-mannered man will never be frank about his relationship with a girl or a woman with another person (this is called gossip and humiliates both the narrator and the listener).
  • A well-mannered man would never allow himself to enter a room ahead of a woman, unless it was dark and he needed to turn on the light so that she could enter.
  • A well-mannered man will never sit in the presence of a standing lady or sit down uninvited.
  • You should not start a conversation with a woman or bow to her until she recognizes you. Although there are exceptions to this rule. If a man wants to attract the attention of a certain acquaintance, he can catch up with her and gently touch her hand or call her quietly by her first name and patronymic (but by no means by her last name).
  • A well-mannered man will never talk to a woman about her age if he is not on duty. official duties. A priori, they follow the rule here: a woman is as old as she looks.
  • You should never touch a woman unwillingly, take her hand, touch her during a conversation, push her or take her hand above the elbow, except when you help her get into or out of a vehicle, or cross the street . If you believe that your feelings allow you to hug and kiss, then in any case, you should not do this on the street and in the presence of strangers.
  • Even if a lady smokes, a man should not smoke without first offering a cigarette to the one he accompanies, and without her permission if she refuses to smoke.
  • On the train, in the crowd at the bar, do not smoke, standing too close to a woman: the smoke can cause her a negative reaction. Do not smoke a pipe or a cigar in a cramped room without asking permission from the women present - aromas that seem unearthly to you may seem disgusting to others.
  • A man should not talk at the table about unpleasant things, touch on ambiguous topics that offend others, and especially ladies.
  • Gentlemen are not late. If a man meets a lady at an agreed place, being late for 5-10 minutes is acceptable, but ... highly undesirable.
  • According to the rules of etiquette, a man arrives at the meeting place a few minutes (but not seconds!) Earlier. His lateness can put the lady in an awkward position; in case of unforeseen circumstances, you should try to inform her about it.
  • A woman waits for her lover as long as the strength of her feelings allows.
  • A woman may be a few minutes late for a date. But you should not test your beloved for stability and endurance in the rain or in bad weather.
  • A woman who is ready to respond to the feelings of her lover, on walks tries to keep pace with him; every third day he visits the hairdresser or dresses up in something new; having received an offer to take a walk, he is not afraid of bad weather.
  • A man in love never forgets to arrange the next meeting and does not say goodbye first. If your friend behaves differently, then you should not flatter yourself about him.

Lovers rarely think about why quarrels arise. And least of all they think that the reason may be that she or she does not know how to behave in this or that situation. Unfortunately, statistics show that many couples break up because they do not know how to build a love relationship correctly.

But it’s not enough to love and be loved, you still need to try to look worthy in the eyes of your chosen one or chosen one. This is especially important for men who need to be gentlemen in all situations - self-possessed, polite, self-confident - those who are called "comme il faut".

By the way, the literal translation of the word "comme il faut" means - "a man that is necessary." This is the essence of a man's behavior - to behave as it should, as the situation requires. And, if a man doubts that his act will be regarded as a gentleman, then it definitely should not be done. And no matter how strange it may sound, but it is this approach that should be considered the main code of conduct in the relationship between a man and a woman.

Many rules of behavior of a man next to a woman were described in our articles. But, nevertheless, it is worth repeating the main points. And, of course, it is better to take them into account if you really want to please a woman, win her over, and not lose her interest with an awkward act.

According to the rules of etiquette on the street, a man, as a rule, goes to the left of the lady. On the right are only the military, who should be ready to salute.

The man accompanying the lady must not smoke. If both smoke, then it makes sense for them to stop for this, find a comfortable place, but in no case do not smoke on the go.

If a man and a woman go somewhere by taxi, then the man, approaching the car, opens the right rear door. The woman sits first, the man sits next to her.

The man gets out of the car first and helps the woman out. If a man drives the car himself, then at first he helps the woman sit in the front seat, and then he gets behind the wheel.

Going down the stairs, a man goes one or two steps ahead of the woman, and going up - a couple of steps behind, in order to have time to support if the woman stumbles or slips.

A real gentleman will always help a lady of any age carry heavy things or give her a seat on public transport. Unfortunately, this seemingly simple rule is rarely remembered.

A well-mannered man will never be frank about his relationship with a girl or a woman with another person (this is called gossip and humiliates both the narrator and the listener).

A well-mannered man can afford to enter the room in front of the woman only if it is dark and he needs to turn on the light so that she can enter.

A well-mannered man will never sit in the presence of a standing lady or sit down uninvited.

It is not customary to start a conversation with a woman or bow to her until she recognizes you. Although there are exceptions to this rule. If a man wants to attract the attention of a certain acquaintance, he can catch up with her and gently touch her hand or call her quietly by her first name and patronymic (but by no means by her last name).

A well-mannered man will never talk to a woman about her age, with the exception of situations when they are on duty. A priori, they follow the rule here: a woman is as old as she looks.

You should never touch a woman unwillingly, take her hand, touch her during a conversation, push her or take her hand above the elbow, except when you help her get into or out of a vehicle, or cross the street .

Even if you believe that your mutual feelings allow you to hug and kiss, in any case, you should not do this on the street and in the presence of strangers.

A man should not talk at the table about unpleasant things, touch on ambiguous topics that offend others, and especially ladies.

Well-mannered people are not late, especially since this rule applies to men hurrying on a date. If a man meets a lady in an agreed place, being late for 5-10 minutes is acceptable, but. highly undesirable. According to the rules of etiquette, a man arrives at the meeting place a few minutes (but not seconds!) Earlier. His lateness can put the lady in an awkward position. In case of unforeseen circumstances, you should try to inform her about it.

A man in love never forgets to arrange the next meeting and does not say goodbye first. If your friend behaves differently, then you should not flatter yourself about him.

Well, a woman usually expects her lover as long as the strength of her feelings allows. A woman may be a few minutes late for a date. But you shouldn't arrange

testing the beloved for stability and endurance in the rain or in bad weather.

A woman who really likes a man tries to keep up with him on walks, visits the hairdresser every third day and carefully chooses a toilet before a date, and, having received an offer to take a walk, does not refuse, referring to bad weather. Otherwise, a man's chances for reciprocal feelings are small.

Feminine elegance is a great art. Elegant is not just a synonym for the word "beautiful". Elegant means beautiful, but with a sense of proportion and in accordance with the figure, taking into account the place and time, in accordance with age.

An offer of marriage

In their life, everyone either made or accepted a marriage proposal at least once. For such an important act in the life of lovers in different countries have their own customs and rules of etiquette. And, if you want to strictly follow the etiquette, observe all the rules and customs, then the best way out is to ask the elderly and wise people about them.

Nikolai Minsk Actually, etiquette is the norms and rules of behavior of people in society. And this article indicates the norms and rules of behavior of a serf-servant to his mistress. It has nothing to do with etiquette.

Artem Kraygorod Not a word about the rules of conduct for women ((Here everywhere a man must do everything, and girls absolutely do not know how to behave in the same civilized way.

Roman Kraygorod, if I understood you correctly, the article is called ETIQUETTE IN RELATIONS OF A MAN AND A WOMAN. in that case 1) why you do not mention anything, except for the report about MEN'S etiquette? 2) Girls (women) give honor, while military personnel give a military salute. 3) and who said that the man around MUST? well, or at least you forgot to mention what a woman (girl) should (should not) do in a relationship, as well as tell: where did the above rules actually come from, and what is the reason for the appearance of each of them (after that, the reader becomes more or less clear to what time they belong and whether they should be transferred to modern life)

Musya Kraygorod just yesterday there was a situation when they grabbed my hand, the unpleasant feeling still remains. How I wish men would learn more civilized ways to get noticed.

For various purposes, we have to visit many institutions. The rules of etiquette when visiting these places are simple and based on the general culture of behavior. And yet, some features of behavior are good to remember. They will help you to be at your best in any institution or other public place.

Luc de Voeenargues once said: "Of the choice of expressions, in general, it can be said that it corresponds to the nature of ideas and, therefore, to the mindset." Over the past 250 years since the writing of these lines, nothing in the world has changed. And even with the advent of Internet opportunities for communication in the lives of many people, the rules of communication etiquette have not lost their significance, remaining the only opportunity to establish normal, kind, mutually interesting relationships between people.

Even on vacation, we cannot do without knowing the rules of etiquette, especially if you want to relax without problems for yourself and others. Knowledge of etiquette is useful even on the beach, because even there, in a state of relaxation, you still need to behave in such a way as to look like a cultured and well-mannered person and not interfere with others with your behavior.

Walking with my girlfriend, I noticed that many men do not follow the rules of etiquette in relation to women at all. Well, not really, but some fairly well-known rules are missed. In the name of male literacy and respect for the fair sex, this post!

1. Along the street, a man should walk to the left of the lady. On the right, only military personnel may walk, who must be ready to salute.

2. It is necessary to support the woman by the elbow if she stumbled or slipped. But in a normal situation, the decision to take a man by the arm or not is made by the lady.

3. In the presence of a woman, a man does not smoke without her permission.

4. At the entrance and exit to the room, the gentleman opens the door in front of the lady, and he goes behind her.

5. Rising or descending the stairs, a man secures his companion by walking one or two steps behind.

6. The man enters the elevator first, and at the exit from it, the lady should be skipped forward.

7. The man gets out of the car first, he bypasses the vehicle and opens the door on the passenger side, while helping the woman to get out. Provided that the man drives the car himself, he must open the door and support the woman by the elbow when she sits in the front seat. If the man and woman are both taxi passengers, they are supposed to ride in the back seat. The lady is the first to sit in the salon, the man sits next to him.

8. Entering the room, a man should help the woman take off her outer clothing, leaving the room, it is worth giving her clothes.

9. In society, it is also customary not to sit down if the ladies are standing (this also applies to public transport).

10. According to etiquette, a man should not be late for a meeting with a lady. On the contrary, the gentleman should come a few minutes earlier, because his delay can embarrass the lady and put her in an awkward position. In unforeseen cases, it is necessary to warn and apologize for being late.

11. Any woman of any age should be helped to carry large items and massive bags. They do not include a handbag, a light fur coat or a coat, except in those cases when, for health reasons, she cannot carry them herself.

12. In society, a frank conversation about a lady with a third person is unacceptable, and especially in a male company.

13. During a conversation, a man should not fold his arms over his chest or keep them in his pockets. Also, do not twist different objects in your hands - this is disrespect for the interlocutor.

14. Useful to know: A man always enters a restaurant first, the main reason is that on this basis the head waiter has the right to draw conclusions about who is the initiator of coming to the institution and who will pay. In the case of the arrival of a large company - enters first and pays the one from whom the invitation to the restaurant came. But if a porter meets visitors at the entrance, then the man must let the first woman through. After that, the gentleman finds free places.

Psychology of bed relations